Major Nidal Hasan to radical cleric: “I can’t wait to join you” in the afterlife


United States Army Major Nidal Hasan told a radical cleric considered by authorities to be an al-Qaeda recruiter, “I can’t wait to join you” in the afterlife, according to an American official with top secret access to 18 e-mails exchanged between Hasan and the cleric, Anwar al Awlaki, over a six month period between Dec. 2008 and June 2009.

“It sounds like code words,” said Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, a military analyst at the Center for Advanced Defense Studies. “That he’s actually either offering himself up or that he’s already crossed that line in his own mind.”

Other messages include questions, the official with access to the e-mails said, that include when is jihad appropriate, and whether it is permissible if there are innocents killed in a suicide attack.

“Hasan told Awlaki he couldn’t wait to join him in the discussions they would having over non-alcoholic wine in the afterlife,” the official said.

via Major Hasan’s E-Mail: ‘I Can’t Wait to Join You’ in Afterlife – ABC News.

But yet, our feckless idiotic President will not call this what it is; the worst act of terrorism since 9/11. Could it be because our President secretly sympathizes with this crazy mans actions? Sometimes I wonder.

Countdown to Liberals crying rAAAAcism in 5…4….3…2

Others: The Jawa Report, YID With LID, The Strata-Sphere

Lou Dobbs on the Daily Show

I’m shocked that AllahPundit did not cover this. But anyhow, here’s the three part interview of Lou Dobbs over at the Daily Show. (Content Warning: Language!)

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive – Lou Dobbs Extended Interview Pt. 1
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive – Lou Dobbs Extended Interview Pt. 2
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive – Lou Dobbs Extended Interview Pt. 3
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis

Why Rep. Virginia Foxx has to go, come 2010

This comes via Think Progress:


CARDOZA: Today, what I’m hearing on the floor really takes the cake. The gentlelady from North Carolina, in her statement just now, indicated that the Republican GOP had passed the Civil Rights Act legislation with almost no help from the Democrats. I can’t believe my ears. It was the Kennedy and Johnson administration where we passed that Great Society legislation. It was over the objections of people like Jesse Helms from the gentlewoman’s state that we passed that civil rights legislation. John Lewis…

FOXX: Would, would the gentleman yield?

CARDOZA: No, I will not yield. John Lewis, a member of this House, was beaten on the Edmund Pettus bridge to get that civil rights legislation passed. Tell John Lewis that he wasn’t part of getting that legislation passed.

When she was given a chance to respond, Foxx could only say that Jesse Helms wasn’t elected to the Senate until 1972.

I hate to admit it; but he is right, the Republican Party was against the civil rights act. That is because of the constitutionality of that act. That is why Berry Goldwater opposed it. That is why the Democrats who crossed over and became known as the “Neo-Conservatives” crossed over. Because of the 1960’s social upheaval in the country. Rep. Virgina Foxx was engaging in revisionist history and got caught; plain and simple. She needs to go; she is not doing the Republican any good at all.

The victimization of Sarah Palin by the MSM

Normally I would not use Gawker as a place to quote from on Politics; but this right here is dead on.

On Hardball last night, when asked about Sarah Palin’s potential strengths as a presidential candidate,’s Nate Silver genuinely cited her perpetual victim status and frequent faux-outrage as a factor that makes her difficult to run against.

via Upstate Conservative Decides He Won the Election Really – Gop – Gawker.

This sums up my anger towards those on the true conservative side that are swooning over her. Now it seems that because Barack Obama’s polices are failing, the Main Stream media feels the need to give Sarah Palin a second look and will most likely portray her as a poor victim of the mean old “Man Club” in politics; Hence her appearance on Oprah this week. Sarah Palin may be a great deal of things; but she is no victim. Sarah Palin made the choice to take the Vice President pick that John McCain offered her; she could have said no, but she chose to take the job; and because of the poorly ran campaign and possibly because of her, John McCain lost the run for the President. There was no victimization at all. Yes, she was held up to the microscope by the liberal Main Stream Media, it happens in politics, either you deal with it or you get out. This whole assertion by the far conservative right that Sarah Palin was treated unfairly was and still is a load of dung.

