Want to see why I have grown to hate the left?

Check out the story, which is just rife with hatred towards Conservative Bloggers, Race Baiting and has a rather horrible photo-shop of Michelle Malkin.

Go here.

I mean, even HotAir covered this and dismissed it. Did they bother to mention that? Nope. Which is why I never bothered blogging about it. Most usually, if a story doesn’t pass AllahPundit’s or Ed’s smell test, I usually refrain.

I seem to remember that on March 4, 2010, word came that a liberal satirist blogger, Al Weisel AKA as Jon Swift passed away. I, thinking that no one on my side of political aisle cared, wrote a rather harsh piece.  Well, it turned out that many Bloggers on the Conservative side of the aisle liked the guy and went out of their way to remember the guy. I even dedicated a music video to the damned guy.  Much class was shown that day, and I had hoped that my actions would be the start of the beginning of civility in this Blogosphere. Maybe that was too lofty of a goal.

The point I am trying to make is this; why the hell does someone have to die in the blogosphere or anywhere else for that matter; for anyone to even remotely try and show any respect to that person?

I say all this, because I have flogged time and time again for some of the stuff that I have said on here. I have even lost advertisers because of something I did once on this blog. But, yet, this guy gets a free pass? Unbelievable. 🙄

Remember folks, THIS is your Democratic Party of today. Do you really want to vote for people that promote this sort of vile filth? Think about it.

Democrats hit a snag, right?

Well, Yes and No….

The Good News:

The Senate Parliamentarian has ruled that President Barack Obama must sign Congress’ original health care reform bill before the Senate can act on a companion reconciliation package, senior GOP sources said Thursday.

The Senate Parliamentarian’s Office was responding to questions posed by the Republican leadership. The answers were provided verbally, sources said.

House Democratic leaders have been searching for a way to ensure that any move they make to approve the Senate-passed $871 billion health care reform bill is followed by Senate action on a reconciliation package of adjustments to the original bill. One idea is to have the House and Senate act on reconciliation prior to House action on the Senate’s original health care bill.

Information Republicans say they have received from the Senate Parliamentarian’s Office eliminates that option. House Democratic leaders last week began looking at crafting a legislative rule that would allow the House to approve the Senate health care bill, but not forward it to Obama for his signature until the Senate clears the reconciliation package.

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) moved Thursday to put Senate Republicans on the defensive over health care, sending a letter to Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in which he dared the GOP to vote against reform.

Reid also defended the Democrats’ use of reconciliation to get a final health care reform bill to the president’s desk, noting that the bulk of health care reform was approved under regular order via the package that cleared the Senate on Christmas Eve. Reid also emphasized that Republicans have used the procedure several times over the years.

via RollCall.com.

The Bad News:

Rep. Paul Ryan says that Democrats are ready to ram a “shell” health care bill through the Budget Committee, on which he serves as ranking Republican member, to use as a vehicle to impose national health care.

In a phone interview with TAS Thursday afternoon, Ryan said that he expects Democrats to begin the complex process on Monday, under which they would have the Budget Committee approve a phantom bill by midnight, which they will then send over to the Rules Committee. At that point, the Rules Committee will strip out all of the language in the phantom bill, and insert the changes to the Senate bill that Democrats have negotiated.

“They don’t have the votes right now, but they’re creating the vehicle so that they can airdrop in whatever changes they want,” Ryan said.

He said that Republicans are outnumbered 2-to-1 on his committee and don’t have the votes to stop the bill there. Democrats will also be able to prevent Republicans from offering any amendments, but GOP members will be able to offer “motions to instruct” the Rules Committee, that Ryan said will be used highlight problems with the “unprecedented” step that Democrats are taking.  – Source: AmSpec Blog

You see why I have not been writing about this? Because it is an exercise in abject stupidity. The way Fox News is hyping it, you would think that there was going to by a nuclear attack. But, it is much ado about nothing. They not going to try and vote until Monday and something tells me, that it will die there. I could be wrong, but, I believe that will happen.

President Obama losing his base because he was oversold

I knew this was coming, long ago..:

Is President Obama losing his base?

Liberal and progressive organizations that helped propel him to the White House are turning on him now, little more than a year after he took office. Their collective discontent, on issues from health care to nuclear energy to the handling of terrorism suspects, could mean bad news for Democrats during this fall’s congressional elections.

Polls show that liberals and blacks still approve of the job Obama’s doing. That approval, however, doesn’t necessarily mean they will make the effort to vote, and many of the activists and groups that worked to get people to the polls in 2008 say they’re not inclined right now to help Democrats in the fall.

