The Feckless Far-Right: Exhibit F for Foot-in-Mouth

I am not going to be like the left and call Dr. Laura a racist. I do not know that to be a fact. However, I will say that she has a good knack for putting her foot in her mouth. It appears that Dr. Laura was trying to make a point; and in the process of making that point, used some language that is not acceptable in this “Politically Correct” World we live in today.

Via the Left’s Resident Carnival Barker:


SCHLESSINGER: Jade, welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hi, Dr. Laura.


CALLER: I’m having an issue with my husband where I’m starting to grow very resentful of him. I’m black, and he’s white. We’ve been around some of his friends and family members who start making racist comments as if I’m not there or if I’m not black. And my husband ignores those comments, and it hurts my feelings. And he acts like —

SCHLESSINGER: Well, can you give me an example of a racist comment? ‘Cause sometimes people are hypersensitive. So tell me what’s — give me two good examples of racist comments.

CALLER: OK. Last night — good example — we had a neighbor come over, and this neighbor — when every time he comes over, it’s always a black comment. It’s, "Oh, well, how do you black people like doing this?" And, "Do black people really like doing that?" And for a long time, I would ignore it. But last night, I got to the point where it —

SCHLESSINGER: I don’t think that’s racist.

CALLER: Well, the stereotype —

SCHLESSINGER: I don’t think that’s racist. No, I think that —

CALLER: [unintelligible]

SCHLESSINGER: No, no, no. I think that’s — well, listen, without giving much thought, a lot of blacks voted for Obama simply ’cause he was half-black. Didn’t matter what he was gonna do in office, it was a black thing. You gotta know that. That’s not a surprise. Not everything that somebody says — we had friends over the other day; we got about 35 people here — the guys who were gonna start playing basketball. I was going to go out and play basketball. My bodyguard and my dear friend is a black man. And I said, "White men can’t jump; I want you on my team." That was racist? That was funny.

CALLER: How about the N-word? So, the N-word’s been thrown around —

SCHLESSINGER: Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is nigger, nigger, nigger.

CALLER: That isn’t —

SCHLESSINGER: I don’t get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it’s a horrible thing; but when black people say it, it’s affectionate. It’s very confusing. Don’t hang up, I want to talk to you some more. Don’t go away.

I’m Dr. Laura Schlessinger. I’ll be right back.

and after the break, it got worse…:

SCHLESSINGER: I’m Dr. Laura Schlessinger, talking to Jade. What did you think about during the break, by the way?

CALLER: I was a little caught back by the N-word that you spewed out, I have to be honest with you. But my point is, race relations —

SCHLESSINGER: Oh, then I guess you don’t watch HBO or listen to any black comedians.

CALLER: But that doesn’t make it right. I mean, race is a [unintelligible] —

SCHLESSINGER: My dear, my dear —

CALLER: — since Obama’s been in office —

SCHLESSINGER: — the point I’m trying to make —

CALLER: — racism has come to another level that’s unacceptable.

SCHLESSINGER: Yeah. We’ve got a black man as president, and we have more complaining about racism than ever. I mean, I think that’s hilarious.

CALLER: But I think, honestly, because there’s more white people afraid of a black man taking over the nation.

SCHLESSINGER: They’re afraid.

CALLER: If you want to be honest about it [unintelligible]

SCHLESSINGER: Dear, they voted him in. Only 12 percent of the population’s black. Whites voted him in.

CALLER: It was the younger generation that did it. It wasn’t the older white people who did it.


CALLER: It was the younger generation —

SCHLESSINGER: All right. All right.

CALLER: — that did it.

SCHLESSINGER: Chip on your shoulder. I can’t do much about that.

CALLER: It’s not like that.

SCHLESSINGER: Yeah. I think you have too much sensitivity —

CALLER: So it’s OK to say "nigger"?

SCHLESSINGER: — and not enough sense of humor.

CALLER: It’s OK to say that word?

SCHLESSINGER: It depends how it’s said.

CALLER: Is it OK to say that word? Is it ever OK to say that word?

SCHLESSINGER: It’s — it depends how it’s said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it’s OK.

CALLER: But you’re not black. They’re not black. My husband is white.

SCHLESSINGER: Oh, I see. So, a word is restricted to race. Got it. Can’t do much about that.

CALLER: I can’t believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the "nigger" word, and I hope everybody heard it.

SCHLESSINGER: I didn’t spew out the "nigger" word.

CALLER: You said, "Nigger, nigger, nigger."

SCHLESSINGER: Right, I said that’s what you hear.

CALLER: Everybody heard it.

SCHLESSINGER: Yes, they did.

CALLER: I hope everybody heard it.

SCHLESSINGER: They did, and I’ll say it again —

CALLER: So what makes it OK for you to say the word?

SCHLESSINGER: — nigger, nigger, nigger is what you hear on HB —

CALLER: So what makes it —

SCHLESSINGER: Why don’t you let me finish a sentence?


SCHLESSINGER: Don’t take things out of context. Don’t double N — NAACP me. Tape the —

CALLER: I know what the NAACP —

SCHLESSINGER: Leave them in context.

CALLER: I know what the N-word means and I know it came from a white person. And I know the white person made it bad.

SCHLESSINGER: All right. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Can’t have this argument. You know what? If you’re that hypersensitive about color and don’t have a sense of humor, don’t marry out of your race. If you’re going to marry out of your race, people are going to say, "OK, what do blacks think? What do whites think? What do Jews think? What do Catholics think?" Of course there isn’t a one-think per se. But in general there’s "think."

And what I just heard from Jade is a lot of what I hear from black-think — and it’s really distressing [sic] and disturbing. And to put it in its context, she said the N-word, and I said, on HBO, listening to black comics, you hear "nigger, nigger, nigger." I didn’t call anybody a nigger. Nice try, Jade. Actually, sucky try.

Need a sense of humor, sense of humor — and answer the question. When somebody says, "What do blacks think?" say, "This is what I think. This is what I read that if you take a poll the majority of blacks think this." Answer the question and discuss the issue. It’s like we can’t discuss anything without saying there’s -isms?

