Progressive Fat Assed Idiot Michael Moore says Capitialism is evil

This is too rich….:

Capitalism is evil. That is the conclusion U.S. documentary maker Michael Moore comes to in his latest movie “Capitalism: A Love Story,” which premieres at the Venice film festival Sunday.

Blending his trademark humor with tragic individual stories, archive footage and publicity stunts, the 55-year-old launches an all out attack on the capitalist system, arguing that it benefits the rich and condemns millions to poverty.

“Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil,” the two-hour movie concludes.

“You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that is good for all people and that something is democracy.”

via Capitalism is evil, says new Michael Moore film | Lifestyle | Reuters.

Okay, so why isn’t sir-chubby-alot just giving his movies away?

Because he would not make any money on them. Thus Capitalism.

Just more of the “For me, but not for thee” mentality of the far-socialist left.

Typical, so typical. šŸ™„

Others: theblogprof, The TrogloPundit, The Anchoress, Fausta’s Blog, The Western Experience, Cold Fury, The Other McCain, Pajamas Media, JammieWearingFool, BabalĆŗ Blog, Gateway Pundit, The Jawa Report and Althouse

Van Jones…. WTF?!?!?!?!

I mean I have seen some serious shit in my my days here on this earth. Me being from Southwest Detroit and all. But this stuff here; takes the farking cake bad!

Check out these videos:

Here’s the first one, Van Jones basically calling George W. Bush a oil crack head….or something. (H/T HotAir)

The basically calling Middle American White kids killers and crazy or something…: (H/T HotAir)

Here he is in some sort of whacked out Music recording accusing White people of just every damn thing under the sun. (H/T HotAir)

Here’s Van Jones glorifying the doctrine of Communism:

Here some more kicker information on this whack job idiot. This dude supported Cop-Killer Death row inmate Mumia Abu Jamal: (H/T HotAir)

More than 150 demonstrators marched from 14th Street and Broadway to the Oakland Federal Building to demand that the Justice Department re-open its corruption investigation of the Philadelphia Police Department.

Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal, a death row inmate convicted for the 1981 shooting death of a Philadelphia police officer, said the protest was called after the Supreme Court on Monday rejected claims that Abu-Jamal, a former radio journalist and Black Panther, did not receive a fair trial.

ā€œWe knew there was another event going on, but the timing of the court decision is what dictated when the protest was held,ā€ said Van Jones, a San Francisco civil rights lawyer who helped coordinate the protest march.

Jones said about 15 protesters occupied the rotunda at the Federal Building on Clay Street in an act of civil disobedience with the hope they would be arrested.

Okay, I am just going to say this and if pisses people off; tough. This dude was not vetted, and was basically given this damn job; because he was black. Point.farking.blank. If this dude was white and he had said the moral equivalent, about black people; what this guy said about Whites, This dude would have been out of a job, quicker than a New York minute. Ā  But, because he is a black man and is in tight with Bambi, he still has a job and still is working for the White House. That is not racist, that my friends, is reality!

So, what does the Socialist left do, when they are beginning to feel the heat, because of Van Jones? They do the oldest trick in the book.


You can see a perfect example of that, by clicking right here. They are now accusing Glenn Beck and the right of assembling a “Lynch Mob” against Van Jones. Go look, it is their words, not mine.

The part that is totally wild is this; Obama has painted himself into quite the corner on this one. Because if Obama cuts this guy loose. The far African-American left is going to turn on him, like a rabid dog. Not to mention the fact, that if Obama and Congress drops the Health-care Bill or passes it without the public option. The far left is really going to turn on him. However, I do not think it will get a chance to pass, because there have already been rumblings that indicate that if the bill has not public option, it will get no support at all. If this happens, Obama’s support among the progressives will erode and I do mean badly.

Either way, this is not going end will for the President. It is going to get much uglier, before it gets any prettier. It like watching a train wreak fixing to happen. You want to look, but you feel horrible about doing so….. and this Amtrak is about to hit the damn wall —- Hard.

Update: No Sooner than I wrote this posting. Mr. Jones Resigned.

Update #2: Stop the ACLU links in; Thank you! Right Wing News Links in; Thank you! Pirate’s Cove Links in; Thank You!

Update #3: As Always, A big thanks to Memeorandum for the Pull!

Patrick Ruffini wants to raise Buckley from the dead

Patrick Ruffini lamenting that the Conservative movement is not being taken seriously by anyone, but maybe themselves laments:

Over the last few days, Jon Henke has laid out the case for the Right more strongly disavowing outfits like WorldNetDaily that actively peddle Birther nonsense. To the extent the mainstream Right has weighed in, it has been to urge Jon to ignore WND and move on, in the interests avoiding an intra-movement civil war. Some have even tried to subtly distance Jon from the conservative movement, saying his views don’t represent those of most conservatives. Many on the Right have made the calculation that however distasteful their views, a public fight with the Birthers just isn’t worth it.

As a fiscal and social conservative, I happen to think Jon is completely in the right here, both substantively and strategically. Don’t raise the canard that we ought to be attacking Democrats first. Conservatives are entirely within their rights to have public debates over who will publicly represent them, and who will be allowed to affiliate with the conservative movement.