“The energized base which transformed the nation and elected our first black president (is) now disengaged,” Democratic political strategist Donna Brazile says. “If this was September, I would hit the panic button.”

via Obama’s liberal base ‘disengaged’ – USATODAY.com.

There are a few thoughts that I have here about this situation:

First off; Obama was mostly elected, because Conservatives stayed home and did not vote, because they felt that John McCain was a lousy candidate — many of these same people disliked Sarah Palin as well. I happen to be one of those people.  Also some of the more elitist Conservatives and libertarians voted for Obama, because of his charm and charisma. Many of those same Conservatives and libertarians are now kicking themselves for that. Because they have painfully figured out, that President Obama is nothing more than a slick talking Chicago politician and it has become painfully aware to these people that they voted for an outright socialist.

Second of all; Many upper middle class and wealthy class white liberals voted for Obama, because they saw this a change to atone for the sins of the of the past of the white race here in America. These same people were tricked into believing that Obama somehow or another would magically solve the problems that are plaguing America right now. This is because Obama was marketed as some sort of Messianic figure that would change the political landscape in America, all because of his black skin, because he was the one that America needed and so on and so forth. Which was nothing more than a slick marketing tactic, this has become painfully aware to the moderates and Independents that voted for him. The question is, did Obama actually do all that? Oh He did alright! Obama successfully managed to get elected and proceeded to turn moderates, Conservative Democrats, and Independents against him! All in six months time; now that my friends takes talent.

Third of all; the far left base has turned against President Obama for basically the same reason listed above. Because the far left liberals thought that Obama was going to beckon to their every whim and pet cause. The far left was under this strange impression that Obama would end the war in Iraq, the very day he was sworn into office and would quickly end the war in Afghanistan. Again, this can be attributed to good marketing or in Obama’s case; excessive marketing of an image.  The problem is, that image was not grounded in reality, because for one; the Iraq war could not have been ended until the date set by the “Status of force agreement” with Iraq and the coalition forces and ending the Afghanistan war would be a threat to National security; Obama might be a socialist Democrat, but he is not a fool. Obama was not about to stop the Afghanistan war and open the floodgates of National Security threats on our Country. Even Obama is not that stupid.

Lastly; what this article does not take into account is the fact that Politics and the political winds do shift, ebb and flow. People get their impression of a man and it usually sticks. Sometimes this works to the advantage of the person in office —- and sometimes it does not. In Obama’s case, because of some of the early failures and because Obama did not kowtow to the far left in his Party, that impression has, so far, not been a good one.

Others: Shot in the Dark

It’s official, Eric Massa is a freaking fruit loop

As I said before, I am really not too keen on writing about stuff like this….But, it’s news.. So, here we go:

A couple years ago, I got a tip about Eric Massa. It involved his aggrieved former campaign manager, Sanford Dickert, who was involved in an ugly dispute. Dickert claimed Massa had fired him and refused to pay him for work he’d done on Massa’s unsuccessful 2006 run for Congress. Massa, he said, had retaliated by issuing a series of salacious charges against him, which Dickert denied, including that he had hired, and then given alcohol to, underage staffers, and also that he had made a pass at Massa’s teenage son. This seemed like a personal dispute that didn;t have much news value and was, furthermore, impossible for me to adjudicate. I didn’t write about it. Dickert wound up filing a libel suit against Massa, and in the court documents, which you can read here, the strange and bizarre charges are all laid out.

via Eric Massa’s Navy Files – Politics – The Atlantic.

….and if you happen to be interested in such stuff, had on over there and read the stuff. I have zero interest in even commenting on this stuff. It just is not my, um, “thing”.

Head on over, I’m sure it is interesting…. Just not to me. 😛

BREAKING NEWS: Former Detroit City Councilwoman Monica Conyers Sentanced to 37 months in prison for bribe scandal

Hallelujah! There is justice in America!

Former Detroit City Councilwoman Monica Conyers was just sentenced to 37 months with two years supervised probation and no fine.

The 37 months is the top of the sentencing guidelines recommended by the probation department.

Going to Jail! Loudmouth Monica Conyers

Before the sentencing was announced, a strange series of events transpired, highlighted by Conyers’s; request to withdraw her guilty plea. She was screaming that she had her own tapes that would exonerate her before the sentence was announced. She also yelled “What about my children? They did nothing to cause this!” before the sentence announced.

“I would like to withdraw my plea…I shouldn’t go to jail for something I didn’t do,” she said.

She told Judge Avern Cohn that he should read the report from a doctor, where she was sent by the court, and how susceptible she was to badgering. She repeated that this was a doctor that she saw at the direction of the court.

