Another short note of thanks

Just another thanks to Sisir in Sharjah, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for his donation of $60.00 ( 😯 😮 )

I e-mailed him to make sure it was legit, here is his reply:


You must be thinking that because its from Middle East, maybe its a Sting type operation (Obama IRS posing an Arab sheikh..)

That’s cool , I understand

Actually I’m from India residing in Dubai (Dubai for Indians is like Miami for Cubans)

I’m a Glenn Beck wingnut, I resided in U.S and being from a semi third world country, I know how precious freedom is and I’m alarmed at the creepy cult of personality and throttling of free speech and economy that the current administration perpetuates.

In the words of Peter Hitchens on Nov 5th 2008 “what will happen to the last good hope of the world”
I was saddenned by your employment predicament and thought I’d help out. Every now and then , I have a fit of doing something good! Us conservatives should stick together (its hard for us admittedly to so as we tend to be individualists and exist to disagree and dispute!)

I work for (redacted)

Hope the above placates your worries

Take care


I must confess; I let out a rather loud snort about that Miami for Cubans joke…  heh!  😆 The IRS and Arab sheik thing was funny too. 😛

Only reason I did inquire about it is that, people do steal credit cards and sometimes do funny stuff with them. Been there and did that. Cleared me out! Fought with the bank for weeks! 😡 Anyhow, it’s cool. He’s legit and I’m quite the happy camper at the moment.

Anyhow, thank you Sisir! 😀

Site Numbers

This is from GoStats:

Total counter state:

Hits: 269714
Hosts: 156243
Visitors: 186789
Sessions: 205859

From the beginning of the month:

Hits: 13337
Hosts: 8980
Visitors: 10184
Sessions: 10725
New Visitors: 5554

Last week:

Hits: 5991
Hosts: 4495
Visitors: 4904
Sessions: 5061
New Visitors: 2386

Wow… Those are some good numbers. 😀 Now, if everyone of those people would have hit my Tip Jar. I could live decently. Speaking of which; would it be too much to request ya’ll to kindly hit that tip jar? 😀

Thanks to all my readers and return visitors. You make this little adventure worth it. 🙂

Letters of Support

I like it when I get mail like this:

From reader Scott Starnes:


Keep up the good work brother. I’m new to the blogging scene (just started in April) but I write as many articles as I can and do love so much to piss liberals/progressives off. I get attack in the same way. Liberals want to kill the messenger whenever you speak the truth about their Dear Leader. I am adding you to my blogroll. Keep up the fight and keep driving the libtards insane. Enjoyed reading your blog.

Scotty Starnes

Thanks Scott. 😀

More Mail from the Liberals

Wow… the socialists must be on a roll…

Author : Butterfingers (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
You do realise *everyone* who visits your blog today clicked on a wingnut comment you left on another blog – to come and chuckle at your stupidity?

Your entire purpose is to amuse sensible people who’ve got five minutes to spare.

No actually, my purpose is to post idiotic comments like yours publicly on my blog; so that my fellow conservatives can see what kind of jack asses that you really are. 😀

From the Mailbag

I just love it, when I get stuff like this….. Responding to this Post, this idiot writes:

Author : longrod von hugendong (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
Your blog is awful you retarded nut job piece of shit. You and limbaugh the hut need to do the human race a favor and remove yourselves from the gene pool A.S.A.P. If you have any children, please off them as well to ensure your retarded lineage does not contaminate the world. Thank you, that is all.

Thank you. Please pull around!


The idiot comes back for more. I wonder does he realize that his IP address is being posted publically?

Author : longrod von hugendong (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
Coming around!! But please get to it.

I am getting to it. Posting you idiotic tripe where everyone can see it. and I do mean, everyone.

Not being happy with that, the idiotic liberal twit stoops to personal insults:

Author : longrod von hugendong (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
“however, thanks to the economy, I cannot find a job”

LOL you unemployed lazy idiot, an unemployed right wing nut job asking for donations???
Is this a parody site? GET A JOB!

