Action Alert! MSNBC is now trying to start a race war

Farking terr-ific 🙄

AllahPundit, NewsBusters and Ace over Ace of Spades HQ are all reporting about this.

Watch the MSNBC footage and then Watch the video below it:

and now:

Notice anything particularly interesting missing out of that first video clip?

I thought so…

Here’s the contact info for MSNBC, light the damn phones up!

New York, NY 10112 (Map)
Phone: 212-664-4444
Fax: 212-664-4085

NBC Headquarters
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Tel 212-664-4444
Fax 212-664-4426

NBC Washington Bureau
4001 Nebraska Ave NW
Washington, DC 20016
Tel 202-885-4200
Fax 202-362-2009
DC Bureau Chief

Nightly News
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Tel 212-664-4971/4691 or 202-885-4259
Fax 201-583-5453
Executive Producer
David Corvo 212-664-4850

Meet the Press
4001 Nebraska Ave NW
Washington DC 20016
Tel 202-885-4598
Fax 202-966-4544
Executive Producer
Nancy Nathan

Today Show
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Tel 212-664-4249
Fax 212-664-2914
Executive Producer Jeff Zucker 212-664-2830

Dateline NBC
30 Rockefeller Plz
New York NY 10112
Tel 212-664-7501
Fax 212-664-7864/7073

Don’t let them get away with it. if we do, we might just pay, and pay dearly.

Others: zomblog, Moe Lane, Patterico’s Pontifications, Neptunus Lex, Confederate Yankee, protein wisdom, The Sundries Shack

Deadly Day in Iraq: 95 killed in attacks in Baghdad

It’s been a deadly day in Iraq….

First the Video:

Via NYT:

BAGHDAD — Insurgents struck at the heart of the Iraqi government on Wednesday in huge and coordinated bombings that exposed a new vulnerability after Americans ceded control for security here on June 30. Nearby American soldiers stood by helplessly — despite the needs of hundreds of wounded — waiting for a request for help from Iraqi officials that apparently never came.

A wave of bombings targeted symbols of government, the Foreign and Finance Ministries in central Baghdad, lending an air of siege to the capital. Dozens were killed and hundreds were wounded in the apparently coordinated attacks.

A wave of bombings targeted symbols of government, the Foreign and Finance Ministries in central Baghdad, lending an air of siege to the capital. Dozens were killed and hundreds were wounded in the apparently coordinated attacks.

“As much as we want to come, we have to wait to be asked now,” said an American officer who arrived at one blast site almost three hours later and who spoke in return for anonymity because he was not authorized to brief reporters. At one blast site, American soldiers snapped pictures of the devastation before ducking out of the streets.

After weeks of escalating violence in Iraq, powerful truck bombs killed at least 95 people and wounded nearly 600 people at the Foreign and Finance Ministries in central Baghdad, assaults on symbols of government that lent an air of siege to the capital. The bombs crippled the downtown area, closed highways and two main bridges over the Tigris River and clogged hospitals with wounded.

The bombings, the worst since American forces handed over security responsibilities to Iraq at the end of June, shook the Iraqi government’s confidence that it was ready and able to secure the nation.

Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki called for a reassessment of his security measures, calling the attacks “a vengeful response” to his recent, optimistic order to remove blast walls from the streets of Baghdad.

A Defense Ministry spokesman, Maj. Gen. Mohammed al-Askari, was quoted by Reuters as telling American and Iraqi military officers: “We must face the facts. We must admit our mistakes, just as we celebrate our victories.”

And Baghdad’s security spokesman, Maj. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi, told Iraqiya state television, according to Reuters, that attacks were “a security breach for which Iraqi forces must take most of the blame.”

The explosions, one close to the heavily fortified Green Zone and the other less than three miles away, sent plumes of smoke billowing over the capital, ripped a gaping hole in a compound wall and set cars ablaze, trapping drivers inside.

“The whole thing is just so disgusting,” the United States ambassador, Christopher R. Hill, said as he read reports from his staff about the extent of the damage while on an official visit to the northern city of Kirkuk. “They’re just psychopathic.”

Around 11 a.m., the two truck bombs struck the Foreign Ministry and the Finance Ministry within three minutes, officials said, sending white smoke into the sky. The second, more powerful blast was so intense that parts of a main highway near the Finance Ministry collapsed, the rubble littered with shrapnel and splotches of blood. It shattered windows inside the nearby Green Zone and shook houses in many parts of the city. At least 60 people were killed at the Foreign Ministry and at least 35 at the Finance Ministry.

At roughly the same time, attacks in other parts of the city, including three roadside bombs and some mortar and rocket fire, left 13 people wounded, Iraqi officials said.

