Obama’s Dad, A Marxist?

It seems so….


An Article that was reported by The Politico, exposes an paper, that was originally written in 1965. The Article that was dug up by Greg Ransom at PrestoPundit. However, he didn’t get much of a acknowledgement, which is telling of the MSM.


The Original Article can be found here.  Adobe reader is required.


Some of the Highlights of this Paper:



"[Session Paper No. 10] goes into use and control of resources.  The first statement concerns conflict of opinion on attitude toward land ownership.  It is true that in most African societies the individual had sole right as to the use of land and proceeds from it.  He did, however, own it only as a trustee to the clan, tribe or society.  He could give it on loan to someone outside the tribe to use, but he had no right to sell it outside the tribe .. How then can there be a conflict of opinion on communal ownership?  ..

It is surprising that one of the best African traditions [the communal ownership of land] is not only being put aside in this paper [in favor of private ownership] but even the principle is not being recognized and enhanced .. we can avoid economic power concentration and bring standardized use and control of resources through public ownership, let alone the equitable distribution of economic gains that follow ..

Will [land consolidation] be easily done through individual action, through co-operatives or through government ownership?  Realizing social stickiness and inflexibility and looking at the society’s distrust of change, one would see that, if left to the individual, consolidation will take a long time to come.  We have to look at priorities tin terms of what is good for society and on this basis we may find it necessary to force people to do things they would not do otherwise.

Would it not seem, then, the government could bring more rapid consolidation through clan co-operatives?  Individual initiative is not usually the best method of bringing land reform.  Since proper land use and control is very important if we are going to overcome the dual [rich Indian & European vs. poor black African class] character of our economy and thereby increase productivity, the government should take a positive stand and, if need be, force people to consolidate through the easiest way, which, I think, would be through clan co-operatives rather than through individual initiative."


"If one says that the African society was classless as the paper says, what is there to stop it from being a class society as time goes on?  Is what has been said in the paper, if implemented, enough to eschew this danger?  .. The question is how are we going to remove the disparities in our country such as the concentration of economic power in Asian and European hands while not destroying what haws already been achieved and at the same time assimilating these groups to build one country?

.. On class problems, the paper states that since there was not such a thing in Africa, the problem is that of prevention.  This is to ignore the truth of the matter. One wonders whether the authors of the paper have not noticed that a discernible class structure has emerged in Africa and particularly in Kenya.  While we welcome the idea of prevention, we should also try to cure what has slipped in.

The elimination of foreign economic and political domination is a good gesture towards this, so are plans to develop in order to prevent antagonistic classes.  But we also need to  eliminate power structures that have been built through excessive accumulation so that not only a few individuals shall control a vast magnitude of resources as is the case now.  It is a case of cure and prevention and not prevention alone."


"There is a statement made on nationalization [in Sessional Paper No. 10].  True there are cases in which nationalization is bad, but there are, likewise, quite a few benefits to be derived from it.  On this subject I would like to refer the authors to Prof. Bronferbrenner’s [sic] work on the "Appeals for confiscation in Economic Development"* [sic — the referenced article is titled "The Appeal of Confiscation in Economic Development"].  Nationalization should not be looked at only in terms of profitability alone, but also, or even more, on the benefit to society that such services render and on its importance in terms of public interest .."

*Econ. Development and Cultural Change — Vol III, No. 3, 1955 pp. 201-18


"There is also a statement that nationalization will apply to African enterprise.  How can we talk of nationalizing African enterprise when such enterprises do not exit?  If we are going to nationalize, we are going to nationalize what exists and is worth nationalizing.  But these are European and Asian enterprises.

One need not be a Kenyan to note that nearly all commercial enterprises from small shops in River Road to big shops in Government Road and that industries in the Industrial Areas of Nairobi are mostly owned by Asians and Europeans.  One need not be a Kenyan to note that when one goes to a good restraurant he mostly finds Asians and Europeans, nor has he to be a Kenyan to see that the majority of cars running in Kenya are run by Asians and Europeans.  How then can we say that we are going to to be indiscriminate in rectifying these imbalances?  We have to give the African his place in his own country and we have to give him this economic power if he is going to develop.  The paper talks of fear of retarding growth if nationalization or purchases of these enterprises are made for Africans.  But for whom doe we want to grow?  Is it the African who owns this country?  If he does, then why should he not control the economic means of growth in this country?

It is mainly in this country that one finds almost everything owned by the non-indigenous populace.  The government must do something about this and soon."


"Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100 per cent of income so long as the people benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed."


