Breaking News, Massive Snow Storm Lands in my neighborhood

and of course, I have video:

and pictures too!

Yes, We were hit by a snow storm

Nothing we Michigan people cannot handle.. (well, some of us!)

Yes, that is as cold as it looks. Especially that WIND... Oy!

Snow Shovels and Fishing Poles --- You can obviously see where my Dad's priorities are at.

A sure sign of Certified Hillbilly, A box fan on a front page, In the middle of winter! 🙂

A left over from the days when I actually worked for a living. My Briefcase. It is a truckers dream. I put every damn thing in that briefcase. I miss those days of driving... 🙁

Dad's truck. My Car was down the street on the side road, Snow Emergency and tickets cost money

Ye old backyard, Cold and quite snowy...

Washing Machines, My Father and Me

I received a rather rude awakening this morning. Keep in mind; I did not get into the bed until 4:00 in the morning. Well, anyhow, I woke to an very odd sequence of events this morning. First, I heard my friend Matt’s voice. Nothing odd about that. I had left my VHF Amateur rig turned up by mistake. The next thing I heard was very strange.

I awoke to what sounded like a witch doctor having a fist fight with a Rhino. (I was half asleep…) Actually, it was my parents Washing Machine having a seriously bad morning. Sounded like something to the effect of…..”Thumpa-thump-thump thump BOOM BOOM! —- Thump-a Thump Thump BOOM BOOM!”, that’s when I really started wondering what the heck was going on. —– Keep in mind, I heard all of this stuff, over the sound of a box fan, running on full bore high speed — in my room. Which I must absolutely need to have, in order to sleep. It’s a HillBilly thing, I don’t understand it one bit. But my cousin does the same stuff; so, I know it is just not me. (So there!  😛 )

So…. I got outta bed and fumbled around, put on my glasses and proceeded to stop the fist fight in the laundry room.

I would blame my Dad, he put the load in…. But! I doubt it was his fault. Either that Washing Machine needs to be leveled or the load decided that bipartisanship just was not an option or something.

Needless to say, It is going to be a long day. 🙄

Updated – I feel the need to clear some things up

As you all know, I had a run in with a dude calling himself the “Fat Libertarian“, In his final e-mail to me, he made this little quip, which I found to be most humorous:

Websites like yours and Hotair make a living going after Ron Paul.  So when people who like Ron Paul who believe in his principles defend him, you don’t expect some debate to happen?

The only reason I filmed your blog was because you revealed a level of stupidity that I thought was newsworthy for a relatively popular blog.

I understand you have more blogging to do, so get to it.  Consider this “debate” over.

His snide remark about me being stupid aside, I do believe this guy in under some impression that my blog is like one of the big dog’s in the “Right Wing”, if you will, Blogosphere.

Well, that’s certainly news to me!

I’m going to share to some screen shots here…

First off I hardly consider this to be making a living:

I hardly consider this to be making a living...(click to make bigger)

So much for that guy who's making a living off of Ron Paul eh?

That 199.84 was for one month, there was time, when I was lucky if I cleared like 30 bucks in a month. Note, when adsense pays me come the 28’th of this month, I will not get all of this, I may walk away with around $140.00 or so, If I am lucky. Adsense is all Pay per click…

Boy, look at all that money I make from ripping on Ron Paul... NOT!

Boy, look at all that money I make from ripping on Ron Paul... NOT!

These stats are from Connect Commerce, which was bought out by Google. It’s all pay per action ads. It’s the ones, like that ad with jeep on the left. I’ve made exactly jack shit on those ads, so far. Not one person has bought a single thing, yet. So, much for rolling in the dough eh? To be fair, I just joined the program, with the promise from them, that I’d be swimming in the dough in no time flat… So much for that… 🙄 I knew better, but I am a sucker for a good sales pitch.

But say, “Oh he must be making money on those inline text links!”

Well, um, here’s the screenshot:

Look at all that BIG MONEY! NOT!

I’ve yet to get payment from them as well. So much for that little “talking point” eh?

