Even more liberal intolerance from the moderation que

Gotta love them Liberals! 🙄

Author : Scott Isaacs (IP: , cpe-65-27-160-243.cinci.res.rr.com)
E-mail : isaacsgs@gendebate.com
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Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
I just wanted to comment here since you were apparently too delicate to leave the comments open on your profanity-ridden post about Meghan McCain. I think you are a chickensh!t misogynist. I’d appreciate it if you’d avoid being a hypocrite and deleting this post since your column appears to be filthier than a public urinal. Feel free to defend trashing Megan McCain on my column… you and Laura Ingraham make me physically ill.

I’d appreciate it, if you would kiss my ass too, but you most likely wouldn’t so….

The funny thing is, we Conservatives still believe in the first amendment. Liberals? Not so much. Well, maybe if it fits into their rather idiotic and Communist ideology.