Alex Jones on Sarah Palin

(H/T The Daily Paul)

Tea Party Candidates Target, Ron Paul?

I start this entry out with a very funny quote by AllahPundit:

I’m officially confused.

Heh! What else is new? I kid, I kid! Allah’s a good ol’ fellow, when he’s asleep. 😉 He would be an even BETTER fellow, if he would link to me, once in a stinkin’ while. But alas, I was placed on the blacklist over something that happened eons ago, back when I was on the wrong side of the political fence. All I will say about it is, I thought Catholic Churches taught the doctrine of forgiveness? So much for that, I suppose. 🙄 It amazes me, that those who toot their horns the loudest about being Christians, and decry the immorality of the Liberals; are the ones who act like it the least. Just sayin’ AP, Just saying. (I’m saying all this, because I know damned well he reads the trackback links. I also know he knows what I am referring to, as does Ed…. and besides, traffic’s low around here, I need to start something! 😉 )

Anyhow, Filipino Conservative political hacks aside; ( 😯 )  I am referring to this story in the Dallas Morning News, that has some telling news about the Ron Paul’s chances of getting reelected in light of the Tea Party Movement:

Paul, the Gulf Coast congressman whose 2008 presidential run excited libertarians nationwide, even though he didn’t get much traction overall, is considered by many to be the “father of the Tea Parties.” But he has three opponents in the March Republican primary – more than he has faced in his past six primary campaigns combined…

John Gay, Paul’s third opponent, said he has attended several Tea Parties and related meetings. Both Wall, a machine supervisor, and Graney, a former small-business owner, have helped organize local rallies.

Tea Party associations aside, many of the challengers’ criticisms echo concerns of Paul’s past opponents: that he is too focused on his national ambitions; that his views are too extreme; that he doesn’t support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; that he votes “no” on everything, including federal aid for his district after Hurricane Ike.

“The word I keep hearing is ‘ineffective,’ ” said Gay, a school business administrator. “This district is not really being represented as it could be.”

AllahPundit does not understand why they’re targeting him. Well, It could be that Paul voted against Hurricane assistance after Ike hit down there in Taxes.

A couple of other things come to mind as well. First off, I believe people in his district and elsewhere are just sick and tired of his political grandstanding. Ron Paul just tends to say no; for the sake of saying no. Which is not exactly representing the people of his district. Also two, I believe of his district are just not happy with his stance on the war on terror. Paul and his Paleo-Conservative ilk are one’s who side with the left, that mostly believes that America itself is the result of terrorism and that, I am very sorry to say, is an asinine charge of the highest order. Al-Qaeda has a long standing beef with us, because of our support of Israel. Something that the Paleo-Conservative right hates, because a good ninety-nine percent of them are antisemitic. Not to mention racist. This is why the “Taft Wing” of the Republican Party was called out by people like William F. Buckley Jr. and most of them were either sidelined or changed their views.

I said this in the comments section over at R.S. McCain’s Blog and I will write it here. If Tom Tencredo’s screed against Blacks, Jews and other minorities is going to be co-oped by the Tea Parties and also by the G.O.P.; you can count me among the people that will not be voting for any Republicans come 2012. I voted Libertarian in 2008 and I can, and well again, if need be.  I would think that seeing there is a Black Man as the chairman of the G.O.P., that the Republican Party would take a hardcore stance against such stuff. But then again, Michael Steel is the chairman. If you know what I mean, and I think you do!

Anyhow, Paul district election should be quite interesting, and it is a sign of things to come here in November! I just cannot wait, because I just know there is going to be some major upsets come November.

GUEST VOICE – Update from Mike Bouchard

A special message from Mike Bouchard, Republican candidate for the Governor of Michigan.


Dear Friends,

Today, I filed my 2009 annual campaign finance statement with the Michigan Department of State.  I could not be more pleased to announce that in less than 6 months my campaign has raised over $900,000.

When I first announced my intention to run, I was told that any candidate would need $500,000 to be a real contender.  We have almost doubled that amount with the tremendous support continuing to roll-in in 2010. We surpassed that goal by a huge margin – thanks to your strong support.

The race will come down to who shows up on Election Day.  In just 6 short months, over 1750 people have contributed to my campaign. This is exciting as it shows that my support base is rock solid and continuing to grow every day. I am working hard every day to share my ideas on how to fix Lansing and get Michigan back to work and clearly the people of our great state like what they are hearing!

The momentum and energy of this race has increased dramatically with the announcement of my finance numbers.  However, money alone will not win this race.

The voters are looking for a leader that knows how to make Michigan a top tier business state once again. I have the experience, knowledge and backbone needed to make the tough choices that will face our next governor.

