Further thoughts on the Edwards scandal …

It seems that John’s Wife, Elizabeth has posted a message at Kos.

Today by Elizabeth Edwards (Via DailyKos):

Our family has been through a lot. Some caused by nature, some caused by human weakness, and some – most recently – caused by the desire for sensationalism and profit without any regard for the human consequences. None of these has been easy. But we have stood with one another through them all. Although John believes he should stand alone and take the consequences of his action now, when the door closes behind him, he has his family waiting for him.

John made a terrible mistake in 2006. The fact that it is a mistake that many others have made before him did not make it any easier for me to hear when he told me what he had done. But he did tell me. And we began a long and painful process in 2006, a process oddly made somewhat easier with my diagnosis in March of 2007. This was our private matter, and I frankly wanted it to be private because as painful as it was I did not want to have to play it out on a public stage as well. Because of a recent string of hurtful and absurd lies in a tabloid publication, because of a picture falsely suggesting that John was spending time with a child it wrongly alleged he had fathered outside our marriage, our private matter could no longer be wholly private.

The pain of the long journey since 2006 was about to be renewed.

John has spoken in a long on-camera interview I hope you watch. Admitting one’s mistakes is a hard thing for anyone to do, and I am proud of the courage John showed by his honesty in the face of shame. The toll on our family of news helicopters over our house and reporters in our driveway is yet unknown. But now the truth is out, and the repair work that began in 2006 will continue. I ask that the public, who expressed concern about the harm John’s conduct has done to us, think also about the real harm that the present voyeurism does and give me and my family the privacy we need at this time.

Unlike some, who are berating her for her husband’s action. I will not do this. What people need to understand is this, The Edwards family is more than just a political family; they are southern folk. Now before anyone takes this the wrong way, as my now deceased Grandmother, who was from Dalton, Georgia would say, “Now hold your horses!” So, hold your horses, and hear me out.

It is a commonplace among the women on the south, to be fiercely protective of their husbands. No matter what they have done. Yes, I am sure she is angry with him, who would not be? Nevertheless, she still loves him, and that protective kind of a love, which is very common in the south, is a bizarre thing to behold. Believe me, when I say this, this is not to be taken as an insult. That is the, if you will pardon the illusion to it, the “Stand by your man” kind of love, that Hillary Clinton mocked. If Edwards were from New York, he would be a single man by now.

However, the Edwards are from the south, it is taught or used to be taught, back in the old days, that Women were to stand by their man, and love him, no matter what. Where does this sort of a teaching come from? The Church. From the Bible itself. It is part of our common American value system. There is nothing wrong with it at all.

Does this justify the fact that Mrs. Edwards knowingly lied about her husband’s affair to their followers and staff? No. Does it justify that the Edwards used their supposed “Family Values” as a charade to get Edwards elected? Not one bit. Nevertheless, the fact remains; she was doing what she was trained to do. Protecting the one she loves.

What drives me up the proverbial wall is the media’s insistence that somehow that the Edwards owe them some sort of an apology. I have not in my many years of following Politics, from afar and now close up like I do, seen such utter hypocrisy from the main stream media in my entire life. All during the primary election, the Main Stream Media could have given two plug nickels about the Edwards campaign; they were too busy with their proverbial noses being stuck up the proverbial royal behinds of Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Now that this scandal has broken, they somehow or another have appointed themselves to be the judge, jury and executioners of the Edwards personal lives, future political ambitions and future in the public eye as a whole. This, as far as this political blogger is concerned, speaks to the thuggish mafia mentality of the cooperate controlled Media in this country. It also speaks to the “I got to have the latest greatest news” mentality of the 21-century populous in this Nation and in this God-Forsaken world of ours as a whole.

As I said previously in my last posting on this subject, my prayers will be with the Edwards family. But my prayers will also be that the Blogging world and that the main stream media would finally see this damned story for that it is; a private family matter and will collectively as whole, move on to the next story.

Others Blogging: Marc Ambinder, Macsmind, Buck Naked Politics, The Corner, Power Line and JoeTrippi.com

My thoughts on the Edwards Affair

Yes, I know about the Edwards affair story. I have been sitting here and thinking about it. A few thoughts:

  • Cheating on your wife, while she is terminal with cancer, makes you a scum ball in my book.
  • I do not buy the lie that he did not father the child. Why did he just not admit it?
  • Why did the media just sit on this, while the tabloids worked the story?
  • Somewhere, Ann Coulter is beside herself with glee and writing a very snarky column.
  • I feel terribly awful for Edward’s Adult Children, Kids, and of course, his poor wife.
  • Let us not forget, John McCain’s past, when it comes to Women, is not exactly honorable.
  • Let us also remember that Barack Obama is very happily married with two kids.

John Edwards has released an official statement: (Via Marc Ambinder @ The Atlantic)

In 2006, I made a serious error in judgment and conducted myself in a way that was disloyal to my family and to my core beliefs. I recognized my mistake and I told my wife that I had a liaison with another woman, and I asked for her forgiveness. Although I was honest in every painful detail with my family, I did not tell the public. When a supermarket tabloid told a version of the story, I used the fact that the story contained many falsities to deny it. But being 99% honest is no longer enough.

I was and am ashamed of my conduct and choices, and I had hoped that it would never become public. With my family, I took responsibility for my actions in 2006 and today I take full responsibility publicly. But that misconduct took place for a short period in 2006. It ended then. I am and have been willing to take any test necessary to establish the fact that I am not the father of any baby, and I am truly hopeful that a test will be done so this fact can be definitively established. I only know that the apparent father has said publicly that he is the father of the baby. I also have not been engaged in any activity of any description that requested, agreed to or supported payments of any kind to the woman or to the apparent father of the baby.

It is inadequate to say to the people who believed in me that I am sorry, as it is inadequate to say to the people who love me that I am sorry. In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic. If you want to beat me up – feel free. You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help.

I have given a complete interview on this matter and having done so, will have nothing more to say.

See ya silky, just go away, go away now and don’t ever come back.