She then repeated: “I’m just not going to jail for something I did not do.”

Cohn said he was satisfied that the guilty plea was voluntary and knowingly given.

via Conyers gets 37 months in prison for Synagro bribe scandal -Detroit Free Press.

If Mrs. Conyers was so worried about her children, she should of thought about them, when she accepted that bribe! I can only imagine what John Conyers is thinking right about now.

But this is the wild part:

Via WXYZ’s live Blog:

Monica Conyers has just been sentenced to 37 months in prison. She also received 2 years of supervised probation. Just before sentencing, Conyers screamed “If they have their tapes, I have my tapes too. I taped Rayford, I taped Riddle. You’ll be fair to me or I want to withdraw my plea.”

You gotta know than Ken Cockrel Jr. is somewhere…. laughing his ass off! 😀 😆

Just a little refresher:

Oh yeah, you know he is loving this, big time! 😀

Update: Other Bloggers now weighing in: TheBlogProf, Ace…. more to come, I’m sure…

Dan Rather explains himself

I am, of course, referring to this little poor choice of words.

First off, Dan explains in his own way, that he is from the pre-internet generation. This is understandable. The man is just old. You have to remember, he was one of the reporters in the trenches in Vietnam. He did work under Walter Cronkite. So, he is old, as in almost my dad’s age. Even I can understand that.

He explains his rather “off the cuff” remark:

All this is the backdrop for what I said on the Matthews show. I was talking about Obama and health care and I used the analogy of selling watermelons by the side of the road. It’s an expression that stretches to my boyhood roots in Southeast Texas, when country highways were lined with stands manned by sellers of all races. Now of course watermelons have become a stereotype for African Americans and so my analogy entered a charged environment. I’m sorry people took offense. – Source Huffington Post

He goes on to say, and I believe this is important:

But anyone who knows me personally or knows my professional career would know that race was not on my mind. Reporting on the injustices of race was part of the reason I became a reporter. I grew up in segregated Texas on the same side of the tracks as the African American community. At the time, enlightened people called them Negros. Many people called them much worse. When I covered the Civil Rights movement, I saw sheer hatred in ways that still haunt and shock me. For doing my small part in reporting on the South in the 1960s, I was called a traitor to my roots and other names not fit for print. I was threatened with death by people who would have welcomed me to their church on Sunday on account of my white skin if they didn’t know what I was there to do. I do not take this issue lightly.

I am inclined to believe him here, as I do agree with his position on the subject. Also too, I believe it is important to understand the framing of the comment as well. He did just say, in his own southern style that President Obama is, in fact, a lousy salesman. Now he said something to the effect of, “That Obama isn’t nothing more than a stupid Watermelon eatin’ so and so…” it would be quite different. But it was not said in that matter. Yes, I know, Rush Limbaugh and we Conservative Bloggers did raise the “If a Conservative have said that” flag up; Which I believe is valid. There is a double standard in this country when it comes to race and political party affiliation, I know that. However, I believe this one here was just a tad bit blown out of proportion.

Finally, Dan Rather makes this very important point:

What saddens me is what this experience has made all too clear. Much of what we call news, isn’t. Much of what we Tweet, or post, or chat away at under the guise of news, are distractions.


The optimist in me believes that we are not as polarized as the partisans on the left and right would want us to believe. They make money on division. I have gotten dozens of letters from viewers for my HDNet show saying that they thought I was a left-wing partisan hack until they sat down and watched our reports. This is not meant to be self-aggrandizing. It is just evidence that if we stopped worrying about political point-scoring and sat and listened to the issues that matter, we would be less distracted and more focused on the problems that we all face and must solve together.

Sorry folks, I cannot argue with that. Thanks Dan for the clarification.  I know I might take heat for highlighting the above, but you know what? I do not care. I think if both sides would simply work together and stop with the decisive nonsense; we might just be able to fix the Nation’s problems; like Healthcare, like Jobs and many of the other problems that are hurting Nation right now.

Cartoon of the Day

Big Brother is Talking?

The managing editor of Townhall Magazine called Diversity Lane “very, very well done.”  And Michigan Review described it as “laugh out loud funny.”  Why not make this the day you discover the best in conservative comedy today at Diversity Lane?

For more fun visit the website/blog at
www.diversitylane.com or go directly to the blog at www.diversitylane.wordpress.com.

The Obligatory Eric Massa gets his gay gay on posting

Bleh. I HATE writing about this stuff! I hate it, I hate it, I HATE IT!

Via Washington Post:

Former representative. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) has been under investigation for allegations that he groped multiple male staffers working in his office, according to three sources familiar with the probe.