The finance report I filed today only shows the vast momentum I have received in such a short time.  Remember, this race will be very competitive.  To make the change we need to turn our state around, I need your help. Please do what over a thousand of your fellow Michiganders have done and join me in my race for governor. Any contribution you can make whether it is $10, 25, or anything you can afford would be appreciated. Together, we can fix Lansing and get Michigan back to work.

Stupid Move – Sarah Palin Endorses Rand Paul

In a very stupid move, Sarah Palin has endorsed Rand Paul.

Now why do I say this is a stupid move? It is because last month, I reported here on this blog, and I will point out, I was the ONLY Conservative blog that reported this as well; that Rand Paul’s former Campaign spokesman suddenly resigned, because of racist content on a myspace page, which he claimed was not his. (yeah right… 🙄 )

Further more, I have reported on Ron Paul’s various exploits when it comes to racism, and it appears that the apple does not fall far from the tree. If Sarah Palin lends her voice to this sort of outlandish racism and Antisemitism of the Paleo-Conservative right, she will be, in my opinion discredited beyond what she already is among most of the Washington crowd.

Of course, this comes as no surprise to me, seeing she is speaking at a so-called “Tea Party gathering” in Nashville, Tn. Which is being hosted by person, who has been outed as a outright crook by those who broke away from his “Tea Parry Nation” group, after figuring out, that he was nothing more than an opportunist.

While I believe that Sarah Palin’s star power amongst the Conservative grass roots is something to be admired; endorsing Rand Paul is akin to President Obama doing lunch of Adolf Hitler and should be treated as such by the GOP and anyone else that wants to see the Republican Party come back to power in 2010 and 2012. I do not know who is giving Sarah Palin advice, but I believe they had better think twice about endorsing Rand Paul. Because if that is what this new “Tea Party” movement and/or new Conservative movement is about, I want nothing to do with it. As much as I detest Identity Politics; I also detest true racism, and Antisemitism, of which Ron Paul and also now Rand Paul are associated with — The GOP, Sarah Palin and the Conservative grass roots, would do well to avoid Rand Paul and the utter filth that he and his father represent.

Bottom Line: Someone in Palin’s camp blew it and blew it bad.

Others: Riehl World View, AmSpecBlog, The Other McCain

President Barack Hussein Obama to 9/11 rescuers: Piss off

(H/T AP)

Via New York Daily News:

The state’s two senators and 14 House members met with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius just hours before President Obama implored in his speech to the nation for Congress to come together and deliver a government that delivers on its promises to the American people.

So the legislators were floored to learn the Democratic administration does not want to deliver for the tens of thousands of people who sacrificed after 9/11, and the untold numbers now getting sick.

“I was stunned — and very disappointed,” said Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who like most of the other legislators had expected more of a discussion on how to more forward…

“She made it clear that the administration does not support any kind of funding mechanism that goes into the bill,” said Bronx Rep. Eliot Engel. “I think it’s fiscal restraint… but you know what? They find money for everything else, they need to find money for this,” Engel said…

The legislators did hold out hope, though. McMahon and others said they would appeal to the President to consider adding 9/11 money to the list of mandatory items, rather than discretionary measures subject to the White House planned budget freeze.

You know, I am just going to say this, and if it upsets anyone — I got two words for you. Too Bad. 😡 For a President, who’s country of origin, religious leanings, and cultural alliances  is up for public debate and the subject of much controversy; this does not look good for him. For all the American people know, this bastard sympathies with the so-called “Arab struggle” against Israel and possibly thinks that 9/11 was totally justified. I am not saying that I believe that personally. However, this sort of tone deaf stupidity does add fuel to that narrative.

I hope like hell, that the President and his administration rethink this decision, because it might just undermine, not only for the President to get elected, but also to for Democrats in general to get reelected come the 2010 and 2012 elections.

Bottom Line: This has to be one of the most stupid, tone deaf, out of touch, liberal elitist things that this Administration could ever do. It speaks volumes for President Obama’s mindset and of whom he is in support of and it is not America and those of whose responsibility it is to defend its citizens. Obama had better back this little bus up, or his Party could pay dearly.

Heathcare is Toast

I knew it would be! I guess Bambi Teleprompter’s blackness is not going to get him where he wanted it to… and believe me, that is such a good thing.

But, let’s make it official: (H/T AP)

Via The Ol’ Grey Lady:

With no clear path forward on major health care legislation, Democratic leaders in Congress effectively slammed the brakes on President Obama’s top domestic priority on Tuesday, saying that they no longer felt pressure to move quickly on a health bill after eight months of setting deadlines and missing them.