Update: Reader Simon e-mails:

Hey Paleo Pat,

I read your post about John Edwards finally admitting to his affair. I
don’t know if you remember this, but the LA Times banned its bloggers
from writing about the Edwards affair story because they didn’t think
the National Enquirer was a “reputable” source. I actually got a phone
interview with one of the LA Times’ top editors who said so:

Click here to read story

I bet the National Enquirer is feeling vindicated right now.

Anyway, I thought you and your readers would find this humorous.

Take care,

Yes, I do find this to be quite funny actually. Thanks Simon.

Others Blogging: Crooks and Liars, Marc Ambinder, The New Republic, The Corner, The Huffington Post, The Moderate Voice, The Gun Toting Liberal?, TalkLeft, Althouse, MoJoBlog, Little Green Footballs, The Swamp, michellemalkin.com, The G Spot, The Dish Rag, The Opinionator, Jonathan Martin’s Blogs, Balloon Juice, Washington Monthly, Don Surber, D-Day, Sister Toldjah, The Jawa Report, The Caucus, Pam’s House Blend, Alas, a blog, TVNewser, pandagon.net, Gawker, Hotline On Call, The Carpetbagger Report, MSNBC, Washington Post, The Daily Dish, TMZ.com, Top of the Ticket, Boston Globe, Patterico’s Pontifications, QandO, Ben Smith’s Blogs, Wake up America, TIME.com, TigerHawk, The Campaign Spot, Blogs of War, American Street, Gateway Pundit, Real Clear Politics, Wonkette, Taylor Marsh, Liberal Values, DBKP, Atlas Shrugs, Neptunus Lex, Macsmind, Political Machine and PoliticalBase.com Blog and More via Memeorandum

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Message to Gary Ruppert

While I agree with your sentiments. The use of the term that you did, in the regards to “camps”. Was unacceptable for public consumption. So, I deleted your comments.

But you’re correct about how Liberals act. Although, I know some Republican Conservatives who act just as bad as some of the Far Left. Ann Coulter is a perfect example.

Just letting you know.

Whoa…: Obama’s Nazi Symbol?!?!

This is kinda spooky, if you ask me.

The Story: One Nation, Under a New Obama Salute – Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

George Bush had his three-fingered W salute that supporters flashed when greeting him at presidential campaign events in 2000. And now, if a Los Angeles creative agency gets its way, Sen. Barack Obama will see fans meet him with his own salute like the one above. “Our goal is to see a crowd of 75,000 people at Obama’s nomination speech holding their hands above their heads, fingers laced together in support of a new direction for this country, a renewed hope, and acceptance of responsibility for our future,” says Rick Husong, owner of The Loyalty Inc. Husong tells me that he got the idea after seeing the famous Obama-Progress poster by artist Shepherd Fairey. “We wanted to get involved some way,” he says. So, the agency came up with their own a symbol of hope and progress that also plays off Obama’s name. “We thought, ‘Let’s try and start a movement where even while walking down the street, people would hold up the O and you would know that they were for Obama,’ ” says Husong. Much thought went into the relatively simple idea. “You interlace your hands in a circle, the interlacing being a symbol of different types of people coming together and the circle a symbol of unity,” he says. Their design, unlike Fairey’s, is free, and Husong is urging people to download it and print it on posters and T-shirts. “We want to see it everywhere, but more importantly we want this sign to take the world by storm.”

Wanna see what the Symbol looks like?

If I remember correctly, there were a few other signs of Socialism…. Let’s see here:


Like they say… Birds of a Feather….

Others Blogging:
Riehl World View, JustOneMinute, The Corner, Macsmind, www.redstate.com, baldilocks, Stop The ACLU, Gateway Pundit, Sadly, No!, Confederate Yankee, Flopping Aces, AMERICAN DIGEST and Fausta’s Blog (Via Memeorandum)

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Man, I’ve heard of needing one’s coffee, but…. This?!?!?!?!?

Man, I thought I was grouchy in the morning…. 😮 😯

The Story: Cop suspended for demanding free Starbucks (Via msnbc.com)

Chicago police officer has been suspended for 15 months for demanding free coffee and baked goods from six different Starbucks.

Officer Barbara Nevers, a 14-year veteran, has also been ordered to undergo counseling.

The Police Board ruled in May that 55-year-old Nevers intimidated Starbucks employees by screaming at them and flashing her badge, handcuffs or gun when they wanted her to pay. The board released its findings Thursday.

There’s a Arnold Schwarzenegger imitation in that story somewhere… Paging Jim Ward!

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From the Dept. of “Well, Duh!”

One of the funniest Political Blog postings I’ve ever seen. Identity Politics at it’s finest.

TheRoot.com asks, “Can Blacks be trusted to cover Obama?”

When a weary and jet-lagged Barack Obama took the stage on the last day of the UNITY Journalists of Color convention in Chicago last month, most of the attendees had already left. But there was still a healthy crowd of over 2,500 there to hear the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

That is when, according to the mainstream media, black folks apparently acted like natural-born fools.

As you all know, I am quite well known for my controversial remarks. It is what I do. So, I will not disappoint.

Saying that blacks can be totally trusted to cover Obama would be like saying that White Nationalists could be trusted to cover David Duke.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, , Right Truth, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

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BREAKING NEWS: Detroit’s Democrat Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick sent to JAIL!

Breaking News in Detroit!

There is justice in the City of Detroit! Major Kwame Kilpatrick will SPEND THE NIGHT IN JAIL, or stay possibly longer. His Lawyers are going to see a judge at 9:00 A.M. to attempt to appeal the ruling.


Judge Ronald Giles has ordered Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick into Wayne County Jail for violating his bond.

The mayor violated his bond when he went to Canada July 23 without informing the court, a condition of his bond. The judge also pointed out that the mayor had to make many calls and arrangements for his trip to Canada and could have easily called the court to alert it of the trip.

The 36th District Court judge stressed that he was treating Detroit’s mayor in the same way he would “John Sixpack.”

