Michelle Malkin strikes a nerve………again

Not good to tick your base off, Michelle! Winking

I hate to say it, but I do agree with her. I think this crap here, is totally wrong.

My feelings about the Roman Catholic Church aside, (I’m Fundamental Baptist)  I think the Church needs to be about the business of the Church and should keep it’s nose out of the affairs of the Government.

Like the Pope speaking at the United Nations, what the hell is up with that? Isn’t there a thing called the Separation of Church and State? Was not that a major and flagrant violation of the 501c3 Statue in this country?

Of course, we all know that the Catholic Church gets a free pass, which is pretty funny considering, we fought like hell to get away from it’s iron first rule, when we fled to this country and away from Great Britain.

Of course, hearing Michelle Malkin use the word, "Elitist" is quite humorous. Is she trying out for Lou Dobbs Position? Hee heeWinkingBig Grin

Did the Pentagon try and shape the war’s image?

 Red Meat for the Democrats, but it doesn’t surprise me. Of course, Some are living in denial. Some more than others

The Article: Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand (Via New York Times)

In the summer of 2005, the Bush administration confronted a fresh wave of criticism over Guantánamo Bay. The detention center had just been branded “the gulag of our times” by Amnesty International, there were new allegations of abuse from United Nations human rights experts and calls were mounting for its closure.

I’d head on over and read it, it is a 11 page report on how the Government attempted to shape the image of the war, Gitmo and the whole deal. It is no big surprise to me. See, I know how Neo-Conservatives work, they know no bounds. War is just a means to justify making a profit. Even it means sacrificing some of our own. Now, I won’t sit here and attempt to compare Neo-Conservatives to Nazi’s, that’s going a wee bit overboard. But there are striking similarities. But to say that they’re exactly alike, that’s pushing it. Even I won’t get drawn into such foolishness.

Now, before anyone accuses me of being a Liberal, and just hating conservatives, Let me set you straight, I grew up in Church, I have the Christian morals instilled in me as a child. I know that Homosexuality is immoral, I do not believe in gay rights, at all. I believe abortion, of any sort, is quite frankly, murder.

However, I also know that there is evil within the Conservative Party. The Neo-Conservatives, who are, made of, or at least originally were, made up of ex-Democrats, who brought their warmongering mentality with them. They crossed over, when the Democrat Party began to embrace the civil rights movement. Some of you might remember the Dixiecrat debacle, that was the first wave, the second wave was in 1964, when the civil rights bill was passed.

Many Democrat’s and most real Conservatives, felt that the bill was wrong, in that the civil rights act should have been a State issue and not one of Federal Government. Notably, one of those people was Barry Goldwater, A Conservative, of whom many Liberals hold up today as some sort of a hero. I just don’t understand, why some Liberal talk show hosts, claim to love a party, who in fact, turned on their father’s in 1964, and painted him as mentally unstable. Odd bunch they are.

Another thing that I’d like to point out is that not every person in America, who holds to any sort of Conservative convictions, considers the Republican Party to be on the mark. One only need go to NewsWithViews and WorldNetDaily to see that there are many people out there that just feel that the G.O.P. is not the party of old. Now I realize that those links might generate a giggle among some of you, and yes, there is some propaganda on those sites. I don’t deny that. But there’s a whole bunch of truth on them sites too. On average, the truth to propaganda ratio on those sites is about 10 to 3, really. This is why I read them.

The people that quite frankly disturb me, are the people who blindly accept what the G.O.P. says and does, as pure Gospel, those are the strange folk.

Others on this article: Washington Monthly, Democracy Project, Weekly Standard Blog, Emptywheel, The Garlic, The Gun Toting Liberal™, Blue Girl, Red State, Firedoglake, Feministe, Matthew Yglesias, Economist’s View, Truthdig, SWJ Blog, Macsmind, Blog entry, Corrente, Think Progress

Latest Gallop Poll – Clinton 46% Obama 45%

Read about it here



Gallup Poll Daily tracking shows that Hillary Clinton now receives 46% of the support of Democrats nationally, compared to 45% for Barack Obama, marking the first time Obama has not led in Gallup’s daily tracking since March 18-20.

These results are based on interviewing conducted April 16-18, including two days of interviewing after the contentious Wednesday night debate in Philadelphia and the media focus that followed. Support for Hillary Clinton has been significantly higher in both of these post-debate nights of interviewing than in recent weeks. The two Democratic candidates are now engaged in intensive campaigning leading up to Tuesday’s Pennsylvania primary and are under a continual and hot media spotlight, increasing the chances for change in the views of Democrats in the days ahead.

