It’s 3:00A.M., I’m awake and there’s no sign of Hillary….

Tongue Just saying

Yeah, I’m keeping some Oddball hours… Better than staying up all night, I suppose.

On the other hand, usually now by 10:00P.M., My bed starts looking very nice, heck, that was usually when I was just getting primed up. Now, at that time, I’m usually ready to quit.

Needless to say, it will take some getting used to.

This is why the postings there have been spotty. It’s quite hard to come up with blogging greatness, when your about half asleep.

Anyhow, I’m sure I’ll be back into the groove sooner or later here.

I, like most of the Political Bloggers are quite tired of this idiot crap, between Barack and Hillary, flipping aye already! Just one of you quit and get it over with, and let’s move on! Preferably BEFORE the convention!  This is why I’ve been avoiding writing about the two of them, it’s just a broken record anymore, and the only people getting anything out of it, are the Republicans, the Democrats are just sick of it. Every time something else comes out, it’s all "Oh, look at this!’ or "Oh, Look at that!" Nobody gives a crap anymore man, Least of all me.

Okay, enough of that, I’m rambling… I haven’t had any coffee yet.

And now back to our normal programming… Whatever that is…

Initial Results from PA: Hillary Clinton Winning – Update: Final results now in

MSNBC is reporting Hillary Clinton is winning.

Score so far, Clinton 52% Obama 47% with 7% reporting

Live Coverage VIA MSNBC:

(feed now down…removed player)

I will try to stay up till the full results are in.

Update: Final Results: Hillary Clinton 55% Barack Obama 45%

Editorial: I just lost all respect for Hillary Clinton

Undoubtedly, you already know what it is that I am referring. The statement by Hillary Clinton that she would obliterate Iran, that country attempted an attack on Israel with nuclear weapons.

Here is the snippet of the interview, that is coming up on Good Morning America.:

She did, however attempt to back off the statement on MSNBC:


My friends, this is nothing more than a page out the George W. Bush playbook.  Was it not Hillary Clinton, when confronted by some facts about her policies, fly into a screeching premenstrual rage, about Barack Obama’s tactics being right out of the playbook of Karl Rove?  Now, with the table’s turned and Hillary being under the gun, Hillary herself does the same exact thing, only notches up the rhetoric more.  Yet, she gets a free pass, because she is trailing, because she is the underdog.  Not from this writer she does not.

This Nation, for the last 6 years, has been in quagmire called Iraq.  We were lead into this war, based upon intelligence that, in fact, was found to be false.  Yet, this administration has continued to move the goal posts as to the reason we had to remain in Iraq.  Yet our President in his stubbornness and blind allegiance to a totally flawed and poisonous political ideology has almost strained our Military to the point of almost breaking the back of those of whom we entrust our safety, our lives, our well being.

Now we have some so-called underdog Presidential candidate who is attempting to compare herself to Franklin D. Roosevelt, or John F. Kennedy, both paramount leaders in the annals of the history of America, all so she can attempt to appeal to those who think striking Iran might just be a good idea.

The tough reality is, that involving this country in another military escalation of this sort would do nothing more than further strain and possibly destroy what military we have left.  This is outside of the scope of instituting a military draft.  Not to mention, any sort of Military action, outside of the approval of the United Nations would result in further destabilization of that very region.  Not to mention the United States relations with our allies in the region.

I am not sure exactly what Hillary Clinton is attempting to do, but it could spell the very end of her bid for the office of President of United States.

More Coverage At Memeorandum


North Carolina Debate canceled

The North Carolina Democrat Party has canceled their debate.

Hillary agreed to appear, Obama did not, and of course, Hillary calls Obama a coward.

In other news, The Financial Times makes a case for Obama, and basically endorses the guy.

Others on the story: Open Left, Show Tracker, Political Radar, The Trail, The Page, Boston Globe,, The Daily Dish, Tales from the Trail, Marc Ambinder, Hot Air, Althouse, and Redstate

Crazy Video of a kid threatening the President of the United States.

No, this isn’t a joke. I saw this earlier today, but because I figured it would get yanked, I did not blog on it.

