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News From a Fundamentalist Christian Perspective

Disclaimer: The posting of this newsletter should not be taken as an automatic endorsement of this man’s positions. For the record; I do agree with this man’s general Theology. However, there are some topics that I do highly disagree with him on.  Please, keep this in mind, before you fire off an angry e-mail to me.
FRIDAY CHURCH NEWS NOTES November 6, 2009, Volume 10, Issue 45

The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this does not imply an endorsement. For instructions on how to unsubscribe to this list or to change mailing addresses, please consult the information paragraph at the end.

YOUTH MINISTRY SAYS THAT THE COOL PARTY JESUS WOULD LOVE “THE BEATLES” VIDEO GAME (Friday Church News Notes, November 6, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – Lane Palmer, of Dare 2 Share, an interdenominational youth ministry, claims that Jesus would like the new video game “The Beatles: Rock Band.” Palmer rejoices that by this means “thousands, if not millions, of teens are being introduced to the Beatles magic,” and he can envision “Jesus and the disciples laughing it up over a video game if they had a 1st Century PS3” (“Would Jesus Love “The Beatles: Rock Band?”, Oct. 28, 2009). Palmer bases this on a gross misreading of Jesus’ actions at the wedding in Cana as described in John 2. In emerging church fashion, Palmer thinks that Jesus turned water into alcoholic wine and thereby pumped up the wedding party’s level of intoxication-driven fun. He says, “[Jesus] was hanging out at social events that seriously offended the stuffy stuck up religious folks. They weren’t mad because He went to parties; they were ticked because He had such a great time at them … the reason Jesus went to parties and hung out with ‘sinners’ was not to judge or condemn them.” The emerging church looks upon this fallen world as a party to be enjoyed and participates freely in the world’s music, art, fashion, movies, etc. It “communicates with” the world’s culture rather than condemning it and has created Jesus in its own image, but the emerging church’s party Jesus is a figment of human imagination. Though Christ was a friend of sinners in that He came to seek and to save them (Luke 19:10) and was involved socially with sinners, attending their weddings and feasts, He was not a “party animal.” He lived and preached righteousness in every situation. He was a friend of sinners even while being “separate from sinners” (Heb. 7:26) because of His absolute holiness.  Matthew 11:19 says that Christ was “a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners,” but this was what His enemies said about Him. In fact, He was neither gluttonous nor a winebibber. He was a friend of publicans and sinners not in that He partied with them but in that He loved them and sought to save them. Christ was not “non-judgmental.” He reproved sin. He exposed the rich young ruler’s covetousness (Mat. 19:16-22) and the woman at the well’s fornication (John 4:16-18). Christ often warned about eternal, fiery hell (e.g., Mat. 5:22, 29, 30, 7:19; 10:28; 11:23; 13:40, 42, 50; 23:33; Mark 9:43-48; John 3:36). His very first message was “repent” (Mat. 4:17), and He warned that those who do not repent will perish (Luke 13:3; John 3:36). He called people evil (Mat. 7:11; 12:34). He looked upon people with anger for their hardness of heart (Mark 3:5). He warned people to stop sinning (John 5:14; 8:11). None of this sounds very “cool” in a worldly sense, nor would it be an effective way to keep a worldly party hopping!

IS FOX NEWS A FRIEND OF THE TRUTH? (Friday Church News Notes, November 6, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – In last week’s edition of the Friday Church News Notes, we published a report entitled “CNN Last Place among U.S. Cable News Networks.” In conclusion I wrote, “FOX News is more conservative, somewhat less a voice for big government, and more patriotic than CNN (which is not saying much). That said, FOX News is no friend of the truth, and its objective is more to entertain and make money than it is to provide substantive news.” I was surprised to receive several e-mails from readers asking if I really meant what I said. My answer is an emphatic yes. FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdock, one of the biggest purveyors of filth entertainment on earth. Sure, FOX is more “conservative” than CNN, but it is not a friend of Jesus Christ or the Bible, and that is the definition of the truth (John 14:6; 17:17). Not even FOX’s most conservative people, such as Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, are friends of God’s infallible Word. If you watch FOX much you will hear every sort of sorry humanistic philosophy. With very few exceptions, they push the same moral relativism that CNN pushes. Do they plainly oppose the homosexual agenda on biblical moral grounds? Do they expose the godless lies of Darwinism? Those are two of the greatest enemies that Bible believers face today, but FOX is essentially mute in the face of this vicious onslaught. If you watch FOX News you will also be bombarded with the filthy pop culture. On that line they worship Hollywood and Nashville as fervently as CNN or MSNBC. One of my readers recently wrote, “It was only on deputation when we had more access to TV’s and found when we turned them on, hours would easily be wasted, even just watching FOX News. Not to mention having to continually turn the commercials off. It got so annoying you either wanted to just leave it alone and not turn it off or miss something if you did turn it off. Unfortunately, leaving it on would win, and being aware of this we solidified in our minds we would not have a TV in our home, or cable for that matter. Both the programming and the commercials are written by non-Christians who are trying to influence others with their pagan humanistic philosophies and lifestyles. Cheating, illicit sex, drugs, homosexuality, teens in adult situations, Darwinism, cussing, and all kinds of things Christians shouldn’t be setting before their eyes. Numerous times, even on ‘conservative’ FOX News, they had a story on prostitutes and actually showed a video of pole dancers.” That reader has it right.