Not that this really matters, because Obama’s ahead in the delegates and unless there’s a major shift with those people, I doubt Hillary will be able to pass Obama. It’s just interesting to see the sudden change in the percentage of people who supported Obama and now don’t.

Here’s how Obama does when match up with McCain:



Others: Marc Ambinder, Donklephant and Wizbang Blue

A Video, that everyone needs to watch…

I think everyone needs to watch this:

It’s pretty scary, but all true.

If you enjoyed this video, please consider a donation to this Blog. Click here to listen to a message from me, about why I need the donations.

On This day……

It was on this Day, April 19, 1775, on which Americans took up arms against their king, and bled, at the crack of terrible dawn.

Jules Crittenden has the full account. It’s because of these men, that we’re free today.

God Bless Our Military. It was because of these brave men, that we’re free today.

God Bless America.


Here’s a great tune:

Any of you liberal hosebags don’t like it, you can suck it, as far as I’m concerned.

CNN’s Richard Quest busted

Now this here makes for some interesting weekend Blogging. Seeing the only thing in the news right now is the Roman Catholic Church’s chief child molester Pope.

This comes via Glenn Reynolds:

From the New York Post: (of all places!)

This is CNN? Kinky!

CNN personality Richard Quest was busted in Central Park early yesterday with some drugs in his pocket, a rope around his neck that was tied to his genitals, and a sex toy in his boot, law-enforcement sources said.

Quest, 46, was arrested at around 3:40 a.m. after a cop spotted him and another man inside the park near 64th Street, a police source said.

You know, I always knew that dude was a bit….Odd? But this? Holy hell

Of course:

Quest’s lawyer, Alan Abramson, had a much more innocuous version of events.

"Mr. Quest didn’t realize that the park had a curfew," Abramson said. He was simply "returning to his hotel with friends."

Likely Story. Rolling Eyes

From what the article says, he’ll likely skate, seeing he’s got the cash and all.

But man, rope around your neck and your nut sack? Oy…. Hurts just thinking about it! Doh

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Sometimes watching Fox News is like shooting fish in a barrel

I’ll tell ya… I don’t know whether to laugh at him and feel sorry for him.

It’s just like being at the scene of a horrible accident. You don’t want to look, but it’s just so damn tempting. SmugRolling Eyes

Kathy Ham is hot as hell though, Oh Yeah, I’d tap that. I’d would need some duct tape for her mouth though. That and a good sock. SurpriseWinkingBig GrinBatting Eyelashes

She Said What?

Whoa Boy…. Surprise

Via the Huffington Post:


At a small closed-door fundraiser after Super Tuesday, Sen. Hillary Clinton blamed what she called the "activist base" of the Democratic Party — and MoveOn.org in particular — for many of her electoral defeats, saying activists had "flooded" state caucuses and "intimidated" her supporters, according to an audio recording of the event obtained by The Huffington Post.

"Moveon.org endorsed [Sen. Barack Obama] — which is like a gusher of money that never seems to slow down," Clinton said to a meeting of donors. "We have been less successful in caucuses because it brings out the activist base of the Democratic Party. MoveOn didn’t even want us to go into Afghanistan. I mean, that’s what we’re dealing with. And you know they turn out in great numbers. And they are very driven by their view of our positions, and it’s primarily national security and foreign policy that drives them. I don’t agree with them. They know I don’t agree with them. So they flood into these caucuses and dominate them and really intimidate people who actually show up to support me."

You have to go to HuffPo to listen to it. Because the ASSHATS didn’t enable sharing of the audio via embedding, they disabled it. Idiots. Rolling EyesLoser

Anyhow, I got a feeling that is not going to endear her much to the more activist branch of the Democratic Party.

I’ll just say it, she’s done after Tuesday’s primary anyhow, Howard Dean has already put his foot down. So, I don’t look for Hillary to be around much longer. If the primary don’t kill her campaign, this will.

Others: protein wisdom, Booman Tribune, Pandagon, Don Surber, Obsidian Wings, Shakesville, Buck Naked Politics, Bang the Drum, The Moderate Voice, AlterNet.org, MyDD, TPM Election Central, American Power, Democrats.com, Liberal Values, American Street, Sweetness & Light, Marc Ambinder, Daily Kos, AMERICAblog, TPMCafe, Fox News, The Raw Story, Top of the Ticket, Swampland and The Page

MSM Lackey gets canned for "profane" sports blogging…

This whole damn story reeks of "WTF???!!"… But it’s true.

