Ouch! A Obama Supports goes there…. with the Clintons!

Oh Man, I bet this dude is paying for this, big time.

Via Political Punch (ABC News Blogger)

In his blog, Fischer writes:

"B. Clinton questions Obama’s patriotism.  In repsonse (sic), an Obama aide compared B. Clinton to Joe McCarthy. This is patently unfair.  To McCarthy.

"When Joe McCarthy questioned others’ patriotism, McCarthy (1) actually believed, at least aparently (sic), the questions were genuine, and (2) he did so in order to build up, not tear down, his own party, the GOP.  Bill Clinton cannot possibly seriously believe Obama is not a patriot, and cannot possibly be said to be helping — instead he is hurting — his own party.  B. Clinton should never be forgiven.  Period.  This is a stain on his legacy, much worse, much deeper, than the one on Monica’s blue dress."

D’oh! Doh

He went there, he really went there. He has since removed it. But dang, that was a low blow. Big time. Ouch

Although, James Carville’s comment about McCarthyism is totally uncalled for. Turns out that McCarthy was somewhat right about his notions on Communism. He was, however, a bit out of control, and also had some self destructive personal habits.

I believe before it is over with, the Democrat Party is going to be so broken, they won’t be able to win anything.

The November Election is going to be an interesting time.

Memeorandum has more coverage.