SHOCKA! NBC Chicago says something critical of the President about his remarks following the Ft. Hood massacre

Looks like the media is finally waking up:

President Obama didn’t wait long after Tuesday’s devastating elections to give critics another reason to question his leadership, but this time the subject matter was more grim than a pair of governorships.

After news broke out of the shooting at the Fort Hood Army post in Texas, the nation watched in horror as the toll of dead and injured climbed. The White House was notified immediately and by late afternoon, word went out that the president would speak about the incident prior to a previously scheduled appearance. At about 5 p.m., cable stations went to the president. The situation called for not only his trademark eloquence, but also grace and perspective.

But instead of a somber chief executive offering reassuring words and expressions of sympathy and compassion, viewers saw a wildly disconnected and inappropriately light president making introductory remarks. At the event, a Tribal Nations Conference hosted by the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Indian affairs, the president thanked various staffers and offered a “shout-out” to “Dr. Joe Medicine Crow — that Congressional Medal of Honor winner.” Three minutes in, the president spoke about the shooting, in measured and appropriate terms. Who is advising him?

Anyone at home aware of the major news story of the previous hours had to have been stunned. An incident like this requires a scrapping of the early light banter. The president should apologize for the tone of his remarks, explain what has happened, express sympathy for those slain and appeal for calm and patience until all the facts are in. That’s the least that should occur.

via Obama’s Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting | NBC Chicago.

Countdown to Robert A. George ending up like Vince Foster in 5….4…3..2…

Countdown to White House Playing the race card in 8…7….6….5….4…3…

Yes, I saw the comments and I thought the shout out, before making the sober announcement showed a lack of class on the President’s part and his cabinet. Of course, the stupid ass liberal bloggers are trying to draw a rather silly moral equivalent; trying to say that Bush did the same thing on 9/11. Which is wrong. Bush sat there and listened to those kids, so he would not SCARE THEM. But, of course, you cannot explain that to a idiotic liberal, because they’re terminally stupid.

BREAKING NEWS: Another Shooting! Mass Shooting in a Florida High Rise, Suspect caught

Not that there is a thing funny about this. But I have to give it to Joe over at the Moderate Voice for saying the obvious:

Is there something in the water, is this a coincidence…or what?

My thoughts exactly. I was over here, sorta taking a nap and sorta not…. Listening to the Ft. Hood Coverage and what happens?  They break in to report —- another shooting! Oy. I mean, did someone put some crazy syrup in the water supply? Seriously! I mean, I know unemployment is at 10.2 percent and all; but Christ Almighty! Getting your bang bang on ain’t gonna fix nothin’ at all. 🙄

Anyhow, Here’s the story via CNN:

At least seven people with serious gunshot wounds were brought out of an Orlando, Florida, office building Friday, a spokeswoman with the city fire department said.

The Suspect: Jason Rodriguez

The Suspect: Jason Rodriguez

An Orlando Police Department spokeswoman identified the alleged shooter as Jason Rodriguez, who used to work in the building. He is still at large, said John Tormos of the Orlando Fire Department.

A spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, which is helping the city police department, said investigators are looking for a man wearing a blue Polo shirt, gray vest and blue jeans.

“We’re in a search mode for the gunman,” said Jim Solomons, a spokesman for the sheriff’s office.

