Breaking News – Senator Evan Bayh to retire

(H/T Ace)

An interesting development…

Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh will not seek re-election this year, a decision that hands Republicans a prime pickup opportunity in the middle of the country.

“After all these years, my passion for service to my fellow citizens is undiminished, but my desire to do so by serving in Congress has waned,” Bayh will say.

Bayh will announce the decision at a press conference later today. He was first elected to the Senate in 1998 and was re-elected easily in 2004. National Republicans had recruited former Sen. Dan Coats to challenge Bayh in 2010 although polling suggested Bayh began the race with a 20-point edge. He also had $13 million in the bank at the end of the year.

via The Fix – Evan Bayh to retire.

Ace wonders why the man is getting out. I also wonder the same thing; but I tend to believe that the Democrats know that there is a wave building and they do not stand a chance. Could be just a case of the rats jumping from the ship.

Update: HEH:


Take this job and shove it
I ain’t working here no more
My woman done left and took all the reasons
I was working for
You better not try to stand in my way
As im a walking out the door.
Take this job and shove it
I ain’t working here no more

Ive been workin in this factory
From now on fifteen years
All this time I watched my woman
Drowning in a pool of tears
And Ive seen a lot of good folk die
Who had a lot of bills to pay
I’d give the shirt right off of my back
If I had the nerve to say


Well that foreman, hes a regular dog
The line boss, hes a fool
Got a brand new flat-top haircut
Lord, he thinks hes cool
One of these days, Im gonna blow my top
And that sucker, hes gonna pay
Lord I cant wait to see their faces
When I get up the nerve to say



Take this job and shove it

UPDATED – In defense of the ‘OddBall’

First off, let me say that what happened at the University of Alabama was a horrible tragedy. This is why I have avoided blogging about this topic; as I did not want to be accused of politicizing the whole thing. I personally do not care what the woman’s politics were, the fact is that this woman ended up killing three people, people who were Husbands, Fathers, and friends to many. That, I feel, does transcend politics, and because of that, I basically shunned the subject.

However, I do feel the need to address one thing here. There is this story in the Boston Herald:

As authorities searched for clues into what could have sent a University of Alabama neurobiology professor on an alleged killing spree, friends and family yesterday described Braintree native Amy Bishop as an awkward introvert on the brink of losing her teaching job.

Bishop’s husband, James Anderson, told the Herald his wife had been fighting the university for over a year about a tenure denial, and several months ago received a final decision. She was upset, but not overly emotional, approaching her appeal “like a game of chess,” he said.

Police in Huntsville, Ala., charged Bishop, 44, with capital murder after she allegedly opened fire on six colleagues at a faculty meeting Friday, killing three. Afterward, she calmly called her husband and asked him to pick her up as if nothing had happened, said police Chief Henry Reyes.

“She was an oddball – just not very sociable,” said Sylvia Fluckiger, a former lab technician who worked with Bishop in 1993.

What bothers me is this; there is a narrative being played up here. That this woman was an ‘Oddball’. As someone who has been labeled an ‘Oddball’ in my lifetime. I find this to be very disconcerting. Yes, I have my quirks; I like to think of myself as a bit eccentric, but I am not a murderer. What this woman did was a act of a deranged killer and not just some overly educated ‘oddball’ eccentric. There is a difference, and I wish that the media would please point out that difference.

First it was people that were loners, and very quiet and kept to themselves. Now, they are going with the ‘Oddball’ characterization. Why is it that the police and other said authorities just cannot be content with just explaining that the woman was a cold-blooded killer and stop the personality characterizations? It is quite disgusting and it is totally unfair to those of us, who might to possess those qualities and may just be normal average people, who are not looking to inflict any sort of harm on anyone.