Of course, the Liberal New York Times had to make sure that this quote was in there; Seeing they are the Anti-Military Paper that they are:

Though no one took credit for the attacks, Iraqis doled out blame both to their government, now fully responsible for security, and to the United States for coming to Iraq in the first place.

“This country is finished,” said one resident, Jamil Jaber, 45, whose five-room home behind the Foreign Ministry had been flattened, crushing a 4-month-old infant. “It’s just robbery and killing.” He cursed the United States and former President George W. Bush.

Oh, Of course, It is Bush’s fault because some idiot rag-head terrorist sets off a fucking bomb in the city of Baghdad.  What a fucking ingrate! we should have just nuked that fucking Country into the damned stone age, instead of sending 4000+ of our troops into the Country to basically die; and for what? So some asshole Iraqi can blame us for their problems? What an asshole! That is if it is not a fake quote, which would not surprise me at all.

Here’s the deal folks; War is fucking hell, shit happens, people die. Get used to it! Saddam’s not in power anymore, and the people there are free. That idiot Iraqi sounds like most African-American Liberals; they want to blame someone else, namely White People, for their own damn problems. I suppose some Liberal might try and say that this is happening because we are in that Country in the first place.  That is bullshit and most liberals know it.; We have all but left the damn country and the Iraqi Government is now running the show. Hence the Government taking forever to get on the scene.

One other thing I notice is, that most other Bloggers, Conservative and liberal are just not talking about this anymore. I think it is because of the healthcare debate; most people just are not thinking about Iraq. I am not one of these and I hope like hell, that President Obama does not pull us out, before the mission is over. We, as a Nation, cannot afford to make the mistake that we made in Vietnam. We made it before and had a black mark on us for years. We cannot do it again, it will be our shame, if we do.

Countdown to screechy liberals screaming at Obama for us to leave in 5…..4…..3….2…

Others Covering: IRAQ THE MODEL

Democrats Prepared to go it alone.

Call me skeptic, but this just does not pass the smell test….

Via The NYT:

WASHINGTON — Given hardening Republican opposition to Congressional health care proposals, Democrats now say they see little chance of the minority’s cooperation in approving any overhaul, and are increasingly focused on drawing support for a final plan from within their own ranks.

Top Democrats said Tuesday that their go-it-alone view was being shaped by what they saw as Republicans’ purposely strident tone against health care legislation during this month’s Congressional recess, as well as remarks by leading Republicans that current proposals were flawed beyond repair.

Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, said the heated opposition was evidence that Republicans had made a political calculation to draw a line against any health care changes, the latest in a string of major administration proposals that Republicans have opposed.

“The Republican leadership,” Mr. Emanuel said, “has made a strategic decision that defeating President Obama’s health care proposal is more important for their political goals than solving the health insurance problems that Americans face every day.”

The Democratic shift may not make producing a final bill much easier. The party must still reconcile the views of moderate and conservative Democrats worried about the cost and scope of the legislation with those of more liberal lawmakers determined to win a government-run insurance option to compete with private insurers.

On the other hand, such a change could alter the dynamic of talks surrounding health care legislation, and even change the substance of a final bill. With no need to negotiate with Republicans, Democrats might be better able to move more quickly, relying on their large majorities in both houses.

Okay here is why I do not believe that the Democrats will try and ram this legislation through. Right now, Congress in recess and they are out meeting with the people; the Congress critters are not stupid, they know that the people that are protesting at these meetings also vote, and whether the liberal media wants to admit it or not; these people are voting for the one’s who are trying to ram this through Congress. I believe before recess is over and the Congress convenes in August, there will be a major “Backsliding” in the Congress’s confidence in getting this passed. I believe at the last minute; many of these Congressmen will decide against this bill and It will die in the either the House or the Senate.

The reason I say this is because there are just too many “Blue Dogs” to prevent this bill from going anywhere. While there might be a 60 seat majority. Not all of these Congress people are far lefty Liberals. Some of them are Moderate and some some from very Conservative districts.  The Democrats made a very fatal error in their judgment; they assumed that the entire Democratic Party had leaned to the far left. I am sorry to say, but that just is not true at all. There are some Democrats; God Love them, who still believe in the idea of Free Market Principles. They are also knowledgeable of the fact that the Healthcare industry accounts for 12-15% of the Nation’s Economy and if this plan goes through, that it would destroy or at the very least impair our nation’s economy.

So, while some of my fellow Conservative Bloggers are throwing up their hands and are saying “Get ready for Obamacare!” I am not so ready to raise the flag of surrender yet. Because I just have this itching feeling that the “Blog Dogs” and some of the not-so-Blue Dogs are going to have a “Come to Jesus” moment on this and are going to hastily retreat on this bill and vote against it. So, while I do not underestimate the majority of the Democrats, I also know that some of those Democrats are looking at 2010 and are wanting to keep their jobs. We must keep this in mind.