Fox News has just announced that the suspect is in custody. I am working on getting a link to that. Update #2: Confirmed

Update #1: Here’s the video of the initial incident via Fox:

Stand-by for updates.

Hey America, Welcome to my World!

Just wanted to be nice about it.

Welcome to my World!

Via The Old Grey Lady:

The United States economy shed 190,000 jobs in October, and the unemployment rate reached a 26-year high of 10.2 percent, up from 9.8 percent in September, the Department of Labor said Friday in its monthly economic appraisal.

While the pace of job losses has slowed significantly since the peak of the recession last winter, the unemployment rate, which measures the number of people actively seeking work, continues to climb, and economists do not foresee relief until well into next year.

“There’s no doubt that the slashing and burning of jobs has abated quite a lot,” said Allen L. Sinai, the founder of Decision Economics, a research firm. “The economy is recovering, but it is a very soft recovery.”

The biggest losses came in the construction, manufacturing and retailing sectors. Health care companies added 29,000 jobs to their payrolls, and the number of temporary workers increased by 34,000 — a significant gain that could indicate employers are beginning to expand their businesses again.

The Labor Department also revised September’s losses to 219,000 from 263,000.

Dean Baker, a director for the Center for Economic and Policy Research, said he did not expect declining unemployment rates until next spring. “We may be looking at very high levels,” Mr. Baker said, “barring a policy response, for several years into the future.”

Um, Why should there be any policy response? I believe that we are already tapping our resources to the limit now.

On Thursday, in anticipation of the unemployment report, Congress overwhelmingly voted to extend benefits for jobless workers for up to 20 weeks. That will soothe the short-term financial pain of many families, but demands for a new wave of government relief may intensify if companies continue to cut back.

Yes, let’s encourage people NOT to look for a job and continue to spend ourselves into a hole; by being a nanny state.

So far, the federal stimulus package has injected billions into local economies, giving states money, for instance, to finance construction projects or retain teachers. The housing and auto sectors have been propped up with government credits meant to encourage spending. But weak consumer demand and hefty labor costs are still forcing many employers to cut positions and reduce hours to survive.

So much for Hope and change!

The article goes on trying to defend President Obama, which is so typical for the New York Times, but it is quite obvious, this President has failed on all fronts, the stimulus, the bailouts —- everything. He is, in fact, a black Jimmy Carter.

Ed Morrissey says:

This is now Obama’s economy.  He owns the double-digit unemployment level, having bought it with the $787 billion stimulus plan that he promised would keep unemployment no higher than 8%.

I agree with that. Obama simply continued the bailouts that President Bush started, which was a huge mistake.

The AP Reports:

But the loss of jobs last month exceeded economists’ estimates. It’s the 22nd straight month the U.S. economy has shed jobs, the longest on records dating back 70 years.

Counting those who have settled for part-time jobs or stopped looking for work, the unemployment rate would be 17.5 percent, the highest on records dating from 1994.

Now, if I were a partisan Blogger, I would simply sit here and blame Obama for it all. However, I am a bit more smarter than this. This all goes to Carter and then to Clinton. This video from the Wayne County Republicans will explain:

These unemployment numbers are just a ripple effect of all of this. Bush had a hand in it, as well as Obama. This is what happens when you elect faux Conservatives as Republicans and it is what happens when you elect Socialists.

Gay Blade Ted Haggard Starts a New Church

Chrisma Magazine Reports:

Ted Haggard, who in 2006 resigned from the Colorado megachurch he founded in the wake of a sex and drug scandal, announced Wednesday that he plans to host a prayer meeting in his living room.

The first meeting will be held Nov. 12. at Haggard’s Colorado Springs home and could evolve into a church, though Haggard said that is not his aim. He said he and his wife, Gayle, have been traveling almost weekly since the HBO documentary The Trials of Ted Haggard debuted in January, and they thought they needed prayer support.

“This is a Thursday night prayer meeting in our home,” Haggard said. “What we want to do is be able to tell our schedule and our story and know that we’re covered in prayer. And we want to hear their stories and give them the assurance that they’re covered in prayer as well.”


Ministers who have worked with Haggard say it is premature for him to launch into ministry.

C. Peter Wagner, who co-founded the World Prayer Center with Haggard, told the Gazette that Haggard should receive approval from apostolic overseers before leading people in prayer and worship.

