Stupidity from Moderation Que

This is a perfect example of what will get you banned from commenting on my blog.

Some tool commenting on this posting, left the following comment:

Author : Gorko (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
This guy looks like a (snipped) to me.

Here are the reasons why I did not approve this guy’s comment:

  1. I do not know this guy
  2. I do not really know Cassie’s Hubby.
  3. Cassie’s hubby is U.S. Military.
  4. The comment was insulting
  5. The comment was trollish
  6. The comment was not even remotely funny.
  7. This is my blog, and ultimately I decide what is acceptable and what is not; and this was not.

I trace routed this idiot, and it appears he’s on some sort of a cruise. Maybe on the pacific princess? Anyhow, it was not cool and I blocked his IP. Don’t come here and insult me or other people that are my friends.

That is all.

Stupidity from the moderation cue

Here’s a classic example of what will get your IP address banned from commenting here, and your info published:

The first comment was not so bad:

New comment on your post #17599 “Dana Loesch lays the smack down on the idiotic accusations on racism and gay slurs “
Author : Scott (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
That video doesn’t prove sh*t.  It fails to show anyone shouting anything vile, but so what?  If you’re in that crowd, videoing with your cam or cell phone, and you happened to have footage of the actual incident, are you going to release it?  No friggin way.  Anybody standing in that crowd is a right wing true-believer and would keep such video under wraps forever.
The evidence, such as it is, is firmly on the side of the accusations being true.  There were several witnesses who had nothing to gain by supporting a lie, and they all backed it up.  Game over.

The language was a bit tough, but he did have a point; so, I thought I’d let it stand. Then, he got personal.

Author : Scott (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
Here’s proof:

By the way, I disagree with your point…saying anything other than “there are no circumstnaces under which those remarks are appropriate, I denounce the use of those terms, and the attitudes they represent” is being a total pussy. I mean YOU.  What are you, OK with the KKK burning crosses in your neighbors yards?  Feel like you Don’t have to do what a black cop tells you?  Nunes is worse, but what do you expect from politicians, who are all snakes, Rep or Dem?

I’d have gone even farther in Nunes’ shoes, and said, “Furthermore, the people who screamed those epithets are not in the same camp as me, they are not patriotic citizens of this great nation, they are not fit to be Republicans or for that matter Democrats either.  Those people need to go home, and perhaps form their own political party, I hear David Dukes is looking for a job and could be their leader.  They should buy an island and start their own country, because they are not welcome in Washington DC, nor anyplace else in the United States of America.  In fact, if they did start an island nation under the banner of racism, we should nuke it.”



So, instead of trying to make a point. He insulted me. That goes against the rules and I basically told him to hit the road, and things went down hill in e-mail, and here they are:

Forwarded conversation
two words

From: Patrick <>
Date: Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 8:14 PM

fuck off, don’t come to my fucking blog and expect your insults to be approved.




From: Scott <>
Date: Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 8:16 PM
To: Patrick <>

Pussy.  Afraid of someone with an opinion?

Can’t listen to facts that don’t support your argument.  Typical.
From: Patrick <>
Date: Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 8:17 PM
To: Scott <>

Like I said asshole, fuck you. You wanna insult someone, do it
elsewhere. Your bullshit ain’t fucking wanted…

and I will be blocking the IP.

I have rules. follow ’em or get the fuck on…

From: Scott <>
Date: Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 8:29 PM
To: Patrick <>

Rules?  Are they posted somewhere?  I’m happy to edit my post to accomodate them.  Unless the little boy is afraid to hear an opposing point of view?  Do I hear your mommy calling?

– Show quoted text –
From: Patrick <>

Date: Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 8:32 PM

To: Scott <>

Nah, I don’t want you here. Your attitude sucks. Don’t need it.

For the record, it is here:

But, see you’ve got this idiotic attitude. I choose to not allow you to comment.

See ya.