The Judge also withdrew the drug screening since the mayor took four tests and all came back clean.

It is not clear how long the mayor will be in jail since the judge revoked his bond.

Judge Giles also revoked the mayor’s ability to travel.

Kudo’s to the judge that did this, his name is Judge Ronald Giles and he is the best!

Faux outrage from the left and from Al Sharpton and the race hustling crown in 5…4…3…2..1

Update: Memeorandum now has coverage

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Possibly one of the funniest responses to the Republican Nation Committee’s Letters is found right Here.


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Open TrackBack, Open Thread

Just a short note, I going to be hopefully talking to someone about a Job. Not sure what’s going to happen. I might be able to work for home. Which would be like totally awesome. I’ll keep everyone posted.

Here’s the Trackbacks:

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, Shadowscope, Cao’s Blog, Conservative Cat, third world county, Allie is Wired, DragonLady’s World, , The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, , and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

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My thoughts on the Edwards Photos…

I must say that I agree with AllahPundit over at HotAir.com.

Those photos of Edwards look quite doctored to me as well. They also have a blur effect applied to them as well. This makes them quite suspect to me.

If I were Edwards, I would be hiring an attorney and suing the living snot out of that magazine.

More Commentary at Memeorandum

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Justice for 9/11 victims or an overreaching justice system? You Decide

I have mixed feelings on this.

The Story Bin Laden’s Former Driver Found Guilty in Split Decision (Via NYTimes.com)

A panel of six military officers convicted a former driver for Osama bin Laden of a war crime Wednesday, completing the first military commission trial here and the first conducted by the United States since the end of World War II.

But the commission acquitted the former driver, Salim Ahmed Hamdan, of a conspiracy charge, arguably the more serious of two charges he faced. His conviction came on a separate but lesser charge of providing material support for terrorism.

Mr. Hamdan, who has said he is about 40, faces a possible life term. The sentence is to be set in a separate proceeding before the same panel that is to begin this afternoon. As the verdict was read, Mr. Hamdan, who has been in custody since he was detained in Afghanistan in November of 2001, stood passively at the defense table in a white headscarf, his head bent slightly down.

The conviction of Mr. Hamdan, a Yemeni who was part of a select group of drivers and bodyguards for Mr. bin Laden until 2001, was a long-sought, if somewhat qualified, victory for the Bush administration, which has been working to begin military commission trials at the isolated naval base here for nearly seven years.

At first thought, One would think “Great! One of the terrorists was convicted.” However upon closer inspection, one sees the following:

Mr. Hamdan was convicted by a panel of six senior military officers who, according to an order of the military judge, could not be publicly identified. The panel deliberated for eight hours over three days. As permitted under the law Congress passed for trials here in 2006, the trial included secret evidence and testimony in a closed courtroom.

Critics have long claimed that the military commission system here does not meet American standards of fundamental justice, in part because the Military Commissions Law allows hearsay evidence and evidence derived through coercive interrogation methods. The public is not allowed in the courtroom, and legal documents are often never released.

After closing arguments Monday, Charles D. Swift, a former Navy lawyer who has represented Mr. Hamdan for years, said the two-week proceeding here had been a trial that did not follow the American rule of law and that the defense believed American courts would eventually correct the legal errors here. Mr. Swift called the military commission “a made-up tribunal to try anybody we don’t like.”

My question is not if this man deserved to be tried or not, it is HOW he was tried. This whole argument of “He is not a United States citizen, he does not have the right that citizens of the United States possess”, does not wash with me. I am sorry, but we treated Japanese prisoners better than we treat these people.

I just wonder, how long it will be, before our own Government will start treating its own citizens like barbaric animals? If we allow this sort of unconstitutional nonsense to continue, it could be sooner than you think. Could you imagine the horror of being subjected to this sort of a trial? All for insulting a Islamic person or their supposed “Holy Koran”?

Or if someone like me, a protestant, for insulting a roman catholic? It could happen, and believe me, the Roman Catholic Church would be most pleased, after all, they did torture my Baptist forefathers.

I simply give you my opinion. You decide what to do with it.

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Justice for 9/11 victims or an overreaching justice system? You Decide

I have mixed feelings on this.

The Story Bin Laden’s Former Driver Found Guilty in Split Decision (Via NYTimes.com)

A panel of six military officers convicted a former driver for Osama bin Laden of a war crime Wednesday, completing the first military commission trial here and the first conducted by the United States since the end of World War II.

But the commission acquitted the former driver, Salim Ahmed Hamdan, of a conspiracy charge, arguably the more serious of two charges he faced. His conviction came on a separate but lesser charge of providing material support for terrorism.

Mr. Hamdan, who has said he is about 40, faces a possible life term. The sentence is to be set in a separate proceeding before the same panel that is to begin this afternoon. As the verdict was read, Mr. Hamdan, who has been in custody since he was detained in Afghanistan in November of 2001, stood passively at the defense table in a white headscarf, his head bent slightly down.

The conviction of Mr. Hamdan, a Yemeni who was part of a select group of drivers and bodyguards for Mr. bin Laden until 2001, was a long-sought, if somewhat qualified, victory for the Bush administration, which has been working to begin military commission trials at the isolated naval base here for nearly seven years.

At first thought, One would think “Great! One of the terrorists was convicted.” However upon closer inspection, one sees the following:

Mr. Hamdan was convicted by a panel of six senior military officers who, according to an order of the military judge, could not be publicly identified. The panel deliberated for eight hours over three days. As permitted under the law Congress passed for trials here in 2006, the trial included secret evidence and testimony in a closed courtroom.

Critics have long claimed that the military commission system here does not meet American standards of fundamental justice, in part because the Military Commissions Law allows hearsay evidence and evidence derived through coercive interrogation methods. The public is not allowed in the courtroom, and legal documents are often never released.