We have to be able to discuss these things. We’re people — goodness gracious me. Ah — hypersensitivity, OK, which is being bred by black activists. I really thought that once we had a black president, the attempt to demonize whites hating blacks would stop, but it seems to have grown, and I don’t get it. Yes, I do. It’s all about power. I do get it. It’s all about power and that’s sad because what should be in power is not power or righteousness to do good — that should be the greatest power.

For the record, she has apologized:

I talk every day about doing the right thing.  And yesterday, I did the wrong thing.

I didn’t intend to hurt people, but I did.  And that makes it the wrong thing to have done.

I was attempting to make a philosophical point, and I articulated the “n” word all the way out – more than one time.  And that was wrong.  I’ll say it again – that was wrong.

She goes on to say:

I ended up, I’m sure, with many of you losing the point I was trying to make, because you were shocked by the fact that I said the word.  I, myself, realized I had made a horrible mistake, and was so upset I could not finish the show.  I pulled myself off the air at the end of the hour.  I had to finish the hour, because 20 minutes of dead air doesn’t work.  I am very sorry.  And it just won’t happen again.


One last note –
The caller in question (her name is Jade), called for help from me, and didn’t get it, because we got embroiled in the “n” word, and I’m really sorry about that, because I’m here for only one reason and that’s to be helpful, so I hope Jade or somebody who knows her is listening, and hope she will call me back and I will try my best to be helpful, which is what she wanted from me in the first place and what she did not get.

I am willing to take that at face value. I do not know this woman personally; I will not call her something that I do not know her to be personally. She blew it, she admitted that. However, the racist baiting twits on the left will never be happy, until Dr. Laura and those who believe like her are off of the air for good.

Others: Left Coast Rebel

The Classless Left: Exhibit I for Insensitivity

Here is the official position of 9/11 by the liberal left in 2010: (H/T to Sister Toldjah via Infidels are Cool)

Given that they [Muslims] are such a small minority in this nation, it is odd that so many of our fellow citizens see them as such a threat. Yes, the 9/11 attacks were horrific, but they were more about optics than actual harm. The economy was already taking a hit before the Twin Towers fell. The reaction of the nation to seeing two major buildings in New York fall on T.V. has boosted the attack out of proportion. While the loss of even a single life is to be condemned and the devastation these deaths caused the families of those killed, more than this number of teens are killed every year in car crashes. These are also tragic losses but we do not make the kind of high profile issue of it that the 9/11 attacks are. – Source: DailyKOS

Wow. Just Wow. 😯

I wonder if President Obama agrees with that? It is to wonder.

WTF?!?!?: Council Worker fired for mentioning God

As a rule, I usually do not link to stories presented by WND. But this here; is a load of crap! 😡  — (H/T to WorldNetDaily)

There is widespread shock following the news that Duke Amachree has lost his case, having been sacked for mentioning God in the workplace. An employment tribunal has ruled that it was reasonable for Wandsworth Council to dismiss Duke, after he was sacked for gross misconduct for suggesting to a client with an incurable illness not to give up hope and to try putting her faith in God. The tribunal also found that the Council had not discriminated against Mr Amachree on the basis of his religion. In addition, the tribunal took the view that Duke had breached confidentiality by publicizing his case. The decision has come as a huge surprise to Duke and to his legal team.

Duke, a father of two and committed Christian, had worked for Wandsworth Council for 18 years and had an unblemished record. Yet, as a result of the comments he made in one 45 minute housing interview, he was subject to 6 months of investigations and three interviews with the Council. His solicitor was even told by the Council that saying “God bless” to a client would require an investigation if the client complained.

Gross misconduct usually covers such behaviour as violence in the workplace, theft or other such serious conduct. Yet the client herself expressly stated that she did not want Duke to be dismissed for what he had said and Duke had never been told that such small talk in a housing interview was prohibited. The Council have always accepted that Duke’s motivation in speaking to the client was purely one of compassion

via Shock decision against Council worker sacked for mentioning God – Christian Legal Centre.

It goes on to say that they are appealing the case. But, that is what this Nation is coming to. God is being taken out of the public square.

Welcome to Obama’s America.

Remember this come November 2, 2010 and in 2012.

UPDATED: The Classless Left: Exhibit D for Desperation – Liberal Bloggers say the idea is stupid

These people are so damned desperate, it is almost laughable:

Last summer, Democrats argued that the Tea Party movement was the astroturf creation of corporate groups. Now that the grass-roots conservative resurgence has emerged as a clear force on the right, the left is making a different case: That tea parties are simply the enemy.

Stay Classy Liberals! (yeah right....)

To that end, the Agenda Project, a new, progressive group with roots in New York’s fundraising scene and a goal of strengthening the progressive movement, has launched the “F.*.c.k. Tea project,” which is aimed, the group’s founder Erica Payne wrote in an e-mail this morning, “to dismiss the Tea Party and promote the progressive cause.”

“”We will be launching new products in the next several months to help people all over the country F*ck Tea,” Payne told POLITICO. “Products like a Glenn Beck Bowl Buddy (Beck B Scrubbin) and others are perfect holiday gifts or just a great way to say, ‘I love you and our country’ to your spouse, friend or family.”

Payne, a veteran consultant to progressive groups, is a co-founder of the Democracy Alliance, the low-profile group of liberal mega-donors who helped build the Center for American Progress and other new organizations that grew in the Bush years.

The new project, so far, features merchandise, polling statistics aimed to paint Tea Party members as ignorant, and a mocking video.

via Dem group launches ‘F*ck Tea’ campaign – Ben Smith –

Update: Here is their little classless video. Complete with an cute little “F You” Song…. (NSFW!) (H/T to Wake Up America)

Ah yes, what a way to show class and diversity, than to market a t-shirt the basically slams, mocks and says “FUCK YOU!” to the good majority of America. WOW. 😯 😮  The chutzpah there is outstanding. What these mental midgets seem to forget is that Conservatives, “Right of Center’s” and classic liberals, like me; are in fact, Americans too — and when you say, “FUCK YOU!” to people like me, you alienate people — like me.

