I’m sorry, But I cannot agree with Taki Either

Once again, I find myself in opposition with Paleo-Conservatives. It seems that a prominent Paleo-Conservative that has made a rather startling comment on his website, that has raised the ire of other Conservatives.

Taki Theodoracopulos made the following comment on his Blog:

While Gaza is being bombarded by American-made F-16’s, here’s some food for thought: During the German occupation of Greece, the occupiers posted the following rules: If any German soldier was found murdered, 10 Greeks would immediately be rounded up at random and executed; if there was a repetition, the number would go up to 100. This draconian measure was not put into effect until the very end of the occupation in 1944, well after the Italian collapse of 1943. Communist agitators would go into what they thought were conservative neighborhoods-in other words, well-off precincts-spot a drunken German soldier, kill him, and then beat a hasty retreat. The next day innocent people would pay the piper. At times, the German high command rescinded the order, as it became obvious what was going on.

Switch to Gaza 64 years later. Since 2005 Israel, which is still punishing the original inhabitants of the lands it rules or occupies, has killed 150 Palestinians for each Israeli killed these last eight years. Just think of it. Seventeen Israeli lives have been expunged by the murder of 2550 Palestinian ones. That’s doing much better than the Nazis. And Elliot Abrams, son-in-law of neocon propaganda minister Norman Podhoretz, who’s ensconced in an office deep in the bowels of the White House, calls Hamas “terrorists” and urges even more severe punishments. In 2006, Israeli artillery fired a dawn barrage of shells, supposedly against militants in the Gazan village of Beit Hanoun. The guns missed. Seventeen members of a Palestinian family, the Athamnehs, died in their pajamas, cut to pieces by fragmenting 6-inch howitzer shells. The Israelis did not even issue an apology.

Of course, this elected a response by Lawrence Auster to remove his Blog from Taki’s Blogroll. Which I can understand, Lawrence Auster is in fact a Jewish man who converted to Christianity.  The reason why Taki is dead wrong on this issue is this; Taki must be ignorant of the facts. The facts are that Israel withdrew from the Gaza strip. They even allowed Fata to bring supplies through Israel’s border. Well, the people of Palestine voted out Fata and voted in Hamas, when this happened Hamas began smuggling weapons into the Gaza strip, and Israel closed the borders, and imposed a blockade on Gaza, because of the weapons smuggling.  Which is Israel’s right, Why should Hamas be allowed to mass weapons? Further more, Hamas was smuggling weapons in from Egypt, this is why those tunnels were destroyed.

Also Taki’s opinion that the Palestine is rightful owner of that land in which Israel exists is asinine at best. As a Born-Again Christian on 26 years and a very astute student of the Bible; I know for a fact, that the land in which Israel possesses is, in fact, rightfully theirs.  Anyone who says anything other than this is either a Atheist or worse an Anti-Semite. Now before anyone rushes off and calls me a Neo-Conservative,  I want to publicly state, as it does state on my “About me” page; I am not, nor will I ever be, a Neo-Conservative. I totally and emphatically reject what is known as the “Bush Doctrine” of Preemptive strikes.   However, I support that idea, that any Nation, has the right to defend itself of terrorist attacks, which is what Hamas is, A damn terrorist organization.

As expected the guy calling himself “RedPhilips” at the Conservative Heritage Times, doesn’t get it, at all:

Now Auster is at it again. He has called out Taki for his recent article on the Israel vs. Gaza conflict. While I think it is generally unwise to make Hitler and Nazi comparisons, because it is such an emotional subject and the neocons, for whom it is always 1939, do it all the time, Taki is not “comparing” Israel to the Nazis in the way that Auster implies. Taki is making a numeric comparison of the ratio of people killed on both sides.

Mr. Philips, I think you missed the point. Lewrence was not making the issue so much about the Hitler comparison.  I think he was more angered at this:

Switch to Gaza 64 years later. Since 2005 Israel, which is still punishing the original inhabitants of the lands it rules or occupies, has killed 150 Palestinians for each Israeli killed these last eight years.

See the part in red? Taki’ essentally said that Israel didn’t belong there. That is a line that usually spouted by Anti-Semites or at worst Atheists. This, I believe, was the major issue.

While I personally think that it is quite sad that a great number of Palestinians are being killed in this conflict; I also am aware of the circumstances surrounding this conflict and I believe that Israel is very will within it’s own personal rights to defend it’s own land from terrorist attacks. I believe that the United States is doing right what they’re doing at the moment, staying out of it, but offering support. That’s all we need to do. Otherwise, we would be interfering.