Corruption of the Democrats strikes again!

Man, there are just no honest Democrats anymore are they?

Longtime Dallas congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has awarded thousands of dollars in college scholarships to four relatives and a top aide’s two children since 2005, using foundation funds set aside for black lawmakers’ causes.

The recipients were ineligible under anti-nepotism rules of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which provided the money. And all of the awards violated a foundation requirement that scholarship winners live or study in a caucus member’s district.

Johnson, a Democrat, denied any favoritism when asked about the scholarships last week. Two days later, she acknowledged in a statement released by her office that she had violated the rules but said she had done so “unknowingly” and would work with the foundation to “rectify the financial situation.”

Initially, she said, “I recognized the names when I saw them. And I knew that they had a need just like any other kid that would apply for one.” Had there been more “very worthy applicants in my district,” she added, “then I probably wouldn’t have given it” to the relatives.

via Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson violated rules, steered scholarships to relatives — Dallas Morning News.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Said just those by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. Okay, so I will. Throw that black bitch in jail and throw away the key!

Confirmed: Steve Benen is a liberal moron

As usual, Steve Benen whines about Glenn Beck’s rally not being a rally for socialism.

MOVEMENTS ARE ABOUT SOMETHING REAL…. I tried to keep up on today’s festivities at the Lincoln Memorial, but as the dust settles, I find myself confused.

For a year and a half, we’ve seen rallies and town-hall shouting and attack ads and Fox News special reports. But I still haven’t the foggiest idea what these folks actually want, other than to see like-minded Republicans winning elections. To be sure, I admire their passion, and I applaud their willingness to get involved in public affairs. If more Americans chose to take a more active role in the political process, the country would be better off and our democracy would be more vibrant.

But that doesn’t actually tell us what these throngs of Americans are fighting for, exactly. I’m not oblivious to their cries; I’m at a loss to appreciate those cries on anything more than a superficial level.

via The Washington Monthly.

What an idiot, but then again, he is a liberal; one can expect only so much.

Another stupid liberal whines about Conservatives actually having money

Two Words: So What?

Seems another liberal moron is whining about Conservatives actually having a little bit of money:

ANOTHER weekend, another grass-roots demonstration starring Real Americans who are mad as hell and want to take back their country from you-know-who. Last Sunday the site was Lower Manhattan, where they jeered the “ground zero mosque.” This weekend, the scene shifted to Washington, where the avatars of oppressed white Tea Party America, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, were slated to “reclaim the civil rights movement” (Beck’s words) on the same spot where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. had his dream exactly 47 years earlier.

Vive la révolution!

There’s just one element missing from these snapshots of America’s ostensibly spontaneous and leaderless populist uprising: the sugar daddies who are bankrolling it, and have been doing so since well before the “death panel” warm-up acts of last summer. Three heavy hitters rule. You’ve heard of one of them, Rupert Murdoch. The other two, the brothers David and Charles Koch, are even richer, with a combined wealth exceeded only by that of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett among Americans. But even those carrying the Kochs’ banner may not know who these brothers are.

via Op-Ed Columnist – The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party –

Go read the rest of that. That is if you bear to stomach such stupidity on a Sunday.

I got two words for ’em:  George Soros. Is he not a wealthy liberal? Is he not a big financier of all things liberal on the left? Why Yes, Yes he is!

But yet, it is somehow evil that Conservatives have people on their ranks to fiance projects like Beck’s rally or any of the other rallies planned; oh, that’s just evil.

Give me a farking break people. Just another one of your typical double-standard drivel pieces from what used to be a respectable paper. But now is nothing more than a farking liberal scratching pad.

Because the first Stimulus worked so wonderfully well!

Some liberal moron over at the New York Times thinks it is time for a second stimulus! Because the first one worked so oh wonderfully well! 🙄

OUR national debate about fiscal policy has become skewed, with far too much focus on the deficit and far too little on unemployment. There is too much worry about the size of government, and too little appreciation for how stimulus spending has helped stabilize the economy and how more of the right kind of government spending could boost job creation and economic growth. By focusing on the wrong things, we are in serious danger of failing to do the right things to help the economy recover from its worst labor market crisis since the Great Depression.

The primary cause of the labor market crisis is a collapse in private demand — the same problem that bedeviled the economy in the 1930s. In the wake of the financial shocks at the end of 2008, spending by American households and businesses plummeted, and companies responded by curbing production and shedding workers. By late 2009, in response to unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus, household and business spending began to recover. But by the second quarter of this year, economic growth had slowed to 1.6 percent, according to a government estimate issued Friday. Clearly, the pace of recovery is far slower than what is needed to restore the millions of jobs that have been lost.

via Op-Ed Contributor – Why We Need a Second Stimulus –

When are these farking liberal morons going to ever learn? That is that Keynesian pump priming of the economy just does not work at all.  You would think that by now the Liberals would have figured that out. Heck, even a liberal blogger thinks that is a bad idea! When the liberals are saying, “Dude, you are wrong,” then I believe that is a good sign to frankly give it up.

I’ve said this a good number of times on this blog, and I will most likely say  it another good hundred times. Liberalism is a MENTAL DISORDER! Micheal Savage said it first, and man, is he ever right.

Quote of the Day

The future of Iraq will hinge on its security forces after the Americans officially hand them control on September 1st. The forces are much better than they were a few years ago; buckling under pressure is no longer a certainty. Yet even their own generals say they are not really ready. The Iraqi army chief of staff wants American help until 2020. Privately, American officers agree their job is not done. Iraqi intelligence work is poor, extremist infiltrators are common, the air force is in its infancy, some commanders follow nakedly political agendas and initiative in the lower ranks is lacking, as is equipment. Prisoners are widely abused.

It is clear that Iraqis will for many years be plagued by corruption, insurgents, meddling neighbours, and their own stubborn politicians. Ending America’s “combat mission” is a gamble—and gambles can be lost.

