Updated: This I cannot defend

Two things.

First, I have had to remove Gateway Pundit from my Blogroll; at least for the time being. Jim posted another story of another White kid getting beat up by black kids. My issue with it is this; He linked a Blog covering the story; that is run by the The Council of Conservative Citizens. In the interest of full disclosure; When I was still calling myself a Paleo-Conservative, I used to read this blog, quite a bit. I know what their motivation is, that is hate. Hate of the black race, period. I cannot and will not defend that at all.

As much as I know that Charles Johnson’s smearing of Pamela Geller was totally wrong; as much as I know that Charles Johnson’s smearing of Robert Stacy McCain in attempt to get to Michelle Malkin and HotAir.com was wrong, I just cannot and will not justify Jim’s linking to a known hate site. I want to believe that Jim Hoft is not a racist; he could help that belief by removing that link reference. But I do not expect that to happen.

For those that might have an issue with this, here are the principles of The Council of Conservative Citizens…. I will bold the troublesome parts, for me at least:

The American men and women who make up the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC) believe in, commit themselves to, and pledge to work for and support these fundamental principles of American civilization, liberty, justice, and national safety:

(1) We believe the United States is a Christian country. We believe that the United States of America is a Christian country, that its people are a Christian people, and that its government and public leaders at all levels must reflect Christian beliefs and values. We therefore oppose all efforts to deny or weaken the Christian heritage of the United States, including the unconstitutional prohibitions of prayers and other religious expression in schools and other public institutions.

(2) We believe the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people. We believe that the United States derives from and is an integral part of European civilization and the European people and that the American people and government should remain European in their composition and character. We therefore oppose the massive immigration of non-European and non-Western peoples into the United States that threatens to transform our nation into a non-European majority in our lifetime. We believe that illegal immigration must be stopped, if necessary by military force and placing troops on our national borders; that illegal aliens must be returned to their own countries; and that legal immigration must be severely restricted or halted through appropriate changes in our laws and policies. We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called “affirmative action” and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races.

(3) The United States is a sovereign and independent nation. We believe the United States is a sovereign and independent nation, that our independence as a nation is the most precious legacy of our Founding Fathers, and that all treaties, agreements, conventions, international organizations, and institutions must recognize and respect our national sovereignty and independence. We therefore oppose the so-called “New World Order” and its attempts to abolish national sovereignty and independence and to construct a one-world state in which America would vanish and Americans would be enslaved. We call for the U.S. government to withdraw from membership in the United Nations, the World Court, the International Monetary Fund, NAFTA, and the World Trade Organization. We oppose any attempt to place American military personnel under foreign command. We oppose any effort to place Americans, military or civilian, on trial before, or subject them to legal punishments by, international courts or organizations. We oppose, and we support official U.S. renunciation of, any treaty, agreement, or convention that seeks to dictate law to the United States or any state, that violates national sovereignty, or denies or violates the constitutional rights of Americans.

(4) The United States is a constitutional republic. We believe the United States is a constitutional republic, governed by law and by the original intent of the United States Constitution and of the men who framed it. We believe the Constitution can be changed only by the proper procedure of amendment or constitutional convention and not by court decision, popular majority, political whim, or legislative fiat. We therefore oppose the “imperial judiciary” in the U.S. Supreme Court and the federal courts that has usurped more and more power to itself in the last century and has imposed on our country the most odious and harmful rulings. We reject the legitimacy and constitutionality of the rulings handed down by the imperial judiciary; we support the appointment of judges and justices who are qualified to interpret the Constitution and the laws and are committed to their proper interpretation; and we support the impeachment of judges and justices who usurp or claim powers not granted them by the Constitution. We also oppose the “imperial bureaucracy” that imposes unconstitutional administrative decrees in such fields as business, agriculture, labor, and education that tyrannically interfere with personal liberty and dignity, private property, the sanctity of the family, and ethical conduct. We support the abolition of those government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels that have no constitutional foundation, including the U.S. Departments of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Energy, Health and Human Services, and similar agencies. We support the separation of powers that is a fundamental principle of the U.S. Constitution and of basic human liberty. We support the restoration of the constitutionally proper balance among the three branches of the federal government and the reduction of their powers, size, personnel, and costs to the limits intended by the Constitution.

(5) We believe in States’ Rights, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the Bill of Rights. We believe in states’ rights, as guaranteed by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution; in the individual right to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution; and in all the rights and liberties guaranteed by the body of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We therefore oppose all efforts by the federal government to dictate to the states and local governments and communities, and we oppose federal efforts to engineer or impose behavior and beliefs on citizens and communities. We oppose “gun control” in all forms and demand that all such legislation and policies be repealed. We also oppose all such legislation as so-called “hate crime” or “bias crime” laws. Such laws merely penalize thought and expression rather than genuinely criminal action and are a dangerous and frightening step toward government Thought Control. Similarly, we oppose all so-called “politically correct” speech codes and “sensitivity training” in schools, colleges, universities, and businesses that punish free expression, restrict thought and study, intimidate dissent, and generally demean and diminish human communications and community. We also oppose, as stated, all efforts to deny Americans their rights of religious expression and worship as guaranteed in the First Amendment, as well as efforts to deny rights of assembly and association.

(6) The traditional family is the basic unit of human society. We believe in the traditional family as the basic unit of human society and morality, and we oppose all efforts by the state and other powers to weaken the structure of the American family through toleration of sexual licentiousness, homosexuality and other perversions, mixture of the races, pornography in all forms, and subversion of the authority of parents.

(7) Private property and free enterprise are the foundations of our economy. We believe in private property and free enterprise as the foundations of our economic life and the basis of American wealth. We oppose efforts by the state to regulate, plan, manage, control, or nationalize private property in any form. We oppose the ruinous taxation that government has imposed on working Americans and we call for real tax reform that will allow working men and women to retain what they have earned. We support the repeal of the estate tax. We affirm that the best economic decision-maker is the individual acting in what he believes is his own best interest. We believe that tax policies and other economic legislation and policies should reflect the importance of small businessmen, the family farm, and other independent, locally and privately owned and operated enterprises. While we accept the need for some public welfare, health care, unemployment, and old age assistance, we believe in such programs only as a last resort for those who truly need them. We believe tax laws should encourage private charity rather than public support for the poor, the disabled, and the sick and elderly who are unable to care for themselves. We support welfare programs that seek to return recipients of welfare to productive work as soon as possible. We oppose all welfare for immigrants, whether legal or illegal.

