Job Interview Tomorrow

It’s a driving job and it is local.

I’ll be going tomorrow to check it out and see if it’s a good place or a fly by night operation.

Hopefully, it’s something I will be able to do and stay with. As I would really like to get back to work.

I’ll keep everyone posted.

Wish me luck! and if you’re into such things; pray that it works out for me.


Fiddlin’ around here a little

I have been really giving this mobile business a serious thought. I tried another mobile theme and it looked great. But my “related posts” plug in did not like it. So, I am back go the old one.

Only thing lacking from this plug in and many others is the ability to add links to a post, without going through the hassle of manually coding a URL. What a pain in the ass!

Oh well, it’s better than nothing. Stupid people, don’t they know that bloggers link?
Apple Ipod

The daily rants are on hiatus


Guys, I am just going to be honest with you all. I really never was big on being a video blogger or even a video commentator. Some cats dig the spotlight; I, personally loathe it. I love to write, but I am not too big on my own personal image.

So, the rants are either going away or going to just once a week. I have not made up my mind about that yet.

That is all for now. Enjoy your weekend!

I’m in the money….

From the bank account today:



I’m not going to lie. This could not have come at a better time for me. ๐Ÿ˜€ It’s not much; but it is better than nothing.

Site Numbers

Total counter state:

Hits: 713878
Hosts: 427559
Visitors: 511160
Sessions: 571562

From the beginning of the month:

Hits: 10697
Hosts: 6083
Visitors: 7033
Sessions: 8902
New Visitors: 7110

Last week:

Hits: 3751
Hosts: 2371
Visitors: 2650
Sessions: 3075
New Visitors: 2333

Not bad for a guy who has done zero advertising. ๐Ÿ˜€


Say a Prayer for my Dad

Hi Gang,

My Dad will be headed in this morning to have a procedure to remove a blockage in his leg. He went for testing on this, about a week ago. So, today’s the big day. Blogging will be slim to nil for a next few days.



update: well, dad made it through the procedure. He will stay overnight. I will give a longer update later.

Them Changes….again

I have looked at the revenue reports for some of the ads around here. Folks, there’s been much click on the stuff in the left side bar, but no actions. (Meaning buying stuff….) So, I am going to make a few changes. I’m going to actually cut down on some ads, get rid of some and maybe add a few that might go along with the theme of this blog.

Some RSS stuff might be disappearing too. Seems not many people are clicking on that stuff. So, I’m removing some, not all, of it.


Testing WordPress for iPod

Hi Gang!

Just out here on the front porch, testing the WordPress for iPod app. It’s not a laptop, but hey, I can do the blog from out here! I have to love the autocorrect feature. But those results can be funny too.

I do not see how to put links into posts yet. Reading up on that here shortly.

That is all for now.

Update: Meh, Nice little application. But, there is no rich text editor at all. Who wants to sit there and manual type out code for a link to a URL? Not to mention, copying and pasting a link on an iPod is a pain in the rear. So, yeah, maybe, if I was a photo blogger, that would be nice. But, if you’re a serious text blogger like me, that app is useless. Also, I have many categories on my blog, it does not alphabetize them and it does not give you a list of tags, not even most used. Nice app, but useless for my needs.




Okay, maybe not

It seems that a slight problem; on my part somewhat and on my hosts part, as usual — became a big blown out of proportion mess.

I am going to continue, first with this test posting and see if my blog is causing the server to flip out.

Stay tuned.



This blog is on indefinite Hiatus! Update: Parhaps not.

Due to some unforeseen circumstances. Like a host that decided to be a total jerk about my so-called causing instability on their servers —- I will be not adding any new content on this blog.

I have everything backed up and I am looking for better hosting.

I personally believe that is singling me out over my political beliefs.

I will continue on twitter.

Update: It seems that maybe my problems were not as bad as I thought. See next post.




To the person in the U.K. Searching my archives for the word “Jew”

I happened to be looking through my logs and spotted this:

Now, sir, I do not know what you are looking for; but I hope you find it. Meanwhile, you might want to look at this:

No, I am not a god-damned Neo-Nazi

I hope that will answer all of your questions.


April Fundraiser

Folks, I hate having to even do it. But, my funds are getting low again. Traffic around here, well has been less than desirable; no thanks to a former friend who decided to stab me in the back, Not only that, political blogosphere does tend to die down a bit after the elections. So, I am going to put up this appeal for money. I hate even having to ask. But, by rights, I should be asking. I am unemployed; I have been since 2005. Writing for pocket change is nice, but when the flow of chance slows down, it is kind of tough. I am not a syndicated writer, and not having a steady income is not a good way to live. I have no other business or income or anything. I do live with my parents, as some, who hate me, like to bandy around, like school children. As Christ the Lord did say; they have their reward coming.

