Massachusetts Legislature tells the voter, “Screw You Buddy!”

More Democratic Party overreach:

The Massachusetts Legislature has approved a new law intended to bypass the Electoral College system and ensure that the winner of the presidential election is determined by the national popular vote.

“What we are submitting is the idea that the president should be selected by the majority of people in the United States of America,” Senator James B. Eldridge, an Acton Democrat, said before the Senate voted to enact the bill.

Under the new bill, he said, “Every vote will be of the same weight across the country.”

But Senate minority leader Richard Tisei said the state was meddling with a system that was “tried and true” since the founding of the country.

“We’ve had a lot of bad ideas come through this chamber over the years, but this is going to be one of the worst ideas that has surfaced and actually garnered some support,” said Tisei, who is also the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor.

via Mass. Legislature approves plan to bypass Electoral College – The Boston Globe.

I would say that I am surprised about this; but this is same State that sent Al Frankin, of all people, to the United States Senate. So, this is no big shock. All I can say this; it’s classic Democratic Party overreach.

Update: Um, Oops! I guess I was wrong about that whole Al Frankin thing.  D’oh! 😳  As you can see, it does not pay to blog without large amounts of caffeine in my system. 🙄 😛 😀

Ya’ll don’t pick on me, I’m old! 😉 😀 😛

Others: Hot Air, The Corner on National …, RedStateThe Other McCain, DaTechguy’s Blog and Don Surber

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