Let’s see here, free society, free country, dude looses his job for Blogging and free speech… Huh, just doesn’t add up! I dont know

Some dude got fired, because he outed himself on a "Profane" sports Blog.


A Washington Post staffer who had been blogging at a sports-themed Web site apparently lost his job after editors came across some profane-laden postings that also identified him as a Post scribe.

Michael Tunison, who blogged under the name "Christmas Ape" at the "Kissing Suzy Kolber" site, wrote on Wednesday that he had been fired for "bringing discredit to the paper."

To his credit, Tunison said:

Tunison, in an e-mail to E&P on Friday, stated:

"There was no conflict of interest between my writing for Kissing Suzy Kolber and my work for The Washington Post. The blog is not a journalistic endeavor and it is not something I was paid for until I revealed my identity. It is a humor blog about the NFL, whereas my job for the paper was to cover local news in a suburban county outside Washington, D.C. It is beat that has nothing to do with a professional football league.

"I also find it troubling that I was summarily fired for engaging in something that is core to the spirit of The Washington Post: full disclosure. Even if editors had a problem with the language used in the blog, they should have been able to respect that my goal was not to defame The Post, but to be forthcoming with my readers.

If I were Tunison, I’d be seeing me a lawyer. That’s got termination without reasonable cause written all over it. 

Oh and yes, I know, I left some snarky comments over there. I was teasing the guy. I wanted him to come look at this post. Big Grin

I wish you the best Mike, Seeing you’ve got the experience, you should be alright.

….and by the way…..

Oh…. man…. that….that….that…would get me in sooooooo much trouble. DroolingSillySurpriseDont tell anyoneDoh

Others on this: Galley Slaves, The Opinionator, Kissing Suzy Kolber, AOL Sports and Gawker

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Blogger.com fixes Bugs and Updates things…

Read about it here.

Question to the guys at Blogger.

When are you going to update that terrible admin area, I mean, where you post entries?

Also, when do you plan on adding the feature to allow people to choose for links to open in a new window? That’s been the same way since pyra labs owned blogger. I mean, you hire people and they don’t do a damn thing, while they work for you. Other than the cosmetically changed stuff and very minor stuff, isn’t it a wonder that WordPress spanks your ass?

…and how is it, that since you’ve own Blogger, it STILL after all this long time, will NOT acknowledge trackbacks from WordPress, nor will Blogger send trackbacks in a format that WordPress recognizes.

Just sayin’….

If you’re going to pat yourselves on the back, make sure it’s because you’ve actually DONE SOMETHING and not to stroke your own egos.

Like I said, Just sayin’…..

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Blogs 4 Borders Video Blogburst #52

In this weeks edition:

The true costs of illegal immigration: Healthcare!

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders. When will the madness end?

100% Preventable follow up: One family faces the crushing grief caused by open borders and lax enforcement.



This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

If you operate a patriotic business, website, blog or are simply a generous individual with a patriotic bent and would like to sponsor a show you can contact us about that here.

RNC’s Howard Dean to Super-delegates: "Make up your flippin’ mind people!"

Puttin’ the smack down…

via CNN Political Ticker

An increasingly firm Howard Dean told CNN again Thursday that he needs superdelegates to say who they’re for – and “I need them to say who they’re for starting now.”

“We cannot give up two or three months of active campaigning and healing time,” the Democratic National Committee Chairman told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “We’ve got to know who our nominee is.”

After facing criticism for a mostly hands-off leadership style during much of the primary season, Dean has been steadily raising the rhetorical pressure on superdelegates. He said Thursday that roughly 65 percent of them have made their preference plain, but that more than 300 have yet to make up their minds.

The national party chair, who has remained neutral throughout the primary process, said again it’s his job to make sure both candidates feel they are treated fairly – but not to tell either of them when to end their run.

He’ll bully the super delegates, but won’t tell Hillary to drop out. What the heck kind of a leader is that? Rolling Eyes

……and He wanted to be President. President people!

Jack ass coward. Frustrated

John Aravosis has questions for McCain….

Valid Questions. 

