Guest Voice: BEST AND WORST OF 2008 by Chuck Baldwin

Disclaimer: The following article is presented here for informational purposes only. It should NOT be considered an endorsement of the writers ideas, politics or opinion.


With 2008 just concluded, today’s column will be my analysis of the best and worst of the year just spent. First, the best: my wife, Connie, and our family. As the Constitution Party candidate for President, I logged more than 30,000 miles and visited more than 30 states. I traveled most of those miles alone–as costs prohibited my wife from traveling with me–and most flights were flown in the coach cabin. In fact, my wife and I were apart more last year than the previous 34 years of married life combined. Needless to say, I am not cut out to be a traveling salesman. The time away from home was extremely difficult.

I am grateful to God for giving me the outstanding family I have. Connie is amazing! And our three grown children (Sarah, Chris, and Tim) and their spouses (Allan, Jana, and Jennifer) are absolutely the greatest. Each one of them is a champion-patriot in his or her own right. They love God; they love freedom; they love their parents and each other; they are independent thinkers and courageous Christians. We are as close a family as one will ever find. They are my best and closest friends.

Those faithful members of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida who prayed for me, stood by me, and supported me during a grueling campaign certainly make it to my “best” list for 2008. When I first announced the invitation and opportunity that had been afforded me to become an Independent candidate for President to my church family, several families walked out the back door. Some of these folks were “friends” for many years. Fortunately, however, the vast majority of my church family remained steadfast and unmovable. Try to imagine a church anywhere else in America that would stand by and support a pastor, as he takes a “sabbatical” to run for President. Most churches today will not even tolerate a pastor who dares to take a stand for anything controversial. The faithful stalwarts at Crossroad Church make my “best” list.

Actually, there were many highlights of 2008. The many friends and supporters I met around the country have to make my “best” list, for sure. The many LDS folks who supported me in Utah and surrounding states were a real highlight. People such as Frank Fluckiger, Scott Bradley and Matt Moody, to name a few.

The great folks who hosted Connie and I in Spokane, Washington, (yes, Connie was able to make this trip with me) make it to my “best” list. I am talking about Bob Peck and his entire team. They were terrific.

The guys out in California, who helped provide the VIP tour of America’s busiest immigration port near San Diego for me, also make my “best” list for 2008. In addition to the legal border crossing at San Ysidro, they also took me out into the California desert in 110-degree heat to take a firsthand look at the real border. However bad you may think our illegal immigration problem is, it is ten times worse than that. I was able to meet with Border Patrol agents and Border Patrol Auxiliary personnel, as well. It was a real education. Thanks are especially due to retired Air Force Master Sergeant (and retired Deputy Sheriff) Larry Breazeale.

Perhaps the most fascinating man I got to know last year was retired Air Force Brigadier General Charles Jones. What an amazing man! We have become fast friends. Getting to know the general was one of the “best” events of 2008, for sure.

From an organizational perspective, Thom Holmes, out there in Okalahoma, was probably the most indispensable and valuable asset to my campaign last year. He kept my travel and hotel itinerary intact for me. He was on top of every detail. I could not have done it without him. Of course, Darrell Castle was a terrific running mate and a first class gentleman. Joe Sanger in Michigan, and Lowell and Bethany Patterson in New Jersey were also able and indispensable associates.

Lou Dobbs makes my “best” list for 2008, as well. He was the one major television talk show host who was willing to have me as a guest on his program. It is not surprising that Lou Dobbs was about the only notable television talk show host during 2008 who was willing to confront the truth regarding a host of issues: from the North American Union, to illegal immigration, to Ramos and Compean, to the criminal international bankers. Thanks, Lou.

Close to the top of my “best” list is Congressman Ron Paul. What a terrific champion for freedom and constitutional government he is! I was able to get to know Ron quite well during the campaign, and was both humbled and honored when he publicly endorsed my candidacy. Thank you, Ron. You are the best man we have on Capitol Hill.

South Carolina senatorial candidate, Bob Conley, also makes my “best” list of 2008. Here was a guy who was willing to take on the neocon senator, Lindsey Graham. Had he had the support of the so-called conservative Christians, he would have won. But most conservative Christians are so myopic and uninformed today that they cannot think outside the box. And because Bob ran as a Democrat, they would not support him. What a shame! Bob was as solid a constitutionalist patriot as one will ever find. You did us all proud, Bob.

In the print media, Bob Dill, who publishes the Times Examiner in Greenville, South Carolina, makes it to my “best” list, as well. Bob represents the shrinking number of courageous publishers who know what’s going on and are not afraid to print the truth.

Speaking of South Carolina, Dorchester County Sheriff Ray Nash also makes it to my “best” list for 2008. I first met Ray on the campaign trail in the Palmetto State and then invited him to be our guest speaker for our God and Country Day on Election Sunday, November 4. He brought a magnificent address. I was so impressed with his presentation that we made copies and sent them to every elected official in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties in Florida. You can view Sheriff Nash’s video presentation.

The opportunity I had to speak at the 50th Anniversary of the John Birch Society in Appleton, Wisconsin also makes my “best” list for 2008. John McManus and Art Thompson were gracious hosts and have become good friends. The Birch Society is one of the bright spots in America today. No organization has been more unduly criticized as the John Birch Society. And yet, their commitment to liberty and constitutional government has never waned. My hat is off to them.

The New American magazine is still the finest news publication in America. Year in and year out, TNA is the best.

Speaking at the Indianapolis Baptist Temple (IBT) in Indianapolis, Indiana also needs to be included in my “best” list of 2008. It was a pleasure to be with Dr. Greg Dixon, his son, Pastor Greg Dixon, and Dr. Don Boys again. The IBT has gone through more tribulation than most churches can possibly imagine (at least those in America), and they are still going strong. What a great congregation of dedicated and determined believers! They remind me of courageous Christians from yesteryear. I was honored to speak before them.

Internet publishers such as Paul Walter make my “best” list, too. Paul publishes News With Views. He and people such as Jim Rudd at Covenant News have carried my columns for years. These are men who also know what’s going on and are not afraid to print the truth. Thanks, guys.

Other web sites that were especially beneficial to patriots in 2008 were World Net Daily, VDARE, Freedom’s Phoenix, Renew America, and Gary Shumway’s Red Pills. In Pensacola, my friend, Mike West, at Gulf1, was the man who first got me thinking about publishing a column such as this. Thanks for the idea, Mike.