After closing arguments Monday, Charles D. Swift, a former Navy lawyer who has represented Mr. Hamdan for years, said the two-week proceeding here had been a trial that did not follow the American rule of law and that the defense believed American courts would eventually correct the legal errors here. Mr. Swift called the military commission “a made-up tribunal to try anybody we don’t like.”

My question is not if this man deserved to be tried or not, it is HOW he was tried. This whole argument of “He is not a United States citizen, he does not have the right that citizens of the United States possess”, does not wash with me. I am sorry, but we treated Japanese prisoners better than we treat these people.

I just wonder, how long it will be, before our own Government will start treating its own citizens like barbaric animals? If we allow this sort of unconstitutional nonsense to continue, it could be sooner than you think. Could you imagine the horror of being subjected to this sort of a trial? All for insulting a Islamic person or their supposed “Holy Koran”?

Or if someone like me, a protestant, for insulting a roman catholic? It could happen, and believe me, the Roman Catholic Church would be most pleased, after all, they did torture my Baptist forefathers.

I simply give you my opinion. You decide what to do with it.

My Thoughts on the Keith Olbermann and Dana Milbank Split

Yes, I have seen Keith Olbermann’s entry over at the Kos. Overall, I think it speaks to Olbermann’s integrity in the business. Dana Milbank obviously distorted a quote for personal gain and that put him at odds with Keith.

The argument that MSNBC and Keith are in the tank for Obama is naïve and simplistic at best. That is the narrow view of the whole situation. Keith was just looking out for the integrity of his show; Keith knew that if he did not call Milbank on this, people on the left and the right would ridicule him. Therefore, Keith did the smartest thing possible, damage control. Keith held Dana’s feet to the proverbial fire. Milbank seeing that the world was against him, made a new deal with another network.

From reading the reactions, everyone seems to think that Keith did the right thing, and the Bloggers are saying that Olbermann is in the can for Obama; again, that is the narrow view of the whole situation. One Hillary shill thinks it was just downright horrible; however, this is the same moronic idiot, which claimed there was a Michelle Obama “Whitey” tape, which we have still not seen.

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Obama’s Magic fades

……….and I could not be more pleased. 😀

Via McClatchy Washington Bureau:

Barack Obama has lost ground among some of his strongest bases of support, including young people, women, Democrats and independents, according to a new ATV/Zogby poll.

The Illinois Democrat has also lost some support among African-Americans and Hispanics, where his lead over Republican John McCain has shrunk, and among Catholics, where he’s lost his lead.

The net result, pollster John Zogby found, is a race that’s neck and neck, with McCain supported by 42 percent; Obama by 41 percent; Libertarian Bob Barr by 2 percent; and independent Ralph Nader by 2 percent. Another 13 percent supported other candidates or were undedcided.

Zogby called the results a “notable turnaround” from a July survey he did that showed Obama leading by 46-36.

“McCain made signifciant gains at Obama’s expense among some of what had been Obama’s strongest demographic groups,” Zogby said.

His findings:

-Among voters aged 18-29, Obama lost 16 percent and McCain gained 20. Obama still leads, 49-38;

-Among women, McCain gained 10 percentage points. Obama now leads 43-38;

-Among independents, Obama lost an 11 point lead. They’re now tied;

-Among Democrats, Obama’s support dropped from 83 percent to 74 percent;

-Among Catholics, Obama lost the 11 point lead he had in July and now trails McCain by 15.

Looks like the veneer has worn off of Obama and people are beginning to see that idiot Marxist Liberal for what he is. Not only this, John McCain found a campaign message that is finally sticking and is making Obama look like a total inexperienced buffoon. The trip overseas also did not make Obama look good at all.

Not to mention, like I said before, Obama played McCain’s hand on race, whether if he knew it or not. This did not resonate well with middle America, AKA White America. Not only this, general black population does not view Obama as truly authentic. This does not do him well, because he is relying on the black vote. If he looses the Black Vote and looses Middle America. We will be looking at another Republican President.

Personally, as a Libertarian Paleo-Conservative, the idea of another Neo-Conservative in the White House, makes me cringe. However, the idea of a Marxist in the White House scares me to high Heaven. I guess it is the lesser of two evils. That is, of course, you vote for a third party candidate, which we all know is basically tossing a vote out the window.

More Commentary at Memeorandum

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Blogs For Borders! 08/04/2008

Our weekly vlog — podcast on illegal immigration and border security. In this week’s edition…

Media Malpractice: What has the LA Times tap dancing about hate crimes in their neck of the woods?

100% Preventable! Innocent children continue to pay the violent price for open borders! When will the madness end?

The ladies of You Don’t Speak for Me speak for themselves!

Thanks again to the official sponsor of last week’s show from Postville, An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings, and to everyone who chipped in to get us there.

Until next week — be vigilant, be vocal, and be unrelenting — we’ve got a country to save!

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This is from a Baptist Missionary’s Mailing list, that I am on….

If homosexuality is fully legalized and homosexual activists are given every right they demand, citizens in western nations will be robbed of many liberties they have heretofore enjoyed. This is not a guess; it is a judgment based on current facts. The right to free speech and the right to the free exercise of religion, in particular, will be effectively destroyed.


In 1997 Jo Ann Knight was fired by the Connecticut Department of Public Health after she counseled a homosexual couple from the Bible about salvation and about the necessity of repenting of sin. Knight’s job was to supervise the provision of medical services by Medicare agencies to home health care patients, and in that capacity she interviewed patients. The homosexuals filed a complaint with the Commission on Human Rights. A district court upheld Knight’s dismissal, claiming that her religious speech caused her clients distress and interfered with the performance of her duties.

In 2000 Evelyn Bodett was fired by CoxCom Cable for expressing her biblical views against homosexuality to a lesbian subordinate. They claimed that she was thereby “coercing and harassing” the lesbian contrary to company policy. The lesbian, Kelley Carson, had sought Bodett’s advice in regard to a recent breakup with her homosexual partner, and Bodett gave her biblical counsel that homosexuality is a sin. Carson complained about the matter to a supervisor. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Bodett’s religious discrimination suit.