The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, deflected questions about health care. “We’re not on health care now,” he said. “We’ve talked a lot about it in the past.” He added, “There is no rush,” and noted that Congress still had most of this year to work on the health bills passed in 2009 by the Senate and the House…

Some Democrats said that they did not expect any action on health care legislation until late February at earliest, perhaps after Congress returns from a weeklong recess. But the Democrats stand to lose momentum, and every day closer to the November election that the issue remains unresolved may reduce the chances of passing a far-reaching bill…

“It’s a timeout,” Mrs. Feinstein said. “The leadership is re-evaluating. They asked us to keep our powder dry.

Cue the Music! (Sorry Hillary….)

Senate to Obama: Task Force This!

Heh… So much for Hope and Change:

WASHINGTON – The Senate Tuesday rejected a plan backed by President Barack Obama to create a bipartisan task force to tackle the federal deficit this year despite glaring new figures showing the enormity of the red-ink threat.

The special deficit panel would have attempted to produce a plan combining tax cuts and spending curbs that would have been voted on after the midterm elections. The measure went down because anti-tax Republicans joined with Democrats who were wary of being railroaded into cutting Social Security and Medicare.

The Senate vote to kill the deficit task force came just hours after the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted a $1.35 trillion deficit for this year as the economy continues to slowly recover from the recession.

“Yet another indication that Congress is more concerned with the next election than the next generation,” said Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., a sponsor of the plan.

via CBO: Federal deficit projected at $1.35T – Yahoo! News.

Another promise by the President gets smacked down…. by his own damned Party. Gregg is right. The Democrats are more interested in getting relected, than they were about the future of this Country. Which is why, come 2010 and 2012, the American people will fix that little problem.

President Obama sez ‘My Blackness will get my agenda through’

Oh, This is just too much here!:

Via the Politico:

Rep. Marion Berry’s parting shot, published in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette [no link, subscription only] offers a warning to moderate Democrats and border state moderates — warning of a midterm bloodbath comparable to the 54-seat D-to-R swing in 1994.

But the jaw-dropper is Berry’s claim that President Obama personally dismissed any comparison between Democrats now and under Bill Clinton 16 years ago — by saying his personal popularity would bail everybody out.

The retiring Berry, who doesn’t say when the remarks were made, now scoffs at Obama’s 50-or-below approval rating:

Writes ADG reporter Jane Fullerton:

Berry recounted meetings with White House officials, reminiscent of some during the Clinton days, where he and others urged them not to force Blue Dogs “off into that swamp” of supporting bills that would be unpopular with voters back home.

“I’ve been doing that with this White House, and they just don’t seem to give it any credibility at all,” Berry said. “They just kept telling us how good it was going to be. The president himself, when that was brought up in one group, said, ‘Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me.’ We’re going to see how much difference that makes now.”

“I began to preach last January that we had already seen this movie and we didn’t want to see it again because we know how it comes out,” said Arkansas’ 1st District congressman, who worked in the Clinton administration before being elected to the House in 1996… “I just began to have flashbacks to 1993 and ’94. No one that was here in ’94, or at the day after the election felt like. It certainly wasn’t a good feeling.

Translation? What President Obama is trying to say here is this; President Obama is going to to continue to push through his agenda and if any of the White Honky Republicans get in his way, he is going to have his  fellow “brothers”  in the Senate and elsewhere grandstand the hell out of the race card, until the Republicans back down — and you just know the Liberal media will do his bidding too.  The problem with that is, it is a dangerous gamble and the American people are just not going to stand for that sort of racial grandstanding for very long. You can only play that race card so many times, before it gets stale and people begin to laugh about it and at it. Meanwhile, Barry is also pissing off his base on the far left, by basically trying to pass a hobbled Healthcare bill, which is basically a pay off to the Healthcare companies.

I look forward to watching this damned train wreck, I really do. This man is stupid enough to believe that because he is black, that he is going to be able to do just what he damn well pleases. I know one thing, if there is a huge change come November 4, 2010. The first damned thing I would do, if I were the Republicans, I would make the Birth Certificate the BIG ISSUE, make that idiot fool produce the Original or Impeach his ass. That will be the only way to really stop this crazy asshole from doing anymore damage to the United States. However, quite sadly, I highly doubt the Republican Party has the guts to do such a thing. It is days like this, that we need a modern day Joseph McCarthy.