"The paper wishes to encourage domestic accumulation.  This is a good gesture except for the underlying assumption which one only reads between the lines, that it is individual private enterprise and business that tends to encourage accumulation.  True, in the paper there is a realization that taxation can be used as a means of forced saving, but it is given a secondary place in this respect.  Certainly there is no limit to taxation if the benefits derived from public services by society measure up to the cost in taxation which they have to pay.  It is a fallacy to say that there is a limit and it is a fallacy to rely mainly on the individual fre

e enterprise to get the savings.  Who are we going to rid ourselves of economic power concentration when we, in our blueprint, tend towards what we ourselves discredit?  In paragraph 47 the paper state that the company form of business organization is a departure from the direct individual ownership typical in Marx’s day.  Yet one who has read Marx cannot fail to see that corporations are not only what Marx referred to as the advanced stage of capitalism but Marx even called it finance capitalism by which a few would control the finances of so many and through this have not only economic power but political power as well."


"It is a tautology to say that we want to be independent of other countries since every country has always wished this.  It would have been more important to talk of how we intend to break our dependence on other countries politically and economically, since this is fait accompli.  It may be true that this is still the case because of our lack of basic resources and skilled manpower, yet one can choose to develop by the bootstraps rather than become a pawn to some foreign powers such as Sekou Toure did.  While the statement of the policy of non-alignment is good and encouraging, one would wish to see it put into practice."

[Note:  At the time Obama’s article was written Guinea President Sekou Toure was accepting aid from the United States and acceding to many of its foreign policy demands, after an earlier period when Toure had accepted aid from the Soviets and the Soviet block.  Relations between Toure and Moscow had cooled after Toure accused the Soviets of helping to plot the overthrow of his government.]

Now, honestly? I don’t believe that we should base our judgement of Obama, based on a paper, written in 1965 by Obama Father. Obama’s Father is not Barack Obama. Obama’s Dad had some serious issues, It has been reported that his Dad was an alcoholic and ended up committing suicide. Well,  at least was in a Alcohol related accident.


However, anyone who is a rational person, will look at this, and would want to know more about him, he should be pressed, HARD about his feelings about this Paper. He needs to be grilled, hard on his Political and World-view, he should be cornered and asked if he agrees with this paper, point by point.


Although, if I know the MSM, like I do, they will go easy on him and won’t press him at all. Because, basically, they’re acting like he’s freaking Jesus Christ, and I think it is totally wrong. The main reason they won’t press him, because he is black, if they start needling him with questions, some feckless Negro or Liberal (Same difference anymore!), screams "RACE!"


We need answers, but, if I know the media like I do. We won’t get them.


Others on this: PrestoPundit, michellemalkin.com, Liberal Values, Hot Air, Sweetness & Light, The New Republic, Outside The Beltway, baldilocks, Gateway Pundit, The Opinionator, The Page and Balloon Juice

Obama Bin Laden?


The Video:

The Story:

At the close of Q and A at an Associated Press luncheon in Washington, DC, AP chairman Dean SIngleton skipped over a question on what’s becoming known as “bitter-gate” in favor of asking Illinois Senator Barack Obama what he surely thought would be a less controversial question on Iraq.

Would the senator be willing to shift a substantial number of troops from Iraq to Afghanistan, asked Singleton, where the Taliban has been gaining strength — and “Obama bin Laden” is still at large.

The room was quiet – as the crowd contemplated whether they’d in fact heard what they thought they heard. But Obama, apparently, heard the same thing. After a pause and a smile, he said “I think that was OSAMA bin Laden.”

A red-faced Singleton put his hands to his head. “If I did that, I’m so sorry!” he said.

Obama assured Singleton that the verbal misfire was a-ok with him. “This is part of the exercise that I’ve been going through over the last 15 months,” he said, breaking into a grin. “Which is why it’s pretty impressive I’m still standing here.” The professionally-stoic crowd of journalists gave Obama a round of applause.

Had that been Fox News or anyone on the Conservative side, the Liberal roar of outrage would be deafening.

Bitter Gate Continues

What a weekend! Obama sticks his foot in his mouth and the whole World nearly grinds to a halt.  The Neo-Conservative Apologists like William Kristol are calling him a Godless Commie. …and this is just April


However, Obama’s poll numbers continue to hold steady, so, It might just be the fact that people are looking at all this and thinking like I do, that it is all rather silly.


I have to say that I very much agree with that sentiment, I believe all of this, is rather silly myself, I really wish, that if people are going to attack Obama, attack him on this Politics, not on the blatant silly nonsense, that they have been attacking him with. 


Frankly, I am surprised that the Main Stream media did not pick up on the story of Rev. Jeremiah Wright throwing off on Fox News and saying that Thomas Jefferson was a Pedophile. That did shock me a bit. Although, I’m inclined to believe that the majority of the media out there agree with him about Fox News.


Blog Reactions to this latest round of Obama controversy, can be found Here, Here, Here, and Here

Obama says, "Ooops."