Now, some of you, including my liberal libertarian buddy may thing I’m swimming in the paypal donations right? Hmmm:

Man, so many donations, I dunno what I will do with all that money... (Yeah, right!)

As for his remarks about me being a popular blogger. Ha! That’s another good one. 🙄

Let’s see here:

My Traffic ranking compaired to other well-known Conservative sites

More of that...

and even more....

And a little bit more....

So, there you have it. Sure, I could sit back here and lie my ass off and tell everyone, “Yeah, I am a big dog..” But, nope, not me. When I get 3200 hits around here, which is not very often, it is a good day. Usually, I bring in about 600 hits… on a good day.

Why am I doing all of this?

Because I believe in honesty. No matter if it hurts me or not. Because I just do not have any ego about this at all. There are some cats that are in this business that have their egos all wrapped up in their blogs and they will do anything to make themselves look good —- including stepping on others. I am just not on that kind of trip at all. I said my piece about Ron Paul and instantly, I am a big blogger on a Neo-Con mission. Nothing could be further from the truth about that.

So, there you have it. Make of it, what thou wilt.

Update: R.S. McCain makes good some points as well. Although, I tend to think that he thought that I was whining. Far from it; I was just being truthful about what I make on this little boondoggle project. Also 600 hits around here is about normal. When the Earthquake in Haiti hit, I blogged on that and my hits went way over 3k. So, it’s a toss. Some days I do well, and some days, I just write. 😉 I just wish that everyone one of those 3k people that visited my blog had kicked 20 bucks into the tipjar. I’d be living easy street then! But, ah well, no complaining here. I’m just happy to have the freedom to write. 😀

Getting my butt tanned, in strange places

No, this is not a posting about adult spanking. (!)

But, Smitty just tanned my butt, three times… (Woo Hoo! 😯 ):

Political Byline seems to imply that the vlog somehow lowered the standard for decency in contribution solicitation.

Heh! Well, it might have something to do with the fact, that the Video reeked of “Please! Send us money!” But, then again, that was the point. 😉


Political Byline was relieved that Stacy will make the trip

Yes, I am. I mean, he did whine about it for a month! 😉

and then there’s this little gem:

Political Byline, having already chided us for our vlog shamelessness, mooched the WordPress theme that we’d freely mooched off the tubey-webs. Now, were hacking the CSS directly, so, for maximum debasement, let us know if we should publish the stylesheet too. ;) (Because we’re chummy like that).

Heh! Actually, there is a reason why I switched; which I explain here. Yes, I did like the theme and I did grab it. I do need to change the header graphic though. Anyone got any ideas?

and one of the funnier lines of the day:

New year. New URL. The FMJRA tradition rolls on. Things have been hectic, dealing with Stacy’s outburst of left-leaning posts, the stress of restraining his desires to re-code the entire site from scratch. Yes, Stacy, we can post executable scripts to the Silver Logic service provider. No, that’s not a good idea. Sheesh. Give a kid a toy…

I now see why Smitty does the backend work and not Stacy…. heh! 😀

Top Stuff of 2009

Here is the top “Stuff” of 2009 on this Blog.

The top posting on Political Byline for 2009 is a posting, that I did sort of on a lark. It was one, that I like to refer to as an “In between posting.” I had just pushed out some rather impressive posts, that were about the politics of that day; and I was waiting for some more information to come out about another story, and I had noticed some postings had come up about Republicans lying about healthcare. So, I went, “Hmmm, didn’t Obama do some pretty big lying during the 2008 election?” and So, I asked anyone on twitter, if there was any videos up about Obama lying. The response was overwhelming to say the least! So, I hopped over to YouTube and just typed in “Obama Lies” and woo boy! ——  Talk about results! So, anyhow, I picked out three of the best videos of the lot, just typed up article that had a bit of a conspiratorial tone to it and put it up. I never expected in a million years that this posting would even be read by one person, much less 4,350 people!

So, yes, my top posting on 2009 is:

Lies, Damned Lies and more Lies

Runners up are: A posting that I ended up pulling, Answering Laurence Vance, Updated: Why I left the libertarian ranks: Exhibit A – Hatred of the United States Military, The ‘Hey, that’s a pretty new gun!’ posting of the month, Helen Thomas goes nuclear over the Obama Administration’s controlled Townhall meetings and controlled press, Obama Bows to his Arab Masters.