Others Covering this Story: Hot Air,, Pajamas Media, Wizbang, Scorecard’s Blog, The Confluence, America’s Right, The Lonely Conservative, Another Black Conservative, Betsy’s Page, JOSHUAPUNDIT, YID With LID, The New Editor, Viking Pundit, Gateway Pundit, Perfunction and JammieWearingFool

Ed Schultz unhinged

This video comes via the Neo-Marxist Blog, Think Progress:

Money Quote:

SCHULTZ: I told him he was full of sh*t is what I told him. … And then he gave me the Dick Cheney f-bomb. … I told Robert Gibbs, I said “And I’m sorry you’re swearing at me, but I’m just trying to help you out. I’m telling you you’re losing your base. Do you understand you’re losing your base?”

He goes on to yowl about single payer healthcare, The Jewish Cabal which is also known as Neo-Cons, The Iraq War and much of the same of dead tired Democratic Party talking points. As far as his little talking point about the Republicans getting the war that they wanted; you mean, that SAME WAR that the Democrats in Congress voted to authorize funds for, time and time again? You mean, that war? So, that little talking point just does not fly with this former Democratic Party voter, that’s grand standing and bullshit and I think he knows it.

Anyhow, just a peek into the infighting in the Democratic Party, it is quite funny to watch.

Video: The reason why Ron Paul needs to be removed from office

(H/T HotAir)

Quotable Quote:

There’s been a coup, have you heard? It’s the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military. They’re the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs on countries. … And of course the CIA is every bit as secretive as the Federal Reserve. … And yet think of the harm they have done since they were established after World War II. They are a government unto themselves. They’re in businesses, in drug businesses, they take out dictators … We need to take out the CIA.

Ed Morrissey weighs in here:

“Take out”? Isn’t Paul a member of Congress? Has he introduced any legislation to stop CIA funding, or demanded any hearings? After all, those are actions that Congress can take short of annihilation. I think the military would laugh at the notion that they take orders from the CIA. They take orders from the President and are accountable to Congress. We know this, because we’re rational adults and not conspiracy theorists.

The only coup that has been conducted is the one that took out Paul’s sense of rationality and judgment years ago. Maybe a primary challenge would be a good idea in Paul’s district.

Good news there is someone running against Ron Paul craziness, his name is Tim Graney:

We need expanded nuclear energy use, additional drilling and continued research into non-petroleum based transportation fuels. We need to reduce the burden of regulation and over-taxation on businesses in the U.S. so we can compete with other nations in this global economy and keep more jobs here in America. American values are something special, but over the years as we continue to tolerate more and different value systems, we almost have become intolerant of where we came from. Toleration is a two-way street and it is time for assimilation to be traveling back on the other side of that road. Assimilation does not mean losing our diverse cultural identities, but it does mean immigrants should absorb some of the very values and traditions that attract immigrants from around the world to the American dream.

There are other major issues that need to be addressed, most notably health care and education.  We did not end up with excess government overnight, it has taken decades to get where we are and it will take years to unwind the amount of government in our lives.  By working together on the issues that are important to all Americans, we can begin this process of restoring the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness our Founding Fathers envisioned for all of us.


Katy, TX – January 12, 2009 – Tim Graney of Katy had his staff contact Ron Paul to arrange a series of candidate debates. Graney has been traveling the district, meeting voters, fundraising, and gaining momentum since announcing his candidacy nearly two months ago.

As a former small business owner and Conservative Republican, Graney points out “…the people of District 14 are excited for new and true representation! As we’ve travelled the District, the number of people who have expressed their interest in seeing a debate between me and Paul is astonishing. Both my supporters and his want to see this debate.”

“…the people of the district have grown tired of his antics and self promotion. This District is made up of good, hard-working folks who want to see results. Grandstanding is not going to put Americans back to work. They don’t want career politicians who advance their personal political careers at the expense of their communities,” Graney said.
While the Paul camp still cannot confirm their participation in the Graney-Paul debates, one can’t help but wonder how Paul can find time to challenge Ben Stein to a debate, but not have time for a debate that impacts the people of his district? When asked about this issue, Tim Graney responded, “…it’s what the people of District 14 have come to expect. We’ve seen this song and dance before when Paul had no time to hold a Health Care town hall in Katy, or anywhere in the district. However, the good doctor did find plenty of time to throw a campaign fundraiser and birthday bash for himself in Galveston during the summer recess, which was attended by many from outside the district and as well as outside of Texas.”

Incidentally, Mr. Graney took his time during that summer recess to attend several Health Care town halls held by other Representatives around the Houston area. This time around, it seems that Paul is more interested in a debate with Ben Stein to garner national attention for his own agenda, than he is in a debate that the people of the 14th District want to see and ultimately have a say in. A debate on the issues that affect them most…creating jobs and putting Americans back to work”

In other words, Taxes is tired of the crazy. It is time for real leadership. Support Tim Graney today.