Others on the subject: Jules Crittenden, American Power, POWIP, Moonbattery, Weasel Zippers, Riehl World View and Althouse (H/T Memeorandum)

Update: Smitty over at The Other McCain agrees. Proving once again, that AllahPundit and the rest of the atheists are crazy and there is actually a God. 😉

News from a Fundamentalist Christian Viewpoint

A few words before I cut and paste this newsletter here. As I have written on here many times; In 2004, I ended my tenure as a Pentecostal Christian. Mainly, I did it, because I was quite unhappy about where the movement, that being Pentecostalism and the entire Evangelical Christian movement was headed as a whole. That is not to say that Fundamentalist Christianity is perfect, case in point, the Fundamentalist Baptist Movement. When I left the ‘Signs and Wonders’ Crowd, I ended up going back to the Baptist belief system. Needless to say, I am deeply disappointed to report that the Fundamentalists here in America, especially here in Michigan, are cultist in nature. What was once a goodly movement based upon the Bible, has sadly devolved into a cult of personality, false doctrine and other nonsense. I know, I was royally ‘screwed over’ by a Baptist Pastor who was not interested in following the Bible, when it comes to matters of the Church.

Anyhow, I post this, because I happen to respect David Cloud greatly, it was his writings that brought me to the place of having to make a decision about the Pentecostal movement as a whole. I also do it, because David Cloud is one of the last remaining voices that are pushing back against the New Age, Feel Good, Rick Warren, Rock and Roll Christianity, Compromise garbage that permeates the modern day Church World. I do not agree with everything David Cloud writes, but I do enough of it to present it here.

Sadly I believe that America has basically come to the end of it’s “Christian Heritage”, and has chosen the path of least resistance and is bound for judgment. We are truly in the last days.

With that, I present this newsletter:



February 12, 2010, Volume 11, Issue 7

The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this does not imply an endorsement. For instructions on how to unsubscribe to this list or to change mailing addresses, please consult the information paragraph at the end.

BILLY GRAHAM VOTED MOST INFLUENTIAL PREACHER (Friday Church News Notes, February 12, 2010,, 866-295-4143) – According to a new survey, Billy Graham has had the most influence on Protestant pastors of any living preacher. In addition to Graham, the list of top ten most influential preachers included Chuck Swindoll, Chuck Stanley, Rick Warren, David Jeremiah, and Mac Lucado. The survey was taken by LifeWay Research, an arm of the Southern Baptist Convention. Billy Graham has preached the gospel to more people than any other man in history, but he has also compromised the gospel as much as any man in history by pioneering the ecumenical evangelism philosophy that has torn down the biblical walls of separation between truth and error. He has turned hundreds of thousands of his “converts” over to Roman Catholic and liberal Protestant churches to be devoured by wolves in sheep’s clothing. (For documentation see “Billy Graham’s Sad Disobedience” at the Way of Life web site.)

RINGO STARR TURNS TO GOD (Friday Church News Notes, February 12, 2010,, 866-295-4143) – In a January interview, former Beatles drummer Ringo Starr said that the has turned to God. He said, “For me, God is in my life. I don’t hide from that” (“Ringo Starr is approaching more milestones,” Los Angeles Times, Jan. 26, 2010). But there is no evidence that Ringo’s God is the God revealed in Scripture. He said that the search for God is “all about finding yourself,” which it definitely is not. Rather it’s all about finding Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Last year Ringo appeared in a documentary entitled Oh My God, which presents the world’s religions as alternative paths to God. Ringo declared, “God is love,” and He is, but He is also holy and a judge of sin, and since all men are sinners, the only way of escape from God’s judgment is through the redemption purchased by Jesus.

Read More …

Joe the Plumber finally admits the truth

It’s about damned time Sam:

Wurzelbacher touched on several different points during his speech, and many of them were surprising. He said he doesn’t support Sarah Palin anymore. Why? Because she’s backing John McCain’s re-election effort. “John McCain is no public servant,” he told the room, calling the 2008 Republican nominee a career politician.

I pointed out he’d just be plain old Sam Wurzelbacher of Ohio — Joe the Plumber wouldn’t exist – without McCain. His response was blunt. “I don’t owe him s—. He really screwed my life up, is how I look at it.”

Wurzelbacher said, “McCain was trying to use me. I happened to be the face of middle Americans. It was a ploy.”