Having said that, it’s time to fight fire…..with fire:

F*ck Liberals T-Shirt shirt
F*ck Liberals T-Shirt

Click the link and buy the shirt please.. (PLEASE?!??!?!?!?! 😥 ) It will go towards supporting my blog. Before anyone asks, yes, that is as cheap as I can sell it.

Update #2: At least one liberal blogger, so far, is saying that this is a very stupid idea. Mark your calendars, because this is the first time that I am going to say this — KUDOS TO HIM FOR SAYING IT! 😀  😉 Also Kudos to Gawker as well.

Update #3: Now the top story on Memerandum

Update #4: William Teach says:

But, hey, imagine a Conservative group had come up with “f*ck progressives.” The Left would have howled like werewolves on crack. For conservatives, we’ll simply just highlight these wankers, and move on with our lives.

Ha! Uh, Dude? 😛 I tried leaving a comment at his blog, but they disappeared. Oh well, I tried. 😀

Update 5: Smitty objects on moral grounds… Um, Smitty? Give this a listen….(NSFW, of course…) :

A bad word… Oh please… 🙄

Update #6: nooneofanyimport Thinks it’s funny.

Update #7: Nice Deb Links in with a response video!:

Heh… I love it! 😆

Others: Michelle Malkin, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, Left Coast RebelRedState, , Da Techguy’s Blog, Confederate Yankee, Questions and Observations, Another Black Conservative,, Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion,, Riehl World View, Pat Dollard, JammieWearingFool and Wake up America

The Classless Left: Exhibit D for Death Wish

It seems that the liberal left just cannot get over its urges to engage into classless behavior.

As you all know, Senator Ted Stevens died in a plane crash yesterday. Well, leave it to the classless left to use a death of a Republican Senator to wish death on a Conservative Republican like…… you guessed it, Sarah Palin: (H/T The Politico)


Not to be outdone, Natch Greyes, a staffer for Democratic Rep. and Senate hopeful Paul Hodes tweeted the following on July 21st:


Now before any of you on the left say, “Well, the right does it too!” To that I say, “Yep, and when they do, I report it here.” Perfect example of which can be found here. Not only this; but there is this point too — I am not a Sarah Palin fan, at all. But there is just no call for this sort of hatemongering between the Parties. I mean, my God, are we all children or are we adults here?

I really think some people need to grow up and act their ages, instead of their shoe sizes.

Update: Oops! In my haste to get this Published, I forgot to mention that the N.H. GOP has condemned these remarks:

CONCORD – The New Hampshire Republican State Committee today denounced Democrat NH House candidate Keith Halloran’s public death wish for former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The Party also called on Governor John Lynch and Congressional Candidate Ann McLane Kuster to personally denounce his hateful remarks and call for him to apologize to the Palin family.

In a Facebook post yesterday regarding the tragic plane crash that killed former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, Halloran wrote, “Just wish Sarah and Levy [sic] were on board.Levi Johnston is the father of Governor Palin’s grandson (RedHampshire, 8/11).

“Mr. Halloran’s outrageous comments are a new low, even by the standards of the New Hampshire Democrat Party,” said NHGOP Communications Director Ryan Williams. “His publicly stated death wish for Governor Palin and her family is abhorrent, and has no place in our public discourse. Governor Lynch and Ann McLane Kuster need to immediately denounce Mr. Halloran’s hateful remarks and demand that he personally apologize to the Palin family.

The Democrat Party needs to take a stand here and tell this guy to cool it or else.

Harry Reid scolds Hispanics that stray from the reservation

This is unreal:

The Video, which comes via John McCormack over at the Weekly Standard:

For the record, he did say:

I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican.  ‘Kay?  Do I need to say more?

Ed Morrissey over at HotAir adds the following:

I have some advice for Senator Reid.  If he wants to find out how someone of Hispanic heritage can be a Republican, he can call Brian Sandoval in Nevada.  Reid should be able to recognize Sandoval, because he’s currently beating Reid’s son Rory like a drum in the polls for the gubernatorial race (via Karl in the Green Room).  Small wonder Rory has stopped using his dad’s name in his campaign advertising.

At first, when I saw this clip, I resisted posting it. Because I was kind of worried that this might be another Sharrod moment. However, after thinking about it. This is exactly how Democrats think. I have heard the same statements made by blacks, about blacks who decide that the Democratic Party is just not for them and runs against their Conservative Christian values. They are called uncle tom’s, house negro’s and so forth. That is, what is called, “the plantation mentality,” and when you stray off of that plantation, you get scolded by the plantation boss. That is because the Democratic Party and Liberals in general, do not what you to think for yourself. The Democratic Party and the Liberals want to do your thinking for you. They want to be the ones to decide what is good for you and what is not. You do not have an personality; you are just a number and a contributor to our master plan!

That is the tragic thing about the Democratic Party. It claims to the party of the people; when in reality it is nothing but the party of the Government, for the Government, and BY the Government — and the people, of who’s tax dollars pay for this Government, has no say so in what they choose to do. “You will do what you are told and you will like it!” is the thought process behind these socialists. The sick and sad part is this; many hard working, middle class Americans, (Like my Parents) fall into the trap of believing what these bastards tell them. These poor people actually believe that the Democratic Party is on their side. When in all honesty, these people do not give two flips about the American people. They just care about their socialist agenda and the people are just an means to an end. Many socialists have admitted that in the past.

We need to remember this in the coming 2010 elections here in Michigan and in the coming 2012 elections as well and vote accordingly.

Michelle Malkin, whom I do not always agree with politically, but of whom I do respect, has a great write up on this as well. Check it out!

Bathtub Boy whines about the White House, again

Remember how I said the honeymoon was over? I think that’s an understatement. This is more like a jilted lover.

(H/T HotAir)

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Hell, after all that, I almost feel sorry for ol’ Obama… (Almost!)

Poor guy can’t do nothing right. If he tries to make the left happy, the right bitches; if he tries to make the right happy, the left bitches.