Heathcare hobbled for now

The Video:

The Story via WaPo:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that the Senate will have to amend its version of a health-care reform bill before Democrats in her chamber would be willing to vote for it.

“I don’t think it’s possible to pass the Senate bill in the House,” Pelosi told reporters after a morning meeting with her caucus. “I don’t see the votes for it at this time.”

Pelosi (D-Calif.) has been struggling for days to sell the Senate legislation to reluctant Democrats in order to get a health-care bill to the president’s desk quickly. But House liberals strongly dislike the Senate version, while moderate Democrats in both the House and Senate have raised doubts about forging ahead with the ambitious legislation without bipartisan support.

The only way to keep the Senate bill alive, Pelosi said, would be for senators to initiate a package of fixes that would address House concerns about the bill. In particular, Pelosi described her members as vehemently opposed to a provision that benefits only Nebraska’s Medicaid system. Also problematic are the level of federal subsidies the Senate would offer to uninsured individuals and its new excise tax on high-value policies, which could hit union households.

“There are certain things the members simply cannot support,” Pelosi said.

Aides said later that the House would not act on the Senate bill until the fixes are made, shifting responsibility for completing the bill across the Capitol. But the Senate has not agreed to move forward with such changes.

Congressional leaders also are considering starting from scratch on a new bill, an undertaking that many Democrats fear could consume months of effort as they brace for a tough 2010 election battle.

There are some on the right who are saying that Obamacare is dead. My message to them, you do not know Democrats that well, at all. They will get something. But not the radical plan that they wanted to pass. So, for now, the idea of Nationalized Healthcare is most likely dead. But they will pass something. Most likely they will go back to square one and start over again. Which I feel is a very good thing. But it is not over, until they finally table the bills and say forget it.

Bottom Line: The radical Obamacare plan is basically dead, but the Democrats will do something, what it is, is anyone’s guess at this point. The radical stuff is gone, which will cost the Democrats in the 2010 and 2012 elections. The far left is rife with anger, but it does score a minor victory for free enterprise and for personal choice.

The Scott Brown victory, what it all means

I have been trying to piece together something to write about this victory for the Republican Party and more importantly for the people of Massachusetts.  This victory means a great deal of things; some that can be articulated well, and some — you would just have to feel.  However, being that I am writer, I will try to do my best to bring those thoughts out in writing.

  • This victory means that the far left progressives in the Democratic Party have suffered a major setback; and yes, that does include the President.
  • This victory means that the Democratic Party is about to get, or already has gotten a major message; not only from the people of Massachusetts, but from the American people as well, that Government is not supposed to be from the top down, but rather from the bottom up.  They also will figure out, that if you try to impose something on the American people, that is not wanted, you pay for it at the ballot box.
  • This victory should be an open message to the Democratic Party; Never, ever, under any circumstances run political campaigns with any sort of entitlement attitude.  No one, regardless of what party you represent, is entitled to any sort of political office.  If you do attempt to run a political campaign with that sort of idiotic attitude, you will pay for it at the polls and you will lose horribly in that election.

Now to the Republicans, I have some thoughts for you as well:

  • This is not the time for the Republican Party to get arrogant.  You all have to remember, you all just got your tails kicked in 2008.  Under no circumstances should you repeat the same stupid mistakes of the Bush era — This will lead to your humiliating defeat in the 2010 elections and in the 2012 elections. The Bush-Karl Rove “Center-Right Coalition”  had one fetal flaw, it was blind arrogance; which ultimately lead to its demise.
  • Scott Brown did not run a Republican Senate campaign; Scott Brown ran a campaign for the people of Massachusetts.  The Republican Party would be wise NOT to try to capitalize on his victory, because right now, the Republican Party, in the eyes of the American people, especially among independent voters, is damaged goods now.  They will be able to recover from that, it will take time and you cannot rush that at all. If you attempt to rush that along, you will utterly fail at a comeback.

This victory, while small, is a sweet one.  I just hope and pray that for once in their lives that the Republican Party establishment uses this victory to their advantage and does not louse it up —  Because at this point, we the American people, have just too much lose, if Republicans screw this comeback up.  On the other hand, America has much to gain, if the Party does things right.

So, please, Republicans, for once…  Do the Republican Party’s return to its rightful place in American politics the proper way, please?


It has happened:

Via the AP:

BOSTON (AP) — In an epic upset in liberal Massachusetts, Republican Scott Brown rode a wave of voter anger to win the U.S. Senate seat held by the late Edward M. Kennedy for nearly half a century, leaving President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul in doubt and marring the end of his first year in office.