I would, but your liberal Democrats have fucked the state of Michigan up so bad, that no one, including me can find a job. So… I sit here and write about idiotic nonsense of the Democratic Party. It makes me some money, But I am not getting rich. But, that’s not the point. Notice how rude and condescending these liberals act when you challenge “The One” and his idiotic policies? Hateful people, are they not?

Slight Design Change

As you may have noticed. I went back to a 3 column design and I dropped some ads.

The columns were a bit excessive and they did cramp the site a bit. I dropped the ads by ShareASale, because I was just not making any money on them. Makes no sense to me at all, to have ads on a site, if they’re not paying. So, I canned them. From here on out it is BlogAds and Adsense. For the record the ShareAsale Ads, (Bible Ads, Patriot shirts, and ect…) were the type of ads that paid only if you bought something. Those are known as Affiliate ads or Pay per action ads.

So, it’s back to a less cluttered design. Hopefully, this will work.

That is all.

Apologies for the late start today

As you all know; here as of late, I have been getting an earlier start. I am finally getting myself back around to getting in the bed at night and getting up earlier.

Well, last night I stayed a little later than I have been being. I normally, here as of the past couple of weeks; have been getting in the bed at rather early hour, like say 9:30-10:00 at night and getting up at like 4:00-4-30 in the morning. I had been also scheduling posts for later in the day as well.

Well, last night, I ate a rather big meal and I knew that I had to stay up, and finish a task on a game that I play on facebook, called Yoville. Please, don’t laugh; My mom got me into playing those silly games; Farmtown, MafiaWars, Farmville, Yoville, and all the rest of the silly games on there. 🙄  The staying up late part did not work, because I STILL woke up at about two in the morning, with my supper wanting to come back up. Not a pleasant experience and leave it at that.

So….. I was up a wee bit later this morning; at what some would call a saner hour, like 8:00 in the morning. But, of course, I had to do some Computer maintenance, Windows upgrades, disk cleanup and now doing a defragmentation of the drive. Anyone wanna donate so I can get me a Macbook Pro 17? It’s only 4K, if I get all the niceties with it! 😉 😛 😀

So, anyhow, I’m here now and going to try and get some content up. Don’t expect essays today, just links and short remarks.

That is all….

From the MailBag

Well, in this case, the moderation que.

It seems that some are not to happy about me bringing to light the fact that the dude running the Bar in Georgia is a Klansman and a Racist Bigot.

Author : Kevin (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
I saw a guy who I KNOW is with the kkk visit Walmart, and then later in the day he went to Costco!  Therefore, Walmart ant Costco are racist.

Good Lord, is this website run by conspiracy theorist Charles Johnson or something

No Kevin, it is not. The dude is a fucking racist bigot, pure and fucking simple. There is HUGE difference between writing articles with weasel words in them, speaking frankly about the past of America and slavery; and owning a fucking bar, with a mannequin of Klansman inside it, with a sign outside with the word “Nigger” on it. Now, you can fucking try to Spin and fucking deny that all fucking day long; but you know what? You just expose yourself as someone who simply wants to cover for the fact that the man is a fucking racist bigot.

As for your assumption that I am in the same league with that lying turd, Charles Foster Johnson, is absolutely asinine. Charles Fostor Johnson knowingly LIED about Pamela Geller. Saying that she KNOWINGLY went to a Conference that was also attended by some former Neo-Nazi’s. This was, and still is a god-damned baldfaced lie.

I did not lie about this man, or his business; I simply stated the facts that this man was, in fact, closely associated with the White Nationalist movement. I proved by using the same damned tool that anyone else in America can use; Google Search Engine. As for your baseless accusation of me using tactics of the left, like collectivism. That is a baseless accusation; this man is obviously a racist and possibly even a Klansman or a White Nationalist. It is like the old saying, “If it walks like a Duck and Talks like a Duck…. It is usually a duck.”