The Late Night Mental Health Break: Rez Band


Someone in the doorway
Barced against the cold
Red brick against his back
He thought he’d been so bold
With bitterness inside him
He recalled her face and name
She told him that she loved him
He told her the same
And walked away

Still her face before him
His guitar began to play
The band rocked on behind him
The crowd begun to sway
His album climbed the charts
Like a bullet from a gun
Fans numbered in the thousends
And he was number one

Dreamer dreaming dreams of youth
Dreams of days gone by
Dreams are spun by liars
Who won’t release the lie
Don’t you know … there’s
Murder in money, prison in fame
Danger in love, and tears in the rain

He stood in a silhuette
At last he wore the crown
Desire of a lifetime
On stage in his home town
And in the street outside
Was a long-forgotten face
Praying for the dreamer
She wept for boy’s mistakes

And as he left the theathre
In his limousine
He saw her in an instant
Felt the breath of their lost dreams
But rock’n’roll was calling
The spotlight never waits
A crying girl and her God
Watched him move on to his fate

The Glenn Beck Rally: A Massive Capitulation to the Black Race or a Massive Mormon Recruitment Scheme?

I hate having to write editorials like this.  Because every time I do, some idiotic liberal takes what I write and twists them to suit their own means.  I have personal experience with that sort of a thing, as you can see by clicking here.  However, one must accept the things that go along with being someone who speaks the unspeaking truths that are often covered up by those who wish to remain “Politically Correct” — let me be blunt about that; I do not know the meaning of the word.

Looks like Glenn Beck pulled off his big rally in Washington D.C. today. Even the far right’s resident shrieking harpy was there; Yes, I am referring to Sarah Palin. From reports that I have read, Glenn Beck’s rally outnumbered a rally planned by the resident black race hustler Al Sharpton by 5 to 1. From the reports that I have read, Al Sharpton could only muster about 3000 people at his rally. Which is not too awfully surprising, as many within the black community have said that Al Sharpton’s brand of racial incitement is old hat and many young black people consider him to be nothing more than that of a race hustler.

Now back to Glenn Beck’s rally; there were a few things, which I noticed about his rally — I watched a great deal of it, before turning off the feed and going to take my daily afternoon nap.  Now, unless I missed something, I noticed a great deal of black singers, black speakers and so forth.  I have to ask the question, which most likely no one else will ask, because they are scared or fear retribution, which I do not — The question is where were all the WHITE Gospel singers or Christian singers?  Where were all of the great-impassioned white men to speak of Christianity and Love and the greatness of America?  What I saw at Glenn Beck’s rally was nothing more than the largest capitulation to the black race.  Like we White people actually owe them something.  Did not America already do that when Congress signed a law in December of 1865, when the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified?  Did not America already do that in 1964, when the civil rights act was signed into law? Then why is it, that Glenn Beck is using a rally to say to the black community, “we surrender?”  My point is here is this; do we as Americans allow political correctness and a desire to heal wounds that were not even afflicted by any White Americans alive today, cause us to rewrite and surrender the TRUE history of America for the sake of political correctness?

Ladies and Gentleman, we have to be real about this, we cannot go around revising history.  America was not settled and founded by blacks.  American was settled and founded by White Puritan Christians from Great Britain! They were White Puritan Christians who were tired of having to live under the rule of tyranny.  In 1619, America began importing blacks as slaves into the United States of America.  This practice continued in the south until the passage of the thirteenth amendment. Now, do I justify this ugly, awful and elicit activity?  Of course, I do not.  In fact, If I had anything to do with the founding of America I would have entreated to the founders of America, that we could never be a true free Nation as long as Blacks were being held captive against their wills and being forced to labor for the White man.

However, we cannot sit and act like the black race or any other race had any part in the founding of America, because they did not.  Anyone who says anything other than that is feebly trying to revise the true history and the founding of America.

Furthermore, another thing that troubles me about this rally is this, the over Christianizing of the founding of America.  I do realize that the founders of America were men of faith, but to say that America is in fact a Christian Nation, is a mere fallacy.  Most of the founders of America were, what most would call today, “Religious,” but they were hardly “Pew Jumpers.”  Furthermore, I find Glenn Beck’s use of a rally to turn people to God extremely troubling.  Glenn Beck is, as some of you know, a Mormon.  Now in the interest of full disclosure:  I am a Fundamental Baptist — a King James Believing, Independent Fundamentalist Baptist.  I make no bones about it, when I say to you, that I do not believe, for one second, that Mormons are actually Christians.  They are not; they are false believers, who believe in an extremely dangerous religion, which closely resembles another dangerous practice: Free Masonry.  One only need read “The Enchanter” by Jack Chick to learn the dangers of Mormonism.  Further, one only need read this site here, to learn about dangers of the practice of Masonry.

So, to Glenn Back: What is it sir, that you were trying to achieve?  Because this white, libertarian-minded, Conservative is unconvinced.  Further, I found your blatant attempt of Christianizing of the political square, to be sickening.  I believe that Christianity, as well as any other religion, should be kept in the Churches, Synagogues, Mosques or other places of worship —- and not in my face.

Blogger Friend of mine could use a little help

I have argued with him, when I thought he was wrong. I have cursed him, when I did not like what he had to say. However, when it comes right down to it. I still like the little scrawny skinny sawed off runt.

Yes, that’s right, I am referring to none other than Robert Stacy McCain.

McCain and I have something in common —-  Calhoun, Georgia.  He worked there at the paper many moons ago and some of my family on my Mom’s side of the family lived there at one point. Dalton, Calhoun, and now they are all over the place in Georgia. You see, most of my people lived in Dalton, Georgia. Well, when we wanted to go see the one aunt; my grandmother’s sister, we went to Calhoun. Hence my association with Calhoun, Georgia. I figure if McCain was from around that area, he cannot be that bad of a guy. As for what a certain unnamed pony-tailed gilipollas in California might think, McCain is not what he says he is. If you are a political Blogger, you know what I am be referring to.

Anyways, I happen to check over at McCain’s Blog this morning and this was staring me in the face:

Yes, that is a $678 repair bill. (What he gets for owning a foreign piece of crap! Serves him right! Harrumph!)

The first thing I thought was, “I told that guy that he couldn’t use that car to jump over creeks.” Turns out, it’s engine trouble. Mr. McCain explains his plight:

Friday afternoon Mrs. Other McCain said, “Oh, Jim just called — you need to go pick up the part for the car.” This required a trip across town to a machine shop, where my 17-year-old son had taken the valve head for our 2004 KIA Optima.

Two weeks ago, the timing belt broke. No problem, it seemed at first. My son and his friend replaced the timing belt but, when they went to start it, it turned out that four of the 16 valves were bent. (This being a side-effect of the broken timing belt, although the mechanics of this side-effect are alien to me.)