Without these (and other) great Internet news sites, the American people, for the most part, would not have convenient access to the truth. Most of the major media and major “conservative” radio talk shows today are little more than lackeys for New World Order Republicans, and are therefore worthless to the cause of liberty.

In addition to the mainstream media, and worthless talk show hosts such as Sean Hannity, I must include the majority of so-called leaders within the Religious Right as making my “worst” list for 2008. I include James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and Tony Perkins on this list.

For all intents and purposes, the Religious Right has become nothing more than a gaggle of glorified hacks for the Republican Party. They have sacrificed virtually every principle worth defending. For the sake of sitting at the king’s table, or not losing financial support from brain-dead contributors, these men have sold the cause of freedom and constitutional government down the river. Their mindless support for John McCain was inexcusable and embarrassing! In so doing, they have lost all credibility.

Also making my “worst” list in 2008 are the many pastors and church members around the country who continued to support one of the worst Presidents in American history: George W. Bush. This man has taken America to the precipice of financial ruin; he has created the foundation for a police state; he has trampled the Constitution and Bill of Rights like no President since Abraham Lincoln; he has used our bravest and best for his sinister plans of interventionist adventurism; he has set the wheels of global government and national socialism in motion, as has no other President (I’m sure Barack Obama will do more than his share to augment socialism in the United States, but remember, it is George W. Bush that has laid the foundation for the acceptance of national socialism). I’m not sure that America will ever truly recover from his Presidency. Yet, a majority of conservative pastors and church members continue to idolize George Bush. What an embarrassment!

Both the Democrat and Republican Parties make my “worst” list for 2008. In one year, both major parties nominated two men, neither of whom was constitutionally qualified to be President of the United States. Now, that’s quite a feat!

The Council on Foreign Relations, international bankers, and other global elitists also make my “worst” list for 2008. When will the people of America awaken to the reality that our worst enemies are not “liberals” and “leftists,” as much as they are the global elitists who control the Federal Reserve and other internationalist entities that are committed to dismantling America’s independence and sovereignty?

Notable deaths that contributed to the down side of 2008 include veteran radio broadcaster George Putnam. I wrote a column eulogizing George shortly after his death in September.

Other folks I hated to see leave us were Bob Jeter, cornerback from the championship teams of the 1960s Green Bay Packers; Ivan Dixon, from the old Hogan’s Heroes TV sitcom; famed actor and NRA president Charlton Heston; Eddy Arnold, the great country-western singer; Dick Martin, from the old Rowan and Martin TV comedy show; the hilarious Harvey Korman; the great freedom fighter, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; the never-equaled voice of “In a world” announcer, Don LaFontaine; “Cool Hand Luke” Paul Newman; and actor Van Johnson, who starred in over 100 movies, and I don’t think I ever saw a bad one.

Finally, my beloved Green Bay Packers make my “worst” list for 2008 for shoving Brett Favre out the door for what was certainly his last NFL season. As a result, the Pack went from a 13-3 playoff team to a 6-10 stay-home-and-watch team. Favre should have finished his hall of fame career in Green Bay. That he didn’t is a shame.

There you have it: my best and worst of 2008. I trust that all of us will truly have a Happy New Year!

Leon E. Panetta to head Central Intelligence Agency, Some Dems not happy

A Clinton retread is one thing, but a Clinton retread with no experience is another.

Via the NYT’s “The Caucus”:

President-elect Barack Obama has selected Leon E. Panetta, the former congressman and White House chief of staff, to take over the Central Intelligence Agency, an organization that Mr. Obama criticized during the campaign for using interrogation methods he decried as torture, Democratic officials said Monday.

Yet the choice encountered early opposition on Capitol Hill, with some senior Democrats questioning why the president-elect would pick a C.I.A. chief without a deep reservoir of intelligence or counterterrorism experience.

The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat also; is not amused:

“My position has consistently been that I believe the agency is best-served by having an intelligence professional in charge at this time,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein who, as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, would be in charge of Mr. Panetta’s confirmation.

Senator Feinstein said that she had not been notified by Mr. Obama’s transition team about the selection.

Uhm…. Smooth move there Bambi. Good way to start out. Put some inexperienced toad as the leader, to piss off your follow commies. Good one! 🙄

Malkin is equally unimpressed, as is Allahpundit.

Glenn Greenwald is wetting his pants with Glee, as usual.

It’s going to be a very interesting four years.

(Via Memeorandum)

I’m sorry, But I cannot agree with Taki Either

Once again, I find myself in opposition with Paleo-Conservatives. It seems that a prominent Paleo-Conservative that has made a rather startling comment on his website, that has raised the ire of other Conservatives.

Taki Theodoracopulos made the following comment on his Blog:

While Gaza is being bombarded by American-made F-16’s, here’s some food for thought: During the German occupation of Greece, the occupiers posted the following rules: If any German soldier was found murdered, 10 Greeks would immediately be rounded up at random and executed; if there was a repetition, the number would go up to 100. This draconian measure was not put into effect until the very end of the occupation in 1944, well after the Italian collapse of 1943. Communist agitators would go into what they thought were conservative neighborhoods-in other words, well-off precincts-spot a drunken German soldier, kill him, and then beat a hasty retreat. The next day innocent people would pay the piper. At times, the German high command rescinded the order, as it became obvious what was going on.

Switch to Gaza 64 years later. Since 2005 Israel, which is still punishing the original inhabitants of the lands it rules or occupies, has killed 150 Palestinians for each Israeli killed these last eight years. Just think of it. Seventeen Israeli lives have been expunged by the murder of 2550 Palestinian ones. That’s doing much better than the Nazis. And Elliot Abrams, son-in-law of neocon propaganda minister Norman Podhoretz, who’s ensconced in an office deep in the bowels of the White House, calls Hamas “terrorists” and urges even more severe punishments. In 2006, Israeli artillery fired a dawn barrage of shells, supposedly against militants in the Gazan village of Beit Hanoun. The guns missed. Seventeen members of a Palestinian family, the Athamnehs, died in their pajamas, cut to pieces by fragmenting 6-inch howitzer shells. The Israelis did not even issue an apology.

