Now this, I don’t get at all…

(H/T to Think Progress)

Via The Washington Post:

Republicans were not alone in that response. Michael E. O’Hanlon, a Democratic defense analyst at the Brookings Institution who has been an outspoken supporter of the war in Iraq, said he could not believe that Obama would put such a definitive timeline into print before a trip to Iraq, where he is to consult with Iraqi leaders and U.S. commanders.

“To say you’re going to get out on a certain schedule — regardless of what the Iraqis do, regardless of what our enemies do, regardless of what is happening on the ground — is the height of absurdity,” said O’Hanlon, who described himself as “livid.” “I’m not going to go to the next level of invective and say he shouldn’t be president. I’ll leave that to someone else.”

The reason I don’t get it is, because what Obama wrote in that Op-Ed piece was basically his primary stump speech with some very minor refinements to it. So, why anyone on the Democrat side would be “Livid” about it, as they this guy put it, is well beyond me. In other words, Obama did not say anything different, than he did in the primary, he just updated it to reflect current events.

Now his point about Obama going to Iraq, I can see that point. But for him to become upset about what was written, I don’t get that, at all.

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Hope, Change, Flip Flop, Edit Website!

When the message is not fitting the current events, what do you do? Edit your website.

The New York Daily News reports:

Barack Obama’s campaign scrubbed his presidential Web site over the weekend to remove criticism of the U.S. troop “surge” in Iraq, the Daily News has learned.

The presumed Democratic nominee replaced his Iraq issue Web page, which had described the surge as a “problem” that had barely reduced violence.

“The surge is not working,” Obama’s old plan stated, citing a lack of Iraqi political cooperation but crediting Sunni sheiks – not U.S. military muscle – for quelling violence in Anbar Province.

The News reported Sunday that insurgent attacks have fallen to the fewest since March 2004.

Obama’s campaign posted a new Iraq plan Sunday night, which cites an “improved security situation” paid for with the blood of U.S. troops since the surge began in February 2007.

It praises G.I.s’ “hard work, improved counterinsurgency tactics and enormous sacrifice.”

Campaign aide Wendy Morigi said Obama is “not softening his criticism of the surge. We regularly update the Web site to reflect changes in current events.”

GOP rival John McCain zinged Obama as a flip-flopper. “The major point here is that Sen. Obama refuses to acknowledge that he was wrong,” said McCain, adding that Obama “refuses to acknowledge that it [the surge] is succeeding.”

B. Hussein Obama, Website Editor in chief. I love it! ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜‰

However, the left would just say, what about all the times that the George W. Bush Administration changed their message, as the Iraq dissolved into chaos in 2004? How many times did they change their reasoning for even being there?

Of course, the Republican Neo-Cons are wetting themselves over this, and I’ll put the various ones in down at the end.

The way I see it, he’s coming towards the center, instead of pandering to the hard left, which is what he did in the primary, which is what the Congress did in the 2006 election. I’m personally glad to see that he’s trying to prove himself not to be another Dennis Kucinich, but rather a more moderate progressive, who is more pragmatic, than idealistic. This could very well help him in the general election. I think.

Others, Including right wing Neo-Con’s wetting themselves! ๐Ÿ˜‰ :, The Swamp, Outside The Beltway, TownHall Blog, The Other McCain, Don Surber, Right Wing Nut House, Atlas Shrugs, Riehl World View, New York Post, MSNBC, Power Line, NO QUARTER, The News Buckit and American Power, Gateway Pundit and more via Memeorandum

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No wonder the AP has went to dogs…

Via TPM:

Karl Rove exchanged e-mails about Pat Tillman with Associated Press reporter Ron Fournier, under the subject line “H-E-R-O.” In response to Mr. Fournier’s e-mail, Mr. Rove asked, “How does our country continue to produce men and women like this,” to which Mr. Fournier replied, “The Lord creates men and women like this all over the world. But only the great and free countries allow them to flourish. Keep up the fight.

To his defense:

“I was an AP political reporter at the time of the 2004 e-mail exchange, and was interacting with a source, a top aide to the president, in the The Carpetbagger Report, Gawker, Obsidian Wings, AMERICAblog News, The Jed Report and The Politico course of following an important and compelling story. I regret the breezy nature of the correspondence.”