(8) Cultural, national, and racial integrity. We support the cultural and national heritage of the United States and the race and civilization of which it is a part, as well as the expression and celebration of the legitimate subcultures and ethnic and regional identities of our people. We oppose all efforts to discredit, “debunk,” denigrate, ridicule, subvert, or express disrespect for that heritage. We believe public monuments and symbols should reflect the real heritage of our people, and not a politically convenient, inaccurate, insulting, or fictitious heritage.

(9) A Strong National Defense. We believe in the strongest possible defense for the United States. We oppose the presence of homosexuals and women in the military services and especially of women in combat roles.

(10) America First Foreign Policy. We believe that in the aftermath of the U.S. victory over Soviet Communism, the United States has little need to retain the political and military commitments to allies made during the Cold War. While we wish these allies well, we believe we cannot continue to support their defense budgets, guarantee their security, fight their wars, or finance their governments and economies through foreign aid. We therefore call for a comprehensive review of all U.S. diplomatic commitments and U.S. withdrawal from those alliances and commitments that no longer serve our national interests or that threaten to entangle us in unnecessary foreign wars, conflicts, and quarrels. We therefore oppose continued membership in NATO and similar outdated Cold War alliances; we oppose sending American troops on U.N. peace-keeping missions or into similar unconstitutionally undeclared wars under the names of “police actions.” We oppose sending American military personnel into wars and conflicts that do not concern our national security and interests. We oppose ever sending American military men into combat without the intention to achieve victory. We oppose using American prisoners of war as diplomatic “bargaining chips” under any circumstances, and we oppose abandoning American POWs to merciless enemies after the cessation of conflict to suit the political interests of office-holders. We oppose all foreign aid and call for its termination. We support the investigation of lobbying groups that represent the interests of foreign states or foreign powers and the enactment of legislation that will outlaw lobbying Congress or the executive branch on behalf of foreign states.

(11) America First Trade Policy. We believe that just as our nation has legitimate international political and military interests, so it also has a legitimate international economic interest. We believe our trade policy should reflect our national economic interest and that the protection of our economy, including the jobs of our workers, our farms, and our manufacturing industries, is a vitally necessary duty of our national government.

(12) Traditional Education under Local Control. We believe that education is primarily the concern of parents and families and local communities and therefore we oppose federal aid to education and federal efforts to control or direct education. We believe that education should inform and build the mind and character, not brainwash children with political propaganda or “liberate” them from the traditional values and loyalties their families have taught them. We therefore oppose all “sex education” as well as so-called “multiculturalist” and “Afrocentric” curricula, “Outcome-Based Education,” and similar radical indoctrination in the schools. We oppose all efforts to inflate grades, adulterate or “dumb down” tests and examinations, and introduce irrelevant and wasteful courses for the purpose of advancing some backward students over others more talented or more productive. We believe the schools, public, private, and parochial, should teach students to be proud of being Americans and proud of their national and local identities, and that they should instill in them the values of Western, Christian, and American civilization. We support the authority of teachers and school administrators to discipline students, including the authority to expel them from school if students will not abide by the rules and laws of the community. We support the right of parents to send their children to private schools or to educate their children at home if they so desire, without government intrusion or control. We support the right of private schools to select their own students, faculty, curricula, standards, and methods of administration.

(13) Strong and Just Law Enforcement. We believe in the moral and legal responsibility of the individual and therefore that good behavior should be rewarded and bad behavior should be punished. We believe the most effective and most just response to crime is swift, certain, and morally appropriate punishment. We believe in capital punishment for the crimes of murder, rape, treason, and espionage. We oppose the substitution of the pseudo-sciences of psychiatry, sociology, and “rehabilitation” for real justice. We believe law enforcement should be mainly a function of local and state government, and we therefore oppose all efforts to establish a national police force or to nationalize law enforcement; we oppose similar efforts to create a global or international police force and to “globalize” law enforcement. We oppose the extradition of law-abiding American citizens to trials before foreign courts under laws to which they have never assented. We oppose all international criminal tribunals and all efforts to diminish national sovereignty through the internationalization of criminal law. While we support and deeply respect all law enforcement officers, we also insist that law enforcement at all levels operate within the law, that law enforcement respect the rights of all citizens, and that spying on and harassment of loyal and law-abiding citizens by law enforcement agencies, by the military services, or by intelligence services at any level of government should be strictly forbidden and severely punished.

(14) Protection of the Environment and Natural Heritage. We believe that the natural environment and resources of a nation are among its most precious, valuable, and irreplaceable treasures. We believe in the protection of the environment from reckless greed as well as from irresponsible government. We support the protection of truly endangered species of wildlife and areas of natural beauty.

Like I said; it is not that this group is blatant in their racism, it is a more nuanced. (I swear, before I discovered AllahPundit. I didn’t even know what a “nuanced” even was!) Just that same, I cannot defend Jim linking to that site. So, I am removing the blog from my roll for the time being. I am hoping that Jim is not in lockstep with that group; if he is, I will no choice that to disassociate myself with him.

On the subject of nuanced racism, there’s this little gem from the voter values summit:


It should be also noted that the man, who introduced Blunt; is named Tony Perkins. Tom Perkins gave a speech to the  Council of Conservative Citizens in 2001. And when Perkins worked for Senator Woody Jenkins, he purchased a phone-bank list from former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Again, this stuff, I just cannot defend and will not. I threw Pat Buchanan under the bus, for what I considered to be his Nazi Apologist writings and I will do so in this case too; if need be. I have written this on my blog many times in the past and I will say this again. My issues with Barack Obama and the African-American Liberal Left is NOT based upon skin color, but rather upon my dislike of identity politics. Further more, my critism of Barack Obama is simply policy based and not base on racism.