Update: In Fairness to the man, here is what was said…..:



Honestly the only people freaking out about this, are the Far Right Wing Conservatives and the Hillary supporters. Which I think is stupid, did he insult people? No. Did he possibly say something in a bad manner? Yes. But people are acting like he just insulted the damn pope or something! Which I think speaks volumes for the people insulted, if you ask me. and that last part, that some people are going ape over, was, in fact, a joke. I think some turban headed pundits, need to find something else to bitch about. Things must be slow over there at a well known, pseudo-Conservative Blog, and they’re now grasping at straws. No wonder Preston left. Rolling Eyes


It appears that Senator Obama is now eating crow. Here’s the story via the AP, which comes in via Yahoo:


The Article: Obama concedes remarks were ill chosen (via AP/ Yahoo! News)

Democrat Barack Obama on Saturday conceded that comments he made about bitter working class voters who "cling to guns or religion" were ill chosen, as he tried to stem a burst of complaints that he is condescending.


"I didn’t say it as well as I should have," he said at Ball State University.

Here is the Video:



And…. of course, Senator Hillary Clinton felt the need, that she just HAD to pile on.





As he tried to quell the furor, presidential rival Hillary Rodham Clinton hit Obama with one of her lengthiest and most pointed criticisms to date.


"Senator Obama’s remarks were elitist and out of touch," she said, campaigning about an hour away in Indianapolis. "They are not reflective of the values and beliefs of Americans."


I got news for you lady, there is a quite a few things that I could say about YOU being out of touch with the rest of America.  However, because I do not wish to sit here and get into a dissertation about your Husband’s Presidency, I shall refrain, but let me just say this here, that "out of touch" stuff goes both ways Hillary. You know it and your feckless Husband knows it.


Others on this: American Street, Little Green Footballs, NY Daily News, Examining Presidential … and Liberal Values


Just Words, Part 2

As if we needed anymore proof that this man was a hater.

obama10b Comes this Revelation, from The Politico, who saw it on Huffington Post.

Quoting Barry:

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them…And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Not a smart way to endear yourself to the people, Barry!

I got a feeling that this is going to be all over the media come the weekend or next week. I think he won’t get PA, that’s for sure.

Why? Because it smells of Elitism, which does not go over well, with the Working class, in PA, Detroit, MI, and other major cities were working class folk live. Plus his comments about Guns and Religion tend to alienate people that support the Second Amendment and Christians, plus people who want our borders security.


Big time Reactions in the Blogosphere Via Memeorandum

Cross Posted @ The Christian Nationalist

McCain closes Obama’s lead in a poll…..that includes "leaners"….

An interesting poll, taken by the Associated Press-Ipsos shows that McCain is basically tied with Obama. 



An AP-Ipsos poll taken in late February had Obama leading McCain 51-41 percent. The current survey, conducted April 7-9, had them at 45 percent each. McCain leads Obama among men, whites, Southerners, married women and independents.


Clinton led McCain, 48-43 percent, in February. The latest survey showed the New York senator with 48 percent support to McCain’s 45 percent. Factoring in the poll’s margin of error of 3.1 percentage points, Clinton and McCain are statistically tied.


However, here’s the thing that kind of makes this poll a joke:


Although the race between Clinton and Obama remained unchanged, there were a few shifts in whom voters are choosing:


• The gender gap has mostly disappeared, with Clinton losing her advantage among women. In February, 51 percent of Democratic women supported Clinton while 38 percent were for Obama. Now they’re statistically tied at 44 percent for Clinton, 42 percent for Obama. That is partially offset by a decline in male support for Obama, down 7 points to 50 percent, while Clinton gained 10 points among men. She is now at 42 percent.


• Obama and Clinton are now statistically about even among households earning under $50,000. In late February, Clinton led 54 percent to 37 percent, but now it is just 48 percent to 41 percent.


• Obama now leads Clinton among self-described moderate Democrats, 51 percent to 35 percent. Previously they were 45 percent Clinton, 40 percent Obama.


The poll questioned 1,005 adults nationally. Included were interviews with 489 Democratic voters and people leaning Democratic, with a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.4 points; and 369 Republicans or GOP-leaning voters, with a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 5.1 points.


I mean, how fixed can a poll be? If that wasn’t a bad poll, I don’t know what is. Rolling EyesFrustrated


Leaning?!?!?! That could mean anything, how do we know those people weren’t lying?


I really do not think that this will really matter, the general public and those paying attention, know the John McCain is going to be equated with Bush and his Policies and people will not vote for him. Obama will win, I think, I would be wrong. But I highly doubt people will vote for him.


Others: MSNBC, Wake up America, TalkLeft and PoliGazette (via Memeorandum)

Clinton is ahead in the polls in PA.

This according to a  TIME Poll. It really does not matter however, because Obama has a lead in delegates.


I guess, that is why I don’t understand the MSM’s attempt to paint this as an attempt to steal the nomination. Not like that is going to happen, if you think that the super-delegates will switch to her, you’re crazy, they will do the will of the people.


I just don’t understand why Hillary just doesn’t concede defeat and hope she gets a VP nod, like the rest of them. Rolling Eyes


Anything to inflate her ego, I suppose. 