In 2001 Richard Peterson was fired by Hewlett-Packard after he posted Bible verses condemning homosexuality. Peterson, who had worked for HP for nearly 21 years, posted the verses in response to the company’s diversity policy that requires acceptance of homosexuality. The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in 2004 that Peterson was not discriminated against because of his religious beliefs. Commenting on the case, Stephen Crampton, chief counsel for the American Family Association’s Center for Law & Policy, said: “The new rule in the workplace seems to be: The Bible is out; diversity is in” (“Using Caesar’s Sword,” AgapePress, March 19, 2004).

In 2002 homosexual activists tried to get the Ferndale City Council in Michigan to fire volunteer police chaplain Tom Hansen for stating his biblical views against homosexuality. The organization Soulforce claimed that Hansen, the pastor of a Baptist church, was committing “spiritual violence” against homosexuals by saying that it is sinful. The divided city council opted not to dismiss the pastor, but it did issue a resolution condemning him for his “anti-gay” views.

In 2002 Rolf Szabo was fired by Eastman Kodak for objecting to the company’s diversity policy. The program, which is called “Winning & Inclusive Culture,” allows no “negative comments” toward “gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered” employees. After the company sent out an email memo in October 2002 announcing “coming out” day for homosexual employees and demanding that they be given full acceptance and encouragement, Rolf replied to the same mailing list (1,000 employees), “Please do not send this type of information to me anymore, as I find it disgusting and offensive. Thank you.” For refusing to apologize and submit to diversity sensitivity training, Rolf was fired. He had worked for Kodak for 23 years.

In 2002 in Saskatchewan, Canada, the StarPhoenix newspaper of Saskatoon and Hugh Owens were ordered to pay $1,500 to three homosexual activists for publishing an ad in the newspaper in 1997 quoting Bible verses regarding homosexuality. The advertisement displayed references to four Bible passages (Romans 1, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10) on the left side. An equal sign (=) was situated in the middle, with a symbol on the right side comprised of two males holding hands with the universal sign of a red circle with a diagonal bar superimposed over the top. Owens bought the ad and the StarPhoenix merely printed it. The Human Rights Commission’s ruling was appealed to the courts. In February 2003 the Court of Queen’s Bench in Saskatchewan refused to overturn it, with Justice J. Barclay saying the advertisement was an incitement to hatred. But in April 2006 the ruling was overturned by the Saskatchewan Court of Appeals (“Court Reverses Ruling,” WorldNetDaily, April 14, 2006).

In 2003 the city of Oakland, California, labeled a flier posted on a workplace bulletin board as “homophobic” because it used the terms “the natural family and marriage” (Suit to Decide Workplace ‘Hate Speech,’” The Washington Times, June 11, 2007). The flier, which was posted by Regina Rederford and Robin Christy, was removed after a lesbian complained to the city attorney’s office that it made her feel “excluded.” When Rederford and Christy sued the city, claiming their First Amendment rights had been violated, they lost at the local, state, and federal level, with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling against them. The case has been appealed to the Supreme Court.

In June 2004 Pentecostal Pastor Ake Green in Sweden became the first pastor in the European Union to be charged under hate crimes. He was convicted for denouncing homosexuality as “abnormal,” “something sick,” and “a deep cancerous tumor in the body of society” and sentenced to one month in jail. The conviction was overturned by an appeals court.

In October 2004 eleven Christians with the Repent America organization who were protesting a homosexual “Outfest” in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, were arrested and charged with a laundry list of crimes. In February 2005 four members of the group stood trial on three felony and five misdemeanor counts and the judge dismissed all charges. Common Pleas Court Judge Pamela Dembe said, “We cannot stifle speech because we don’t want to hear it, or we don’t want to hear it now” (“Judge Drops Charges,” Baptist Press, Feb. 18, 2005). (Homosexual activists claim that the group was disrupting their program and refusing police requests to move, but the judge ruled that they did nothing illegal.) Repent America uses placards such as “God Abhors You.”

In 2005 in Alberta Fred Henry, Roman Catholic bishop of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, was subject to two complaints before the Alberta Human Rights Commission after publishing a pastoral letter defending the traditional definition of marriage earlier that same year. (“Canada’s Human Rights Beef with Catholics,” Zenit, Feb. 5, 2008). Bishop Henry told Zenit: “The social climate right now is that we’re into a new form of censorship and thought control, and the commissions are being used as thought police.”

In January 2006, Catholic city councilman John Decicco of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, was fined $1,000 and required to apologize for saying that homosexuality is “not normal or natural” (LifeSiteNews, Jan. 19, 2007). In his remarks, which were made in a city council meeting, DeCicco was expressing the official doctrine of his church. The fine goes to two homosexual activists who brought the complaint. DeCicco was also forced to issue a public statement that his comments were “inappropriate and hurtful to some.” DeCiccco told LifeSiteNews, “I’m not against lesbian and gay people, but I don’t agree that I should have to endorse it.”

After he preached against homosexuality at a fellow officer’s funeral in September 2006, Sgt. Eric Holyfield of the Los Angeles Police Department was removed from his position in community relations, moved back to patrol duty, and passed over for promotions and pay raises (“Police Office Sues LAPD and Los Angeles, Alleging Religious Discrimination,” Los Angeles Times, July 2, 2008). In his euology, Holyfield, who is also a pastor, quoted Bible verses proving that homosexuality is an abomination before God and said that one must repent or be condemned to hell. Holyfield’s commanding officer, Charlie Beck, who was present at the funeral, filed a formal complaint against him.

In February 2007 complaints were brought before the Human Rights Commission in Canada targeting Catholic Insight magazine and priest Alphonse De Valk, a well-known pro-life activist, for quoting from the Bible and church documents to refute “same-sex marriage.” The complaint was brought by homosexual activist Rob Wells, a member of the Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered Pride Center of Edmonton. He accuses the magazine of promoting “extreme hatred and contempt” against homosexuals. De Valk says, “The basic view of the Church is that homosexual acts are a sin, but we love the sinner,” adding that opposing same-sex marriage is not the same as rejecting homosexuals as persons (“Canada’s Human Rights Beef with Catholics,” Zenit, Feb. 5, 2008).

