This here makes what I do totally worth it.

First off, let me just say thanks to everyone who has been coming over via twitter today and from Digg and Reddit and also Stumbleupon.

I received this via e-mail… spelling and grammar errors are all original.. This is from reader Elizabeth:

Patric my dear,

I rather like your blog and I am happy know that there is place to go when I feel all around is to much and wish to find people with same believing and mind.
I come to the stage that I do not even listen any more to people at all who belives Obama or talking for..
…I just want to hear people who is opposing him… and futher more I am praying gor the day to come when I wake up and i read in  the papers;  Obama resign from his posision as  a president…!!!

I tried to reply back to her, but it bounced. So, I will post it here:

Thank you Ma’am. I work hard everyday to keep my readers informed and somewhat happy. I try to avoid talking points and bluster. I try to challenge socialism with honesty and integrity. I sometimes get angry. But usually I am level-headed.

Thank you writing.

I meant every word of that. It’s those little e-mails like that; that make every aggravation with running this blog, every stressful thing, that I have had to endure; and believe me there have been quite a few —- worth every minute of my time. When I started over on December 30, 2007 at 4:44 P.M.; I knew that, at the time that I was not happy with the Democratic Party. But at the time, I had zero clue that my politics was going to go as far to the right as it has. I must admit, Obama’s nomination and election helped much of that.

Now I very highly doubt that we will see Obama resign as President; barring something huge dropping and him having to resign to avoid impeachment. But I believe that we Conservative bloggers will be the legitimate catalyst for the loyal opposition. I believe that all of us, not just me; are doing the Lord’s work and we’re fighting for America. Which I will continue to do, as long as I am able to write. We may not all agree 100% on everything. But, we all agree that Obama’s policies are hurting America.

It is not about the money and it sure as heck, is not about the fame. At least not with me. Believe you me, I would like nothing more, than to slip back into anonymity and just do nothing. But how could I? This Nation has been too good to me over the years, to just sit and do nothing. I love my Country and I just cannot sit on the sidelines and watch a socialist President destroy the very foundations of which this country was founded upon.

I may be a small part. But I am a part… and for that, I am very glad. 🙂