Message to commenter GWSSDelta

You are hereby banned from commenting on this blog — for good.

That last crack about MLK was it for me.

I have added you to the idiot filter.

If any other bloggers are having issues with this guy let me know, and I’ll get his IP address to you.

Not only are your silly sarcastic comments not funny, they are borderline offensive.

For what it is worth, me and this bean-head have had issues in the past. A friend of mine, said give him a chance and I did, and he did just what I thought he would do.  So, he’s done, added to the idiot filter, where he belongs.

If he continues to try and leave comments here, I will contact his Internet provider and let them know what he is up to.

The truth is, this is MY Blog, I do pay the bandwidth bill and I do not HAVE to deal with idiots like THAT, at all!

That is all.

Just a quick FYI

Yesterday was an insane day for traffic around here.

Here are the Stats:

Pageviews: 3,707

Top Referrers:

Referrer Views… 252… 129… 56… 29 15 15… 13… 9… 9… 8… 8… 7 5

Top Postings:

Updated – Latest News on Hati Earthquake – As many as 100,000 feared dead 2,144
BREAKING NEWS – 7.0 quake hits Haiti 401
Google Says to China, ‘If you keep hacking our servers, We will leave China’ 265
Home page 98
Video: Jack Cafferty rips on Obama and Pelosi?!?! 95
This is not going to help Coakley’s cause 71
BREAKING NEWS: Michael Yon arrested at Seattle airport 62
Video: Lock and Load Show: Accuracy International AW.308 61
Cocaine use, in the White House? 60
Conservative Christianity’s resident idiot yowls out his butt, again 45
Awwwww…. – Cute Photo of the Day 34
Looks like that TeaParty Convention is not what it is cracked up to be 20
Living Proof that Socialist Liberals are Classless Assholes 16
One of most best de-motivators ever! 13
Dede Scozzafava calls the cops on The Weekly Standard’s John McCormack 13
Are the Democrats jumping from the ship? 13
The United States Marines is 234 years old today 13

Search Engine Data:

Search Views
hati earthquake 765
earthquake hati 273
haiti breaking news 144
hati earth quake 59
hati news 40
hati 19
earth quake hati 18
news on hati 17
hati earthquakes 16
hati earthquake news 15
hatiearthquake 14
hati death toll 13
marines 11
hati quake 11
hati earthquake death toll 9
news hati 8
hati eathquake 8
hati earthquake video 6
carl vinson hati 6
earthquake hati 2010 6
john mccormack weekly standard 6
fox news hati 6
red cross hati 6
hati earthquack 5
hati fox news 5

Top Clicks:

URL Clicks… 33,2933,582877,… 29… 27… 21 12… 11… 11… 10 7… 6… 6

I thank everyone who took the time to stop by and do hope that this leads to bigger numbers, more readers and hopefully, more ads clicked.

Speaking of that…

Here’s how I did on Adsense yesterday:

Page impressions Clicks Page CTR Page eCPM [?] Estimated earnings

AdSense for Content 3,931 37 0.94% $2.44 $9.59

AdSense for Mobile 741 0 0.00% $0.00 $0.00

AdSense for Feeds 29 0 0.00% $0.00 $0.00

– No data available –
Total estimated earnings $9.59

Bandwidth Used: 17.26 Gig

For what it might be worth, these numbers are not my normal average.  On an average day, I am lucky if I get 600 visits here in a day.

Switched back to my original theme

As you can tell, I have switched back to the theme, that I had been using for the last 8 months. I am using a bit older of a version of that theme. The one I was running before I upgraded and started having problems with it.

Anyhow, I will change the rotating header images, what I get the gumption to do so. I personally think they are quite pretty myself. But this a political blog; I should have something political looking up there. 😛

Anyhow, so, we’re back to square one, at the moment. I may just keep this one, it looks pretty and it does what I want it to do.

Thanks for putting up with the ever-changing look of the joint.

Site Numbers….

I post this every now and again….

From the beginning of the month: (via

Hits: 3368
Hosts: 1744
Visitors: 2028
Sessions: 2322
New Visitors: 1807

Last week:

Hits: 6912
Hosts: 4091
Visitors: 4599
Sessions: 5029
New Visitors: 3966

Top Stuff of 2009

Here is the top “Stuff” of 2009 on this Blog.