Yeah, I know what you are going to say, “What about this?” Sorry, but pointing out that there has, in fact, been an uptick in Black on White violence, since the election is not racist in nature at all. That is a tactic of the left; silence the reporting of truth, by playing the race card. But there is big different between reporting facts; and linking to sites well-known for their inherit hatred of blacks; because of their race.

I am sorry, but there is a line, that you just do not cross and Jim Hoft crossed it. I cannot defend that and because of this, I have to distance myself from him. But my support for Robert Stacy McCain and Pamela Galler remain unabated.

Update: It dawned on me, after I hit the “Publish” button; that I, in the past, back when I still considered myself to be a “Paleo-Con”; I linked to that site myself. I mainly did it to get a rise out of the far left and the Identity politics crowd.  I have, however, since basically distanced myself from that bunch; just because their inability to respect our military and for their isolationist foreign policy —- not to mention much of the Nuanced Racism and Antisemitism. I do not make excuses for my linking to them. But the last time I checked; I have not been mentioned by Fox News or any other main stream media outlet; and Jim Hoft has been. I guess what I am trying to say is this; we have all been working our asses off to combat the socialism of Barack Obama and his minions —- and now, we’re possibly going to marginalized because someone decided to pull a “David Duke” move and link to a hate site. It just frustrates me, that’s all.

Update # 2: Jim Hoft removes the link that I complained about and what does he do???  Puts it in a previous posting. 🙄 Nice, real nice. 🙄  Good going Jim!  Now everyone and I do mean everyone;  will think we’re all white nationalists. Idiot. 😡

Update #3: I am quite happy to report that my bitching and griping at Jim worked. 😛 The link was removed and replaced by some a wee bit more less hateful. Thank you Jim! Like I said over at on his comment section. We’ve got the football; let’s try not lousing the game up. In other words, we are changing the Conversation and turning America against the Socialism of the Obama Administration. Let’s not screw it up! 😀

Update #4: Reader “PB” says:

Jim Hoft still links to the youtube channel for the Council of Conservative Citizens and still links to a video that claims that two black children beat up a white child, despite the fact that no information has been released about the assailants. I don’t see why you think he’s appropriately responded; he’s still race-baiting.

To which I respond and say…. I hear ya. This is why he is not on my Blogroll anymore. I cannot control what people do. I can only ask them not to screw up. But I cannot force them.  This happens in a free Republic. I simply asked him to please remove the link; and he did, that is all I can do. I cannot tell others how to run their blog. I would not want anyone tell me how to run mine. I can only choose to link to their blog or not. Not like it is going to matter, I do not give anywhere near the traffic that Jim Hoft does. So, my little blog is not going make much difference anyhow. I will just be more careful in where I link to, that is all.

But just as well, thanks for bringing it to my attention. 🙁

Update #5 November 29. 2009: I feel the need to write this, because it appears that some idiot liberals are trying to use this blog posting to prove that Jim Hoft is some sort of a racist bigot. I want it to be publicly known that I have no way of knowing if Jim Hoft is a racist bigot or not. I know that he linked to a video and then removed the link to a very nuanced racist site; but kept the said video on his site. I personally do not believe this to be case at all. I believe if Jim Hoft was real, true, bona fide racist bigot; his blog would have never been as successful as it is now. For the record, I have posted a video and linked to the same site, myself and I am not, what you would call a genuine, Bona fide, racist. I posted that video and linked to that site; because the video does ask, I feel, a legit question. However, I do not make a habit of linking there daily. Because what that site is about, and that is a sharp hatred of the Black and other races. I believe Jim Hoft, Like myself, hates socialism and identity politics as much as I do. I wrote this posting, because I believe that Jim was wrong in linking to the video; I still do. However, I cannot sit here and judge someone that I do not know, I would advise all of those reading this to do the same. Let me also say this; I removed Jim Hoft’s Blog, Gateway Pundit from my Blog for a long time. Mainly because I felt that possibly that he did harbor some true racist feelings. But after conversing with some people that actually know him personally, I was assured that Jim was not a bigot, but rather someone who is a Conservative that is against socialism, like me. I also felt that the people that were making these accusations, like Charles Foster Johnson; where nothing more than Liberals who find racism in anything that is not a liberal viewpoint. So, I put him back. Simple as that.

Black Teens Charged in School Bus Beating of White Teen

This comes via Gateway Pundit; an update to a story that I published about a week ago or so, about two black Teenagers who beat a white kid —- for sitting in the wrong seat.

St. Louis Today Reports:

Two Belleville West High School students were charged under the juvenile code today with felony counts of aggravated battery stemming from the violent beating of a 17-year-old student on a school bus earlier this week.

The incident grabbed national headlines and incited a heated debate about race when police said the incident, involving a white victim and black assailants, may have been racially motivated. They later recanted that claim.

The two teenagers—who are 14 and 15 years-old—were charged as juveniles because they are under the age of 17. Illinois law shields the disclosure of their names because they are minors.

Juvenile courts are more informal and private than adult courts. Juvenile court records are not available to the general public.

Jim is happy about it. But I do not think that it is enough. I believe these kids should be charged with hate crimes as well. Because it is quite obvious to me that this beating was racially motivated. I mean, why else would two black kids beat up a white kid? I mean, Black President is in the White House; so, why not beat up a white kid? It just makes sense to me. They should be tried on hate crimes.

The fact is folks; that given the chance, most blacks will beat up a white person. It is seen by blacks as a chance to get back at the white man for the way that the black man was treated for years.  But the way our socialist liberal justice system is rigged, things are just not right. You let a group of black men beat up a white man and it is treated as a normal assault; but you let a group of white men, beat a black man; and it is automatically treated as a hate crime. A frightening example of this is the Christian Newsom murders that took place back in 2007.  Tennessee was absolutely cowardly for not tossing in a hate crime charge, on top of the murder charges as well. Thus a perfect example of the absolute hypocritical state of our justice system in this Country.

