The Southern Avenger on “Racist Jim Clyburn”

When House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn insinuated that fellow South Carolinian leader, Governor Mark Sanford was racist, an examination of Clyburn’s statement – and the term “racist” – was….

The Video:

The Southern Avenger’s Blog

The Southern Avenger at Taki’s Magazine

Snort Worthy Quote of the Day

Glenn Back on him and Rush Limbaugh:

Do you expect that you will be surpassing Rush Limbaugh any time soon in terms of your radio audience?

[Laughs.] I don’t think so.

But are you the pretender to the throne?

I think I do something extraordinarily different than Rush. Rush is political thought, I am a guy who’s part rodeo clown

via Glenn Beck on Why He’s No Rush Limbaugh – The Daily Beast.


(H/T HotAir Headlines)

The Politico Admits what Bloggers have known for years….

That the Main Stream Media uses Blogs for it’s political news gathering.

For the past two years, several hundred left-leaning bloggers, political reporters, magazine writers, policy wonks and academics have talked stories and compared notes in an off-the-record online meeting space called JournoList.

Proof of a vast liberal media conspiracy?

Not at all, says Ezra Klein, the 24-year-old American Prospect blogging wunderkind who formed JournoList in February 2007. “Basically,” he says, “it’s just a list where journalists and policy wonks can discuss issues freely.”

But some of the journalists who participate in the online discussion say — off the record, of course — that it has been a great help in their work. On the record, The New Yorker’s Jeffrey Toobin acknowledged that a Talk of the Town piece — he won’t say which one — got its start in part via a conversation on JournoList. And JLister Eric Alterman, The Nation writer and CUNY professor, said he’s seen discussions that start on the list seep into the world beyond.

via JournoList: Inside the echo chamber – Michael Calderone –

…..and a collective “Duh!” went up over the Blogosphere.  This what I, and every other Blogger has known for years, that the MSM uses the Political Blogosphere for collecting its news.

An interesting quote:

“I’m very lazy about writing when I’m not getting paid,” Alterman said. “So if I take the trouble to write something in any detail on the list, I tend to cannibalize it. It doesn’t surprise me when I see things on the list on people’s blogs.”

He is not the only one. I’ve read where even Bill O’Reilly has ripped off elements of the Conservative political Blogosphere and not even bothered to credit it’s sources. Which is about typical for the journalistic world. “Let’s rip off the Bloggers, nobody reads those things anyhow!” Think I’m full of it? Think again. 90% of all political stories come from our realm.

As for the conspiracy aspect of it. I don’t really buy into that. The Liberals are doing simply what the Conservatives did in the 1990’s when Bill Clinton beat George H.W. Bush in the elections. They’re organizing their media outlets. Exchanging information to report on. It is really no big deal.

So, I really do not see what the big fuss is about. Democrats got smart, after losing 2 elections, and before that, having a disaster for a President; the Democrats are just not going to screw this chance up, when it getting things right this time. I cannot fault them for this.

I do believe that the Politico is really trying to make a boogie man sitution out of something that just really is not there.  There is nothing wrong the Blogging world working with it’s political counterparts to get their message on point. I believe if the G.O.P. had done this more and had gotten it’s message right and a great number of other things right, Obama might have lost this election. The trouble is the G.O.P. was busy harping on rather stupid stuff, than on the real message at hand.

So, while this might be a nice headline for the Meme Trackers. There is nothing in this story that I, at least, find to be of a scandalous nature.

Others: protein wisdom, Hot Air, Erick’s blog, The Corner,, Patterico’s Pontifications,, Grasping Reality …, PoliGazette, Open LeftBen Smith’s Blog, The Corner

NRSC does Irish Racism?

I was over at and I noticed this video:

Let’s see here. racist stereotypes of the people of Irish heritage, open mocking of the Irish culture.

Now how is it, that people can do this, and it’s perfectly fine, but a video like this here is offensive? ThinkingI dont know:

Can you say….. Double standard? Surprise

Just Saying

Quote of the Day

“The tactics of the Israel lobby plumb the depths of dishonor and
indecency and include character assassination, selective
misquotation, the willful distortion of the record, the fabrication
of falsehoods and an utter disregard for the truth.”

“A lobby,” Steve Rosen confided in an AIPAC internal memo, “is like
a night flower; it thrives in the dark and dies in the sun.”