Top Referrers:

These are the URL’s who have sent me the most traffic for the last year. The winner is, hands down, StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon was, in 2009, what DIGG and REDDIT where in 2007. It sends me a TON of traffic.

Anyhow, here’s the up URLS that sent me traffic:

Referrer Views… 3,691… 2,099 1,998 1,720… 1,456… 1,317 1,233… 1,172… 1,087… 1,081… 1,054 1,052… 874 862 830 748… 747

Top Search Terms for this Blog were:

Search Views
allan colmes 999
babe of the day 695
fema coffins debunked 499
motivators 442
melissa doi 420
obama booty 332
funny motivators 303
michael moore is an idiot 253
demotivators 246
akron police investigate teen mob attack 244
clarence mcclendon scandal 239
randi rhoads 210
brittany murphy 208
allan keyes 198
political byline 194

The Top Clicked URL’s were:

URL Clicks 197 151… 122 122… 120… 120… 109 103… 102

In 2009, this Blog had a total of 225,280 visitors, not including me. The average user, per day, was 617 visitors per day. Which does not take in account some of the huge traffic spikes around here.

Now, those stats were according to Stats, which by the way, is an excellent WordPress plug in.

According to, which is an excellent counter for blogs and such. here are my yearly stats:

Page Views: 255,774

IP Hosts: 147,601

Unique Visitors: 178,892

Unique Sessions: 197,491

Now according to, which I find to be a bit more accurate that Stats, for some reason:

My Week averages were:

Page Views: 886

IP Hosts: 534

Unique Visitors: 598

Unique Sessions: 653

So, there you have it. Those numbers are not to shabby for someone who really has not done any advertising at all. Oh, I’ve done a little on Blogads, and project wonderful, but nothing to the extent of others. Another thing too, this is a single author blog and many of those have low numbers. So, all in all, it was a good year. I did well, made some money, and some enemies. But, it was all worth it to me. Standing up for what is right, is what I do here and if I happen to make some people angry in the process, I count it par for the course.

Of course, I have you all to thank for it. All of you who donated, all of you, who clicked on the ads, all of you, who just came and read. All of you who linked in, you know who you are; I thank each and every one of you. I thank you for coming, for linking and for honestly caring enough to keep coming around. I am humbled by the numbers, this is not about me. This about you, about America, standing for what we believe in, standing for the America that I remember as a boy, growing up.

Now it is time to move on to 2010. We have some great battles ahead; the 2010 elections are coming. This is not time to slack, we must be strong, we have to be ready, we must be vigilant; we are at war, against terrorists; who wish to destroy this nation; against Socialists who wish to destroy our world, as we know it today. The battle lines have been drawn. We must, as the saying goes, Fight on!

To a Prosperous,  Healthy, and Yes, Victorious 2010!

Updated: Reply to the racist on YouTube

Earlier today, I received the following comment on YouTube:

ScotSNP has made a comment on My response to Bernie Sanders:

Dude, you are seriously ill. Get some help mate, and shave that fucking jihad beard.

Here is my response that I left on YouTube:

Merry Christmas to all.

Update: Just an FYI… I went and checked out the guys account who left the racist comment; he is in the U.K….. Go Figure.

Looking for that last minute gift? Check out my bookstore!

Yes, This blog does have a bookstore! I have HUGE selection of topics.

Here they are:

Old or Paleo Conservatism
Books by Thomas Sowell
Phyllis Schlafly’s Books
Ann Coulter’s books
Bill O’Reilly’s Books
Dick Cheney
President George W. Bush
Barry Goldwater
Illegal Immigration
Iraq War
Second Amendment – Guns
Constitution Matters
The Gold Standard
September 11, 2001
President Barack Obama
Detroit Automakers, Unions and Such

Also, don’t forget, if it is not books that you are looking for, you can also pick up some awesome deals on other gifts via Amazon; click here to check out all the great deals on last minute items.