Further, the assertion that Sarah Palin’s children were singled out and President Obama’s were not is a load of bunk too. First, President Barack Obama did not ride in on the white horse of Social Conservatism all the while trying to hide the fact that his daughter was pregnant; Sarah Palin did. That in itself is abject hypocrisy. In addition, President Barack Obama’s children are Pre-teens; Sarah Palin’s daughter was 17 years old. She was old enough to have sex; there is a huge difference there and anyone that does not see that, is most likely too stupid to be involved in politics. This is serious politics and not 8’th grade school yard nonsense; so the “girl power” crowd needs to seriously get real. Besides,  the only difference between the “Girl Power” crowd and the “White Power” crowd; is the gender and political parties involved.

World’s Most Crazy Hack Political Blogger calls Sarah Palin Insane

Wow…. 😯

But anyway, I’m tired of all this meta-journalism. Does examining her make me look obsessed? Does not examining her make me look cool? Who gives a fuck? She’s a great story, a truly bizarre creature, an international woman of mystery, and completely off her rocker.

via Don’t Feed The Trolls – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan.

Uh, Sully, Project much buddy?


I’m Back

Yes, I am back. You did not think I would stay gone for long did you? I just needed to take break from things for a bit. There are a few things, which I really need to make clear and get out into the open.

  1. Women are off limits now:  There will be no more stupid jokes about women or offensive stuff towards woman on this blog anymore. I will keep up what I did post on the blog. Because removing stuff is quite cowardly, except in some extreme cases. However, as of right now, I will not be doing that anymore. I guess I will have to remember that not everyone appreciates my politically incorrect snarky writings and dark humor. For the record, I am not a misogynistic piece of dung, as I so called by so-called “Conservative Lesbian” who obviously lacks a sense of humor. If I truly were, I would not be living were I am now. As my Mom would have none of that. For what it is worth; my Mom voted for Obama and has voted Democrat except when she voted for Reagan. I am very much against political correctness and the very idiotic feminist movement in this country — Because it is an out branch of the liberal mindset. However, I believe I have may have distanced some friends of mine in my quest to stick my finger in the eye of those feminists. I apologize to those that I may have offended; however, I will never apologize for my feelings about the feminist movement and the idiotic political ideology that it comes from.
  2. This blog, nor its author carry water for ANY political party, person, or opinion: Before I get some liberal come by here and say, “What about this here that you wrote?” I wrote what I wrote about Mike Bouchard, because I and many other Michigan residents; both Republican and Democrat know that the Democrats way of handling this recession has been a disaster for this State. I have known this, since the first state recession hit back in 2000; when I was laid off from my job back then, I knew something was horribly wrong and I knew then that the Democrats were causing it. The whole idea that Bush caused the Michigan recession is lie that was perpetuated by the Democrats, because of their inability to take responsibility for their own actions; like NAFTA. Because of this, our State here is in an economic free fall. When it comes to state politics, I do like to vote the principles over the party of the said candidate and right now Mike Bouchard is, as far as I am concerned, the man that Michigan needs for a full-scale economic recovery. Having said all of that, I wish to submit that I do not carry water for either of these political parties. I will explain this in my next point.
  3. Sarah Palin and Me: The reason I got a bit miffed earlier, is that I felt that the Conservative media and blogosphere were in full on stupid mode about Palin. Because of this, I ended tearing into a good friend of mine; and I feel horrible about that. Robert Stacy McCain is just as much entitled to his opinion of Sarah Palin; as I am or Ron Dreher is. I should not have went after McCain like that, I apologize to him publically and to you my readers. I should not have taken the slam of Dreher personally, as I sure that he did not at all. I will be upfront about it; I just do not believe that Sarah Palin is qualified to be President of the United States, at all. Nor will she ever be, in my opinion. I will not support her, if she runs. I will not carry water for her, at all —-There are plenty of blogs and websites that will do that; this will not be one of them. Fiscally, I am quite the Conservative; being in a bankruptcy will do that to a person, so will getting older too, and I feel that Palin’s mushy populism is just that, mushy populism and is not nearly as Conservative, as I would want someone to be, who was going to be in the White House. Another reason I do not much care for her, is that I am more of a libertarian, when it comes to social issues. Just because I do not agree with a particular social item, does not mean I think it is my right to persecute those that do. That my friend is what “Social Conservatism” does. My Conservatism on social matters is more of the “Ron Paul” stripe, honestly, the only thing that scares me worse that the far socialist left is the far religious right. The late Senator Barry Goldwater did not like them, and I am not a big fan either; I cannot support a style of Government that the far religious right wants that is on par with Nazi Fascism, and that is what, I feel, Sarah Palin embodies. For this reason, I would not be compelled to support Sarah Palin if she should decide to run for President. While I am a Born Again Christian; I do not believe that one should mix their personal religious beliefs with their politics, that is a dangerous thing to do and it has caused this Nation an enormous amount of grief in the past 20 years. Like it or not, or mixing of our religious views and our politics is what caused the 9/11 attacks.