So why’s he still milking the Joe the Plumber image, appearing at conservative events across the country? Wurzelbacher says it’s his duty to take advantage of the platform he’s been given. He wants to talk up the issues he cares about, and encourage the grassroots tea party movement.

Wurzelbacher also told the room to lay off the extreme personal attacks on President Obama. He said people who question whether Obama was born in the United States or compare him to Hitler “belittle and set back” the conservative movement. “The birthers, the truthers — if people are trying to bunch them [with tea partiers], that would kill us. That just pushes away Democrats and independents who might come out for our cause otherwise.” He said he actually likes Obama, in some ways. “I think his ideology is un-American, but he’s one of the more honest politicians. At least he told us what he wanted to do.”

via A few minutes with Joe the Plumber « State House Sound Bites.

I guess ol’ Sam is not as dumb as I thought he was. Good on him for calling it; like it truly is. Of course, Sam should remember, it was not McCain’s people who ordered his background investigated, it was Obama’s people that did that. However, I do agree with him on McCain. He’s nothing more than a idiotic RHINO. It is a pity that Sarah Palin is supporting the damned tool. Of course, what do you expect from a woman, who seems to believe that she’s entitled to be President, because she’s a woman?

Video: We Are The World 25 for Haiti

There are some who would criticize me for doing this.

Two Words: Screw ‘Em. 😡

Here’s the video:

We are the World Foundation Website

Donate Here

There will a widget on this blog on the left hand side, until this group work is done.

Some things are much broader and deeper than politics. I am a human being and an American first and a Conservative second.

Cartoons of the day

The Winter of Their Discontent?

Speech Code Junkie?

Unseated? (So Bad, but quite funny!) 😀

The managing editor of Townhall Magazine called Diversity Lane “very, very well done.”  And Michigan Review described it as “laugh out loud funny.”  Why not make this the day you discover the best in conservative comedy today at Diversity Lane?
For more fun visit the website/blog at or go directly to the blog at

Chuck Baldwin has a warning for the Tea Party Movement

Seeing this story here is all the rage in the Blogosphere. I thought I would bring this to light.

Chuck Baldwin says:

As far as grassroots activism goes, the surge in Tea Parties across America is one of the more encouraging developments to recently take place. It reminds me of the “Conservative Revolution” of 1994, when the GOP reclaimed both the US Senate and House of Representatives. At that time, it had been over 40 years since the Republican Party controlled both the US House and Senate. And, between the two, the House victories were the most significant.

Spurred mostly by the election of Bill Clinton in 1992, a host of young, energetic freshman Republicans marched into Washington, D.C., determined to return a burgeoning and out-of-control federal leviathan to the constitutional precepts of limited government. I’m talking about then-freshman House members such as Helen Chenoweth, Steve Largent, Bob Barr, Joe Scarborough, Sonny Bono, John Shadegg, J.C. Watts, etc. These young conservatives went to Washington, D.C., determined to reduce the growth and size of the federal government.

The vehicle used to transport these young conservatives from grassroots activism to US House and Senate seats was the highly touted “Contract with America” (CWA), which was orchestrated by House Speaker-to-be, Newt Gingrich. The CWA included a promise to the American people that if they would give the GOP a majority in Congress, they would eliminate up to 5 federal departments–such as the Departments of Energy and Education–and many federal agencies.

Obviously, not only did the GOP-controlled Congress not eliminate a single federal department or agency–or even shrink the size of the federal government at all–it expanded the size and scope of the federal government at every level. And there is one reason for it: Big Government neocons posing as champions of conservatism co-opted and destroyed the Conservative Revolution of 1994.

The Tea Parties of 2010 remind me very much of the Conservative Revolution of 1994. And if the Tea Party Nation is not very careful, they will succumb to the same fate. The signs of a silent takeover of the movement are already appearing

If one wants to put names to these treasonous wretches (and I do), I’m talking about charlatans such as Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott. Anyone who thinks that Newt Gingrich is a real conservative or that he will do anything to reduce the size and scope of the federal government needs to speak with any of those Republican members of the freshman class of 1994. (Sadly, too, some of the members of that great freshman class went on to become Big Government toadies themselves. Such is the power of that Putrid Province by the Potomac.)