Others: TalkLeft, Telegraph, Marc Ambinder, The Moderate Voice, PoliBlog (TM), Donklephant, The Page, PoliGazette, Below The Beltway, Political Machine, TPM Election Central, Southern Political Report  and more via Memeorandum

Jewish Racism by a Obama Supporter!

The Article: Reverend Eric Lee’s Anti-Semitism: A Personal Story (via Pajamas Media)


On April 4, 2008, at a Los Angeles event commemorating the assassination of Martin Luther King, the African-American fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi gave Israeli-American Daphna Ziman its Tom Bradley Award for community service. Then the event’s keynote speaker, Reverend Eric Lee, turned to Ms. Ziman and launched an anti-Semitic diatribe. Roger L. Simon interviewed Ms. Ziman.


Watch this Video:



That’s the saddest thing I have ever had to watch. I think Senator Barack Obama needs to publicly condemn this, there’s just no call for it.

I look for this to be the big story in the next couple of days.


Update: Thankfully, this is being picked up, several Bloggers have started talking about it: Roger L. Simon and Classical Values

Clinton’s Poll Ratings do the Fade….

There’s no denying it. Clinton is slipping, so says Gallup:




Personally, I don’t see why she stays in. Because it will only ruin the party. But that’s your Liberals for you.

Others: The Daily Dish, Talking Points Memo and TPM Election Central (via Memeorandum)

Oprah stumps for Obama, Popularity nose dives….

This is living proof of why it is not smart for celebrities to get involved into Politics.

The Politico Reports:

Oprah’s favorability ratings also remained consistently — and unusually — high. In November 2003, Gallup found that 73 percent of Americans held favorable views about Oprah. Seventy-four percent of Americans reported favorable impressions of Oprah in a January 2007 Gallup/USA Today poll.

And then, seemingly out of nowhere, Oprah announced on CNN’s “Larry King Live” on May 1, 2007, that she would officially endorse her longtime friend Barack Obama for the presidency — the first time she had ever thrown her support behind a political candidate. “I think that my value to him, my support of him, is probably worth more than any check,” Oprah told Larry King. At the time, Oprah did not indicate whether she would campaign for Obama.

Almost instantly, Oprah’s popularity in America plummeted. An August 2007 CBS News poll showed only 61 percent of Americans were favorably disposed to her — a considerable drop of 13 percentage points from a similar survey conducted just seven months prior. An October 2007 Gallup/USA Today poll that showed Oprah with a slightly higher 66 percent favorability still reflected a drop.

Ouch. I guess she must have felt that little jolt in the pocketbook or at least from her producers.

Still, a lesson celebrities may extract is that political endorsements carry the risk of alienating fans, often without the reward of considerably boosting support for the candidate. While celebrities are certainly entitled to express their political beliefs — just like every other American — it is possible that the public prefers high-profile entertainment personalities to stay on the tube and off the stump.

I can understand that, especially if many of her viewers are a-political or not active in Politics, they may have been turned off by the show being turned into a Political infomercial.

As an extra bonus, Check out this article here on Oprah.

Others: Sister Toldjah, Tami, the One True, The Democratic Daily, Taylor Marsh, Political Machine and The Moderate Voice

Sen. Jay Rockefeller Endorses Obama, Insults McCain and then says He’s Sorry…


Go Read.

Why can’t people just endorse the guy, and keep their opinions to themselves?

Rolling Eyes

Obama, Down with the KKK?

That’s what Snoop Dog says.

Of course, Calvin Broadus isn’t known for his intelligence either.

Obama, however says it ain’t true:

Finally when Obama took the stage the audience cheered and screamed. It was reminiscent of the Nickelback concert I attended, but with a lack of women professing their undying love and virginity. As camera flashes were blinding I stood in the front row and yelled out:

Mr. Obama how do you feel about Snoop Dog accusing you of accepting funding from the KKK?

The people around me looked at me like I just asked him for a mustache ride. I really wasn’t shocked. Apparently not hearing me, I yelled it again as I made eye contact with him. Obviously trying to make it to the podium he merely said:

“It is completely untrue.”

How absurd, accusing a black man for taking support from the KKK.

Hey, Calvin, Stick to your day job man, stay out of politics, you’re making the brothers look silly!

Others: QandO and Outside The Beltway

The Clinton Tax Return – Gate

Here is the video news story via the AP:

Memeorandum has the various Blog reactions and story on Hillary’s website.

The only thing I have to say about it is this. The Clinton’s were successful people, I do not have a problem with that, at all. They went to college, got law degrees and were successful at it.

Does that bother me? Of course not! Sorry, I am just not one of those kind of people, who hold grudges against people who are successful in life. There are Liberals and some Conservatives like that, I am not.

If it makes anyone feel better, Keith Olbermann, The Liberal’s talking head, has a 5 year contact with MSNBC for 5 million dollars. So, I really do not see all the fuss over the Clinton’s wealth is.