Of course, this elected a response by Lawrence Auster to remove his Blog from Taki’s Blogroll. Which I can understand, Lawrence Auster is in fact a Jewish man who converted to Christianity.  The reason why Taki is dead wrong on this issue is this; Taki must be ignorant of the facts. The facts are that Israel withdrew from the Gaza strip. They even allowed Fata to bring supplies through Israel’s border. Well, the people of Palestine voted out Fata and voted in Hamas, when this happened Hamas began smuggling weapons into the Gaza strip, and Israel closed the borders, and imposed a blockade on Gaza, because of the weapons smuggling.  Which is Israel’s right, Why should Hamas be allowed to mass weapons? Further more, Hamas was smuggling weapons in from Egypt, this is why those tunnels were destroyed.

Also Taki’s opinion that the Palestine is rightful owner of that land in which Israel exists is asinine at best. As a Born-Again Christian on 26 years and a very astute student of the Bible; I know for a fact, that the land in which Israel possesses is, in fact, rightfully theirs.  Anyone who says anything other than this is either a Atheist or worse an Anti-Semite. Now before anyone rushes off and calls me a Neo-Conservative,  I want to publicly state, as it does state on my “About me” page; I am not, nor will I ever be, a Neo-Conservative. I totally and emphatically reject what is known as the “Bush Doctrine” of Preemptive strikes.   However, I support that idea, that any Nation, has the right to defend itself of terrorist attacks, which is what Hamas is, A damn terrorist organization.

As expected the guy calling himself “RedPhilips” at the Conservative Heritage Times, doesn’t get it, at all:

Now Auster is at it again. He has called out Taki for his recent article on the Israel vs. Gaza conflict. While I think it is generally unwise to make Hitler and Nazi comparisons, because it is such an emotional subject and the neocons, for whom it is always 1939, do it all the time, Taki is not “comparing” Israel to the Nazis in the way that Auster implies. Taki is making a numeric comparison of the ratio of people killed on both sides.

Mr. Philips, I think you missed the point. Lewrence was not making the issue so much about the Hitler comparison.  I think he was more angered at this:

Switch to Gaza 64 years later. Since 2005 Israel, which is still punishing the original inhabitants of the lands it rules or occupies, has killed 150 Palestinians for each Israeli killed these last eight years.

See the part in red? Taki’ essentally said that Israel didn’t belong there. That is a line that usually spouted by Anti-Semites or at worst Atheists. This, I believe, was the major issue.

While I personally think that it is quite sad that a great number of Palestinians are being killed in this conflict; I also am aware of the circumstances surrounding this conflict and I believe that Israel is very will within it’s own personal rights to defend it’s own land from terrorist attacks. I believe that the United States is doing right what they’re doing at the moment, staying out of it, but offering support. That’s all we need to do. Otherwise, we would be interfering.

this is just flipping wrong!

I don’t like to post stuff like this. But this is just wrong:

Justified Force or An Execution?

Justified Force or An Execution? - Click the Picture to watch!

More on the Story at Contra Costa Times

What you think? Did the police use excessive force? Does this prove we live in a police state? Are police officers using too much force? Feedback is welcomed.

Trackposted to Leaning Straight Up, third world county, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

(Via Lew Rockwell Blog)

Richardson Withdraws Update: Team Obama Says Richardson Misled them

Seems Richardson is withdrawing his bid to be secretary of Commerce.


New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, tapped in December by President-elect Barack Obama to serve as secretary of Commerce, has withdrawn his name for the position, citing a pending investigation into a company that has done business with his state.

“Let me say unequivocally that I and my Administration have acted properly in all matters and that this investigation will bear out that fact,” he said Sunday in a report by NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell. “But I have concluded that the ongoing investigation also would have forced an untenable delay in the confirmation process.”

Yeah, you withdrew, because your fat ass was guilty.

A federal grand jury is investigating how a California company that contributed to Richardson’s political activities won a New Mexico state contract worth more than $1 billion. Richardson said in a statement issued by the Obama transition office that the investigation could take weeks or months but expressed confidence it will show he and his administration acted properly.

Richardson said he plans to continue in his role as governor. “I appreciate the confidence President-elect Obama has shown in me, and value our friendship and working partnership. I told him that I am eager to serve in the future in any way he deems useful. And like all Americans, I pray for his success and the success of our beloved country.”

The announcement came ahead of Obama’s Monday meetings with congressional leaders on a massive economic recovery bill he wants lawmakers to pass quickly.

Obama said Sunday he accepted Richardson’s decision to withdraw with ‘deep regret.’

“Governor Richardson is an outstanding public servant and would have brought to the job of Commerce Secretary and our economic team great insights accumulated through an extraordinary career in federal and state office,” Obama said.

Obama gave no indication whom he might name to replace Richardson as the nominee but said “we must move quickly to fill the void left by Governor Richardson’s decision.”

A person familiar with the proceedings has told The Associated Press that the grand jury is looking into possible “pay-to-play” dealings between CDR Financial Products and someone in a position to push the contract through with the state of New Mexico.

State documents show CDR was paid a total of $1.48 million in 2004 and 2005 for its work on a transportation program.

Richardson ran against Obama in the Democratic presidential primary, but withdrew after a poor showing in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary. He later endorsed Obama in his primary campaign against Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama’s nominee for secretary of state.

He is one of the most prominent Hispanics in the Democratic Party, having served in Congress and as President Bill Clinton’s ambassador to the United Nations and energy secretary. As governor, he has kept up an international profile with a specialty in dealing with rogue nations. Obama also considered him to be secretary of state.

CDR and its CEO, David Rubin, have contributed at least $110,000 to three political committees formed by Richardson, according to an AP review of campaign finance records.

The largest donation, $75,000, was made by CDR in June 2004 — a couple of months after the transportation financing arrangement won state approval — to a political committee that Richardson established before the Democratic National Convention that year.

Here’s hope that they nail that taco-headed mother fuckers balls to the damn wall. Of course, they won’t, he’s most likely well fed funded by George Soros and his group of Communist Liberal idiots. So, he won’t see any jail time. But on a positive note, there won’t be as many Liberal moonbats in the White House or the Government for that matter. Score one of justice, I suppose.

Seems every person that Obambi has contact with, is some crooked made politician.  Which is so fucking typical of the Democrats anymore. FDR would be rolling over in a his grave.

Update: According to Jack Tapper team Bambi said they were mislead:

Sources tell ABC News that officials on the Obama Transition Team feel that before he was formally offered the job of commerce secretary, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson was not forthcoming with them about the federal investigation that is looking into whether the governor steered a state contract towards a major financial contributor.