Hmmmm, I wonder if Jim Hoft will call Baldwin a racist too? It is to wonder. 🙄

MoonBat Fight! President Bambi Teleprompter and Senater Ugly Botox are fighting

Further Meltdown on the Hill:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s increasingly public disagreements with President Barack Obama are a reflection of something deeper: the seething resentment some Democrats feel over what they see as cavalier treatment from a wounded White House.

For months, the California lawmaker has been pushing Obama hard in private while praising him in public. But now she’s being more open in her criticism, in part because she feels the White House was wrong — in the wake of the Democrats’ loss in Massachusetts — to push the Senate health care bill on the House when she knew there was no way it would pass.

Earlier this month, Pelosi criticized the president’s State of the Union call to exempt defense spending from a budget freeze. And in a White House meeting with leaders of both parties this week, she questioned the effectiveness of his plan to give small businesses tax breaks to hire workers.

“What you’re seeing now in public has been building in private,” said a top House Democratic official. “House members did their work — they did everything the president asked of them. And it gets stuck in the Senate. Or the Senate screws it up.”

via Family feud: Nancy Pelosi at odds with President Obama –

That is what happens when Democrats overreach and make promises that they cannot keep. Another Example:

“He wants a jobs bill, we get a jobs bill,” the official said. “He wanted health care, we got health care. Then the answer is, ‘You just need to twist enough arms to pass the Senate bill.’ You can twist arms if you’ve got a handful of them to twist. You can’t twist over 100 arms. There needs to be some reality check there.”

“Both ends of the Capitol — the House and the Senate — are starting to wonder if they’re on their own,” the official continued. “You have a lot of frustration there. And the White House’s reaction to all of that seems to be, ‘Run against Congress’ — which, as you can imagine, doesn’t go over very well with House members. The White House reaction seems to be, ‘Position ourselves against Congress.’”

See, the problem is this here. The President seems to forget that the Congress; that being the House and Senate, have people running those offices, and not robots. Those people actually have to answer to their constituents, and going around doing the will of the President and ignoring those who elected you, can lead to one’s ouster from his office. You would think that the President would be smart enough to know this.  No, I am not saying that President is outright dumb; I just think that the President had some sort of crazy idea of some sort that when he took office and the Democrats got the majority that the Democrats and Republicans would just roll over and let him run roughshod over them. We see now that this just was not the case. This is a good thing, I believe this is why the America people’s involvement in politics is very necessary in this time of great uncertainty.

Others: Wall Street Journal,   Left Coast Rebel, , Hot Air,Wake up America

Harry Reid channels his inner John Kerry

….and does his best flip flop ever!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid led colleagues and the White House to believe he supported a bipartisan jobs bill — only to scuttle the plan as soon as it was released Thursday over concerns it could be used to batter Democratic incumbents, according to Senate sources.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) worked for weeks with Reid’s blessing and frequent involvement to craft an $85 billion jobs bill, a measure that seemed destined to break the partisan logjam that has ground the Senate to a halt.

But as Baucus, Grassley and President Barack Obama were preparing to celebrate a rare moment of bipartisan Kumbaya on Thursday, Reid stunned a meeting of Senate Democrats by announcing he was scrapping Baucus-Grassley, replacing it with a much cheaper, more narrowly crafted, $15 billion version.

“Grassley and three to four Republicans would have voted for it, but all the other Republicans would have beaten the living s—t out of us [during the 2010 midterms], claiming the bill was too bloated,” said a Democrat who supported Reid’s decision, explaining the leader’s logic.

Few felt as good about the decision: Republicans say the about-face will only add to an already poisonous partisan atmosphere, liberal Democrats think the bill is too small to do much good and the powerful negotiators of the bipartisan package were left embarrassed, demoralized and befuddled.

via Reid’s about-face stuns Dems, W.H. –

What further proof do we need that Democrats do not have the ability to lead? If this is not a sign that the Democrats are fearing the worst in November, I do not know what is. The election is going to be a very interesting one. I cannot wait till it happens.