Nice try, but this time, that damn Dog of spin and denial ain’t a huntin’, at least not with THIS Conservative it isn’t.

Unlike some people; I know racism is wrong and I do not try to act like an apologist for it. If that puts me on some enemy lists, then

From the ‘WTF?!??!?!?!?!?’ file!

Egad. I happen to be looking through my freakin’ logs….

United States
United States,
WinXP (1024x768x32)
Firefox 3.0 (JavaScript: 1.8, Cookie: Yes, Java: No)
Yahoo — boys sucking boys dicksArea of concern!

* 23:01:18 — http://www.politicalbyline….onservatives-living-in-denial/

Um, How do I put this?


and… You are not going to find that here.

and that’s just freakin’ gross, sick and stuff.

FYI: Blog will be unavailable tonight – Between 12am and 2am CT

I happened to get this in my e-mail inbox:

Your server experienced a service failure recently resulting in the need for us to perform a reboot. As a result, we are scheduling maintenance to perform a manual file system check (FSCK) between the hours of 12am and 2am CT tonight to ensure there is not data corruption on the hard drives. We do not anticipate this taking more than a couple hours barring major problems being detected by the FSCK.

If you have any questions regarding this email, please contact Technical Support via the Support tab in Backstage.

Best Regards,
The Site5 Team

Ah, the joys of shared hosting. 🙄

Funny thing is, I never knew it went down. 😛

Short stories today, not feeling well

I am not going to be writing essays or long articles today. Here’s why…

I’m distracted.

I have a pain the neck… literally.

For some odd reason; I have a nerve or something on my left side of my body, that travels through my neck area. Every now and again, said nerve gets irritated. I take pain meds and try and take it as easy as I possibly can; and it usually goes away. It is not the laying in the fetal position and crying my eyes out kind of pain….yet. But it is just enough to annoy me and give me a slight headache.

Add to this little fact that I have no health-care insurance at all; so, I cannot just zip off the doctor and have them fix me. Although, I’d rather suffer, than have the Government pay for it. Not like it’s life threatening or dreadfully painful. It is just annoying.

Not something I could consider to be a good writing environment, not to mention a thinking environment.

So, today it would be just a title, a few words and a link to said story.

I will be back in full force hopefully tomorrow or the next day.

Prayers, Good JuJu and whatever else you wanna send my way would be most appreciated.

A note of thanks

I would like to personally and publicly thank reader Beverly, who lives in New Jersey, for your very nice donation to the blog.

It’s those little donations like this one; that make running this blog a joy. It is also good to know that someone out there enjoys what I serve up here. Not that it is about money, but seeing I am in the position that I am in; No Job, Living with Parents, and no prospects of a job — It makes life a little easier.  I will be the first to tell you, my situation could be much worse than it is now and it would be, if it were not for my parents. However, unlike the socialists, I will not run to the Government for a hand out or a solution to my problems. I will rebuild my life —- on my own. I do not need Barry’s Socialist stupidity to do so.

Also, to those of you on twitter, who follow me, I thank you for “Retweeting” my tweets; you guys are amazing. Here’s some numbers for you. Yesterday alone I had 541 people come look at my posting about the Tea Party Protest up in D.C., today there were 265 views on the tea party story. On that 9/11 story that I posted about, there were 100 people that viewed it yesterday.

I know the question that you are asking yourself. “Well, how much was the donation?” Not that it is anyone’s business; but it was $50.00. (Minus PayPal fees, which were dollar and some change) But, Believe me, I am EXTREMELY grateful to get donation of that, or any size, at all. Especially from people that I do not even know or have never met. Especially seeing that ye ol’ Bank account is, at this moment, at 85 bucks and some change. Of course, that will change when PayPal decides to stop holding my donation hostage, which takes about 3-5 days.