Once the investigation became more widely known through national media reports last month, sources tell ABC News, the Obama Transition Team realized the FBI would not be able to give Richardson a clean political bill of health before the new administration is ready to send his nomination up to the Senate for confirmation.

The Richardson camp says the governor was forthcoming, with sources close to the governor noting that there had been reports about the controversy in local media such as the Albuquerque Journal as far back as August 2008. The governor discussed the investigation with the Obama team, they say, and believes that he and his administration have done nothing wrong.

From 2004 to 2005, CDR Financial Products, a Beverly Hills, Calif.-based company founded and run by David Rubin, received nearly $1.5 million through the New Mexico Finance Authority for advising the state in a complex highway funding project pushed by Richardson. In roughly that same time period, CDR and Rubin gave approximately $100,000 to political organizations run by Richardson, including one that paid for his and his staff’s expenses at the 2004 Democratic convention. Neither the grand jury nor the FBI has interviewed Richardson.

President-elect Obama did not ask Richardson to withdraw his name from consideration, sources from both camps say, but the fact that the confirmation seemed untenable in the short term was apparent to everyone involved.

There were some discussions about whether the confirmation process could be delayed a few months until the investigation concluded, sources say, but it became clear that wouldn’t happen any time soon, and no one wanted to be seen as pressuring law enforcement officials to wrap up their investigation.

The governor spoke with the president-elect several times over the weekend, their last conversation being Saturday, when Richardson told Obama he was withdrawing his name from consideration.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrats. Hope and Change, Deceit and Corruption! What a joke! 🙄

Oh and in case anyone has forgotten, this joker also tried to run for President. Wouldn’t that have been a nice little present to the Republicans. If he had won? I could see the headlines now! 😀

Others: The Fix, BitsBlog, Hot AirDon Surber, , Wizbang, JOSHUAPUNDITTigerHawk, Michelle Malkin, , Outside The Beltway,   Scared Monkeys, Riehl World View,, , The Economic Populist, QandO, Fox News,, Top of the Ticket, Weekly Standard, CommentaryMacsmind and Stop The ACLU

News from a Fundamentalist Christian Viewpoint

The following is from a Fundamentalist Baptist Missionary. If you happen to enjoy what you read, please consider supporting his ministry.



January 2, 2009, Volume 10, Issue 1

The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this obviously does not imply an endorsement. For instructions on how to unsubscribe to this list or to change mailing addresses, please consult the information paragraph at the end.


Download and Print Friday News (Full Graphical Edition) for your church in PDF format:


CHARISMATIC SONGS AND THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST HYMNAL (Friday Church News Notes, January 2, 2009,, (866-295-4143) – The 2008 Southern Baptist Hymnal contains many songs written by charismatics and published by charismatic music companies such as Integrity, Maranatha, and Hillsong. About 75 of the top 100 contemporary worship songs are included. For example, songs by Jack Hayford, David Ruis, Paul Baloche, and Darlene Zschech are included.

These popular worship leaders are extreme charismatic ecumenists and contemporary Christian rockers. Hayford believes that God told him he must not criticize the Roman Catholic Church. Ruis is a worship leader at the Toronto Airport Church where people roll on the floor, bark like dogs, roar like lions, laugh hysterically, and get “drunk in the spirit” during their “revivals.” Ruis’s song “Break Dividing Walls” calls for an unscriptural ecumenical unity between all denominations.

Paul Baloche is worship leader at the Community Christian Fellowship of Lindale, Texas. Their 2002 Leadership Summit featured Ricky Paris, who calls himself an apostle. Baloche’s Offering of Worship album was recorded at Regent University, which was founded by the radical charismatic ecumenist Pat Robertson. As far back as 1985, Robertson said that he “worked for harmony and reconciliation between Protestants and Catholics” (Christian News, July 22, 1985). According to Frontline magazine, May-June 2000, a Catholic mass is held on Regent’s campus every week. Darlene Zschech and her Hillsong worship band recently performed for the Catholic Youth Day in Sydney, with the pope in attendance. The charismatic movement is not in submission to the Word of God and does not care one way or the other that these associations are contrary to Scripture, but shame on Baptists who follow in these presumptuous and disobedient footsteps. Shame on Lifeway for giving charismatics a powerful forum to influence Baptist churches, and shame on the Southern Baptist Convention for allowing Lifeway to do these things. Because the SBC refuses to deal with error consistently, the leaven will spread. The Bible warns that “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” This is true for sin (1 Cor. 5:6) as well as for false doctrine (Gal. 5:9). For more information see The Pentecostal-Charismatic Movements: History and Doctrine (book) and Dangers of Contemporary Worship Music (DVD), which are available from Way of Life Literature.

BILLY GRAHAM JOINS SBC CONGREGATION IN SOUTH CAROLINA (Friday Church News Notes, January 2, 2009,, (866-295-4143) – Billy Graham has moved his membership from the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, to First Baptist of Spartanburg, South Carolina, near his retirement home (“Graham Moves Dallas Membership,” AP, Dec. 30, 2008). Graham joined First Baptist of Dallas in 1953, and the Southern Baptist Convention has never condemned his unscriptural evangelism. Even a “conservative” like Albert Mohler, Jr., head of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, supports it. He was the chairman of Graham’s crusade in Louisville in 2001. The Baptist Press reported that “hundreds of Southern students prepared for the Graham crusade.” Mohler said, “Nothing else has brought together the kind of ethnic and racial and denominational inclusivity as is represented in this crusade…” (Baptist Press, May 3, 2001).

Southern Baptist churches, colleges, and seminaries do not warn that Billy Graham has turned thousands of converts over to Roman Catholic and modernistic churches. For example, at the Vancouver, British Columbia crusade in 1984, the vice-chairman of the organizing committee, David Cline, said, “If Catholics step forward THERE WILL BE NO ATTEMPT TO CONVERT THEM and their names will be given to the Catholic church nearest their homes” (Vancouver Sun, Oct. 5, 1984). SBC bookstores do not carry books in that warn about wretched ecumenical ventures such as this and that document other New Evangelical compromises. (For more about this see “Billy Graham’s Sad Disobedience” at the Way of Life web site.)

