Dick Cheney Warns of New Attacks

I should have named this “The mad rantings of the Eternal Neo-Con”, But I figured I’d try to be fair.


The Story:

Former Vice President Dick Cheney warned that there is a “high probability” that terrorists will attempt a catastrophic nuclear or biological attack in coming years, and said he fears the Obama administration’s policies will make it more likely the attempt will succeed.

In an interview Tuesday with Politico, Cheney unyieldingly defended the Bush administration’s support for the Guantanamo Bay prison and coercive interrogation of terrorism suspects.

And he asserted that President Obama will either backtrack on his stated intentions to end those policies or put the country at risk in ways more severe than most Americans — and, he charged, many members of Obama’s own team — understand.

“When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to an Al Qaeda terrorist than they are with protecting the United States against people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to kill Americans, then I worry,” Cheney said.

via Cheney warns of new attacks — Politico.com.

For the record, I believe that he does have a point about the Gitmo detainees. However, I believe that the mentality that they will attack us right away is wishful thinking on his part.

Are the Democrats secretly attempting to bring back the fairness doctrine?

This is a very dangerous thing, Conservatives and Republicans ought to be raising the roof about this.

Despite the absence of any action pending to re-enact the so-called “Fairness Doctrine,” congressional Republicans have nonetheless introduced legislation to prevent its passage, insisting that Democrats are advancing a quiet agenda to silence conservative talk radio.

Whether Americans realize it or not, say Republican lawmakers, “Free speech is under attack.”

For their part, several Democrats have denied there’s any attempt underway to reestablish the “Fairness Doctine,” insisting the GOP is trumping up paranoia that amounts to “much ado about nothing.”

So which is it?

In 1949 the Federal Communications Commission adopted a policy that required broadcasters to devote airtime to the public interest and to air opposing viewpoints when discussing controversial and political issues. The FCC abandoned the policy in 1987, paving the way for talk radio to explode from fewer than 150 stations nationwide to more than 3,000.

The majority of the country’s talk radio programs are politically conservative, prompting some, as WND has reported, to long for a more “balanced” menu.

“For many, many years, we operated under a Fairness Doctrine in this country,” Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., told Albuquerque radio station KKOB last year. “I think the country was well-served. I think the public discussion was at a higher level and more intelligent in those days than it has become since.”

Former broadcaster Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., however, sees the policy as an attack on First Amendment rights.

“Bringing back the Fairness Doctrine would amount to government control over political views expressed on the public airwaves,” Pence has said in opposition to the policy. “It is a dangerous proposal to suggest the government should be in the business of rationing free speech.”

via Is there sinister plot to squelch talk radio? — WorldNetDaily.

Let me give you my opinion. That is what Blogs are all about, political opinion and discussion. I believe that the “fairness doctrine,” is nothing more pure communism. Control of free speech in America. FDR instituted it during World War II to control dissent towards the War. It was called Communism at that time, by many Conservatives of that era and it still IS communist in nature as far as I am concerned. The reason I say this, is because it is the same thing that Hitler did in Germany and what the Soviets did in Russia, they controlled freedom of speech to quell dissent. (Yes, I know, Hitler was not a communist!)

However, on a more practical level. I do not believe that the Democrats will succeed in bringing it back. Why? Because the Government does not have the resources to enforce such a law. Heck, the FCC has been cutting down staff since the 1980’s, because the high costs of maintaining the huge staff. Examples, The FCC has basically turned over the examination process of the Amateur Radio Service over to the Amateur Radio community themselves. The enforcement is there, but you have to be doing something rather obnoxious to get a visit from the FCC anymore. The Amateur Radio Service is essentially self policed. So, I seriously doubt that even something like this was even passed, that the FCC would even bother to enforce it. I also believe that it will never get to a vote, because there would be a push back within the FCC to stop it, because of the lack of enforcement funding.

So, while I believe that this is a huge political issue, and that Conservatives everywhere ought to stay on top of it. I just do not believe that one; it will ever pass and two, that the FCC would even bother enforcing it.

India warns that Obama “is barking up the wrong Tree” when it comes to Kashmir

This might present a challenge to the new President:

India has warned US President Barack Obama that he risks “barking up the wrong tree” if he seeks to broker a settlement between Pakistan and India over the disputed territory of Kashmir.

