Hardliner Tactics

As a rule, I tend to be a very understanding and nice guy. (Most of the time… 😉 )

However, I’ve just had enough of the stupidity of the damned liberal left. So, today, I decided to be a bit of a hard ass.

Last night and earlier today some asshole thought he be cute and try posing as some person who wanted a “Debate” on the subject of abortion. From his use of the English language; he appeared to be some asshole from England or some other idiotic European Country. Anyhow, when I informed him that I was not interested in debating the issue. He launched into a full on gutter sniping session at me.

So, I pulled, what is known as the “trump card,” for all persons who happen to host their blogs on their own domain address.

I blocked his IP.

Oh, not just the single IP address; I blocked an entire damned cluster, from his ISP.

The sad truth is that no one is entitled to view this blog at all. I control this mother fucker and I can and will block those whom I feel should not be viewing this blog.

Up to this point; I have only really blocked those, who and trying to gain access to my blog’s back-end. They are out of Russia, and for some reason, they think I accused them of trying and now they are trying. They’re now using proxies and I’ve blocked quite a few of those here in the last few weeks. The sad part is; those assholes are wasting their time; because I did change my Blog’s default user name. I actually deleted “Admin” and created another username and made it the head honcho around here. So, honestly, the Russians are wasting their time.

However, today, I blocked a liberal smart ass and I can and will do that in future. I enjoy thoughtful commentary; but I will not tolerate stupidity and gutter sniping. I can and will block your access from even viewing this blog.

Hardliner Tactics? You bet your ass. There are some issues that I cannot and will not EVER concede. One is Abortion and the other is “Gay Rights” and basically Homosexuality in general. So, if you are some dumb ass morally depraved faggot or some baby-killing asshole —- Don’t come here starting shit. Because I can and will block your ass from viewing here.

I’ve tried to hold off on doing this sort of thing. But the assholes of the progressive left, have given me no other choice.

That is all.