Whew! You couldn’t pay me enough to deal with all that.

It is official: The Honeymoon between the liberal left and media and the White House is over

I knew this was coming…:

The White House is simmering with anger at criticism from liberals who say President Obama is more concerned with deal-making than ideological purity.

During an interview with The Hill in his West Wing office, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs blasted liberal naysayers, whom he said would never regard anything the president did as good enough.

“I hear these people saying he’s like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested,” Gibbs said. “I mean, it’s crazy.”

The press secretary dismissed the “professional left” in terms very similar to those used by their opponents on the ideological right, saying, “They will be satisfied when we have Canadian healthcare and we’ve eliminated the Pentagon. That’s not reality.”

Of those who complain that Obama caved to centrists on issues such as healthcare reform, Gibbs said: “They wouldn’t be satisfied if Dennis Kucinich was president.”

via White House unloads anger over criticism from ‘professional left’ –

Um, Cue the music….Hit it Roy!

Okay, maybe that was bit cruel. But, hey this is what happens when you elect someone based upon personality and not based on the issues. But then again, President Obama does seem to have some awfully thin skin. I do not recall Clinton griping every time someone criticized him.

Either way, it is quite humorous to watch.

Bloggers on the left are not too pleased, here’s that roundup: TalkLeft, Ezra Klein, New York Magazine,, Shakesville, Mediaite, The Plum Line, AMERICAblog News, Brendan Nyhan, Raw Story, The Reaction and Prairie Weather

On Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain: Let me ask one question

Video via Mediaite:

Ed Morrissey Says:

The end of the world? Obviously not. Tone deaf? Absolutely. And it’s telling that this tone-deaf, Marie Antoinette moment comes from the administration that continues to play class warfare to expand government control over the most private aspects of American lives.

My question to Ed and rest of the Conservatives and Republicans is this; would this criticism be as howling loud, if the President’s skin was white? I somehow highly doubt it. For the record, I am not calling Ed Morrissey personally a racist; I just have some reservations about all of this howling over what Michelle Obama does. Yes, I know about the recession and the tone deafness and private sector intrusion. I just wonder, where were all these carnival barkers when Bush was bailing out the banks? Where were they when Bush was spending all of this money taking us into a war; that had zero to do with 9/11?

This is one of the reasons why I have been avoiding this story. Mainly because of the partisanship that is behind it. I am all for criticizing the President; when he actually does something that is worthy of criticism. However, I am just not interested in partaking in, what I like to call partisan carnival barking. This blog, unlike others, is not a partisan blog. I mean, when the President does something, that I feel is detrimental to America; by all means, I will criticize him, scream, holler and swing from the rafters if need be. (Okay, maybe I won’t do the swinging.. I am a bit heavy for that…) However, I just will not sit here and gripe about something that Bush could have and would have done. To me, that is just stupid.

I will say that the carnival does happen on the left too and yes, it is equally as dumb. I have been known to call it out on here as well. So, if you happen to see a story and I have not covered, this is most likely why.

My Gay Stalker is back

Eddie the Homo is back stalking me again…

If he is not some sort of a warped stalker, I do not know what is….

Dude, seriously, get a job and better yet; get a life, you liberal piece of dung…

Stupidity from the Moderation Que

Oh, the stupidity, it burns….

I guess my post hit a nerve.

Author : CommonSense (IP: ,
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Interesting that you have no problem with a Mosque being INSIDE the Pentagon despite that building being a target on 9/11. Truth is… you’re a xenophob or a racist, perhaps both. Stop using 9/11 as an excuse for your hatred. It’s very clear in this country that republicans will invoke the memory of 9/11 to defend their racist beliefs but when it comes time HELP the people who came to OUR help on 9/11 the republicans turn their head. Last week Congress voted on aid to 9/11 responders and heros. 12 republicans voted yes. 12!! That is it! Nearly the ENTIRE democratic congress voted in favor of helping those who helped us on 9/11. You know what republicans did? They said F you you those heros and instead turned all their attention to a mosque being built blocks away.

Republicans and conservatives care about one thing only. Hatred. They do not care about bringing jobs to America, or keeping us safe, or defending out liberties. They care about hate.

Man…. get that guy a grammar book stat!

Daughter of 9/11 victim who is Muslim says, Build your mosque somewhere else

A very heart rending story. 🙁

On the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, I watched as terrorists slammed United Flight 175 into the South Tower of the World Trade Center, 18 minutes after their accomplices on another hijacked plane hit the North Tower. My mother was on the flight. I witnessed her murder on live television. I still cannot fully comprehend those images. In that moment, I died as well. I carry a hole in my heart that will never be filled.

From the first memorial ceremonies I attended at Ground Zero, I have always been moved by the site; it means something to be close to where my mother may be buried, it brings some peace. That is why the prospect of a mosque near Ground Zero — or a church or a synagogue or any religious or nationalistic monument or symbol — troubles me.

via A Muslim victim of 9/11: ‘Build your mosque somewhere else’.

Go read the rest of this; it is heart wrenching.

Anyone, with any sort of common sense would agree with this; but it is quite obvious that this common sense in not found in liberal circles. This is evidenced by this idiotic tripe, written by some moronic asshole on the liberal left. Which tends to make me believe that liberals are supportive, even sympathetic to the cause of those who flew those planes into the trade center, and the pentagon. Hell, after all, did not some of the liberal left accuse George W. Bush of ordering the attacks; and basically say that the United States deserved the attacks because of “Bush-Hitler” and his capitalistic society?

Leave it to the liberal left, to collectively piss on the graves of those who died on 9/11. It is what they are about good for. That and disrespecting those who’ve died in wars.

Conservative Bloggers and Conservatives on general, have been condemned by the liberal bloggers for referring to the liberals in this Country, as Anti-American. Well, as a former “Left of Center”, who woke up and smelled the coffee about the Democratic Party and those within it; let me say this —- Yes, they are Anti-American. Anyone who would support a Muslim Mosque within 25 or more miles of where those on 9/11 died, is nothing more than traitor to America. Plain and simple; you cannot claim to support America, its ideals and its freedoms; and then at the same damned time hand a token of victory to the Muslims; by allowing them to build this sort of a building. It just is not possible.