The top posting on Political Byline for 2009 is a posting, that I did sort of on a lark. It was one, that I like to refer to as an “In between posting.” I had just pushed out some rather impressive posts, that were about the politics of that day; and I was waiting for some more information to come out about another story, and I had noticed some postings had come up about Republicans lying about healthcare. So, I went, “Hmmm, didn’t Obama do some pretty big lying during the 2008 election?” and So, I asked anyone on twitter, if there was any videos up about Obama lying. The response was overwhelming to say the least! So, I hopped over to YouTube and just typed in “Obama Lies” and woo boy! ——  Talk about results! So, anyhow, I picked out three of the best videos of the lot, just typed up article that had a bit of a conspiratorial tone to it and put it up. I never expected in a million years that this posting would even be read by one person, much less 4,350 people!

So, yes, my top posting on 2009 is:

Lies, Damned Lies and more Lies

Runners up are: A posting that I ended up pulling, Answering Laurence Vance, Updated: Why I left the libertarian ranks: Exhibit A – Hatred of the United States Military, The ‘Hey, that’s a pretty new gun!’ posting of the month, Helen Thomas goes nuclear over the Obama Administration’s controlled Townhall meetings and controlled press, Obama Bows to his Arab Masters.

Top Referrers:

These are the URL’s who have sent me the most traffic for the last year. The winner is, hands down, StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon was, in 2009, what DIGG and REDDIT where in 2007. It sends me a TON of traffic.

Anyhow, here’s the up URLS that sent me traffic:

Referrer Views… 3,691… 2,099 1,998 1,720… 1,456… 1,317 1,233… 1,172… 1,087… 1,081… 1,054 1,052… 874 862 830 748… 747

Top Search Terms for this Blog were:

Search Views
allan colmes 999
babe of the day 695
fema coffins debunked 499
motivators 442
melissa doi 420
obama booty 332
funny motivators 303
michael moore is an idiot 253
demotivators 246
akron police investigate teen mob attack 244
clarence mcclendon scandal 239
randi rhoads 210
brittany murphy 208
allan keyes 198
political byline 194

The Top Clicked URL’s were:

URL Clicks 197 151… 122 122… 120… 120… 109 103… 102

In 2009, this Blog had a total of 225,280 visitors, not including me. The average user, per day, was 617 visitors per day. Which does not take in account some of the huge traffic spikes around here.

Now, those stats were according to Stats, which by the way, is an excellent WordPress plug in.

According to, which is an excellent counter for blogs and such. here are my yearly stats:

Page Views: 255,774

IP Hosts: 147,601

Unique Visitors: 178,892

Unique Sessions: 197,491

Now according to, which I find to be a bit more accurate that Stats, for some reason:

My Week averages were:

Page Views: 886

IP Hosts: 534

Unique Visitors: 598

Unique Sessions: 653

So, there you have it. Those numbers are not to shabby for someone who really has not done any advertising at all. Oh, I’ve done a little on Blogads, and project wonderful, but nothing to the extent of others. Another thing too, this is a single author blog and many of those have low numbers. So, all in all, it was a good year. I did well, made some money, and some enemies. But, it was all worth it to me. Standing up for what is right, is what I do here and if I happen to make some people angry in the process, I count it par for the course.

Of course, I have you all to thank for it. All of you who donated, all of you, who clicked on the ads, all of you, who just came and read. All of you who linked in, you know who you are; I thank each and every one of you. I thank you for coming, for linking and for honestly caring enough to keep coming around. I am humbled by the numbers, this is not about me. This about you, about America, standing for what we believe in, standing for the America that I remember as a boy, growing up.

Now it is time to move on to 2010. We have some great battles ahead; the 2010 elections are coming. This is not time to slack, we must be strong, we have to be ready, we must be vigilant; we are at war, against terrorists; who wish to destroy this nation; against Socialists who wish to destroy our world, as we know it today. The battle lines have been drawn. We must, as the saying goes, Fight on!

To a Prosperous,  Healthy, and Yes, Victorious 2010!

