Some Bloggers have all the luck

Some Bloggers have readers that actually donate, so that they can actually go places. Me? I’m stuck here. It sucks, but it’s reality; and right now, reality bites. 🙁

First of all, check out ol’ “Bernard Casanova” here:

Looks like a red-headed pimp on a stick! 🙄 😆

Meanwhile, I’m sitting, a little bit peeved. I was checking out my AdSense revenue page today and I blurted out, rather loudly, “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?!?!?” (Update: Heh… I fixed that… I had my tango’s and my Foxtrot’s backwards…. 🙄 )

Check it out:

You can click on that to make it bigger…

I mean, I do not mean to gripe; but heck, 488 visits today or ad impressions and NOBODY is clicking?!?!?! What the hell? Did I finally chase off my last remaining people who dared to click my ads and give me a little support? To be fair, I did kinda rip on Sarah Palin, a little; because I thought what she did was stupid, I still do. I also think her trying to tell President Obama how to run the Country is stupid too. As it turns out, I am not the only one who feels that way. So, ya’ll can try and starve me out all you want; but it is not going to change the way I feel about Palin. 🙄 😛 😀

Per Google’s rules, I am not allow to give instructions on my ads; they can yank my account for it. So, I will simply say… If you know what I mean and I think you do and If you REALLY know what I mean, and I hope like HELL that you do. 😉 I could really use the help right about now guys….uh, Guys? Guys?!?!?! HELLO?!?!? 😯

So, while ol’ “Bernard Casanova” is in the big squeezey (Easy) I’m sitting here, looking like a hung over Ernest Borgnine, feeling kinda cheesy.

All is not lost however, at least I am not Michael Steele: (H/T AllahPundit, my favorite Blogger, at the moment….)

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Michael Steele Plays the Race Card
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

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