As I said once before; In the name GOD; do not allow this to happen.

Others: Sister ToldjahJammieWearingFoolLiberty Pundits BlogHugh Hewitt’s TownHall BlogJihad Watch, and Weasel Zippers

Senate confirms first Jewish Lesbian to SCOTUS

Another activist Liberal makes it to the SCOTUS:

The Senate has confirmed Elena Kagan, President Barack Obama’s solicitor general, as the newest Supreme Court justice.

Kagan, the former dean of Harvard Law School, replaces retiring Justice John Paul Stevens and becomes the fourth woman to serve on the court in its 121-year history. The vote confirming Kagan, who also served in the Clinton administration, was largely along party lines, with just a handful of Republicans voting with Democrats to confirm her – and one Democrat, Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), voting no. She is expected to join the court when it reconvenes after its summer recess

via Senate confirms Kagan – Josh Gerstein –

I figured that this would end up happening. This is just proof that elections matter. When you vote for a personality, without checking into his background thoroughly; this is what you get.

Remember this come 2010 and 2012 folks.

UPDATED: Perfect Example of when Big Government is BAD Government

This is absolutely unreal:

It’s hardly unusual to hear small-business owners gripe about licensing requirements or complain that heavy-handed regulations are driving them into the red.

So when Multnomah County shut down an enterprise last week for operating without a license, you might just sigh and say, there they go again.

Except this entrepreneur was a 7-year-old named Julie Murphy. Her business was a lemonade stand at the Last Thursday monthly art fair in Northeast Portland. The government regulation she violated? Failing to get a $120 temporary restaurant license.

Turns out that kids’ lemonade stands — those constants of summertime — are supposed to get a permit in Oregon, particularly at big events that happen to be patrolled regularly by county health inspectors.

“I understand the reason behind what they’re doing and it’s a neighborhood event, and they’re trying to generate revenue,” said Jon Kawaguchi, environmental health supervisor for the Multnomah County Health Department. “But we still need to put the public’s health first.

via Portland lemonade stand runs into health inspectors, needs $120 license to operate |

I got a better idea, how about when they make a new pitcher; they give the first damned glass to Jon Kawaguchi and if he drops dead, which would be such a good thing, — they make a new pitcher. But, if not, they sell the damn Lemonade. This nothing more than big Government socialism taxing someone who actually wants to have a small business of their own. All dressed up in the disguise of “We have to look out for the people!”

Another example if why I will never, ever, vote liberal or democratic party, ever again.

Others: Creative Minority Report, The Moderate Voice, Another Black Conservative, JOSHUAPUNDIT, AmSpecBlog,, Gawker and Don Surber

Update: Looks like the town and the Mayor had a come to Jesus moment.

The painfully obligatory prop 8 strike down posting

Honestly? I just do not give a rip.

It’s a state issue and not a federal one. So, I why should I care?

Here’s the huge round up @ Memeorandum

The dude was a Reagan served and George H.W. Bush followed up judge.

So, like I said; Meh, I just do not care.

What saddens me, is crap like this here.

WHOA: Audio: Liberal Talkers unload on President Obama

(This comes via The Radio Equalizer with a H/T to Gateway Pundit)

Gateway Pundit says, “Dixiecrat Alert!” Which is kinda funny. But that is not what this is; well, first off, if a white Conservative had said all that. The Democrats and the liberal talkers  would be swinging from the trees — so to speak — in indignation. That person would be also decried as a racist bigot too.  Anyhow, that is not what this is; what you just heard, was the black liberal base griping and complaining, because the President is not kissing up to these people. For what is is worth; this same thing happened in the era of Bill Clinton. Does anyone remember the “sister soulja moment?” Well, this could be called the “Brother Barry Moment.”

What these people are getting a painful lesson in, is this; these people are getting a painful lesson in what happens when you elect an activist President and try to use him for influence peddling. These people thought that they would elect this man and be use the office the President of the United States as their ally in the White House for their pet causes. Well, cold and wet towel to the face for these people; it worked — to a point. They got their man in there, but he has proven himself to be his own person and not influenced by anyone, except his own agenda. This happens all the time. George W. Bush did it to an extent; there were people on the Conservative side that wanted to influence peddle him as well. George W. Bush ended up doing the same thing to those people, and they ended up getting on radio and whining about it. I heard some of it. This also happened to a larger extent with Ronald Reagan’s Presidency as well. There were people on the far-far right who thought than Ronald Reagan was going to be a Christian Conservative activist President.

Well, needless to say, that never happened. We still have abortion in this Country and we still do not have, nor will we EVER have Prayer back in school. That is because this sort of activism does not work in the White House. The President of the United States only has so much power and can only do so much. That is why there is three branches of Government; Legislative, Executive, and Legislative —- and each are limited in scope and each checks the other. It keeps from the other branches from getting out of control. —- or at least that is how it is supposed to work.

This is, simple, high school level, Government class stuff. I am quite shocked that the Liberals do not seem to understand it. Of course, truth be told, most people on the left, especially the far-far-socialist left; wants a communist dictatorship. They will never admit that, but it is what they want.

A few words about yesterday’s primary race here in Michigan

Obviously I am not happy about Mike Bouchard not winning the primary.

However, I do understand why it is that Mike Bouchard was not able to pull off a victory. Well, frankly, it was this:

Governor Republican
Rick Snyder                                  380,489        36%
Pete Hoekstra                              280,326        27%
Mike Cox                                       239,752         23%
Mike Bouchard                          126,991           12%
Tom George                                16,965               2%
100% reporting


There we just too many people running on the Republican ticket. As you can see above, there were five names on the ballot for Republicans; there were two on the Democratic Party side. If it had been Tom George and Mike Bouchard; Bouchard would have aced the race. But because you had three big ticket names in the race and one person that I had never heard of; Bouchard just was not able to pull it off.