So, I know it is tough right now and I know many people are hurting; but after I go to the local pharmacy here and get my monthly allotment of medication for A.D.H.D., I will have around $40.00 in my bank account. Which, quite frankly, sucks. I figure if Jeff can do it; I can too. I really don’t consider myself to be in the same league as he is, but my needs are similar, if not worse. I know I have readers, not a ton; but enough to know that the site is being read. I just renewed the Domain for a year. So, I am good there. But I would like to have some money in the account. I’d like to be able to buy some kind of a used car; and be able to pay for insurance, license tab and so forth. My parents are not wealthy and are on a fixed income. Jobs here in Michigan are not plentiful at all. I could get into all that; but it would take a long posting to do so.

Anyhow, so, if you like what you read around here and wish to take pity on an unemployed fat slob like me; please give if you can.

Thanks a bunch guys…


P.S. this sticky post will stay up a week or so.


 is good to go for another year

The domain is good now till 2012-07-01.

That means you all still have to contend with this old former Populist, turned Pat Buchanan wanna-be for another year.

Come now, it is not that bad. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I guess I am in this game, till at least after the 2012 election cycle. If we’re all still alive by then. ๐Ÿ˜€

Update: and….NO this is not an April fools joke! I just realized what day it was… LOL! ๐Ÿ˜€



Oh yeah, and by the way…

To everyone who reads here and gives a rip. I did have to batten down the hatches and clear the poop deck, as they say in the ship world.

Too many drive a-by commenter and liberal trolls for my liking. So, basically the deal is this; you want to comment here? You have to register, I will have to manually e-mail you and see what your about, and make sure your not a troll or worse. If that’s a problem; I am sorry, but I don’t need the crap around here. I like discussion; but not non-starter bullcrap. Like the previous asshole tried with me.

I’m just getting a little sick and tired of the dumb asses, who want to try to be idiots. I am not someone who likes to be fucked with; so, I am bolting down the hatches, until whoever gets tired and finds someone else to screw with. Because the way I see it; if you come here, via a fucking proxy and don’t even have decent to say who you are — your comments and or arguments are not worth my time and bandwidth. Insulting me is one thing; but being a pussy and hiding your ID and insulting me — well, let’s just say that ain’t happening around here.

So, to the liberals —- either grow some balls or hit the damn road.

That is all…

You find the darnedest things going through log files.

It seems that I have attracted an anonymous troll. Whom seems to think that he can be totally shielded by going through a anonymous proxy in Denmark.

There’s only one little problem. He actually made the mistake of checking in, without the proxy:

Hmmm.. Now why would an upstanding college like Rudgers allow their students to troll and blog like mine? Maybe I should call Redgers college and give them this IP address and let them know that a student is trolling on my Blog.

Amazing what you can learn by simple trudging through a log file and matching time stamps. ๐Ÿ˜€


Hardliner Tactics

As a rule, I tend to be a very understanding and nice guy. (Most of the time… ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

However, I’ve just had enough of the stupidity of the damned liberal left. So, today, I decided to be a bit of a hard ass.

Last night and earlier today some asshole thought he be cute and try posing as some person who wanted a “Debate” on the subject of abortion. From his use of the English language; he appeared to be some asshole from England or some other idiotic European Country. Anyhow, when I informed him that I was not interested in debating the issue. He launched into a full on gutter sniping session at me.

So, I pulled, what is known as the “trump card,” for all persons who happen to host their blogs on their own domain address.

I blocked his IP.

Oh, not just the single IP address; I blocked an entire damned cluster, from his ISP.

The sad truth is that no one is entitled to view this blog at all. I control this mother fucker and I can and will block those whom I feel should not be viewing this blog.

Up to this point; I have only really blocked those, who and trying to gain access to my blog’s back-end. They are out of Russia, and for some reason, they think I accused them of trying and now they are trying. They’re now using proxies and I’ve blocked quite a few of those here in the last few weeks. The sad part is; those assholes are wasting their time; because I did change my Blog’s default user name. I actually deleted “Admin” and created another username and made it the head honcho around here. So, honestly, the Russians are wasting their time.

However, today, I blocked a liberal smart ass and I can and will do that in future. I enjoy thoughtful commentary; but I will not tolerate stupidity and gutter sniping. I can and will block your access from even viewing this blog.

Hardliner Tactics? You bet your ass. There are some issues that I cannot and will not EVER concede. One is Abortion and the other is “Gay Rights” and basically Homosexuality in general. So, if you are some dumb ass morally depraved faggot or some baby-killing asshole —- Don’t come here starting shit. Because I can and will block your ass from viewing here.

I’ve tried to hold off on doing this sort of thing. But the assholes of the progressive left, have given me no other choice.

That is all.




Why I went back to paypal

I was nosing through my archives and I noticed, I never explained why I went back to Paypal for donations.

oops! ๐Ÿ™„

For a while, I used Gpal.

Then, Gpal starting having problems. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

…..and so, I went back. They did fix their problems with Pam Geller.

I know, I know, at the time, I said I’d never go back; but that was before Gpal starting having all those problems. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

For the record, Paypal has never given me a problem with my blog at all. ๐Ÿ™‚

So, if you’d like to donate, please do. ๐Ÿ˜€






Open Message to the Russian hackers attempting to hack this blog: GET REAL!

Honestly guys, do you really think that I am that stupid to leave the login to this blog at default?