Does John McCain require his mistress to wear a flag pin? (via AMERICAblog)

McCain is going on Stephanopoulos’ show this Sunday, so I’m hoping Stephanopoulos will be pushing McCain hard on the following issues…

Oh, and before the outrage machine kicks in – ABC just asked a presidential candidate on national television if his pastor loves America. After that little ditty, what isn’t fair game?:

1. Adultery. McCain reportedly was seeing his second wife while still married to his first wife. And, then we have the issue of the blond lobbyist who looks like McCain’s second wife. America deserves answers.

2. Does John McCain require his mistresses to wear a flag pin?

3. McCain working for the enemy. If a US soldier made propaganda tapes for the enemy (like John McCain did), then went on to run for president as a Democrat, the Republicans would eviscerate that candidate. I want George Stephanopoulos to ask John McCain if he loves America as much as soldiers who didn’t make propaganda tapes for the enemy while in captivity. Oh, and in case you think I’m kidding, here are McCain’s own words:

Later, I made a second, feebler attempt at suicide. On the fourth day, I gave up. I signed a confession that "I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pilot".
The guards ordered me to record my confession on tape. I refused, and was beaten until I consented.

Well, I’m sure a POW has never been beaten before, so it’s totally understandable why McCain betrayed his country during his "hero" years in Vietnam. (Or are we to assume that all American POWs betray their country while in captivity, right?)

4. Old age. John McCain is old, everyone knows it. I love my parents, they’re in their late 70s, they’re great people, but they probably shouldn’t be president at this age. John McCain would be the oldest new president EVER if he gets elected (and we all saw what happened to Reagan in his second term). I hope we’ll be seeing some hard hitting questions about McCain being simply too old.

5. That enormous thing on the side of McCain’s face. McCain had skin cancer a few years ago. He now has some enormous thing on the side of his face that no one is talking about. I want to know why we shouldn’t be worried that John McCain is going to get sick and die in office.

6. Cindy McCain’s drug addiction. What message does it send to America’s children to have a drug addict, who actually stole drugs, as first lady?

7. Would John McCain quit a church that had his wife as pastor?

8. Is John McCain going to jail for 5 years? McCain has illegally pulled out of the public campaign finance system. That’s a crime punishable by 5 years in prison. Is Stephanopoulos going to break media silence on this issue and ask John McCain whether he’s too old to go prison?

9. Will McCain make propaganda tapes while he’s in prison?

WOW! Surprise I thought I was harsh…

But they are valid questions. How much you want to bet, that they won’t get asked? Money Eyes

Others: Oliver Willis and The BRAD BLOG

George Stephanopoulos says, "I was doing my Job"

I kind of agree, and I kind of don’t. 

via Talking Points Memo

At some point amid the hailstorm of criticism that greeted ABC’s handling of yesterday’s Dem debate, moderator George Stephanopoulos received an email — one of the many, many missives about the debate he’s received — from an Obama adviser.

"Feel like a candidate today?" the adviser asked.

In an interview with me moments ago, Stephanopoulos strongly defended his handling of the debate. He dismissed criticism that it had focused too heavily on "gotcha" questions, arguing that they had gone to the heart of the "electability" that, he said, is forefront in the minds of voters evaluating the two Dems.

"Overall, the questions were tough, fair, relevant, and appropriate," Stephanopoulos argued. And he rejected the claim by many Obama supporters that the debate had been stacked against him, saying Hillary had faced sharp questioning, too.

Today on the campaign trail Obama criticized ABC’s handling of the debate, characterizing it as "the roll out of the Republican campaign against me in November."

Asked to respond, Stephanopoulos said that getting criticized "comes with the territory."

"Our job is to ask the questions," he said. "His job is to go out and win votes."

I think that’s a fair defense myself. That’s not the reason people are ticked, They’re ticked because Hannity planted a question to Stephanopoulos, via his radio show. Which some feel was totally wrong.

Although, I think bringing up Obama’s connection to some 1960’s anti-war guy was a bit lame. If you ask me.

Others: The Moderate Voice, Too Sense, The Carpetbagger Report, TPMCafe, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hullabaloo, American Street, The New Republic, The Reaction, Show Tracker, Comments from Left Field, Booman Tribune, Jules Crittenden and TalkLeft

Obama on the debates last night: "ain’t no thang!"

Sorry, My old ghetto self is coming out… Tongue It’s a southwest Detroit thing, you’d never understand… Big Grin

Video Via Attackerman (Think Progress):

Matthew Yglesias says, "Cue the Jay-Z video!":


I think it’s great that Obama has taken the high road and is not letting it bother him. If it would have been Hillary, the whine would have been heard for universes away.

Others: Ross Douthat and TPMCafe