This is, where I believe, that John Edwards blew it, he went around talking about two Americas, all the while being wealthy himself. I never saw that in Hillary, she was successful, because she worked for it. I cannot fault her for that.

My take on it is this, anyone that has the ability to go out and get a good education and make something of themselves and is able to amass that kind of wealth, I say, God Bless them, and I wish them the best. I do not have a problem with anyone being successful, as long as it is done in a honest manner.

That is one of the issues that I have with the progressives and far left liberals, and that is their contempt of anyone who is financially successful. The Anti-Capitalist mentality. Capitalism, sorry to say, is the American way. Honest capitalism is even better.

This whole idea of "Give me something, for nothing", I believe is anti-American, It seeks to punish those who are successful. It forces those who have made something of themselves to surrender their wealth to those who want something for nothing.

Just my take on it.

Ann Coulter basically calls Senator Barack Obama a two bit Hitler

I hate to say this, But this crap right here, is why Conservatism is in it’s death throws and why America wants nothing to do, at all, with the G.O.P.

The Video:

The transcript: (via MMFA)

From the April 3 edition of Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes:

SEAN HANNITY (co-host): But I will bet you any amount of money, any bet, any dinner, any place, anywhere, restaurant of your choice, with any bottle of wine you want —

COULTER: — that I won’t vote for her?

HANNITY: You won’t vote for a Democrat. You will never pull the lever this election year for a Democrat.

COULTER: Well, I don’t want to give either of them a mandate, so I will probably write in Ronald Reagan.

HANNITY: Oh, come on.

COULTER: But I’m not going to vote for a Democrat, so I won’t vote for John McCain.

JOHN CARLSON (radio talk show host): I didn’t think it was congenitally possible for Ann Coulter to pull the lever for a Democrat.


CARLSON: You’re not really going to vote for Hillary.


COULTER: If — as I said, and I haven’t —

HANNITY: She won’t.

COULTER: — changed my mind, if the election were close and it’s between Hillary and McCain, I think Hillary would be better on national security.

HANNITY: She’s not — she doesn’t mean it. I’m telling — I know she would never do it. Never.

COLMES: She’s lying?


CARLSON: Wait, wait, wait, hold on.

COLMES: Are you calling her a liar?

HANNITY: No, she’s not lying; she’s [unintelligible] —

COLMES: Let me defend you —

CARLSON: Why would Hillary — why would Hillary protect America better than John McCain?

COULTER: Do you really want me to go through this again on Fox airwaves?

HANNITY: Answer this.

COULTER: ‘Cause they’re getting a little testy with me for making the case.

CARLSON: No, no. Who do you think the soldiers in Iraq would rather to see as their commander and chief?

COULTER: No, I understand we have spent 10 years building up a hatred for the Clintons. And frankly, when I endorsed her, I was secretly pleased that it seemed to kill her nomination.

However, she’s not obsessed with being called a maverick by The New York Times, like — oh, who could I think of? Yes, John McCain. She’s not obsessed with waterboarding and stopping waterboarding, and given the glint in her eye, I think she’d like torturing them. Have you seen that woman give a speech? I think she would enjoy torturing them at Guantánamo.

CARLSON: They play those at Gitmo.

COULTER: She doesn’t run around saying we’ve got to shut down Guantánamo. So I think I’ve just made the case. What do you have to say?


COULTER: I think the point is, the most important question right now is — is who it is John McCain chooses as his vice president. Because he may end up being the luckiest man in the world, running against this absolute racist Obama, as noted in my column —


COLMES: Wait, wait a minute, wait a minute. Why are you calling him a racist? Why are you calling him a racist?

COULTER: — or Hillary Clinton, who — I mean, he could — he could be the luckiest man in the world, liberal Republican —

COLMES: Why are you calling him a racist?

COULTER: Because we — the topic we were supposed to be talking about in this segment, Sean — my column this week. I’m the only person in America who has read Obama’s autobiography —

COLMES: You know, as a matter of fact —

COULTER: — and all he has a racial hair-trigger, he’s a complete loon. All he talks about is constantly being offended. And Mr. Unity attacks Sean Hannity and me.

COLMES: All right, you said in your piece —


COULTER: — and now we’re offended.

HANNITY: Me and you in the same sentence —

COLMES: Hold on, we only have a second left. You said, if only — you might want to take a peek at Obama and what he writes — "if only people had read ‘Mein Kampf’ … "


COLMES: So in other words, he would be as dangerous as Hitler?

COULTER: No. He’s a dimestore Mein Kampf.

COLMES: Oh, he’s a two-bit Hitler?

COULTER: But yes. It is absolute racialist. If you read Mein Kampf

COLMES: I see.

COULTER: — it’s all about his Germanic heritage. And this is — OK, go read it. If you don’t believe me —

COLMES: All right, I see.

COULTER: — you want to read the CliffsNotes version in my column.

COLMES: We should be as wary of Obama as they should have been of Hitler in Nazi Germany?

COULTER: If only people had read Mein Kampf.