“My reservation is that he has not followed through completely on apostolic protocol,” Wagner told the Gazette.

Other leaders question whether Haggard has been restored after falling into sexuality immorality. Gary Black, whose Rock the Nation youth ministry was once affiliated with New Life, told the Gazette he was taken aback by the news of the prayer group. “I would be shocked to think he’s ready to lead a church,” he said.

Not only is this moron a gay blade; but he is a rebellious gay blade as well. So typical for the Evangelical Pentecostal whack jobs.

(H/T to Baptist Planet on Twitter)

First FLDS Convicted


Video: (H/T Comcast News)

The Story via the Associated Press:

The first polygamist sect member to face criminal trial following last year’s raid at the Yearning For Zion Ranch in West Texas was convicted Thursday of sexually assaulting an underage girl with whom he had a so-called “spiritual marriage.”

Raymond Jessop, 38, didn’t visibly react when the verdict was read after just more than two hours of jury deliberations. Free on bond during trial, he was immediately handcuffed and led to jail. Jurors were expected to return to court Monday to begin deciding his sentence on the child sexual assault conviction. He faces up to 20 years in prison.

One Word — Good. These rat bastards are NOT Christians, they are not even remotely close. Neither are “Regular” Mormons for that matter. There is a reason that they are in Utah, they were chased out of Missouri in 1838 for their wacky beliefs.

Here is hoping that this will be just the start and that the rest of these child molesting pigs will end up behind bars for years to come.

BREAKING NEWS: Shooting Massacre at Fort Hood, Texas Military Base

No word of motive. But the report is that there are at least 3 shooters involved.

CNN reports says one gunman has been caught and injured. The other two are still on the loose.

Fox News reports that the FBI is on the way.

AllahPundit at HotAir is covering as well. I am quite disappointed that the word “Terrorism” is being used. I wish AllahPundit would delete those comments. As we have no idea yet. It sounds planned. But there’s no proof that it is Islamic terrorism at all.

Update #1: Gah! I holler at AP and look what I see on Fox News, never mind…:

“It could be a terror attack, it could be a disenchanted soldiers, it could be a varity of people,” said Maginnis.

Update #2: Killeen Daily Herald is providing updates on twitter.

Update #3: Austin American-Statesman has a special twitter account on the shootings.

Update #4: I’m seeing on Twitter that the death count has been raised to 9. Looking for confirmation. Update: CNN Confirms.

Update #5: MSNBC is reporting now, that four swat team members have been injured.

Update #6: It is being reported by the FBI that terrorism is not involved. FOX Confirms:

The FBI said they don’t believe terrorism was involved.

Although, they are not ruling it out.

Update #7: Killeen Daily Herald is reporting that Scott & White Hospital in Temple, TX is in desperate need for Blog donations. Go give, if you’re close.

Update #8: AllahPundit Reports:

Update: Am hearing via Twitter that Fort Hood’s public affairs office says the earlier reports of a third shooter were wrong and were based on a second eyewitness report of the second shooter. Which means everyone’s in custody now.

When I hear this from Fox News, I will believe it.

Update #9: BNO News reports that New Gunshots have been heard. Waiting for Confirmation. (H/T AP) Nothing on the wires, yet. Take that with a grain of salt.

Update #10: Killeen Daily Herald is now reporting that 10 are dead, news conference is now saying 12 Dead 32 Injured. Goodness.

Update #11: Uh-Oh….: (H/T AllahPundit)

A senior administration official told NBC News analyst Roger Cressey that the suspect who was in custody was an Army major with an Arabic-sounding name. The official said the shootings could have been a criminal matter rather than a terrorism-related attack and that there was no intelligence to suggest a plot against Fort Hood.

Update #12: From the local Fox Affiliate, how it all happened:

According to a spokesman from Fort Hood, a soldier carrying two handguns opened fire at about 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Soldier Readiness Center.

“It would be an environment that would be very susceptible to casualties or injuries,” Killeen City Manager Connie Green said.

Officials said the gunman was shot and killed after quick response from security officers.

At least two other soldiers were taken into custody.

Update #13: Shooter has been ID’ed as Major Malik Nadal Hasan and that he was convert to Islam:

The suspected gunman was identified by ABC News as Major Malik Nadal Hasan.