It is, truly, a sad state of a affairs in this Country of ours.

Irving Kristol Dead at age 89

I got the alert via New York Times and I checked over at the Weekly Standard and sure enough Irving Kristol has passed.

Via The New York Times:

Irving Kristol, the political commentator who, as much as anyone, defined modern conservatism and helped revitalize the Republican Party in the late 1960s and early ’70s, setting the stage for the Reagan presidency and years of conservative dominance, died Friday in Arlington, Va. He was 89 and lived in Washington.

His son, William Kristol, the commentator and editor of the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard, said the cause of death was complications of lung cancer.

Mr. Kristol exerted an influence across generations, from William F. Buckley to the columnist David Brooks, through a variety of positions he held over a long career: executive vice president of Basic Books, contributor to The Wall Street Journal, professor of social thought at New York University, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

He was commonly known as the godfather of neoconservatism, even by those who were not entirely sure what the term meant. In probably his most widely quoted comment — his equivalent of Andy Warhol’s 15 minutes of fame — Mr. Kristol defined a neoconservative as a liberal who had been “mugged by reality.”


By now Mr. Kristol was battling on several fronts. He published columns and essays attacking liberalism and the counterculture from his perches at The Wall Street Journal and The Public Interest, and in 1978 he and William E. Simon, President Nixon’s secretary of the treasury, formed the Institute for Educational Affairs to funnel corporate and foundation money to conservative causes. In 1985 he started The National Interest, a journal devoted to foreign affairs.

But Mr. Kristol wasn’t railing just against the left. He criticized America’s commercial class for upholding greed and selfishness as positive values. He saw “moral anarchy” within the business community, and he urged it to take responsibility for itself and the larger society. He encouraged businessmen to give money to political candidates and help get conservative ideas across to the public. Republicans, he said, had for half a century been “the stupid party,” with not much more on their minds than balanced budgets and opposition to the welfare state. He instructed them to support economic growth by cutting taxes and not to oppose New Deal institutions.

Above all, Mr. Kristol preached a faith in ordinary people. . “It is the self-imposed assignment of neoconservatives,” he wrote, “to explain to the American people why they are right, and to the intellectuals why they are wrong.”

Mr. Kristol saw religion and a belief in the afterlife as the foundation for the middle-class values he championed. He argued that religion provided a necessary constraint to antisocial, anarchical impulses. Without it, he said, “the world falls apart.” Yet Mr. Kristol’s own religious views were so ambiguous that some friends questioned whether he believed in God. In 1996, he told an interviewer: “I’ve always been a believer.” But, he added, “don’t ask me in what.”

“That gets too complicated,” he said. “The word ‘God’ confuses everything.”

In 2002, Mr. Kristol received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, often considered the nation’s highest civilian honor. It was another satisfying moment for a man who appears to have delighted in his life or, as Andrew Sullivan put it, “to have emerged from the womb content.”

He once said that his career had been “one instance of good luck after another.” Some called him a cheerful conservative. He did not dispute it. He had had much, he said, “to be cheerful about.”

I will not lie. I did not agree with Mr. Kristol’s Politics or his version of Conservatism. In fact, I have been known to make a crack at people on other blogs; when they were spewing stupidity, especially the George W. Bush Cheerleaders, I would always say, “Where did you learn that line? From Bill or Irving Kristol?” or something usually to that effect. Some of Irving Kristol’s ideology was very controversial;  like the desire for a full scale invasion of Iran; of which I found to be horrifically stupid. Thankfully, Bush’s people agreed. Much of his ideology can be summed up as Wilsonian; the man believed that war was the answer, always. I disagreed then and I still do.

However, it is not to say that Kristol was a total loss; He did work to take the Conservative movement away from the Anti-Semites within the Republican Party. He also exposed and expelled the blatant racists that had taken root since the days of Abraham Lincoln. Between Kristol and Buckley; Conservatism become a bit more intellectual and not the knuckle-dragging simpleton nonsense that it has become now; Sarah Palin being a perfect example.

May God Bless the man, I am sure will be missed. May he rest in peace.

Cross-Posted at Alexandria

Charles Foster Johnson and Banning on Blogs

Once again I feel the need to tip my toe into this discussion.

Robert Stacy McCain speaking on Charles Johnson and his house of idiots:

As if obsessively policing 400-comment threads for any hint of disagreement weren’t enough to satisfy the paranoia of Pol Pot, how does Johnson find the psychic energy to moonlight as Internet Commissar of Affiliation-Investigation?

Okay, this is where I feel the need to say, “Whoa! Hold it Minute Doc!”

Let me explain something to Robert and to those who happen to follow the link over from his blog. My issue with Charles Foster Johnson is NOT with his banning people from his blog, okay? I do it, everyone who gives two farks about their blog not being overrun with trolls does it. Actually, I do not really ban people. If someone posts what I feel to be a overly stupid troll-like comment. I simply put their IP address into a “This is an idiot user “Filter” and it moderates their comment. I use it sparingly, if it at all. But there are times, when I must.

Now this is where I lean into my libertarian part of me. I believe in individual freedom; and that freedom includes the right to ban people, that you feel are being idiots on your blog. Granted, Charles Johnson’s banning of some can be characterized as  poor Judgment. (…and believe me, I am being incredibility nice here.) But, as much as it grinds many of us of dislike Charles Johnson and his attacking of those fighting in the struggle against Jihad; it is Charles Johnson’s right to ban whom he wishes. After all guys, it is his blog, he does pay the bandwidth bill.

My issue with Charles Johnson is this. As JoshuaPundit; who has a very nice looking blog, by the way — points out very well, it is because of Charles Johnson’s slandering those who stand up to President Obama’s socialist Domestic polices. Including people like Jim Hoft and Pamela Geller. THAT and only THAT was the reason why I ran the ads and came out in defense of McCain and those on the side of Anti-Jihad.