Yes, and long ago, Al Smith addressed the age-old problem of the
Rosens within: “The best way to kill anything un-American is to
drag it out into the open, because anything un-American cannot live
in the sunlight.”

Well done, Ambassador Freeman

Don Imus has From Stage II Prostate Cancer

Some Sad News:

Radio host Don Imus announced on his radio show Monday that he is battling stage II prostate cancer.

Imus, 68, known for his controversial and outspoken opinions on everything from sports to politics, offered no word on his prognosis but said that he had full confidence “his doctors will beat it.”

Imus made the announcement Monday on his morning show from New York, which airs on ABC Radio Networks and cable’s RFD-TV. He said he wrestled with the idea of making it public, but figured he should because he might have to miss some work due to treatment.

“I’m changing the name of the Imus Cattle Ranch for Kids with Cancer to the Imus Cattle Ranch for Kids with cancer and me,” he said, referring to his charity to help children with cancer.

Imus said he has early stage cancer, which means it hasn’t spread outside the prostate.

“The day you find out is fine,” he said. “But the next morning when you get up, your knees are shaking. I didn’t think I could make it to work.”

Imus said he was surprised more than anything about the diagnosis, since he’s been intent on following a healthy diet for the past decade.

He noted that doctors seemed reluctant to talk about one of his big worries: What prostate cancer treatment will mean for his sex life.

via – Don Imus Suffering From Stage II Prostate Cancer

Hang in there Don and fight. Fight like bloody hell!

Even more liberal intolerance from the moderation que

Gotta love them Liberals! 🙄

Author : Scott Isaacs (IP: ,
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I just wanted to comment here since you were apparently too delicate to leave the comments open on your profanity-ridden post about Meghan McCain. I think you are a chickensh!t misogynist. I’d appreciate it if you’d avoid being a hypocrite and deleting this post since your column appears to be filthier than a public urinal. Feel free to defend trashing Megan McCain on my column… you and Laura Ingraham make me physically ill.

I’d appreciate it, if you would kiss my ass too, but you most likely wouldn’t so….

The funny thing is, we Conservatives still believe in the first amendment. Liberals? Not so much. Well, maybe if it fits into their rather idiotic and Communist ideology.

Fox News does something so stupid that I can’t even defend it

Now I am about to post something that someone in the Conservative Blogosphere is going to say that proves that I am a fake Conservative. Well, I got one thing to say about that; Screw ’em 🙄

I will explain why this rather tweaks me off after the quote.

The Video: (Via The Politico)

Via The Raw Story:

On Fox & Friends Monday, host Steve Doocy took time to note that a former CNN employee, Mauricio Funes, has been elected President of El Salvador. “He is from a party down in El Salvador that is essentially the communist party,” Doocy explained.

“I wonder if he is just on a leave of absence from CNN, which, given his political inklings CNN could stand for the Communist News Network,” he said.

But Fox was so eager to tie CNN to communism that they couldn’t get the name of Venezuela’s leader right when making an unsourced allegation.

A second Fox pundit pointed out that Funes’ party, Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, is liberal and said it was essentially communist. He then declared that FMLN “allegedly” has ties to Caesar Chavez.

Except that Caesar Chavez doesn’t lead a party in Latin America. He was a Mexican-American farm worker and labor activist who died in 1993.

It took a few moments before the Fox pundits corrected themselves — they were accusing the former CNN employee of being tied to Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s sharp-tongued liberal president.

“Scary, guys,” quipped Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt.

Here’s why it bothers me:

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Anyone that reads this Blog, other than to read just a single entry; knows that I come from a Union family. My Father is a retired General Motors worker, and a member of the United Auto Workers. Walter Reuther was, I personally feel, the United Auto Workers version of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In fact:

After Pearl Harbor, Reuther strongly supported the war effort and refused to tolerate wildcat strikes that might disrupt munitions production. He worked for the War Manpower Commission, the Office of Production Management, and the War Production Board. He led a 113-day strike against General Motors in 1945-1946; it only partially succeeded. He never received the power he wanted to inspect company books or have a say in management, but he achieved increasingly lucrative wage and benefits contracts. In 1946 he narrowly defeated R. J. Thomas for the UAW presidency, and soon after he purged the UAW of all Communist elements. He was active in the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) umbrella as well, taking the lead in expelling eleven Communist-dominated unions from the CIO in 1949. – Source Wikipedia

So, you see. Fox News not only insulted the memory of a dead man, who was unable to defend himself. Fox News also insulted the friend of one the greatest union leaders and in the writers opinion, one of the greatest Americans ever.