The loss by the once-favored Democrat Martha Coakley in the Democratic stronghold was a stunning embarrassment for the White House after Obama rushed to Boston on Sunday to try to save the foundering candidate. Her defeat signaled big political problems for the president’s party this fall when House, Senate and gubernatorial candidates are on the ballot nationwide.

“I have no interest in sugarcoating what happened in Massachusetts,” said Sen. Robert Menendez, the head of the Senate Democrats’ campaign committee. “There is a lot of anxiety in the country right now. Americans are understandably impatient.”

Brown will become the 41st Republican in the 100-member Senate, which could allow the GOP to block the president’s health care legislation and the rest of his agenda. Democrats needed Coakley to win for a 60th vote to thwart Republican filibusters.

One day shy of the first anniversary of Obama’s swearing-in, the election played out amid a backdrop of animosity and resentment from voters over persistently high unemployment, Wall Street bailouts, exploding federal budget deficits and partisan wrangling over health care.

For weeks considered a long shot, Brown seized on voter discontent to draw even with Coakley in the campaign’s final stretch. His candidacy energized Republicans, including backers of the grass-roots “tea party” movement, while attracting disappointed Democrats and independents uneasy with where they felt the nation was heading.

AllahPundit and the readers at Hot Air are over the moon. Allah says that this changes everything; I sort of agree. I believe that there is much work to do. I would not get cocky, if I was everyone. I think we should measure our happiness, because the Democrats, especially these Democrats, know no bounds at all. So, while this is a wonderful moment, it really does not change much, just like Glenn Beck said, The Democrats still have a majority and could still push Healthcare through. So, I will not gloat, just yet. Now come the normal 2010 elections and more importantly 2012, that will be the huge decider. Update: Ed Morrissey Basically says the same thing as me, but in much longer form.

Anyhow, Congratulations to Scott Brown, The Brown Campaign and more importantly the American people in Massachusetts, you have done well. Let this be just the beginning! 😀

Jon Stewart NUKES the Democrats, Obama and Coakley

This comes from my friend Ed Morrissey over at

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Mass Backwards
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis

The 9:15 mark has a hilarious crack that made me laugh so darned hard, that I just about blacked out and of which I am still recovering. 😀

On a more serious note, Ed Morrissey adds the following:

So why do Democrats need 60 votes? Democrats will claim it’s because the Republicans are more obstructionist than Democrats were under Bush, but that’s not the case. Democrats were happy to be obstructionist on their core issues, especially on judicial appointments. They didn’t need to be obstructionist on most other issues, because Bush was a lot more centrist than they liked to paint him. Bush went out of his way to court Democrats like Ted Kennedy on education and others on spending and government expansion, because Democrats like those policies.

Democrats had the same option, which was to work with Republicans and craft more centrist approaches to issues like health-care reform and carbon emissions. Instead, they chose a radical agenda, which has not only pushed Republicans into obstructionism but has alienated voters to such an extent that Massachusetts looks ready to elect its first Republican Senator in almost 40 years. That’s not the fault of Republicans — it’s the fault of overreaching Democrats.

Amen. I could not have put it any better, if I tried. The Democrats have been overreaching since this election started. Hell, the overreach started during the primary! I remember when Barack Obama shot forward during the primary and I remember thinking, if the Democrats fall for this guys rhetoric, they are going to pay for it dearly later on. Turns out I was massively correct. We are at this point, the American people are extremely angry and the Democratic Party is just about ready for civil war.

Needless to say, It is going to be a very interesting 2010.

Police State? – Presidential Heckler Frog-Marched out of Obama Appearance

So, is THIS what happens when you elect a Marxist President? Do we live in Communist Russia or the United States of America?

This is what you didn’t see, at the Presidential Speech for Coakley: (H/T Dan)

Repression of Freedom of Speech… courtesy of the Socialist Liberal Democrats.

Barack Hussein Obama stealing your freedoms, one day at a time. Remember this come 2010 and 2012. Read More …

The Scott Brown Surge

(H/T Insty)

A REPORT FROM THE SCOTT BROWN RALLY AT WORCESTER: “It’s an absolute mob scene. The police have closed off the streets. It’s mind blowing. The hall is already full, and it holds 3,000 people. There may be another 1,000 people outside.”

Meanwhile, reader Sean Fitzpatrick writes: “Pictures don’t do justice. Nothing like this in Mass since JFK. Worcester rally starts in thirty minutes and the streets are already packed.” Here’s a pic.

Meanwhile, Coakley can’t even fill a hall:

Wow… Just wow… The political winds are changing… It is truly an amazing thing to watch. 😀

More info on the Tennessee Tea Party Ruse

Dr. Melissa Clouthie Reports, go read.