COLMES: I just want to get you on the record. We will come right back.

She’s something else, in the quest of being ironic, cute and snarky, she’s basically destroying the Republican Party and running Conservative movement into the ratholes of America.

Pretty Lady, She is, stupid, but quite pretty. Like a poodle…..


Ebay Jerk stalks Obama

I can tell you with no amount of hesitation. That this would have never happened, had I been running security.

Political Opinion aside, whomever was running that security detail, should be fired from the secret service.

If that had been me running that detail. This jerk’s noggin would have been beamed off the pavement  and he would gotten his butt kicked, royally.

That guy was very much over the line and should be sitting in a jail cell right now. Period.

I find it quite amazing that our United States Secret Service is that damn incompetent that they did not arrest this guy.

I guess this can be expect considering the White Piece of trash that we have in the White House.

Damned Idiots. Angry

One of the half a million reasons I think Joe Scarborough is an Asshat….

Transcript: (via Media Matters for America)

From the March 31 edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe:

SCARBOROUGH: You know, Willie, the thing is, Americans want their president, if it’s a man, to be a real man. They — 1984, I remember Ronald Reagan goes to South Boston. He holds up that beer mug —


SCARBOROUGH: — in that South Boston pub, and everybody’s like, "He’s a real man," and I guess Barack Obama’s trying to do the same thing, too.

BRZEZINSKI: Stop it. Oh, come on.

SCARBOROUGH: Awful. Good Lord.

GEIST: He’s going to have to try a little harder than he did in Altoona, Pennsylvania, on Saturday night —



SCARBOROUGH: Oh, this is awful.

GEIST: — at the Pleasant Valley Rec Center. He went bowling, and let’s just take a quick look at it here. I guess I’ll just give you the final numbers. Started out nicely, got the Velcro shoes.

BRZEZINSKI: Looking good, looking good.

GEIST: But then he started bowling. The score you’re really after in bowling is 300; that’s a perfect score.


SCARBOROUGH: That’s perfect score.

BRZEZINSKI: Good, good, good.

SCARBOROUGH: But, you know, if you get 200, you’re a good bowler.

GEIST: Sure. You know what?

BRZEZINSKI: Yeah. Two-fifty —

SCARBOROUGH: You get 150, you’re a man —


SCARBOROUGH: — or a good woman.


GEIST: Out of my president, I want a 150, at least. Barack Obama bowled — well, you can see his form here —



GEIST: A 37.


GEIST: That’s a three, next to a seven.

SCARBOROUGH: Baby, if you go to Altoona, Pennsylvania, on a Saturday night and you’re going to try to bowl —

SCARBOROUGH: Oh, that’s so dainty. Ugh.

GEIST: Get there, get there.

SCARBOROUGH: What a dainty —


BRZEZINSKI: A gutter ball, that’s like me bowling.

SCARBOROUGH: That is such a dainty release.

GEIST: If you’re the president, you want — you don’t want them to have to put those bumpers in the gutters.

SCARBOROUGH: Look, here we go, look at this. OK.

BRZEZINSKI: All right now.

[Scarborough squeals]

GEIST: Oh, it’s like a children’s birthday party.


SCARBOROUGH: I’ve got a feeling he —

BRZEZINSKI: That was useless and stupid and [unintelligible].

SCARBOROUGH: — he didn’t go bowling in Cambridge that much. That’s a guy that’s been studying a lot of — reading a lot of books.


FORD: One thing I thought he did a great job of this week — he’s done a lot of great things but —

SCARBOROUGH: Not bowling.


SCARBOROUGH: Have you ever bowled before, Harold?

FORD: I do, I have.

SCARBOROUGH: You ever bowl?

FORD: I’m embarrassed to say, but I do.

BRZEZINSKI: Harold, make your point.

FORD: My other point is just —

SCARBOROUGH: No, no, I’m curious. If you were running for president in Altoona, Pennsylvania —

FORD: They can walk him through —

SCARBOROUGH: He got a 37 —

FORD: — feed milk to him —

SCARBOROUGH: Harold, he got a 37 bowling in Altoona, Pennsylviania.


GEIST: So sorry.


FORD: He probably shouldn’t do that again, but I tell you, it showed a human side to him. I mean, it showed a very humble side to him.

SCARBOROUGH: Well, yeah, yeah, yeah.

BRZEZINSKI: He is a politician.

SCARBOROUGH: A very human side? A prissy side.

BRZEZINSKI: Oh, stop it. Now, that’s just not nice.

SCARBOROUGH: Anyway, make your point.

FORD: He’s a heck of an athlete, by the way.

SCARBOROUGH: Is he really?

FORD: Actually, heck of an athlete.

SCARBOROUGH: It sure didn’t look it, the way that he was just —


SCARBOROUGH: He was pushing it this way, right there.

BRZEZINSKI: You have to take it and run with it, Harold.