The allegations surrounding the former lawmaker date back at least a year, and involve “a pattern of behavior and physical harassment,” according to one source. The new claims of alleged groping contradict statements by Massa, who resigned his office on Monday after it became public that he was the subject of a House ethics committee investigation for possible harassment.

Massa had said that the allegations were limited to his use of “salty language” with his staff. He apologized for making some inappropriate comments and argued he was being unfairly vilified.

Days later, Massa accused the White House and Democratic congressional leaders of trying to oust him from office to improve their chances of passing health-care reform legislation — a charge that the House majority leader, Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), called “absurd.”

Massa could not be reached for comment Tuesday, and no one answered the phone at his campaign office or at his home in Corning, N.Y., where he lives with his wife, Beverly, and a son and daughter. Staff at his former congressional offices declined to relay messages to him and said they did not know how to reach him.

According to two sources familiar with the probe, Massa’s former deputy chief of staff Ron Hikel provided the information about the staffers’ allegations to the House ethics committee three weeks ago. Hikel had earlier sought advice from Hoyer’s office about brewing internal complaints, the sources said, and had been urged to report the allegations to the committee.

Hikel, reached at his home Tuesday, declined to comment on the ethics investigation.

Oh, But Massa says it was not sexual. I’m sorry, but when you walk up to a guy, stoke his hair and say something to the effect of, “Hey Big Boy, Would you like me to push in your stool?” It’s sexual, Okay? So, Please, Massa, get off the dumb crap already. You are gay, why hide it? Just go with it and be done with it! I mean, you are in the right party for all that sort of stuff. I mean, the Democrats are all down with the gay people anyways. So, why hide it?

Sorry, but this all leaves me about ready to freakin’ puke! I mean, I am just not really ready for “All Gay, All The time”. unlike SOME Conservative blogs! 😛 😉 😀

Anyhow, here’s the round up, go take a look. As for me, I will be over here lifting weights or something or another manly. 🙄

Do I miss Bush?

It is one of those Yes and No kind of questions:

I know you’re not supposed to, but I just love to say I told you so.

What I told you back on Sept. 28, 2008, was that within a year of the day he left office George W. Bush would come to be regarded with affection and a little nostalgia. The responses (over 300 before the comments were closed) to that prediction were overwhelmingly negative; even the very few who agreed with me attributed what they took to be a sad fact to the stupidity of the American people. The other 290 or so said things like “No way”; “Are you kidding?”; ”Are you mad?”;“What a ridiculous and insulting premise!”; “I’ll miss him like a rash”; “This must be a satire”; “Bush is a sociopath”; “George Bush has destroyed this country”; “History won’t forgive him”; and (a popular favorite) “I hate the man.”

Well it’s a bit more than a year now and signs of Bush’s rehabilitation are beginning to pop up. One is literally a sign, a billboard that appeared recently on I-35 in Minnesota. Occupying the right side (from the viewer’s viewpoint) is a picture of Bush smiling genially and waving his hand in a friendly gesture. Occupying the left side is a simple and direct question: “Miss me yet?” The image is all over the Internet, hundreds of millions of hits, and unscientific Web-based polls indicate that more do miss him than don’t.

via Do You Miss Him Yet? – Opinionator Blog – NYTimes.com.

Do I miss Bush? Well, Yes and No.

Yes, for the fact that Bush realized the war on terror was a real thing and was willing to sacrifice his Presidency for it.  Yes, for the fact that he did not pull a “Ron Paul” and cower after the attacks on 9/11 and stood tall and brought America together….at least for a short time. Yes, for taking the fight to the place where Al-Qaeda was located at, in Afghanistan. (at the time…)

No, because of the fact that he listened to the advice of some very foolish people that thought it would be wise to invade Iraq. No, because of the fact that he put a mentally incompetent man, like Donald Rumsfield in charge of our Military; which caused over 4K+ deaths in Iraq. No, because of the fact that the man could not articulate his way out of a paper bag.  No, Because of the fact that he threw his ‘Supposed’ Conservative principles into the wind and started an unconstitutional bailout of the banks. No, Because his Wilsonian Foreign Policy.

Simply put, George W. Bush was a mixed bag. No one thought he was perfect, but he was a bit better than this current idiot in the White House. Would I want him back. Honestly? No. At least this President is honest, he is a socialist Democrat; you know what you are getting with him. Unlike Bush, who played many for a fool during both of his campaigns. Of course, Obama did that too, but on a much bigger scale.

Some Changes

I have decided that as of today. I will removing a category on my blog’s blogroll. I did have a Far Right vs Right Voices. As of today, I removing that distinction.  Way I see it, if the left wants to lump us all together, why the hell should I separate?