I believe that every true Conservative and Tea Party supporter, not to mention every Sarah Palin fan should AVOID this Convention like the plague. One of my readers said that this changes nothing. I disagree; this guy lied his ass off, and has kicked people out of his group, that simply disagreed with his tactics. It changes everything. Someone needs to let Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin know about this nonsense, so that she can cancel her appearance.

Let Judson Phillips pound sand. He is a  deceiver is the highest regard.

Quotable Quotes:

Tami Killmarx said that she heard Phillips say more than once, “I want to make a million from this movement.


He continued,”I think Judson is a good guy. He’s trying to do the right thing in the wrong way. We need to do it where everyone can get involved. Most of the people are like me, and just want to bring the country back to the people and to the constitution.”

Williams said that he resigned because he didn’t want to be a part of something that “leaves people out.”


When Judson Phillips suggested the $550 convention fee, some members were so aghast they got up and left the meeting.

At one point, fisticuffs nearly broke out, emotions ran so high. Those who had been in the bottom-up organization felt betrayed because the event excluded so many average people and many of the volunteers themselves couldn’t even afford to attend. Philips and his few supporters saw an opportunity to make money.

This meeting prompted many long-time Tea Party members to quit.


Killmarx expressed sadness about not getting to see Sarah Palin after volunteering and giving her own money to fund early Nashville Tea Party events.

“I believe in Sarah Palin. I believe in her and she’s a good woman. She’s being deceived like the rest of us.”

Spread the Word, shut this bastard down.

Others: Erick’s blog

Videos: Scott Brown Rally, Rudy Giuliani interview…

These videos were shot by R.S. McCain. I hope he does not mind me using them.

This is Scott Brown arriving on the North End in Boston.

Scott Brown Rally Part 1:

Scott Brown Rally Part 2:

Scott Brown Rally Part 3:

Rudy Giuliani Interviewed:

Looking back, I take back everything I said about him.

Scott Brown Supporter Interviewed:

President Obama to stump for Coakley

Hey, What’s the smell? It’s….it’s…. Fear!

President Obama will be heading to Massachusetts to campaign for Martha Coakley this Sunday, according to two senior sources informed of the president’s decision, a last-minute effort to give the Democrat a needed boost in the Senate race.

It's a sign that Democrats are deeply worried about Coakley’s prospects and the party's 60-seat majority, and believe the president can help turn out the Democratic vote in a state where he's viewed favorably.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs announced the president’s decision at today's briefing, and said the campaign stop will take place in Boston.

via The Scorecard: Congressional campaign news and analysis –

Man, looks like the Democrats are running scared, so, they have to bring out the big irons.

So, looks like we need to work harder!

Scott Brown for Senate Website

Donate Page for Scott Brown for Senate

Massachusetts race for the ‘Kennedy’ Seat is heating up!

Looks like the run for the Senate seat in Boston is making some headway for the Republicans.

The Boston Herald Reports:

Riding a wave of opposition to Democratic health-care reform, GOP upstart Scott Brown is leading in the U.S. Senate race, raising the odds of a historic upset that would reverberate all the way to the White House, a new poll shows.

Although Brown’s 4-point lead over Democrat Martha Coakley is within the Suffolk University/7News survey’s margin of error, the underdog’s position at the top of the results stunned even pollster David Paleologos.

“It’s a Brown-out,” said Paleologos, director of Suffolk’s Political Research Center. “It’s a massive change in the political landscape.”

Even Liberal Nate Silver is befuddled:

Earlier today I tweeted about how there wasn’t enough evidence to describe the Massachusetts special election as a “toss-up”, as some other forecasters have done, based on the information available to us at that time.

Well, now there’s some new evidence. And it isn’t good for Martha Coakley.


That’s a toss-up, ladies and germs! Both candidates are tied at 48 percent on the nose.

You can still argue that Coakley is favored — and I might even believe you. Hell, I might even wind up making that argument myself. But at this point, you can’t really cite the public polling as a data point in favor of your argument.

I have an idea why Coakley is diving in the polls, might have something to do with this here:

Ken Pittman: Right, if you are a Catholic, and believe what the Pope teaches that any form of birth control is a sin. ah you don’t want to do that.

Martha Coakley: No we have a seperation of church and state Ken, lets be clear.

Ken Pittman: In the emergency room you still have your religious freedom.

Martha Coakley: (…stammering) The law says that people are allowed to have that. You can have religious freedom but you probably shouldn’t work in the emergency room.

Audio of that little stupid blunder, can be found here. Does this woman have any remote clue as to her constituents religious leanings in her area? From what I have read, a good 90% of the people in Boston are Roman Catholic. Not a smart idea to insult your constituents Religious beliefs, if you are going to attempt to represent them. No wonder Scott Brown is surging in the polls.