Mandolyna Theodoracopulos talks about men

I pray that God would stop my heart, should I even become this much of a dolt:

I was visiting my father in New York. My brother, my male best friend, and my father’s sensei were also at the house. I wondered if they would have survived at all without me and our dutiful daily housekeeper. I imagine they would have eaten out every night, the house would have been in shambles, and a roach or ant colony would have moved in, as none of them can manage a simple dishwasher or washing machine.

The first morning during my trip, I found myself in the kitchen. I was happy to have the place to myself. I don’t care much for conversation before noon. The men trickled in slowly. I could not finish my breakfast. Each one berated me with requests.

My father does not do anything practical, not even boil water.

The sensei, while extremely polite and unassuming, can only cook using his microwave, not ours.

My brother needs three female assistants to do anything menial. He often makes such a fuss about his obligations, a stable of women manage his burdens simply to quell his anxiety.

My best friend cannot charge his telephone without someones help.

via Taki’s Magazine, edited by Taki Theodoracopulos.

I pride myself in being someone, who can cook and take care of myself very well; thank you very much. Cleaning? Well, that is another story. I have never quite understood how men that are that bad, can even survive. I guess you would say that I am overly self sufficient. Which might explain why I am single man. Weird as it might seem. I hate other people doing stuff for me. Some men love being waited on hand and foot; not me, I cannot stand it. Now before any smart asses bring up my personal living conditions; I am not referring to that, I am referring to simple tasks, like washing clothes. The only person that washes my clothes, is me. That way if something is messed up, the person I have to blame, is myself. Cooking is another one. Around this place here, my Dad cooks Breakfast and Supper. My Mom used to do all that, but when Dad retired, she told him, “It is now your turn!” and promptly resigned as house cook. Surprisingly, my Dad cooks very well; Oh, it’s not got all the fancy frills of a woman’s cooking. But it is surprisingly good cooking. Now, if I were on my own, could I cook my own food? Yes, absolutely. In fact, I have quipped to my Mom in the best, much to her amusement, that the Four things that I can do rather well are Read, Cook, Drive, and Screw!  (I do not mean with a screwdriver either…)

Mandolyna Theodoracopulos goes on to write about how women are addressed in her household. Now, I am not sure if she was just being funny or if that was the honest truth. But, I will say this. If I ever addressed my Mother as “Bitch” or called her a “Bitch”. I highly doubt I would be living in this house for very long at all. Yes, My mother raised me to respect women; and I do my best. Even when they make horribly difficult to do so. In fact, I never once called my Ex-Girlfriend Laura that at all — at least not to her face. 😯 😮 😉 😛 😀 Now, her to me on the other hand; Well, we won’t go there! HEH! 😆 In fact, I can attest to a few times when I was referred to in a couple no so pleasant four letter words.

Another reason why this article caught my interest is, just by reading it, you can tell how different of a life that Mandolyna Theodoracopulos leads, than say, me. For you that do not know Mandolyna Theodoracopulos is the daughter of Taki Theodoracopulos, who is quite the wealthy man. Taki has also been married several times as well — go figure. I have always had a keen interest in the lives of the wealthy, how differently that they live; as opposed to we common folk. A passing fancy one might say.

Cross Posted @ Alexandria

Hoo Boy: Maryland got HAMMERED with Snow!

You think I got snow? What we got here was mild, compared to what Maryland got for snow.

Head on over to R.S. McCain’s Blog and watch the videos. That is if you can bear to listen to Stacy sing. 😉 Seriously? He sings very good for a guy who smokes like a freight train.

Yeah and hit his tip jar too, and when you’re done, hit mine too.

I would like to get something for the folks for Christmas this year. Even if it something, uh, cheap.

I did install this spiffy new plug in, and if you donate, you get your name on the sidebar of the blog; that why people can know how cool your are and stuff. If it is a huge donation, you may even get a personal phone call and possibly a gift. 🙂

The First Snow of the Year

Al Gore, Call your office!

While President of United States was trying to get a deal on global warming. I was looking at this, when I woke up today.