MK Narayanan, India’s national security advisor, said that the new US administration was in danger of dredging up out of date Clinton administration-era strategies in a bid to bring about improved ties between the two nuclear armed neighbours.

“I do think that we could make President Obama understand, if he does nurse any such view, that he is barking up the wrong tree. I think Kashmir today has become one of the quieter and safer places in this part of the world,” Mr Narayanan said in an interview with CNBC TV18.

“It’s possible that at this time there are elements, perhaps in the administration who are harking back to the pre-2000 era.”

The warning comes as Richard Holbrooke, Mr Obama’s special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan, prepares to come to the region for the first time in his new capacity. Mr Narayanan is close to Manmohan Singh, India’s prime minister, and Sonia Gandhi, the president of the ruling Congress Party.

via FT.com – India warns Obama over Kashmir.

It seems that Obama is not going to the force that rights all the wrongs that are in the world after all.  This will another in a series of challenges for the new President. I wonder what he will do in response?

(H/T Drudge)

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Wingless – Alastair Crooke on Gaza & Hamas – living in the twilight zone!, DragonLady’s World, Wingless – Sura 5:32 – When Killing isn’t Murder, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Nuke’s, Allie is Wired, third world county, Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, Wingless – What Lead to Cast Lead, The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Wingless – Cuba: Beautiful Country, People…Not so Beautiful System…, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Wingless, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Quotes of the Day

Tell me again that “there is nothing we can do about it,” or “it’s God’s
will,” or “Jesus is coming soon.” Better yet, tell it again to the suffering
Christians around the world; tell it again to our Christian forebears; tell
it again to your children and grandchildren who are going to inherit a land
of tyranny and oppression, all because you were too lazy to resist.

I know unbelievers who have more character and determination about
preserving liberty than many who call themselves Christians. And I have a
ton more respect for them, too. Our Lord told us, “For unto whomsoever much
is given, of him shall be much required” (Luke 12:48). Yes, Christians in
America have been given the best of both worlds, and many do not even
appreciate it enough to see to it that their own children–their own flesh
and blood–will live to enjoy the same blessings. They are pathetic!

So, the next time you hear some piety-draped Christian talking about how he
won’t engage the enemy and fight for liberty, because of prophecy, or some
other spiritually-sounding platitude, just remember, it has nothing to do
with prophecy, or anything of the sort: it has everything to do with
old-fashioned laziness. My feeling toward him is the same as that of Sam
Adams (a fellow Christian) toward the Tories of old: “If ye love wealth
better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest
for freedom–go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly
upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!” Amen!


Has Obama no more imaginative ideas for government’s role in
reshaping the economy for the 21st century than this? Was it all
talk all along, to prepare the way for a return to the days of
spend and spend?

Sad, because this is likely to be Obama’s last shot at getting this
economy on its feet and running by 2010. For Americans are not as
patient as they were in the 1930s, when FDR could try one idea,
then another, then another for five years, and continue to roll up
massive electoral victories.

If Obama gets this one wrong, and all this pork and welfare fail to
generate real growth, his party could face a wipeout in 2010, and
his opportunity could be lost forever. Does he really want to bet
the farm on the nag Nancy Pelosi just trotted out of the House?

Ouch: US Loses two major supply lines to Afghanistan

This is not good, at all:

The U.S.-led campaign against the Taliban suffered two logistical blows Tuesday as the president of Kyrgyzstan announced that he’d shut a U.S. airbase in his country and insurgents in Pakistan blew up a bridge, disrupting the main U.S. supply route into Afghanistan.

The developments were the latest reminders of the vulnerability of the long and complex transportation system on which the 60,000 U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan depend for fuel, ammunition, construction materials and a great deal more.

The announcement by Kyrgyzstan President Kurmanbek Bakiyev that he will close the Manas Air Base also gave President Barack Obama a first taste of the challenge he faces from Russia, which is trying to restore its clout in countries that were part of the former Soviet Union.

Bakiyev made his announcement in Moscow, not in his own capital, shortly after the Russian government reportedly agreed to lend Kyrgyzstan $2 billion, write off $180 million in debt and add another $150 million in aid. The timing and place of the announcement indicated the Kremlin’s involvement.

“It’s a direct challenge to the new American administration. Russia is going out of its way to close an American base,” said Pavel Felgenhauer, a Moscow-based military analyst.

via McClatchy Washington Bureau — U.S. supply routes to Afghanistan suffer two huge blows.