But of course, the Democrats are already circling the wagons:

Here in Massachusetts, as well as in Washington, a growing sense of gloom is setting in among Democrats about the fortunes of Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley. “I have heard that in the last two days the bottom has fallen out of her poll numbers,” says one well-connected Democratic strategist. In her own polling, Coakley is said to be around five points behind Republican Scott Brown. “If she’s not six or eight ahead going into the election, all the intensity is on the other side in terms of turnout,” the Democrat says. “So right now, she is destined to lose.”

Intensifying the gloom, the Democrat says, is the fact that the same polls showing Coakley falling behind also show President Obama with a healthy approval rating in the state. “With Obama at 60 percent in Massachusetts, this shouldn’t be happening, but it is,” the Democrat says.

Given those numbers, some Democrats, eager to distance Obama from any electoral failure, are beginning to compare Coakley to Creigh Deeds, the losing Democratic candidate in the Virginia governor’s race last year. Deeds ran such a lackluster campaign, Democrats say, that his defeat could be solely attributed to his own shortcomings, and should not be seen as a referendum on President Obama’s policies or those of the national Democratic party.

Heh. Yeah, “We just got our tails kicked in the Massachusetts senate race, but that has nothing to do with the President!” Wow… Talk about spinning like a top. On the contrary, it has everything to do with this President and his socialistic nonsense that he is trying to foist on the American people. For once, the American people have stood up and said NO MORE!

Today, Massachusetts. Tommorow, The White House. The Clock is ticking Mr. President.

This is not going to help Coakley’s cause

Once again, the Democrats employ thug tactics:

After Coakley finished her answer, she began walking away from the restaurant, and I walked behind her asking why health care industry lobbyists were supporting her at the fundraiser. She didn’t reply.

As I walked down the street, a man who appeared to be associated with the Coakley campaign pushed me into a freestanding metal railing. I ended up on the sidewalk. I was fine. He helped me up from the ground, but kept pushing up against me, blocking my path toward Coakley down the street.

He asked if I was with the media, and I told him I work for THE WEEKLY STANDARD. When I asked him who he worked for he replied, “I work for me.” He demanded to see my credentials, and even though it was a public street, I showed them to him.

I eventually got around him and met up with the attorney general halfway down the block.

“Attorney General, could I ask you a question please?” I said. “We’re done, thanks,” Coakley replied. She walked back toward the restaurant, apparently searching for her car. She remained silent as I (politely) repeated my question.

Coakley staffers told me they didn’t know who the man was who pushed me, though by every indication he was somehow connected to the campaign.

via We Report, We Get Pushed | The Weekly Standard.

There are reports that it is a Democratic Party operative that was working for the campaign. Just more of that plantation politics at work folks. That is what happens when Democrats feel threatened, they lash out and hurt people, been that way for years. How do you think JFK and RFK, MLK ended up dead? The Democratic establishment felt threatened, and when they did, they got rid of them. Been that way for years and will be that way for a long time to come.

Stick a fork in her, I believe Coakley’s campaign is over.

Memeorandum has the roundup.

The Republican Party’s Resident Shrieking Harpy gets a Fox Contract

Oh Wonderful, wonder what she’ll do, show Russia from her house?

Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel.

The network confirmed that Ms. Palin would appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multiyear deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.

Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person with knowledge of the deal said, though she will host a series that will run on the network from time to time. This person would not elaborate, but the network does have a precedent for such a series. Oliver L. North is the host of an occasionally running documentary series on the military called “War Stories.

via Sarah Palin to Contribute to Fox News – Media Decoder Blog

Hmmmm, what’s it going to be called; “How to keep the media from finding out if your daughter is knocked up”? God knows that’s what she’s good at. The good thing about this is, that she most likely will not be running for President, which is a good thing for the Republican Party as a whole. We need someone that can articulate fiscal Conservative ideas, not stupid muddled populism. Besides all that, we need someone who was actually raised here in the continental 48 and not some psycho shrieking harpy; who was raised on some obscure piece of land, that was not even a state in the union until 1959. We need restrained, disciplined leadership. Not some idiot moose hunting soccer mom, who thinks she on some sort of mission from God and would push the nuke button at a drop of a hat.

Bottom Line: Sarah Palin is the perfect embodiment of female entitlement and the highly hypocritical Evangelical Christian right. That is the LAST thing we need in the White House. I love Jesus and believe the Bible to be literally true; However, I do not want my Country being run as the Christian equivalent of Sharia law. Keep Christianity where it belongs, in the home and in the Church; and out of the Federal Government.