So, let me clear, (Until my teleprompter breaks and I forget what I am going to say… *tee hee*) My issue is not with Banning, as I feel it is any blog owners right to do so. It is with the personal attacks. That is why I support McCain and Co.   As much as I know that Charles Johnson’s Banning is Douche Nozzle’ish in Nature, it is his right as a blog owner and I have no quarrel with that, at all.

News from a Fundamentalist Baptist Christian point of view

September 18, 2009, Volume 10, Issue 38

The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this does not imply an endorsement. For instructions on how to unsubscribe to this list or to change mailing addresses, please consult the information paragraph at the end.

A WARNING ABOUT BIBLE TRANSLATION WORK TODAY (Friday Church News Notes, September 18, 2009, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) – The amount of Bible translation work that has occurred over the past 100 years appears impressive. In 1910, the Bible in whole or in part was available in 722 languages, whereas today the number is roughly 2,500. The problem is two-fold. First, the vast majority of the new translations are based on the exceedingly corrupt critical Greek text, which omits 2,886 words from the Greek Received Text upon which the old Reformation Bibles were based. This is equivalent to omitting the entire books of 1 and 2 Peter from the Bible. These omissions include 45 entire and 185 partial verses and have significant doctrinal implications (Everett Fowler, Evaluating Versions of the New Testament). Further, the modern translation methodology itself is corrupt. Created by Eugene Nida fifty years ago, it is called “dynamic equivalency.” By this method, the translator is allowed to take frightful liberties with the infallible words of God, modifying and adapting the Scripture to “the culture.” The dynamic equivalency methodology even adopts pagan names for God. For example, the United Bible Societies and Wycliffe Bible Translators have used the following names for God: In Samba of Africa they used Nyaama (the sun); in Lame in Chad they used Yafray (mother of the heavens); in Ga in Ghana they used Ataa Naa Nyonmo (the father mother God). Philip Noss of the American Bible Society says, “God reveals himself through his word and through each culture” (“Bible Translation in History and into the Future,” Lausanne World Pulse, September 2009). (For more on this see the report “Dynamic Equivalency: Its Influence and Errors” at the Way of Life web site.)

EPISCOPAL NUNS JOIN ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Friday Church News Notes, September 18, 2009, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) – Ten nuns of the Episcopal Church in America joined the Roman Catholic Church this month. The nuns, from the All Saints Sisters of the Poor of Maryland, left the Episcopal Church because it has “become too liberal in its acceptance of homosexuality” (“Episcopal Nuns Leave,” USA Today, Sept. 9, 2009). The community’s chaplain, Warren Tanghe, also joined Rome. Christina Christie, the order’s superior, said, “We were drifting farther apart from the more liberal road the Episcopal Church is traveling. We are now more at home in the Roman Catholic Church.” In truth, they have jumped from the frying pan into the fire. The Roman Catholic Church is not only permeated with its own heresies (e.g., the papacy, a sacramental gospel, veneration of Mary, priests who allegedly stand in the place of Chris t, the transubstantiation of the mass wafer), it is also filled with theological modernism. Pope John Paul II stated that the theory of evolution must be taken seriously by Christians (Vatican Information Service, October 23, 1996). Pope Benedict XVI calls Mary “Heaven’s Gate” (“All can enter eternal life, but the door is narrow,” Catholic News Agency, Aug. 27, 2007). As for homosexuality, it has been stated that 50% of Roman Catholic seminarians in America are homosexual (David France, “Gay and the Seminary,” Newsweek, April 20, 2002). This article describes “an aggressive gay ethos.” The total payout for sex abuse by the Roman Catholic Church in America is well over $2 billion. A conservative Catholic organization documented this wretched business in the fall/winter 2002 issue of the magazine Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, observing, “… the overwhelming majority of sexual abuse cases in the Catholic Church–about 90%–inv olve homosexual priests preying on teenage boys.” By forbidding to marry (among other things), Rome has long identified itself as an institution that has departed from the faith and that is giving heed to doctrines of devils (1 Timothy 4:1-4).

President Obama honors Jared Monti

I realize that this Blog entry is not going to do much for my Conservative Credentials; not that I honestly give two flips about that. But I happened to notice this little entry over at the White House Blog.

<p>President Barack Obama stands with Paul and Janet Monti as he posthumously awards their son, Army Sgt. 1st. Class Jared C. Monti from Raynham, Mass., the Medal of Honor for his service in Afghanistan during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House, Thursday, Sept. 17, 2009.</p>

President Barack Obama stands with Paul and Janet Monti as he posthumously awards their son, Army Sgt. 1st. Class Jared C. Monti from Raynham, Mass., the Medal of Honor for his service in Afghanistan during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House, Thursday, Sept. 17, 2009.


Today the President awarded Sergeant First Class Jared C. Monti, U.S. Army, the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty in the East Room of the White House. Sergeant First Class Monti received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his heroic actions in combat in Afghanistan, which the President recounted alongside his parents Paul and Janet Monti.

Here is a portion of the President’s comments, of which you can read the full thing here.

That’s when Jared Monti did what he was trained to do. With the enemy advancing — so close they could hear their voices — he got on his radio and started calling in artillery. When the enemy tried to flank them, he grabbed a gun and drove them back. And when they came back again, he tossed a grenade and drove them back again. And when these American soldiers saw one of their own — wounded, lying in the open, some 20 yards away, exposed to the approaching enemy — Jared Monti did something no amount of training can instill. His patrol leader said he’d go, but Jared said, “No, he is my soldier, I’m going to get him.”

It was written long ago that “the bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet, notwithstanding, go out to meet it.” Jared Monti saw the danger before him. And he went out to meet it.

He handed off his radio. He tightened his chin strap. And with his men providing cover, Jared rose and started to run. Into all those incoming bullets. Into all those rockets. Upon seeing Jared, the enemy in the woods unleashed a firestorm. He moved low and fast, yard after yard, then dove behind a stone wall.