In closing, I hope this little editorial has help some of you understand me better and where it is, that I am coming from. By the way, I am glad to see that I am not the only one who is taking the heat. It looks like AllahPundit is making new friends too. But at least, he is not knocking the tent down, like this here:


Ron Dreher on Palin’s New Book

Oh, this is not going to go over well with the Palin-bots…


Transcript is available over at NPR

A snippet:

Palin positions herself as a populist, but her populism is entirely cultural. She never misses an opportunity to tell us Rod Dreherhow weepy she gets when she thinks about our country and its military. She fires the governor’s mansion chef, who is bored because her kids won’t eat his fancypants food. She swoons over a meal of homemade blueberry pie from “hardworking, unpretentious, patriotic” Alaskans — unlike, one presumes, those uppity Berkeley snobs who prefer tarte Tatin at Chez Panisse.

A little of that goes a long way, and I wouldn’t begrudge Palin a bit of it if her populism had any economic substance. Early in Going Rogue she talks in detail about how Exxon exploited the people of Alaska in the Exxon Valdez disaster. And her experience tangling with oil companies taught Palin about how big business colludes with government to create a crony capitalism that harms the common good.

And yet, she’s incapable of understanding how the uncritically pro-business economic agenda she touts makes this possible.

“In national politics, some feel that big Business is always opposed to the Little Guy,” she writes. “Some people seem to think a profit motive is inherently greedy and evil, and that what’s good for business is bad for people. (That’s what Karl Marx thought too.)”

Karl Marx! Well, say no more! Along those lines, Palin’s economic program amounts to nothing more than tax-cutting, deregulating and the endless repetition of shopworn GOP talking points.

This is the Republican Party’s great populist hope?

I got to hand it to Ron Dreher; he does speak the unvarnished truth about stuff like this. I have not always agreed with him. But I have always respected his opinion. Looks like I will be saving my nine dollars for something of more substance. Good on Ron for speaking the truth about something like this and not sucking up to the party or to Palin or her followers.

If we had more people like this on the Conservative side; maybe, just maybe our Party and our movement would be in better shape.

Update: …and as expected, the Palin-bots are out in force. Between you and me; I will take the word of a “Conservative Douche bag” over a guy who quit the Washington Times; because he got his feathers ruffled any damned day of the week. I just do not get these moronic idiots, who run around with their noses up Sarah Palin’s twat ass. They think because she so damned pretty and because she is a woman; that she is entitled to be President of the United States. How about Sarah Palin be a real Conservative woman and stay home and raise her children, so no more of them end up pregnant? How about she stay home and take care of her “special needs” child, that she used as bumper sticker and campaign prop; and leave the Politics to the real people, that actually know how to run a City, State and yes, a National Government.  Because it is quite obvious to the rest the world that this woman is not cut out for national politics. There, I said it, and I am damned proud of it; and if any of these dumb ass Palin-bots want to come after me, I say bring it on, bring it the hell on, because I will destroy every last damned one of you.

Message from Mike Bouchard Republican Candidate for Michigan Governor

This comes via e-mail:

For Immediate Release: November 18, 2009?

Contact: Kathryn Martin, 586.872.3144

Bouchard: Don’t take bus safety money from crime labs

Making crime victims wait even longer is not answer to state budget woes

Oakland County- Republican candidate for governor Mike Bouchard today called on the Granholm/Cherry administration to stop playing games with the budget and focus on long-term structural reforms.

“Instead of raiding one pot of money to replenish another, it’s time we start rethinking how we deliver services.  The Granholm/Cherry team clearly lacks the capacity to find creative solutions,” Bouchard said.  “It’s unbelievable that the administration is taking $900,000 from the forensic lab budget instead of finding long-term cost-effective alternatives for the school bus inspections.”