But it seems it is still there. Believe it or not, some idiot kid, has recorded a threat to President of the United States. Of course, he’s a black kid, and a Obama supporter.

Now I’m not a big fan of the President, at all, nor his Political Party, But threats?!?!? Yikes! Time out Surprise That’s totally crazy!

Doesn’t anyone remember the young lady who posted a threatening picture of the President on her website, and got a visit for the Secret Service? I have to wonder aloud, will they pay this kid a visit? Or will they let him skate because he’s….do I dare say it? because he’s black?

It should be an interesting story to follow, I am surprised that Fox News and the other Media outlets haven’t reported on this one yet.

Others following the Story: Hot Air, Gates of Vienna, Fausta’s blog,, Macsmind, Gateway Pundit, Atlas Shrugs and Right Voices

Latest Gallop Poll – Clinton 46% Obama 45%

Read about it here



Gallup Poll Daily tracking shows that Hillary Clinton now receives 46% of the support of Democrats nationally, compared to 45% for Barack Obama, marking the first time Obama has not led in Gallup’s daily tracking since March 18-20.

These results are based on interviewing conducted April 16-18, including two days of interviewing after the contentious Wednesday night debate in Philadelphia and the media focus that followed. Support for Hillary Clinton has been significantly higher in both of these post-debate nights of interviewing than in recent weeks. The two Democratic candidates are now engaged in intensive campaigning leading up to Tuesday’s Pennsylvania primary and are under a continual and hot media spotlight, increasing the chances for change in the views of Democrats in the days ahead.

Not that this really matters, because Obama’s ahead in the delegates and unless there’s a major shift with those people, I doubt Hillary will be able to pass Obama. It’s just interesting to see the sudden change in the percentage of people who supported Obama and now don’t.

Here’s how Obama does when match up with McCain:



Others: Marc Ambinder, Donklephant and Wizbang Blue

A Video, that everyone needs to watch…

I think everyone needs to watch this:

It’s pretty scary, but all true.

If you enjoyed this video, please consider a donation to this Blog. Click here to listen to a message from me, about why I need the donations.

She Said What?

Whoa Boy…. Surprise

Via the Huffington Post:


At a small closed-door fundraiser after Super Tuesday, Sen. Hillary Clinton blamed what she called the "activist base" of the Democratic Party — and in particular — for many of her electoral defeats, saying activists had "flooded" state caucuses and "intimidated" her supporters, according to an audio recording of the event obtained by The Huffington Post.

" endorsed [Sen. Barack Obama] — which is like a gusher of money that never seems to slow down," Clinton said to a meeting of donors. "We have been less successful in caucuses because it brings out the activist base of the Democratic Party. MoveOn didn’t even want us to go into Afghanistan. I mean, that’s what we’re dealing with. And you know they turn out in great numbers. And they are very driven by their view of our positions, and it’s primarily national security and foreign policy that drives them. I don’t agree with them. They know I don’t agree with them. So they flood into these caucuses and dominate them and really intimidate people who actually show up to support me."

You have to go to HuffPo to listen to it. Because the ASSHATS didn’t enable sharing of the audio via embedding, they disabled it. Idiots. Rolling EyesLoser

Anyhow, I got a feeling that is not going to endear her much to the more activist branch of the Democratic Party.

I’ll just say it, she’s done after Tuesday’s primary anyhow, Howard Dean has already put his foot down. So, I don’t look for Hillary to be around much longer. If the primary don’t kill her campaign, this will.

Others: protein wisdom, Booman Tribune, Pandagon, Don Surber, Obsidian Wings, Shakesville, Buck Naked Politics, Bang the Drum, The Moderate Voice,, MyDD, TPM Election Central, American Power,, Liberal Values, American Street, Sweetness & Light, Marc Ambinder, Daily Kos, AMERICAblog, TPMCafe, Fox News, The Raw Story, Top of the Ticket, Swampland and The Page

RNC’s Howard Dean to Super-delegates: "Make up your flippin’ mind people!"