Others Covering the Subject: , Hot Air, RedState, YID With LID, Sweetness & LightCommentaryThe Sundries Shack, The Strata-SphereWake up America, Right Wing Nut HouseQandO, , Scared MonkeysDon Surber and Atlas Shrugs

A little horn tootin’

Not to toot my own horn or anything.  (Toot! Toot! 😆 )

But I just noticed something. I got a mention on a major political magazine’s Blog.

It is over at the Atlantic’s Blog called the Atlantic Wire.

It was about my posting on the boneheaded idiot who brought his gun to an Presidential Appearance.

You can go see it here.

It kinda makes me feel, like this guy here:

Click on this link and watch the video and you’ll see what I mean. Not bugs, the other guy in the video. 🙂 I have varied feelings, The 0:37 and the 6:42 marks in this sum it up.

Just for the record, this stupid bitch does NOT speak for me. Update: Possible Liberal Plant?

This comes via think progress:


Conservatives have strenuously denied that there is any anti-Semitism on display by anti-health reform protesters at town hall meetings nationwide — despite all the evidence to the contrary. Last week, Las Vegas radio station KDWN AM720 sponsored a “contentious” town hall, emceed by conservative morning show host Heidi Harris. At the event, local news stations were interviewing an Israeli man who was praising the “fantastic” “national health care” in Israel. During his remarks, a woman yelled out, “Heil Hitler!” The man stopped, became visibly upset, and exclaimed, “Did you hear this? She say to a Jew, ‘Heil Hitler’! Hear? I’m a Jew! You’re telling me, ‘Heil Hitler’? Shame of you!” After he angrily confronts her, the woman mocks him by making a crying sound to imply he is a whining baby.

Let me just say that as a Conservative; that this stupid bitch does not speak for me. While I am opposed to any sort of Government ran, funded or sponsored healthcare. This sort of activity is not inline with any sort of Conservative thought or doctrine. I tend to believe that this woman was a plant by a liberal organization to discredit the opposition.

Again, this woman does NOT speak for this Conservative, at all.

Update: Gateway Pundit , American Power , and Legal Insurrection are all saying; that I thought as well, that this woman was a leftist plant. Her name by the way is Pamela Pilger and the man’s name is Samuel Blum.

Others: The Impolitic and The Political Carnival

Well, At least he is honest!

You know how the Democrats have been saying that they do not want to kill the private insurance business? Well, here we have a rare case of Democratic candor; something that is not a common thing these days; especially among liberals.

The Video: (H/T to Ed over at

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

The Transcript via Jazz Show from the Moderate Voice:

S: It sounds like you’re saying you think there is no need for us to have private insurance in health care.

W: I’ve asked you three times. What is their value? What are they bringing to the deal?

S: Again… I’m astounded by your question. It sounds like you’re suggesting that there’s no need to have a country that’s run on free market principles.

W: Time out. Let’s focus on one thing at a time. This isn’t a commodity, Joe. Health care isn’t a commodity.

S: You’re saying that health care is different than everything else.

W: Health care is not a commodity.

S: But you are making the conservatives’ point. You are making the point of the people at the town hall meetings who say this is Barack Obama’s opportunity to get rid of private health care and turn it completely over to the government. I’m sitting here stunned, saying Oh My God, you’re making the point of the health care protesters.

W: If Barack Obama doesn’t want to do it, I want to do it.

Capt. Ed weighs in “right cheer”… That’s right here for you Yankee folk:

Of course health care is a commodity. Weiner wants to use this populist pet phrase, which goes along with the notion of a “right” to health care, but it’s absurd. Food is a commodity, water is a commodity, clothing and shelter are commodities. Until cap-and-trade came up in the House, air was not a commodity, but carbon dioxide will shortly become one, even though life itself cannot exist without it. People have to produce the goods and services that comprise the health-care industry, which means that the supplies are finite and they expect to get compensated for their work. That makes it a commodity, regardless of Weiner’s socialist rhetoric. Anything with a cost is a commodity, by definition.

Anyone who doesn’t understand that much about economics has no business creating policy.

What do insurance companies do for health care? Weiner asks this question repeatedly as if there is no answer, but it’s as obvious as the fact that goods and services are commodities. Insurance companies provide risk pools for consumers that allow them to indemnify themselves against catastrophic health-care costs. It’s that simple. By paying a few hundred dollars a month in premiums, customers can get access to a wide range of goods and services in health care when needed. Insurance companies or private-sector co-ops attempt to calculate the risks to set the premiums at a point where customers find the pricing acceptable, investors in the risk pool can get a profit from its creation and maintenance, and providers get adequate compensation for their goods and services. The more these insurers compete against each other, the better pricing consumers get and the more efficient they become at controlling costs.