Bouchard added, “School bus inspections account for $1.43 million of the MSP budget which equates to an average cost of $130,000 (salary, benefits etc.) for each of the 11 state police officers conducting bus inspections.  The administration should explore using private-sector certified mechanics or auto dealerships to conduct these annual inspections, thus freeing up resources for other clear priorities such as crime lab support.” He added “Certified mechanics make on average $60,000 a year.  At that rate, bidding out the inspections could cost half as much.  Car dealerships in this state are hurting for business, this could also be an opportunity to help them by inviting them to bid on the business. We must look for innovative ways to stretch every dollar farther.”

On Oct. 30th, Granholm boasted in her recent signing of the Michigan State Police (MSP) budget: “I am pleased this bill includes funding for the additional forensic laboratory casework resulting from the closure of the Detroit Crime Laboratory.”  Then on Nov. 4, the governor’s budget director fired off a letter to Legislature slashing the forensic lab budget by roughly $915,000, claiming that the cuts could be offset with federal recovery act funds.  However, the federal funds identified are only limited-term monies.

“The plan proposed by the Granholm/Cherry team is not sustainable. Unfortunately, this game of ‘hot potato’ and lack of leadership has become the signature of the Granholm/Cherry administration,” remarked Bouchard.

“Further cuts to forensics labs could mean that victims of crime, including rape, have to wait longer to get test results back,” said Bouchard. “The situation in the State Labs is already beyond critical with backlogs of DNA testing approaching a one-year wait.  We had a tragic situation in Oakland County where a rape victim was raped two additional times while awaiting DNA results from the already overburdened MSP lab system.  This is unacceptable.”

Bouchard further commented, “The MSP backlog has worsened with the shutdown of the Detroit Police Department Crime Lab.” The current MSP backlog has been exacerbated due to the shutdown of Detroit Police Department’s Crime Lab as evidenced by the following shocking statistics:

·     10,000 rape kits backlogged. It will take MSP years to process these cases.

·     5,700 firearms cases backlogged with a 12-month wait list

·     4,200 narcotic cases backlogged with a 4-5 month wait list

·     2,700 DNA cases backlogged with an 8 month wait list

·     370 polygraph tests backlogged with an 8-10 week wait list

As Oakland County Sheriff, Bouchard has made a practice of making sure taxpayers get the most bang for their buck. He competitively bid the jail food service, saving county taxpayers $1.6 million a year. He also is part of the county leadership team that anticipates potential budget shortfalls by operating on a three-year rolling budget. This forward thinking has resulted in Oakland County being only one out of 40 counties in the United States to have a AAA bond rating, which allows the county to borrow money at a low rate.

“As governor, my team and I will review programs to cut and find innovative alternatives where it makes sense, just as I have done in Oakland County,” Bouchard said.  “Taxpayers need to know that each tax dollar is being spent effectively.”

Bouchard called on the House Appropriations Committee to stop the transfer before them on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at 11:30AM.

For more information about Bouchard’s campaign for governor, visit and please, donate.

Jennifer Granholm and the Democrats have been a utter disaster for Michigan and its economy. It is time for new ideas, leadership and for some real change. Remember this come 2010; it is time to stop the disaster that Obama and the Democrats have created in America and here in Michigan. We need real jobs, a real economy and a true recovery — not socialism, wasted money and smoke and mirrors —- and that is about what the Democrats have given us for the past eight years here in Michigan.

It is time for change. Elect Mike Bouchard and Terri Lynn Land as Governor and Lt. Governor in Michigan in 2010.


Please note: This is a blatant attempt to promote the Governor campaign of Mike Bouchard. I was NOT compensated for this posting at all. It is truly a personal choice of mine; as I live here and I have been out of work since 2005 and I feel the Democrats have to totally screwed this State into the ground.

Stupid 10 Year Old Girl gets zapped by a Taser

Any other time; I would flag an incident like this under the caption of “Police State?” But this one here, is much different.

Looks like a Ozark, Arkansas 10 year old girl got zapped by a Taser, for kicking a cop in the groin. picks up the story:

OZARK, Ark. — Ozark police said they were called to a home where a mother asked for help with her unruly child, but the 10-year-old’s father said he’s outraged at the force police used against his daughter.