From: Scott Welker <>
Date: Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 9:47 PM

Waaaaaah!  Im afraid! Mommy, Scott doesn’t agree with me

From Scott


From: Patrick <>

Date: Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 9:49 PM
To: Scott Welker <>

Congrads, you just got yourself published on my blog. Including your
e-mail address and your IP address as well. I will be including your
e-mails to me.
My rules around here are simple. You are free to comment; but you are not free to insult me. My Blog, my rules; follow ’em or hit the road. Congrats Scott now everyone knows your IP. Idiot.

Idiot from the Moderation Que

Commenting on this posting, obviously one of Roseanne’s fanboys:

Dude, do you have any idea of what’s going to happen to you in jail??? After 6 months you’ll be able to hide a bowling ball in your ass. 🙁

To which I responded in e-mail:

Dude, do you know how stupid you sound?

I’ve said and done worse, and NOBODY has ever been here, ever. I never, ever said, that *I* was going to do anything at all. I said She did not deserve to breathe and, “here’s hoping she ends face down in parking lot with a bullet in her head”… big difference, I never expressed intent, I only expressed my hope Big difference, jack ass. Political incorrectness, is not against the law. We still do have a first amendment. You liberals haven’t taken that….yet.

Example of what will get you added to the ‘idiot filter’ around here

Some moronic jackass comes here and leaves an insulting comment and when I didn’t publish it. He comes back and says this:

Author : mgordon1 (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
That’s what I thought loser.

He was commenting on this posting here. He thinks that my living situation would be cute to mock. Just shows you what kind of assholes liberals really are. Also, do you honestly think that I really give two shits that anyone knows my personal situation? I really don’t. Two words for you asshole; FUCK YOU.

It just so happens that this blog is actually making me some serious coinage now and if this continues, I will actually have to file for an L.L.C. license and will have to start paying taxes on my earnings.

Truth is, I am in the situation, because of the fucking idiotic economic decisions of the Democrats here in Michigan. As for your question about Healthcare. I am pretty much a healthy person and even if they did pass healthcare; I would not take it. I’d pay the damn fine and go without, I am not stealing care from other people, just so I can say, I got health insurance.

So, there troll, put that in your pipe and smoke it….pole smoker.

From our supposed Allies on the war on terror, in Australia

The things that come through here boy…. wow… 😯

Author : ambulocetacean (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
Lol. So you didn’t print my comment? What a prissy little wimp you are.

If you’re such a big, tough anti-jihadi warrior, why don’t you join the Army? Or better still, borrow some money from your mom, fly to Pakistan, catch a bus to Afghanistan and go after them yourself?

I thought not, chickenshit. Why did you shave off the beard? It was a perfect cocksucker’s doormat.

That’s from Australia. One of our supposed Allies on the war on terror.  As if. 🙄

Updated: Reply to the racist on YouTube

Earlier today, I received the following comment on YouTube:

ScotSNP has made a comment on My response to Bernie Sanders:

Dude, you are seriously ill. Get some help mate, and shave that fucking jihad beard.

Here is my response that I left on YouTube:

Merry Christmas to all.

Update: Just an FYI… I went and checked out the guys account who left the racist comment; he is in the U.K….. Go Figure.

Libertarian leftists Unhinged

I should write a book. 😀

from Freedom Calhoun <>


date Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 9:00 AM

subject You being a cowardly piece of garbage.

9:00 AM (6 hours ago)

As an ex-army ranger and of a libertarian bent.

I would like to say, you are not only clueless on your analysis of the libertarian stance on war, but you are also a cowardly piece of garbage.

If you would like further explanation on why I think you are a walking piece of dog feces, feel free to e-mail me and I will explain in depth.

You lack the IQ or the balls required to comment on subjects you obviously don’t understand.

Enjoy your murderous anti-human stance, I hope you have fun getting poked in the anus by Adolph while you burn in hell.


Freedom Calhoun

ex-Army Ranger and Libertarian.


from Rod <>


date Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 3:37 PM

subject You Suck

3:37 PM (11 minutes ago)

I have been following with interest and amusement the back and forth between you and Laurence Vance over at Wow. I’m amazed at what an idiot you truly are. How do you survive?