A moment later, he rose again. And again they fired everything they had at him, forcing him back. Faced with overwhelming enemy fire, Jared could have stayed where he was, behind that wall. But that was not the kind of soldier Jared Monti was. He embodied that creed all soldiers strive to meet: “I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade.” And so, for a third time, he rose. For a third time, he ran toward his fallen comrade. Said his patrol leader, it “was the bravest thing I had ever seen a soldier do.”

They say it was a rocket-propelled grenade; that Jared made it within a few yards of his wounded soldier. They say that his final words, there on that ridge far from home, were of his faith and his family: “I’ve made peace with God. Tell my family that I love them.”

And then, as the artillery that Jared had called in came down, the enemy fire slowed, then stopped. The patrol had defeated the attack. They had held on — but not without a price. By the end of the night, Jared and three others, including the soldier he died trying to save, had given their lives.

I’m told that Jared was a very humble guy; that he would have been uncomfortable with all this attention; that he’d say he was just doing his job; and that he’d want to share this moment with others who were there that day. And so, as Jared would have wanted, we also pay tribute to those who fell alongside him: Staff Sergeant Patrick Lybert. Private First Class Brian Bradbury. Staff Sergeant Heathe Craig.

And we honor all the soldiers he loved and who loved him back — among them noncommissioned officers who remind us why the Army has designated this “The Year of the NCO” in honor of all those sergeants who are the backbone of America’s Army. They are Jared’s friends and fellow soldiers watching this ceremony today in Afghanistan. They are the soldiers who this morning held their own ceremony on an Afghan mountain at the post that now bears his name — Combat Outpost Monti. And they are his “boys” — surviving members of Jared’s patrol, from the 10th Mountain Division — who are here with us today. And I would ask them all to please stand. (Applause.)

Like Jared, these soldiers know the meaning of duty, and of honor, of country. Like Jared, they remind us all that the price of freedom is great. And by their deeds they challenge every American to ask this question: What we can do to be better citizens? What can we do to be worthy of such service and such sacrifice?

Sergeant First Class Jared C. Monti. In his proud hometown of Raynham, his name graces streets and scholarships. Across a grateful nation, it graces parks and military posts. From this day forward, it will grace the memorials to our Medal of Honor heroes. And this week, when Jared Monti would have celebrated his 34th birthday, we know that his name and legacy will live forever, and shine brightest, in the hearts of his family and friends who will love him always.

May God bless Jared Monti, and may He comfort the entire Monti family. And may God bless the United States of America.

For all of the criticisms that I level at President Obama; this is not one of them. I truly believe that President Obama “Gets it”; when it comes to loss of life in the Military. More so, than even President Bush. I believe sometimes, that Bush used the Military as a photo prop or even to boost his ratings. To me, as a writer who was and still is, far way from the beltway, it always seemed like Bush was posing, when appearing with Military personnel. I could be wrong on this, but I highly doubt it. Obama does genuinely care. I can tell this. He respects the men and woman who risk and ultimately give their lives for the Military and more broadly for their Country. To me, that strikes me as Obama being a “Truman Democrat”. I truly believe that Obama dislikes the notion of war. But he also understands that War is necessary for the preservation of the Republic.  I also notice that Obama has stepped up to the plate in the Afghanistan war. The President knows that the situation in that country is extremely complex; even more so now, that it was when Bush ordered the invasion.

It has also been observed that President Obama has shrugged off the far left’s insistence that President should pull our ground troops out of Afghanistan and solve the Afghanistan war though diplomacy. Something that this writer highly disagrees with. There is only one way to deal with terrorists and Al-Qeada and that is with the end of gun or a missile. President Obama knows this and has; so far, stepped up the plate and made it quite clear that he intends to carry that fight on.  As a Conservative and someone who believes that the war on terror is a reality, this is a welcome quality as a President and I personally commend him for that.

This is not to say that I do not have issues with his domestic polices. I do. I disagree with a good portion of it. But his policy when it comes to the war on terror and his respect for our Nation’s Military is not something you will find me criticizing at all.

So, on the behalf of this Conservative writer and supporter of our Nation’s Military; Thank you Mr. President and please, Keep it up.

Quote of the Day

………….Attorney General Eric Holder, who played a role in the Clinton pardons of Weather Underground members, may be reluctant to prosecute former political associates of the President, but if the FBI pursues the case and brings the evidence forward, there may be no other alternative.

If President Obama himself wants to see justice done—and he claims he didn’t agree with the Weather Underground’s campaign of violence and bombings—it would be easy enough for him to order Holder to bring forth all of the available evidence in the case.

If CIA officers can be investigated for treating terrorists harshly, why can’t terrorist bombers now running around the Chicago area teaching college students be brought to justice for killing a policeman?

U.S Changes direction on Eastern European Nuclear-Missile Shield

Oh Wonderful….. 🙄 You will see why I say this in a minute here.

First, the video:

The Story via the Wall Street Journal:

WASHINGTON — The White House is scrapping a Bush-era plan for an Eastern European missile-defense shield, saying a redesigned defensive system would be cheaper, quicker and more effective against the threat from Iranian missiles.

“After an extensive process, I have approved the unanimous recommendations of my secretary of defense and my joint chiefs of staff to strengthen America’s defenses against ballistic-missile attack,” President Barack Obama said in an announcement Thursday morning.

The previous administration’s plans will be changed, moving away from the installation of a missile-defense shield in the Czech Republic and Poland in the near future. A second phase to begin in 2015 could result in missiles being placed on land in Eastern Europe.

“Our new missile defense architecture in Europe will provide stronger, smarter and swifter defenses of American forces and America’s allies,” Mr. Obama said. “It is more comprehensive than the previous program, it deploys capabilities that are proven and cost effective, and it sustains and builds upon our commitment to protect the U.S. homeland.”

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the decision to abandon the Bush administration’s plans came about because of a change in the U.S. perception of the threat posed by Iran.

Mr. Gates said intelligence experts concluded the short- and medium-range missiles were “developing more rapidly than previously projected” in Iran. The findings are a major reversal from the Bush administration, which pushed aggressively to begin construction of the Eastern European system before leaving office in January.