Anyone who doesn’t understand that much about economics has no business creating policy.

If I were one of them there smart mouthed uncouth kind of a blogger; I would say that more Democrats do not understand much of anything; which is why they make up stuff. But I am not one of them kind of bloggers. I’m much more civilized than that. NerdWinkingTongueSmug Now, if you’ll pardon me, I need to adjust my top hat and tails. CowboyHee hee (If you believe that last bit that I just wrote. I got land to sell you in Texas, for a cheap price! Laughing) (Lying and Capitalism, Surprise you can tell I am a Real Conservative, can’t you? Hee hee)

The real humdinger of a admission comes at the end, which is:

S: So, Anthony, I figured it out over the break. You actually do want the federal government to take over all of health care.

W: Only in the sense that the federal government took over health care for senior citizens 44 years ago.

S: You want to expand that for all Americans.

W: Correct. I want Medicare for all Americans.

Hey, at least the guy is honest. What kills me is how Liberal want to destroy an industry that accounts for 15% of the Nation’s Economy, so some idiot welfare queen can get a damned freebie. But then again, that is the way of the socialist Liberal Left.

Conservative Icon Journalist Robert Novak has died

A truly sad day in Conservatism. Conservative Icon and award winning Journalist Robert Novak has died.

I really do not think that my mere words could ever measure up to those who have already paid tribute to him.

Tim Carney Pays tribute:

Bob Novak hired me away from HUMAN EVENTS in late 2001. “Poaching,” HE Editor-in-Chief Tom Winter called it. I was not the first early-20s reporter Novak would pluck from HE’s newsroom. Nor would I be the last.

Work for us Novak reporters, in addition to writing the Evans-Novak Political Report, consisted of doing “the opposite of research,” as I put it. Rather than trying to find an answer to a question Novak had — he had another staffer for that — we would try to dig up scoops, leads, and unreported nuggets to feed him.

That Novak would hire a leg-man to go around Washington sniffing out news reflected the virtue at the heart of his work: His columns, while they resided on the op-ed pages, were built upon previously unreported facts that revealed and explained the machinations of government, the men and women in power, and the politics behind it all. His job demanded he get a constant flow of new information, but curiosity and a thirst for knowledge were natural traits for him.

Bob Novak was, above all, a reporter.

I suggest that you read all of that tribute; as I feel that it is excellent.

CNN did a nice tribute as well:

Kenneth Tomlinson writes:

How many reporters, when George W. Bush named Paul O’Neill as his Treasury secretary, knew that he had been a pal of young government staffer Dick Cheney and that it was O’Neill who was the reason Gerald Ford’s vision as he opened his presidential campaign was “essentially that of a Washington bureaucrat.”? Of course Novak wrote the column. But did Bush (and Rove) ever come to see that Novak was right?

In recent years, some of Novak’s most significant work was done in association with Tom Phillips, who had begun publishing the bi-weekly Evans-Novak Political Report in1971 at Phillips Publishing and then had moved the newsletter to Eagle Publishing after he founded Eagle in 1993. Under the umbrella of the Phillips Foundation, Phillips and Novak developed the nation’s largest journalistic grant program for young writers — offering five-figure stipends to finance research and development of significant conservative books and articles that otherwise would not have been produced.

Not a Saturday night passes that I do not miss “Capital Gang.” Spring is not the same without the ACC tournament. I cannot pick up the Saturday New York Post or the Monday Washington Post without a sense of regret that the column is not there.

There was one thing about Novak that I admired greatly; and that is that he was skeptical of the Washington D.C. crowd. Something that I found myself to be quite a bit. He also was highly critical of the Bush Administration and much of its action that lead up to the Iraq War and afterwards. Novak did not carry water for the Republican Party; something that I highly admired about him.

You can read the roundup of opinions and memorials here at Memeorandum. Of course, there are some opportunistic liberals who are taking pot shots at the man at his passing. I find this to be totally offensive, and I told one so on a liberal rag blog that no one reads. I will not link to it; that would be sacrilegious. On the other hand, one of the bigger Liberal Blogs out there; which is ran by some marbled-mouthed ex-Republican, who knowingly married a gay man;  had surprisingly nice things to say about Mr. Novak.  Shocking indeed.

My deepest condolences to the Novak Family and most of all his many Children.

May Bob Rest in peace, as he has earned it.