No more nuance. I am Right and so are they.

That is all.

What else is going on in the World

I’ve been so busy battling Chuckie Johnson and Rosanne Barr fans, that I’ve missed blogging on anything else.

Here’s a round up:

  1. Ramn Emanuel fingers a Senator….or something.
  2. Spanking of queers; A GOP Senator comes out as one.
  3. Polls show that Obama is losing ground….and possibly his mind as well.
  4. Some Arab Country is giving Jews a hard time, or something. (…and this is news?)
  5. Reid Wilson wants someone to whip him with a….Healthcare Bill?
  6. Memo to Lynn Cheney, when you’ve lost the Bush leg humping crowd; you have thoroughly screwed up.
  7. Someone else is taking over the Government. (again?)
  8. Finally! Acorn workers pay the piper
  9. Ezra Klein says, “Healthcare Reform is progressive!” (Well, no shit…. Wish they’d pay me to write dumb shit like that…)
  10. Bill Clinton is going to dinner… Hide the interns and the Cigars!

Idiot from the Moderation Que

Commenting on this posting, obviously one of Roseanne’s fanboys:

Dude, do you have any idea of what’s going to happen to you in jail??? After 6 months you’ll be able to hide a bowling ball in your ass. 🙁

To which I responded in e-mail:

Dude, do you know how stupid you sound?

I’ve said and done worse, and NOBODY has ever been here, ever. I never, ever said, that *I* was going to do anything at all. I said She did not deserve to breathe and, “here’s hoping she ends face down in parking lot with a bullet in her head”… big difference, I never expressed intent, I only expressed my hope Big difference, jack ass. Political incorrectness, is not against the law. We still do have a first amendment. You liberals haven’t taken that….yet.

New Conservative Blog

Richard Spencer, formerly of Taki’s Magazine has finally got his own project going.

Here, he explains it:


Click here to check out the site.

Countdown to being called an Anti-Semite by the normal players for linking to either of these blogs in 5….4….3…2

Fixed rather funny typo…. Sorry Richard! 😛

Rosanne Bar on the Oscars

Oh, this is too rich

Barr on the Oscars:

I take it–I didnt watch at all. The self congratulations gross me out. I did of course watch the final episode of Big Love. Wow! I hope we dont have to wait too long to see more next season. Revolution is coming to Utah! Bill is coming out of the “closet.”

Seeing she does not have a problem with coming after me. I will simply say this….

Um, Rosanne dear… Could it be that you are just a bit bitter, because no one in Hollywood wants to work with your sorry butt any longer? Maybe? Possibly? I think so.

UPDATE:Charles Foster Johnson extends his Blogger McCarthyism to me – Lord Chuckie responds and beclowns himself

As I wrote last night on here, I did watch the Oscars.  I happened to enjoy the show myself.  Maybe it is because the show holds such a historical role in America life.  I am a history buff, after all.  After the show, I did come back to the laptop, fired up the browser, and checked my vast amount of RSS feeds that I do monitor via iGoogle.  The first RSS feed that I happened to have there, was Charles Foster Johnson’s Blog, which is named little green footballs.  I should point out, that the only reason it was “first”, meaning the first one on the top left, is because it was last one I had added, in like a long while —- not because I really liked the man or anything silly.

Having said all of the above, I happen to come across this article by Robert Stacy McCain this morning and I figured that it would be a good set up for relaying a bit of news. It appears that Charles Foster Johnson has finally pointed his collectivist McCarthyism Blogger guns at me.  Last night, when I attempted to open Mr. Johnson’s Blog, I saw the following:

Charles Johnson McCarthyism Strikes

He even made darn sure I couldn't look at his blog. Hey Chucky, ever heard of Proxies?

Charles Foster Johnson, The Modern Day Joseph McCarthy - Collectivist Thought Control Twit!

The reason this whole amuses me so much, is the fact that I actually defended the man’s right to ban trolls from his blog. Oh, Yes, I know, I did criticize him for some of his more idiotic actions, like lying about Pamela Geller, and other such nonsense.  The way I see it, if you cannot handle criticism, you have no business being in this blogosphere at all.  In fact, Charles Johnson’s Blog was in my “Left Voices” Column Bloggroll for a good long while, which I did explain here. I even on one occasion did mention in a blog posting, that I thought e-mailing Charles Johnson and accusing him of Homosexuality was quite lame;  Although, I will confess to taking part in some of that jesting myself on other blogs. Way I see it; I have been accused of the same thing myself and I was simply passing on the jesting that I have received myself to someone else.  I also now see that Mr. Johnson is unable to take a joke.