TOTALITARIAN DICTATOR STALIN POPULAR IN RUSSIA (Friday Church News Notes, January 2, 2009,, (866-295-4143) – Josef Stalin, the totalitarian dictator who murdered multiplied millions of his fellow citizens, is the third most popular historical figure in Russia today according to a recent survey. The poll was taken by Rossiya, a state television channel. He received almost the same percentage of votes as Alexander Nevsky, who defeated German invaders in the 13th century, and Pyotr Stolypin, a 20th century prime minister. Human rights activist Lev Ponomaryov told Reuters, “The younger generation is fed with myths about Stalin. It knows nothing about the millions who died in Gulag camps but well knows he was a strong leader who defeated (Nazi) Germany” (“Dictator Stalin Strong Contender,” Reuters, Dec. 28, 2008). The average young person in North America is also brainwashed in mythology. According to Bible prophecy, Russia and her allies will attack Israel during the Great Tribulation and their armies will be destroyed (Ezekiel 38-39). Anti-semitism has long been rampant in Russia.

EUROPEAN UNION PUSHING FOR WORLDWIDE HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS (Friday Church News Notes, January 2, 2009,,(866-295-4143) – Under the leadership of France, the European Union (EU) is pushing for worldwide homosexual rights through the United Nations. In December, France, which headed the EU in 2008, attempted to get the UN to approve a resolution decriminalizing homosexuality.

The resolution received support from 66 of the 192 member nations, with all of the EU countries voting for it (“Conservatives Expect U.N.

Battle over Homosexuality,”, Dec. 24, 2008). The United States voted against it, but that will probably change once Barack Obama comes to power this month. U.N. analyst Thomas Jacobson said, “I would fully expect that France and the European Union will push for ‘LGBT (lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender) rights’ and ‘gender-identity rights’ and collaborate heavily with the Obama administration, beginning in the first quarter of 2009.”

SNOWZILLA AND EVOLUTION (Friday Church News Notes, January 2, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – Snowzilla is a 25-foot snowman in Anchorage, Alaska, that is said to have appeared mysteriously just before Christmas. It was first built on Billy Powers property in a 16- foot incarnation in 2005, but after the city forbade him to build the giant snowman again this year, it appeared overnight larger than ever and Powers said that it must be “magic” and that he doesn’t know how it got there (“Revenge of Snowzilla,” Anchorage Daily News, Dec. 24, 2008). That a 25-foot snowman with wooden arms and cans for eyes, a scarf around its neck, and a hat on its head would just happen makes as much sense as evolution. Design doesn’t happen without a designer.

The Bible doesn’t waste time trying to prove the existence of God, because His existence is evident in the very creation. The Bible’s opening words state solemnly and majestically, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Men are held accountable for knowing that there is a God and will be judged on that basis. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:18-20).

GLOBAL WARMING ROPE-A-DOPE (Friday Church News Notes, January 2, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from Dr. Walter Williams’ syndicated column for December 23, 2008:

“Americans have been rope-a-doped into believing that global warming is going to destroy our planet. Scientists who have been skeptical about manmade global warming have been called traitors or handmaidens of big oil. … U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer said it was ‘criminally irresponsible’ to ignore the urgency of global warming. U.N. special climate envoy Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland on May 10, 2007 declared the climate debate ‘over’

and added ‘it’s completely immoral, even, to question’ the U.N.’s scientific ‘consensus.’ In July 23, 2007, CNN’s Miles O’Brien said, ‘The scientific debate is over.’ … The global warming scare has provided a field day for politicians and others who wish to control our lives. After all, only the imagination limits the kind of laws and restrictions that can be written in the name of saving the planet.

Recently, more and more scientists are summoning up the courage to speak out and present evidence against the global warming rope-a-dope.

Atmospheric scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said, ‘It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.’ Dr. Goldenberg has the company of at least 650 noted scientists documented in the recently released U.S. Senate Minority

Report: ‘More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent over Man-Made Global Warming Claims: Scientists Continue to Debunk “Consensus” in 2008.’ The scientists, not environmental activists, include Ivar Giaever, Nobel Laureate in physics, who said, ‘I am a skeptic … Global warming has become a new religion.’ Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an environmental physical chemist, said warming fears are the ‘worst scientific scandal in the history … When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.’”

UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL WARMING HYPOCRISY (Friday Church News Notes, January 2, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – The United Nations is a ridiculous and hypocritical organization. It is ridiculous because its main stated objective is world peace, but it has no more ability to bring that about than it has to change the course of the sun. As for hypocrisy, we will give but one example. It is leading the global frenzy to save the world from global warming, but what it says and what it does is contradictory in the extreme. In Nepal, for example, the United Nations Mission, which helped put Maoists into power in a sham election in 2008, owns a fleet of gas- guzzling, pollution-producing SUVs which rarely if ever venture outside of the capital city.

A WORLDLY BIBLE FOR THE CHRISTIAN ROCK GENERATION (Friday Church News Notes, January 2, 2009,,(866-295-4143) – The Bible Illuminated is a worldly Bible fitting for the Christian rock generation. Released in English for the holiday season, The Illuminated Bible is a glossy magazine format that features pictures of rappers in indecent poses, immodestly clad models, Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara, Hollywood movie star Angelina Jolie, atheist rocker John Lennon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Princess Diana, Bono, Muhammad Ali, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Andy Warhol in homosexual cross-dressing attire. The Illuminated Bible was the brainchild of Dag Soderberg of Sweden and was created by a group of secular advertising and corporate executives. It first appeared in Swedish in 2007 in an even “sexier” version than the English incarnation. Soderberg, who is “not a practicing Christian”and “not very religious,” hopes The Illuminated Bible “will generate more religious tolerance” (“Repackaging the Bible,” CNN, Dec. 24, 2008). The text for The Illuminated Bible is the Today’s English Version, which uses the dynamic equivalency method of translation to rob the readers of God’s Words, changes “blood” to “death” and corrupts practically every passage touching on the Deity of Jesus Christ. It is true in Christianity in our day as it was in Israel of old, “Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holythings: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean…” (Ezekiel 22:26).