Update: This is what makes what I do here, worth every minute.

I received this e-mail tonight, I will not reveal her e-mail address or IP. But I will show you what she wrote.

Subject: Keep up the good work.
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 20:37:43 -0500
From: Janet


Just wanted to say that your blog is on my daily reading list.

Great job on your coverage of events and on your posts!

Keep up the good work.



I wrote her back and asked if I could publish her e-mail, this is what I got back:

Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 21:17:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Keep up the good work.
From: Janet
To: Patrick

Hi Patrick,

Yes. Please do.

I wanted to say something else if I may. I too was a liberal. However, on
9/11/01, I had an epiphany which changed me to a Freedom loving

Our son was two months old, and I stood in my living room and looked at my
husband in horror
as the news reported the flights that were hijacked and used to kill
thousands of Americans.

My husband was scheduled on the 8:00am American Airlines Flight 11, which
was scheduled from Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, to
Los Angeles International Airport. The only difference was that his flight
was on 9/13/01 instead of 9/11/01.

I realize today that my dear little boy might never have know his father.
Amazing the difference a day or two can make in your life.



Janet, Thank you so very much for your e-mail. It is little stuff like this, that makes every little snide comment that I have to delete, every nasty e-mail that I have to deal with, every blogger who has written bad stuff about me; worth it. I like you Janet, was someone who was a Democrat voter, that changed my views after starting this Blogging adventure. I have said this before, and I believe some of my readers might not believe this, but it is the truth. This blogging stuff have NEVER, EVER, EVER been about the money, ever. If it was, I would have QUIT DOING THIS LONG AGO! Now if I happen to make a little money in the process, fine and dandy, but, my motivation is NOT money! This blog is simply my virtual protest against what I consider to be wrong and that is the big Government socialism of the far left. This here is what keeps me going, not lust for money, not pride. This, in the words of the Republican, Martin Luther King Jr.:

God Bless You All and Happy New Year! See you in 2010!!!! 😀

Update: I think I will update this, before any idiot socialist, Democratic Party, serial whiner gets wind of this and accuses me of anything stupid, like they are so known for. First off all, Martin Luther King was a registered Republican; that comes directly from his niece. Second of all, if you remove the subject of Whites and blacks, and put in Socialists versus those who love our Freedoms. (Not just Republicans…. Democrats too!) The video fits. Third of all; Martin Luther King was fighting SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS, who thought that Blacks were inferior to White people! Which I know and everyone else, who isn’t some sort of idiot, brain-dead, White Nationalist — is stupid.

I fight the good fight of faith. I cannot serve in the Military, they won’t take me, I am too old, plus, Physically I am not in good shape, so… I fight here. In the Internet realm. Pushing back against the socialist machine… It is the fight for my life. I know that I fight for the rights of others, for freedom, and for the Republic!

God Bless You All and Happy New Year! See you in 2010!!!!

The Huffington Post links to Moi?

Color me shocked and quite amazed. 😯

I guess my posting on Laura Ingraham and Bill O’Reilly having an On-The-Air spat was noticed by Huffpo and they even linked here.

Wow. 😮

I would have much preferred a direct quote or something. But hey, it’s free traffic and I will take it, when I can get it.

I guess that marble-mouthed woman that runs that site ain’t so bad after all. She’d be much better, if she’d take an English course; but I digress.

Now, if Glenn Beck would just notice me, I’d be living on easy street. 😉 😛

Blog Milestone: 4000 Blog Entries

I know this might sound silly to some of you. However, I do like to celebrate small milestones. Sometime in the last few days, this blog passed a rather remarkable milestone. Since this blogs original creation back on the last week of December of 2007, I have posted over 4000 blog entries. When this posting goes live, I will have officially created 4010 entries on this blog. Some may think that this meaningless; however, for a single author blog, who is doing it daily, that is quite a bit.