Others: Hot AirMichelle Malkin, The Lonely Conservative, , Left Coast Rebel, QandOCommentaryWake up America

BREAKING NEWS – President Bill Clinton Rushed to Hospital




Former President Bill Clinton was rushed to a Manhattan hospital late this afternoon, sources tell ABC News.

Clinton, 63, was transported to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan for a condition related to his heart.

ABC News’ chief political correspondent George Stephanopoulos reported that sources said he was taken to the hospital “likely for a stent procedure.”

Sources on Capitol Hill tell ABC News that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was seen leaving the Oval Office a short time ago and did not seem “too concerned” or “in a rush.

Politics is one thing, real life is another; My Thoughts and Prayers are with the President and his Family tonight.

A Statement from the Clinton circle: (H/T Politico)

Douglas Band, counselor to former President Bill Clinton, said in a statement:: “President Bill Clinton was admitted to the Columbia Campus of New York Presbyterian Hospital after feeling discomfort in his chest. Following a visit to his cardiologist, he underwent a procedure to place two stents in one of his coronary arteries. President Clinton is in good spirits, and will continue to focus on the work of his Foundation and Haiti’s relief and long-term recovery efforts.”

Again, my thoughts and best wishes to the Clinton Family tonight.

Just for the record, this douche nozzle does not speak for me

Just an FYI:

Southern Baptist Pastor Wiley Drake of Buena Park sent out an email Monday night, saying that perhaps his prayers had been answered with the death of Rep. John Murtha yesterday.

“Maybe God took him out,” Drake wrote. “Maybe God Answered our IMPRECATORY prayer that we prayed every 30 days.”

The Pennsylvania congressman, a decorated former Marine who fiercely opposed the Iraq war, died at the age of 77 after complications from gallbladder surgery.

I asked Drake if his statements weren’t distasteful, particularly coming immediately after Murtha’s death. He said that as a Christian, he didn’t buy into the sentiment of not speaking ill of the dead.

“It’s not distasteful to pray the word of God and include somebody’s name,” he said. “I didn’t celebrate his death. I said maybe it was God’s answer to our imprecatory prayer.”

Drake regularly asks his “prayer warriors” to participate in prayer targeting “unrighteous” politicians. He typically uses Psalms 109, including these passages including in his Monday email: “Let his days be few; and let another take his office.” And, “Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.”

via Buena Park pastor prayed for Murtha’s death – Total Buzz : The Orange County Register.

First off, this idiot does not speak for me. Yes, I am a Baptist. Yes, I am Christian. However, I think it its VERY UnChristlike to pray for ANYONE’S Death!

So, Yeah, this Douche Nozzle does not speak for me.

That is all.

Alex Jones on Sarah Palin

(H/T The Daily Paul)

Breaking News, Massive Snow Storm Lands in my neighborhood

and of course, I have video:

and pictures too!

Yes, We were hit by a snow storm

Nothing we Michigan people cannot handle.. (well, some of us!)

Yes, that is as cold as it looks. Especially that WIND... Oy!

Snow Shovels and Fishing Poles --- You can obviously see where my Dad's priorities are at.

A sure sign of Certified Hillbilly, A box fan on a front page, In the middle of winter! 🙂

A left over from the days when I actually worked for a living. My Briefcase. It is a truckers dream. I put every damn thing in that briefcase. I miss those days of driving... 🙁

Dad's truck. My Car was down the street on the side road, Snow Emergency and tickets cost money

Ye old backyard, Cold and quite snowy...

Seriously Dan, is this the best you have?

The dude disagrees with Megan McCain and the best this moron can do is mock her damned weight? 😡

How fucking Juvenile can you be? 🙄

This is the same asshole, who offered up my IP address to anyone who wanted it; all because I said something about Obama, that he deemed racist. But the very next day publishes the very unfunny and quite racist “OSAMA-OBAMA’ moniker on his own damned blog. He removed it, after I said something about it. I wish I had screen capped it, but I didn’t.

This is the stupidity that I refer to in my Blog’s subtitle at the top.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Dan Riehl.