I tend to agree with Ed Morrissey who writes:

The problem was never in Krygyzstan.  Biden predicted that world leaders would challenge Obama and his inexperience within the first few months of the adminstration, but they’ve already started to line up in the first few days.  Iran launched a satellite on an ICBM to show they could go ballistic once they have nuclear weapons.  North Korea reportedly has set up another ICBM for a test to threaten Seoul.  Now Russia has flipped an ally in the war on terror — and all of this in the first 14 days of Obama’s presidency.

Indeed, I believe this is simply Russia trying to test Obama, to see how he will react. Also, Russia is having problems with it’s people. They are bit angry about the problems with the economy. As I so blogged about yesterday. It could very well be that Putin is attempting to save face with the citizens of Russia by trying to show a little aggression towards Obama and by proxy; America.

Obama: “I screwed up”

This is pretty bad.

“I screwed up,” President Barack Obama told NBC’s Brian Williams Tuesday in the wake of his nominee to be secretary of health and human services, Tom Daschle, withdrawing his name from consideration.

Daschle dropped out after acknowledging that he had belatedly paid more than $128,000 in taxes owed to the federal government.

“Today was an embarrassment for us,” Obama said. He said he was “angry,” “disappointed” and “frustrated with myself” over the Daschle episode.

via Obama: ‘I screwed up’ in Daschle withdrawal  msnbc.com.

I guess the whole idea of Obama being the Messiah is basically shot in the butt now, ain’t it?

The Video:

Man, it’s only 2 weeks into his term. Good lord, I’m going to have material for four years.

Breaking Local News – G.M. to offer buyout packages to all union employees.

This is interesting…:

General Motors Corp. will offer buyouts to all of its hourly employees, a spokesman confirmed Tuesday, as the troubled automaker continues to slash costs.

GM spokesman Tony Sapienza said the buyouts will mainly target GM’s 22,000 retirement-eligible hourly employees, though any union employee can take the offer.

News of the buyouts first broke on Monday. A union official told The Associated Press then that GM would offer $20,000 in cash and a $25,000 car voucher for workers who retire early and those who simply leave the company. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because workers were not yet notified of the packages.

via GM To Offer Buyouts To All Hourly Employees — WDIV Detroit.

Just another sign of the times. For the record, G.M. has done this in the past, when times were bad. Hopefully some of the guys that have been with the company and are about ready to retire will take this buy out. Hopefully, this will help the problem and G.M. will become viable.

Daschle is out

Another one bits the dust! I guess I was quite wrong, I thought Daschle would ride it out. I guess not.

Former Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle on Tuesday withdrew his nomination to oversee the Health and Human Services Department, just a few hours after another Obama nominee also withdrew.

Both had controveries with taxes.

Earlier Tuesday, Nancy Killefer withdrew as President Barack Obama’s nominee to be the first chief performance officer for the federal government.

via Daschle withdraws Obama nomination – White House- msnbc.com.

While it might be sad, I think it is for the best. If one is going to preach hope and change, it is best to abide by that principle. I believe also it was because of the Democrat backlash as well.

What is it with Democrats and Taxes?

Another Obama appointment, under the bus!

I’m starting to notice a pattern here…:

Nancy Killefer withdrew her candidacy to be the first chief performance officer for the federal government on Tuesday, saying she didn’t want her bungling of payroll taxes on her household help to become a distraction for the Obama administration.

Killefer was the second major nominee to withdraw and the third to have tax problems complicate nominations after President Barack Obama announced he had chosen them.

In a brief letter to Obama, the 55-year-old executive with consulting giant McKinsey & Co. wrote that she had “come to realize in the current environment that my personal tax issue of D.C. unemployment tax could be used to create exactly the kind of distraction and delay” that must be avoided in responding to urgent economic problems.

She offered no further details of her tax difficulties.

via Obama performance chief Killefer out, citing taxes – Yahoo! News.

Man, for a group of politicians who are much keen on taxing the snot out of everyone, the Democrats don’t seem to be very keen on paying them!

Others: Michelle Malkin, Townhall.com, Neptunus Lex, Don Surber, Breitbart.tv, protein wisdom and Outside The Beltway

(via Memeorandum)

Should we give incentive bonuses to Wall Street Watchdogs?

I have fixed feelings about this, and I will explain why a little further down.