Of course, there are some of you, ahem —  shall we say?  —– Well-to-do Conservatives out there, that look at that Donation amount and chuckle to yourselves and say, “That’s a paltry sum…” Well, let me be the first to tell you; You see that little donation button over there on the right hand side, inner side bar, second from the top? Hit it baby; Hard. I am a “Verified Account”, which in PayPal terms, means that I can receive as much as you want to send! Of course, if some charitable Conservative sends me some huge honking, multi-thousand or ever better Multi-Million Dollar donation, I would have to grab my friend Ryan by the shirt collar and ask him the name of that Company that does the LLC registration service. I would also have to open a separate bank account, if things got really, really big. Then my life would get really complicated really fast! Not to mention the IRS would take a shining to me really quick! (That’s hillbilly for get interested really quick for you Yankee folk….)

But first things first, Again, I am eternally grateful to everyone who has, so far, been supportive of my efforts here. Every time someone retweets my twitter postings, I smile, literally. I mean, I am like a little kid, all pointing and giggling at the fact that someone has retweeting my postings. Which is why I have to close tweetdeck at times; otherwise I would get nothing done! 😉

Okay, enough this Halo-Polishing stuff. Let’s get back to Blogging and criticizing Obama and his socialism! Just a quick note, if you have any sort of a insider tip of anything that is happening in Washington D.C. and want to clue me in, I am always ready for the exclusive! You can do some by going to my “Contact Me” page on my Blog and filling out the information and submit your tip. If it is something huge, please provide a contact number, so I can check it out and make sure it is legit. If you wish to remain anonymous; I will respect your confidentiality when reporting the story.  Just as well, if you just want to write to tell something, feel free! Unlike some of these “High falootin” Bloggers who won’t answer e-mails; I read and usually answer every last one!  Now, if you write me and call my daddy a Redneck or my Momma a street walker or a something ugly like that, I most likely will ignore you or I may just put it on the blog, so, that everyone else can see what kinda idiot you really are…. or if you threaten to get the Mafia after me or the Obama knuckle bustin’ committee after me, I will most likely get the F.B.I. involved and ask them pay you a visit. Then again, I could just get Robert Stacey McCain to run naked through your back yard! I mean, that’s enough to make any lost soul come to Jesus. Don’t believe me? Go look at that poor man’s Picture.

Anyhow, enough this silliness. Thanks to everyone!

To Liberty!


Update: Maybe that wasn’t so short after all. Yeah, I changed the name of the title. I get like that; rambling on. 🙄

This here makes what I do totally worth it.

First off, let me just say thanks to everyone who has been coming over via twitter today and from Digg and Reddit and also Stumbleupon.

I received this via e-mail… spelling and grammar errors are all original.. This is from reader Elizabeth:

Patric my dear,

I rather like your blog and I am happy know that there is place to go when I feel all around is to much and wish to find people with same believing and mind.
I come to the stage that I do not even listen any more to people at all who belives Obama or talking for..
…I just want to hear people who is opposing him… and futher more I am praying gor the day to come when I wake up and i read in  the papers;  Obama resign from his posision as  a president…!!!

I tried to reply back to her, but it bounced. So, I will post it here:

Thank you Ma’am. I work hard everyday to keep my readers informed and somewhat happy. I try to avoid talking points and bluster. I try to challenge socialism with honesty and integrity. I sometimes get angry. But usually I am level-headed.

Thank you writing.

I meant every word of that. It’s those little e-mails like that; that make every aggravation with running this blog, every stressful thing, that I have had to endure; and believe me there have been quite a few —- worth every minute of my time. When I started over on December 30, 2007 at 4:44 P.M.; I knew that, at the time that I was not happy with the Democratic Party. But at the time, I had zero clue that my politics was going to go as far to the right as it has. I must admit, Obama’s nomination and election helped much of that.

Now I very highly doubt that we will see Obama resign as President; barring something huge dropping and him having to resign to avoid impeachment. But I believe that we Conservative bloggers will be the legitimate catalyst for the loyal opposition. I believe that all of us, not just me; are doing the Lord’s work and we’re fighting for America. Which I will continue to do, as long as I am able to write. We may not all agree 100% on everything. But, we all agree that Obama’s policies are hurting America.