Site Numbers for last week

Here’s the Numbers for last week: (Via GoStats)

Total counter state:

Hits: 227948
Hosts: 128978
Visitors: 155485
Sessions: 172596

From the beginning of the month:

Hits: 16264
Hosts: 11222
Visitors: 12565
Sessions: 13284
New Visitors: 7069

Last week:

Hits: 5672
Hosts: 4116
Visitors: 4429
Sessions: 4619
New Visitors: 2394

I have seen worse numbers, and I have seen better. Could be better. But I will take it. 😀

Video: Ed Driscoll Interviews Chris Muir Creator of Day by Day

As some of you might know. I carry Chris Muir’s online Blog Cartoon called Day by Day. Ed Driscoll interviewed Chris on his show called Silicon Graffiti.

Here’s the Video:

On a personal note; I have been reading Chris Muir’s online comic, since I started blogging in December of 2006; as a left of center Blogger. I thought it was great then and still do. I recommend all Conservatives and liberals with a sense of humor, to read and possibly embed on your blog, Chris’s comic.

Good Job Chris! Keep up the good work! 😀

(H/T Chris Muir on Twitter)

The White lowers the flag….

While it might a minor one, this is a victory for civil liberties.

The Video:

The Story:

Following a furor over how the data would be used, the White House has shut down an electronic tip box — — that was set up to receive information on “fishy” claims about President Barack Obama’s health plan.

E-mails to that address now bounce back with the message: “The e-mail address you just sent a message to is no longer in service. We are now accepting your feedback about health insurance reform via”

The “flag” service was introduced Aug. 4, with a White House blog post saying: “There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances

to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email

or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to”

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said at a briefing shortly after the service launched: “We’re not collecting names from those e-mails. … All we’re asking people to do is if they’re confused about what health care reform is going to mean to them, we’re happy to help clear that up for you. Nobody is keeping anybody’s names.”

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, wrote a letter to Obama raising privacy concerns about what the senator called an “Obama monitoring program.”

“I can only imagine the level of justifiable outrage had your predecessor asked Americans to forward e-mails critical of his policies to the White House,” Cornyn wrote. “So I urge you to cease this program immediately.”

In a later statement, Cornyn said: “Of course the White House is collecting names. … It is inevitable. Anyone with access to the account has access to the names and email addresses that are collected in that account. … How are they purging names and e-mail addresses from this account to protect privacy?”

via White House disables e-tip box – Mike Allen –

This is just another blunder in a flurry of blunders carried about by this Socialist Administration. Almost as a idiotic as the Nixon Administration’s Enemy list that he had; and just as corrupt. This should be a lesson the Obama Administration that Chicago style politics does not work in Washington D.C. Although, knowing this Administration, that lesson will not be learned very soon at all.

Others: PoliGazette, Hot Air, Babalú Blog, JustOneMinute, Fox News, AmSpecBlog

Updated the “About me” section

I updated the about me section to add:

Update August 17, 2009: I am an unapologetic night owl. I usually don’t get in the bed till usually 6:30 a.m. and usually do not rise till in the afternoon. I do not want to hear any stupid people telling me that Conservatives get up early. Two Words; Up Yours. So, if you come traipsing in here at 6:00 in the morning, and I don’t have anything new till like noon or later. Please know, that I will get to it, when I wake up.   If you got a problem with it, and you’ve got blogging experience; leave me a message, I might just put you to work! :D :P

Going to bed… will write more when I awake from my slumber.

Interesting Video: The Rise and Fall of Liberalism

(H/T Viral Footage)

Author James Piereson discusses his 2007 book, Camelot and the Cultural Revolution: How the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Shattered American Liberalism with the Hoover Institute’s Peter Robinson. A synopsis of the book’s thesis can be found in the brilliant essay that preceded it at Commentary.


James Piereson’s Books are here: The Pursuit of Liberty

ISBN: 1594032386
ISBN-13: 9781594032387

Michelle Bachmann, Traitor?

Now this sounds interesting….

This comes via Freedom Fighter Radio:

Yes, Michelle Bachmann the latest FAKE Conservative that had recently had TOO swift a rise to national notoriety and gained popularity within the Patriot community with her Academy Award Winning floor speeches pretending to attack the Federal Reserve voted AYE on HR2749 Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009. I have looked at two different sources of the voting record of this bill. If someone can show me that these records are inaccurate, please notify me ASAP, and I will call off the dogs.

On July 30th at 10:02 PM this bill that was supposed to have been delayed for 90 days actually passed the House with the help of 54 Socialist Republicans. This vote broke the House rules in order to get passed in the House swiftly. I would michelebachmannbr-mnsuggest that anyone that is in realistic driving distance to one of Michelle Bachmann’s townhall meetings show up and expose this vote and make her explain to her constituents how she could possibly have helped pass this egregious bill that will turn over tremendous control to the Federal Government of all crops grown in the US, bankrupt our farmers and even applies the same mandatory control on our backyard gardens. This bill has not passed the Senate yet but we know there is virtually no hope there! Together with the amendment of the water bill which turns over control of ALL water regardless of private property rights is the perfect storm and nailing of the coffin on private property rights in the US.