Puttin’ the smack down…

via CNN Political Ticker

An increasingly firm Howard Dean told CNN again Thursday that he needs superdelegates to say who they’re for – and “I need them to say who they’re for starting now.”

“We cannot give up two or three months of active campaigning and healing time,” the Democratic National Committee Chairman told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “We’ve got to know who our nominee is.”

After facing criticism for a mostly hands-off leadership style during much of the primary season, Dean has been steadily raising the rhetorical pressure on superdelegates. He said Thursday that roughly 65 percent of them have made their preference plain, but that more than 300 have yet to make up their minds.

The national party chair, who has remained neutral throughout the primary process, said again it’s his job to make sure both candidates feel they are treated fairly – but not to tell either of them when to end their run.

He’ll bully the super delegates, but won’t tell Hillary to drop out. What the heck kind of a leader is that? Rolling Eyes

……and He wanted to be President. President people!

Jack ass coward. Frustrated

George Stephanopoulos says, "I was doing my Job"

I kind of agree, and I kind of don’t. 

via Talking Points Memo

At some point amid the hailstorm of criticism that greeted ABC’s handling of yesterday’s Dem debate, moderator George Stephanopoulos received an email — one of the many, many missives about the debate he’s received — from an Obama adviser.

"Feel like a candidate today?" the adviser asked.

In an interview with me moments ago, Stephanopoulos strongly defended his handling of the debate. He dismissed criticism that it had focused too heavily on "gotcha" questions, arguing that they had gone to the heart of the "electability" that, he said, is forefront in the minds of voters evaluating the two Dems.

"Overall, the questions were tough, fair, relevant, and appropriate," Stephanopoulos argued. And he rejected the claim by many Obama supporters that the debate had been stacked against him, saying Hillary had faced sharp questioning, too.

Today on the campaign trail Obama criticized ABC’s handling of the debate, characterizing it as "the roll out of the Republican campaign against me in November."

Asked to respond, Stephanopoulos said that getting criticized "comes with the territory."

"Our job is to ask the questions," he said. "His job is to go out and win votes."

I think that’s a fair defense myself. That’s not the reason people are ticked, They’re ticked because Hannity planted a question to Stephanopoulos, via his radio show. Which some feel was totally wrong.

Although, I think bringing up Obama’s connection to some 1960’s anti-war guy was a bit lame. If you ask me.

Others: The Moderate Voice, Too Sense, The Carpetbagger Report, TPMCafe, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hullabaloo, American Street, The New Republic, The Reaction, Show Tracker, Comments from Left Field, Booman Tribune, Jules Crittenden and TalkLeft

Obama on the debates last night: "ain’t no thang!"

Sorry, My old ghetto self is coming out… Tongue It’s a southwest Detroit thing, you’d never understand… Big Grin

Video Via Attackerman (Think Progress):

Matthew Yglesias says, "Cue the Jay-Z video!":


I think it’s great that Obama has taken the high road and is not letting it bother him. If it would have been Hillary, the whine would have been heard for universes away.

Others: Ross Douthat and TPMCafe

Obama’s Friends?

(Via Instapundit) (H/T to Powerline)

Bridget Bardot has run afoul of Liberal free speech in Paris.

Powerline has more:

Bardot retired early from films and for the last thirty years or so, has been more or less reclusive. She has devoted her energies and fortune mostly to animal rights. The Bardot Foundation’s web site is here. Animal rights is not exactly our cause, but there is nothing wrong with it if not taken to an extreme. In recent years, BB has run afoul of liberal opinion, and, worse yet, the law, because she has been willing to speak out against the increasing Muslim domination of France, and against Muslim practices that she believes are inhumane, like the ritual slaughtering of sheep. As a result of her outspokenness, she has been criminally prosecuted and convicted, four times, for "inciting racial hatred."

Currently, Miss Bardot is on trial in Paris for "fanning discrimination and racial hatred against Muslims." It’s a little hard to tell from news accounts exactly what she did to merit another criminal prosecution. The "offensive" quote most commonly cited is, "I am fed up with being under the thumb of this population which is destroying us, destroying our country and imposing its acts." Which may or may not be controversial, in the present French context, but certainly is not criminal by any rational evaluation.