The Birthers are the latest in a long line of paranoid conspiracy believers of the left and right who happen to attach themselves to notions that simply are not true. Descended from the 9/11 Truthers, the LaRouchies, the North American Union buffs, and way back when, the John Birch Society, the Birthers are hardly a new breed in American politics.

Each and every time they have appeared, mainstream conservatives from William F. Buckley to Ronald Reagan have risen to reject these influences — and I expect that will be the case once again here.

But there is another subtext that makes Jon’s appeal more urgent. As a pretty down-the-line conservative, I don’t believe I am alone in noting with disappointment the trivialization, excessive sloganeering, and pettiness that has overtaken the movement of late. In “The Joe the Plumberization of the GOP,” I argued that conservatives have grown too comfortable with wearing scorn as a badge of honor, content to play sarcastic second fiddle to the dominant culture of academia and Hollywood with second-rate knock-off institutions. A side effect of this has been a tendency to accept conspiracy nuts as a slightly cranky edge case within the broad continuum of conservatism, rather than as a threat to the movement itself.
Via Can We Have Buckley Back? | The Next Right.

However, the real reasons that the Conservative movement is in the shape that it is in, is found right in the comments section of “The Next Right”

First there’s this:

I don’t know if you consider them elites, but I did—and I suspect many Republicans did as well.

Peggy Noonan

David Brooks

David Frum,

And, last but certainly not least, Kathleen Parker.

At a time when we were trying to win the 2008 elections, this crew was bashing Sarah Palin full-time.Ā  The time for bashing had past; the time for banding together to win an election was at hand.Ā  And what did this crew of elites do?Ā  Elites, thank you very little. You played no small part in the fact that we now have an administration that has abandoned our ally Honduras and is spending our grandchildren into poverty.

The real way Bill Buckley saved conservatism was by inspiring Ronald Reagan, Tommy Thompson, John Engler, Newt Gingrich and others to enter the political world.Ā  You know—the place where we pick people that actually MAKE LAWS, instead of writing witty op-eds and appearing on Hardball.

Recently, we watched another conservative elite, Charles Krauthammer, tell the world that Sarah Palin was unfit to engage in the healthcare debate…at the same time that her “death panels” charge helped sway the tone of debate against Obamacare.

Sorry, but I’m less than impressed with GOP elites.Ā  They stabbed us in the back in 2008. Fool me once..

….and then, there is this:

We didn’t abandon you during the election, you abandoned us by nominating a weak liberal republican and a semi-retarded christian fundy. I’m not going to change my views to “fit in” with the GOP if that’s the way they want to represent me.

During 2008,Ā I was bashing McCain and palin ( as well as Obongo ). I will continue to bash these type republicans until they get out of my party.

I would say that both of these are basically correct. Not to mention electing and then reelecting a President who’s Wilsonian foreign policy forced him to invade a Country that had zero to do with 9/11. That is why McCain was not elected and, too, because black people actually voted in this election. Not say that there is anything wrong with that fact; just making a point. Also, Obama’s campaign was just better ran and his message more clear. John McCain was too damn busy suspending his campaign to look like a hero. Which actually made him look like an idiot. Hence the reason he lost also.

I could go on and on. However, I think you know what I mean.

Update: Robert Stacey McCain basically agrees with me about WND and the Birthers. Now McCain and Palin are another story. He loves that feckless Woman. I, on the other hand, think that she is an idiot.

Update #2: Around the Sphere has a round up on the subject, all the while ignoring me.

Living Proof that Liberals are classless assholes

First the Video:

The Story Via MyFox Boston:

Growing up in Massachusetts, I know first-hand about the Kennedy legacy and appreciate what the family means to this state… in good times and bad. Even so, it has been amazing to see ALL the people who have turned out to pay their respects to Senator Kennedyā€¦ lining the streets of Boston for the processionā€¦ standing in line for hours to walk past his casket. Given the outpouring, it really was quite a shock to see one of the Kennedys flipping someone the bird during the procession for Senator Kennedy in Boston on Thursday.

Our photographer just happened to be focused on the limo carrying the young Kennedy woman right when she made the obscene gesture near Fanueil Hall. The woman in question appears to be 21 year old Rose Schlossberg, the daughter of Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg and Edwin Schlossberg and granddaughter of former president John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Our photographer was not close enough to know what happened to prompt Rose to do this, but it looks like she was responding to someone in the crowd. Who knows what rude comment she might have heard? In the video you can see someone nudge her right after it happens. Funerals are stressful for every family. When you live under the glare of the spotlight like the Kennedys, perhaps this funeral is even more stressful. But what was JFKā€™s granddaughter thinking? Cameras are always rolling when the Kennedys are around, especially when thereā€™s a procession for Great Uncle Ted and tens of thousands of people turn out. What do you think? Inappropriate gesture on a solemn day or no big deal?

Yes it was inappropriate and classless. But, then again, are not all Democrats? šŸ™„

Updated! It has started: Black Virginia Police Officer threatens to arrest White Man if he holds up Anti-Obama sign Officer Cheeks works for the SCHOOL and NOT the City Police!

…..and they said that this President would be post-racial… I call BS!

The Video: (Via HotAir)

There is a word that comes to mind to describe this fat turd. But I will not utter it here.

I knew this was coming. I just knew it.