Hopefully, this will explain to you why that; outside of Bill O’Reilly, I steadfastly refuse to watch Fox News Channel.

And before anyone chides me for cheering for someone who was a Democrat. The Democratic Party of Reuther and Chevez’s day was a totally different party. Unlike the Socialist swine of today, the Democratic Party of the 1940’s was actually a Pro-American party. A pity that it has changed.

Megan McCain continues to pimp herself out to the Liberals

I thought I was done with this topic, seeing I already ripped this feckless bitch a new one once already.

But it seems that the prissy one is not too keen on being messed with over her weight….

The Video:

My response is simple; you’re all ass bitch, where do you want me to start?

Laura Ingraham is not buying it either:

Memo to Meghan McCain: Enjoy the media coverage while it lasts, but know you’re being used. You are the flavor of the month in left-wing media land because you are a Republican bashing the GOP. Likewise, your dad is most popular among the same people when he is slamming his Republican brethren in full-blown “maverick” fashion. At least he backs up his views with a lifetime of sacrifice and public service. What is Ms. McCain’s own political, business, or real-world experience that lends credibility to her argument that the GOP needs to “moderate” (read: abandon its core principles)?

Now the Left is seizing on one satirical line from our show to paint Meghan as the victim of a right-wing hate crime. This comes from the same playbook responsible for the ongoing demonization of Rush Limbaugh — where his take on President Obama’s economic policies are misrepresented as some kind of attack on America.

The left’s over-heated indignation over my throw-away satirical line in a five-minute monologue is totally phony. They look the other way when obvious personal attacks are used against conservatives. Remember when Al Franken was the toast of all media for his book “Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot”? Last month The View’s Joy Behar called him a “fat guy”; and when I was a guest on The View a few years back she ridiculed Ann Coulter and me as “peroxide” blondes on Fox.

Next time, just for fun, Meghan should pretend that she’s had a change of heart and is now a pro-life conservative. Then she’ll really see how the Mean Girls treatment feels.

I got to say that I agree. Little miss prissy is pimping herself out to the left, all to get on there and yowl about how the “Far Right” or as it is commonly known; Conservatives with principles, are so mean and nasty. That my friends is a damn sellout. You don’t whore yourself out to the far left or the left in general and then expect the Conservatives and/or Republicans to still love you and think you are so cool.

The plain facts are that Megan McCain needs to take her silly prissy ass back to Democratic Party where she belongs, because it is quite obvious that she is not a real Conservative, but rather one of those wishy-washy Faux Conservatives, like we have in Congress now. Which explains why Obama is getting away with Taxing and Spending this country into a hole.

Let me state this again. Her point on Ann Coulter was very valid. But for Megan to get on a lefty network and do what she has done. Invalidates her claim. Just that simple.

Wow, waddya know? I made a posting about her and no f-bombs. 😀 I’m getting better at this. 😉 😛 😀

(H/T AllahPundit @

The White House gets the Message! President Obama to Block A.I.G. Bonuses

Wow! No sooner than I publish the last entry. This news breaks:


Harnessing public outrage over lavish bonuses for bailed-out executives at insurance giant AIG, President Obama said Monday that he will “pursue every single legal avenue to block these bonuses and make the American taxpayers whole.”

Obama made his forceful remarks at a small-business event at the White House, following a weekend of heavy news coverage of the payments that fueled the populist backlash already building against bailouts for the wealthy.

“This isn’t just a matter of dollars and cents. It’s about our fundamental values,” Obama said.
“All across the country, there are people who work hard and meet their responsibilities every single day, without the benefit of government bailouts or multi-million dollar bonuses,” Obama said. “And all they ask is that everyone, from Main Street to Wall Street to Washington, play by the same rules.”

At one point, he ad-libbed after a cough, “Excuse me, I’m choked up with anger here.”

American International Group has received $173 billion in U.S. bailout funds, making it the largest single recipient. The company has said the bonuses, which came to light over the weekend, were required by contract and can’t be rescinded.

But administration and congressional officials are pursuing indirect ways to recover the roughly $165 million in bonuses.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Sunday called the bonuses “unconscionable.”

