Sarah Palin Quote of the Day

Now this is quite interesting to see:

We are awash in crises right now — crises that require smart and creative policy fixes. So why is somebody who so rarely deals in policy fixes so popular? It’s because Palin’s message operates on a level deeper than policy statements about the economy or financial reform or health care or the war in Afghanistan…

It’s not Palin’s positions people respond to — it’s her use of symbols. Mama grizzlies rearing up to protect their young? That’s straight out of Jung’s “collective unconscious” — the term Jung used to describe the part of the unconscious mind that, unlike the personal unconscious, is shared by all human beings, made up of archetypes, or, in Jung’s words, “universal images that have existed since the remotest times.” Unlike personal experiences, these archetypes are inherited, not acquired. They are “inborn forms… of perception and apprehension,” the “deposits of the constantly repeated experiences of humanity.”

This is the realm Palin is working in — I’m sure unintentionally — and it’s why she has connected so deeply with a large segment of the public. In fact, her evocation of mama grizzlies has a particularly resonant history in the collective unconscious. According to the Jungian Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism, “The bear has long fascinated mankind, partly because of its habit of hibernation, which may have served as a model of death and rebirth in human societies.”

…and who might be making that sort of a statement, this early in the game? No other than Arianna Huffington. Now AllahPundit says that its because she’s a hyper-partisan. But I suspect something a bit more. I suspect the liberals know that the man that they put in there is, like Jimmy Carter, has been, so far, is horrible failure. Also too; I read the article, and from what I was able to get out of it, the liberal Democrats are scared to death. They are worried because they know that they have no one to run against Obama in 2012.

Hillary you say? Forget it. Clinton’s defeat in 2008 was a wake up call for her. She’s basically finished with politics, once her term is up as Secretary of State; she is out of the political arena for good. I expect the Clinton’s will basically slip off into retirement and only come out once in a blue moon to support some candidate. I have it on good authority that the Clintons are not very happy with the new direction of the Democratic Party at all.

So, basically, what you are seeing here is a classic repeat of what happened in 2000 and 2004; and that is panic among the Liberal Democratic Party elite. Also too, it is a sounding of the alarm to try and make Palin look like a buffoon as much as possible. Which might work, although, I somehow think that the Liberal media is not really wanted to play anymore “Insider games.” With the Journalist scandal still being talked about in the Blogosphere and Conservatives being aware that the liberals were actually colluding together to shape a narrative. Liberal Media types might not be willing to play that game again. That again, is reason for panic among the liberal elite.

Which is basically a good reason to point out, that when you overreach into the media and you collude with others to bring someone down or push a narrative; and you get caught, you should not expect those players involved to want to do it again for you, ever. The sick and sad thing is, that the liberals never learn their lesson. They do this silly stuff over and over and over. Which is why the Republican Party easily trounces them in the elections.


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