Oooooh Imus….

Not sure if I should laugh, or just shake my head…


Transcript: (via Media Matters for America)

From the April 17 edition of ABC Radio Networks’ Imus in the Morning:

IMUS: Five minutes after the hour here at the Imus in the Morning program, on the radio all over the country and on RFD-TV, RFD-HD, and prime time. Craig Crawford, from out where the buses don’t run, will be on here in a little bit. George Stephanopoulos, who co-anchored the debate last night. And what I saw of it, I got home a little late, but — of course, I mean, it’s obvious I like him or he wouldn’t be on the program all the time —

McCORD: True.

IMUS: — but I thought he was great.

McCORD: He was.

IMUS: You know, I keep thinking, I mean, he’s been doing this for 10 years. You know, This Week with David, not with David Brinkley, but George Stephanopoulos.

McCORD: Right.

IMUS: But he’s gotten really good.

McCORD: Yup.

IMUS: Charlie Gibson, however. What is the deal with the glasses down on the end of his nose?

McCORD: I don’t —

IMUS: What is this thing? I don’t know. I don’t have my regular glasses [unintelligible], so I have to wear my dark glasses because I don’t — I left the other ones somewhere. But I mean, he’s tedious. Anyway.

McCORD: It’s his attempt to look very professorial.

IMUS: Stephanopoulos I thought was great, and the debate was fine. I thought Senator Obama was on the defensive most of the night. But they’re both sissy boys or sissy girls, or whatever. Because they talk big when they’re out on the campaign trail, wolfing on each other.

McCORD: But then —

IMUS: And then when they show up at the debate, they fold up like a couple of cheap lawn chairs. I mean, I don’t understand that. And he’s almost a bigger pussy than she is.

BERNARD McGUIRK (executive producer): Whoa.

McCORD: Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

IMUS: And then another — and then I was on the treadmill yes– this is kind of funny. I thought it was funny. I was on the treadmill, but I was watching Fox News. And — but I didn’t have the sound on because the sound makes me nervous.

Obama? A Pussy? Nah, he’s no pussy. Tucker Carlson is a pussy. John Kerry is a pussy. William Kristol is a pussy. Michael Goldfarb is a pussy. Terry Jeffrey is a Pussy. But, Obama, Nah, He’s all man. He can’t bowl worth a crap. But he’s got the manly man thing down.