For those who cannot watch video or hear sound, I have some pics:


More Snow! (and Car...)

Snow! (...and a truck...)

Click the pics to make ’em bigger.

It is not as much as Washington D.C. got, but, it is snow, none the less. 😀

Blog Milestone: 4000 Blog Entries

I know this might sound silly to some of you. However, I do like to celebrate small milestones. Sometime in the last few days, this blog passed a rather remarkable milestone. Since this blogs original creation back on the last week of December of 2007, I have posted over 4000 blog entries. When this posting goes live, I will have officially created 4010 entries on this blog. Some may think that this meaningless; however, for a single author blog, who is doing it daily, that is quite a bit.

I do have to thank all of you for your daily readership. This blog, in the last few months has really taken off. Along the way, I have attracted some criticism; some possibly well deserved, the majority of it comes from people who simply disagree with my political stance. A very small percentage of it comes from hatemongering asses that have nothing better to do than attack someone like me, who is in my position, which is quite humorous, because I hear from a very good source that this said person who attacked me, and made some very nasty statements about me, has lost readership over it. One of which in fact, e-mailed me and said he was never reading that blog again and made a rather large and quite handsome donation to my blog. Speaking of which, if you feel so inclined you can donate to my Blog. I am not a proud man at all, I will accept any and all donations to my blog. However, do not feel like it is a requirement or anything like that, times are tough and I will not hold it over anyone’s head or anything like that. However, I will usually follow up with personal e-mail thanking those who do donate to me.

Again, thanks for your ever-loyal readership and let us try for other 4000 or so blog posts, shall we?

Guest Voice: Do we have the right to die? By David Cloud

Updated and enlarged December 10, 2009 (first published in O Timothy magazine, Volume 8, Issue 1, 1991) (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,; for instructions about subscribing and unsubscribing or changing addresses, see the information paragraph at the end of the article) –

In the last three decades we have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of headlines focusing on the “right-to-die” or euthanasia issue. Consider just a few of these:

* In 1985, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that all life-sustaining medical treatment can be withheld from terminally ill patients, whether incompetent or competent. In that ruling the court included feeding tubes as “medical treatment.”

* In 1985, a Virginia woman who killed her cancer-ridden husband with an ice pick was sentenced merely to two years’ probation and psychiatric treatment.

* The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in 1986 to allow a woman to stop the feeding of her comatose husband.

* In 1987, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled unanimously that an alert, mentally competent but dying woman, suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease, a fatal nerve disorder, should have been allowed to order her respirator disconnected. The woman had died a few days before her case reached the Court. The same court ruled to allow a man to remove the feeding tube from his 32-year-old wife.

* A U.S. District Court in Rhode Island ruled in 1988 that the feeding tube could be removed from a 49-year-old woman. The woman was in a coma as a result of a brain hemorrhage, and since she could not swallow, she received nourishment and liquids through a feeding tube. Her family had sued in court to compel the hospital to terminate her food and water. The medical workers who were caring for the woman were unanimous in opposing the action, but the court ordered them to remove the tubes so the woman would starve to death.

* A man severely crippled by a 1985 motorcycle accident went to court in an attempt to gain the “right” to kill himself. In 1989, the Georgia Supreme Court unanimously ruled that he could kill himself by shutting off the breathing apparatus that kept him alive.

* The parents of Nancy Cruzen, a young woman who suffered severe brain damage in a 1983 car crash, spent three and a half years in court in an attempt to remove the feeding tube which was keeping her alive. Though severely disabled, Nancy was not comatose nor did she require any life-support equipment. She even smiled at funny stories and cried when visitors would leave. In spite of this, on December 14, 1990, County Circuit Court Judge Charles E. Teel, Jr., ordered Nancy’s caregivers to withhold all food and water. Twelve days later, the 33-year-old woman died of dehydration.