The Bush administration proposed the European-based system to counter the perceived threat of Iran’s developing a nuclear weapon that could be placed atop its increasingly sophisticated missiles. There is widespread disagreement over the progress of Iran’s nuclear program toward developing such a weapon, but miniaturizing nuclear weapons for use on long-range missiles is one of the most difficult technological hurdles for an aspiring nuclear nation.

The White house confirmed that it will ditch Bush plans to erect a missile defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, a move likely to mean greater cooperation with Russia. WSJ’s National Security Correspondent Peter Spiegel reports.

The Bush plan infuriated the Kremlin, which argued the system was a potential threat to its own intercontinental ballistic missiles. U.S. officials repeatedly insisted the location and limited scale of the system — a radar site in the Czech Republic and 10 interceptor missiles in Poland — posed no threat to Russian strategic arms.

The Obama administration’s assessment concludes that U.S. allies in Europe, including NATO members, face a more immediate threat from Iran’s short- and medium-range missiles and is ordering a shift toward the development of regional missile defenses for the Continent, according to people familiar with the matter. Such systems would be far less controversial.

Russia on Thursday welcomed the news but said it saw no reason to offer concessions in return. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called the plan a “responsible move.” He threatened last year to station tactical Iskander missiles on Poland’s border if the U.S. system was deployed.

“We appreciate this responsible move by the U.S. president toward realizing our agreement,” Mr. Medvedev said Thursday. “I am prepared to continue the dialogue.”

Okay now, here’s why I say, “Oh Wonderful….” 🙄

Via The A.P.:

VIENNA (AP) – Experts at the world’s top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press.

The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency’s leaders share Washington’s views on Iran’s weapon-making capabilities.

It appears to be the so-called “secret annex” on Iran’s nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA’s chief.

The document says Iran has “sufficient information” to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to “overcome problems” on developing a delivery system.

Nothing like yanking your shields down —– Just in time to find out that Iran has the ability to make a Nuke and is hiding it from the rest of the World.

If I were President Obama, I would be in the fetal position crying my eyes out right about now. I mean, This guy just has a horrible sense of timing or something.

I hate to be the guy to say it; but this President has royally screwed up and screwed us, the American people…..again.

Good Job Barry! 🙄

Others:  Pajamas Media, Jules Crittenden, Don Surber, Power Line, MoonbatteryFausta’s Blog, , The FoundryBelow The Beltway, Moderate in the Middle, Neptunus Lex, A Blog For All, Dr. Sanity, , Michelle Malkin

Late Night at the PB presents: Peter, Paul and Mary

This is a special tribute edition of the PB Pub. Today the folk music world lost one of the original voices. Mary Travers of the group Peter, Paul and Mary has died.

The New York Times reports:

Mary Travers, whose ringing, earnest vocals with the folk trio Peter, Paul and Mary made songs like “Blowin’ in the Wind,” “If I Had a Hammer” and “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” enduring anthems of the 1960s protest movement, died on Wednesday at Danbury Hospital in Connecticut. She was 72 and lived in Redding, Conn.

17travers3a_190The cause was complications from chemotherapy associated with a bone-marrow transplant she had several years ago after developing leukemia, said Heather Lylis, a spokeswoman.

Ms. Travers brought a powerful voice and an unfeigned urgency to music that resonated with mainstream listeners. With her straight blond hair and willowy figure and two bearded guitar players by her side, she looked exactly like what she was, a Greenwich Villager directly from the clubs and the coffeehouses that nourished the folk-music revival.

“She was obviously the sex appeal of that group, and that group was the sex appeal of the movement,” said Elijah Wald, a folk-blues musician and a historian of popular music.

Ms. Travers’s voice blended seamlessly with those of her colleagues, Peter Yarrow and Paul Stookey, to create a rich three-part harmony that propelled the group to the top of the pop charts. Their first album, “Peter, Paul and Mary,” which featured the hit singles “Lemon Tree” and “If I Had a Hammer,” reached No. 1 shortly after its release in March 1962 and stayed there for seven weeks, eventually selling more than two million copies.

The group’s interpretations of Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the Wind” and “Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right” translated his raw vocal style into a smooth, more commercially acceptable sound. The singers also scored big hits with pleasing songs like the whimsical “Puff the Magic Dragon” and John Denver’s plaintive “Leaving on a Jet Plane.”

On a personal note, My mother loved this group as a young lady and still does to this day. With my Mom and many of the other young people at the time; politics was the farthest thing from their minds. They were just enjoying the good music and singing. I am also well aware of the politics of this woman and the other members of the group. However, I do believe a bit clarification is in order.  I believe that the liberalism of this woman’s era was not the same stripe of the liberalism of today. It is sort of hard to explain, there has been books written about it.  It was the Kennedy Liberalism and not the kind of Liberalism of Barack Obama.

Here are a few videos in memory of Mary Travers… Enjoy. May Mary rest in peace and on the behalf of my Mother; thanks for the memories.

Some of you may noticed the familiar looking ads in the sidebars

Those  two free ads are running for two weeks. Basically in support of a friend of mine; who is being attacked by a person, of whom I believe to be a traitor to the Conservative movement, the anti-jihad movement and Anti-Islamic Fascism  Movement. Further more, attacking those of us who dare to speak out against the Current administration as racists.

I had hoped that I could stay out of this fray or at least not have to mention said parties name on my Blog. But it seems that Mr. Charles Foster Johnson has got a serious problem. That problem is collectivism; that is blaming of an entire movement for the misdeeds of a slight few. The whole guilt by association game that the far left tries to play against anyone who disagrees with their politics.  The end for me, is when Charles Johnson said of the owner of Gateway Pundit; that he was a “Borderline illiterate Bigot.”

