The victimization of Sarah Palin by the MSM

Normally I would not use Gawker as a place to quote from on Politics; but this right here is dead on.

On Hardball last night, when asked about Sarah Palin’s potential strengths as a presidential candidate,’s Nate Silver genuinely cited her perpetual victim status and frequent faux-outrage as a factor that makes her difficult to run against.

via Upstate Conservative Decides He Won the Election Really – Gop – Gawker.

This sums up my anger towards those on the true conservative side that are swooning over her. Now it seems that because Barack Obama’s polices are failing, the Main Stream media feels the need to give Sarah Palin a second look and will most likely portray her as a poor victim of the mean old “Man Club” in politics; Hence her appearance on Oprah this week. Sarah Palin may be a great deal of things; but she is no victim. Sarah Palin made the choice to take the Vice President pick that John McCain offered her; she could have said no, but she chose to take the job; and because of the poorly ran campaign and possibly because of her, John McCain lost the run for the President. There was no victimization at all. Yes, she was held up to the microscope by the liberal Main Stream Media, it happens in politics, either you deal with it or you get out. This whole assertion by the far conservative right that Sarah Palin was treated unfairly was and still is a load of dung.

Further, the assertion that Sarah Palin’s children were singled out and President Obama’s were not is a load of bunk too. First, President Barack Obama did not ride in on the white horse of Social Conservatism all the while trying to hide the fact that his daughter was pregnant; Sarah Palin did. That in itself is abject hypocrisy. In addition, President Barack Obama’s children are Pre-teens; Sarah Palin’s daughter was 17 years old. She was old enough to have sex; there is a huge difference there and anyone that does not see that, is most likely too stupid to be involved in politics. This is serious politics and not 8’th grade school yard nonsense; so the “girl power” crowd needs to seriously get real. Besides,  the only difference between the “Girl Power” crowd and the “White Power” crowd; is the gender and political parties involved.

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