OK, so the valve head — the part on top of the engine to which the phrase “double overhead valve” refers — had to go to a machine shop to be repaired. Again, no problem, it seemed. The work would cost “four hundred something,” my son said, and we were prepared to bite the bullet.

Having a teenage son who’s a budding shade-tree mechanic (mentored by his more accomplished buddy) certainly saves labor costs. “Four hundred something” is nothing compared to what this kind of job would cost at a regular auto-repair place. So when my wife dispatched me to fetch the part, I had in mind a certain price that would be paid.

What I didn’t know was that Jim had also ordered gaskets and other parts necessary to doing this repair, and when the man at the machine shop — who may have been the eponymous Denny — told me the bill was nearly $700, my reaction was shocked anguish.

You ask, “So, why does he need my help?” Well, Mr. McCain is a full time writer and blogger, like me. In other words, He’s unemployed; his wife works, but when you have 575, 879,456 (or so… Seriously, I think he has 5 or 6 kids) kids, a house note, a car note for the car that he just fixed, Food costs and so forth — it all adds up. Now, unlike me; he does not have the “support system” other than his legion of fans in the Conservative Blogging World. Not to mention that he is one hell of a good Blogger, that every now and again, he scores a scoop! Not to mention that he has been known to travel to all sorts of neat places to cover political events. For what it is worth, he is not a unknown —- unlike me 🙁 — in fact, he is a pretty well known figure in politics.

So, if you can spare a little chump change, head on over to Mr. McCain’s blog and help the old bastard out. If you do, you shall heap bucket loads of Hosannas and a good JuJu on your head; and everyone knows, good juju is always a good thing.

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. – (Matthew 25:35-46 KJV)

Update: Stacy McCain links over here and comments:

LOL! Actually, I am what used to be called a freelance journalist. The decline of print journalism has made this a problematic job description. Getting paid to write is one thing. Getting expense money is something else entirely.

To which I reply:

“You say Tomato…I say Tomato….”

Anyhow, send the old bastard some money. Because I’d really hate to see McCain getting his butt kicked by his wife. Not that he doesn’t deserve it. 😛

Quote of the Day

The Democratic comptroller’s spokesman, Scott Sieber, said Liu supported the project. The center has sparked an intense debate over U.S. religious freedoms and the sanctity of the Trade Center site, where nearly 3,000 perished in the September 11, 2001 attack.

“If it turns out to be financially feasible and if they can demonstrate an ability to pay off the bonds and comply with the laws concerning tax-exempt financing, we’d certainly consider it,” Sieber told Reuters.

Spokesmen for Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Governor David Paterson and the Islamic center and were not immediately available.


Remember that petition that I reported that the EPA was considering?

Well, the word spread rather quickly and the EPA acted accordingly. (H/T HotAir)

The News via NRA-ILA’s Blog:

Responding to a grassroots outcry from gun owners, the Environmental Protection Agency today announced that it has denied a petition by the Center for Biological Diversity and other radical groups that had sought to ban the use of lead in ammunition.

Agreeing with the position of the NRA and the firearms industry, the agency explained in a news release that it “does not have the legal authority to regulate this type of product under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).”  Further crushing the hopes of anti-gun and anti-hunting activists, the release added: “nor is the agency seeking such authority.”

“It’s outrageous that this petition even went this far,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA-ILA Executive Director.  “We applaud the EPA for its understanding of the law and its common sense in this situation — both of which were totally missing in the petition filed by these extreme anti-gun and anti-hunting groups.”

Because the EPA has no power to regulate ammunition, it will not move ahead with a public comment period on the petition.  However, a comment period will remain open until September 15 on the other part of the petition, which asks EPA to ban the use of lead in fishing sinkers.

It is a victory and it is cause for celebration. However, we must always be on our toes for crazy stuff like this. Because liberals know no bounds and they will continue to pull stuff like this.

My thanks to the EPA for acting swiftly and rejecting such a ridiculous petition.

Friday Night Mental Health Break: Stryper

This is one of those sort of funny stories, where you’d have to be there, to understand why this is so funny.

Back years ago, I was just a know-nothing 14 year old weirdo living in southwest Detroit. I used to attend Detroit Grace Assembly of God. Anyhow, many years ago, there was a guy named Bob Snyder, who was my youth pastor. Anyhow, one year for Christmas, Bob give all the kids tapes with music on it. I believe it was either 1984 or 1985 or somewhere around there!  They were, um, ahem, copies. (Yes, Pirating music, in Jesus Name! HEH! 😛 ) Anyhow, I guess everyone got a different tape. I got a tape as well; on one side was Steve Camp’s One on One album, on the other side was Petra’s album called Beat The System.

Anyhow, one night, I was at home, listening to my shiny new tape, which, by the way, I still have and I was listening to the last song on the tape, which was Adonai. So, I’m listening to the song, and yes, I am all into it and it is fading out and I’m really, really, really, into it — and THIS comes roaring through my headphones and just about knocks me out of the bed!:

The reason for the loudness, Petra was recorded at one level and Stryper was recorded at another. Hence the knockage outta beddage! 😀 Also, Bob just put the one song on there to take extra space on the tape.

This most likely explains why I am so weird… or at least half deaf. huh? What? 😉 😛 😀 😆

Aaaah…. Memories…. 😉

Just Words: Obama thanks the troops

Well, well, what a difference a few years makes.

Here’s Shrimpy McWaffle thanking our troops: (H/T HotAir)

Hmmm, Was it not a few years ago that Obama said this?:

The excellence of our military is unmatched. But as a result of this war, our forces are under pressure as never before. Our National Guard and reserves have half of the equipment they need to respond to emergencies at home and abroad. Retention among West Point graduates is down. Our powers of deterrence and influence around the world are down. That is a cost of this war.

America’s standing has suffered. Our diplomacy has been compromised by a refusal to talk to people we don’t like. Our alliances have been compromised by bluster. Our credibility has been compromised by a faulty case for war. Our moral leadership has been compromised by Abu Ghraib. That is a cost of this war.