It is not about the money and it sure as heck, is not about the fame. At least not with me. Believe you me, I would like nothing more, than to slip back into anonymity and just do nothing. But how could I? This Nation has been too good to me over the years, to just sit and do nothing. I love my Country and I just cannot sit on the sidelines and watch a socialist President destroy the very foundations of which this country was founded upon.

I may be a small part. But I am a part… and for that, I am very glad. 🙂

Jeff could use a little help.

Jeff Goldstein a Classical Liberal Blogger is need of a little help.

Due to health issues in my family I’d prefer not to disclose, I’ve hit a bit of a financial crisis.

If I have any good will left to draw on, I’d appreciate whatever help any of you who still frequent the site are able to provide.

Thanks so much,


via Help wanted? [Updated and Updated again, final time].

Hop on over and give a man a little help. This dickless tool here has not made any stupid comments.

Anyhow, go on; help him out. I’d give him some myself. But I am in a similar spot myself. Sans novels and hugely popular blog.

A Programming Note

Just let all my readers know that way back in August I wrote tribute to one of the tragic victims of the September 11’th attacks.

In honor of the September 11’th attacks. This Blog will be only displaying the one entry; and that is the tribute. What this means is, that from September 11, 2009 —  00:00 UTC till September 12, 2009 — 00:00 UTC — I will not be making new entries on the Blog.

I was going to remove all ads from the Blog —- For the day; however, I believe the families and more importantly the victims would have not wanted that. We just cannot allow the the terrorists to disrupt our lives.

Some people might be offended by what I have written; Let me say this up front, I make absolutely NO apologies whatsoever for my feelings about September 11 and its effect on our political process.

If you are interested in helping out with the 2,996 project; Please, check out their website and find out how you can help remember the fallen.

I believe it is every Conservative and every America-loving blogger out there responsibility to remember the fallen and not to allow this tragic event to fall into obscurity.

A few final words before I hit the hay

I am sure you have noticed that my posting has been a bit light as of late.

There is a reason.

For one, my laptop keyboard was not working properly; this has been fixed, the keyboard was replaced. Never thought that the damn “N” key was so vital to one’s ability to communicate properly.  Thank God for extended warranties.

Another thing is; I am just getting bored of it all. There’s nothing really worth writing about anymore. Politics is beginning to sound like a broken record anymore. Hits are down, as are clicks on ads.

I’m not saying that I am shutting down, at least not yet. I am just either burning out or just getting quite jaded.

It’s the cynic in me. I’m just become cynical of the whole lot and wonder if this is what I want to continue to write about.

Writing is a wonderful thing; Computers have made it so much easier for me to do. But writing about things that you honestly give two shits about helps too. It all means nothing if you are cynical about the subject that you are writing about.

It was never my intention to become a politico. It was just what was happening at the time and I wanted to add my voice to the discussion. But now, that discussion has changed course; some for the bad, some for the good. Most of it is more of the same. Do not get me wrong; spiking Liberals and Obama for their stupidity is fun. But when the stupidity becomes routine, it just gets old. Eventually the novelty wears off.

Which is where I am now. The novelty of blogging was worn off; and now I feel like I am having to drag myself to even write about anything anymore. What is also compounding this is the fact is, that there are just no returns for the amount of time that I am investing in the blog. I mean, I am not exactly a money grubbing person. But a little payment for my effort would be nice… and quite bluntly, I am not getting anything at all out of this.  Sorry, but $179 and pocket change is not what I call a huge return for over four years worth of writing.

So, at this point, I really do not know what I want to do. I may just take a break. Then again, something huge might break and I might be back in the trenches. But as of right now. I am thinking of just not writing anything, unless it is huge. I need the break.

Anyhow… Hopefully I will be around. I will inform everyone, if I decide to open another blog or something. But for now, I think I just need to relax and get away from the politico stuff for a few days.

The Taste of Success!

Recession? What Recession?