My advice to Charles Johnson is this. Take the fucking idiotic stupid blog of yours down and go the fuck away. Whatever you do, do NOT fuck with me. Believe me when I say this. I have the means and the fucking gonads to plunk down some cash and get my hands of every piece of personal information about that is available about you, via most information services of this sort.  Do not think that I am above posting every god damned piece of personal information about you sir. Including, Address with an aerial shot of your house. Telephone numbers, Social security number, Credit Card Numbers,  Driver license numbers, Vehicle Vin Numbers and anything else, that I think that the American people should know about it. Yes, I am that damned crazy.  I have done this before, when I felt it necessary to do so, and I will do it again, if I think that it is needed.

I dislike blog fights; I really do. I have been in a few myself and something always happens that you regret later. However, I will use any all means, including lethal force, to defend myself, if need be. So, Johnson, don’t even think of Barking up my damn tree cracker boy.

Anyhow, here are the other folks blogging ol ‘Foster: Atlas Shrugs, The Jawa Report, American Power, Carol’s Closet, Jihad Watch, The Daley Gator, Whiskey Fire and TBogg

When it comes to Immigration Libby Grammer Garrett does NOT believe the Bible!

I do not do Christianity on this blog much at all. Partially because I just do not feel that I am a qualified spokesman for Christian or the Baptist Faith, in which I am a part of.

However, when I read stuff like this right here, I get quite angry and feel the need to speak out against it.

Some socialist twit, named Libby Grammer Garrett, who claims to be a Baptist and a Christian has written the follow awful piece of nonsense that is supposedly Christian and Baptist in Nature.

Read More …

From the Mailbag

From Reader Chris, who donated to the cause:

No problem Patrick, I consider a blessing to have you and all the others out there doing what you’re doing and I’ll soon be joining you for the NEXT march on D.C.

Also, I ask you to keep hope in the fact that I, like many conservative democrats, am appalled at our party being hijacked by a regime hellbent on transforming us into a nation of tax slaves. I guess we had to have our turn as well so we could finally see that the corruption is across the spectrum.

What’s so awesome is that this movement is serving to unite people ACROSS party lines! We are on the verge of a libertarian revolution here! No more two party rule with the Federal Reserve at the helm.

Lastly, please sign Ron Paul’s petition and contact you Reps if you haven’t already, this move is ESSENTIAL to establishing our freedom from a future of endless debt.

Again, it’s my pleasure to contribute.


From Reader Bev, who made a wonderful Donation to the cause:

You’re welcome Patrick.  I was amongst the throng yesterday.  Unable to find any decent coverage………I was looking for an approximate head count.

A friend sent me your Blog this morning.  I was stunned by the volume of people.  Your pictures have humbled me.  Until today I feared for our future……..but we are so many.  My faith has been renewed.

A thank you was not enough!




That’s really nice of you.  I saw your “Thank you Beverly from New Jersey”  looking for the article I originally read that sent me to you.  Can’t find it.

I had 4 children and reared a brother………18 years younger then myself.  They all were in their 30’s when they left home.  Two still live 2 miles away.  Family ties are the most important life lines…………but are not meant to decide ones fate.  Good for you for being your own man.  Humor is a plus when “coping” with ones circumstances.  I read it takes 10,000 hours of intense involvement in ones interests…..to become a huge success.  Bill Gates for example.

Stick with what you love to do.  You already have a following.  This country is going to be changing…….for sure….and we need real people committed to “goals” rather then lining their pockets.  Your writing ability will be a big asset.

Good luck………. I will be watching your progress.


I love this job. 😀

New contributor gig for your host

I am pleased to announce that some crazy blog owner thinks that my writings skills are worthy of print elsewhere besides here.

I now am a contributor at a Blog called Alexandria.

It is a bit of “Top Hat and Tails” sort of an affair over there. Which honestly makes me wonder; what the hell do they want with me?

Anyhow, it is a writing gig and I am pleased to be of assistance. 😀

So, if you see “Cross posted at Alexandria” on some of my postings. This is why.

Leave Jay Leno alone!

I am not sure who’s anal orifice John Nolte had his head stuck in, when he wrote this piece; but I took great issue with it.

You want to be edgy in the entertainment business today? Be polite and keep the politics as across the board as possible. Walk on stage with the “edgy” goal of wanting to entertain and take away from their daily frustrations as many people as possible.

Jay Leno’s the new edgy, the new ballsy…

And that lapel flag makes him a downright iconoclast.

I didn’t see his show, but I’m pulling for him because all the right people are not.

via Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » If Jay Leno Wants Better Reviews He Can Start By Removing the Lapel Flag.

I am not sure what John Nolte’s problem is; but his criticism of Jay Leno is totally unfounded and quite stupid, if you ask me.

It just so happens that Jay Leno has not been very outward about his politics at all. I would never call Leno a committed leftist at all. In fact, the man does tend to have Conservative leanings. I believe Jay Leno to be one of those types, who are “Middle of the Road”, when comes to matters of the political sort.  He is admittedly a supporter of the working, middle class, man in this country. Something that I do not find to be offensive at all.

In fact, I thought giving a free show to the unemployed in the Detroit Area; where I live here to be a noble gesture on his part.  I think anyone who would find that to be offensive would be either out for bloodsport or just being some sort of partisan hack. So, while I feel that Nolte was correct about his observation of Letterman. I found his criticism of Leno totally out of line and even possibly out of touch.

As for the Flag Pin criticism; let me clue you in on something. Jay Leno started with nothing, he was an absolute nobody; He started at the bottom and worked his way up. He caught a lucky break and became an extremely successful comedian. That my friends is the American dream, you could not do something like that in say North Korea, or Venezuela or maybe even Russia. —- My point is this folks; Jay Leno is the perfect example of someone living the American Dream. If he wants to wear an American flag lapel pin. I say, by all mean, let him and even praise him for it. Jay Leno is example of what Hard Work, committed endurance and possibly even a little luck will get you. If you want to be successful, you can be, you just have to work at it.

Having said all that; let’s leave “The Chin” alone. He’s earned his wings and he did it the hard way. Let us not criticize someone for loving this Country. In this day of Leftest Presidents apologizing for this Country; let us condemn someone for quietly, if not subtly praising this Country and it’s many freedoms.

Cross Posted at Alexandria