Yeah, sure he does. ๐Ÿ™„

Other: The Carpetbagger Report, Gawker, Obsidian Wings, AMERICAblog News, The Jed Report and The Politico

(H/T Memeorandum)

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Living proof that Big Government is out of control Government!

(H/T to The Next Right)

Want to see a perfect example of an out of control Government?

Then head on over to and read a harrowing tale of a Pilot, who recently flew on a plane.


John Henke rightly says:

Many years ago, the Right actively told the story of just how harmful government really was to society. But then Republicans took control of government and we basically stopped telling that story. As a result – and even thought government is far larger – the public and the media pay far less attention to the costs and consequences government; instead, they are clamoring for even bigger government.

He is so right, until this Nation wakes up and realizes the Big Government is NOT solution, we will be in much trouble. It will be up to the Republican Party to to get back to it’s morals of small and limited Government and limited spending. The Globalist agenda and big Government agenda of this President has totally ruined that party. Hopefully people like me, John Henke and many others can bring the Conservatives back to senses and make the realize that the more that gets done, without the Governments help, the better.

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Newsbusters Hyperventalites because Chris Matthew……told the truth, for a change!

This is too funny, The Republican Conservatives are ticked off, because Chris Matthews told the truth about them, for a change.

On Monday’s “Hardball” Chris Matthews was so upset about the New Yorker’s cover, depicting Barack Obama in a turban and Michelle Obama toting an AK-47, because he feared “the right will be using that as t-shirt material within the next couple of weeks.” –Matthews Worries ‘Right’ Will Turn New Yorker Cover into T-Shirt |

What’s the matter Geoffrey, the truth a little hard to handle? Quite frankly, with all the e-mails floating around, that were started by the Republican Operatives, I’m surpised you haven’t seen one.

Me thnks that Mr. Dickens neens to take off the rose colored glasses.

Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,’s Carol Platt Liebau asks….


Could someone point to me someone — anyone — of any stature in the Republican Party or the conservative movement who has shopped the idea that Barack is a Muslim (it was, of course, Hillary Clinton who said he was a Christian “as far as [she] know[s]”)? Or a terrorist who’s hand-in-glove with Osama bin Laden?

Yeah, Sure, I will. How about 90% of your damn base? Someone seriously needs to get this woman some glasses, because, it’s quite obvious she’s quite the vision impaired person.

I am not a Obama fan, not by a long shot. But this right here, is why the Republican Party is going to get thier asses handed to them on a platter come November, and quite honestly, no one is more deserving of that.

It just seems to me, that the Republican Party has been taken over by a disease and that is a bad case of inherit stupidity. ๐Ÿ™„

Yeah, I know, she said Stature, but you know, it doesn’t matter WHOM it’s coming from, it’s very damn point that it’s even coming.

Update: Before anyone says, “Hey, what about you?” Let me say this, okay? 90% of what I say in here, in relation to Obama being a Muslim or terrorist or anything else, is said in jest. I know that he is not a terrorist. Duh, I’m not that stupid. My biggest gripe with the Republicans, is their operatives who DO spread these rumors as fact. Obviously Carol does not see the e-mails that float around. ๐Ÿ™„

Man, talk about a dumb bitch who needs to wake up and smell the coffee… wow! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

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On the Offshore Ban Lift

Yes, I have have heard about lifting the Ban of offshore drilling.

The good news is, it will help, in the long run. The bad news is, it will not help anytime soon.

Of course, I’d be willing to bet that the Dems will obstruct this. What needs to happen is, the Enron Loophole needs to be closed, like yesterday. Between the two, prices would come down.

Other than that, I don’t see a quick solution.

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Barry’s Campaign is hurting for cash….

Barry’s Campaign manager has released a video, in which he says mean ‘ol John McCain is raising more money then him.

Click to Watch Video

Well, if Barry had not opted out of public campaign financing, maybe he would have the money to go up against mean ol’ John McCain, but no, he wanted to run a completely supporter financed campaign, and now he’s being out funded.

Two Words come to mind…..

Tough Shit

It might be because people are seeing B. Hussein Obama for what he really is! An Empty Suit, who says what people want to hear, instead of the real, on the ground, truth.

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Barry’s Campaign is hurting for cash….

Barry’s Campaign manager has released a video, in which he says mean ‘ol John McCain is raising more money then him.

Click to Watch Video

Well, if Barry had not opted out of public campaign financing, maybe he would have the money to go up against mean ol’ John McCain, but no, he wanted to run a completely supporter financed campaign, and now he’s being out funded.