Having written the above, I will simply say this.  It really does not matter.  In fact, Charles Foster Johnson does not even matter any longer.  Johnson’s relevance came into question, when he turned against Pamela Geller.  Charles Johnson’s Blog came into its own, after he exposed some rather lame yellow journalism by Dan Rather’s Producer on a story about President George W. Bush’s Military service.  Other than that, Charles Johnson’s only other news worthy item is his Blogging against Islamic Jihad.  This, quite honestly, is not nearly as pointed as it once was.  In fact, there have been blog postings, which have been flagged by other Jewish Bloggers as pointedly Anti-Jewish.  I do not go as far as to say Anti-Semitic, as that is a bit of an extreme charge. However, I believe Anti-Israel, and possibly Anti-Jewish is a fair charge.

The reason why this really makes me laugh is that I have criticized others before; Andrew Sullivan, Ed Morrissey at HotAir.com, Stacy McCain, Michelle Malkin, and many others; have they blocked me from viewing their Blogs?  No, they have not.  Because they know that, a Blog is public website and to through the trouble to ban someone from actually viewing a blog is the epitome of lame.  In fact, I even considered doing the same thing, because of the attacks of the trolls on this site.  However, I figured that doing that sort of thing was an overreach power on my part.  My Blog is a public site and I believe everyone should be able to read it — Even if the readers do not agree — this is their personal right.  I believe in diversity of opinion, unlike some liberals, like Mr. Johnson.

In conclusion, I consider this a badge of honor.  It comes with the territory.  It reflects more on Mr. Johnson than it does me.  I pity the man; he has become his own island.  For that, he has become a much poorer man.

Update: One of Chuckie’s many mindless followers asks:

Lord Chuckie Responds:

So, you see guys. It is all about control and dominance with this guy. Which is sure sign of Megalomania….or something.

Also, thanks to these guys for linking in, in the comments section. Glad to see that I am not the only person who has ran into this idiot’s lameness.

UPDATED: Anyone else watching the Oscars? – Some did not like it

Yeah, I am watching them. They seem to be a bit more glamorous than usual.

Consider this an open thread.

I do moderate stuff, but I’ll approve anything that isn’t trollish or insulting to me.

Update: Nikki Finkie and Ann Althouse hated it. (H/T Insty)

Can we turn the asshole off, at least for one night ladies?

Jeeez. 🙄

I know, it was Hollywood, but I do give those people credit, they do have talent. Their politics might be awful, but they can perform. Remember Reagan came out of Hollywood.

Why do Conservative Republicans say stupid stuff like this?

First Roseanne Barr, now Tom Delay. Seriously, did the stupid bus break down and let everyone off at once? Oy. 🙄

First up the Video, and I apologize up front for the source:

Now the quote:

Asked whether it was bad strategy to make a budget stand on a $10 billion extension of unemployment (as opposed to, say, the Bush’s $720 billion prescription drug package), Delay insisted that if the PR had been done right, Bunning would have been applauded. Helping the unemployed with federal assistance, he said, was unsound policy.

“You know,” Delay said, “there is an argument to be made that these extensions, the unemployment benefits keeps people from going and finding jobs. In fact there are some studies that have been done that show people stay on unemployment compensation and they don’t look for a job until two or three weeks before they know the benefits are going to run out.

Host Candy Crowley: Congressman, that’s a hard sell, isn’t it?

Delay: it’s the truth.

Crowley: People are unemployed because they want to be?

Delay: well, it is the truth. and people in the real world know it. And they have friends and they know it. Sure, we ought to be helping people that are unemployed find a job, but we also have budget considerations that are incredibly important, especially now that Obama is spending monies that we don’t have. – Source: Huffington Post

Excuse me, Mr. Delay? But, I have been unemployed since 2005 and it is not because I want to be. I never was eligible for benefits. I quit my last job, because it was making me physically sick. So, I had to quit. Thanks to your Party’s former candidate and now former President’s idea of going to war with Iraq and because of the Progressive policies, that both the Republicans AND Democrats embraced; the economy here in Michigan is in the damned toilet. That is why I am not working, not because I do not want to.

Can someone remind me, just why this idiot is not in jail? Anyone? 🙄

It is stuff like this right here, that makes me wonder if 2010 is going to be a lost cause. Because just how much more tone deaf and out of touch with reality does one need to be? Clue to the Republican Party; spouting stupid ignorant tripe like this, is NOT going to get us back in charge of Congress, not anytime soon anyway. I am quite sorry to have the say this, BUT! —-  There’s stupid and then there’s Tom Delay Stupid! 😮 I mean, this guy is starting to make Michele Bachmann look REAL smart. Which quite frankly, is pretty freakin’ scary, if you ask me. 😮

Not to rip off AllahPundit or anything, but…. Good Lord. 🙄

UPDATED – Adam Yahiye Gadahn Caught – It was not Adam Yahiye Gadahn It was Abu Yahya

Three Words:

Good, Good and Good.