I do have to thank all of you for your daily readership. This blog, in the last few months has really taken off. Along the way, I have attracted some criticism; some possibly well deserved, the majority of it comes from people who simply disagree with my political stance. A very small percentage of it comes from hatemongering asses that have nothing better to do than attack someone like me, who is in my position, which is quite humorous, because I hear from a very good source that this said person who attacked me, and made some very nasty statements about me, has lost readership over it. One of which in fact, e-mailed me and said he was never reading that blog again and made a rather large and quite handsome donation to my blog. Speaking of which, if you feel so inclined you can donate to my Blog. I am not a proud man at all, I will accept any and all donations to my blog. However, do not feel like it is a requirement or anything like that, times are tough and I will not hold it over anyone’s head or anything like that. However, I will usually follow up with personal e-mail thanking those who do donate to me.

Again, thanks for your ever-loyal readership and let us try for other 4000 or so blog posts, shall we?

Some changes around here

I just wanted to inform all of my readers of some changes that I have made and will be making here in the next few days.

First off, the big ad banner at the top of the blog is gone. While it might have brought the blog some revenue, it was, admittedly, annoying. There were many that told me this and I sort of agreed, but wanted to make the cash. However, after thinking about it — I realized that while making money is great fun, being an annoying person is not. Therefore, I canned that ad and the huge ad in the side bar, in favor of two smaller button ads that should be appearing shortly. As I said, the last thing I want people to be is annoyed when coming here.

I am also thinking and just may reduce the number of in-line ads as well. I believe I have that setting cranked up to max; which is a bit annoying. Therefore, I will be dialing that back as well. Personally, I find inline ads quite annoying, but they do make the money, if the traffic is there. This is why I went ahead with them. However, I want them to be within reason and not annoying to the user experience.

That is it for now.



Update on Dad

Just a note regarding my Father.

Things went better than we thought. My Dad’s doctor dad did the dye procedure. No major blockage, so, no stints. Although, he does have some disease of the heart. and his heart is slightly enlarged. Which the doctor believes is due to sleep aphemia. He will be sending him for a sleep study.

So, the worst is over and he is not nearly is bad, as we had feared.

He also said my dad needs to stop smoking. HEH! Good luck with that! 😆

Thanks for your prayers and thoughts!

Thoughts & Prayers needed for my Dad

As some of you might know that read this blog regularly might know; I do live with my Parents. That, in itself is a very long story. Anyhow, My Father will be going into the hospital tomorrow morning at around 8:00 a.m. or so, to have a very important heart procedure done. They are going to run a dye into his bloodstream to check and see if there is any blockage and if there is, they will be putting stints in. There is, although not probable, a slight chance that my Dad could need open-heart surgery while they are in there doing that work. Therefore, needless to say, I will be quite occupied for the next few days. There is good news however; I will be taking the laptop to the hospital with me; as so, I do not go crazy with boredom in the hospital.

Everyone that knows me well will tell you; that I hate hospitals with a passion. I do tend to avoid them as much as humanly possible. However, this little trip is highly important to me. Therefore, I will be joining my Dad up at the hospital for a good part of the day. I am not sure how long it will take. I am told a good part of the day.

So, I am asking for everyone who either reads this blog daily or even does the occasional drive-by. Please keep my Dad in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow — and for the rest of the week. Also, keep my Mother in your prayers as this all is really making her worry and she is not in the greatest of health either.

Thanks again,


Changes here at

As promised last night, here is the “Special Comment” type of article that I have wanted to write for a while to all of my readers.

This is possibly one of the hardest of articles, which I have ever had to write in my entire life — much less in my time since becoming a political blogger and commentator. Nevertheless, because I do believe in total and transparent honesty, I must not be lack in being forthright with you all.

First, let me say that I have never written dishonestly on this blog, ever. I have written what I felt was the truth in all of my writings here in this blog. However, what I have done is taken my true feelings on a subject and turned up the intensity level to eleven on the amplifier scale. (I hope someone gets that rather humorous reference.) When I first stated writing as a “Right of Center” Blogger, that sort of writing was extremely fun, and I thought to be what I enjoyed doing as a political writer. However, here as of late, I have been seeing some very disturbing trends in the Right Wing Blogosphere and in the Conservative media; that I am just not very comfortable being associated.