Perhaps the saddest irony of the Administration’s cynical use of 9/11 is that the Iraq War has left us less safe than we were before 9/11. Osama bin Ladin and his top lieutenants have rebuilt a new base in Pakistan where they freely train recruits, plot new attacks, and disseminate propaganda. The Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan. Iran has emerged as the greatest strategic challenge to America in the Middle East in a generation. Violent extremism has increased. Terrorism has increased. All of that is a cost of this war.

John Boehner knows the score on Obama: (H/T again, to HotAir)

Ed Morrissey is hopeful:

Obama does deserve credit, as I wrote earlier, for not snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by implementing his oft-proposed accelerated pullout once in office. In fact, Bush handed Obama a turnkey plan for this drawdown, including the substantial force that still remains in Iraq of almost 50,000 “advisers.” Instead of having all American troops out in 16 months, Obama instead settled for the Bush plan of having American troops out of the cities and out of offensive operations, with a large troop presence to help Baghdad maintain order.

Perhaps Obama will have the grace to admit this when the occasion presents itself next week. If he does, it will reflect well on the current Commander in Chief. If not, Boehner’s video makes the truth obvious anyway.

I got news for you Ed; this guy is such a egomaniac, that he will never give Bush credit for jack crap. Instead, he and Democrats will blame Bush for everything under the sun, including the Economic meltdown; which was the fault of the Democrats. Further more, the Democrats and the far left will continue to bang the drums for Bush and his Administration to be prosecuted for “War Crimes.” Which has been the rallying cry of the far left for eons.

So, while it might be nice to dream that Obama might actually show some class in regards to Iraq. I believe that is about all it will ever be; a pipe dream.

Unbelievable: US Department of Justice halts prosecution of U.S.S. Cole Bomber

I do believe I might have been wrong about this President…..and terrorism. You know, I tried to give this President a break and not take the hardcore stance against him, when it came to this issue —- mainly because of the stupidity around the Birther issue. However, I am really starting to wonder, if that might have just been a tragic mistake. I mean, seriously? Shelve a trial of a sub-human farking animal that killed 17 of our brightest and best serviceman?

The Washington Post reports:

The Obama administration has shelved the planned prosecution of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged coordinator of the Oct. 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, according to a court filing.

The decision at least temporarily scuttles what was supposed to be the signature trial of a major al-Qaeda figure under a reformed system of military commissions. And it comes practically on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the attack, which killed 17 sailors and wounded dozens when a boat packed with explosives ripped a hole in the side of the warship in the port of Aden.

In a filing this week in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, the Justice Department said that “no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future.”

The statement, tucked into a motion to dismiss a petition by Nashiri’s attorneys, suggests that the prospect of further military trials for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has all but ground to a halt, much as the administration’s plan to try the accused plotters of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in federal court has stalled.

Only two cases are moving forward at Guantanamo Bay, and both were sworn and referred for trial by the time Obama took office. In January 2009, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates directed the Convening Authority for Military Commissions to stop referring cases for trial, an order that 20 months later has not been rescinded.

Military officials said a team of prosecutors in the Nashiri case has been ready go to trial for some time. And several months ago, military officials seemed confident that Nashiri would be arraigned this summer.

It’s politics at this point,” said one military official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss policy. He said he thinks the administration does not want to proceed against a high-value detainee without some prospect of civilian trials for other major figures at Guantanamo Bay.

A White House official disputed that.

“We are confident that the reformed military commissions are a lawful, fair and effective prosecutorial forum and that the Department of Defense will handle the referrals in an appropriate manner consistent with the interests of justice,” said the official, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The Defense Department issued a statement Thursday saying the case is not stalled. “Prosecutors in the Office of Military Commissions are actively investigating the case against Mr. al-Nashiri and are developing charges against him,” the statement said.

With the 10th anniversary of the Cole bombing approaching on Oct. 12, relatives of those killed in the attack expressed deep frustration with the delay.

“After 10 years, it seems like nobody really cares,” said Gloria Clodfelter, whose 21-year-old son, Kenneth, was killed on the Cole.

In case you have forgotten, these are the names of those killed on the U.S.S. Cole on Oct. 12, 2000: (H/T and thanks to Michelle Malkin)

Electronics Technician 1st Class Richard Costelow
Mess Management Specialist Lakina Francis
Information Systems Technician Tim Guana
Signalman Seaman Recruit Cherone Gunn
Seaman James McDaniels
Engineman 2nd Class Mark Nieto
Electronics Warfare Technician 3rd Class Ronald Owens
Seaman Recruit Lakiba Parker
Engineman Fireman Joshua Parlett
Fireman Apprentice Patrick Roy
Electronics Warfare Technician Kevin Rux
Petty Officer 3rd Class Ron Santiago
Operations Special 2nd Class Timothy Sanders
Fireman Gary Swenchonis Jr
Ensign Andrew Triplett
Seaman Apprentice Craig Wibberly
Hull Maintenance Technician 3rd Class Kenneth Clodfelter.

All because of politics, because he was supposedly “Tortured”. How is it, that sub-human animals like this have more rights than say your average person on the street?

AllahPundit is not impressed one bit:

If, however, the unnamed official quoted is right about the administration’s motives, it confirms what we’ve assumed all along about The One’s tribunal/civilian court protocol: Ain’t nothing but politics. For all his grandiose talk of due process, prosecuting the detainees has always been a game in which he balances the likelihood of conviction with the likelihood of civil-liberties political pageantry. If he can get a guilty verdict in a federal district court so that he can crow about the Constitution, he’ll do that; if he can’t, as is likely in the case of Nashiri, he’ll simply dump the guy in a tribunal so that at least he can crow about the conviction. See? He really is a pragmatist. And speaking of grandiose talk, go read Slublog’s recap of statements Obama made during the campaign — and directly to families of the Cole victims — about not dragging our feet in prosecutions. Just words?

Heck, even a liberal is not impressed; Blogger EmptyWheel over at FireDogLake Blog is not impressed:

Which of course means that our government (though the article suggests this is a distinction between the Bush and Obama Administrations, since Gates–though he spans both Administrations–has not ordered the Convening Authority to start referring cases) has decided it’s okay to try Omar Khadr, who was 15 and arguably acting in self-defense for his alleged crime, in a military commission. But not to try al-Nashiri, at least allegedly a genuine terrorist.