Like wow. Another Hollywood elitist? Hmmmm…… Thinking

Maybe if she lived here in America, where free speech is a right, she would not be in the pickle she’s in.

Ha! I said the Word "Pickle" and Bridget Bardot in the same blog posting. *snort* Hee hee

Oooooh Imus….

Not sure if I should laugh, or just shake my head…


Transcript: (via Media Matters for America)

From the April 17 edition of ABC Radio Networks’ Imus in the Morning:

IMUS: Five minutes after the hour here at the Imus in the Morning program, on the radio all over the country and on RFD-TV, RFD-HD, and prime time. Craig Crawford, from out where the buses don’t run, will be on here in a little bit. George Stephanopoulos, who co-anchored the debate last night. And what I saw of it, I got home a little late, but — of course, I mean, it’s obvious I like him or he wouldn’t be on the program all the time —

McCORD: True.

IMUS: — but I thought he was great.

McCORD: He was.

IMUS: You know, I keep thinking, I mean, he’s been doing this for 10 years. You know, This Week with David, not with David Brinkley, but George Stephanopoulos.

McCORD: Right.

IMUS: But he’s gotten really good.

McCORD: Yup.

IMUS: Charlie Gibson, however. What is the deal with the glasses down on the end of his nose?

McCORD: I don’t —

IMUS: What is this thing? I don’t know. I don’t have my regular glasses [unintelligible], so I have to wear my dark glasses because I don’t — I left the other ones somewhere. But I mean, he’s tedious. Anyway.

McCORD: It’s his attempt to look very professorial.

IMUS: Stephanopoulos I thought was great, and the debate was fine. I thought Senator Obama was on the defensive most of the night. But they’re both sissy boys or sissy girls, or whatever. Because they talk big when they’re out on the campaign trail, wolfing on each other.

McCORD: But then —

IMUS: And then when they show up at the debate, they fold up like a couple of cheap lawn chairs. I mean, I don’t understand that. And he’s almost a bigger pussy than she is.

BERNARD McGUIRK (executive producer): Whoa.

McCORD: Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

IMUS: And then another — and then I was on the treadmill yes– this is kind of funny. I thought it was funny. I was on the treadmill, but I was watching Fox News. And — but I didn’t have the sound on because the sound makes me nervous.

Obama? A Pussy? Nah, he’s no pussy. Tucker Carlson is a pussy. John Kerry is a pussy. William Kristol is a pussy. Michael Goldfarb is a pussy. Terry Jeffrey is a Pussy. But, Obama, Nah, He’s all man. He can’t bowl worth a crap. But he’s got the manly man thing down.

As if Obama needed any other problems… there’s this…



While Sen. Barack Obama sought to improve his relationship with the Jewish community today by meeting with leaders Philadelphia, comments by a Hamas political adviser this weekend could potentially hurt the Democratic presidential candidate.

During an interview on WABC radio Sunday, top Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef said the terrorist group supports Obama’s foreign policy vision.

Of course, the far right choir starts singing:

On Sunday, Aaron Klein and John Batchelor interviewed Ahmed Yousef, chief political adviser to the Prime Minister of Hamas, on WABC radio. The interview produced a scoop which, for some reason, has not been widely publicized: Hamas has endorsed Barack Obama for President. Yousef said, "We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election." Why? "He has a vision to change America." Maybe Yousef has some insight into what Obama means by all these vague references to "change." 

Funny, the far right just cannot seem to get over that "Obama is a covert Terrorist!" nonsense.  I’ll tell you, that is going to come back and bite them in the behind in November, because it smacks of not only Black Racism, but Islamic homophobic nonsense.

Others: Dartblog, Israel Matzav, Associated Press, Hot Air, A NEWT ONE, Jihad Watch, Commentary, Jules Crittenden, Redstate, NO QUARTER and Counterterrorism Blog

From the "D’ oh!" File, Special Hillary Clinton Edition

Oy…. From the Chi-town Tribune:



Barack Obama can take some solace out of Hillary Clinton’s new television ad in Pennsylvania. At least one of her supporters featured in the spot hammering Obama for his small town comments isn’t registered to vote in Pennsylvania.