An Article in the New York Times Dealbook Column asks a question whether Wall Street Regulators or Watchdogs should get performance bonuses.

Maybe someone deserves a bonus.

Like someone who sniffs out the next Bernie Madoff. Or jousts with tomorrow’s gonzo bankers. Or defuses the Next Big Crisis in whatever Next Big Thing is dreamed up by Wall Street.

Someone, in short, who regulates.

It is clear that the nation’s financial regulators were no match for Wall Street last time. The financiers were always one step ahead. But maybe that isn’t surprising. The financiers, after all, have a big incentive to outsmart the financial police. It is called a bonus. Wall Street lures a lot of bright minds with money. How can federal agencies compete? They can’t.

So, of course, The Government of Singapore’s head honcho says we ought to incentivize watchdog process.

Tony Tan Keng Yam, deputy chairman and executive director of the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, suggested that one reason American regulators fell down on the job was that they were paid too little.

“You must have as good people working in the government in the regulatory authorities as those that are working in the private sector,” Mr. Tan said. “You do need, particularly in these very difficult times, capable people in central banks, in government, in the Treasury who can effectively supervise.”

Mr. Tan knows about this firsthand. He is a former regulator himself, and Singapore has a different view about compensation.

“We pay our politicians and our government servants very well,” he said. “We lock remuneration to the market.”

While Singapore’s watchdogs aren’t paid enough to afford private planes, some in top positions make seven-figure salaries.

At first blush, this would seem to be a great idea; however, if you think about it closely, this would not be such a good idea. Because of the following:

Some at Davos thought the bonus idea could work. But anxiety over that approach was palpable. “They already treat us like criminals,” one hedge fund manager said.

A few said giving bonuses to regulators would be like giving bonuses to the police for issuing speeding tickets. Maybe the regulators, like Wall Streeters, would start thinking about the money, rather than what is right. But maybe that’s exactly what Wall Street needs to slow down.

I must say, that I highly disagree with this idea. Why? While I believe that moderate regulation is a good idea on Wall Street; I believe that incentivizing the Wall Street watchdog process will result in a overzealous regulatory process, that will be solely based upon monitory compensation. This would be absolutely disastrous to the free market process in America. As well all know we already law enforcement that borderlines upon a police state. Doing this to Wall Street would cause a fear mentality amongst the financial sector and discourage investment.

We need regulation, not a financial police state.

Blogroll Amnesty Day

Joe over at The Moderate Voice points out that today is Blogroll Amnesty Day.

I always scour my RSS feeds in search of good stories to post to my Blog and sometimes, I do link to something  from a smaller Blog.

Sometimes I also link to those who are of a different political idology. Although, I refuse to link to hard left Blogs. I just will not do it. Because I cannot link to hate; it’s just that simple.

I always post links to blogs who are blogging on the same subject as me. It’s my way of giving back, because I know at one point that I was a nobody too.

Groundhog Bites Man?

Some days it does not pay to get out of bed. As Mayor Bloomberg found out.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg paid a visit to an apparently-disgruntled constituent nicknamed ‘Staten Island Chuck’ on Groundhog’s Day — and got bit for his trouble.

Staten Island’s famous groundhog, Charles G. Hogg, inexplicably bit Mayor Bloomberg during his annual holiday ceremony on Monday, drawing blood from the billionaire.

Said Bloomberg spokesman Stu Loeser: “It nicked his hand.”

Bloomberg wrapped the cut with a napkin until he could check with his doctor.

He was told there was no risk of rabies. The 2-year-old animal was born and raised in captivity and has had no interaction with other animals.

via Groundhog bites Bloomberg at ceremony — Newsday.com.

I bet that had to smart. Ouch!

Others: Political Machine and Don Surber

New York Times turns on Daschle appointment

Now this is a switch!  It seems that the cheerleader section for the Obama Administration has basically thrown one of their own under the bus. How quaint.

Via the Ol’ Gray Lady:

When President Obama nominated former Senator Tom Daschle to be his secretary of health and human services, it seemed to be a good choice. Mr. Daschle, as the co-author of a book on health care reform, knew a lot about one of the president’s signature issues. As a former Senate majority leader, he also knew a lot about guiding controversial bills through Congress, where he remains liked and respected by former colleagues.