To be fair, the WaPo suggests the Administration is holding off until it can have civilian trials for other High Value Detainees (presumably, still the 9/11 conspirators). So it may well be a supportable goal. But it all seems to add to the Kangaroo stench around the military commissions.

You know, I am just going to say it; and if anyone wants to call me some sort of a right wing extremist, feel free. I just do not give a flying fark at this point. This Administration has got it’s damned head on backwards about terrorism. I mean, U.S.S. Cole? Seriously Guys? This was an obvious case of terrorism and they are going shelve a case; because some idiot got a little water up his nose?  17 people innocent people, who were doing their jobs for the United States Military were killed on a boat and we’re worried about some towel-head getting a fair trial? How damned tone-deaf and stupid can you be?

In Closing: Conservatives and yes even some Republicans have said that the Democratic Party is soft on terrorism; even sympathetic to the terrorist cause. Democrats have denounced this assertion repeatedly in the past. However, now that the Democrats are now in power; it seems that they are ready and even in come cases eager to prove the Republicans and Conservatives to be absolutely correct.

I believe I speak for the good majority of Americans when I say that November 2, 2010 cannot come fast enough. It is time for change. Real Change. American cannot wait much longer.

Others: Weekly Standard, Politics Daily, Michelle Malkin, National Review, Hot Air, For The Record, Wake up America, Firedoglake, Weasel Zippers, Gateway Pundit and Commentary

Stupidity from the Moderation Que

I don’t post these often, because I really hate having to mock the left, anymore that I usually do.

But this one is a doozy!

I guess my posting on President Shrimpy McWaffle buying shrimp must have hit a nerve!

Author : Ms. For Real (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
Come on, the President has got to eat.  He is not fat off of the tax payers money and I and others have been to training around the world and have spent more money then the prices of these meal.  Get a life, why don’t you?  Don’t get mad because the president is eating, wait until he doesn’t something wrong.

Man, and she’s a Catholic student or a teacher. 😯

I just wonder if Our Lady on Lake knows if their staff and students are reading blogs, like mine, on time when their supposed to be studying or working.

Also, Mrs. Real. I got news for you lady, President Shrimpy McWaffle has been “Doesn’t something wrong” since the day he was elected. I mean, His economy policies have been a total failure, the Nation is even MORE divided since we was elected; even more so than when George W. Bush was in the White House. It has been so bad, that now liberals, like you, are now using the last card in their arsenal, the race card.

Having said all that, where’s my dog picture at?

Ah, here it is!

Krauthammer speaks the truth about liberals again

Hey, Me and Mr. Krauthammer must me on the same wavelength! 😀

Anyhow, Krauthammer lays the smack down on the left:

Liberalism under siege is an ugly sight indeed. Just yesterday it was all hope and change and returning power to the people. But the people have proved so disappointing. Their recalcitrance has, in only 19 months, turned the predicted 40-year liberal ascendancy (James Carville) into a full retreat. Ah, the people, the little people, the small-town people, the “bitter” people, as Barack Obama in an unguarded moment once memorably called them, clinging “to guns or religion or” — this part is less remembered — “antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.”

That’s a polite way of saying: clinging to bigotry. And promiscuous charges of bigotry are precisely how our current rulers and their vast media auxiliary react to an obstreperous citizenry that insists on incorrect thinking.

— Resistance to the vast expansion of government power, intrusiveness and debt, as represented by the Tea Party movement? Why, racist resentment toward a black president.

— Disgust and alarm with the federal government’s unwillingness to curb illegal immigration, as crystallized in the Arizona law? Nativism.

— Opposition to the most radical redefinition of marriage in human history, as expressed in Proposition 8 in California? Homophobia.

— Opposition to a 15-story Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero? Islamophobia.

Now we know why the country has become “ungovernable,” last year’s excuse for the Democrats’ failure of governance: Who can possibly govern a nation of racist, nativist, homophobic Islamophobes?

Note what connects these issues. In every one, liberals have lost the argument in the court of public opinion. Majorities — often lopsided majorities — oppose President Obama’s social-democratic agenda (e.g., the stimulus, Obamacare), support the Arizona law, oppose gay marriage and reject a mosque near Ground Zero.

What’s a liberal to do? Pull out the bigotry charge, the trump that preempts debate and gives no credit to the seriousness and substance of the contrary argument. The most venerable of these trumps is, of course, the race card. When the Tea Party arose, a spontaneous, leaderless and perfectly natural (and traditionally American) reaction to the vast expansion of government intrinsic to the president’s proudly proclaimed transformational agenda, the liberal commentariat cast it as a mob of angry white yahoos disguising their antipathy to a black president by cleverly speaking in economic terms.

Then came Arizona and S.B. 1070. It seems impossible for the left to believe that people of good will could hold that: (a) illegal immigration should be illegal, (b) the federal government should not hold border enforcement hostage to comprehensive reform, i.e., amnesty, (c) every country has the right to determine the composition of its immigrant population.

As for Proposition 8, is it so hard to see why people might believe that a single judge overturning the will of 7 million voters is an affront to democracy? And that seeing merit in retaining the structure of the most ancient and fundamental of all social institutions is something other than an alleged hatred of gays — particularly since the opposite-gender requirement has characterized virtually every society in all the millennia until just a few years ago?

And now the mosque near Ground Zero. The intelligentsia is near unanimous that the only possible grounds for opposition is bigotry toward Muslims. This smug attribution of bigotry to two-thirds of the population hinges on the insistence on a complete lack of connection between Islam and radical Islam, a proposition that dovetails perfectly with the Obama administration’s pretense that we are at war with nothing more than “violent extremists” of inscrutable motive and indiscernible belief. Those who reject this as both ridiculous and politically correct (an admitted redundancy) are declared Islamophobes, the ad hominem du jour.

Which is, as I wrote before, why I will never vote for a Democrat ever again. I mean, I just do not sit here and idly write stuff like that; I have tried their liberal programs, and you know what it did for me? Nothing!  I am still sitting here, without a full-time job and writing on this blog. (Which I happen to enjoy greatly, pay could be better, but I love doing it!) The truth is, unless you are a minority, the Democratic Party will basically ignore you. That is because that is what they are geared to anymore.

Truth is, unless you are a minority, or have some sort of handicap; or are someone worthy of entitlement — The Democratic Party is just not your Party.  But if you are White, are middle class, and actually have something that you worked for, the Democrats do not see you as one of theirs; they see you as someone to tax.