It is obvious the New World Order has FULL control of the passage of all of these bills no matter how many people shout or how loudly, it has done us no good. Only the bravest and most principled will buck the agenda and sadly there are very few left in the halls of Congress. We need to fire them all and encourage REAL Americans to run for every office in this land.

ALL Minnesota Congressman voted AYE. Calling all MN Patriots and those nearby need to hold their Representatives accountable and explain their vote! Phone calls, emails and townhall meeting participation in mass. The Full list of surprise votes is linked below. How Dennis Cucinich and Marcy Kaptur also went along with this, is beyond words.

You can see the record of the votes by going here. I believe it is important to defend our farmers from those who would want to have Governmental control over them.  If Michelle Bachmann is in favor of big governmental control over our farms, she should be replaced with someone else, who does not.

Healthcare redux times twelve sans five

or something like that….

First up; you can head on over and read “The One’s” desperate attempt to keep the debate afloat. I would sit here, and play the quote and challenge game; but it’s Sunday and I have a knee-ache, that is about to kill me. So, I will refrain. I think most of you all know how I feel about the damn thing. So, I will just let you go read for yourself.

Second up is the revelation that the public option might just be dead….CNN Reports:

A key Senate negotiator said Sunday that President Barack Obama should drop his push for a government-funded public health insurance option because the Senate will never pass it.

Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad of North Dakota said it was futile to continue to “chase that rabbit” due to the lack of 60 Senate votes needed to overcome a filibuster.

“The fact of the matter is there are not the votes in the United States Senate for a public option. There never have been,” Conrad said on “FOX News Sunday.”

Conrad is one of six Senate Finance Committee members — three Democrats and three Republicans — who are negotiating a compromise health-care bill that would be the only bipartisan proposal so far.

Three House bills and another Senate version have all been proposed by Democrats, and all contain provisions for a public health insurance option intended to compete against private insurers.

Republican opponents argue the public option is a step toward the government taking over the health care industry. Many Democrats argue that it would not have that effect.

Conrad has proposed creating non-profit health insurance cooperatives that could negotiate coverage as a collective for their members.

He said Sunday that such cooperatives would provide the competition sought by Obama and Democratic leaders to force private insurers to hold down costs and improve practices.

Of course, Liberals are NOT happy about this, as you can see here and here for yourself. Now, at this point you are most likely expecting me to say something snarky or nasty about this. Well, surprise. Believe it or not (Ripley?) I can certainly understand why those on the left would be upset at this. This is because I understand what is happening here. The President and the Congress are capitulating to the backlash from those of us, who do not want to see the Government involved in the process of health-care.  The reason why this is so upsetting to the liberal crowd is this. The people who voted for Obama; voted for change, they trusted that Obama would be to shatter the “Business As usual”  Government of Washington D.C.; Instead what he did was, is bring his own brand of “Business as usual” to Washington D.C. This has not flown well with those who actually voted for change in Washington D.C. As matter of fact, one of Obama’s own cabinet members was boo’ed and heckled at the Netroots conference that took places yesterday.

I have been pretty good at making predictions on this blog, so far. So, I am going to make a another public prediction. I predict that if come September, the Congress and Senate comes back, and this Health-care dies or gets shelved. That there will be blood. No, not literal blood. But, political blood. The sharks will be circling and quite frankly, it will get horribly ugly. You think the vitriol towards Bush was bad? You wait till this Health-Care Bill dies. You think Obama’s poll numbers are bad now? Wait till this all goes down. It is going to get really bad. Let’s just say that there are going to be a whole bunch of Liberal news organizations that are going to suddenly discover their objectivity again. Because for the last six months, The President has been getting a free pass, but now, the honeymoon is over, and the folks, as Bill O’Reilly calls them; are wanting to see what this guy is really going to do. The Liberal Establishment, and yes that includes the press, wants to know, is this guy going to deliver or not? If the President shows any sort of weakness at all, I predict that the media will go after him and the darling new President will become the next feeding frenzy.

Which brings me to my last point. What exactly is the point of having a health-care bill without a public option? I thought that is what the purpose of getting this bill passed in the first place! To me, stripping that option out, would spell disaster for all involved. Personally, if I were the Democrats, I would simply scrap the bill and start over, or put it off till after the elections. Because taking that out, would defeat the very purpose for having a health-care reform. Let me be clear, I do not support the idea of any kind of Government health-care at all. But it would seem that the Democrats would want to avoid shooting themselves in the foot like this. But then again, I have seen dumber things done by liberals in the past.