THE CYANIDE DEFENSE (Friday Church News Notes, January 2, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from Creation Moments, : “Wouldn’t it be amazing if a creature developed a chemical defense that is deadly to practically every other creature but itself– especially if that defense meant exposing itself and its enemy to deadly cyanide? Yet there is a species of millipede called Apheloria that does just this. Apheloria has, on each segment of its body, special glands that produce the chemical needed for defense. When the millipede is attacked by an enemy, it mixes this chemical with a catalyst. The result is a chemical that is a mild irritant plus hydrogen cyanide gas–the same lethal chemical used in the gas chamber. In this defense, the millipede as well as his enemies, are engulfed in a cloud of deadly cyanide gas. His attacker dies, but the millipede simply walks away unharmed. This truly amazing defense clearly has a purpose. Even more amazing, if evolution is right, the millipede developed this remarkable defense quite accidentally, and at the same time he became immune to deadly cyanide gas! This defense is completely unlikely to develop without a planner. The millipede’s immunity to cyanide makes sense if there was a planner, and it makes no sense at all if there wasn’t. God’s fingerprints are all over the creation as He seeks to draw us all to Himself.”

CONCLUSION: The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this obviously does not imply an endorsement. We trust that our readers will not be discouraged. It is God’s will that we know the times (1 Ch. 12:32; Mat. 16:3) and that we be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves. The News Notes remind us that the hour is very late, and we need to be ready for the Lord’s coming. Are you sure that you are born again? Are you living for Christ? “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof” (Rom. 13:11-14). This material is sent only to those who personally subscribe to the Fundamental Baptist Information Service list. To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE ADDRESSES go to Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,

Rep. Ron Paul on the Israeli Gaza Conflict

I must admit, the man speaks the truth. I don’t agree with one point however. To me, it does not matter how many missiles Hamas fired into Israel, one missile is one too many. But the rest, I pretty much agree with.

You get what you pay for!

More Liberal Moonbat ungratefulness.

Via Times of London:

RESIDENTS of a model housing estate bankrolled by Hollywood celebrities and hand-built by Jimmy Carter, the former US president, are complaining that it is falling apart.

Fairway Oaks was built on northern Florida wasteland by 10,000 volunteers, including Carter, in a record 17-day “blitz” organised by the charity Habitat for Humanity.

Eight years later it is better known for cockroaches, mildew and mysterious skin rashes.

A forthcoming legal battle over Fairway Oaks threatens the reputation of a charity envied for the calibre of its celebrity supporters, who range from Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt to Colin Firth, Christian Bale and Helena Bonham Carter.

The case could challenge the bedrock philosophy behind Habitat for Humanity, claiming that using volunteers, rather than professional builders, is causing as many problems as it solves.

April Charney, a lawyer representing many of the 85 homeowners in Fairway Oaks, said she had no problems taking on Habitat for Humanity, despite its status as a “darling of liberal social activists”. She said the charity should have told people that part of the estate had been built on a rubbish dump.

One man pulled up his floorboards to find rubbish 5ft deep under his kitchen. Other complaints include cracking walls and rotting door frames that let in rats and ants. Many residents have complained of mildew and mysterious skin rashes.

One resident said her children were suffering from skin complaints. “The intentions are good, but when the politicians and big-shot stars have left we’re stuck with the consequences. This house looks pretty but inside it either stinks or sweats,” she said.

Judy Hall, the charity’s local development director, said recently that it had been dealing with about 30 complaints. She added that skilled work was carried out by professionals.

Yeah, I bet they were professionals. Professional moonbats maybe. 🙄

The lawyers are out in force now, I bet. Of course, someone has the right idea:

Some residents dismiss their neighbours’ worries. Diennal Fields, 51, said people did not know how to look after their homes: “It’s simple stuff: if there is mildew, don’t get a lawyer, get a bottle of bleach.”

That and a real professional carpenter. Michelle Malkin weights in:

In the end, I can’t say I feel too much sympathy for Jimmy Carter and his Hollywood partners. The Left has stoked both eco-zealotry and the entitlement culture with impunity. Perhaps they’ll feel a little less inclined to feed those beasts after getting bitten squarely in the ass.

Amen, and Amen. I feel zero pity for any of them. These people cried for a handout and when they got it, they were not happy. A simple case of give them an inch and they take a damn mile. Pure and simple. Let them rot in their damned filth. Better yet call ol’ Peanut boy Carter and let HIM fix the damned houses. That Liberal piece of white trash has the money, he can fix them.

As someone who took advantage of a local “Social program” around here, thinking it would make my life easier, when in reality, it did absoutely nothing to help, but instead cause me more problems. I can honestly say, that socialism sucks, it does nothing help, and in the end, it only serves to hurt. I took advantage of a social program called Michigan Rehab Services, they took me, because I had A.D.H.D. I went, and they paid for me to go to CDL training school. I went for class A; So, I went, did real good, got a A average. Took the CDL test, passed it, and you think I could find a damn job? Yeah Right. That was 2003, I am still not driving a truck. I am still not making the money that the socialists lie to you, and tell you that you will make.  I mean, I was told I was going to make $60,0000 a year driving truck. Of course, I knew better myself. But here I am, still writing and making squat. I haven’t been under the wheel over a truck since 2003. I wouldn’t dream of attempting to drive one now. Straight Truck Maybe, but a semi, no way. I wouldn’t feel comfortable.

So, there you have it folks, living proof that socialism, does NOT work.

Others: The Strata-Sphere, Right Wing NewsAlthouse, RedState, Macsmind and Don Surber

WTF?: Starting to really wonder about Lew Rockwell’s Blog

I am not posting this to start a fight or anything. But when I see crap like this right here. I start to wonder just what the hell is becoming of Lew Rockwell’s Blog and more importantly, The Libertarian Party as a damned whole.

Not to overdramatize anything, but when I see stuff like this:

As usual, US-appoved fighters are called soldiers, and US-demonized fighters are called gunmen. Let’s have some equality: call them all gunmen. It hints at the real nature of the state, as “a gang of thieves writ large,” in Rothbard’s phrase.

I start wonder where Lew’s priorities are. I mean, allowing stuff like that, is just totally unacceptable to me.

But wait there’s more…

There’s This:

Or are we afraid that the doo-dads we will see pictured flying through space won’t be ours, won’t have “USA! USA!” stenciled on them, but rather Chinese characters few of us can read?

How Novel. Anti-American rhetoric, from a Libertarian no less.

But there’s even more too….

There’s this little nugget here:

Piatak is a supporter of the Detroit bailout bill. His “cool logic” explains why it is a good idea to tax the shirts off the backs of working class Americans outside of Detroit and give the money to automobile industry plutocrats, union bosses, and their terminally inefficient, inept, lazy, and uncompetitive, unionized work force. Rewarding failure and massively subsidizing losing businesses is apparently Takimag’s idea of “cool logic.”

