Stupidity from Moderation Que

This is a perfect example of what will get you banned from commenting on my blog.

Some tool commenting on this posting, left the following comment:

Author : Gorko (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
This guy looks like a (snipped) to me.

Here are the reasons why I did not approve this guy’s comment:

  1. I do not know this guy
  2. I do not really know Cassie’s Hubby.
  3. Cassie’s hubby is U.S. Military.
  4. The comment was insulting
  5. The comment was trollish
  6. The comment was not even remotely funny.
  7. This is my blog, and ultimately I decide what is acceptable and what is not; and this was not.

I trace routed this idiot, and it appears he’s on some sort of a cruise. Maybe on the pacific princess? Anyhow, it was not cool and I blocked his IP. Don’t come here and insult me or other people that are my friends.

That is all.