Unfortunately, new facts have come to light — involving his failure to pay substantial taxes that were owed and his sizable income from health-related companies while he worked in the private sector — that call into question his suitability for the job. We believe that Mr. Daschle ought to step aside and let the president choose a less-blemished successor.

Mr. Daschle’s tax shortfall is particularly troubling because it comes on the heels of another nominee’s failure to pay taxes due. We were not pleased when the president’s Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, admitted that he had failed to pay tens of thousands of dollars in federal self-employment taxes while working for the International Monetary Fund despite having signed paperwork acknowledging the obligation.

Now we are confronted with an even larger lapse by Mr. Daschle, who failed to pay $128,000 in taxes, primarily for personal use of a car and driver provided to him by a private equity firm for which he consulted. Although the firm — headed by a major Democratic donor — had not issued a form 1099 for the value of the car service, Mr. Daschle said he became concerned last June that he might owe taxes on it and instructed his accountant to investigate. Neither was concerned enough to actually pay the taxes.


In both the Geithner and Daschle cases, the failure to pay taxes is attributed to unintentional oversights. But Mr. Daschle is one oversight case too many. The American tax system depends heavily on voluntary compliance. It would send a terrible message to the public if we ignore the failure of yet another high-level nominee to comply with the tax laws.


Mr. Daschle is another in a long line of politicians who move cozily between government and industry. We don’t know that his industry ties would influence his judgments on health issues, but they could potentially throw a cloud over health care reform. Mr. Daschle could clear the atmosphere by withdrawing his name.

I could sit here and tell you, that I am shocked that the New York Times is turning on this appointment. But honestly? I am not, and I will tell you why. Honesty and integrity go a long way in Government. It would be derelict of me, however not to point out that a few other Senators are guilty of the same thing. Like Al Franken and Charlie Rangel for instance. As this article above says, our tax system, as unfair and heavy handed as it might seem to some, does rely heavily on a voluntary compliance. The question is what kind of message does it sent to the American people, if we have tax cheats in our high ranking offices in the United States Government? Not a very good one, I am afraid.

The real question is; will President Obama heed the advice of the New York Times? Something tells me that he will not, because Obama has said in the past, that he is not going to make decisions based upon what other people think. (Kind of like the guy that proceeded him….) So, it will be interesting to watch this unfold. Obama, the man whom basically the New York Times and other Liberal media outlets elected basically tells those same people to stow it and does what he wants to. Now that will make for some interesting blogging!

Update: It is being reported now, by various outlets that Tom Daschle has withdrawn his name.

Others on the subject:  CommentaryHot Air, , Soccer Dad, Power LineRiehl World View

(Via Memeorandum)

Daniel Larison on Michael Steele

An interesting point of view

Money Quote:

Curious to see what Steele had to say, I watched the interview he gave on FoxNews, and I can’t say I was all that impressed. To what did he attribute the GOP’s political decline over the last two cycles? Naturally, it was spending. That was it. Spending. It’s not just that he didn’t address the GOP’s failures in foreign policy and its errors in anti-terrorism, which I would have been interested to hear, but that this was the only reason he gave, which suggests that he thinks the main solution to GOP woes is to come out against spending (unless, of course, it relates to “defense”).

Read the Rest

Al Capone from the beyond the grave

Al Capone writes a letter from beyond the grave.

One from Al

One from Al

Go read

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Faultline USA, third world county, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, The Pink Flamingo, Democrat=Socialist, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

The Democrats have a new negro to kick around

I used that title for a reason, because the Democratic Party has a new threat to their propaganda machine. A black Republican Party leader.

The Democratic Party’s Racist roots come out. Check it:

via Talking Points Memo | Straight Outta Hooverville:

It gets better. The latest from RNC Chair Michael Steele: “Not in the history of mankind has the government ever created a job.”

This is such transparent nonsense it’s hard to know where to start; but I guess it builds on the DeMint nonsense. Has Steele ever heard of government road building? Defense spending? NASA? We don’t even need to get into the many ways that government spending on many things has spin-off effects in terms of heightened economic productivity either because of technological innovation or transportation efficiencies, or whatever. How we doing on the spending on research and initial deployment that created the Internet?

Wolf Blitzer was doing the interview. I guess he didn’t realize this is a false statement? I’m worried about Wolf. He needs some help.