When I first started after the hacking of my previous Blog, which was at, I started this blog on the premise that neither of these political parties were political or moral absolutes and I still feel that way now. Yes, my friends, I am a truly a moderate Conservative and I make no apologies for that, at all. What disturbs my greatly at the moment, is that the very word “moderate” within the continuum of the school of Conservatism, is basically a death-keel to anyone who disagrees with the far left. I find this fact to be extremely troubling. I just cannot find it with my realm of reasoning to understand why, if someone like me does not subscribe to some of the more extremist rhetoric emanating from the far right, that somehow I am not considered a bona fide Conservative.

Having said all of the above; let me also say this, my philosophy towards those on the right that I disagree with is this — Do no harm. What I mean by this that is this — even though I do not agree with those, that I have put into my sections called “To the right of me” and “To the Left of Me.” I will not be a thorn in their side, because I happen to believe; that everyone is entitled to their opinions, when it comes to Conservative politics. I might blog on the fact that I disagree with their politics, but it will be a fair and non-personal assessment as to why. I did not start this blog to engage in Blog wars with anyone, of any political stripe. I simply started this blog to give my take on the political events of the day. I also created it to be a direct challenge to those of the far left and their socialist mentality; of which why I switched sides and dropped this idea that I was some sort of a populist. Because I just cannot side with idea that Government is the ultimate solution to the Nation’s problems. Historically, The Democratic Party and the People’s Party that sprung out from it, was a populist movement, which was based the idea on what was for the good of the American people. The problem was that the far left socialists overthrew the Democratic Party and turned that party into a big Government socialist party. Therefore, in essence the Democratic Party became a part “of the people” to a party “of the Government.” That is why I decided to stop supporting and voting for them.

Therefore, this is how things are going to change at this blog. First, I am going to write from a more honest approach. No more seeing what other people, who are Conservatives, and then writing from that standpoint. From here on out, I will be writing how I feel about a subject and that alone — no matter the consequence. Second, you will notice that I did add a blog roll category, and changed one. I have added a “Left of Me” Blog roll, which I do intend to fill will sane voices of those who are to the left of me politically. I also added a category of those who are to right of me politically. This is not to be considered a bad thing at all; this list is just a category of those who I consider to be politically further to the right or left of me. I will be also adding other categories as well; so to distinguish Websites from Blogs.

From here on out, I hope this blog to be less about extremism and talking points and a bit more intelligent and intellectually honest. I want this blog to be a bit less Sean Hannity and a bit more like me or a bit less like Michael Savage, and bit more like me.

I hope that my readers will understand where it is that I am coming from and I hope to keep you all informed and give you all my totally honest, unvarnished opinion on the political events and politics of the day. Because the last thing I ever want to be is accused of “Carrying Water” for a particular party or political group. Because that is not what I intend to be or do for anyone.

As for my Conservatism and what type that I represent, I am fiscally a Conservative. As for my social stance, I tend to lean more to the libertarians. I say this because I find much of the philosophy of the Christian far right to be Nazi-in-nature. I am a Christian and I do have a set of morals that I try to abide by, however I am not particularly interested in forcing my personal morals down the throats of those who do not agree with mine.  As for one’s sexual preference, I do not care what or whom you have sex with behind closed doors. Because of my personal convictions, I do not endorse the Gay lifestyle. However, I will defend your right to do what you wish in the privacy of your own home. Anyone that does anything other than that is a damned religious extremist and they will not have my support. However, because I am a federalist, I believe that gay marriage should ALWAYS be an issue for the states to decide and not an issue for the Federal Government ever.

In closing, that you all understand where I am coming from. I felt the need to write this, after reading some of the sillier nonsense that I had been reading on some blogs. I felt the need to let people know what I was feeling and that I needed to change the way this blog was being presented to the masses. Hence the theme change and now, there will be a change in the tone here. I hope that I will not lose any readers and hope to gain some as well.

Thanks for reading,


Coming Later Today: An Announcement of the Future of

A little later today, I will be firing up my handy dandy copy of Microsoft Word 2007 and writing up; what I feel to be a “Special Comment” piece for this blog. As you have noticed, there have been some changes made around here. Well, I am going to explain that and a few other things later today. I’ve been up all night, mostly thinking about how I am going to proceed with this Blog. I will be writing and doing a bit of soul bearing to you, my readers.