“I would like to say Ozark police Tased this little girl right here. Ten years old and [they] shot electricity through her body, and I want to know how the heck in God’s green earth can they get away with this,” said the girl’s father, Anthony Medlock.

Medlock said his daughter was at her mother’s house when Ozark police Officer Dustin Bradshaw shocked her in the back with a Taser and arrested her.

“If you can’t pick the kid up and take her to your car, handcuff her, then I don’t think you need to be an officer,” Medlock said.

Medlock said his daughter does show signs of having emotional issues, but she “doesn’t deserve to be treated like a dog. She’s not a tiger.”

According to a police report, the officer was called to the home by the mother and witnessed the child kicking and screaming.

The officer’s statement said the girl’s mother, Kelly Hamlert, told him to use a Taser on her if he needed to.

The officer did shock the girl after he said she kicked him in the groin.

“He had no other choice. He had to get the child under control,” said Ozark police Chief Jim Noggle.

Noggle said the officer shocked the girl for about a second.

Ozark police said it is their policy to use a Taser on someone who is a threat to others, no matter their age.

Kudo’s to the officer and to the Ozark Police Chief for standing up for his officer. As for this despicable excuse for a Father; you sir are a absolute joke. Your damn daughter was out of control sir and the little spoiled brat got a nice zap by a taser. I mean this idiot HAS to be a stupid brain-dead socialist liberal twit. Let’s take all of his statements, shall we?

Daddy Says:

“I would like to say Ozark police Tased this little girl right here. Ten years old and [they] shot electricity through her body, and I want to know how the heck in God’s green earth can they get away with this,” said the girl’s father, Anthony Medlock.

Medlock said his daughter was at her mother’s house when Ozark police Officer Dustin Bradshaw shocked her in the back with a Taser and arrested her.

“If you can’t pick the kid up and take her to your car, handcuff her, then I don’t think you need to be an officer,” Medlock said.

Medlock said his daughter does show signs of having emotional issues, but she “doesn’t deserve to be treated like a dog. She’s not a tiger.”


I don’t know what kind of policy it is. I don’t think it’s right,” Medlock said.

Medlock said this is not the first time the girl’s mother has called police to take her daughter to a juvenile facility. He said he will now try to get custody of his daughter.

“She just wants somebody to love her, and I do,” he said.

Ah, yes, all she needs is a widdle lovey dovey and everything will be unicorns and rainbows. ——  Memo to daddy; your stupid child is a spoiled rotten brat, who needs to be taken out behind the woodshed and beaten with a switch, until blood runs down into her socks. She is a child, if you spare the rod, you spoil the child. Emotional problems my fat Conservative ass. She been petted all of her life and when the police came to take care of the situation; she hauled off and kicked the officer in the jewels. This little spoiled rotten pig child is lucky that the police officer did not just use lethal force on her! I can honestly say; as someone who seriously considered a career in law enforcement, I would have used deadly force on this little monster!  The fact remains is this; you do not kick an law enforcement officer in the damn groin, at least not if you do not want to go to jail.

My friends; this is what happens when you do not apply the rod of correction to your children. If you do not punish them and correct them like the Bible says that you are supposed to, the state government will. There are quite a few examples of what happens when you do not discipline your children like the Bible says that you are supposed to; some are in my own family. I never fought my Mother or Father, because I knew what I would get if I did. I was raised to respect authority and I have all my life.

The broader point is this; this is a perfect example of what raising a child in a god-less, socialist liberal environment will do to a child; a child not reared in a God-fearing, Bible-Believing and following home is a out of control child; and they usually end up under the control of the state.  I could go on and on; but I think you know what I mean. Children who are given the rod of correction when it is needed are just better children. History proves it, and we should return that sort of raising.

Media Matters to Newsweek: Hey, Stop with the sexist articles on Sarah Palin

I do believe that there is a blizzard in hell right about now.

Ho-ly Tol-freakin-ledo! 😯

There are a lot of legitimate reasons to criticize Sarah Palin, her new book, and her policies, but you don’t have to stoop to sexism to do it. Newsweek’s November 23 issue, however, does just that by publishing on its cover a photo of Palin in short running shorts and a fitted top, leaning against the American flag. Making matters worse is the equally offensive headline Newsweek editors chose to run alongside the photo — “How Do You Solve a Problem like Sarah?” — presumably a reference to the Sound of Music song, “Maria,” in which nuns fret about “how” to “solve a problem like Maria,” a “girl” who “climbs trees” and whose “dress has a tear.”