Seeing that Bouchard is out of the race, I will support and do endorse Rick Snyder for Governor of Michigan.

In other news locally here in Michigan; there was a HUGE upset in the race for Congress. Hansen Clarke, who grew up on Detroit’s lower east side, has soundly defeated Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick. WXYZ-TV has the videos and the story:

(WXYZ) – Hansen Clarke has won the Democratic nomination in the 13th Congressional District.

Clarke’s victory is an upset over sitting Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick. Many political analysts believe the legal troubles of the congresswoman’s son, former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, contributed to her loss.

Because of the nature of the district, the nomination is viewed as an automatic path to the Congressional seat.

Okay, the whole “power to the people” thing was a bit creepy. But that is to be expected amongst Democrats; as the Democratic Party was founded as the “Party of the people.” Anyhow, even as a “Right of Center” blogger, I, as someone who has lived here all my life, watching Kilpatrick having to eat crow, is one of the best things I have ever seen. The really cool part is, Kilpatrick cannot scream “Race!” at all. The man who beat her was a minority too. The truth is, Kilpatrick screwed herself, when she said, “I’m proud of my son, very proud…” I mean, that just sealed it for her. She is proud of a corrupt man? Not that anyone actually believes that; but in politics perception is a big of reality. Heck, just look at Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan. There are some on the right that cannot look at those two, without going into a Tourette’s Syndrome-type fit and screaming “Jew Hater! Anti-Semite! Racist!”

I just am hoping and Praying that the Republicans can pull off a nice victory in November. The climate is right; we just need to get the message right and not louse it up.

Sarah Palin Quote of the Day

Now this is quite interesting to see:

We are awash in crises right now — crises that require smart and creative policy fixes. So why is somebody who so rarely deals in policy fixes so popular? It’s because Palin’s message operates on a level deeper than policy statements about the economy or financial reform or health care or the war in Afghanistan…

It’s not Palin’s positions people respond to — it’s her use of symbols. Mama grizzlies rearing up to protect their young? That’s straight out of Jung’s “collective unconscious” — the term Jung used to describe the part of the unconscious mind that, unlike the personal unconscious, is shared by all human beings, made up of archetypes, or, in Jung’s words, “universal images that have existed since the remotest times.” Unlike personal experiences, these archetypes are inherited, not acquired. They are “inborn forms… of perception and apprehension,” the “deposits of the constantly repeated experiences of humanity.”

This is the realm Palin is working in — I’m sure unintentionally — and it’s why she has connected so deeply with a large segment of the public. In fact, her evocation of mama grizzlies has a particularly resonant history in the collective unconscious. According to the Jungian Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism, “The bear has long fascinated mankind, partly because of its habit of hibernation, which may have served as a model of death and rebirth in human societies.”

…and who might be making that sort of a statement, this early in the game? No other than Arianna Huffington. Now AllahPundit says that its because she’s a hyper-partisan. But I suspect something a bit more. I suspect the liberals know that the man that they put in there is, like Jimmy Carter, has been, so far, is horrible failure. Also too; I read the article, and from what I was able to get out of it, the liberal Democrats are scared to death. They are worried because they know that they have no one to run against Obama in 2012.

Hillary you say? Forget it. Clinton’s defeat in 2008 was a wake up call for her. She’s basically finished with politics, once her term is up as Secretary of State; she is out of the political arena for good. I expect the Clinton’s will basically slip off into retirement and only come out once in a blue moon to support some candidate. I have it on good authority that the Clintons are not very happy with the new direction of the Democratic Party at all.

So, basically, what you are seeing here is a classic repeat of what happened in 2000 and 2004; and that is panic among the Liberal Democratic Party elite. Also too, it is a sounding of the alarm to try and make Palin look like a buffoon as much as possible. Which might work, although, I somehow think that the Liberal media is not really wanted to play anymore “Insider games.” With the Journalist scandal still being talked about in the Blogosphere and Conservatives being aware that the liberals were actually colluding together to shape a narrative. Liberal Media types might not be willing to play that game again. That again, is reason for panic among the liberal elite.

Which is basically a good reason to point out, that when you overreach into the media and you collude with others to bring someone down or push a narrative; and you get caught, you should not expect those players involved to want to do it again for you, ever. The sick and sad thing is, that the liberals never learn their lesson. They do this silly stuff over and over and over. Which is why the Republican Party easily trounces them in the elections.


Does this mean that President Obama is racist too?

(H/T to The Other McCain for this nice catch)

This is just too good. When corrupt black Democrats get caught with their hands on the hog jowls plate in the cookie jar, they use the one thing, that they have left in their arsenal:

Last tool in the bag for Democrats!

Via Politico:

The question of whether black lawmakers are now being singled out for scrutiny has been simmering throughout the 111th Congress, with the Office of Congressional Ethics a focal point of the concerns. At one point earlier this year, all eight lawmakers under formal investigation by the House ethics committee, including Rangel and Waters, were black Democrats. All those investigations originated with the OCE, which can make recommendations — but take no final actions — on such cases.

There’s a “dual standard, one for most members and one for African-Americans,” said one member of the Congressional Black Caucus, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The member said it’s too easy for an outside group to damage someone’s reputation by filing a claim with OCE.

“This is stacked against you once an accusation is made,” the lawmaker added. “You’re guilty until proven otherwise.”

Um, does this mean that President Obama is a racist too, against his own people?

Here’s the problem with that whole accusation:

The racism charge, though, was rejected by Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, an ethics watchdog group, even as she acknowledged the current situation is bound to anger black lawmakers.

“There are ethics problems within the CBC,” she said. “They have to acknowledge that.”

Sloan noted that several white lawmakers, including Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) and Rep. Pete Visclosky (D-Ind.), are currently under investigation by federal and congressional investigators. Ensign is being investigated by the Senate Ethics Committee and the Justice Department over the fallout from an extramarital affair he had with the wife of a top aide, while Visclosky and his former chief of staff are being probed over their ties to a now-defunct lobbying firm raided by the feds last year.