Today in History for August 15, 2009

Man, a whole bunch of stuff happened yesterday… and would you believe, I missed it? Well, I forgot to post the video! 😉 😛

Here’s what all happened:

Highlights of this day in history: Allies mark VJ-Day as World War II effectively ends; Woodstock begins; France’s Napoleon Bonaparte born; India gains independence; Blast hits Omagh, N. Ireland; ‘The Wizard of Oz’ premieres in Hollywood.

Proud to be crazy thankyouverymuch!

Rick Perlstein of the Washington Post moans softly:

“It used to be different. You never heard the late Walter Cronkite taking time on the evening news to “debunk” claims that a proposed mental health clinic in Alaska is actually a dumping ground for right-wing critics of the president’s program, or giving the people who made those claims time to explain themselves on the air. The media didn’t adjudicate the ever-present underbrush of American paranoia as a set of “conservative claims” to weigh, horse-race-style, against liberal claims. Back then, a more confident media unequivocally labeled the civic outrage represented by such discourse as “extremist” — out of bounds.”

Jack Moss of Macsmind answers:

Of course this is selective amnesia that ignores how Cronkite’s “editorializing” of the Vietnam War, calling a victory at Tet a “defeat” lead to American withdrawal and the wasted sacrifice of over 50,000.

But more, having vividly lived those times, I never remember the media doing anything other than bolster and praise left-wing outrage. The media of the 60s, as now celebrated left-wing social unrest and demonized right wing opposition. Little has changed.

But just because Americans stood to to the anti-American ideals of Socialism and Communism, didn’t make “Right-Wingers” ‘radical’, it simply showed they were right.

Just look at who is President now.

Quite true. If America had done things right, we would not be in the mess that we were in now. As a personal hero of mine, Trent Lott once said:

"I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t have had all these problems over all these years, either,"

Nothing more can be added to that. It is the truth; of course, your tenderhearted Conservatives and your race-baiting liberals will object to this statement, but it is the truth. The civil rights act of 1964 was totally unconstitutional. Of which, a personal hero of mine refused to vote for; that being Senator Barry Goldwater. This did cost him the election of that year. The Democrats got their revenge on that vote; during the election the Democrats painted Goldwater as mentally unstable. Which was, and still is, a bunch of baloney. It also began the process of the classic intellectual liberals to the leave the Democratic Party and join the ranks of the Republican Party. That faction of the party became known as the "Neo or New Conservatives". Led by the likes Irving Kristol; The New Conservatives sought to rip control of the Republican Party away from the hands of the "Old Right", which by this time, had become mired in racism and Antisemitism. Some would say that much of this was accomplished by lies and trickery.

Now to address the quote by Trent Lott; I realize that supposed racial aspects of that statement. But to me, it is a broader statement, than just "them Negros are ruining our society!"  To me it speaks to an absolute rejection the idea of Multiculturalism and the rejection of diversity. The whole problem with this idiotic idea of celebrating diversity is this; Black Liberals want you and I to be ashamed of being even being white. Even though ninety-nine percent of white people living today, had nothing to do with the acts of slavery that took place in this Country over 300 years ago. Further more, Black Liberals want you to be ashamed of the practice of segregation that took place in the south —- whether you had anything to do with it, or not. They want you to blame yourself. Which is quite idiotic, in this writers opinion.

Not only this, but the Liberal Black Community wants to blame the white race for the problems within their own society. If a black man kills another black man; it is automatically the white mans fault. Why is that? Because the African-American community has never, and will never take direct responsibility for its own actions. They would rather scapegoat the white community for their problems. Why? Two Reasons; it is easier and it gets their political leaders votes. I have written here before that the Democratic Party views the African-American community as the resident "useful idiots"; this is proved by watching any of the many videos floating around of ACORN out doing their bidding, what is the skin color of ninety percent of those workers? You know what I am saying. You never see any of those Limousine latte sipping liberals from New York and California in those videos. You see African-American liberals doing the hard work for them. That is because the African-Americans get the Democratic Party votes. They do this by stirring the pot of racism tension in this Country and fueling the African-American’s sense of entitlement. It gets them the votes. Which is pretty funny consider that most of the people who carried out acts of racial violence in this Country were, in fact Democrats. In fact Alabama Governor George Wallace, who’s quote is quite infamous; was a Democrat.

The point I am trying to make here is this. These modern day Socialist Democrats have short term memory spans. They seem to have forgotten that the very party that are in, are the very ones who oppressed them for years.

Update: A Book that I highly recommend all black liberals read: Unfounded Loyalty

ISBN: 1887542183
ISBN-13: 9781887542180

Stop the Presses! – Glenn Reynolds writes more than one line on his blog!