As you can see, and as Krauthammer  has written above; the Liberals are in full-on retreat mode now. The Democratic Party elected a black man, of whom they assumed would be the next black, progressive messiah. Who actually turned out to be a bigger buffoon than Jimmy Carter. As you have read here, the liberal economic policies of the Obama Administration have failed. Now, the Democratic Party liberals are in retreat mode, and they are pulling the one card that they have left and that is the race card.

It will be an interesting next few months, watching as the Democrats try and spin this into a race thing and how the Republicans, Glenn Beck and the Tea Party are somehow responsible for the failures of the Obama Administration.

The American people are much smarter than that; and they will show the Democrats just how smart they are, come November 2, 2010 — and believe you me, I cannot wait.

Update: In a previous version of this, in describing the types of entitlements;I mentioned vets. One of my commentators took to me to task on that and rightfully so. I should have been much clearer. If ANYONE is entitled any sort of care, or anything by the United States Government — it is our Military Veterans.  Although, I will be the first to tell you, that Democrats do exploit them for votes. I mean, it is so odd to hear Democrats praising our vets; all the while, you have people like code pink saying that someone’s son deserved to die for going to Iraq. Again, I do apologize for not being clear on that; and again, I will state that I have nothing but the uttermost respect for Nation’s Vets and I believe that they deserve nothing by the best from The Government.

The Latest from White Trashville USA

I am of course, referring to Sarah Palin’s home state and city.

First, Ricky Hollywood says, “I take that back!”:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Levi Johnston, the father of Sarah Palin’s grandson, says he wishes he hadn’t apologized for telling lies about the former Alaska governor because he’s “never lied about anything.”

Johnston said in an interview on CBS’ “The Early Show” to air Friday that he wishes that he hadn’t issued the apology to Palin.

“I don’t really regret anything,” Johnston said, who has appeared nude on the cover of Playgirl. “But the only thing I wish I wouldn’t have done is put out that apology ’cause it kind of makes me sound like a liar. And I’ve never lied about anything. So that’s probably the only thing. The rest of the stuff I can live with.”

CBS said the interview was taped Thursday in Los Angeles.

What that idiot will not do to get in the spotlight. 🙄

Next Sarah Palin’s slut daughter to appear on Acting stupidly Dancing with the Stars“:

It’s the Dancing With the Stars casting that no one saw coming!

We can report to you exclusively that Sarah Palin’s 19-year-old daughter Bristol Palin has been cast on the 11th season of DWTS, set to premiere Sept. 20, according to sources.

As for the reports that David Hasselhoff, Audrina Patridge, The Situation and Brandy will also be part of the cast, here’s the deal:

All true, according to sources.

However, from what I’m hearing about those other rumors, Kirstie Alley won’t be there–and neither will anyone of Bachelor or Bachelorette fame (sorry, Ali and Roberto!), unless there are a few last-minute switcheroos.

A rep for ABC says: “We don’t comment on casting rumors. The real Dancing With the Stars cast will be revealed Monday, Aug. 30, live on ABC during Bachelor Pad.”

Great. Now I get to watch some backwoods Alaskan White Trash Bitch MILF cut a rug on National TV.

Like I said, what these two train wrecks will not do, to remain in the spotlight. I guess they learned well from their mother and former mother-in law to be.

It is a sad tragic thing to watch. Hell, even the Palin lovers cannot defend this one; at least not very well.

Speaking of wandering off the plantation: There goes Paul Krugman

WOW! 😯

You would think they would keep those Plantation gates closed and locked!

Krugman Writes:

What will Ben Bernanke, the Fed chairman, say in his big speech Friday in Jackson Hole, Wyo.? Will he hint at new steps to boost the economy? Stay tuned.

But we can safely predict what he and other officials will say about where we are right now: that the economy is continuing to recover, albeit more slowly than they would like. Unfortunately, that’s not true: this isn’t a recovery, in any sense that matters. And policy makers should be doing everything they can to change that fact.

The small sliver of truth in claims of continuing recovery is the fact that G.D.P. is still rising: we’re not in a classic recession, in which everything goes down. But so what?

The important question is whether growth is fast enough to bring down sky-high unemployment. We need about 2.5 percent growth just to keep unemployment from rising, and much faster growth to bring it significantly down.

Yet growth is currently running somewhere between 1 and 2 percent, with a good chance that it will slow even further in the months ahead. Will the economy actually enter a double dip, with G.D.P. shrinking? Who cares? If unemployment rises for the rest of this year, which seems likely, it won’t matter whether the G.D.P. numbers are slightly positive or slightly negative. All of this is obvious. Yet policy makers are in denial.

Countdown to someone within the White House or Democratic Party or within the liberal establishment to holler “RAAAACIST!”

Oh, right, he’s a Democrat. my bad…:

Race-Hustler Walter Fauntroy compares Tea Party to Klu Klux Klan

Here is another reason why I will not ever vote for another Democrat:


A civil rights activist and former congressman equated the Tea Party with the Ku Klux Klan today as he blasted a conservative rally planned in Washington, D.C., this weekend.

The Truth about Democrats - (Snatched from Weasel Zippers)

The Rev. Walter Fauntroy, the non-voting delegate who represented the District of Columbia from 1971 to 1991, called on African-Americans to organize a “new coalition of conscience” to rebut the rally scheduled for Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial featuring Fox News pundit Glenn Beck and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

“We are going to take on the barbarism of war, the decadence of racism, and the scourge of poverty, that the Ku Klux — I meant to say the Tea Party,” Fauntroy told a news conference today at the National Press Club. “You all forgive me, but I — you have to use them interchangeably.”

Fauntroy attempted to explain the comparison to white supremacists by saying that organizers behind the “Restoring Honor” rally are the same people who cut audio cables from a sound system the night before the historic March on Washington and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial.

“The same people who cut the cables on the night before the march, that we paid $66,000 for a sound system, they cut it,” Fauntroy said. “Now from Fox News and elsewhere, they are seeking to turn the world back.”

Fauntroy, who is credited as one of the chief organizers of the March on Washington, remembers Aug. 28, 1963, as the “most important date of the 20th century.”