You know, I have to agree with Tom Piatak here; I honestly wonder what the real motives of the Libertarians are anymore. I mean, can you get anymore Anti-American than this?  A while back, Republican Representative Michelle Bachmann got into a little trouble for saying that Democrats should be investigated for Anti-American beliefs.  Well, I sort of agree with Michelle, except I don’t think it is just Democrats anymore. I think that it is Liberals and Libertarians, I think that we should haul Lew Rockwell and everyone of his contributing writers and Bloggers up to the Senate and have an Anti-American activies investigation.

Do not misunderstand me. I am for the avoidance of military conflict, if at all possible. But when I read on a well-known Libertarian Blog things of this nature, I have to honestly ask myself; why are these people even living in this country, if they dislike it so much?  Whatever happened to civic pride? Whatever happened to the respect of the flag, the Nation and the values it represents?

While I realize that our Nation is not a perfect one, I do not believe that gives one to a license to trash it to the point of sounding like a communist apologist.

As I said in the title and in the beginning, I am really starting to wonder about Libertarians.

It’s on: Israel begins ground operations in Gaza

I have to trying to avoid writing about this, because quite frankly, I have quite mixed feelings about this. Also because, it really does not have anything to do with America and American politics.

But just as well, I will give my opinions about what is happening in Gaza.

It seems that sometime today, Israel moved ground troops and tanks into the Gaza strip. So says the Israeli Paper Haaretz:

“Israel entered the second week of its offensive against rockets from Hamas-ruled Gaza on Saturday evening by launching a much-expected ground operation into the coastal strip.

Initial reports from both Israel and Gaza indicated that Israel Defense Forces troops had killed dozens of Hamas gunmen as they traded heavy fire upon entering the Strip.

“The objective is to destroy the Hamas terror infrastructure in the area of operations,” said Israel Defense Forces Major Avital Leibovitch, a military spokeswoman, confirming that incursions were under way. “We are going to take some of the launch areas used by Hamas.”

The IDF Spokesperson’s office issued a statement, emphasizing that this stage of the operation will further the goals of the eight-day offensive as voiced by the IDF until now: To strike a direct and hard blow against the Hamas while increasing the deterrent strength of the IDF, in order to bring about an improved and more stable security situation for residents of Southern Israel over the long term. ”

I feel that; if the news accounts are to be believed, Hamas taunted Israel with the rocket attacks. These were started because Israel set up a blockade on the border, because Hamas was smuggling weapons into Gaza. These actions caused Israel to defend itself against these attacks. I believe any Nation has the right to defend itself from terrorism, Hamas has proven itself to be a terrorist organization more than once.  What seriously needs to happen at this point is, that the Palestine Government needs to unite itself and move against Hamas and root them out.

Let there be no doubt, I feel that Hamas firing rockets into Israel is an act of terrorism, and I feel any and all actions by Israel at this point is totally justified.

While, as a Paleo-Conservative with Libertarian leanings, the news of war saddens me, but there are times, when it is totally justified. 

My prayers are with the IDF, The Palestinian people, and the people of Israel. My God bring peace to the region again. Praying

(Via Memeorandum)

Shocker: Scary Harry Reid Says, “We don’t want no Darkies in our Senate!”

That is according to the Chicago Sun Times:

“Days before Gov. Blagojevich was charged with trying to sell President-elect Barack Obama’s U.S. Senate seat to the highest bidder, top Senate Democrat Harry Reid made it clear who he didn’t want in the post: Jesse Jackson, Jr., Danny Davis or Emil Jones.

Rather, Reid called Blagojevich to argue he appoint either state Veterans Affairs chief Tammy Duckworth or Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, sources told the Chicago Sun-Times.

Sources say Senate majority leader Harry Reid (left) pushed against Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (center), and suggested Gov. Rod Blagojevich appoint state Veterans Affairs chief Tammy Duckworth (right) to President-elect Obama’s vacant Senate seat.

Sources say the Senate majority leader pushed against Jackson and Davis — both democratic congressmen from Illinois — and against Jones — the Illinois Senate president who is the political godfather of President-elect Barack Obama — because he did not believe the three men were electable. He feared losing the seat to a Republican in a future election.

Blagojevich spokesman Lucio Guerrero confirmed that Reid (D-Nev.) and U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) — the new chief of the Senate Democratic political operation — each called Blagojevich’s campaign office separately Dec. 3. Sources believe that at least portions of the phone conversations are on tape.

Before their contacts, Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel called Blagojevich to tell him to expect to hear from Senate leadership because they were pushing against Jackson and others, according to statements the governor made to others.

The Reid-Menendez calls came a day before a Dec. 4 conversation overheard on government wiretaps where Blagojevich says he “was getting ‘a lot of pressure’ not to appoint Candidate 5.” Candidate 5 is Jackson.

The calls reveal the varying forces directed at Blagojevich as he weighed the appointment.”

“Not Electable” my behind. The mask slips from the old school democrats. For the record:

He didn’t want these:


But he wanted these:


Man, unreal. Harry Reid, a racist. Who knew? I dont know Of course, for a Religious stand point I can report that Mormons, Especially old school morons from the old days, are very highly racist. They would not admit blacks into their churches until like the 1970’s, I believe.  I know this from reading up on them. They also believed that Adam and Eve, when they sinned were turned black, as was Cain. (To be fair, many old school Baptists believed the same thing…)

Should be a very interesting news week. Something to really blog about! yay! Dancing

Others:JammieWearingFoolHot Air,, Don Surber, BLACKFIVE, RedState, Macsmind, Stop The ACLU, Sister Toldjah, Gateway Pundit

For Once I agree with Robert Stacy McCain

Mark your calendar folks cause this does not happen often at all.

Robert Stacy McCain on Bristol Palin’s Baby:

I dislike the idea of Bristol Palin offering generic advice — “Teenagers need to prevent pregnancy to begin with” — rather than acknowledging any personal responsibility for her own situation. Is the problem that teenagers in general are getting pregnant, or that you got pregnant? In point of fact, teen pregnancy is at an all-time low. Is it too much to expect something like a mea culpa?