Before anyone e-mails me; No, I am not going away. But I am going to do things a bit differently. I will explain more later, I promise.

Stay Tuned.


Updated: Yeah, I changed the look —- again

Like I said earlier, this dude here, e-mailed me about WMD’s. I liked the look of his Blog template, that went and downloaded it and am now using it myself! 😀

It is a bit more modern looking the other one was geared toward more older version of WordPress. This one is newer.

Hope ya’ll like it! 😀


Update: I think I’ve settled on a theme that is a keeper. I tried a few and finally, think I have found one that I actually like.

Yeah, I changed the look

Back in my old days, before I bought this new domain and I was blogging under my old domain. I used to change the farking blog template at least once a week. I made myself a promise that I would not do that here and I won’t.

Anyhow, the old theme had some operational issues and I simply tossed it. It was a great theme, but man was it ever over-thought a bit. Anyhow, I think this one reflects more my laid back personality. (except when I am pissed off…) and the colors are nicer too.

Enjoy and let me know in comments what you think about it. 😀

I’m Back

Yes, I am back. You did not think I would stay gone for long did you? I just needed to take break from things for a bit. There are a few things, which I really need to make clear and get out into the open.

  1. Women are off limits now:  There will be no more stupid jokes about women or offensive stuff towards woman on this blog anymore. I will keep up what I did post on the blog. Because removing stuff is quite cowardly, except in some extreme cases. However, as of right now, I will not be doing that anymore. I guess I will have to remember that not everyone appreciates my politically incorrect snarky writings and dark humor. For the record, I am not a misogynistic piece of dung, as I so called by so-called “Conservative Lesbian” who obviously lacks a sense of humor. If I truly were, I would not be living were I am now. As my Mom would have none of that. For what it is worth; my Mom voted for Obama and has voted Democrat except when she voted for Reagan. I am very much against political correctness and the very idiotic feminist movement in this country — Because it is an out branch of the liberal mindset. However, I believe I have may have distanced some friends of mine in my quest to stick my finger in the eye of those feminists. I apologize to those that I may have offended; however, I will never apologize for my feelings about the feminist movement and the idiotic political ideology that it comes from.
  2. This blog, nor its author carry water for ANY political party, person, or opinion: Before I get some liberal come by here and say, “What about this here that you wrote?” I wrote what I wrote about Mike Bouchard, because I and many other Michigan residents; both Republican and Democrat know that the Democrats way of handling this recession has been a disaster for this State. I have known this, since the first state recession hit back in 2000; when I was laid off from my job back then, I knew something was horribly wrong and I knew then that the Democrats were causing it. The whole idea that Bush caused the Michigan recession is lie that was perpetuated by the Democrats, because of their inability to take responsibility for their own actions; like NAFTA. Because of this, our State here is in an economic free fall. When it comes to state politics, I do like to vote the principles over the party of the said candidate and right now Mike Bouchard is, as far as I am concerned, the man that Michigan needs for a full-scale economic recovery. Having said all of that, I wish to submit that I do not carry water for either of these political parties. I will explain this in my next point.
  3. Sarah Palin and Me: The reason I got a bit miffed earlier, is that I felt that the Conservative media and blogosphere were in full on stupid mode about Palin. Because of this, I ended tearing into a good friend of mine; and I feel horrible about that. Robert Stacy McCain is just as much entitled to his opinion of Sarah Palin; as I am or Ron Dreher is. I should not have went after McCain like that, I apologize to him publically and to you my readers. I should not have taken the slam of Dreher personally, as I sure that he did not at all. I will be upfront about it; I just do not believe that Sarah Palin is qualified to be President of the United States, at all. Nor will she ever be, in my opinion. I will not support her, if she runs. I will not carry water for her, at all —-There are plenty of blogs and websites that will do that; this will not be one of them. Fiscally, I am quite the Conservative; being in a bankruptcy will do that to a person, so will getting older too, and I feel that Palin’s mushy populism is just that, mushy populism and is not nearly as Conservative, as I would want someone to be, who was going to be in the White House. Another reason I do not much care for her, is that I am more of a libertarian, when it comes to social issues. Just because I do not agree with a particular social item, does not mean I think it is my right to persecute those that do. That my friend is what “Social Conservatism” does. My Conservatism on social matters is more of the “Ron Paul” stripe, honestly, the only thing that scares me worse that the far socialist left is the far religious right. The late Senator Barry Goldwater did not like them, and I am not a big fan either; I cannot support a style of Government that the far religious right wants that is on par with Nazi Fascism, and that is what, I feel, Sarah Palin embodies. For this reason, I would not be compelled to support Sarah Palin if she should decide to run for President. While I am a Born Again Christian; I do not believe that one should mix their personal religious beliefs with their politics, that is a dangerous thing to do and it has caused this Nation an enormous amount of grief in the past 20 years. Like it or not, or mixing of our religious views and our politics is what caused the 9/11 attacks.