I wonder if President Obama will want to give this guy a civilian trial too?

Round up Here.

Update: Perhaps Not. You’d think they would be able to do this a little better… Oy. 🙄

Updated: Scum of the week: Roseanne Barr – Barr Links..to me?

I saw this the other day on facebook and I resisted the urge to write about it. But I cannot stand silent no more.

I am referring to this, which comes via DailyMail in the U.K:

Actress Roseanne Barr has sparked controversy by claiming that Marie Osmond’s son killed himself because he was gay.

The sitcom star made the allegations on her blog, and said that Osmond’s Mormon faith was to blame for the 18-year-old’s death.

Michael Blosil, the singer’s adopted son, was found dead outside his Los Angeles apartment building last week.

Basically, this stupid bitch said this:

Barr writes: ‘Marie Osmond’s poor gay son killed himself. He had been told how wrong and how sick he was every day of his life by his church and the people in it. Calling that “depression” is a lie!

‘Yet the Osmonds still talk lovingly about their church, saying nothing about it’s extremely anti-gay crusade. Marie also has a gay daughter!

‘Hey I want her and all the gay kids in the world to know that they are just fine being gay and that they deserve love and respect instead of insults and rebuke!

‘I have gay people in my family and my circle of friends and I am kicking bigot a** and taking names!’

Barr, 57, who grew up among Mormons in Salt Lake City in Utah, also told the late teen: ‘If I had been your mom, I would have told you that some of the greatest and smartest and most artistic people who ever lived were gay.

‘I would have shielded you from bigots who tore at your soul, like the ones that unfortunately were closest to you.

‘To all the gay Mormon children out there in the world, I will be your mom! I love you.

In response, I give you Darlene Click who writes at Jeff’s Blog:

From every report, Marie Osmond has been nothing but a loving and supportive mom of Jessica, her daughter who happens to be a lesbian.

And as far as bigotry goes, Roseanne doesn’t have a mirror big enough to include both her hate and her fat ass.

Roseanne is the definition of cunt.

Update #3: I just wanted to update this and say something about what I originally wrote. You most likely already know what I wrote, as you read it over at Barr’s site. First off, let me say this; what I was trying to say, in my not-so-politically correct way is, that Rosanne Barr simply does not deserve the fame and fortune that she has; the woman obviously is a “bomb thrower”, and it gets her the attention that she most desperately wants. To be absolutely clear, No one, and I mean absolutely no one at all deserves death or to be shot. I thought that would be quite obvious to anyone reading my blog. Unfortunately, Most liberals seem to be lacking that stuff found between one’s ears. (I mean, their brains.)  Roseanne’s fame period obviously has quite obviously past, which is evidenced by her comments about the Oscars; and now to garner attention to herself and her website, she makes outlandish comments, that is her shtick. I mean, even Bill O’Reilly at Fox News would not even report what Barr said, that is how bad it is. He also mentioned that she apologized. Which in my humble opinion is not enough, she should just go away. But, I don’t run the world, so, I cannot make her do this. I responded as a Conservative “bomb thrower” and now her fans want to turn me into the FBI and Police. Which is the epitome of hypocrisy, considering what liberals said and did to Sarah Palin, not that I am a fan of hers, but the point is still there and can be made. So, no, I do not wish Barr any harm at all. I just wish she would grow up or better yet, just go away.

Barr is a classic example of the elitist liberal mindset that is much prevalent in the Hollywood circles. Not to mention the rest of the liberal landscape.

It is a sad reminder of why I stopped voting for Democrats. I did not leave them, they left me. Just that simple.

Update: Barr links to me. Calls this Blog a “Christian” Blog. Which shows me, how stupid she really is. This is not, nor has it ever been a “Christian Blog” ever. I do admit to holding Christian beliefs. But I’ve never considered this blog a “Christian Blog” at all, ever. I do not sit here and preach at my readers, anyone with brains or has read here, knows this. But then again, we are talking about Roseanne Barr here. By the way, Roseanne, if you happen to read here again. My Mom used to be a fan, before you started acting like an moronic twit in public. Grow up and act your fucking age, bitch. Seriously. 🙄

Update #2: Tell me again why Tom Arnold Married that fat ass heifer?