In 2007 the Christian Heritage Party of Canada and its leader Ron Gray were investigated by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) after a homosexual activist complained that he was offended by material on the party’s web site. The activist, Rob Wells, has also launched complaints against Craig Chandler in Alberta and Alphonse de Valk and Catholic Insight magazine. One of the articles that Wells complained about was an April 29, 2002, report published by WorldNetDaily in America citing a study that found that pedophilia is more common among homosexuals (http://wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=27431). Another article, written by Ron Gray, protested Canada’s bill to legalize same-sex marriage. Gray told LifeSiteNews: “Christians are probably the best friends homosexuals have in the world because we want to see them delivered from an addiction that will shorten their lives in this world and condemn them in the next. I’m not motivated by hate at all. I would guess that very few if any real Christians are motivated by hate in their response to these issues. It’s a question of compassion. Who truly loves you, someone who tells you the truth even when it hurts, or someone who will tell you you’re okay even when you’re headed down the wrong road. The Scripture says, ‘Faithful are the wounds of a friend, and deceitful are the kisses of an enemy’” (“Christian Political Party before Human Rights Commission,” LifeSiteNews, Nov. 27, 2007). He added: “I really think this is a crucial case because if an agency of the government, which the CHRC is, can tell a political party what it may and may not include in its political statements we have gone way down the road to totalitarianism.”

In June 2007 a coalition of protestant churches in Brazil was ordered to halt their campaign “In Defense of the Family” and to remove billboards that said, “Homosexuality: God made them man and woman, and saw that it was good!” “A court order decreed the removal of the billboards and the cancellation of a public event scheduled by the coalition to further the defense of family values, claiming that it was ‘homophobic’” (“Brazil Attacks against Family Defenders,” LifeSiteNews, July 30, 2007).

In June 2008 Stephen Boisson, an evangelical youth pastor, was banned from expressing opposition to homosexuality in any public forum and ordered to pay $7,000 “damages for pain and suffering” to the homosexual activist who brought the complaint. The trouble began in 2002 when Boisson wrote a letter to the editor of the Red Deer Advocate newspaper in Alberta and denounced the advance of homosexual activism in the schools. Printed under the heading “Homosexual Agenda Wicked,” the letter said: “Children as young as five and six years of age are being subjected to psychologically and physiologically damaging pro-homosexual literature and guidance in the public school system; all under the fraudulent guise of equal rights.” This offended a homosexual teacher named Darren Lund who complained to the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal.

In July 2008 Marcia Walden was fired from her counseling job with Computer Sciences Corporation after she referred a homosexual patient to another counselor for same-sex relationship advice (“Counselor Fired over Christian Beliefs,” OneNewsNow, July 18, 2008)>


The following is excerpted from “Now It’s EX-‘gays’ getting pummeled,” WorldNetDaily, May 28, 2008:

“Regina Griggs, the executive director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays, said her organization and staff members repeatedly have been attacked simply because of their message: that there are such individuals as former homosexuals. Some attacks have been physical, such as the 2007 incident at the Arlington County Fair. …

“Griggs said at the time, ‘The gays became infuriated when our ex-gay volunteers testified about leaving homosexuality. … One gay man went so far as to hit our ex-gay volunteer because he refused to recant his ex-gay testimony.’

“The fair was one of the events to which PFOX was admitted. Several other major influences in America today, including the National Education Association, and the Parent-Teachers Association, simply refuse to allow PFOX to appear at their events.

“Those who condemn homosexuality also face electronic badgering. When Sally Kern, an Oklahoma lawmaker, vocally rejected the homosexual lifestyle choice as a threat, she was inundated with tens of thousands of e-mails in a coordinated attack on her beliefs. Some of the e-mails threatened her. …

“Griggs told WND the movement is becoming more aggressive in teaching that homosexuality is something people are born with, not something they choose for whatever reasons.

“‘We have a school board teaching homosexuality is innate. We have judges ruling schools are not required to teach fact-based [sex education] information. Basically they are silencing anyone who holds a different opinion. Their sole concern is about advancing that homosexuality is normal, natural and healthy and should have all the equal benefits of marriage. If you come at it from a Christian perspective, that makes you a homophobe,’ she said, citing the case of a University of Toledo administrator who was fired for expressing her personal Christian testimony regarding homosexuality. ‘They’re not seeking equality; they’re seeking total control,’ she said. …

“‘Each year thousands of men and women with same-sex attractions make the personal decision to leave homosexuality by means of reparative therapy, ex-gay ministry or group counseling. Their choice is one only they can make. However, there are others who refuse to respect that choice, and endeavor to attack the ex-gay community. Consequently, ex-gays are subject to an increasingly hostile environment where they are reviled or attacked as perpetrators of hate and discrimination simply because they dare to exist,’ Griggs said.”


The legalization of homosexuality is already beginning to destroy the concept of father and mother, husband and wife.

The new marriage licenses in California replace “husband and wife” with “Party A and Party B.”

In Scotland, teachers in some major cities have banned Father’s Day cards this year so as not to offend students who live with single mothers and lesbians. The London Telegraph reports, “The politically correct policy was quietly adopted at schools ‘in the interests of sensitivity’ over the growing number of lone-parent and same-sex households” (“Father’s Day Cards Banned,” June 20, 2008).

Last year Scotland’s National Health Service approved a policy for hospital workers mis-titled “Fair For All.” In fact, the policy is “fair” for no one, because it destroys the right of free speech and forbids the use of historic and biblical terms such as “mother” and “father” (since some patients might have two mothers or two fathers) and “husband” and “wife,” labeling this “homophobic language.” Such terms must be replaced with “partner” or “they/them” (Ed Vitagliano, “There is only one acceptable way to talk about homosexuality — SILENCE!” OneNewsNow.com, May 31, 2007). The policy is to be strictly enforced.