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said on NBC’s “Today” show that the bonuses amount to “rewarding incompetence” but acknowledged there might be no way to stop the payments.

“Maybe it’s time to fire some people,” he said. “We can’t keep them from getting bonuses but we can keep them from having their jobs,” he said. “In high school, they wouldn’t have gotten retention [bonuses], they would have gotten detention. … These people may have a right to their bonuses. They don’t have a right to their jobs forever.”

Some Conservatives are not impressed, however, I am extremely happy!  The President has gotten the message. Yeah, I know, he is still doing the bailout crap. But this is a first step, the White House knows that the American people are not happy. The point is, we need to keep up the pressure. This is not a time to quit, this is the time to go into double time pressure, at some point the people in Washington D.C. will get the message.

Good job Tea Party people! 😀

Those pesky populists

Not that there’s anything wrong with that….. 😀

The Story via The Old Grey Lady:

The Obama administration is increasingly concerned about a populist backlash against banks and Wall Street, worried that anger at financial institutions could also end up being directed at Congress and the White House and could complicate President Obama’s agenda.

The administration’s sharp rebuke of the American International Group on Sunday for handing out $165 million in executive bonuses — Lawrence H. Summers, director of the president’s National Economic Council, described it as “outrageous” on “This Week” on ABC — marks the latest effort by the White House to distance itself from abuses that could feed potentially disruptive public anger.

“We’ve got enormous problems that need to be addressed,” David Axelrod, Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, said in an interview. “And it’s hard to address because there’s a lot of anger about the irresponsibility that led us to this point.”

“This has been welling up for a long time,” he said.

Mr. Obama’s aides said any surge of such a sentiment could complicate efforts to win Congressional approval for the additional bailout packages that Mr. Obama has signaled will be necessary to stabilize the banking system.

As it is, there have already been moves in Congress to limit compensation to executives at banks and Wall Street firms that are receiving government help to survive.

Beyond that, a shifting political mood challenges Mr. Obama’s political skills, as he seeks to acknowledge the anger without becoming a target of it. A central question for Mr. Obama is whether his cool style — “in a time of crisis, we cannot afford to govern out of anger,” he said in his address to Congress last month — will prove effective when the country may be feeling more emotional.


Mr. Obama’s advisers argued that to at least some extent, this was a sentiment they could tap to push through his measures in Congress, including raising taxes on the wealthy. They pointed out that in his speech to Congress, Mr. Obama denounced corporations that “use taxpayer money to pad their paychecks or buy fancy drapes or disappear on a private jet.”

“The president has been very clear about this,” Mr. Axelrod said. “There is reason for anger, but we also have to solve the problem. We need a functioning credit system. That’s our responsibility, and he intends to meet it.”

Still, aides acknowledged the risks of a backlash as Mr. Obama tries to signal that he shares American anger but pushes for more bail-out money for banks and Wall Street.

For all his political skills and his capturing of the nation’s desire for change in the 2008 election, Mr. Obama, a product of Harvard Law School who calls upscale Hyde Park in Chicago home, has shown little inclination to strike a more populist tone. The danger, aides said, is that if he were to become identified as an advocate for the banks and Wall Street, people could take out their anger on him.

“The change now is you have a free-floating economic anxiety that has expressed itself in a kind of lashing out at those being bailed out and people who are bailing out,” Michael Kazin, a professor at Georgetown University who has written extensively on populism. “There’s not really a sense of what the solution is.”

“I do think there’s a potential for a ‘damn everybody in power’ kind of sentiment,” Mr. Kazin said.

Memo to the Tea Party People: It is working my good people! Keep up the protests! Keep up the e-mails and the phone calls and above all, just keep on, keeping on! 😀

For those that wonder what Populism actually is:

Entry: (via Websters)

Latin populus the people
1: a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people ; especially often capitalized : a member of a United States political party formed in 1891 primarily to represent agrarian interests and to advocate the free coinage of silver and government control of monopolies2: a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people
pop·u·lism ?li-z?m noun
pop·u·lis·tic ?pä-py?-?lis-tik adjective

2: a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people

From the Preamble of the United States Constitution:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Join the Glenn Beck 9/12 Project. Remember, we sorround them. Government is controlled, financed, and ordered by “We the people”, not the other way around. The banking cartels do not run this country, we the people do. Stand up, stand up and fight!