The shooter was killed and two other suspects, who are also soldiers, have been apprehended, Lt. Gen. Robert W. Cone said.

The gunman used two handguns, Cone said. He wasn’t sure if the shooter reloaded the weapons during the attack.

The general called the attack “a terrible tragedy, stunning.” He said the community was “absolutely devastated.”

Update #14: Fox News is saying that Hasan was “upset” about being deployed to the war. But they have not mentioned his conversation to Islam; why not? Update: They just did. Scratch that.

Update #15: Video of the first presser at Fort Hood: (H/T Gateway Pundit)

I will post the video of the second presser, when it get it.

Update #16: In a statement, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said: (H/T to Think Progress — Yes, I do thank them. This IS NOT about politics, this is about America!)

We condemn this cowardly attack in the strongest terms possible and ask that the perpetrators be punished to the full extent of the law. No religious or political ideology could ever justify or excuse such wanton and indiscriminate violence. The attack was particularly heinous in that it targeted the all-volunteer army that protects our nation. American Muslims stand with our fellow citizens in offering both prayers for the victims and sincere condolences to the families of those killed or injured.

Update #17: It Begins! Vox Day Cracks:

I’m sure we are all shocked: “The suspected gunman was identified as Major Malik Nadal Hasan.” More of the joys of multiculturalism.

Update #18: Think Vox is bad? Go check out the comments over at Socialist Liberal Blog Crooks and Liars….and they say that that liberals don’t hate America….riiiiiiiiiiight. 🙄

Update #19: Ugh, Looks like National Review has dug up a big time nasty comment over at

The Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld nazification of the United States military — turning it into nothing more than a worldwide force for unmotivated aggressive war — leads to the murder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis/Pakistanis/Afghanis (and many, many more of those to come) — and this clown Benjamin asks why?

Because there were no towelheads around to mass murder, that’s why.

Unreal. 🙄

Update #20: Predictably, The Nation waves the Islamic victim flag.  Personally, I do not think the guy is a “Terrorist” in the traditional sense.  I think he just did not want to go to war; and he flipped out. But I do know one thing, he is going to either Military Prison or civil prison for a LOOONG time or, seeing that it’s Texas —- He will most likely fry.

Update  #21:  Fox News and The New York Times are now reporting that according to the Army, the shooter is still alive.  That is until he is convicted and sent to the chair for his cowardly actions.

Update #22: The clip has been around a bit, but the Congress observed a moment of silence. I believe that showed class:

Update #23: Here’s the second presser:

Update #24AllahPundit has much more. I just zonked out last night, I was just wore out from all the horrible news.

Update #25: Pamela Geller has some good info and, believe it or not Debbie Schlussel does too… Normally I wouldn’t agree with either. But, this is just too much. Needless to say, I am very seriously having to reconsider what I wrote here. Because this is just too much. Because if it is a Religion of peace, why would someone do this sort of a thing? Anyhow, this will be the last update for this posting. I will create a new one, if and when new information comes out.

Seriously, Why do Conservatives embrace people like this?

I am sure that most of you have heard about the newest revelation about the Conservative movement’s newest prissy little hoe.

No, I am not talking about Ann Coulter; although she could most qualify for one as well. After all, she does have experience with F.B.I. agents, or so I am told. Amazing what a woman will do to get out of voter fraud charges.

I am referring to the slutty little darling of the Conservative movement, Carrie Prejean. She sure did play that victim card very well, didn’t she? Went on Hannity and claimed “Them mean ol’ Liberals are picking on me!” Admittedly, Perez Hilton was a bit of an ass, because of what Prejean said. But, there is a bit of an issue here.

The issue is this, Carrie Prejean has outed herself as nothing more than a typical white American Evangelical Christian — a damned hypocrite. Speaking of which; you want to know what the real kicker of this story is? When contacted by the media, Carrie Prejean’s Pastor of the so-called Church that she attends had this to say:

Carrie Prejean’s pastor isn’t willing to give up on his famous fallen beauty queen, after learning she made a graphic, solo sex tape.

Pastor Darren Carrington from The Rock Church in San Diego says, “Everyone is a work in progress,” adding everyone has “something we’re not proud of.”