In May 2007 the California state senate passed bill SB 777. If approved by the state assembly and signed by the governor, it will ban any speech in the public school system that “reflects or promotes bias against” homosexuality, transgenders, bisexuals, or those who “perceived” gender issues. The ban would apply even to discussions. Randy Thomasson of the Campaign for Children and Families warns that references to “mother” and “father” would probably be banned if this idiotic policy becomes law (“Lawmakers Pass Redefinition of ‘Sex,” The Berean Call, June 8, 2007).


In 2001 in Toronto, Ontario, printer Scott Brockie was fined $5,000 for refusing to print homosexual-themed stationery for the Canadian Gay and Lesbian Archives. The human rights commissioner in this case was Heather MacNaughton.

In 2001 a Christian gynecologist at the North Coast Women’s Care Medical Group in Vista, California, was sued by a lesbian for refusing to provide in vitro fertilization treatment due to his religious convictions. Dr. Christine Brody has religious objections to pregnancy and childbirth outside of marriage, but a fellow physician referred Benitez to an outside specialist and the clinic agreed to pay any cost involved in the fact that the specialist was not covered by the lesbian’s health insurance (“Another Type of Conscientious Objector,” American Civil Rights Union Blog, April 30, 2007). In spite of that and in spite of the fact that she became pregnant and bore a healthy son, Guadalupe Benitez sued. In May 2008 the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the case. “Legal experts believe that the woman’s right to medical treatment will trump the doctor’s religious beliefs. One justice suggested that the doctors take up a different line of business” (“When Gay Rights and Religious Liberties Clash,” National Public Radio, June 13, 2008).

In 2005 a British Columbia Knights of Columbus council was ordered to pay $2,000 to two lesbians, plus their legal costs, for refusing to allow its facility to be used for their “wedding.” The human rights commissioner in this case was Heather MacNaughton.

In 2007, after a Methodist organization in New Jersey refused to rent its facility to a lesbian couple for their civil union ceremony, a complaint was filed with the state Division of Civil Rights. It ruled against the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, saying that since the property was open for public use, it could not discriminate against homosexuals. The state revoked their tax exemption for the property. Pastor Scott Hoffman, administrator for the Association, says they refused to rent the facility because of the theological principle that marriage is between a man and a woman. They are appealing to the state court system. The complaint came soon after New Jersey legalized same sex civil unions.

In April 2008 the New Mexico Human Rights Commission fined a Christian photography studio $6,600 for discriminating against homosexuals. Elaine Huguenin and her husband Jon, co-owners of Elane Photography in Albuquerque, politely refused to photograph a lesbian couple’s “commitment ceremony.” One of the lesbians, Vanessa Willock, filed a complaint with the New Mexico Human Rights Commission claiming the Huguenins discriminated against her because of her “sexual orientation.” Jordan Lorence, a lawyer with the Alliance Defense Fund that is representing the Huguenins, said: “This decision is a stunning disregard for religious liberty and First Amendment freedoms of people of faith, of Christians, and those who believe in traditional marriage defined as one man and one woman. This shows the very disconcerting, authoritarian face of the homosexual activists, who are using these non-discrimination laws as weapons against Christians in the business world and Christians in their churches” (“New Mexico Commission Orders Fine,” OneNewsNow, April 11, 2008). Lorence believes the Huguenins will win an appeal of the decision, but he warns this is how similar laws in 19 other states, and the proposed federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act, can be misused to silence biblical beliefs.


In January 2002 the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal levied a fine of $7500 against the Vancouver Rape Relief Society for its refusal to allow a male-to-female “transsexual” named Kimberly Dawn to train as a rape and abuse hotline counsellor. In an article at its web site dated April 16, 2000, the society argued that it operates as a women-only society and that it is not wrong to exclude an individual who has grown up as a man and who its clients might not accept as a woman. The original complaint was brought in 1995. The tribunal commissioner who imposed the heavy-fisted sentence was Heather MacNaughton.

In July 2007 a homosexual man won a job discrimination claim against the Church of England. After John Reaney was turned down for a youth worker’s post in Cardiff, Wales, he complained to the government that he was being unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of his sexual orientation. The employment tribunal agreed. Homosexual activists rejoiced at the ruling. One said that the “church must learn that denying people jobs on the ground of their sexuality is no longer acceptable” (“Gay Christian Wins Job Tribunal against Church of England,” Daily Mail, July 18, 2007).


In June 2008 transgender activists removed their clothing in a public rally in Northampton, Massachusetts. The chose Northampton, because it is one of three cities in Massachusetts that have ordinances forbidding discrimination against transsexuals. Amy Contrada, a leader in the pro-family movement MassResistance, explained: “With anti-discrimination ordinances in place, there’s no way a policeman would arrest a woman for being shirtless, because she could say she’s not a woman, and under the ordinance, she gets to determine whether she’s female or not” (“Transgender Activists Remove Clothing in Public,” WorldNetDaily, June 17, 2008).


In June 2008 Gov. Bill Ritter of Colorado signed a law making it illegal to deny a person access to public accommodations, including restrooms and locker rooms, based on gender identity or even the “PERCEPTION” of gender identity (“Biblical Message Now Criminalized,” WorldNetDaily, June 12, 2008). James Dobson said: “Who would have believed that the Colorado state legislature and its governor would have made it fully legal for men to enter and use women’s restrooms and locker-room facilities without notice or explanation? Henceforth, every woman and little girl will have to fear that a predator, bisexual, cross-dresser or even a homosexual or heterosexual male might walk in and relieve himself in their presence.”

This type of thing is already happening in Massachusetts. Consider the public hearing at the State House on March 4, 2008. The hearing was of the Joint Committee of the Judiciary on the “transgender rights and hate crimes bill” and it was dominated by homosexual activists. MassResistance reported: “We watched as a parade of men dressed as women going into the State House ladies’ restroom, and women into the men’s room–while inside the hearing the activists were unusually honest about their belief that transgender ‘rights’ will trump the public’s comfort with their behavior” (“When the Wicked Seize a State,” http://www.sliceoflaodicea.com).