….and for what it is worth, Populism is not a Right or Left thing, it is an American thing.

Others, from all sides: The Moderate Voice, The Hill, Michelle Malkin, The New Republic, TalkLeft, Democracy in America, Hot Air, The Note, Political Punch, Open Left, QandO, Jules Crittenden, Bloomberg,, Brilliant at Breakfast, The Plum Line, Commentary, The Strata-Sphere, The Politico, AMERICAblog News, DealBook, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Washington Post, The Huffington Post, Althouse and

Democrat Actor Turned Conservative Patriot; Ron Silver, has passed

Such a sad buzzkill for the weekend:

Actor and longtime political activist Ron Silver died this morning, succumbing to a long battle with cancer, friends of the liberal Democrat-turned-GOP stalwart told The Post.

“Ron Silver died peacefully in his sleep with his family around him this morning,” said Robin Bronk, executive director of the Creative Coalition, which Silver helped create.

“He had been fighting esophageal cancer for two years and his family is making arrangements for a private service.”

Friends of Silver first told Post columnist Cindy Adams of the native New Yorker’s death.

The steely-eyed, blunt-talking Silver, 62, enjoyed a long career on the stage, TV and in movies, and most recently hosted a public affairs talk show on Sirius satellite radio.

via RON SILVER DEAD – New York Post.

A sad affair indeed. Rest now Ron. We’ll take it from here. 🙁

Others: Commentary, JammieWearingFool, Little Green Footballs, Pajamas Media, Althouse, Macsmind, Michelle Malkin, Sister Toldjah,,, Roger L. Simon, Power Line

Funnies from the comment section

Related to this post here:

Author : steve (IP: ,
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right , megan is just looking for an easy road to fame, you cant ride your loser daddies coat tails, get a real job ! maybe doing political talk for MTV, I hope I NEVER see you again!

Reeeeoooorrr….. Some one’s PMS’ing…. I gave him his wish, I banned his IP address from viewing the blog. 😛

Ol’ boy needs to get out in the Georgia sunshine more. He’s a bit dense tense. 🙄

Obama to tax Healthcare

Oh, this is just wonderful…. 🙄

Via the Old Grey Lady:

The Obama administration is signaling to Congress that the president could support taxing some employee health benefits, as several influential lawmakers and many economists favor, to help pay for overhauling the health care system.

The proposal is politically problematic for President Obama, however, since it is similar to one he denounced in the presidential campaign as “the largest middle-class tax increase in history.” Most Americans with insurance get it from their employers, and taxing workers for the benefit is opposed by union leaders and some businesses.

In television advertisements last fall, Mr. Obama criticized his Republican rival for the presidency, Senator John McCain of Arizona, for proposing to tax all employer-provided health benefits. The benefits have long been tax-free, regardless of how generous they are or how much an employee earns. The advertisements did not point out that Mr. McCain, in exchange, wanted to give all families a tax credit to subsidize the purchase of coverage.

At the time, even some Obama supporters said privately that he might come to regret his position if he won the election; in effect, they said, he was potentially giving up an important option to help finance his ambitious health care agenda to reduce medical costs and to expand coverage to the 46 million uninsured Americans. Now that Mr. Obama has begun the health debate, several advisers say that while he will not propose changing the tax-free status of employee health benefits, neither will he oppose it if Congress does so.

At a recent Congressional hearing, Senator Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat whose own health plan would make benefits taxable, asked Peter R. Orszag, the president’s budget director, about the issue. Mr. Orszag replied that it “most firmly should remain on the table.”

The next thing you know, Obama will be taxing Masturbation; by the damned stroke. That will be about the time that I will find the sharpest knife I can find and change my life forever.

Others: Fausta’s Blog, Weekly Standard, The Politico, JustOneMinute, QandO, The Strata-Sphere, Clusterstock, Sweetness & Light, Right Wing News, Macsmind, Associated Press, Corrente, Cold Fury, Wizbang, HotMES, Don Surber and Left in the West

Of sellouts and asshats….

(Sorry for the limited posting today. My body clock slipped a spring… and I have been trying get it back on course. I just woke up from a nice nap; hopefully we’re back on track here.)