Please post a picture on your blog; I’ve always wondered what a real, live talking jackass looked like.


That book is looking real nice. I could use the money.

Answering Laurence Vance

I write this piece to answer the libertarian leftist Laurence Vance’s smear piece against me. An article for what it is worth has only brought 143 visitors to my blog, as of this writing. For a man, who is supposedly an authority on all things libertarian; not to mention all things Austrian economics —That my friend is quite amusing, I guess Lew Rockwell and company are legends in their own minds — at best.

I will not sit here and pick apart this entire ridiculous article, which is filled with in inaccuracies about me, who I listen to in talk radio, and all the other silly assumptions that those of the idiotic leftist mentality believe about us, who happen to respect and support our Military. Nevertheless, I will correct this leftist imbecile on some issues.

First off, whom or what I listen to on television: I guess Mr. Vance assumes that Fox News Network in my Television when I am awake. This is a gross fallacy; I only watch Fox News during the daytime; that is, if and when, I decide to turn the blasted thing on. I think I may watch an hour of Television at most, as for during the opinion hour at night, the only person I can stomach on Fox News is, in fact, is Bill O’Reilly. I find Sean Hannity most annoying. Why is that? Because Sean Hannity is a water carrier, a talk points repeater. Quite bluntly, Sean Hannity is an idiotic gasbag — Not to mention he looks and dresses like a closeted gay twink. Sean Hannity is, in fact, a Republican. He spouts Republican talking points — all the while claiming to be a Libertarian. One thing I can tell you, Sean Hannity is not a libertarian, he is not even close. Even I, the most hawkish man in the blogosphere can tell you that. Sean Hannity, to me, represents the Bush-era Fox News. Which has since changed, they stopped with the stupid Bush-era talking points and moved on. Sean Hannity, well, not so much. As for Limbaugh, I respect the man for building such a large business around his, well, ego. However, I do not listen to him on a regular basis, and I will tell you why. Rush Limbaugh strikes me as someone who is love with his own voice — something that I find most highly annoying. Therefore, I do not listen to Rush Limbaugh for that reason. Like anyone else, I catch the clips online when he says or does something remarkably stupid. As for Glenn Beck, Beck peddles paranoia; I am not much into that sort of a thing really. Glenn Back believes that communism is still a real threat. I disagree; I believe that radical socialism is a real threat. However, staunch communism is not and has not been for many years — McCarthy saw to that little feat — and yes there is a big difference between socialism and communism, it even says this on the communist party USA’s website. I ought to know, I did look it up. I do not make a habit of yowling about things that I have no clue about, unlike some in this idiotic political blogosphere.

Therefore, yes, I do watch Bill O’Reilly; why, you ask — Because Bill O’Reilly is fair and yes, balanced. Anyone who actually watches his show knows that Bill does not carry water for the President, ever. Bill also is fair to the President; he does not just hate President Obama, because he is a socialist, much to the chagrin of those on the far right. Bill O’Reilly, like me, has a strong disliking of the socialist far left. This is because we both happen to know that socialism is a threat to the free capitalistic system in this country — this is why I respect the man. Another thing that made me begin to watch him at Bill O’Reilly was the fact that he stopped the policy of shutting people’s microphones off, that disagreed with him. I noticed that he was doing that, and because of this, I refused to watch O’Reilly. As much as I disagree with much of what the left has to say; I do believe that anyone in this Country, as long as they are not planning to overthrow or cause harm to anyone in this Nation, have the right to freedom of speech. This is what got Senator Joseph McCarthy into a great deal of trouble, this is why people like William Buckley Jr. and L. Brent Bozell Jr. (not to be confused with his son, Brent Bozell III) abandoned McCarthy. Because McCarthy wanted to exert thought police on the American people, that which is, sadly, a tactic of the far left. Because O’Reilly abandoned this practice of shutting microphones off, I began to watch him. I also starting watching Fox News and frankly stopped watching CNN and MSNBC because of the blatant partisanship of MSNBC and to a lesser extent CNN. I am all for a diversity of opinion, but when you actually stoop to the level of insulting your viewers, that is when I decided that the bus stopped here and I got off. (So to speak)