News from a Fundamentalist Christian perspective

Disclaimer: This Newsletter is provided as a means for information only. Posting of this newsletter should not be considered a full endorsement of the belief system of the author. Full Disclosure: I am a Christian, I am a former Pentecostal, turned Baptist. However, I left the last Baptist Church I was involved in, because a Pastor’s unwillingness to follow God’s Word when it come to Church matters. I consider myself to be a Christian First, Baptist second and a Fundamentalist last. I will be the first to tell, unlike some, that the Fundamentalist Christian circles, especially Baptists, have issues of their very own. However, I feel their doctrine is on point.


March 5, 2010, Volume 11, Issue 10

The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this does not imply an endorsement. For instructions on how to unsubscribe to this list or to change mailing addresses, please consult the information paragraph at the end.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH USA APPROVES ORDINATION OF HOMOSEXUAL (Friday Church News Notes, March 5, 2010, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) – On February 20 a presbytery in Wisconsin approved the ordination of Scott Anderson who was disqualified 20 years ago. Anderson pastored Bethany Presbyterian Church of Sacramento, California, from 1983 until 1990, when he was forced to step down because of his homosexuality, since the constitution of the Presbyterian Church USA requires that pastors “live in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness.” In 2006 the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA “reinterpreted” this to allow the ordination of homosexuals tif approved by a regional ordaining body. It is obvious that words mean nothing to these people, not the words of the Bible and not the words of their own constitutions. Anderson’s new ordination was approved by his apostate peers by a margin of 81-25.

EPISCOPAL BISHOP SAYS PAUL DID NOT CONDEMN HOMOSEXUALITY (Friday Church News Notes, March 5, 2010, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) – V. Gene Robinson, the first “openly gay bishop” in the Episcopal Church in America, claims that Paul did not condemn homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27, which reads as follows. “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” Robinson says, “St. Paul was talking about people that he understood to be heterosexual engaging in same-sex acts. It never occurred to anyone in ancient times that a certain minority of us would be born being affectionally oriented to people of the same sex. So it did seem like against their nature to be doing so” (“First Openly Gay Episcopal Bishop,” CNSNews.com, Feb. 4, 2010). This is nonsense. Paul condemned homosexual acts in a wholesale manner, which is in conformity to the teaching of the entire Bible. God established the first marriage between a man and a woman and ordained that all sexual relationships outside of holy matrimony are sinful (Hebrew 13:4). Robinson broke his marriage vows two decades ago when he left his wife and two young daughters and moved in with his male partner. In a speech in April 29, 2000, Robinson said: “… we are worthy to hold our heads high as gay folk–NOT because we’ve merely decided we are worthy, but because God has proclaimed it so. That we are loved beyond our wildest imagining by a God who made us the way we are and proclaimed it good.” This is solid evidence of the divine inspiration of the Bible, because it is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy (e.g., 2 Peter 2).

STUDY LINKS VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES TO VIOLENT THOUGHT, ACTION (Friday Church News Notes, March 5, 2010, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from The Washington Post, March 1, 2010: “A study in the March issue of Psychological Bulletin, a journal of the American Psychological Association, shows that playing violent video games increases violent thinking, attitudes and behaviors among players. And it does nothing to promote positive social behaviors. Psychologist Craig Anderson of Iowa State University and his team analyzed existing studies of 130,000 people from the U.S., Europe and Japan. His findings held for players in Western and Eastern cultures, for male and female players and for players of various ages. … the new research found that exposure to violent video games was associated with aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition and aggressive ‘affect.’ It desensitizes users and is associated with lack of empathy and a lack of ‘prosocial’ behavior.”

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It’s morning again in the American Conservative Political Blogosphere

That is according to Dan. This so much reminds me of this old political ad:

I have a few thoughts as to why this is; the truth is my dear readers, that Americans are just fed up with the “pie in the sky” nonsense that the Obama Administration has been floating. Further more, The Obama White House is trying to ram through a health bill that no one; left, right, or center really want to see passed. What America needs right now is jobs, and the Obama Administration does not seem to give a damn about that, at all.

So, Yes, it is morning again in the Conservative Political Blogosphere. We had our little time in the woods, which I feel was quite deserved. We have regained control on the conversation and we must covey a message of hope, of responsibility, and restraint. No more of this reckless spending, endless wars, and nation building nonsense. While we must also show the World and those who would want to hurt us, that we stand at the ready to chase them to ends of the Earth if need be to stop them from doing so. That message is called peace through strength —— Something that a man, whom I believe, was the greatest President, outside of FDR, during the second world war, believed. We can do this my friends, We are Americans and we have that resolve.