Two other white lawmakers, Reps. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) and Mark Souder (R-Ind.), resigned this year under ethical clouds. Massa left Congress after POLITICO reported he was under investigation by the ethics committee for sexually harassing male staffers, while Sounder quickly departed after admitting a long-running extramartial affair with a part-time aide. The findings from the Massa investigation have yet to be released by the ethics panel, although Massa is no longer within their jurisdiction.

So much for the fact that the ethics committee targeting the blacks in Congress!

This just shows you the mindset of the Liberal blacks in America today. They somehow believe that they are somehow entitled to break the law, because of the fact that white people kept them as salves over 300 years ago. This is a classic case liberal identity politics at its finest; and before anyone says that I am some sort of a racist for pointing this out. Save your breath, it is NOT racist of ME or anyone else to point out that the black liberals seem to believe that their black skin and their history entitles them to break the law. Further more, it is not racist of me to observe that these liberal black law breaking thugs want to weasel out of corruption charges using the oldest trick in the liberal book —- race baiting.

So much for post-racial America, aye Mr. President? 🙄

Living Proof that Liberals are classless assholes

This one comes via Eyeblast TV and is via HotAir’s Headlines:

Even the Liberal Media is saying that this guy is an idiot:

To be clear, I’m all for the kind of passion Weiner is showing here, but let’s direct it properly. Don’t get into a shouting match about procedure. As emotionally satisfying as it may be to watch, raging against the GOP opposition machine’s successful efforts to tie Dems in knots just makes Dems look whiny, weak and impotent.

Maybe that is because the Democrats ARE whiny, weak and impotent. Just look at who they elected in the White House! HA! 😛

Phyllis Schlafly and stubborn facts

I got to hand it to Phyllis Schlafly she really knows how to make the Liberal left crazy. I love her for that.

The Video:

The Money Quote:

“One of the things Obama’s been doing is deliberately trying to increase the percentage of our population that is dependent on government for their living. For example, do you know what was the second-biggest demographic group that voted for Obama? . . . Unmarried women. Seventy percent of unmarried women voted for Obama. And this is because, when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have Big Brother government to be your provider. . . .”

Now the facts, taken by poll by CNN:

Stubborn Facts

Not to mention this:

Take a recent report entitled “Advancing the Economic Security of Unmarried Women” by the Center for American Progress, the “progressive” nonprofit run by Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff John Podesta. The report reviews the problems of a growing segment of our society: unmarried women. They are poorer, more likely than other women to be unemployed, have less access to health care, and often struggle to care for children without support from fathers.

What’s CAP’s solution? More government at every turn. Among the recommended proposals are more generous unemployment benefits, more job-training and job-placement programs, greater subsidies for child care, more generous child-nutrition programs, direct welfare payments for those with children, government intervention to prevent foreclosures, expanded low-income-housing programs, an increased minimum wage, government intervention to increase the pay of occupations dominated by women, mandatory paid family and sick leave, and, of course, government-provided health care. In other words, complete cradle-to-grave, taxpayer-provided government support.

It’s tempting to call this paper sexist: Women — especially unmarried women — are portrayed as barely able to subsist without extra protection. One could also ruminate on CAP’s view of family formation, which seems willing to substitute a dependent relationship on the government for marriage. A woman without a man is encouraged to depend on Uncle Sam.

Once again, Phyllis Schlafly makes the liberal left crazy…. With the FACTS!

...and I just love her for that…..

Phyllis Schlafly is the real deal — a True Conservative Christian woman, who; unlike Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham, dresses, talks and acts like a true Conservative Christian woman.

The thing that I find some incredibly ironic, is that the fact that liberals think that Phyllis Schlafly is speaking extremism. But Mike Malloy wishing that Glenn Back and Rush Limbaugh would die, is perfectly fine.  It’s funny how those liberals work, isn’t it?

By the way, I have an entire WING of Mrs. Schlafly’s books in my Bookstore.

Living proof that liberals are classless assholes

Remember how the liberal left told everyone that the Afghan War was the good war and the Iran War was the evil war?

Well, they lied.

Wikileaks, which is owned by a flaming liberal. Basically exposed our soldiers in the afghan theater.

CBS News reports:

Hundreds of Afghan civilians who worked as informants for the U.S. military have been put at risk by WikiLeaks’ publication of more than 90,000 classified intelligence reports which name and in many cases locate the individuals, The Times newspaper reported Wednesday.

The article says, in spite of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s claim that sensitive information had been removed from the leaked documents, that reporters scanning the reports for just a couple hours found hundreds of Afghan names mentioned as aiding the U.S.-led war effort.

One specific example cited by the paper is a report on an interview conducted by military officers of a potential Taliban defector. The militant is named, along with his father and the village in which they live.

“The leaks certainly have put in real risk and danger the lives and integrity of many Afghans,” a senior official at the Afghan foreign ministry told The Times on condition of anonymity. “The U.S. is both morally and legally responsible for any harm that the leaks might cause to the individuals, particularly those who have been named. It will further limit the U.S./international access to the uncensored views of Afghans.”

If this does not piss you off; check your pulse.

Ed Morrissey says:

What will this mean for the war effort?  The US will probably have to move all of the people named in the documents and their families, which means they won’t be able to continue in their current efforts.  After this exposure, we’ll have a lot of trouble finding anyone else who wants to work with us on the ground in Afghanistan, which makes our efforts there a hell of a lot more complicated, and will probably result in more dead Americans as well as Afghans.

You know, I have said some pretty “Over the top” stuff on this blog; and I have taken a bit of crap for it. Well, you know what? Screw it. I just do not care. When it comes to our troops in Iraq and the Afghan Theater, any and all crap that I get from the left for sticking up for them, is absolutely worth every minute of it.  Having said all that; here is hoping the someone puts a nice bullet into the skull of this jerk off piece of crap. There’s no excuse for this sort of bullshit, this guy is just a morbid asshole, who seems to believe that he is on some sort of mission from God to stop the war. Well, if he’s that intent on stopping this war, then it is time for HIM to go see God. The quicker the damned better. We are in the Afghan theater; because a group of Religious throwbacks decided that they wanted a War with the United States. We gave them that war and now this communist piece of shit decides that the war should stop and is going out of his way harm our people. So, forget arresting him, forget hunting him down, save the justice system some money and put a bounty on his head and kill the god damned bastard.