Where did I happen to read this? ——- Media Research Center? NewsBusters? Michelle Malkin? Nope! Try Media Matters for America. 😮

I was out earlier; I didn’t notice a full moon anywhere. Planet’s aligned? Something got into Julie’s water? Something got into my water? (!)

Another Black Conservative agrees with me; that hell is definitely frozen solid.

Even Shakesville isn’t happy about it. That’s it; I’m going to check to make sure that little green aliens haven’t landed and warped the Blogosphere into some odd parallel universe….or something.

A Good Bitch Slap Does a Woman Good!

Heh…. I’m gonna catch it for that. But, hey, I am one of those asshole right wingers. I gotta live up to the hype! 😛

Click the picture to slap the bitch.


Here’s a little music to put you on the right frame of mind: (and this is so going to kill my creds as a White racist bigot right winger too….)

(H/T Dan)

Others: Sociological Images Feministe, Gawker and Feministing

Debbie Schlussel vs Pamela Geller

Please note: This posting is entirely satire and not to be taken seriously by all parties mentioned. If you do, you might hurt yourself.

Note: Photo removed… It seems that Debbie is on the war path against people using her photo… 🙄

It seems that local Detroit, Michigan area Blogger Debbie Schlussel and Pamela Geller are at it. Go here to read about it.

I propose a mud wrestling match; to be held in a neutral spot; say maybe Robert Stacy McCain‘s backyard. At the end, we’ll just throw in Robert Spencer for good measure.  I would volunteer my own backyard; but it is much too small for all that craziness.

Of course, I would handle the concessions; being that bastard capitalist that I am.  I could just see that now:

“Programs, get your programs… You can’t tell a Kippah from Schvitz without a program!”

Not Blogging about Palin ANYMORE!

That’s right, I am sick to death of it. My little tirade last night was the end for me. I realize now that I was becoming what I despise most. A damned echo chamber for Palin. I won’t do that; Palin does not write me a check to defend her ass.

You wanna read the Palin-gate stuff. Go here and read to your heart’s content. Me? I am just sick of it.

I think I just need a nap or to get laid or something. Because, today, I am just not in the mood.

Quote of the Day

Douglas MacArthur, who ranked above mere heads of state in his own mind, once invented his own protocol on greeting Emperor Hirohito. The emperor, the father of Akihito, wanted to meet MacArthur soon after he arrived to become the military regent of Japan in 1945, perhaps to thank him for saving the throne at the end of World War II. When the emperor invited MacArthur to call on him, the general sent word that the emperor should call on him – speaking of breaches of custom – and the two men were photographed together, astonishing the Japanese. The emperor arrived in full formal dress, cutaway coat and all, and MacArthur received him in summer khakis, sans tie, with his hands stuffed casually in his back pockets. Further astonishing the Japanese, he towered over the diminutive emperor.

But Mr. Obama, unlike his predecessors, likely knows no better, and many of those around him, true children of the grungy’s, are contemptuous of custom. Cutting America down to size is what attracts them to “hope” for “change.” It’s no fault of the president that he has no natural instinct or blood impulse for what the America of “the 57 states” is about. He was sired by a Kenyan father, born to a mother attracted to men of the Third World and reared by grandparents in Hawaii, a paradise far from the American mainstream.

He no doubt wants to “do the right thing” by his lights, but the lights that illumine the Obama path are not necessarily the lights that illuminate the way for most of the rest of us. This is good news only for Jimmy Carter, who may yet have to give up his distinction as our most ineffective and embarrassing president.

You mean Brody is just now figuring this out?


You’ve got to hand it to the folks at Newsweek. They have accomplished being biased and sexist at the same time. Quite a feat. This cover has got to be a new low right? They don’t use a photo of Palin on the campaign trail. No instead they take the sexy Runners World photo. Yes she posed for it but don’t tell me they didn’t purposely use that photo to make a point? I predict this cover will become a bigger story over the next 24-48 hours and let’s face it. This isn’t JUST about media bias. This cover should be insulting to women politicians. Where’s the sexy photo of Mitt Romney? Why not a picture of Tim Pawlenty with an unbuttoned shirt relaxing on a couch in the Twin Cities?

via Newsweek Photo of Palin Shows Media Bias and Sexism.