FORD: But he looked like — I mean, he looked like folks, he looked like an American. A Pennsylvanian — he looked like someone, day in and day out —


BRZEZINSKI: No, no, no.

SCARBOROUGH: He was bowling in his tie —

FORD: — except the bowling. The bowling hurt it.

BRZEZINSKI: Harold, take my advice.

FORD: The bowling — I mean, I thought it was 137. You sure it was 37?

SCARBOROUGH: It was 37. That is awful.

BRZEZINSKI: You have to — there is no way. There is no way out of this one.


SCARBOROUGH: So Harold, so Harold, though —

FORD: He’s my buddy. I can’t believe you make me laugh at –.

SCARBOROUGH: But you say he’s a good athlete?

BRZEZINSKI: He’s a dancer.


FORD: He’s a heck of a basketball player.

SCARBOROUGH: Is he really?

FORD: Heck of a basketball player.


FORD: As a matter of fact, I spent a little time with his brother-in-law over the weekend who can also play.

BRZEZINSKI: I’d think you’d have a hard time against him —

SCARBOROUGH: How tall is he?

FORD: How tall is Barack?


FORD: Barack’s probably 6’2".


FORD: 6’2", 6’3", yeah. He’s a big guy.


SCARBOROUGH: Well then, I better be quiet because —

FORD: Yeah, probably.

BRZEZINSKI: Yeah, I think you should.

SCARBOROUGH: I mean, I’m bigger than he is.

BRZEZINSKI: I still think you should be quiet.

FORD: You should reach out to a bowl-off.

SCARBOROUGH: I’ll challenge him to a bowl-off. But basketball — he looks like he’s in pretty good shape. I would just have to post low.

GEIST: Right.

FORD: And I’d throw him a pass on you, too. I’ve seen you. I think he could probably take you down the sideline on a post route.


h no. Please don’t, don’t don’t don’t go there. You didn’t just do this.


SCARBOROUGH: Wait, wait. I’m sorry? You talking football now?


FORD: I mean, that’s one sport y’all can still play at Florida —


SCARBOROUGH: I’ve got 5 yards.


SCARBOROUGH: I’ve got 5 yards, bump and run. He’s not going down the field.

FORD: Oh, Joe.

SCARBOROUGH: You know what my nickname was in college?

BRZEZINSKI: Oh, Lord, help me.

SCARBOROUGH: The "Round Mound of Rebound." On the basketball court, you just go low and lean.

BRZEZINSKI: Yeah, well, 15 million Big Macs later, I don’t think that name applies, honey.


SCARBOROUGH: Let’s bring in right now David Axelrod, he’s chief strategist for the Obama campaign. David, we have to ask a question, what did you know, when did you know it —

BRZEZINSKI: And what were you thinking?

SCARBOROUGH: What were you thinking? Why did you allow your candidate to bowl a 37 in Altoona, Pennsylvania? America waits for your answer, sir.

AXELROD: Well, if you’re going to bowl a 37, Altoona’s a good a place as any, Joe. No, listen. I think it was tremendously insightful of the candidate not to try and show up any of the other bowlers there.

SCARBOROUGH: I’ll tell you what —

AXELROD: I mean, that’s the kind of political sophistication that you want —

GEIST: There you go.

AXELROD: What’s worse, I mean, listen, what made that worse was that right after that, Hillary Clinton revealed that she had bowled a 300 with the prime minister of Uzbekistan. So —

SCARBOROUGH: Oh, here we go.


BRZEZINSKI: Oh, that’s harsh [unintelligible]. David —

SCARBOROUGH: I’ll tell you what, that is some spin, my man.

BRZEZINSKI: No, you didn’t.

SCARBOROUGH: First of all, you say he got the 37. That’s why he gets the big bucks. He says —

AXELROD: So he didn’t bowl 10 frames, Joe. He didn’t bowl 10 frames, and as he’s proven, he’s a strong finisher.




AXELROD: Let’s put the whole thing in perspective.

From the 10 a.m. ET hour of the March 31 edition of MSNBC Live:

HALL: Well, Barack Obama — his friends say he’s a whiz on the basketball court and he can hold his own on the dance floor — and he’s got a gift, of course, for speaking. But one thing Barack Obama cannot do, and I think it’s official — he can’t bowl. Mr. Obama scored a 37 when he hit the lanes this weekend. And yes, he bowled all 10 frames. That’s impossible. Well, voters in Pennsylvania will give him some pointers for his effort.

I do sometimes catch his show in the mornings. But I think the guy is a fucking dick, quite frankly. Someone who picked on kids in school, a spoiled rich kid who thought he was something big. I would love to see nothing more than some beat the living fucking shit out of Joe right on the air, on his own show.

I honestly do not know how Mika Brzezinski puts up with it. I wouldn’t, I’d bitch and have his ass fired. He’s said so much offensive stuff to her, as a woman, it is unbelievable.

He’s the kind of Republican, that I cannot stand. The kind with the "I am better than you", Attitude.