Getting back to the subject at hand here, Laurence Vance also accuses me of not being able to separate the Military from the Government. Which is most amusing, because his posting at Lew Rockwell’s Blog; he accuses the Military of occupying Iraq, which was done on the orders of the George W. Bush Administration — Which is something I pointed out in one of my previous postings. Therefore, to Mr. Vance I say — Project much, friend? But then again, when talking to a leftist, one can only expect so much — because to them, up is down and left is right, and the world is a very bizarre place; which is why I tend to avoid reasoning with them. After all, the Bible says; “If any man be ignorant, let them be ignorant” and I do try to follow the Bible as much as I possibly can.

While I am on the subject of Iraq, I feel the need to clear something up. If Mr. Vance or anyone else happens to believe that I am some sort of a Bush-supporting Republican, please be advised that this about as far from the truth that one can get. I did not vote for President George. W. Bush, at all, either time. During that time, I was firmly in the Democratic Party column. This pre-dated my blogging days. I was a left of center — albeit quite the “half-assed left of center,” but I digress. Further, I did support the Iraq war, until the reports came out and the White House admitted that they were wrong about Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In fact, it was that little incident, that triggered me to start blogging in February of 2006 as a “left of center” blogger. I will explain the reasons why I switched sides for another posting, as this one is getting very long.

Finally, to answer Mr. Vance’s charge of being a “Red State Fascist” — If loving America and in loving America; knowing that in order to maintain the peace requires strength. If knowing that the United States Military is a valued treasure in this Country and should be highly respected — If wanting to see the United States of America protected from terrorists; both foreign and domestic, makes me a Red State Fascist — I plead the only thing I that I will ever plead to a charge as this — guilty as charged.

May God Bless the United States of America and May God Bless the United States Armed Forces. Further more, Thank God for our Military and Thank God for the privilege of being able to debate those who I disagree with, without the fear of being criminally persecuted for it. We live in a wonderful Nation and I will always defend her from those who would want to slander her. I feel that it is the most that I can do.

Updated: What? Was it something I said? – Part II

Continuing from my previous posting about the hate mailing and hateful comments that I am getting, in response to my take down of the libertarian leftists who hate this Country with a passion.

From the comments section of the previous post:

“Just to let everyone know, I said my peace on this and I am not interested in debating it. Therefore, I am shutting the comments off; because I want thisposting to stand on its own.”

Evidence of an intellectual coward. But thanks for the knee slapping laughs. I’ll my points few because your “article” DESERVES to stand on its own as an example of the willingness and ease with which your average American plebe can be brainwashed. By the way, I noticed that elsewhere you insulted a correspondent for misspellings and poor grammar. You might note that “saying your piece” is the appropriate way of saying your “peace”. Also, though I am normally a fan of the semi-colon, your use of it above is unnecessary as a comma would suffice. Given that, I’m impressed that you left the apostrophe out of “its”!

You’ve surely objected to my implication of you as being less than bright, so I’ll give you a little thought puzzle rather than assume you’re incapable of figuring this out for yourself:

“How anyone can harbor such hatred for this Country and our Nation’s Military and still claim to be ANY kind of a Christian is beyond me.”

The answer to why you even ask this question can be found here:

“When I still was on the left; as little as that was, in terms of what I believed the Democratic Party to be about, I was always under the impression that Iraq was the war that was very unjustified and that Afghanistan was in fact, the good war . . .

Wow! Here’s one deep thinker: “as little as that was . . . in terms of what I believed . . . I was always under the impression”! Boy, you sure know your lefties!

And the answer to your question, “How anyone can harbor such hatred for this Country and our Nation’s Military and still claim to be ANY kind of a Christian is beyond me,” can be found in the bible. Perhaps you should read one (nice to note that via your capitalizations, you apparently place this “Country” and our “Nation’s” “Military” on equal terms with Christ. Straight from the bible belt. Move your bible from belt level to soul level and you may get somewhere”.