In closing, I hope this little editorial has help some of you understand me better and where it is, that I am coming from. By the way, I am glad to see that I am not the only one who is taking the heat. It looks like AllahPundit is making new friends too. But at least, he is not knocking the tent down, like this here:


Give to Project ValourIT Today!

Just a reminder, these guys need your help.

This comes via From My Position….On the Way!

Click here to give to Soldiers Angels. You will be getting voice activated laptop’s to our war injured. Let’s help those who put thier lives on line; for our President and for all of us.

Updated: Just an FYI….

I’ve decided that the Blog needs a new look. I’ve been using this old theme forever. It has a few issues and I want to get rid of it. So, I’m going to be tinkering around.

So, don’t be upset if the look changes abruptly a few times here.

That is all.

Updated: I couldn’t find anything that suited this place. So, I will stick with old faithful here. Blah.

Another short note of thanks

Just another thanks to Sisir in Sharjah, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for his donation of $60.00 ( 😯 😮 )

I e-mailed him to make sure it was legit, here is his reply:


You must be thinking that because its from Middle East, maybe its a Sting type operation (Obama IRS posing an Arab sheikh..)

That’s cool , I understand

Actually I’m from India residing in Dubai (Dubai for Indians is like Miami for Cubans)

I’m a Glenn Beck wingnut, I resided in U.S and being from a semi third world country, I know how precious freedom is and I’m alarmed at the creepy cult of personality and throttling of free speech and economy that the current administration perpetuates.

In the words of Peter Hitchens on Nov 5th 2008 “what will happen to the last good hope of the world”
I was saddenned by your employment predicament and thought I’d help out. Every now and then , I have a fit of doing something good! Us conservatives should stick together (its hard for us admittedly to so as we tend to be individualists and exist to disagree and dispute!)

I work for (redacted)

Hope the above placates your worries

Take care


I must confess; I let out a rather loud snort about that Miami for Cubans joke…  heh!  😆 The IRS and Arab sheik thing was funny too. 😛

Only reason I did inquire about it is that, people do steal credit cards and sometimes do funny stuff with them. Been there and did that. Cleared me out! Fought with the bank for weeks! 😡 Anyhow, it’s cool. He’s legit and I’m quite the happy camper at the moment.

Anyhow, thank you Sisir! 😀

Site Numbers

This is from GoStats:

Total counter state:

Hits: 269714
Hosts: 156243
Visitors: 186789
Sessions: 205859

From the beginning of the month:

Hits: 13337
Hosts: 8980
Visitors: 10184
Sessions: 10725
New Visitors: 5554

Last week:

Hits: 5991
Hosts: 4495
Visitors: 4904
Sessions: 5061
New Visitors: 2386

Wow… Those are some good numbers. 😀 Now, if everyone of those people would have hit my Tip Jar. I could live decently. Speaking of which; would it be too much to request ya’ll to kindly hit that tip jar? 😀

Thanks to all my readers and return visitors. You make this little adventure worth it. 🙂

Letters of Support

I like it when I get mail like this:

From reader Scott Starnes:


Keep up the good work brother. I’m new to the blogging scene (just started in April) but I write as many articles as I can and do love so much to piss liberals/progressives off. I get attack in the same way. Liberals want to kill the messenger whenever you speak the truth about their Dear Leader. I am adding you to my blogroll. Keep up the fight and keep driving the libtards insane. Enjoyed reading your blog.

Scotty Starnes

Thanks Scott. 😀