Others: No More Mister Nice Blog, The Reaction, The New Republic, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES and Gateway Pundit

Al Gore to save the Democrat Party? I highly doubt it…..

I saw this, and almost spit my coffee on the laptop. Mostly because it sounds that absurd.

The Article: Senior Democrats mull Al Gore’s nomination (Via UK Telegraph)

Plans for Al Gore to take the Democratic presidential nomination as the saviour of a bitterly divided party are being actively discussed by senior figures and aides to the former vice-president.

The bloody civil war between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has left many Democrats convinced that neither can deliver a knockout blow to the other and that both have been so damaged that they risk losing November’s election to the Republican nominee, John McCain.

Former aides to Al Gore now believe he could emerge as a compromise candidate

Former Gore aides now believe he could emerge as a compromise candidate acceptable to both camps at the party’s convention in Denver during the last week of August.

Two former Gore campaign officials have told The Sunday Telegraph that a scenario first mapped out by members of Mr Gore’s inner circle last May now has a sporting chance of coming true.

As exciting or scary, depending on your point of view, as this sounds. It is a known fact among us hardcore Bloggers, that the UK Telegraph is NOT really known for it’s factual reporting. It has, in the past, reported some quite outlandish headlines, that were, quite frankly, wrong.

I may not be an expert, when it comes to Politics, but it would be absolutely crazy to dump Gore into the mix, at this point in the race. There would be massive, and I do mean MASSIVE defections from the party. 

So, as nice or as horrible as this may sound. I would not begin to panic, until the New York Times or some other legit News Source in America reports it.

A rule of thumb is, if in doubt, engage your common sense filter.

Others: PoliGazette, Making conservatives …, The Moderate Voice, Hot Air, The Corner, The Democratic Daily, Political Machine, Weasel Zippers, Gateway Pundit, Dean’s World, Althouse and American Street

Obama Weathers Wright Storm, Clinton has issues

So says pew research.

So much for Hillary’s crossing the Executive threshold eh?

It’s too much to quote here, best to go read it all, for yourself.

There’s a ton of people on this, check out the coverage.

Going to be an interesting couple of weeks, no doubt.

Ouch! A Obama Supports goes there…. with the Clintons!

Oh Man, I bet this dude is paying for this, big time.

Via Political Punch (ABC News Blogger)

In his blog, Fischer writes:

"B. Clinton questions Obama’s patriotism.  In repsonse (sic), an Obama aide compared B. Clinton to Joe McCarthy. This is patently unfair.  To McCarthy.

"When Joe McCarthy questioned others’ patriotism, McCarthy (1) actually believed, at least aparently (sic), the questions were genuine, and (2) he did so in order to build up, not tear down, his own party, the GOP.  Bill Clinton cannot possibly seriously believe Obama is not a patriot, and cannot possibly be said to be helping — instead he is hurting — his own party.  B. Clinton should never be forgiven.  Period.  This is a stain on his legacy, much worse, much deeper, than the one on Monica’s blue dress."

D’oh! Doh

He went there, he really went there. He has since removed it. But dang, that was a low blow. Big time. Ouch

Although, James Carville’s comment about McCarthyism is totally uncalled for. Turns out that McCarthy was somewhat right about his notions on Communism. He was, however, a bit out of control, and also had some self destructive personal habits.

I believe before it is over with, the Democrat Party is going to be so broken, they won’t be able to win anything.

The November Election is going to be an interesting time.

Memeorandum has more coverage.

Man, is Hillary desperate or what?

Does this feckless woman know any bounds?

Clinton Backer Points to Electoral College Votes as New Measure (via New York Times)

Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana, who backs Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for president, proposed another gauge Sunday by which superdelegates might judge whether to support Mrs. Clinton or Senator Barack Obama.

He suggested that they consider the electoral votes of the states that each of them has won.

“So who carried the states with the most Electoral College votes is an important factor to consider because ultimately, that’s how we choose the president of the United States,” Mr. Bayh said on CNN’s “Late Edition.”

In a primary, of course, electoral votes are not relevant, but the Clinton campaign is trying to use them as an unofficial measure of strength.

So far, Mrs. Clinton has won states with a total of 219 Electoral College votes, not counting Florida and Michigan, while Mr. Obama has won states with a total of 202 electoral votes.

How silly! Desperate actions from a desperate feckless woman, who knows damn well, that she cannot win the Presidency, at all, and now she’s grasping at straws. She’s also throwing out the kitchen sink also.

This woman is absolutely determined to destroy the democrat party, just so she can win the Nomination for President. The sick and sad part, is that the leadership of the Democrat Party, Howard, "I’m a screamer!" Dean, flatly refuses to do anything about it. What a waste! If I were a member of the Democrat Party, I would be demanding his resignation. Those people pay Howard Dean to lead that party, to make the hard decisions, and what has he done? Nothing! But sit there at look like an idiot. He needs to go and someone take the helm and take control of the situation.

More coverage via Memeorandum