You mean to tell me that David is just now figuring all this out? Dang. I have always known that most of the time, that Christians were always behind the curve on modern issues; but man, I never though they were this behind.

Welcome to the real world Mr. Brody. Now, grab a sword and fight!

Quote of the Day

I believe that liberals are wrong about black people. Liberals are also wrong about white people, brown people, yellow people and red people. If NASA announced tomorrow that it had discovered a distant planet inhabited by purple people, anything that liberals believed about purple people would be wrong, too. Liberals are not only wrong about race, but they are also wrong about economics, crime, poverty, religion, science, war, marriage and foreign policy. In fact, as evidenced by their global-warming hysteria, liberals are wrong about the weather. Insofar as there is a “liberal consensus” on any particular subject — including movies and sports — then the truth is likely to be the exact opposite of whatever liberals say.

On the other hand…..

Video: The Latest from Crowder and Zo

First Crowder goes to Gitmo: (H/T HotAir)

AllahPundit Snarks:

I knew the smart-ass would end up there someday. I just didn’t think it’d be as a tourist.

heh. 😆

Zo’s Latest:

Zo’s Website and Zo @ PJTV

Memo to Ana Marie Cox: Stick to what you know, bitch

Is this stupid bitch serious?!?!?


Hey Ana, Get Keith Olbermann's Jizz off your face! What a JOKE!

I cannot claim to have completely read “Going Rogue” — I had to skim the last 150 pages (or more than one-third). I only got the thing into my hands late Monday afternoon with a deadline of early evening. It’s terrible, I know, but if I didn’t read it all, neither can Sarah Palin claim to have completely written it.

One of the few surprises of the book: For a frontierswoman, Palin really doesn’t like smokers — especially if they’re men working for John McCain. She describes the “jaded” “professional political caste” of the McCain campaign as “tumbling out of the bus in a pack, lighting cigarettes as they went so it looked like a walking cloud of smoke with legs,” and, later, she gets a nasty jab in at senior adviser Steve Schmidt, who, she says, “used nicotine to keep . . . his cognitive connections humming along.”

Her critique of the campaign’s strategy is about as sophisticated as her discussion of policy, and just as circumscribed by her own experience. When she was pregnant with daughter Piper, she says, she pondered anti-smoking laws when confronted by cigarette smoke in a restaurant: “Instead of supporting [a ban] . . . I just stopped going to the restaurant. It eventually went smoke-free on its own, which is the way things like that should work.”

A pregnant waitress unprotected by a smoking ban might feel differently, as might, say, a vice presidential candidate, were she surrounded by chain smokers in her place of work.

via Book World: Ana Marie Cox reviews Sarah Palin’s ‘Going Rogue’ –

Translation? I did not read the book; so, I stuck together a rather snarky book review, while giving my husband a head job…. or something. I mean, I would expect this out of a blogger, like myself. But this stupid bitch gets paid MONEY to write lame ass articles like this! Unbelievable! Meanwhile, I sit here and can’t get a job anywhere. Something is terribly wrong with the world.

What really steams me about this; is the fact that this woman is only famous, because she got fired from a job; because of her unprofessional behavior and went on to start a D.C. gossip blog, that she sold, and made like a shitload of money on….and she writes shit like this and passes it off as professional writing. Good Grief. 🙄

Don’t get me wrong; I am not a Sarah Palin fan boy. In fact, I did not even vote for John McCain —- mainly because of Sarah Palin, and because of John McCain’s stupidity. But this is just fucking unacceptable. I’m sorry; you don’t even read a book and then write a stupid ass liberal snipe, disguised a fucking book review?!?! Seriously??!?!

It is no damned wonder that the Washington Post is possibly getting a “Bail Out” from the Government. Because who in their right mind — or otherwise, would even read anything like this and take anything away from it of substance?

Memo to General Motors: Good Going Douche Nozzles!

Ed Morrissey and I have not agreed much on G.M. and the status of the bail outs that they received from the Government. But it appears, that for a change, I agree with Ed; mark your calendars, because this does not happen often.  Ed reports over on HotAir, that General Motors has taken the money, that was funded by taxpayers; like Ed, Me, and yes, you and has spent it —- overseas.  Needless to say, there some lawmakers that are not very happy about it either.