As it is, I have all *.RU domains blocked, which means anyone in Russia cannot access this blog, right now, at all. Plus, I have a few IP addresses also blocked, that the idiots have been using to try getting into my blog.

I swear, I mistakenly write something on my “about me” page and these idiots think it is open season. Well, gents, I’ve got excellent hosting and I know my stuff when it comes to dealing with morons like you. So, keep it up, and you’ll having to explain to Russian police why you were trying to hack a blog.

Your choice gents. But you are not dealing with a newbie user, at all. ๐Ÿ˜ก


Prayers Needed: Battling Stomach Ailment

Just wanted to let everyone know that reads here and follows me in twitter; that I am not doing very well at all. ๐Ÿ™

I have an idea what caused it, local pizza place that I love one night, and Mexican food the next; it all together, just irritated the crap out of my digestive system.

Either way, been in quite a bit of pain; plus, I am remanded to cottage cheese and a banana and a glass of milk. That’s what I had for lunch.

Last night the pain was so bad, that I was almost told my folks to take me to the hospital; but I knew what that would involve — running a hose, with a light on it, up my butt and see what the trouble is. Not my idea of a good time.ย  ๐Ÿ™

I have had this problem in the past. It has been a while; but something in there is a irritated really bad and is not a happy camper — and boy do I feel it. ๐Ÿ™

So, until I heal up and quit hurting; Blogging will be lite or non-existent for a while.

All Prayers, incantations, and good ol’ fashioned, good Ju Ju sent my way is appreciated. ๐Ÿ™‚





Taking the day off!

I have been blogging since 2006, and believe it or not, I have not taken any time off for any length of time. Well, I have taken hiatuses; but the majority of them did not last too long. I have also, admittedly slowed down on the blogging a bit.

Anyhow, Today, is the Lord’s Day and for once; I am taking it off. Yes, by the time this posting goes live, I will be mid-snore. I have exactly one thing on my “I must do this list” and that is my daily Bible reading. After that, I will be in one of three places; over there in the bed, with the TV remote channel surfing, in the “necessary room” “combing my hair” or in the kitchen fixing me a bite of food. Of course, if we get that winter storm from hell, that we’re supposed to get; I will most likely either running the snow blower or shoveling off the front porch!

Either way, I am going to take day away from twitter and this Blog; I need it, there comes a point when one has to just walk away for a while and stop worrying about politics.

Anyhow, at the time that this posting becomes active; I will most like be snoring my fool head off. I have been keep late hours as of late. I need to get back into the habit of getting up early; but I have a fatal flaw, I love the night owl shift and sleeping in. ๐Ÿ˜›

Sort of makes that whole, up the chickens bit a little rough! ๐Ÿ˜€

So, anyhow, I will resume my blogging activities on Monday….sometime.ย  Not to worry, I will come to the laptop, scan the e-mails and make sure nothing big happens and I miss out on it.

So, until Monday Ya’ll! God Bless all of you and keep strong; remember Heaven is our destination, we’re just here for a season of time!


Sorry White Nationalists

But, I am not going to allow people from that forum, that I will not link to here in a blog entry; to come to my site and leave sock puppet comments — especially when the IP addresses on the comments are the same as the man who came and tried to argue with me.

I swear, those people are just straight up vermin and those actions prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt with me. ๐Ÿ˜ก


Video: Young CPAC attendees send career racist jerk running for his car

I do believe that I hit a nerve!

I do believe that I hit a nerve!

I guess my posting about the career racist getting told to hit the road by the young CPAC’ers has hit a nerve!

Look at what just popped into my moderation Que!

Author : federica (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL ย  ย :
Whois ย :
Fuck off you jerk. What are you a parasite jew or something?

Whoa! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I guess them rats don’t like having the spotlight on them! ๐Ÿ˜†

Such ignorance, such stupidity, such liberals. ๐Ÿ™„

Eh, screw ’em. They knew what their game is; and I am on to them. Think ya’ll gonna scare me? Think again. ๐Ÿ˜ก

I gotta glock with your name on it, ya damned bastards. Bring it. ๐Ÿ˜ก

For the record: No, I am not a Jew. I am a Michigan redneck that could and would be more than happy to stomp one of you racist dickheads into the ground. So, you wanna dance motherfuckers? Again, I say, bring in on —- BRING IT THE FUCK ON!

A perfect example of what will get you banned from commenting here.

It seems that I have attracted a troll….again. ๐Ÿ™„

Here’s what will get you remanded to the idiot filter and get your stuff not approved.

Author : bsk (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL ย  ย :
Whois ย :
Why do you idiotic fucks block all people who disagree with you? ย They could be more intelligent and insightful than you, and you miught learn or change position. ย Why does basic thought scare you? Defend your position or change it.

Not only is he insulting me. He needs help with grammar too.

Author : bsk (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL ย  ย :
Whois ย :
Still no commets, loser. ย Someday you may live in the dictatorship you long for, it will be short lived and ppl who dont respect others will ahte it… YOU

Still he needs help on the grammar and a little help with that attitude too.

Put simply; you ask like this, and you won’t be approved. This is why I have moderation enabled.