* On June 4, 1990, Jack Kevorkian claimed his first victim when he assisted in the administration of a lethal dosage of drugs to 54-year-old Janet Adkins. She was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, and her own doctor said she had at least ten years of productive life ahead of her. She had never met or talked with Kevorkian until she arrived in Michigan two days before her death. All arrangements were made by her husband, Ron, (64) who subsequently became president of the Oregon Hemlock Society. In the year before her death, Janet Adkins and her family were counseled by a family therapist who was coordinator of the Oregon Hemlock Society. According to an aunt, “She did not want to be a burden to her husband and family” and a friend explained, “She felt it [her death] was a gift to her family, sparing them the burden of taking care of her” (“The Real Jack Kevorkian, International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, Kevorkian, who went on to participate in a reported 137 assisted suicides, does not have a license to practice medicine. His Michigan license was suspended in 1991 and his California license was suspended in 1993. According to the California Attorney General’s office, Kevorkian is “fundamentally unfit to practice medicine” (California Medical Board, Complainants Brief, 12/28/93, p. 19). Kevorkian proposed a “auction market for available organs” taken from “subjects” who are “hopelessly crippled by arthritis or malformations.” Part of the money from the dead disabled person’s auctioned organs could go to relatives whose financial burdens would be eased and “their standard of living enhanced.”

* A poll of adults conducted by CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll published January 1991 found that 58% believe doctors ought to be allowed to help terminally ill patients die if the patient asks for assistance.

* On October 23, 1991, 58-year-old Marjorie Wantz became Jack Kevorkian’s second victim, dying of a lethal dose of drugs administered by Kevorkian’s “death machine.” Marjorie had no life-threatening condition. The autopsy found that she had no illness or disease. She had complained of pelvic pain, but though a number of physicians had advised her that the pain was manageable she did not follow through with their recommendations. “She had reportedly been taking extremely large doses of Halcion (a medication known to impair judgment) in the months preceding her death. She had been hospitalized for psychiatric care on a number of occasions.” Kevorkian did not even give the woman a medical examination. On the same day, Kevorkian assisted in the suicide of Sherry Miller, age 43. She had multiple sclerosis and could have lived for many years but said she felt she was “becoming a burden on people.” She had been suffering from depressio n which had been noted five years earlier. She did not want to take the medication that had been prescribed for depression. She testified that she no longer had any quality of life. Her death was to have been from a lethal dose of drugs but, after repeated attempts and punctures to her arm, Kevorkian couldn’t insert a needle into her veins. He left her waiting for four hours at the death site while he “went to town” to get supplies so he could rig her death by carbon monoxide poisoning (“The Real Jack Kevorkian, International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force,

* In November 1994, the voters of the state of Oregon passed a referendum allowing doctor-assisted suicide. The law would allow patients to request life-ending medication if a doctor determines that they have less than six months to live. The Supreme Court let the law stand.

* A forum on end-of-life issues held in New York City in November 1996 noted that the preferred means of euthanasia today is starvation. The participants observed that it is legal for patients to refuse treatment, including nutrition, and doctors may legally offer painkillers and other comfort as these patients die. Therefore, “every single piece of the recipe is legal.”

* In October 1996, Australia’s Northern Territory allowed the world’s first legally assisted suicide. Bob Dent, 66, who was suffering from cancer, was allowed to take deadly drugs under a euthanasia law passed on May 25, 1996. (Thousands of assisted suicides are performed every year in The Netherlands, but technically they are not legal. They are allowed under loopholes in the law. Doctors who follow “strict guidelines” are guaranteed immunity.)

* In a Canadian national study reported in September 1996, almost half of all doctors surveyed said the law should be changed to allow physician-assisted suicide. In the survey, 47% of doctors supported euthanasia, while 39% were opposed, and 11% were uncertain.

* In March 1996, a 62-year-old New York man was sentenced to just six months in jail (he was expected to serve only four) for killing his wife with a mixture of honey and an antidepressant. He claimed it was assisted suicide, and a note left by the wife said she drank the potion “freely and without reservations”; but prosecutors also discovered that he had kept a diary indicating he was tired of caring for his sick wife, who had multiple sclerosis, and was eager for her death.