Wow. Whatever happened to the days of “Being Churched?” Back in the days; when my Mother and Father were her age, and still to this day in most Fundamentalist Churches, If charges like these were brought up — She would have been marched in front of the Church and instructed to publicly repent or she would have been removed from the Church! There was No discipline here, No statement of “we will be having a meeting with Carrie to ask her to explain her behavior”.   Just “Live and learn.”  Unbelievable.  Oh, wait, the Evangelical Church mostly abandoned this practice long ago —– which most likely explains why it is in the condition it is in today. My bad.

The broader point that I am trying to make here is this here. If the Conservative movement is going to ever make any sort of real impression on the rest of America; they are simply going to have to stop embracing people, like Carrie, who have all these inconsistencies in their backgrounds. Further more, they need to stop embracing people, who are not always honest about who they are. The list is long, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin,  Joe the Plumber, Rush Limbaugh, and now — Carrie Prejean.

My biggest issue with this is that Carrie Prejean went out of her way to articulate her so-called “Conservative Christian” beliefs in a secular beauty pageant  and because of a liberal blowhard’s meltdown after the pageant; she became the newest persecuted little waif. The problem was that she was not exactly Phyllis Schlafly, when it came to her own personal morals. Which is quite typical of the Christian right and the Conservative movement for the past twenty years or so.

The problem is, and this has been said in the Conservative Blogosphere in some quarters; that the Conservative movement has no real authentic people anymore. Just two-bit hacks and phony people who lie about who they are, and how smart they are. William F. Buckley was an authentic brilliant man, who brought intellect to the Conservative movement. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter and the rest are nothing more than two bit hacks who stumbled and bumbled their way through life and just happened to land jobs that made them what they are today.  Because of this, we have the Conservative movement that is in the shape it is today.

Reaction from all sides of the political aisle: Liberal Values, Tayor Marsh, Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, Don Surber, News Hounds, Raw Story, Pam’s House Blend, The TrogloPundit, JammieWearingFool, and American Power

Bill O’Reilly’s Talking Points: Why Obama should hire me

Yes, he did say that.

(H/T Comcast Video)

Now Honestly, does Bill O. really believe that the Obama Administration would take him up on the offer? I doubt it. But it does make for some lighthearted commentary…. and considering what we have had to report as of late; a little humor is okay.

Of course, the Liberals will not get this at all. They never do.

Now, h

Give to Project ValourIT Today!

Just a reminder, these guys need your help.

This comes via From My Position….On the Way!

Click here to give to Soldiers Angels. You will be getting voice activated laptop’s to our war injured. Let’s help those who put thier lives on line; for our President and for all of us.

Don’t mince words now

Seen over at Ace’s:

Obama and the Democrats don’t ask much. Only that Republicans take the political hit for their political program so that they can vote the safe Republican way on it.

This has nothing to do with health care per se. What is really being asked here is not that Republicans “help” with ObamaCare, but that Republicans actually assist Democrats in being elected in 2010.

Um, I personally am going to have to go ahead and decline that particular request. That seems to me — and pardon me if I am a bit rude about this — to be you all’s fucking problem, and not ours.

Damn. Thought I was grumpy old cuss. 😯 😮 😛 😉 😀 😆

(H/T to Little Miss Whatsherface)

Updated: Just an FYI….

I’ve decided that the Blog needs a new look. I’ve been using this old theme forever. It has a few issues and I want to get rid of it. So, I’m going to be tinkering around.

So, don’t be upset if the look changes abruptly a few times here.

That is all.

Updated: I couldn’t find anything that suited this place. So, I will stick with old faithful here. Blah.

Cartoons of the Day



<p>Grave Situation?</p>

Grave Situation?

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It is official: Keith Olbermann is a pussy

Oh Wow:

MSNBC boasted that on election night they would present a “special live edition of Countdown” at 10:00 pm. But with bad news for the Democrats in Virginia and New Jersey, a funny thing happened on the way to the bonus Hour of Spin. Keith wasn’t there! After a live update (not from Olby but from Lawrence O’Donnell) A-Mess-NBC (“the place for politics”) proceeded to rerun the 8:00 pm showing.

via Olbermann Watch – MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann: Where in the World Was Keith Olbermann?.

There is an unconfirmed rumor that he was somewhere in central park, sodomizing a small boy. But that’s just a rumor…. and we don’t report unfounded rumors around here…. much.

Others: Weekly Standard, and National Review Online

Two outta three ain’t bad

I have held off blogging until the bitter end.


It’s time.

