Short stories today, not feeling well

I am not going to be writing essays or long articles today. Here’s why…

I’m distracted.

I have a pain the neck… literally.

For some odd reason; I have a nerve or something on my left side of my body, that travels through my neck area. Every now and again, said nerve gets irritated. I take pain meds and try and take it as easy as I possibly can; and it usually goes away. It is not the laying in the fetal position and crying my eyes out kind of pain….yet. But it is just enough to annoy me and give me a slight headache.

Add to this little fact that I have no health-care insurance at all; so, I cannot just zip off the doctor and have them fix me. Although, I’d rather suffer, than have the Government pay for it. Not like it’s life threatening or dreadfully painful. It is just annoying.

Not something I could consider to be a good writing environment, not to mention a thinking environment.

So, today it would be just a title, a few words and a link to said story.

I will be back in full force hopefully tomorrow or the next day.

Prayers, Good JuJu and whatever else you wanna send my way would be most appreciated.