The “Restoring Honor” rally, organized by the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, coincides with the anniversary of the historic March on Washington and the “I Have a Dream” speech. Organizers have said the conflicting date was a coincidence and not a deliberate display of disrespect.

Fauntroy said right-wing conservatives have “declared war on the civil rights movement of the 1960s” that brought together a Coalition of Conscience for a march on jobs and freedom in 1963. He called for a new Coalition of Conscience rally on the Mall in August 2012.

“I don’t want you to think I’m angry,” Fauntroy said. “[But] when this right-wing conservative exclusionary group comes to highjack our movement, we have got to respond. And I’m looking forward to that Coalition of Conscience, in defense of jobs and freedom for women.”

I think this one goes without saying; this guy is nothing more than a race hustler. Which is what the Democratic Party is full of. This is why I stopped voting for them. Because of identity politics or the wanting to punish me for something that I nothing to do with, slavery and segregation.

I have written this all before; but it is worth repeating. The only reason why the Democratic Party has been able to win elections, is because of the black race. For years, the Democratic Party was hostile to the black race and every other minority out there. Then sometime in the mid-1960’s, The Democratic Party decided that the only way that they would be able to continue to win elections was to do two things to blacks. Give them lip service and give them handouts. Granted, The Democrats did get the “Civil Rights Act” passed, which the majority of Republicans supported, and Democrats like Senator Robert Byrd tried to filibuster. A Civil Rights act which was unconstitutional in nature, which is why Senator Barry Goldwater opposed it.

The Republican Party was very open to blacks; do not get me wrong here — There were some Republicans who were hostile and the Republican Party did not “roll out the red carpet” for them either. You have to remember the context of the time period. But for the most part, blacks were welcomed to the party. The trouble with blacks and the Republican Party is this; The Republican Party believes in equal rights for all, special privileges for none. Most black people look at political parties and the first thing that they ask is, “What can you do for me?” The Democrats response is, “We will get you this, this and this…” The Republican Party’s response is, “Not a damned thing”, “Do for yourself!” and the black screams, “RACIST!” and walks away. That is because the black race has been programmed to feel that someone owes them something. That feeling is instilled in them from day one. It usually comes from our public education system, which, of course, is ran, controlled and financed by liberals.  I guess I should be fair and say that not only blacks have this attitude, but also most other minorities and even most poor white people as well. (Believe me, I know what I speak of, I have people in my own family wanting handouts all the time.)

This is not to say that ALL blacks and other minorities are like this, there are some, who do wander off the plantation and are taught the importance of hard work and for looking one’s own self and not waiting on the Government to provide for their every need.  They are usually seen as “Uncle Tom’s”, “House Negros” and sell outs to the black or whatever race that they happen to be. But, that is what the Democratic Party does to the blacks and other minorities. If one of them wanders off the plantation, they are derided like that. Because with the Democratic Party liberals it is all about command and control; and once they lose that command and control of the minorities, they lash out.

In closing: See? I can write about blacks and race hustling without being offensive. At least not to those who actually have a brain.

Others: Questions and Observations, Weasel Zippers, American Power and JammieWearingFool

The Continuing Saga of the Cabbie Stabber and Park51 Mosque

Can be read about here. Quite frankly, I am sick of writing about it. A good shot of who this guy is, can be found here. By the way, his lawyer says the stabber was not motivated by hatred of Muslims. But by another common evil; alcohol.  Oh sure, blame the drunks! Speaking of Drunks, what the heck was this all about?

Anyhow, there it all is. I have other stuff to write about.

Republican Rick Snyder taps Rep. Brian Calley for Lt Governor

Republican for Michigan Governor Candidate Rick Snyder has tapped a Lt. Governor Candidate. Rick Snyder for Governor campaign site has more:

Grand Rapids, MI. — Rick Snyder today sent a clear message that Michigan needs a fresh start by naming 33-year-old state Rep. Brian Calley as his pick for lieutenant governor during a town hall meeting at the Grand Rapids Public Museum.

Snyder said he was impressed by Calley’s grasp on the challenges facing the state and his experience working on tough issues.

“I was looking for a partner, not just a running mate. Brian Calley will help seize our one chance to Reinvent Michigan,” Snyder said. “He’s someone who shares my positive vision for Michigan’s future. He’s someone who can hit the ground running on Day One and help shoulder the load of working with the Legislature to reinvent our state.”

Calley, of Portland, is a relatively new face to the Michigan political scene, currently serving his second term in the state House. Well-respected and a proven conservative, he has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to work with both Republican and Democrat lawmakers to find common-sense solutions.

“With Rick Snyder, I think we have a real chance to finally break the partisan logjam in Lansing, and I want to be part of that,” Calley said. “Rick’s positive message is setting the right tone for getting things done. I am honored to be Rick Snyder’s partner in helping reinvent Michigan.”

Snyder said he knew Calley was the right person for the job after meeting with him.

“Brian is a family man and a man of integrity. He wants to make Michigan a place where his kids can grow up, get a good education and find a job instead of having to move to Chicago or Texas. He wants what all of us want – he wants Michigan to succeed,” Snyder said.

As a former banker and member of the House Tax Policy Committee, Calley has been involved in some of the most complex legislation lawmakers have worked on in recent years. He earned some name recognition statewide for leading the fight to prevent property taxes from going up when property values go down and holding meetings showing homeowners how to appeal their property taxes.

Calley made national news last year when he stood up to the government for a family accused of running an unlicensed, illegal day care because they babysat their neighbor’s children – without accepting payment – while they waited for the school bus in the morning.

Calley recently won a landslide victory in a hard-fought primary election in the highly-conservative 33rd Senate District, but he will have to forgo that campaign in order to run for lieutenant governor.

Calley is married to Julie Calley, who is an Ionia County Commissioner. They have three children. Calley is a graduate of Michigan State University with a degree in business administration and holds an MBA from Grand Valley State University.

Read more at Rick Snyder for Governor of Michigan

65 Years Ago: John Birch went to be with the Lord.

I am very sorry that I allowed this to slip by me.

On August 25, 1945, one the greatest men to ever walk the face of this earth died. I am of course, referring to Missionary John Birch.

Here is a short video detailing John Birch’s life:


John Birch, missionary and American intelligence officer in China during WWII, spreads a message of hope while risking his life behind enemy lines.