Oh boy! I just noticed another of your headlines, which includes the classic, unintentionally ironic no doubt, phrase: “classless assholes”. I’m inclined to include you as a daily read at this point to pass your posts around as my laugh of the day!

Doesn’t take much humor a liberal, now does it? 🙄

You have an incredibly ill-informed view of American history, if you think that Lew Rockwell and the like are anti-war because Liberals have infiltraded their ranks. Unfortunately, you are not informed enough historically to have any understanding of which facet of liberalism you are talking about.
Up until nearly World War I, Liberal was limited government. Progressivism in that day said that a government cannot dictate anything you do in your own home that does not infringe on the rights of someone else. This also went for foreign affairs, and was the reason we delayed so long entering WWI and were not abroad starting it like we would be today. In this case, you are right, this is the Liberal ideology that is where Lew Rockwell is coming from. Unfortunately, how many living sources are there of that generation who could have possibly made the switch? Someone alive at the onset of the War and able to have a direct link to the ideology would have to be about 110 years old, right?
Moving forward to the 1960’s, and where the nation as we knew it changed. This is where the nation changed, and the political ideologies unified on political lines. This is where Liberalism started to become Neoconservatism, and Liberalism. People liken this movement to the “Make Love, Not War” movement. This is true, for the Liberals. But out of that movement came a majority contentment in the nation with “spreading Democracy around the world.” This is the ideology of Clinton, both Bushes, Obama, Carter, and on down the line. The differences between Liberals and Neoconservatives lie in the issues of government’s role in abortion and gay rights more than anything, and every where else in the issues of spending and Egalitarianism are one in the same.
Clinton used the ideas of Collectivism to decide that everyone should be able to get a home loan, and look at the mess collectivism has created. Bush decided that No Child should be left behind, and look at the mess collectivism has created. Now we have Obama, who is a full-fledged facist, and look where we are heading.
Big government, big war, and the idea that we can go around the world and modernize “primitave or tribal societies” is very depressing. The ideology goes back to the 1960’s, where we started looking to the government as opposed to our church or ourselves to define what a marriage is. It goes back to the same generation where the federal government stole abortion legalization from the states where Constitutional authority lies. The education system the same, the Federal Department of Education that the Republicans used to oppose.
I was offended at first reading your post, but now I realize how dumb you truly are. You sit back and see Lew Rockwell (or someone like myself) as being closer to today’s Fascist Liberal party more than you do George Bush and the current Republican party.
And then you say to go back and look at the Constitution, which is the epidome of irony. Considering that the founders granted power to Congress to declare and fund a war, and the President the power to execute the war within the confines granted them, the point was to require that there be so much consensus in going to war that we would seldom do so. You are not a champion of limited government or Democracy, you are a champion of centralized authority and a puppet Congress that does what the King wants. You are not in favor of the founders, you are so far from the point of the founders’ Declaration of Independence from British authority that you have joined the other side.
You chastize the Obama’s of the world for being Communists or Fascists or even a Dictator, yet you defend the decisions of the Repubcican executive branches that exude those descriptors the most.
Now I realize you are just uninformed. You read articles, and you write down something on your blog that you think Sean Hannity would have you write, and yet do not realize how unintelligent Sean Hannity is.
Just because you know what is in the news, does not make you informed enough to put it in the write scope.
You are a waste of time.

Wow. So serious.  But still, A leftist no doubt.