The Republican Party won big in New Jersey and in Virginia.

Hoffman? No so much.

Of course, the Little Green Screwballs are celebrating; king Chucky especially. They should, they slandered Hoffman enough.

Is there blame to be handed out? Oh sure; There is plenty. The dimwitted fools in the G.O.P. who picked a liberal dyke-looking dolt, who was more interested in connecting with the “Community”, than sticking up for TRUE Conservative principles.  Ol’ Newt Gingrich ought be blamed for being suckered into believing that fat bitch’s bogus lies and tall tales of Conservatism.

My friends, this is not a time to be sad. We should rejoice for the fact that we made our voices heard — loud and clear in Washington D.C. —- that President Barack Obama’s idea of open ended socialism is simply not going to stand.  New Jersey and Virginia’s wins mean that the tide is changing, America has realized the mistake of putting a Socialist, Neo-Liberal in the White House.  I predict a HUGE sea change in Congress come 2010 and maybe, possibly a stunning defeat to the Democrats come 2012. I could be wrong on that one; please, do not hold me to it.

Now for the part that I do not like having to write. The part where I have to answer the question; why did Hoffman lose? That is not a simple question to answer; because there is not one answer, but rather many answers. I wish I were paid to make these statements, but then it wouldn’t be a fun hobby, would it?

For starters, Hoffman was unknown, I had never heard of the guy before this race. Secondly, Hoffman entered the race after the other two had already started; the momentum had not had the time to build for a decisive win.  Thirdly; let us not fool ourselves folks, Hoffman was, before the Conservative Netroots go involved, was the spoiler in the race. If the Conservative bloggers had not got involved, Hoffman would be have been just another small time, independent candidate.  Fourthly; Let’s also be quite honest — the dude was a absolute geek.  He reminded me of someone that I gave a wedgie to in school. Frankly, the guy was not Ronald Reagan. He was more like the crazy guy, who tinkered out in his garage. He was like the guy, that everyone liked, but secretly; they really wondered about him privately.Which, to a point —- describes yours truly, but I digress.

One thing we should know, this is not a time to mourn. But a time to rejoice. We may have lost the small battle in NY-23. But we’ve won a much larger battle.

Two outta three ain’t bad.

Little Green Screwballs promotes false story about NY-23 and Hoffman Supporters

It seems that the Blogger excitable Chucky and his friends over at Little Green Screwballs are promoting a false story that was reported and then updated by the New York Daily News.

The initial story said:

It’s getting ugly out there.

I just got off the phone with former state Democratic Chairwoman June O’Neill, who informed me the police had been called to at least two polling sites in St. Lawrence County due to overzealous electioneering (O’Neill called it “voter intimidation”) by Doug Hoffman supporters.

“We’ve gotten reports that people are standing there, covered with Hoffman stickers and yelling anti-choice stuff at voters,” said O’Neill, a St. Lawrence native who has been running the party’s GOTV effort for Bill Owens in NY-23.
“Apparently, there’s some woman claiming to be a commissioner,” O’Neill continued. “Commissioner of what, I don’t know. She’s from Texas, I think, and she won’t leave.”

“This is not the way we roll in the North Country.”

UPDATE: Joy Yearout, spokeswoman for the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life group that has endorsed Hoffman and is providing some 200 volunteers for him today, called in to provide “some additional information.”

Yearout said SBL has people working polling sites at 100 precincts in the 23rd for Hoffman. They’re handing out sample ballots so voters know where to find his name – remember, he’s on the  Conservative line, which is Row D.

“At least three of our volunteers have been threatened with police when they’re not doing anything wrong,” Yearout said. “They haven’t seen any Democrats. No one for Owens.”
“So, apparently, the poll workers who are Owens supporters are doing the only thing they can do: Intimidate. And they’re doing that by calling the police. Nobody’s been arrested because nobody’s doing anything wrong.”

So much for that story, eh Chucky? So typical…. When a liberal knows that he is losing an election; they do they do best —- Which is lie and distort. It is no wonder that no one reads the lame blog any longer.

Robert Stacy McCain flips his cork

In public no less…:

UPDATE II: While I was working on the first update, about 10 p.m., the phone rang here at the National Desk in Watertown. It was Dave Weigel of the Washington Independent, asking about our plans for a bit of post-deadline socializing. And I freaking lost it.