ABC NEWS Reports:

Specifically, at a time when the nation’s unemployment rate has soared to levels not seen in decades and GM is cutting thousands of U.S. jobs, the company’s CEO is considering spending millions from its U.S. coffers — fattened by $50 billion in taxpayer aid — on its overseas operations, a possibility that has outraged critics and lawmakers.

“I don’t think most Americans believe that when the taxpayer bailouts were happening it was intended for that purpose,” said Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y. “It was intended to protect the American economy — not take the money overseas.”

GM’s Chief Executive Fritz Henderson recently announced that the bailed-out automaker might use its U.S. funds to help restructure its European unit Opel, noting that the financing agreements with the Treasury for the $34 billion of bailout funds already spent allow GM to spend any subsequently earned funds as its executives see fit. Some $16 billion remaining after its bankruptcy has strings attached.


GM has other plans to expand its business abroad. In August, GM China announced a $293 million venture, while last month GM South Korea announced a new infusion of more than $400 million. The automaker also recently inaugurated a $300 million transmission plant in Mexico.

So, is General Motors making money here in America? Uh, No.

General Motors Co. says it lost $1.2 billion from the time it left bankruptcy protection through Sept. 30, far better than previous quarters and a sign that the auto giant is starting to turn around.

….and how’s that account going?:

Chief Financial Officer Ray Young cautioned that the second- and third-quarter figures don’t comply with U.S. accounting standards and shouldn’t be compared with previous earnings.

GM says it is re-valuing its assets and liabilities and should comply with accounting standards next year.


While I was at the doctors with my Dad earlier today; I happened to mention this to him and another gentleman that worked at the same plant as my Father. Needless to say, their reaction to this was less than, um, shall we say, happy? My Dad replied in terms that I cannot write on this blog. To say that both of those guys were a bit ticked, would be an understatement.

Ed Morrissey cracks:

Let’s get this straight.  GM gets tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer money and gets an Obama-managed bankruptcy — and stops complying with accounting standards?  My goodness, they really are Government Motors!

In the past, I have given Ed Morrissey a bit of a hassle when he would criticize the auto workers and to an extent the Auto Companies. However, I feel this criticism is much warranted.  Call it a hunch, but I tend to believe that the U.A.W. and the workers at the various G.M. plants, especially the one’s here in Michigan; are not going to be too thrilled that the company is taking it’s money and investing overseas; instead of investing it here, where the jobs are actually needed.  No matter how you slice it; this was an extremely boneheaded move on the part of General Motors and it deserves the criticism it receives from ALL quarters.

A very brave kid

Wow… 😯

scaredbearAn 11-year-old boy killed a bear at point-blank range last Wednesday night after it wouldn’t leave his family’s porch.

The boy was at his home near Driggs with his younger sisters and after seeing the bear on the front porch and not being able to get it to leave, the boy retrieved a gun and killed the animal.

The family declined to comment and wished to remain anonymous.

Fish and Game Conservation Officer Doug Petersen said the black bear had been a problem in the area near the county transfer station, and he and Fish and Game Officer Lauren Wednt had set up a trap earlier in the week.

“The bear had been hanging around and we got multiple complaint calls,” said Wendt. The bear had been getting into garbage cans and bird feeders in the area.

Petersen said officials may have had to put it down anyway. He said that in situations where the bear has been a problem around humans or threatens human safety, they usually don't issue citations.

“Human safety is a higher priority,” said Petersen. “We’re concerned with how bears are managed and we want to live in harmony with them.”

The boy and his family are not in any trouble, and Petersen said he issued them a permit to keep the bear. Usually when a bear is put down by Fish and Game they sell the hide at a state auction, Petersen said. Petersen said the family reported the bear Thursday morning. Fish and Game trapped and euthanized another problem black bear about two weeks ago, after the bear reportedly let himself into a home. Petersen said it’s normal for the animals to move from higher elevations this time of year.

via Standard Journal Online – News.

Smart kid; not to mention brave. 😀

That’ll teach that bear not to hang around where he is not wanted. 😛

Countdown to Socialist liberal tree-huggers heads and anti-gun idiots heads exploding in 5….4….3..2…