During a chance meeting, he is led to Colonel James H. Doolittle and members of the World War II raiding party that had just completed the dramatic and legendary bombing raid on Tokyo, in April, 1942.

This accidental meeting behind enemy lines proved to be the rescue the airmen had hoped for. With his encyclopedic knowledge of the language, customs, and geography of China, Birch was able to convey Doolittle and the crews of many of the other American bombers to safety in free China.

Birch, an American Baptist missionary serving in China since 1940, then became an intelligence analyst as a second lieutenant with the China Air Task Force of the American Army—General Claire Chennault’s legendary “Flying Tigers.” He was the first American to live and work in the field with a Chinese army fighting against the Japanese. Performing high-risk intelligence-gathering missions on the ground, Birch earned the reputation as “the eyes of the 14th Air Force,” devising an early warning system that enabled U.S. air units to come to the aid of Chinese units under enemy attack. He also organized a rescue system for pilots who were shot down by the Japanese. Chennault credited Birch with the fact that 90 percent of his downed flyers were rescued.

The story of Birch is not as well-known as Doolittle’s raid, but plays an integral role in leading the downed airmen to safety. Without Birch, many more of the raid may not have survived to tell their story nor perhaps would victory come as quickly as it did in then free China. Ten days after the war, Birch was killed by Chinese Communists as he was on his way to rendezvous with small pockets of Japanese soldiers, who were to surrender to him.

Birch would never know the fact that details of his death were kept from the American people. Nor would he know of Robert Welch, who would found an organization bearing his name and who would continue Birch’s quest to spread the message of freedom. He also would not know that his parents would proudly accept life memberships into the organization.

Of course, I am sure most of you know, that the John Birch Society was named after the man. It was, in fact, started by Robert Welch.

What a life, what a man, if only we had men like this today. Sadly, most people today, take for granted our freedoms.

John Birch Society’s official website

Memo to Ed Schultz: Please, read this

This is one of those stories where it is going to be necessary for me to divulge to you a bit of my personal life.

First the story via the New York Post, who I really do not trust to me nothing more than a propaganda rag for the Murdock empire, but just as well, here it is:

MSNBC talk show screamer Ed Schultz had a meltdown in the network’s 30 Rock newsroom, shouting at staff, “I’m going to torch this [bleep]ing place.”

Ed Schultz - Overpaid and much overrated asshat

The hot-tempered anchor of “The Ed Show” lost it during a phone call in the packed studio and slammed down the phone before exploding.

As astonished MSNBC staff members fell silent, Schultz glared around the room and yelled, “[Bleep]ers!”

A witness told us, “Ed was furious the network was running election-night promos and he wasn’t in them. He’d been arguing on the phone with marketing, then he slammed down the phone and exploded. It was like Mel Gibson had entered the newsroom.”

Fuming Schultz was immediately dragged in for a meeting with NBC News President Steve Capus and MSNBC President Phil Griffin following his Aug. 12 meltdown.

Our source added, “Schultz was told: ‘If you do that again, you are fired.’ He broke down crying.”

Sources say the hothead was pushed over the edge by MSNBC’s catering to bullying fellow anchor Keith Olbermann and its focus on golden girl Rachel Maddow.

A second MSNBC source said, “Ed never gets any attention and love, and he finally snapped.”

A video that might be a corroborating evidence video:

I am going to address this man directly myself……:

Mr. Schultz,

You do not know me at all; However, I feel the need to address you directly. My name is Patrick and I live in the southern suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. I have lived in this area all of my life. I have been a political blogger since 2006. I started out, like you, as a progressive — although I will be the first to confess, that I was a bit of a “Half Ass” about the whole thing — mainly because I find homosexuality to be a repulsive life style and because the idea of murdering an unborn child is just damned wrong in my humble opinion. It was in or around December of 2008, during the primary, when I finally realized that your party, that YOU support was just wrong, wrong about everything under the damned sun. That is when I switched sides and began to blog as what I actually really am, a Moderate Conservative.

Having said the above, Mr. Schultz; let me fill you in on something, okay? And please, hear me out for a second here. I have been unemployed since 2005, well, really steady, and gainful work has been absent in my life since about 2001. For what it is worth, I began blogging, partly out of just sheer boredom; and also because I pissed off at the George W. Bush Administration’s handling of the Iraq War.

Michigan, as you might possibly know, has been in one State recession since about 2001 or so. I am not the only person in this situation. I am just someone in this situation, that happens to have some decent writing and grammar skills —- and happens to be the owner of a somewhat popular blog on the internet. Anyhow, Mr. Schultz, you are a rising star in the progressive radio world. You most likely are making more money, than I will ever, in my lifetime, will ever see, in one place.

Mr. Schultz, you are, from what it seems going to be in position where you and your family are going to be financially set for your rest of your lives. That is, if you do not get fired for acting like a child. Which brings me to my point of this entire blog posting. Why in the name of God Almighty would you ever throw a fit like this; just because you did not get your picture, in a marketing ad? I could really see that, if you actually a struggling person, perhaps, like me. However, Mr. Schultz; you are not struggling.

In fact, I would venture to guess that you are quite the wealthy man right about now. In fact, Mr. Schultz, I have exactly $364.19 in my bank account this very moment. Most of which came from when I scrapped my car out. It was a 1990 Mercury Cougar that just had too many issues with it to justify keeping it.   For what it is worth, that is the most I have had in that bank account in quite a while. Things are picking up around here at the blog and I am doing a little better than I was, when I first started. Why? Because I worked at it, even when others were telling me that this little venture was a lost cause. I kept working at it, and working at it; and I continue to work at it right this minute!

So, in closing, Mr. Schultz; let me simply tell you this. Consider yourself one of the lucky one’s. I will not use my blog to blast you, like some of the right are doing. But I will simply say this. You are a successful person; never take that for granted, and say a little prayer of thanks for that success. Also, remember myself and the others here in Michigan, who do have a justified reason for being angry, as you were for not getting your picture in a promo. Because we sir, unless things change around here —- have no hope of ever finding and decent, good paying job. Just a thought sir. I hope you do read this and remember what I have written to you.

Memeornadum roundup here and Media Gazer round up here

Note: Fixed the rather hilarious typo in the first sentence of this entry. I went to divulge, not deluge. Although, I will confess to being all wet, at times. 😀 Stupid spell checkers… 🙄