Dear Sir,

I was saddened to read your post about Rockwell. I had not planned to respond until I read your profile and noticed that we, apparently, share a common age. As such, I thought it may be instructive to engage you in letter to better understand your opinions on these important issues. You said in your post, “the libertarian movement has been infiltrated by Anti-War leftists who hate America, our Military and…” I wonder if this is truly an accurate description of the situation. Rockwell, et. al., has always been against state aggression, war being just an example of same, regardless of the “party” currently occupying the WH. I also recall that during the Clinton years, there was a strong sentiment on the right to resist pie in the sky military adventures. Church building, school construction, humanitarian with a gun nonsense…just to name a few. Are you sure that your comments reflect the important political nuances of this life and death issue?  Further, how do you square your view of the situation with such “right wing” luminaries as Robert Nisbet & Russell Kirk?
I must also take issue with your description of affairs vis-a-vis Islamic extremism. To quote your post, “Not to mention the fact that on September 11, 2001, our Country was attacked by Islamic terrorists…” That just is not a helpful understanding of the problem. The US had been negotiating with the Taliban for years; even, under Clinton, encouraging same in their transition to power.  The Bush administrations continued these talks, with renewed vigor, until the summer of 2001 whence these discussions broke off abruptly in Germany. Further, Islamic radicalism proper has long been nurtured, if a bit nervously, as part of our former cold war policy.  Even after the fall of the Soviet Union, a number of these same Mujhe Hadeen types were apparently used by US authorities during the Kosovo boondoggle.  They, as in the ‘80’s, were funneled through the Consulate in Jeddah Saudi Arabia.
I am truly exasperated by your apparent understanding of Christianity and the State.  Towards the end of the second paragraph you said, “How anyone can harbor such hatred for this Country and our Nation’s Military and still claim to be ANY kind of a Christian is beyond me.”  I am at a bit of a loss to understand this view point.  Please define for me the word “country”.  That may help me a bit.
In closing, you made a passing mention of the Iraq war and the evolution of your thought concerning same.  You stated that you now unequivocally support this operation.  This is an example of what we “libertarians” (I hate to use that word) find so frustrating in the popular Conservative paradigm.  The Iraq war was marketed explicitly in modern liberal terms.  The flag bearers of this adventure are self described “Wilsonians” who are, almost to a man, first generation descendents of the Trotsky wing of the left/Democratic party.  And you call us liberal?  Again, what about Nisbet and Kirk just to name a few??
I thank you for your time and hope that this engagement will allow both of us to understand how we see these important problems. Let us look at the issue square, we are both freedom loving individuals concerned, perhaps in differing ways, about the enormous problems before our country.  We are facing, with some luck, a one term President and must find ways to build at least some governing consensus if we are to right this sinking ship.  I don’t question your motives; I do question the breadth of the political spectrum that shapes your analysis.  Have a good day.


Keep ’em coming boys and I’ll just keep posting ’em.

Update: Oh, the hits just keep on coming!

from Patrick is a Tard <>


date Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 3:10 PM

subject You are a…

3:10 PM (2 minutes ago)

Trotskyite Nationalist. Your ideology comes from a communist.

Not that you could possibly understand this anyway, anyone who uses terms like Left/Right is immediately an idiot.

Boy, I bet that took a great deal of intelligence to write that! By the way this pranksters IP address is and resolves out to

So, how’s the weather there in South Carolina? and does Road Runner internet know that you do such things? 😆

It is to wonder. 🙄

Update #2: Oh the intellectualism of these leftists:

Author : Joe Bob (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
You are clueless

Yeah? Well, you’re a Florida queer liberal! So there!

Update #2: I have decided that these liberals AKA libertarian leftists have nothing to say. So, I am locking down the comments to registered people only and putting in measures to make it harder for them to comment.

Updated:What? Was it something I said? The Hate Continues

My goodness the leftists are such an angry bunch. Looks like some of the leftists did not like it when I spoke the truth about them.

Here’s a sampling of the e-mails that I have gotten:

from G. Khan <>


date Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 1:05 AM

subject Ref: Lew Rockwell

1:05 AM (1 hour ago)

Hey Jerkwater,

Since you have such a hard on for the United States Federal Government Armed Forces. I am sure as hell a strapping, intelligent 30 something living in the Greater Detroit area (one of the most corrupt, and left wing areas of the country btw) should have no problem jumping your dorkmobile, and be able to find a military recruiting station within minutes of your domicile. Go for it; enlist you turd, or if you already have served. Reenlist, your president needs you. I did it 25 years ago. And I will tell you what dick weed. My kids if I have it my way; will never, ever serve. For whom, for what? To be the toy soldiers for a LBJ, a Clinton, an Obama, a Bush or a Nixon? In case you haven’t noticed we have a rotten stinkin’, piece of crap government, which hardly merits taking orders from, and much less being maimed or killed for. Of course you’re probably some smuck working for GM, glad as hell to have your government handout, all the while calling it free enterprise or some other stupid shit.