Seems like meatball Liberal linked to my previous Blog posting and parsed a quote of mine, and then took a line from my “About Me” page to discredit me. Which proves what I have known and seen all along; that when liberals know they are losing the fucking argument, they stoop to personal slander and smears. Ah well, it isn’t all that bad, I could use the traffic. 😀

Anyhow, Kyle Smith over at the post, writes a very funny piece about the so-called Moderate Republicans  who selling out that party; like Magan McCain.  More of this, please. 😛

Others: Don Surber, Sister Toldjah and Cold Fury

Memo to Megan McCain: You don’t speak for me, bitch

Michelle Malkin has once again done what the MSM cannot or will not do. Pointed out the hypocrisy of the so-called Communist loving, Liberal-lite Moderate Republicans.

What am I talking about? It appears that Megan McCain thinks this douche nozzle here is cool.

I am going to say what Michelle Malkin is just too damned nice to say……

Pick a fucking side Bitch.

Megan McCain, you’re either with us or you’re against us. You are either on the side of freedom loving Americans like me, who feel that ANY sort of big Government is wrong, or you are on the side of the idiot communist liberal left. Point.fucking.blank.

Either get your god damned fat ass on the side of real true patriotic Americans or get on the side of the socialist left.

…and as I said in my title of this blog entry. You do NOT speak for me, you rich assed, fat, Fake assed Conservative Bitch!

Update: I just wanted to add that while I agree that Laura was dumb for attacking Megan, especially with the weight thing, and I happen to think that Coulter’s schtick is getting old, as do many others, for Megan to go to liberals to decry the “Far right” is just out of bounds in my opinion.

Update #2: Robert Stacy McCain linked to me. Doggone. I feel downright important like. 😛 He’s a good ol’ feller. Even if he does go to Church on the wrong day. 😉 😛 😀

Update #3: For it is worth; I know I called Megan “fat” which I know isn’t true about her. But honestly? I could give a fuck less about it. Because the way I see it; that bitch sold every Conservative and Republican, of EVERY stripe up the river, when she went on Maddow’s show. Maddow is a fucking ultra-Liberal partisan hack and a Keith Olbermann wanna-be, who poses as a Non-Partisan.  The unwritten rule in politics, is that you just DO NOT cross party lines to trash your own party. That is called being a SELL OUT. Quite frankly, now that she’s had her 15 minutes of attention whoredom, I wish she would just disappear.

Update #4: I closed the comments. Because I was tired of the official Megan McCain fan club members; which consist of about 10 guys and a fat girl from Texas, who were coming here leaving their rather stupid inane comments, and I was also tired of reading the self-righteous comments about my language. Two Words, Religious twirps; FUCK OFF. I do what I want. I don’t answer to your cereal box Religion, which has zero to do with Christ, and more to do with men. (and truthfully, little boys, just ask Axel Rose. Believe me, I know all about the sexual misdeeds as well. Been there, did that, almost got it myself. Luckily, the Lord was looking out for his boy.)

Update #5: Looks like little prissy britches went on “The View.”

Mark Steyn on debt to our kids

Mark Steyn on the debt that we’re leaving our Children:

Just between you, me, and the old, the late middle-aged and the early middle-aged: Isn’t it terrific to be able to stick it to the young? I mean, imagine how bad all this economic-type stuff would be if our kids and grandkids hadn’t offered to pick up the tab.

Well, OK, they didn’t exactly "offer" but they did stand around behind Barack Obama at all those campaign rallies helping him look dynamic and telegenic and earnestly chanting hopey-hopey-changey-changey. And "Yes, we can!"

Which is a pretty open-ended commitment.

Are you sure you young folks will be able to pay off this massive Mount Spendmore of multitrillion-dollar debts we’ve piled up on you?

"Yes, we can!"

We thought you’d say that! God bless the youth of America! We of the Greatest Generation, the Boomers and Generation X salute you, the plucky members of the Brokest Generation, the Gloomers and Generation Y, as in "Why the hell did you old coots do this to us?"

via Mark Steyn: Welcome, kids, to the Brokest Generation – Opinion –

Now, I realize that Steyn was being snarky. To be fair, much of this debt was brought on, long before Obama ever took office. But Obama sure did not do anything to stop the increase of that debt. In fact, Obama has added to it.

This whole idea of tax the rich, and spend out way out of a recession, is just bad all the way around. Mainly, because we are spending money that we do not even have. We are getting it from China, who is increasingly getting nervous about giving us this money; not to mention, they are becoming more hostile by the day.