Hey, it isn’t every day that he does it, so, I figured I would mention it. 😛

Go here to read.

By the way, he does have a point:

Remember how Bush was supposed to be the idiot who went into Iraq without a plan, while Obama was supposed to be the cool methodical one? But Reich is admitting that despite all the Administration hoopla, there’s still no plan. Or, possibly, that the White House has a plan, but won’t tell us what it is. And yet the people who don’t want to see a bill — some bill, doing who-knows-what — rammed through in the dead of night are somehow the ones who are ignorant and being manipulated. Right.

Yes, I do.  Only plan that floppy-eared socialist has is to turn this Country into another Europe; with Government ran everything.  Honestly, I was never a huge Bush fan, at all. As anyone can see, by looking at my archives. But there’s times, when I believe that Obama makes Bush look like farking Einstein.

Anyhow, Yeah, Glenn wrote a good posting, a long one at that. Now, if we could just get him to TITLE the damn things! 🙄

Update: I cannot believe that someone actually complained about my snarky humor that I wove into this piece. My only response to the complaint is this. You think black people don’t call white people names like that, in private? Please. I’ve heard some of those conversations and you would be shocked to know what they really think about us white people. Let me put it to you this way. Jeremiah Wright simple said aloud what MOST, if not ALL black people think about white people. While most have the decency not to say it aloud, most African-Americans DESPISE White people, because of the past. Most will not admit it, but it is true.  Believe me, I have heard the conversations and I have been the target of the scorn from them as well. So, while I do regret that someone was offended by my off the cuff humor, I do not apologize for my feelings towards this President, nor his Marxist Politics.

Video: Go Flag Yourself

Personally, I think this idea is not too bright. Mainly because it is encouraging to submit their e-mails to the United States Government. Which, quite frankly, I am not interested in doing. But it’s a noble idea; I guess.

The very funny thing is, that Pajamas Media is Jewish owned and operated and, you guessed it, is very “Neo-Conservative” it’s foreign policy. We traditional Conservatives know, that most Wilsonian Republicans and Conservative are kind of down with idea of Big Government; Just ask George W. Bush,  so, submitting their e-mail addresses just sort of confirms that.

Anyhow, here’s the funny video:

The Address, for the spambots is

Again, that address is

Tinkering around with a program…

I caught wind of a cool design program and I’m gonna try and see how it looks. I might not keep it.

Just be warned.


Update: It still needs work. Couple of things need to done differently. Stay tuned. I might just not do it. Anyhow, just was a thought…

Update #2: I decided not to go with that theme…. looks nice, but does not have nearly the configurations of the one I am running now. You know the drill, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Please be patient whole I put everything back the way it was. It was a good idea on paper, but in the reality, it was a pain in the butt. 😀

Democrats retreat on Climate Change AKA Cap and Tax

Big Surprise There!

Via BloomBerg:

Aug. 14 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. Senate should abandon efforts to pass legislation curbing greenhouse-gas emissions this year and concentrate on a narrower bill to require use of renewable energy, four Democratic lawmakers say.

“The problem of doing both of them together is that it becomes too big of a lift,” Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas said in an interview last week. “I see the cap-and-trade being a real problem.”

The resistance by Lincoln and her Senate colleagues undercuts President Barack Obama’s effort to win passage of legislation that would cap carbon dioxide emissions and establish a market for trading pollution allowances, said Peter Molinaro, the head of government affairs for Midland, Michigan- based Dow Chemical Co., which supports the measure.

“Doing these energy provisions by themselves might make it more difficult to move the cap-and-trade legislation,” said Molinaro, who is based in Washington. “In this town if you split two measures, usually the second thing never gets done.”

The House passed cap-and-trade legislation in June.

Leaders of the Democratic-controlled Senate say they are sticking with their plan to combine a version of that bill with a separate measure mandating energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources such as solar and wind power. The legislation also provides for an extension of offshore oil and gas drilling in certain areas, broadening its support.

Reid’s Comment

“I don’t think we are going to take to the Senate floor a bill stripped of climate provisions,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, told reporters in Las Vegas on Aug. 11.

The reason this is happening is because the Democrats know that they are losing their support; because of the health-care issue. The poll numbers for the President and Congress are nosediving; so, the Democrats are scaling back. Smart move, if you ask me. They could totally lose their standings, which I predict will happen. 2010 will tell the story. You watch and see.

Others: The Atlantic Politics Channel, American Spectator, Senate Guru, Say Anything, Hot Air, Grist, The Minority Report, YID With LID, JustOneMinute, The Corner on National …,, The Foundry, Erick’s blog, RedState, Americans for Prosperity, AmSpecBlog and Don Surber