The one the really got me was the exchange of:

Man: “This is America!”

Black Cop: “It ain’t no more, okay?”

Folks, something is seriously wrong...


I contacted the Fairfield County Police in Virginia and I received this reply:

Wesley Cheeks is NOT a Fairfax County police officer; he is a security
officer employed by the Fairfax County Public Schools. You may go to to contact the School’s Department of Communication
and Community Outreach concerning this matter. They may also be reached
by phone at 571-423-1200.

Thank you.

Patti Smylie
Administrative Assistant to Chief Rohrer
Fairfax County Police Department

So, everyone STOP calling the local police down there and call the School and complain!

Here’s the correct dept. to contact:

8115 Gatehouse Road
Suite 5100
Falls Church, VA 22042
Phone:Ā 571.423.1200

Barbara Hunter
Assistant Superintendent

Remember, Be civil, NO THREATS! Just ask if they know about the incident and if they have seen the video. Click o Barbara’s name to e-mail her.

Liberals Tan Andrew Breitbart’s Ass over his Twitter Stupidity

….and you know what? He deserves every god damned minute of it.

As I wrote on here last night my issues with Ted Kennedy were never personal, only of a political and policy nature.Ā  My postings always reflected that; I never took shots at him personally. I simply called him out, when I felt he was being dishonest. Of course, I did it in my traditionally condescending manner. Hey, I am a Conservative Blogger; condescension and being a general asshole are expected. But, I never made it personal. I have towards others in the past and I have deeply regretted it.Ā  This is why I follow a rule of conduct; attack the policy, not the person, mock gently, but know the line and never cross it.

Andrew Breitbart crossed it early Wednesday morning, when the news of Ted Kennedy’s passing hit. You can view and sampling of his rather idiotic and obnoxious nonsense by going Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, and Here. In fact, you can view this obnoxious idiot’s account by hovering over this link here.

Now some of you might be shocked and amazed that I would come out and condemn someone like Andrew for saying stuff like this. Well, allow me to explain as to why. I believe in freedom of speech; I really do. But, I also believe in responsibility of that freedom as well. Now, do I believe that the so-called “Thought Police” should scoop up Mr. BreitBart and send him off to a reeducation camp or something silly like that? Of course not.Ā  As a libertarian-minded Conservative; I believe in a free market approach to freedom of speech. I believe in letting the free market decide if it wants to be associated with obnoxious speech. If Andrew Breitbart wants to speak his mind about Ted Kennedy; fine, let him do so. But if someone is offended by his speech, they have the absolute right to lodge a complaint to Mr. Breitbart’s advertisers and inform them, that they do not intend to purchase their products, if they continue to sponsor this man’s website.

I believe it would be also fair to point out, that Mr. Breitbart did not use his website to express his opinion of Kennedy. He used the social network Twitter. Which is a very public service, unless you elect to make your updates private. Something that no one hardly ever does. But then again, not many people go around acting foolish like this either.

Again, In closing, I believe that Mr. BreitBart has the right to say what he wishes. That is the core ideal of freedom; however, Mr. Breitbart should be prepared to handle the criticism and the consequences, including the loss of advertisers; for expressing his opinions.

The American Conservative continues to spew hate from it’s blogs.

This is unreal.

The Libya deal was vintage neoconservatism in action ā€“ pretending to get rid of non-existent WMD so that the oil money could flow. And look what has come of it.

via Post Right Ā» Neoconservatism From Beyond The Grave.

Well, we all know that the word Neo-Conservative or Neo-Conservatism basically is another word for the word Jew.

So, according to this Nitwit. It was the JEWS fault! šŸ™„

…and they wonder why The American Conservative is about to go under as a publication? That could not happen too fast, if you ask me.

Such Bigotry, Such Hate, Such fools. šŸ™„

The Left’s plans to desecrate 9/11

This is unbelievable.

This comes via The American Spectator:

The Obama White House is behind a cynical, coldly calculated political effort to erase the meaning of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks from the American psyche and convert Sept. 11 into a day of leftist celebration and statist idolatry.

This effort to reshape the American psyche has nothing to do with healing the nation and everything to do with easing the nation along in the ongoing radical transformation of America that President Obama promised during last yearā€™s election campaign. The president signed into law a measure in April that designated Sept. 11 as a National Day of Service, but itā€™s not likely many lawmakers thought this meant that day was going to be turned into a celebration of ethanol, carbon emission controls, and radical community organizing.

The plan is to turn a ā€œday of fearā€ that helps Republicans into a day of activism called the National Day of Service that helps the left. In other words, nihilistic liberals are planning to drain 9/11 of all meaning.

A coalition including the unsavory left-wing pressure group Color of Change and about 60 far-left, environmentalist, labor, and corporate shakedown groups participated in the call. Groups on the call included: ACORN, AFL-CIO, Apollo Alliance, Community Action Partnership, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, 80 Million Strong for Young American Jobs, Friends of the Earth, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies,, National Black Police Association, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, National Council of Negro Women, National Wildlife Federation, RainbowPUSH Coalition, Urban League, and Young Democrats of America.

Of course, the annual commemoration of the 2001 terrorist attacks belongs to the entire nation, but President Obama and the activist left donā€™t see it that way. They view the nationwide remembrance of the murder of 3,000 Americans by Islamic totalitarians as an obstacle to winning over the hearts and minds of the American people.

Unreal, just farking unreal. The left will stop at nothing to mar the Memory of those who were killed at the hands of terrorists. Maybe it is because the left sympathizes with terrorists.

Be sure an sign up for the 2,996 project. I have. My memorial will post on September 11’th. I finished it a few weeks ago, the post is set to drop on September 11’th at 7:00a.m. EST. It will be a barn burner, I assure you on that. We must, as Conservatives; be the one’s to keep the real meaning of September 11’th alive. Do not allow the Liberals to steal this one from America.

Update: AllahPundit isn’t buying it. Big Surprise there! šŸ™„ This is the same guy who’s got it bad for Megan McCain. Shocka! šŸ˜›

Update #2: Pamela Geller is NOT happy about this at all. šŸ˜®

Others: Michelle Malkin, Right Wing Nut House, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Cold Fury, Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers

Sorry, No Pity Here

What follows is a Story in the New York Times about the Housing Crises and the effect that it is having in a small neighborhood in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California.

I could quite a great deal of this, but I will just outline it for you. It is basically a sob story of how people bought houses and went over their heads, getting equity out and then the Market crashed and they were left without their homes. Boo Hoo. šŸ™„ How could I be so mean, nasty and have such a cold heart, you ask?

Because of this part of the story:

Via NYT:

Equity soon became irresistible.

Ms. Sanchez and Mr. Winkler, the couple with two daughters, wanted a new car. So they pulled $15,000 out of the house. Mr. Godfrey and Ms. Saldamando, the schoolteachers, dipped into their equity to landscape their back yard. Mr. Blanco, the electrician, used it to invest in a lot in the desert, and Mr. Soto, the landscaper, picked up a rental home in the Central Valley, an agricultural area northwest of here.

The blockā€™s first residents, Ms Hernandez and her husband, bought a shiny commercial truck, with dreams of expanding his trucking business. He pulled money out of the house nearly annually. And the couple from South Los Angeles used their house ā€” bought for $152,500 in 1997 ā€” as a veritable cash machine, refinancing three times before selling it in 2006 for $440,000.

But one by one, the strings began to come apart.

The new buyer of the Los Angeles coupleā€™s home was quickly in over his head; he lost the house in less than a year, with $375,273 still owed.

Title records show that Ms. Hernandez and her husband bought their home in 1997 for $123,000, using nearly 100 percent borrowed money. They refinanced first in 2003, at 11.1 percent interest on $129,000. The equity loans kept coming: the balance rose to $230,000 in 2004; $323,00 in 2005; $374,000 in 2006; then, finally, $415,000, at 8.12 percent, in 2007.

ā€œFor a while things were going really, really good,ā€ Ms. Hernandez said. ā€œThen the truck broke down, and things went down from there. One day I came home and there was a note on the door that said call this number.ā€

It was only then, Ms. Hernandez said, that her husband told her about the equity loans and that ā€œwe were in foreclosure and needed to get out.ā€ Last fall, the bank offered them $1,000 to leave the house quietly.

ā€œI was a nervous wreck,ā€ she said, her shoulders tensing with the memory. She tried to shield her children, ages 18, 16 and 14, from the news. ā€œI would pray every night and drive around every day looking for something new.ā€

Moving day came in October, and friends on the block stood by as Ms. Hernandez carefully pulled the last bags out of the house and cleaned up ā€” her home was known for being spotless ā€” before moving to a rental house a few miles away.

ā€œI mopped, I swept, I wiped down the counters,ā€ Ms. Hernandez said. ā€œIt was my home. I was still proud of it.ā€

Ms. Hernandezā€™s struggles quickly reverberated around Beth Court. If the blockā€™s longest-term residents could lose their home, who might be next?

ā€œI thought, ā€˜Oh my God, her husband is always working,ā€™Ā ā€ said Mr. Blanco, now unemployed. ā€œI felt scared. I figured heā€™s working and Iā€™m not working, so maybe weā€™re going to lose our house, too.ā€

Now am I supposed to pity these people? I do not think so. These people bought houses with money that they did not have, then on top of that, they kept taking equity out of their houses to buy stuff with; again with money that they did not even have. So, as far as I am concerned, they got what was coming to them. You do not buy products with money that you do not even have, and expect me to pity you. Of course, the best thing that the stupid liberals can say, is that this is all Bush’s fault. Which is complete bullcrap, because it was Bill Clinton’s idea of floating high risk loans to those who would not be able to normally afford them, is what caused this damned mess in the first place. Basically this caused an artificial inflation of the housing market.Ā  All of this was built around a faulty assumption that the economy was going to be okay and never crash. Well, it did, due to the toxic mortgages that Bill Clinton just had to have; and these people, who bought houses with money that they did not have, ended up losing them. Two words for them; Tough Shit. That what they get for buying a house with money that they did not have, and then on top of that getting equity out; which of course, meant a higher house note. Too bad, so sad, you do the stupid, you pay for it.

Not only this, but now, they are bitter. Hey, I thought only we Conservatives were the bitter ones??

Check out this hilarious quote:

ā€œWelcome, and congrats on your house,ā€ she said in Spanish as she made her way home.

ā€œI feel happy for him,ā€ Ms. Sanchez said later.

One person who is not happy is Ms. Hernandez, who still visits her best friend and her former neighborhood.

ā€œShe told me she just hated to see the new people at her house,ā€ Ms. Sanchez wrote in a recent e-mail message.

Lessons Learned

As the foreclosure crisis continues to touch Beth Court, there are those who feel blessed for what is left and for what has been learned, others who feel victimized and bitter, and those who feel that they failed the system and vice versa, but who also believe that misfortune is transitory.

The newcomers ā€” the Schneiders, the Cortezes and the Giulianis ā€” have sympathy for those who lost their homes, but feel they have been rewarded for saving, waiting and buying in a conventional manner. The falling home prices were ā€œthe answer to our prayers,ā€ Ms. Giuliani said. ā€œWe would not have been able to get a house this size elsewhere.ā€

Hey Lady, here is your solution to your problem:


Here is the solution to the Houses Crisis!

Stupid liberal morons, act foolishly and then want me to pity them. Not on your best day!

Others: The Big Picture

Quote of the Day

Your tweets are bizarre and unoriginal. – Source

This is what he said… click here.

Hereā€™s proof that he said it. It was a direct messageā€¦. click on thumbnail to make it bigger:


Just for the record, this stupid bitch does NOT speak for me. Update: Possible Liberal Plant?

This comes via think progress:


Conservatives have strenuously denied that there is any anti-Semitism on display by anti-health reform protesters at town hall meetings nationwide ā€” despite all the evidence to the contrary. Last week, Las Vegas radio station KDWN AM720 sponsored a ā€œcontentiousā€ town hall, emceed by conservative morning show host Heidi Harris. At the event, local news stations were interviewing an Israeli man who was praising the ā€œfantasticā€ ā€œnational health careā€ in Israel. During his remarks, a woman yelled out, ā€œHeil Hitler!ā€ The man stopped, became visibly upset, and exclaimed, ā€œDid you hear this? She say to a Jew, ā€˜Heil Hitlerā€™! Hear? Iā€™m a Jew! Youā€™re telling me, ā€˜Heil Hitlerā€™? Shame of you!ā€ After he angrily confronts her, the woman mocks him by making a crying sound to imply he is a whining baby.

Let me just say that as a Conservative; that this stupid bitch does not speak for me. While I am opposed to any sort of Government ran, funded or sponsored healthcare. This sort of activity is not inline with any sort of Conservative thought or doctrine. I tend to believe that this woman was a plant by a liberal organization to discredit the opposition.

Again, this woman does NOT speak for this Conservative, at all.

Update: Gateway Pundit , American Power , and Legal Insurrection are all saying; that I thought as well, that this woman was a leftist plant. Her name by the way is Pamela Pilger and the man’s name is Samuel Blum.

Others: The Impolitic and The Political Carnival

Why do people do stupid stuff like this?

This turkey got what was coming to him:

There were signs comparing President Barack Obama to a Nazi and showing him with an Adolf Hitler-style mustache, but federal officials believe another sign referencing the president and his family went too far.

A man who was holding a sign reading “Death to Obama” Wednesday outside a town hall meeting on health care reform in Hagerstown, Md., has been turned over to the Secret Service.

Washington County Sheriff’s Capt. Peter Lazich said the sign also read, “Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids.”

Lazich said U.S. Secret Service agents took the unidentified 51-year-old man into custody Wednesday afternoon after deputies detained him near the entrance to Hagerstown Community College.

via “Death to Obama” Sign Holder Detained by Secret Service | NBC Washington.

I am not one normally to rejoice over someones misfortune. But this is an notable exception. This moronic tool is right where he should be; cooling his heels in a jail cell. This goes well beyond politics, it just boils down to being stupid. I am not a fan of the socialized health-care, but ripping up people signs and wishing death on the President is just plain asinine.

As if this meatball isn’t enough there’s some guy in stand off with police out an LA; because he made threats against the President. You can watch that live event unfold here.Ā  (and listen to the annoying radio linking noise too!) Feed is now down.

It is a full moon? Because it seems like the crazies are out today. Well, more so than usual. šŸ˜®

Update: here’s the live video Feed Went down

Update #3: The story that I reported above thankfully ended peacefully with no loss of life. Hopefully that man will get the help that he needs. Turns out, he was off his medication and when he does that, he flips out. As someone who’s been on medication all my life; I can relate. Hopefully, the justice dept. sees this and goes easy on the guy. God Bless him, the man was and still is not well. My Prayers are with his family.

Update #2: Speaking of nuts, Why do people try and outrun a radio? Here’s a link to a police chase and crash that happened up in Detroit. There no sound on this video, so, here’s the last few seconds of the Video:

Story on Crash is found here.

Quote of the Day

ā€œThe new Evangelical Left, like the old Social Gospel Religious Left of decades ago, always materialistically equates Big Government and centralized control with the Kingdom of God. They learned no lessons from the 20th century, when Big Government again and again wreaked destruction and was often the antithesis of Christian teachings. For the Religious Left, Obamacare is just one more opportunity for coercion and eradication of private initiative.

ā€œRevealingly, the Religious Left seems uninterested in lowering doctorsā€™ expenses by limiting lawsuit abuse or providing tax credits towards private coverage. Such proposals distract from the larger agenda of expanding state power.

ā€œWhy do Religious Left activists always worship at the altar of the Big Government? More traditional religious believers, understanding human nature, look to other altars.ā€

Voices from the intelligent Liberal Left

This comes via FreedomWorks:

Washington, DC ā€” Today, FreedomWorks released an apology to leftist political organizations, including, the Democratic National Committee, the AFL-CIO, and ACORN for our apparent ignorance of the fine art of political discourse.

FreedomWorksā€™ August Recess Call to Action encouraged grassroots citizens to attend Congressional town hall meetings and listening sessions. Ā We asked everyone to voice their opinions and communicate their opposition to the Presidentā€™s proposed hostile takeover of the American health care system. Ā Apparently, the very act of showing up and having an opinion is, in effect, to act like a ā€œthug.ā€Ā  Opposing President Obamaā€™s policy agenda on health care is, in and of itself, unacceptable, and has no place in our democracy. Ā Bottom line: itā€™s ā€œdisgusting,ā€ according to our friends on the left.

We didnā€™t know this. Ā Evidently, we also didnā€™t know best practices in a respectful, dignified policy debate, but our leftist friends were kind enough to ā€œtake FreedomWorks to schoolā€, so to speak.

Specifically, ā€œschoolā€ included phone call blitzes from and the AFL-CIO that jammed FreedomWorks phone lines and filled up staff voice mail boxes. Ā Callersā€™ consistently used profanity, vulgarity, ever-popular references to ā€œNazisā€ and ā€œbrown-shirters,ā€ racial slurs targeting an African-American staffer, and even veiled threats of violence and bodily harm.

Now we know how an intelligent political debate unfolds. Ā Thank You!

FreedomWorks would like to share some of the more interesting examples of this brand of debate, graciously communicated to staff via voice mail by some of the more learned members of the thoughtful left.

Please click on the links below (WARNING: Ā If you, like the uninformed members of FreedomWorks, do not have an appropriately sophisticated and Ā ā€œprogressiveā€ view of political discourse, you may find the content of these recordings extremely offensive. They use profanity, crude sexual innuendo, racist remarks, and very, very bad English)

Here are the recordings in question; just listen to the intelligence in this messages:

ā€œYouā€™re a total d**khead. Bye-bye, you little a**hole.ā€

ā€œYou all suffer from the same f**king problem: you didnā€™t get laid enough when you were younger because youā€™re 5ā€™ 3ā€. ā€¦ Girls never paid any attention to youā€¦ Youā€™re a little f**king dweeb who f**king didnā€™t get any p**** his whole f**king lifeā€¦ Youā€™re a little f**king piece of shit and I would f**king step onĀ  your fu**king head quicker than you could shake a stick out, if I had the chanceā€¦ Youā€™re the f**king minority.ā€

We are using tactics like Hitler to disrupt democracy. ā€œIf I have to pick up a weaponā€¦then I will.ā€

Someone who’s most likely masturbating while breathing heavily into the phone.

ā€œF**king buddiesā€™ wivesā€¦ā€

ā€œStop disrupting my democracy with Nazi, Brownshirt tacticsā€¦you immoral bast****.ā€

Threat to respond violently to town hall attendees. ā€œI hope this backfires on that piece of s*** Dick Armey.ā€

ā€œI hope you haveĀ a hard time sleeping at night.ā€

ā€œYou are almost as bad as the communistsā€¦ Youā€™re from out of the country, obviously.ā€

ā€œYour Brownshirt tactics are unacceptable, un-American.ā€

Amazing…. when they cannot win the debate; this is what happens. Threats, Insults, Foul Language. I smell desperation.

This must be what the White House meant by push back harder. More of Obama’s Communist Community organizing

Noted Detroit Sports Writer and Faux Liberal Hack says “Hey Townhalls Protests are American too!”

From the ultra-Liberal Detroit Free Press‘s Mitch Albom:

I have no illusions about protesters at the recent town hall meetings on health care.

Mitch Albom

Mitch Albom

Some are fueled by angry conservative groups. Some are hopped up on radio hosts’ rants and ravings. Some are Barack Obama haters. Some use one piece of wrong information to smear an entire event.

And some just think the whole idea of government health care stinks.

But all of them — all of them — have the right to be there, and the right to their point of view. Liberal-minded thinkers who regularly speak up for the poor and underprivileged cannot suddenly yank the rug when it comes to free speech for others.

No matter what I think of national health care — no matter what you think, either — it is an issue that affects everyone, and everyone should have the same right to talk, argue or shout about it.

The fact that some are doing so in an impolite, abrasive way is unfortunate.


Now, I know some of these protesters are sent by dubiously named groups like Americans obama_jokerfor Prosperity, which sounds harmless enough, until you check and see the group’s leader once organized for Enron and worked with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

I know these groups often hand out instructions on how to be disruptive.

And I know some people just want to see Obama — and any of his plans — fail.

But that’s what America is. That’s what town halls are for. And let’s be honest, politicians try to orchestrate these events as much as protesters do. The only problem I have is when people won’t let others speak or come only to disrupt. That’s not right. That’s not democracy.

But the rest is. If you feel other people are ill-informed, take the time to try to correct them. If you feel others are shouting to bring down a cause, shout to bring it up.

But I would rather live in a place where people questioned what their government proposed rather than swallowing it blindly — especially a government whose members guard our tax money while taking bribes, shout morality and then get caught with their pants down, or lecture businessmen about private planes and then order a bunch for themselves.

What did Democrats expect with a bill like this? Roses and hosannas? Many who supported Obama’s campaign promises of health care for everyone wouldn’t have done so if they read how he now plans to pay for and administer it.

It may not be pretty, but shouting and confrontations are part of this country. They have been from the start. More manners would be better. But silence would be worse.

Listening to this idiot yowl on about this; is like listening to Aleister Crowley say that Jesus Christ is Lord. You know the words coming out of his mouth, but you know damn well that the person does not mean a damn word of it. Albom goes on to very lamely attempt to paint a parallel between these Townhalls and the Anti-War Demonstrations of the Vietnam era. Which in itself is an idiotic comparison. The difference is that those war protests were done by a bunch of America-hating assholes, who wanted to see us lose and come home defeated. For what it is worth Mitch; Vietnam was started by a Democrat, The man who was the driving force and architect behind Vietnam was a liberal Democrat — something that that he went to his grave regretting. Also, want to know which party ended Vietnam??Ā  It was the Republicans! After that idiot liberal broadcaster Walter Cronkite lost it for us, there was nothing more we could do! Anyhow, these townhall protests are being put on by those who happen to give two shits about our Country and the direction that it is headed in; people like me and every other damned person that either shows up at them and happens to Blog about them.

Further more, the problem here is Mitch Albom is a nothing more than an opportunist. This guy used to bash Bush and from what I have read, he used to trash Reagan as well. So, while on the surface, he comes off as someone who is attempting to defend the America people’s right to free speech. In reality Albom is really trying to mock those who really care about this Country. So, nice try Mitch, but you should really stick to what you know —- Sports.

College Grad sues college because she cannot find a job

Good grief…. Does this mean I can sue my local job search service here in Michigan? Because I cannot find a job driving semi? or maybe the college I attended? Egad.

Via the New York Post:

She has given new meaning to a class-action lawsuit.

Trina Thompson gave it the old college try, but couldn’t find work. Now she thinks her sheepskin wasn’t worth her time, and is suing her alma mater for her money back.

The Monroe College grad wants the $70,000 she spent on tuition because she hasn’t found gainful employment since earning her bachelor’s degree in April, according to a suit filed in Bronx Supreme Court on July 24.

The 27-year-old alleges the business-oriented Bronx school hasn’t lived up to its end of the bargain, and has not done enough to find her a job.

The information-technology student blames Monroe’s Office of Career Advancement for not providing her with the leads and career advice it promised.

“They have not tried hard enough to help me,” the frustrated Bronx resident wrote about the school in her lawsuit.

“She’s angry,” said Thompson’s mother, Carol. “She’s very angry at her situation. She put all her faith in them, and so did I. They’re not making an effort.

Hell, I am angry too. I took Truck Drive Training school in 2003 and I still have not been able to find a local driving job. I should sue the school, they didn’t stand on their heads to find me a job good enough. šŸ™„

Jonathan Turley says that suit has snowballs chance in Hades of going anywhere:

The basis of the lawsuit seems entirely frivolous and could result in sanctions unless the college made (unlikely) promises of employment.

She accuses the Office of Career Advancement for not providing her sufficient support ā€” a common complaint among students.

The college promises a lifetime of free service for graduates, but it does not promise a job. Thompson feels that the college falsely promised support and leads for jobs.

That is the whole point. The school promises leads; not jobs. This is how colleges avoid lawsuits, they can point you in the right direction, but they cannot promise you an actual job. If any college tried to do that, they would be up to their eyeballs in lawsuits.

Seriously though, I think I enjoy writing better. But I would love to write for an online Conservative political magazine. Call me, people, call me! šŸ˜€

Even More living Proof that Liberals are Classless Assholes

I’ve seen some extremely classless assholes in my day. But this one takes the cake:

Rossanne Barr Dressed as Hitler, Baking Burnt Jew Cookies

Roseanne Barr Dressed as Hitler, Baking "Burnt Jew Cookies"

Click here to read the article at Newsbusters.

What a sick and classless bitch! Sick thing is; Liberals think this stuff is funny. Roseanne Barr is a liberal who practices a liberal form of Judaism. But does that excuse this sort of sick nonsense? The answer is no. She ought to be shamed into hiding for producing this sort of racist, Anti-Semitic nonsense.

More living proof that Liberals are Classless assholes

This comes via Michelle Malkin on twitter:

It seems that Media Matters for America’s Oliver Willis has nothing better to do, than mock Michelle Malkin’s face.

You can look at that case of the pot calling the kettle, well, Black here.

I guess they are a bit pissed off because Barack Obama’s healthcare bill is dying on the vine.

This coming from a guy, who likes like this:


People that live in glass houses, ought not throw stones. In other words, fat boy —— you ain’t no prize either.

I think Willis needs to stick to what he knows. Eating his Cheetos and drinking his grape Kool-Aid.

Living Proof that liberals are no-class assholes

Can be found here, here and here

I wonder what this welfare recipient gets per month?Ā  I guess when you’re a fat sweat hog, who carries water for B. Hussian Obama, all the while eating large amounts of food and ignoring your kids; it must be good. Must pay well too. The White trash sweat hog has her own domain. So, she’s getting paid, somehow. I didn’t realize, however that Alaska has such a Chrystal Meth problem; but someone has to have a side job!

I mean, what further proof do we need, that we really need to cut Alaska loose and let that bunch of inbred idiots have their own country?

Facepalm of the day


It’s a twofer for today!

First off some Conservative Activist dude named Dr. David McKalip forwarded this little jem around:

….and if that was not bad enough. The lamebrained idiot bonehead, who owns Gateway Pundit, points to this picture here, I guess to make the point that liberals did the same thing, when Bush was in office.

Here’s the pic:

bush witch doctor

So, what’s the problem you ask? The Picture above was linked from and pointed to by Gateway Pundit is a Blog called the Romanian National Vanguard News Agency, which is owned by Romanian National Vanguard. Which is a White Nationalist website! Which I will not point to, at all.

Good Lord people, the Liberals ALREADY think that we Conservatives are freakin’ Nazi’s, do we REALLY want to keep giving them reasons to believe this? šŸ™„


Black Harvard Professor screams “Race!” and Charges are dropped.

Go read that whole mess, right here.

I find it so amazing, that a black man can scream, “I am an oppressed Negro!” and like magic charges are dropped.

I was born the wrong color. šŸ™„

If this guy was white, he would still be in a jail cell. Point blank.

Thank you Abraham Lincoln for ruining America. :pissedoff:

FacePalm of the Day

Go read, please.

Money Quote:

“I got a call from someone from Puerto Rico, said [Gillibrand] went to Puerto Rico and came out for English-only [education]. And he said, ‘It was like saying nā€”r to a Puerto Rican,'” Maloney said. “I don’t know-I don’t know if that’s true or not. I just called. I’m just throwing that out. All of her-well, what does she stand for?”

Ouch. :shutmouth:

John Stossel takes on Liberal Propagandist Michael Moore

I happen to likeĀ John Stossel; because he dares to take on the Liberals. Not in a mean or nasty way. But by simply stating the truth.

He writes about Michael Moore’s latest Movie:

Michael Moore has been working on another documentary.Ā  This time, heā€™s taking on capitalism:

“The wealthy, at some point, decided they didn’t have enough wealth. They wanted more — a lot more. So they systematically set about to fleece the American people out of their hard-earned money.”

How ridiculous is that?Ā  The wealthy, and everyone else, almost always decide that they donā€™t have enough wealth.Ā  People ask their bosses for raises.Ā  We invest in stocks hoping for bigger returns than Treasury Bonds bring.Ā  ā€œGreedā€ is a constant.Ā  The beauty of free markets, when government doesnā€™t meddle in them, is that they turn this greed into a phenomenal force for good.Ā  The way to win big money is to serve your customers well.Ā  Profit-seeking entrepreneurs have given us better products, shorter work days, extended lives, and more opportunities to write the script of our own life.

He goes on…:

Moore also fails to understand is that it was not ā€œcapitalismā€ run amok that caused todayā€™s financial problems.Ā Ā  In reality, it was a combination of ill-conceived government policies and an overzealous Federal Reserve artificially lowering interest rates to fuel a bubble in the housing market.Ā  Then it was government that took money from taxpayers and forced banks to accept it.

Moore ought to understand that, because he makes a good point when he says his movie will be about “the biggest robbery in the history of this country – the massive transfer of U.S. taxpayer money to private financial institutions.”

That is indeed robbery.Ā  It sure doesnā€™t sound like capitalism.

Nope, sounds more like socialized Healthcare or simply Socialism in general; to me.

Mike Tennant writing over at Lew Rockwell’s Blog chimes in:

According to the press release you linked, Chris, ā€œMoore has made three of the top six highest-grossing documentaries of all time,ā€ which presumably means he has accumulated a great deal of wealth.Ā  Apparently, since he continues to foist his so-called documentaries on an unsuspecting public, Moore has decided that he doesnā€™t have enough wealth.Ā  He wants moreā€“a lot more.

Like most anti-capitalists, Moore has no problem personally profiting from his own endeavors while demonizing other successful persons and attempting to have them dispossessed of their wealth.Ā  The good news is that Moore ultimately has to answer to the marketplace and thus may find himself begging for work from the very people he now condemns if enough of his audience members wake up to the fact that heā€™s a charlatan and stop shelling out their increasingly scarce cash for his celluloid propaganda.

Mike is right on point; that is exactly how the socialists in America are. The Socialist left wants to preach to America, how evil, rotten, nasty and no good the evil capitalist system is; all the whole pocketing a profit from their lectures, Movies and the books that they just happen to make a profit at.Ā  It is more of that “Yea for me, but Nay for thee”, type of mentality and outright hypocritical nonsense that the Far Socialist left is known for.

The troubling thing about it, is this; these knuckle-headed socialists basically control the Democratic Party and it’s message.Ā  Hence my reasoning for not wanting anything to do with them or their Party any longer.

Give me Capitalism, Freedom and Liberty or Give Me Death!

Others: Wake up America