There might be one; but I’m not participating in it. 😀

Since the last time that Google Adsense sent me a check. This Blog has made $217.83 as of today. Recently, I received a payment of $179.25. I know what some of your thinking. You are most likely snickering at the amount. 😛

To be quite honest, that is pretty darned good for a newer Blog and a Political one for that matter. Not to mention a Conservative Blog that is totally independent and not affiliated with any sort of special interest group and one that has not done any real advertising.

My Hosting provider; Ryan Yaple, of EWF Media will be getting a PayPal payment from me for giving me the hosting for all this time. Just as soon as it is released to me, to transfer it to him. 🙄 Funny how slow that is.

One of the biggest and greatest rules of success in small business or in building a business; is celebrating one’s accomplishments. Even the small ones.

So, I did. I drove over to the local Meijer’s here in my local city and bought me a nice whole round, boneless steak. I went out back and fired up Dad’s grill and this was the result:


(Click the picture to make the Photo Bigger)

Another shot:


In case you cannot tell, that is two different pieces of steak there, and not one big one. Yes, I ate it all and yes, it was quite tasty. 😀

The real awesome part about all of this is this; I did not need the Government to give me a hand out to achieve all this. I did it all by myself. (With the help of a good friend of mine as well…) I earned the money from the advertisements the right way and not though scams or deceptions. All Because I dared to put up a Blog that criticizes the socialist politics of the B. Hussein Obama Administration.

A Round of Thank You’s

Again, A big thank you to my hosting provider, Ryan Yaple of EWF Media, who hails from Brighton, Michigan. Who felt sorry for me; when I got jerked around by a guy who thought it would be cool to take my money and then renege on a verbal agreement. Ryan, again, I will say it. You are the best that America has young man. That money will be in your hands, just as soon PayPal lets me have it! 🙄 😉 😀 😆

Another Big thank you is to my faithful readers; you know who you are. I see the site numbers and I see who reads what. Thank you for clicking the banner ads. Every little bit helps. Please note, that there is a PayPal donation button on here; it is on the right, at the top. Also, please note, that I have 3 ad spots on BlogAds. and 4 ad spots on Project Wonderful. Please, keep up your readership, and tell your friends about this site!

To the restoration of Conservatism in America!


Site Numbers for last week

Here’s the Numbers for last week: (Via GoStats)

Total counter state:

Hits: 227948
Hosts: 128978
Visitors: 155485
Sessions: 172596

From the beginning of the month:

Hits: 16264
Hosts: 11222
Visitors: 12565
Sessions: 13284
New Visitors: 7069

Last week:

Hits: 5672
Hosts: 4116
Visitors: 4429
Sessions: 4619
New Visitors: 2394

I have seen worse numbers, and I have seen better. Could be better. But I will take it. 😀

Site Numbers for Last Week

These are from

Total counter state:

Hits:         222616
Hosts:        125565
Visitors:     151489
Sessions:     168308

From the begining of the month:

Hits:         10932
Hosts:        7809
Visitors:     8569
Sessions:     8996
New Visitors: 4818

Last week:

Hits:         8205
Hosts:        6052
Visitors:     6450
Sessions:     6685
New Visitors: 3559

Site Numbers

Hits: 208169
Hosts: 115573
Visitors: 140313
Sessions: 156485

From the beginning of the month:

Hits: 23909
Hosts: 12628
Visitors: 15858
Sessions: 18021
New Visitors: 9842

Last week:

Hits: 6362
Hosts: 4395
Visitors: 4668
Sessions: 5011
New Visitors: 2513

Unbelievable. 😯

Memeorandum drops me…..again….

Well, the major source of my hits has once again decided that I am not important enough for scanning again…..or something.

Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.

Mainly, I believe it is because I am not using Freedom’s Phoenix to drive traffic anymore. That and I notice that Techorati is not scanning me, which happens infrequently. No clue what causes that. Think that service is having issues.

So, hits will be down and money will not be made as fast.

But I will still be here writing away. 😀