So, while I think it is quite fun to blame the Democrats from everything from the weather to my inability to get laid. (Surprised)  Some things you just cannot put on one party or the other; because, quite frankly, both parties have done the dirty of adding to our national debt.

Others: Cold Fury and Pajamas Media

Edward Cline on the far left’s reaction to going galt

It is a rather excellent piece over at capitalist magazine, I’ll quote a little bit of it here; but I do ask that you go read the whole thing:

The nation — indeed, the world — is waking up to the idea that ideas have consequences. One idea is that sacrificing is not a life-enhancing option and will lead to misery or death. Another is that the heedless policy of a spendthrift is not a rational course of action. Another is that adopting the policy of a spendthrift benefits no one but a politician who advocates it as a sound fiscal policy. Envy is not a paying proposition. “Class warfare” in the form of “soaking the rich” to help the poor assures mutual impoverishment. There are so many more altruist and collectivist ideas that are being grasped by millions as a collective prescription for penury and extinction.

The world seems to be emerging from a moral and intellectual coma, perhaps temporarily, perhaps permanently. It is discovering that other ideas have other consequences, as well, ideas that promote life, promote prosperity, promote ambition and personal success, and that they are possible only in political freedom, and that this freedom has been violated, abridged, and nullified by the first set of ideas. True, politics is the last thing to be affected by a philosophical revolution. But one cannot help but be pleased with how startled the collectivists and altruists are now by the knowledge that they have not successfully pulled a fast one on Americans. These Americans have come knocking on the doors of elitists or leaning over the café railings or invading their legislated smoke-free bars and restaurants to ask: What in hell do you think you are doing?


One point of this commentary is to reveal the scope of hostility that exists in our culture to individualism, capitalism, freedom, and “the rich” — and to the mind. Another is to prepare those who would argue in defense of those things for the levels of ignorance and species of malice they will encounter, not only in people they might personally engage in argument, but in politicians, academics, and the news media.

The thing to remember is that reason and reality is on our side. Most of our opponents and enemies know it. They are not the ones who need convincing or any kind of rational guidance. Beware especially of the ones who claim it is your duty to convince them. These creatures’ minds are the truly truncated. Let reality be their ultimate persuader.

Focus on those who show genuine interest in answers, and never mind the fools.

Nothing better has ever been spoken. Our nation was founded on the notion that everyone, and Yes, I mean everyone. Could do anything, if they set their minds to it. That capitalism is the spirit of freedom that drives America. This is why I have zero use for the far left, and their vision of turning America into a Socialist; and ultimately, a Communist State.

An excellent read, indeed.

Sad News: Bill Davidson Owner of the Detroit Pistons has died

Truly some sad news from the local area here:

Bill Davidson, Managing Partner of the Detroit Pistons and 2008 Basketball Hall of Fame inductee, has passed away at the age 86.

Memorial services are planned for noon on Tuesday at the Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield.

Davidson became the second owner in Pistons history in 1974, when he purchased the franchise from the late Fred Zollner.

Bill Davidson

Bill Davidson = 1922 - 2009

Davidson also had ownership stake in Palace Sports and Entertainment, the Detroit Shock, DTE Energy Music Center, Meadow Brook Music Festival and Guardian Industries, Incorporated, one of the world’s primary manufacturers of architectural and automotive glass.

During his tenure as owner, Davidson’s professional teams won seven world championships, three in the NBA, three in the WNBA and one in the National Hockey League. Palace Sports and Entertainment owned the Tampa Bay Lightning when that franchise won the Stanley Cup in 2004.

In addition to accomplishments as a professional sports owner, Davidson was one of metro Detroit’s most notable philanthropists, responsible for more than $200 million in donations to local and international charities and universities.

Organizations and municipalities that have benefited from his generosity include the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, the University of Michigan, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovet, Israel, the Karmanos Cancer Institute and Children’s Research Center of Michigan, the city of Detroit’s Parks and Recreation Department, Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem and countless others.

In 1997, Davidson was honored for his philanthropy by the Council of Michigan Foundations and also named one of America’s most generous donors by the New York Times.

via Bill Davidson: 1922 – 2009 —

He will be missed. Condolences to the Davidson family and to everyone over at the Pistons. 🙁