Clyde Thomas, who sports a goatee in the ad and says, “the good people of Pennsylvania deserve a lot better than what Barack Obama said,” is actually registered in New Jersey. He voted there for Clinton Feb. 5. He only recently moved to Bethlehem, Pa.
“It shouldn’t be a big deal. I explained it to the campaign,” Thomas said in an interview. “I see Pennsylvanians for what they are. I grew up with the values of Pennsylvanians.”

He added: “I am from a perspective of someone coming into Pennsylvania new like Barack Obama is, and seeing how great they are and how they welcome me.”

Thomas said he was born in Scranton, but has lived his entire life in Somerville, N.J. He is a 46-year-old unemployed environmental engineer.
He said he has been volunteering for the campaign in recent weeks, handing out literature and making phone calls. He said the campaign approached him about appearing in the ad, which was filmed in Bethlehem, a city of about 72,000 residents in eastern Pennsylvania where Bethlehem Steel once stood tall.

“They gave me no script,” he said.

Asked about the fact that Thomas isn’t registered in Pennsylvania, Clinton campaign spokesman Mark Nevins said: “Clyde has deep roots in Pennsylvania and is moving back to the state after having voted in New Jersey in their primary for Hillary Clinton.”
Thomas said he plans to register to vote in Pennsylvania ahead of the November election.


DohOh, Snap! That’s gonna leave a mark or two… Rolling on the floor


Others: The Swamp, Pennsylvania Ave., Publius Endures, Spin Cycle, Marc Ambinder, Commentary, Gateway Pundit, Oliver Willis and AMERICAblog and other related stuff via Memeorandum

Hillary losing her ground in Pennsylvania and Indiana

I knew this was coming.

The Article: Hillary Clinton loses traction over Barack Obama in Pennsylvania, Indiana (Via Los Angeles Times)

With three crucial Democratic primaries looming, Hillary Rodham Clinton may not be headed toward the blockbuster victories she needs to jump-start her presidential bid — even in Pennsylvania, the state that was supposed to be her ace in the hole, a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll has found.

The survey found the New York senator leading Barack Obama by 5 percentage points in Pennsylvania, which votes next Tuesday. Such a margin would not give her much of a boost in the battle for the party’s nomination.

What is more, the poll found Clinton trailed Obama by 5 percentage points in Indiana, another Rust Belt state that should play to her strengths among blue-collar voters.

In North Carolina, an Obama stronghold, he is running 13 percentage points ahead.

The race remains volatile, however, because many likely voters in the Democratic primaries are still undecided — 12% in Pennsylvania, 19% in Indiana and 17% in North Carolina.

I have an opinion as to why this is the case.  Firstly, I believe that people just are not going to hold the Reverend Wright story against Obama. Because, the main reason is, it was not Obama saying the stuff, it was Reverend Wright.  Secondly, I think that whole "Elitist" thing was overplayed by the media and pundits alike and I think most people saw right through it.  I know I saw through that, from the minute it broke, this is why I did not whip out a Editorial on it. Because I thought it was quite silly.


It also seemed like Hillary was just piling on, and that might have cut into her likeability factor a bit.


There is going to be a debate tomorrow. I most likely will not be watching it. I mean, there’s been so many, and after a while, they’re repeating the same talking points over and over and over…. it gets kind of old. I will be interested, however, to see how this primary turns out. I am really wondering, if Hillary will drop after the Pennsylvania Primary or not.


It should be interesting and I look forward to it.


Others on this: THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, The Moderate Voice, The Fix, The Sleuth, Hot Air, The Swamp, TalkLeft, Daily Kos, American Street, Marc Ambinder, AMERICAblog, Liberty Street, The Raw Story, Viking Pundit, Donklephant, TPM Election Central, CQ Politics, Dick Polman’s American Debate, WCAU-TV and The TrailRelated Stories via Memeornadum