“Catholic Charities in Massachusetts refused to place children with same-sex couples as required by Massachusetts law. After a legislative struggle–during which the Senate president said he could not support a bill ‘condoning discrimination.’ Catholic Charities pulled out of the adoption business in 2006” (“When Gay Rights and Religious Liberties Clash,” National Public Radio, June 13, 2008).

“A same-sex couple in California applied to Adoption Profiles, an Internet service in Arizona that matches adoptive parents with newborns. The couple’s application was denied based on the religious beliefs of the company’s owners. The couple sued in federal district court in San Francisco. The two sides settled after the adoption company said it will no longer do business in California” (National Public Radio, June 13, 2008).


When the mayor of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, proposed in July 2007 that the city spend $250,000 on robotic toilets for the beach to curb homosexual sex in public restrooms and parks, homosexual activists were up in arms. (The doors of the toilets automatically open after a certain period.) The homosexuals accused Mayor Jim Naugle of “hatred” and demanded an apology.

In response he did apologize, but not to the homosexuals. He said: “I was not aware of how serious the problem was of the sexual activity that’s taking place in bathrooms and public places and parks in Broward County and particularly the city of Fort Lauderdale. I’ve been educated on that, and I want to apologize to the parents and the children of our community for not being aware of the problem. This to me is totally unacceptable. I don’t think that in the name of being inclusive or tolerant any of us in the community should tolerate this” (“Fort Lauderdale Mayor Criticized,” Florida Baptist Witness, Aug. 2, 2007).

This further enraged the homosexuals, and they held a rally at city hall. Matt Foreman of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force called the mayor a “bigot” and said he should be “shunned everywhere he goes and not allowed at any gathering where decent people are.” City Commissioner Carlton Moore shouted, “We as a community must unite against hatred.”

Some public parks are listed on homosexual websites as recommended locations for immoral liaisons. In June 2008 Pennsylvania state park rangers arrested three men at such a park and accused them of lewd acts (“PA Park Rangers Crack Down,” OneNewsNow.com, June 18, 2008).

If homosexual activists get their way, and homosexuals are given license to act out their
“lifestyle” as they please, the response given by the Fort Lauderdale mayor and the actions of the park rangers will be illegal.


In a nutshell, the thing that will be illegal when homosexuality is fully legal is Bible-believing Christianity, but none of this is surprising to the Bible believer. The Lord Jesus Christ likened the last days to Sodom and Gomorrah (Luke 17:28-30). And the apostle Paul prophesied:

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” (2 Timothy 3:1-5).
We are not surprised at the wickedness that is sweeping across the world, but it is our responsibility to take a stand for God’s Word until Jesus comes.

If we take freedom of speech and religion for granted and do not use it to proclaim God’s Word, we don’t deserve it.

And no matter how evil the hour is, we must not despair. We have all of the glorious promises of a God that cannot lie.

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

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The AP/NYT performs the typo from HELL


Via DCist:


I wish Novak well. I wish the moron that made this idiotic typo, that something would fall on his head and he would be killed right away. As he does not have a right to exist on this planet and be that damned stupid.

Others Blogging:
NewsBusters.org and FishBowlDC

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Not a Surprise, But…: The Obamassiah can’t even attack McCain without fudging the facts.

What a fraud.


Obama released a TV spot saying McCain’s campaign got $2 million from “Big Oil” while McCain proposed “another $4 billion in tax breaks” for the industry.

The truth is that McCain’s campaign has received $1.33 million from individuals employed in the oil and gas industry, not $2 million. Obama himself has received nearly $400,000, according to the most authoritative figures available. We find the $2 million figure is based on a mistaken calculation.

Furthermore, McCain is not proposing new tax breaks specifically targeted to the oil industry. He’s proposing a general reduction in the corporate income tax rate, which Democrats figure would benefit the five largest oil and gas companies by $3.8 billion.

*snort* Never mind the facts, just tell the America people what sounds good!

However, the Obamassiah isn’t a saint either:

Both candidates accept
donations from individual employees of oil companies. In fact, when
Obama claimed in an ad last March that “I don’t take money from oil
companies,” we criticized him for being a little too slick. The CRP puts Obama’s total from oil and gas donors at

So much for Barry’s Honesty in his politics. 🙄

It proves that Barry is a lying, slick, Chicago Politician, who will say and do anything, including deceiving the American people, to get elected. He did it in Chicago and now he is doing it in his White House bid.

A little advice for the Obamassiah, if he wants to preach Hope and Change, he can start by telling the truth. He can also follow that up by knocking off the Al Sharpton imitation in his campaign.

Others: OpenSecrets.org, Political Punch, Lynn Sweet, Gristmill and Swampland

(H/T Memeorandum)

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Liberal Bloggers do not get tickets to the RNC Convention and proceed to whine about it

I have one thing to say about this right here.

Cry me a flipping river. 🙄

There is nothing worse than a whiney assed Liberal.

If it makes the Mrs. Whine-Face feel any better, I did not get tickets to the Republican National Convention either. Therefore, I will not be there.

Not that I would want to even go to their convention or the Democrat Convention, but still, do you see me whining about not having tickets? No.

Hope! Change! Piss, Moan, and Complain! That is the Democrats message.

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Blogs 4 Borders! 07/28/08 Postville Edition!

I am not sure how I missed this. But I did, so here it is, a little late. The Blogs for borders for this Monday is going to be delayed bit. As Jack and MJ are having problems getting the program working. I will upload it, as soon as it is posted to their Blog.


Our weekly podcast — vlog on illegal immigration and border security. In this weeks edition…

Our coverage of the rally against the enforcement of our immigration laws in Postville Iowa. Extra special thanks to those who helped fund the trip, thanks!

Make sure to visit our sponsor….

Click on image

If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

Here are Bonus interview videos that were posted to the Blogs for Boarders Youtube channel.

Part 1: