Some Sad News

Welp, my friends, I have some sad news.

The 1990 Mercury cougar is going to the junk yard on Monday.

Driver side window is FUBAR. Like the passenger side, the window motor is fine, the actuator is Hosed.

Plus there’s about 5 other things screwed up with that Ford reject. So, She’s going to auto grave yard on Monday. I did get my money’s worth out of it. Just need something a bit better.


Donations accepted and deeply appreciated! Otherwise, I’m stranded. 🙁

……and will be looking for work.

The heap that's headed to the Junk Yard on Monday.

Fatty this

There are times when I utter detest being a blogger and being connected to this hyper-social media world of Facebook, Twitter and all of the other idiotic nonsense needed to promote my writing prose and my ability to expound on politics and such.  Because one can do something simple and small and before one knows it, it is amplified to the point of being a huge controversy.  In other words, social media has the uncanny ability to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Another reason why I have grown to detest this entire social media experience is that it has forced us to become very dependent upon it.  If you think I am wrong about that, just allow Twitter, Facebook or any of the other popular social media sites to go down due to a technical glitch.  The way most of the users of these services act when they go down; one would have thought that someone poisoned the Nation’s food supply or something.  I am not pointing the finger at others and absolving myself of blame — not at all.  I am one of the guilty parties!  Dependence on electronic devices and mediums scares the living pants off me.  When I was growing up, computers were seen as a novelty; now they are an integral part of our lives.  Social media has taken that dependency to another more frightening level.  No, I am not ready to dig out my bunker just yet.  However, the level dependency on social media makes me wonder if there ever was large disaster that hit the United States, and everything was knocked out; power, internet — everything.  What would we all do? I mean no twitter, no facebook, and no internet.  It is truly enough to make someone scream!  (Not to mention, just a wee bit paranoid

OK.  I wrote all that fancy sounding literary willy-nilly up there to get to a point. A young man by the name of Andy Baio wrote a very nice script for that is used in Firefox, which is an open source web browser — which works quite well by the way.  Anyhow, the script suddenly stopped working.  Which naturally produced one of those, “ZOMG! HALP! IT DON’T WORK! ELEVENTY!!1!”—- sort of moments with me.  Here again, this is more of that dependence on electronic gizmos, and internet.  The script takes a site called “Memeornadum”, which is a site that scans news sites and also scans blogs for reactions to those news stories — and colors the blog reactions according to, supposedly, their political leanings — Red for Conservative and Blue for liberal. Now, does my life depend on this little script?  No.  Will my existence as a normal breathing human being cease if this script is not updated?  No.  However, it is God-awfully nice to have!  It is very nice to be able to glance at Memeornadum, and see a story and see which side is reacting to which story and how they are reacting.  Without having to think, “Okay, this guy is a liberal, and this guy is a Conservative
”  The script does all that for you. Again, more of that dependence and brain drain that I keep hearing about.

As for my defense as to why I jumped on Andy Baio.  I have but one defense.  One, I am a hard ass okay?  I did not serve in the military; I was just too damned dumb.  I dropped out in the 11’th grade.  I have A.D.H.D.; my math skills are, frankly, shitty.  I did however; enroll in the school of hard knocks or as I like to call it; the school hard knocks and bloody knuckles.  Two, I am a political blogger and often times; I make the stupid mistake of looking at everything through the prism of damned politics. It is a personal flaw of mine.

I just assumed, when I did not see an updated script by Andy Baio, within a day; that he might have thought, “That guy is a right winger, I am not helping him.”  Yes, I jumped the gun.  Yes, I was wrong.  There, are you narcissistic bastards happy now?  Happy to see a man, who is just struggling to get by with about twenty bucks in his damned back account, fall to his knees, and lick the damned curb?  Is that what you fucking want from me? Please, you all are not worth all of that.  I am man enough to admit when I screw up, but I will be damned if I will ever kiss anyone’s ass.  I have not kissed anyone’s ass in the 38 years, that I have been on this planet, and I am not about to start now.

Furthermore, to address the comments made on twitter about me being a “Fatty.”  First, how fucking 8’th grade playground-like can you guys be?  I mean, seriously. I have but one reply, which I did say on twitter — Come say that crap to my face.  I can guarantee you this; you would not walk away, maybe on a stretcher, when I was done kicking your ass.  That is the “threats” referred to by Andy Baio.  To be clear, Andy never called me “Fatty” or anything else.  So, this is not directed at him, at all.  It is directed at the “keyboard commandos,” who talk a good game of bullshit behind a keyboard. However, face to face, they do not have much to say.

Therefore, there it is — my side of the damned story — the first and last thing that I ever want to say about the said subject.  I am turning off the comments and pingbacks on this posting.  Because frankly, I have better things to do than respond to stupidity like this.

Help Push Day by Day off the cliff!

Well, not really… 😉 😀 😛

Chris Muir puts out Day by Day daily, even on Sundays. Basically he does it thanks to generosity of a bunch of people who have much more money than me.

Anyways, he is having his yearly fund raiser to keep the lights on. So, head over and buy some stuff and stick a donation in the can. Nothing I cannot stand worse than to see a grown man cry; so, get on over there and put a buck or two in his jar. In fact, put two in, one for yourself, and one in my name. I would, but crap is tight here at the moment.

Anyhow, I run Day by Day here in my right column, it’s a great tune. I have been reading Day by Day since I was a half assed left of center type. I found it to be incredibly funny and quite interesting; not to mention, it is very well drawn too. Muir knows his chops and it shows.

In fact, here’s today’s Sunday Full feature cartoon:

Just a little FYI… Muir did me a big favor once when I was in a bad spot. I owe him big time for that. So, in that Spirit, help the dude out, okay?


The Head Fatso in Charge

More Stupidity from the Moderation Que

Here’s what I have to deal with, pretty much on a daily basis around here:

It appears I hit a nerve with the liberals, again… It is my job, I wear a badge. 😀

Author : Jymn (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
Facts? I don’t see any facts in what the fly said. Just prejudice. So American Taliban. Jesus and Mohammed up in a tree…


Author : M. Bouffant (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
<i>And this is because, when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have Big Brother government to be your provider. . . .”</i>

This insane statement is not a “fact.”

This is funny too: <i>you could not make <b>no better decision</b> to protect you and your Family’s future.</i>

P.S.: English, not German. We English-users don’t just randomly capitalize words (“Family”) because we think they’re important.

Typical Liberal nonsense, when you cannot argue facts, you stoop to insults.

As a said before:

….as are most, if not all, liberals.

Sweet: Memeorandum is now scanning this blog again

Well, I am about as happy as a pig in slop!

It appears that good ol’ Memeorandum is now scanning yours truly again. (well, the blog… not me… 😉 )

Nice to know that I am important enough again to be included the big dogs of the Blogging world. 😀

A big thinks to Gabe Rivera who runs that invaluable service to the Blogging world.

Yes, I am still alive

I am just really, really, sleepy….

Actually, I only woke up at 5:30 this evening. That was after my dad came down to check on me; to make sure I was still alive.

What happened was this; yesterday, I took a nap that was supposed to only last about an hour. That nap ended up lasting for a few hours. 😼 Well, that threw off my sleeping hours, and I could not, for the life of me, go to sleep. So, I pulled an all-niter. I ended up finally going to sleep around 9:30 this morning.

So, needless to say…. I am totally out of sorts. 😯

Once I get it together here. I will have something to say about political events of the day.

A short note of thanks

To Doug over at American Power for the link love from His Blog and Right Wing News.

My warmest welcome to the readers of these blogs.

The story is this; Doug was not on BlogAds and I got him an invite to join it. Doug and I don’t agree on everything. But he is a decent person. So, as someone who’s gotten my share of breaks in the Conservative Blogosphere; I thought I would help him out.

So, to the readers of both of these fine Blogs. I simply will tell you this. I might not be the perfect image of what some of you might consider a “Perfect Conservative”; but I am definitely not what I was, politically, about ten or so years ago or even maybe back in 2006, when I first started into blogging. Also, I will say this; I am not a partisan blogger, I do not and will not ever, carry water for a political party. I will always speak the truth, as to what I feel about a subject.  I will tell you what I feel, even if it means that I may just chase some readers off. I would rather you know how I feel and you decide that this blog is not for you; than for me to hold back or even lie; just for the sake of your readership and you maybe clicking my ads. Being true to one’s self is more important than any sort of profit to be made on a blog.

Again, welcome to my little humble abode, read the comment rules, and please feel free to speak back to me. 😀

To Doug I say: Merci, bedankt, tak, dankie, falĂ«nderim, hvala, and so on….

What I would really like for my birthday

Yeah, in case, you ain’t heard… I’ve proved the bastards wrong….again.

I turned 38 years old today. Two years away from 40! Holy Hell… 😯 😼

Just seems like yesterday that I was sitting in my room, sulking, because I had turned 30 and didn’t have much to show for it.

Well, that was 8 years ago… Wow… Does not seem that long ago… But, it was. 🙂

Anyhow, Here’s present that I just love to own… As you all know; I am a Licensed Amateur Radio Operator; General Class.

On Christmas, I blogged about how much I’d love to own a Ameritron AL-1200 and a Icom 7800. While the ICOM 7800 is nice, the AL-1200 is unrealistic at this point. Mainly because the costs involved; and because I would have run 220 into the bedroom here to run it. Which would be a major pain in the butt.

Enter the Ameritron AL-572:

More Photos at  Ham Radio Market

AL572Q $1819.95 from R & L Electronics. 1300W (4) 572B W/QSK-5PC INSTALLED 110V

The QSK-5PC is a unit that allows full break in CW… and Vox without wearing out the relay…

Tip Jar here.

As you can see

I really did not blog much today. I had to take care of some personal business today, and after that, I just really could not get into the swing of things. I just was not feeling it.

I guess it’s the lack of donations that has me feeling a bit blue. I’m at one of my lower points. I’ve got 20 bucks and some change in my personal checking account.

I’d rattle the TipJar; but honestly? What is the point? None of you all would hit it any damned way.

Some people can rattle theirs and get paid very well; Me? I’m just left in the cold. As usual. 🙄

Maybe I’ll be in a better mood tomorrow.

But today, I just ain’t feeling it…

Some music:

Site Numbers for Last Week

Total counter state:

Hits: 474408
Hosts: 277772
Visitors: 332330
Sessions: 368455

From the beginning of the month:

Hits: 6324
Hosts: 3594
Visitors: 4692
Sessions: 5315
New Visitors: 4338

Last week:

Hits: 4178
Hosts: 2415
Visitors: 3226
Sessions: 3458
New Visitors: 2845

Now if everyone who had come here had given like $20 here or $25 there or maybe even $10 here or there. I would be able to get a better car.

Update: A Programming Note – Change of Plans

This is mainly for the benefit of those coming to watch the video I posted.

I will be away for an extended period tomorrow. I am actually venturing out into the real world. ( 😯 GASP! :eek:)

I have to help my dad with some jobs he’s doing tomorrow. Which means I gotta drag my fat arse outta bed at like 9:00a.m. and it’s like 1:46a.m. here locally. (:( UGH! đŸ˜„ 🙄 )

So… What this means is this… if you comment is in moderation, I won’t be there to approve it and I am a one man operation here. So, don’t take it personally, okay? I run the tight ship, because of the trolls.

So, until I return, keep the faith and never, ever give up!


Update: When I typed this entry, I was about half asleep. It was a misunderstanding. I was needed to help load the tiller, not go with him. Oops. Please Note: I am still about half asleep and may be crashing here soon. 😳

Hacking attempt at Political Byline

One of my Plugins alerted me to the fact that someone tried to login to my blog. Obviously to create mayhem.

From the inbox:

20 failed login attempts (4 lockout(s)) from IP:

Last user attempted: admin

IP was blocked for 24 hours

So, I tracerouted the IP:


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
2     4 ms     1 ms     1 ms
3     8 ms    11 ms    10 ms
4     9 ms    17 ms     9 ms []
5    10 ms     8 ms     9 ms []
6    10 ms     8 ms     8 ms []
7    10 ms    10 ms    10 ms []
8    12 ms    13 ms    13 ms []
9    26 ms    25 ms    26 ms
10    26 ms    26 ms    27 ms
11    26 ms    26 ms    27 ms []
12   103 ms   103 ms   103 ms []
13   101 ms   101 ms   103 ms []
14   102 ms   105 ms   110 ms []
15   115 ms   115 ms   114 ms
16   119 ms   117 ms   115 ms
17   103 ms   102 ms     *
18   118 ms   114 ms   114 ms
19   101 ms   101 ms   104 ms
20   114 ms   115 ms   114 ms
21   102 ms   106 ms   101 ms
22   264 ms   280 ms   303 ms []

Trace complete.


Looks like he’s in the U.K.

Maybe the U.K. liberals do not like this site.

Anyhow, I am onto the guy now and I’ve got his IP, anymore of this nonsense and I will be sending an e-mail to his Internet provider and possibly contacting the FBI in Detroit. Hacking is federal offense.

Good to know that my software and it’s plugin’s are doing their jobs.

What was my problem yesterday?

Two Things: Lack of Coffee and a severely farked up body clock.

…and my body’s clock is still not quite right.

But anyhow, I woke up and saw all this crap and just decided that I was not in the mood.  Lack of caffeine tends to make a guy grouchy.

I ended up finally making me some coffee and around 11:00 P.M….. going to sleep. 🙄

Anyhow, I should be back in the swing of things today.

But I really wish people on our side of the aisle would stop handing people on the other side farking ammo already. 🙄


Right now, I am just not feeling it.

Every time we on the right make a gain, someone on our side; does something stupid to make our side look like farking morons.

I know, they do it too. But farking aye people… Enough is enough.

So, right now, I need a break.

I’ll come back, when I’m ready… But right now, I give up.

Maybe I’ll come back to two days, maybe two weeks, maybe two years. Hell, maybe never.

I just need to stop for a few days or so…

Some Bloggers have all the luck

Some Bloggers have readers that actually donate, so that they can actually go places. Me? I’m stuck here. It sucks, but it’s reality; and right now, reality bites. 🙁

First of all, check out ol’ “Bernard Casanova” here:

Looks like a red-headed pimp on a stick! 🙄 😆

Meanwhile, I’m sitting, a little bit peeved. I was checking out my AdSense revenue page today and I blurted out, rather loudly, “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?!?!?” (Update: Heh… I fixed that… I had my tango’s and my Foxtrot’s backwards…. 🙄 )

Check it out:

You can click on that to make it bigger…

I mean, I do not mean to gripe; but heck, 488 visits today or ad impressions and NOBODY is clicking?!?!?! What the hell? Did I finally chase off my last remaining people who dared to click my ads and give me a little support? To be fair, I did kinda rip on Sarah Palin, a little; because I thought what she did was stupid, I still do. I also think her trying to tell President Obama how to run the Country is stupid too. As it turns out, I am not the only one who feels that way. So, ya’ll can try and starve me out all you want; but it is not going to change the way I feel about Palin. 🙄 😛 😀

Per Google’s rules, I am not allow to give instructions on my ads; they can yank my account for it. So, I will simply say… If you know what I mean and I think you do and If you REALLY know what I mean, and I hope like HELL that you do. 😉 I could really use the help right about now guys….uh, Guys? Guys?!?!?! HELLO?!?!? 😯

So, while ol’ “Bernard Casanova” is in the big squeezey (Easy) I’m sitting here, looking like a hung over Ernest Borgnine, feeling kinda cheesy.

All is not lost however, at least I am not Michael Steele: (H/T AllahPundit, my favorite Blogger, at the moment….)

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Michael Steele Plays the Race Card
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

About that mine tragedy in West Virginia

I just wanted to post something here to all my readers. I noticed that not too many Bloggers on my side of the political fence have said anything about this.

Well, once again, I will be the one to do it.

Politics is one thing, real life is another.

Losing someone to a tragedy such as this, is unimaginable. Unlike some on the left, I will NOT bring my personal politics into this. But I will say that I personally feel for this people. Mining is in my family too; sort of. My Father is from Middlesboro, Kentucky. Back when he was a young man, he drove a tri-axle dump truck down in his home town. He worked out of a strip mines down in that town. Oh, the stories he would tell, about Hazards of driving those trucks. Some of the stories were side splitting tales, some were quite scary.

Anyhow, my heart goes out to these people during their time of loss. This is where I will also deviate from my normal hard line Conservative stance, and say the following; which most likely will not do anything for my Conservative creds. Not that I quite honestly give a damn about that anyhow.

It would be a crime, if I did not mention the fact that this mine was, in fact, a non-union mine. Because of that, the safety record of this mine, was, in fact, terrible. Unions; for all their short-comings and horrible politics, are the best defense against companies who want to cut corners and allow their employees to work in unsafe conditions. I honestly believe that if the union that my Father was represented by at G.M. had not been there, my Father would have been dead ages ago. For those who are just passing through, my Father is a retired G.M. Worker and is represented by the U.A.W. The Union forces the big business owners to a very high standard of safety and if the companies do not adhere to them, they simply will not allow their employees on the job. Which I feel is a very good thing. Equipment can be replaced —- Human Lives cannot.

There are some possibly of the right, that might say my bringing this up is morbid or something silly like that. Well, too bad. As they say, all politics is local; and this my friends is a local, personal issue for me. One of the nicest things I read, was the fact that even though this mine was non-union, the President of the Union miners was sending a team of people up to the site, to offer their assistance. Because it is the human and responsible thing to do. That is what normal, sane, rational Americans do, when their fellow man is hurting. They put partisan differences aside and come together. I bet some in the world of Political Blogging could learn something from that; on both sides of the aisle.

Again, my and my family’s prayers go out to the people of MONTCOAL, W.Va. tonight.

Update: Video confirming what I wrote above:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Off to get some sleep

Once again my body clock is all “catty whompus”, which means screwed to hell.

I zonked out last night at like 10:45 P.M. and woke back up around 2:00 a.m. I’ve been up ever since and right about now; I am quite pooped. 😛

So, I shall return when I arise from my slumber.

Meanwhile, check out some of the blogs in my sidebars. 😀

Good Night…

Wake Up

About that Sean Hannity Ad in the sidebar

I am sure that by now most of you have noticed that Ad for Sean Hannity’s new book.

Well, as most of you know, I loathe Sean Hannity; I am not even remotely a fan. But $15.00 is $15.00 is $15.00, and seeing that I am in the financial position that I am in, any sort of extra money, say from advertisements like that —- is a good thing. Believe me, if I had tons of ads in that sidebar, that were paying me more money; I’d tell ol’ water carrier boy to pound sand. But right now, I will take any sort of money that I can get.

Some of you are wondering what I do not like about Hannity. I just don’t like his attitude and stuff he calls President Obama. It just strikes me as unprofessional and yes, I sometimes think he sounds a bit racist. That whole “Anointed One” line got stale long ago.  I mean, I am not a big fan of Obama, and yes, I do criticize his polices. But I do it without the stupid and sometimes borderline racist nuances, name calling and general stupidity, which people like Hannity and his fans are known for. I will admit, during the election and a little after it. I partook in some of that myself. But there was a point, when I basically said, “Okay the man is President now; time to move on and criticize his polices.” I mean, it’s one thing to say something witty once and a while; but to revolve a whole show around it and repeat the same stale crap every week, is just downright stupid. I guess my biggest complaint is that Sean Hannity makes it personal about the President and his Wife and I have also heard his kids. That’s over the line in my book. I never make it personal. Hannity does, this is why I do not watch his show.

As for Hannity personally; I never liked him when he was with Alan Colmes either. He’s a very, very, very, arrogant man, and the sick part is, he has got nothing to be arrogant about. The man lied his way into the business and the only reason he is where he is today, is because some idiot at Fox News felt sorry for the bastard. So, the way I see it; he has nothing to be conceited about.

Anyhow, about that Ad Space — I have plenty of spaces available for advertising. If you have something you would like to promote. Please, take out an Ad. My rates are the lowest around. My site gets anywhere from 300 to over 3K hits a day, depending on the news cycle. I expect during the 2010 elections that this sites numbers will rise as election day nears. So, getting ad space would be a good idea; and besides, it is for a good cause — Me, of course! 😉 😛 😀 Seriously, with the economy like it is here in Michigan and seeing the Obama administration is now putting the hurt on small business. I fully expect the jobs in this area to simply decrease. So, this little blogging gig might be my income for a long time to come. I realize that my readers are not rich and that they are suffering too. But, this is America folks, hard times like this, is when Americans come up with the best ideas for starting a business, and the key to a successful business is advertising. Remember folks, Capitalism is America and being your own boss and being successful at it, is the American dream.  I am just looking for my share. Help me do that, place an ad today! 

America-haters, Liberals, idiots and pinheads need not apply…