* In February 1996 the Episcopal diocese of Newark, New Jersey, declared that suicide and assisted suicide may be morally acceptable under some circumstances, i.e., when “pain is persistent and/or progressive; when all other reasonable means of amelioration of pain and suffering have been exhausted; and when the decision to hasten death is a truly informed and voluntary choice free from external coercion.”

* According to a study released in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1996, one in five intensive-care nurses have hastened the death of terminally ill patients. The study was based on responses by more than 850 nurses to an eight-page questionnaire administered by Dr. David Asch of the University of Pennsylvania.

* In early 1999, the Oregon Health Division presented its analysis of the state’s first year under the Oregon Death with Dignity law. According to the OHD’s study, 23 patients received legal lethal drug prescriptions between 1/1/98 and 12/31/98. Of those patients, 15 actually took the deadly drugs and died, 6 died from their illnesses without taking the lethal prescription, and 2 were still living as of 1/1/99. Of the 15 patients who died from the lethal drugs, 7 were women, 8 were men, all 15 were white, 13 had cancer, 1 had congestive heart failure, and 1 had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The median age was 69. Four were referred for a psychiatric or psychological consultation. The International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force warned that this information is “skewed and incomplete.” The reason is that the law contains no penalties for doctors who do not comply with its requirements and there is no way to determine if the reporting is accurate. “The data for this study came exclusively from the death-prescribing doctors, with n o corroboration from other sources. In fact, the OHD, citing privacy concerns, never even interviewed the patients’ families, friends, or caregivers regarding the circumstances and/or pressures surrounding the deaths. Nor did the OHD contact the patients’ other doctors who, for some reason, opted not to write the deadly prescription. In other words, the state is just assuming that doctors engaged in ending the lives of patients are of good will, have been totally compliant with the provisions of the PAS law, and are completely truthful and forthright in their reports to the state. But why would a doctor even bother to report a less-than-perfect death, one which might cause legal and professional problems for that doctor with the OHD, the state medical licensing board, or even the police?”

* A report published in February 1999 showed that Dutch physicians routinely ignore established euthanasia guidelines created to protect patients against abuse. “The reality is that a clear majority of cases of euthanasia, both with and without request, go unreported and unchecked. Dutch claims of effective regulation ring hollow,” explained researchers Dr. Henk Jochemsen, of Holland’s Lindeboom Institute for Medical Ethics, and Dr. John Keown, from England’s Cambridge University. Reviewing a 1996 survey of 405 Dutch doctors regarding end-of-life decisions, the researchers found that, in 1995, almost two-thirds (59%) of euthanasia cases went unreported, a clear violation of the requirement-codified into law in 1994-that all euthanasia and assisted-suicide deaths be reported to authorities. Furthermore, 20% of reported euthanasia deaths were involuntary, meaning that doctors ended patients’ lives without the patients’ explicit request or con sent. In 15% of these cases (where the patients were competent), the physician did not discuss euthanasia with the patient because “the doctor thought that the termination of the patient’s life was clearly in the patient’s best interests.” In 17% of the involuntary euthanasia cases, alternative care or treatment was available, meaning that euthanasia was not the “last resort” as required by the guidelines (Keown & Jochemsen, “Voluntary Euthanasia under Control? Further Empirical Evidence from the Netherlands,” Journal of Medical Ethics, February 1999).

* In March 1999, a Michigan jury found Dr. Jack Kevorkian guilty of murder for the September 1998 death of 52-year-old Thomas Youk. The man was suffering with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Kevorkian, who video-taped the death, killed Youk by injecting him with a lethal series of drugs. The video was subsequently broadcast on the 60 Minutes television show. During the broadcast, Kevorkian challenged Michigan prosecutors to charge him, and they did, not merely for assisted suicide but for first-degree murder. At the trial it was pointed out that just before Kevorkian injected Youk with a drug that rendered him unconscious, Youk attempted to speak but was ignored by Kevorkian. Prosecutor John Skrzynski noted: “We don’t know what he said, and it’s too late now because he’s gone now, he’s asleep and he’s never getting up again. What did he say? Did he say ‘wait’? Did Dr. Kevorkian have a duty to stop and find out what he was saying?” In a media interview in November 1998, Kevorkian was asked if Youk had anything to say at the end. He just laughed and said, “I don’t know. I never understood a thing he said” (Lessenberry, “I want a showdown,” Oakland Press, Nov. 20, 1998). When the jury announced its guilty decision, Kevorkian attempted to look unruffled in the courtroom, but after he got in the car away from the camera “he exploded, screaming with anger, rage and frustration at the irrationality and cruelty and backwardness of society.” In April 1999, Kevorkian was sentenced to 10 to 25 years in prison. The 79-year-old “Dr. Death” was released conditionally in June 2007.