There, I said it and if anyone wants to give me any shit; feel free. I’d like nothing more than for some liberal retard try an explain why they support terrorism to Adsense or anyone else that they want to try and get me pulled from.

Update: Other Great Bloggers covering this:

Richard Fernandez / Pajamas Media: Murphy Rides Again

Massachusetts Legislature tells the voter, “Screw You Buddy!”

More Democratic Party overreach:

The Massachusetts Legislature has approved a new law intended to bypass the Electoral College system and ensure that the winner of the presidential election is determined by the national popular vote.

“What we are submitting is the idea that the president should be selected by the majority of people in the United States of America,” Senator James B. Eldridge, an Acton Democrat, said before the Senate voted to enact the bill.

Under the new bill, he said, “Every vote will be of the same weight across the country.”

But Senate minority leader Richard Tisei said the state was meddling with a system that was “tried and true” since the founding of the country.

“We’ve had a lot of bad ideas come through this chamber over the years, but this is going to be one of the worst ideas that has surfaced and actually garnered some support,” said Tisei, who is also the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor.

via Mass. Legislature approves plan to bypass Electoral College – The Boston Globe.

I would say that I am surprised about this; but this is same State that sent Al Frankin, of all people, to the United States Senate. So, this is no big shock. All I can say this; it’s classic Democratic Party overreach.

Update: Um, Oops! I guess I was wrong about that whole Al Frankin thing.  D’oh! 😳  As you can see, it does not pay to blog without large amounts of caffeine in my system. 🙄 😛 😀

Ya’ll don’t pick on me, I’m old! 😉 😀 😛

Others: Hot Air, The Corner on National …, RedStateThe Other McCain, DaTechguy’s Blog and Don Surber

Stupidity from the Moderation Cue

Someone objecting to my take down of Andrew Sullivan:

Author : peg (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
You just did the same thing.  You are speculating about what could be wrong with him and making wild accusations but offering no proof whatsoever.  Don’t be such a hypocrite
If he is stark raving mad, then what are you when you use the same tactics?


Second of all:

This is my damn blog and I will write about what I please; and if you really do not like it. You do not have to read here. There is not any law that says you have to.

Third of all:

The Mental Case - Andrew Sullivan

I am calling Andrew Sullivan crazy, because that is what he is…. damned crazy.The man calls himself a so-called “Conservative” all the while trashing a woman who is a Conservative Christian. This was not just one posting, but a entire books worth of pure crap. The man is crazy, and anyone who is worth their salt in Conservatism knows it. He is not a Conservative; but rather a Liberal posing as a Conservative. Some say he is a British Conservative; But I think it’s more of a mental problem than anything else.

Also, Hypocrisy? Hypocrisy??!?!?!? How’s this for Hypocrisy? — All during the election, the media went over Sarah Palin, her kids, her family; everything… with a fine tooth comb. But no ONE person in the lame stream media would dare say a cross word about President Barack Obama’s snooty-nosed brat kids, at all. Hell, even Chelsea Clinton was giving rougher treatment by the media, than President Obama’s kids! That is what I call hypocrisy!

So, don’t come here and leave stupid comments about me being a damned hypocrite, because I will just delete them. You want to be a cheerleader for the mentally and yes, morally depraved pieces human excrement’s like Andrew Sullivan, fine. Start your own damned blog and do so. Because it is not going to happen here; period.

Sickening: Video shows local deputy ranting against Christians

The Video:

Greg Hengler over at Townhall says:

Substitute these Christians with Mexican protesters and replace the anti-Christian opinions from the Sheriff’s Deputy with anti-Mexican ones. Would you not see this clip run for the umpteenth time on MSNBC and CNN today? I repeat the sentiments of our Commander in Chief: “The police acted stupidly.

The Story via KRQE-TV:

ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – A Bernalillo County Sheriff’s deputy was caught on video erupting with personal comments while escorting a religious group away from a recent concert.

BCSO Deputy Jim Goff is a veteran of the department and years away from retirement.

The religious group was protesting outside a Rob Zombie concert on July 17th at the Pavilion. Deputies were called to escort them out. Goff was among them.

The religious group recorded the entire ordeal and put it on YouTube. It started with Goff asking the protestors to leave the property but the group was not taking the orders well.

“This is private property, leave you can go or you can go to jail,” Goff said.

“It’s against my constitutional right, these people are free right here are fee to be out here? Why cant we,” said one protestor.

That’s when Goff got the crowd involved and asked what they wanted the group to do.

“You guys, do you want them to stay or go,” Goff said.

The protestors eventually started to leave as they continued preaching to the crowd and the deputies. Goff responded.

“There is only one way to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ the Lord,” said a protestor.

“I am a non-believer, there is no God, there is no Jesus, there is no Satan,” Goff said.

Through all the shouting, arguing and antagonizing the other deputies kept their cool. Goff, however, had one more questionable comment.

“You must have a crush on me, man are you like a gay homosexual, you keep filming me,” Goff said.

The attacks against Christians and on the first amendment in the United States of America continue under the Obama Administration. Further proof that we are truly in the last days. Remember that folks. Remember that also come 2010 and 2012 and vote accordingly.

But, of course:

Sheriff Manny Gonzales called the deputy’s comments very inappropriate.

“I watched the video and it’s an edited version. We’re going to make a request from our internal affairs unit to get a full, a full copy so we can make the right responses,” Gonzales said.

The video is on at least three different websites including YouTube, where more than 7,000 viewers have already seen it.

Gonzales said he will not comment on if Goff will be reprimanded until they conduct a complete investigation.

The sheriff also said he did not know about the concert confrontation until News 13 called and asked about it.

In other words, he will be back to work today and nothing will happen. 😡