It is finally nice to see a Neo-Conservative admit that Bristol Palin’s baby thing is about the most hypocritcal thing on the face of the planet. This is supposed to be the party of morals. But it seems that the party of morals has kinda left the morals behind, in favor of social liberalism.

Having a woman on the V.P. proved that, in my eyes at least.

Obama says, “Don’t ask no questions”

As a rule, I don’t send no traffic to the Neo-Con owned “weakly standard”.

But Mary Katharine Ham is a very pretty exception. 😉

Here’s the video:

Hubba Hubba! Woo Hoo! ;-P

Hubba Hubba! Woo Hoo! ;-P

Yes, I am fan and quite distant admirer. 😀

Others: Fausta’s Blog, The Sundries Shack, Sister Toldjah, The Other McCain and Ed

The latest from BlogoGate

The Dems say they will keep Burris from the floor, so says CNN:

Senate Democratic leaders think Roland Burris, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich’s pick to fill President-elect Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat, will likely show up on Capitol Hill Tuesday for the opening day of Congress, according to a Democratic aide familiar with Senate Democratic leaders’ plans.

They have prepared a contingency plan in case he does, the aide added.

Burris will not be allowed on the Senate floor, according to this aide and a Senate Democratic leadership aide.

The aide familiar with Senate Democratic leaders’ plans said if Burris tries to enter the Senate chamber, the Senate doorkeeper will stop Burris. If Burris were to persist, either trying to force his way onto the Senate floor or refusing to leave and causing a scene, U.S. Capitol Police would stop him, said the aide.

“They (police) probably won’t arrest him” but they would call the sergeant-at-arms,” the aide said.

When asked about what would happen if he shows up and tries to be seated, Burris told the Chicago Tribune that he’s, “not going to create a scene in Washington.” He added, “We hope it’s negotiated out prior to my going to Washington.”

Burris told CNN that, “We’re certainly going to make contacts with the leadership to let them know that the governor of Illinois has made a legal appointment. And that I am currently the junior senator for the State of Illinois. And we’re hoping and praying that, you know, they will see the reason in appointing me as a very qualified, capable, able and ready-to-serve individual.”

Yeah, Right. They don’t want to make a scene. You believe that and I got land to sell you in Texas, cheap! That’s what race-baiting Democrats do, make a scene. Because we all know, it’s all about “struggle” for them. (whatever that is….)

Way I see it, the so-called “struggle” ended when America elected that…. THING for President. So, Al Sharpton and his ilk should be out of a job.

So, this should be quite interesting to watch.

Update: Video (via Breit Bart)

Update 2: Even Pat Buchanan is thinking along the same lines: (H/T WND)

Here we have an African-American elder statesman of the Democratic Party, an honorable and distinguished man, appointed by the governor according to law and the Constitution, to fill a Senate seat. There has been no hint of illegal consideration asked or given by either the governor or Burris.

Yet Harry Reid, who presides over a Democratic caucus of some 60 senators, with not a single black member, is going to refuse this black man a seat to which the law entitles him?

One hopes Burris will stay firm and march up to that Senate, and, if nothing else, expose the hypocrisy.

Our president-elect is from a party that champions busing to integrate public schools but bypasses D.C. public schools to send his girls to exclusive private schools in far northwest Washington.

We have a Democratic Senate that champions affirmative action. Yet not one white Democratic senator, in a caucus that has not a single black member, has ever volunteered to step down and let the governor of their state replace him or her with an African-American.

Not one. That would be liberals leading by example, not exhortation.

If Democrats believe our institutions of power should look like America, why don’t they make their Senate caucus look like America? Why do not a dozen Democrat senators resign, to be replaced by 12 appointed black Democrats, giving one-fifth of all Democratic Senate seats to a minority that gave Barack 97 percent of its vote and Barack and Joe Biden one-fourth of all the votes they received?

Why does not Gov. Paterson follow Gov. Blagojevich’s lead and name an African-American of Burris’ stature to the U.S. Senate?

Fellas, let’s start practicing what we preach here.

There are times when I totally disagree with Pat, but he’s dead right here. If the Democrats have any sense, they will approve this guy. Pat says in this article that this Governor has not been convicted, and yet the Democrats are acting like the Governor is in Prison! Something stinks, and it’s not my body. 😀

Update 3: To expand this even further; what you are seeing here is two wings of the Democratic Party clashing. The Honorable Part of the Party that seeks to be above any sort of scandal, bumping up against the Identity Politics wing of the Democratic Party.  It’s more than just “Racism” or whites vs blacks, it’s two independent Political ideologies under the same tent. It’s quite the thing to watch.

Others: Hot Air, Sister Toldjah, Chicago Boyz, Althouse, and Viking Pundit (Via Memeornadum)

The Obligatory Muslims removed from Plane Posting

Yes, I know about it.

I have very mixed feelings. Part of me says, if they weren’t in this country, they would not have this problem. Seems that some of the Arabs have forgotten about September 11 and what some of their fellow Muslims did to this country on that horrible day.

On the other hand, I believe it is totally wrong to single out a particular minority, and treat them like second class citizens. I believe that when the FBI cleared them, they should have been allowed on the plane.

It is just one of them very complicated issues. I will not act like my fellow conservatives and pull out the “Identity Politics” line or do the pile on here.

There is no easy answer here, and knee jerk reactions and stupidity will not solve anything at all.

Update: Of course, the Liberal media does not report the whole Story…. (H/T Cold Fury)

Later in the day, six of the nine detained passengers approached the customer service counter and asked to be rebooked to Orlando. At the time, the airline had not been notified by the authorities that the passengers were cleared to fly and would not rebook them until receiving said clearance. One passenger in the party became irate and made inappropriate comments. The local law enforcement officials came over and escorted the passengers away from the gate podium

Update: (H/T Reason)

Terrorists or No? How would one tell?

Terrorists or No? How would one tell?

Seriously. If someone looking like this came onto a plane, making comments that sounded suspect. How would one know? Racial Profiling? Damn Straight. Some of us have not forgotten this:

Some of us, haven't forgotten who did this. It wasn't Americans

Some of us, haven't forgotten who did this. It wasn't Americans

‘Nuff Said. 😡

Others:  Jihad Watch, bastard.logic, Little Green Footballs, At-Largely, Preemptive Karma, Donklephant, Macsmind, JammieWearingFool, The Impolitic, Kevin Drum, Feministing,, PoliBlog, That Minority Thing, NO QUARTER and Connecting.the.Dots