Some of my friends may remember my newsroom blowup in 2007, when I cussed out Ken Hanner and kicked a steel door open on my way out of the Washington Times. Persuaded to reconsider, I eventually quit on good terms in January 2008.

OK, I’m hell on deadline. And my own shortcomings and sins are so glaringly obvious that it’s hard for me to blame anyone else for my problems. I goof off and procrastinate when opportunity affords. But when deadline hits, I get kind of crazy. So this was all my fault. Mea culpa.

Still, sometimes, I get that Rodney Dangerfield don’t-get-no-respect feeling and, under pressure, I can be even more of a total jerk than usual. Think of General Patton slapping that shell-shock case in Sicily.

So I had a screaming conniption. Impatient by nature, what I wanted to do at that moment in time was to finish the update, so that readers would have context in which to interpret the video. What I did not want to do was to answer the phone and have to think about the questions that Dave Weigel was asking about our post-deadline party plans.

Present at the time in the smoke-filled hotel room that is the National Desk were Ali Akbar, Kerry Picket and Hooah Mac. Surely, one of them would do me the favor of taking the phone and dealing with Weigel’s questions. Uh . . . no. Because nobody owes me any favors.

And I freaking lost it. At one point in the two-minute rant that ensued, I was quite literally frothing at the mouth. A lifetime of personal frustration exploded upon friends who were innocent. For this unseemly tantrum, I apologize to all who were forced to witness it. Mea culpa.

However, next time I ask someone to please answer the phone while I’m on deadline — I pray to God — just answer the phone. That Jekyll-and-Hyde horror show was more frightening to me than it was to you, my victims. My wife will bake you brownies to compensate, and will never let me live it down.

via The Other McCain: NY23: Hoffman is asked to react to Limbaugh’s Dede ‘bestiality’ comment.

You know, we really need to get that guy on the patch and maybe even some Prozac. It could only help. What? Why are you looking me like that for? I’m as calm as cucumber, the sharpest spoon in the drawer, The —- okay, I’ll stop while I’m ahead. 😉

Islamic Militants discover new foe, bears!

Oh, this is almost too funny to believe!

This comes via the BBC:

A-Bear-RoaringTwo other militants escaped, one of them badly wounded, after the attack in Kulgam district, south of Srinagar.

The militants were armed with AK-46s but were taken by surprise – police found the remains of pudding they had made to eat when the bear attacked.

It is thought to be the first such incident since Muslim separatists took up arms against Indian rule in 1989.


AIA048The militants had made their hideout in a cave which was actually the bear’s den, said police officer Farooq Ahmed.

The dead have been identified as Mohammad Amin alias Qaiser, and Bashir Ahmed alias Saifullah.

News of the attack emerged when their injured comrade went to a nearby villageRoaringBear-main_Full for treatment.

“Word spread in the village that Qaiser had been killed by the bear,” another police officer said.

A joint party of the police and army personnel went into the forest and collected the bodies of the two militants.

Police say they also recovered two AK-46 rifles and some ammunition from the hideout.

Can you just imagine that little scene for a minute? Those guys sitting in the cave; talking all about Terrorism and how that Muslims must dominate the world. —- “Allah Akbar! We Muslims must fight, we mus ——- Aaaaahhh!  Bear! Run for your lives!”

Oh Man, that’s pee in the pants funny!

I guess the true moral of this story is; if you want to get your Jihad on, don’t do it in a bear cave. Because the last time I checked, Bears are not Muslim — just usually hungry.

Others covering this rather funny story: The Jawa Report and JammieWearingFool

UPDATED: Liberal “Comedy” insinuates that Glenn Beck should die

This is just asinine: (H/T HotAir)

The sick part is that Socialist Liberals think that this is funny. For the record; Glenn is MARRIED with with four children.

Update: I just wanted to add this thought; that if some Conservative media website had produced something of this Nature, insinuated that possibly someone in the Liberal media should die — like say Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow — as nice as that idea might sound — or maybe even the Ladies on the View —– except Elizabeth, of course —- The outrage in the liberal Blogosphere and in the MSM would be deafening. This shows you, the double standard in the Liberal comedy and media department. A liberal can mock a Conservative, like Glenn Beck and it is fine. But you let a Conservative do the same thing and it’s considered a federal crime.

You know what to do, light the damn phones up:


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This has to stop. Tell the Onion that they need to take this video down!