* In January 2005, the United States Supreme Court let stand a ruling by Pinellas [Florida] Circuit Court Judge George Greer allowing Michael Schiavo to cut off his wife Terri’s feeding tube. Terri, 41, had been dependent on the tube since suffering a heart stoppage 15 years earlier. Terri’s parents fought to stop their son-in-law from disconnecting the tube. Though Terri had brain damage, she was not dying, could breath on her own, and exhibited many signs of being aware of her environment. This was testified by her nurses and by medical experts. The courts, both state and federal, allowed Schiavo to starve his wife to death. Her feeding tube was removed on March 18, 2005, and she died on March 31.

These are only some of the cases that have gained public attention in the last few years. What should the Bible-believer think of this? Euthanasia is a complex issue and it is impossible to give one simple, blanket answer to the matter, yet there are some Bible truths that apply clearly, and in this hour of moral relativism it is crucial that we point them out.

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Thoughts & Prayers needed for my Dad

As some of you might know that read this blog regularly might know; I do live with my Parents. That, in itself is a very long story. Anyhow, My Father will be going into the hospital tomorrow morning at around 8:00 a.m. or so, to have a very important heart procedure done. They are going to run a dye into his bloodstream to check and see if there is any blockage and if there is, they will be putting stints in. There is, although not probable, a slight chance that my Dad could need open-heart surgery while they are in there doing that work. Therefore, needless to say, I will be quite occupied for the next few days. There is good news however; I will be taking the laptop to the hospital with me; as so, I do not go crazy with boredom in the hospital.

Everyone that knows me well will tell you; that I hate hospitals with a passion. I do tend to avoid them as much as humanly possible. However, this little trip is highly important to me. Therefore, I will be joining my Dad up at the hospital for a good part of the day. I am not sure how long it will take. I am told a good part of the day.

So, I am asking for everyone who either reads this blog daily or even does the occasional drive-by. Please keep my Dad in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow — and for the rest of the week. Also, keep my Mother in your prayers as this all is really making her worry and she is not in the greatest of health either.

Thanks again,


Prayers needed for the Morrissey Family

Some Sad News to report: (H/T Little Miss Attila)

Received an email from Fausta that Ed Morrissey, our good friend (and Blogfather) from Hot Air has had to rush his dear First Mate to the Emergency Room, apparently due to complications with the flu. Regular Hot Air readers know that Marcia Morrissey has fought a manful battle for her health -one that has included multiple kidney transplants- so clearly, the flu is a real danger to her. Please keep Ed and Marcia in you prayers.

via Prayers for Captain’s First Mate » The Anchoress | A First Things Blog.

Politics and political debate are one thing, real life is another. I have not always agreed with Ed Morrissey and have from time to time busted his chops, when I thought he was being unfair; I can say without hesitation that I have always thought Ed Morrissey to be one of the saner and honorable voices on the right. My most heartfelt prayers go out to Ed, his wife, his Daughter and extended families tonight.

Keep the faith Ed, this too shall pass. God Bless you my friend and I will be praying here in Detroit.

The Saturday Mornin’ Music Cafe Presents: The MC5

I’ve posted this before, long ago. But It’s sweet music. 😛

This is from 1970. Performed Live at Wayne State University’s Tartar Field in Detroit.

This is Wayne Kramer and the boys doing  Ramblin’ Rose:

Yeah, I know about their politics. Big deal. 🙄 I just like the jam. 😀

Trivia: The MC5 was founded in the local city here where I live. 😀