Wow. I have not heard this much chutzpah out of the Democratic Party. The Spirit of George Wallace, a Democrat; lives again! I have never, ever heard this sort of tenor of criticism towards Mike Duncan, at all.  Before you know it, the Democrats will be dragging out the old Klan outfits and burning crosses on this man’s front lawn. (anyone that really knows their history, like I do; knows what I am referring to.)

You see a black Republican leader is a threat, a threat to the Liberal Black Propaganda machine, that the Republican Party is the Party of the “White Rich Man”. So much for that idea! It also nullifies the very stupid notion that the White Republican Party is out to get, or is oppressive or hostile towards the Black man.

I also noticed that the Democrats are ridiculing Mr. Steel for not having much of a resume. Well, the last time I check, that floppy-eared Marxist in the White House doesn’t have much of a resume either! So much for experience argument eh? Between the one above and this douche nozzle here, the next four years ought to be very interesting.

The Story of John Birch

Here is a very excellent video on the life of John Birch:

This video is by the founder of the John Birch Society, Robert Welch explaining what the John Birch Society is about:

Recieved via e-mail

This popped in my in box:

Citizens Against Government Waste

Dear Newsmax Reader,

Democratic congressional leaders and the Obama Administration have hyped the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 as an urgent and essential “economic stimulus” package. This bill would be more aptly titled, the Pelosi-Reid Borrow-and-Spend Act!

The Senate is planning to vote on S.1, its version of the “stimulus,” this week. We can defeat it if all of the Republican members of the Senate vote NO, as their Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives did. I urge you to send a powerful message to your U.S. Senators today that you oppose this bloated, ill-conceived plan!

The $819 billion “stimulus” package approved by the House last week and the nearly $900 billion version now under consideration in the Senate would add to a federal deficit already projected to reach a record $1.2 trillion this year. This bill is not only one of the largest spending measures ever to pass through Congress, it will cost more over two years than we’ve spent to date on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan!

The bill’s ability to fulfill its stated mission of stimulating the economy is also questionable at best. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has concluded that more than half of the hundreds of billions of dollars in infrastructure spending contained in the bill, such as $26 billion of the $30 billion allocated for highways and $15.5 billion of the $18.5 billion for renewable energy projects, will not take place for more than two years — long after economists predict the current recession will have ended.

What’s more, the tax cuts in the package are narrowly targeted, with the largest portion going to more rebate checks, a strategy that failed to reverse our economy’s slide last year.

Even worse, the bill contains all sorts of special-interest and congressional pet spending projects that have virtually nothing to do with economic growth. As just one example, it allocates $335 million to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Not only will this “healthcare” spending do nothing for the health of our economy, CDC has a track record of using such funds for events like a transgender beauty pageant in San Francisco and a conference, entitled “Got Love? Flirt/Date/Score,” that taught participants how “to flirt with greater finesse.”

Rather than burdening today’s and tomorrow’s taxpayers with this massive government spending spree, Congress should create more incentives and opportunities for private-sector jobs and growth by cutting government spending and enacting across-the-board tax cuts for individuals and businesses, like those that helped reverse economic slumps in the 1960s, 1980s, and earlier this decade.

If the Senate follows the House’s lead and passes this borrow-and-spend “stimulus” bill, it will waste record amounts of tax dollars, provide virtually no benefit to the economy, and only add to our nation’s soaring liabilities.

Please tell your Senators today that you want them to vote NO on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act!


Thomas A. Schatz

P.S. If the Senate approves the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, federal lawmakers will have authorized more than $2 trillion in new government spending since February, 2008. While the cost of “jump-starting” the economy is sobering, the coming fiscal mushroom cloud is truly alarming. The national debt currently stands at a mind-numbing $10.6 trillion, and America is sinking into debt at the rate of $3.3 billion per day. Our children and grandchildren simply can’t afford this borrow-and-spend “stimulus” bill. Please deliver that message to your Senators today!

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) is the lobbying arm of Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), the nation’s largest taxpayer watchdog organization with more than one million members and supporters nationwide. CCAGW is a 501(c)(4) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that lobbies for legislation to eliminate waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. Contributions to CCAGW are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. For more information about CCAGW, visit www.ccagw.org. Help CCAGW wage and win this battle to stop the Senate from passing this disastrous ”stimulus” bill and burdening future generations with crippling debt by making a contribution to support our grassroots and lobbying efforts today.

Please help us put a stop to this so-called “economic stimulus” bill by contacting your friends and neighbors and urging them to write to their Senators.