Furthermore, you get the Hell out of MY Country! You neocons, wanting to wage war in every backwater, shithole the world over, are just as responsible for the financial condition that this country is in, as the pie in the sky liberals, that think they can turn all manner of men into college educated, effete, wine sippin’ , brie eating wusses, with just a little more help from Washington, and the public school system.

Whoa! Poor Grammar, Anti-Semitism, and Hate! When they say “Neo-Con” they mean Jew; for what it is worth.

Here’s a fact seeker:

from Stephen <>


date Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 1:10 AM

subject RE: Hatred for the US Military

1:10 AM (1 hour ago)

Hi Patrick, this is the first time I’ve been on your site but I thought I would send you a comment. I was linked to your site from in regard to the post by Lawrence Vance.

Anyway, as I read his post I too was overcome with strong emotions to it as it was a pretty powerful image by itself, let alone with the addition of his headline. I was interested to see what your response to the image was, so I made my way here and read your post.

I was quite interested in your statement about Christians as I would consider myself to be one. That being said, I am interested how you have come to the conclusion that one cannot be both Christian and at the same time, not like things about your country/the things it’s military does?

I’m not emailing to berate you by any means, I was just curious in your reasoning as I am fairly young myself and am always looking for new information on topics I don’t have fully worked out in my own thinking.

Thanks for your time,



Go read the documents of our founding Father’s and then come back and ask me that. I will say this, the same leftist mentality that comes from Lew Rockwell and his gang of Anti-American idiots; is the same mentality of the Alexandrian Cult of the historic Alexandria in Egypt.

from Jon White <>


date Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 2:41 AM

subject You are an ill informed jerk

But, I’m going to close the debate on this argument, because I don’t want any egg on my face to the likes in which you would have received had you left the comments open.

Too late! Egg is already there, along with that shit on the end of your nose; from putting it in Lew Rockwell’s ass!

It is amazing how these leftists believe in freedom of speech, just as long as it fits their ideology.

I will be posting more of these as they come in.

Update: and the hate just keeps coming in:

Via e-mail:

from Daniel Miller <>


date Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 11:33 AM

subject Has your chicken-shit ass been in the miltary?

details 11:33 AM (11 minutes ago)

Plenty of veterans are against the wars. Which are already lost BTW. How brave of you neo-con jews to send more American soldiers to die.

And why is it you crazy zionist leftists decry Obama and the government while choosing to worship parts of said government. You’d have made a great Nazi.

Gun owning, free-marketeers like me and Lew Rockwell are winning and turning the people against ALL government and their evil agents. Don’t say we didn’t warn you when you are eliminated by proud American partisans for you lies and destruction of liberty.

Hmmmm.. Now I am a Jew? That’s a pretty neat trick, considering my Parents are both from the south.

from Scott Parrish <>


date Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 9:18 AM

subject Lawrence Vance

details 9:18 AM (2 hours ago)

Too bad you lack to courage to leave your comment section open on your post regarding Lawrence Vance and the great offense he has caused you over the provocative picture and post at

Yeah, it is too bad isn’t it? Maybe it is because I do own this thing; and seeing how you leftists are always so hateful,I figured it would be more fun to post all the crazy rants right here on the blog. As they are such fun to read and let other people have a laugh too.

I’m gonna create another posting, as this one is getting quite long.

More Mail from the Liberals

Wow… the socialists must be on a roll…

Author : Butterfingers (IP: ,
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You do realise *everyone* who visits your blog today clicked on a wingnut comment you left on another blog – to come and chuckle at your stupidity?

Your entire purpose is to amuse sensible people who’ve got five minutes to spare.

No actually, my purpose is to post idiotic comments like yours publicly on my blog; so that my fellow conservatives can see what kind of jack asses that you really are. 😀