Two Words come to mind…..

Tough Shit

It might be because people are seeing B. Hussein Obama for what he really is! An Empty Suit, who says what people want to hear, instead of the real, on the ground, truth.

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Barry’s Plan in the New York Times, just more of the stump speech

It seems that B. Hussein Obama wrote a Op-Ed Piece in the New York Times.

I won’t bother quoting any of it. Why? Because it is basically the same old muddled stump speech that he gave in the damn primary. It’s short of specifics, short on details, and basically is the same old mantra of Hope, Change and get out of Iraq.

If Barry hopes to have any sort of a prayer in hell of getting elected to the office President of the United States, He had better get more specific, as to how exactly he plans on getting us out of Iraq, without that country falling into utter chaos.

His little stump speech is based upon the conditions on the ground in 2006, and NOT 2008. If he has any plan on getting elected, he had better update his damn teleprompter or he might just be getting him a job as the White House shoeshine boy, for John McCain.

Ben Smith’s Blogs, Marc Ambinder, The Moderate Voice, The New Republic, Weekly Standard Blog, Washington Post, protein wisdom, TownHall Blog, Think Progress, USA Today, TalkLeft,, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Pajamas Media, Needlenose, Hot Air, The Corner, Swampland, Riehl World View, Gateway Pundit, The Washington Note,, The Glittering Eye, BLACKFIVE, The Carpetbagger Report, Confederate Yankee, The Strata-Sphere, Political Machine, All Spin Zone,, The Seminal, QandO, Outside The Beltway, The Caucus, The Washington Independent, Politics Nation, Salon, TPM Election Central and Veterans For America and more via Memeorandum

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Barry’s Plan in the New York Times, just more of the stump speech

It seems that B. Hussein Obama wrote a Op-Ed Piece in the New York Times.

I won’t bother quoting any of it. Why? Because it is basically the same old muddled stump speech that he gave in the damn primary. It’s short of specifics, short on details, and basically is the same old mantra of Hope, Change and get out of Iraq.

If Barry hopes to have any sort of a prayer in hell of getting elected to the office President of the United States, He had better get more specific, as to how exactly he plans on getting us out of Iraq, without that country falling into utter chaos.

His little stump speech is based upon the conditions on the ground in 2006, and NOT 2008. If he has any plan on getting elected, he had better update his damn teleprompter or he might just be getting him a job as the White House shoeshine boy, for John McCain.

Ben Smith’s Blogs, Marc Ambinder, The Moderate Voice, The New Republic, Weekly Standard Blog, Washington Post, protein wisdom, TownHall Blog, Think Progress, USA Today, TalkLeft,, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Pajamas Media, Needlenose, Hot Air, The Corner, Swampland, Riehl World View, Gateway Pundit, The Washington Note,, The Glittering Eye, BLACKFIVE, The Carpetbagger Report, Confederate Yankee, The Strata-Sphere, Political Machine, All Spin Zone,, The Seminal, QandO, Outside The Beltway, The Caucus, The Washington Independent, Politics Nation, Salon, TPM Election Central and Veterans For America and more via Memeorandum

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That’s “Mr. Blogging Head” to you buddy!

I found this to be a rather interesting article….

The Article:Who listens to blogging heads? ( Via Los Angeles Times)

Daily Kos. Little Green Footballs. Talking Points Memo. Instapundit. Firedoglake. Captain’s Quarters. These are among the thousands of political blogs that are increasingly a factor in U.S. politics. Bloggers and their readers are courted by politicians, as occurred when seven Democratic presidential candidates appeared at the August 2007 convention organized by the readers and posters at Daily Kos, a liberal political blog. Bloggers can also shape the news surrounding election campaigns. It was Huffington Post, a liberal political blog, that first reported Barack Obama’s comment about small-town Americans clinging to “guns and religion.”

Although political blogs have become a familiar presence in politics, we know less about their readers: How many there are, who they are and why they choose their favorite blogs.

In fall 2006, political scientists, including us, representing about 30 universities conducted a survey of 16,000 Americans, the Cooperative Congressional Election Study. The survey asked respondents whether they read blogs and, if so, which ones. We analyzed the answers, and the result is the first detailed portrait of political blog readers.

About 34% of the respondents said they read blogs, but only 14% named at least one blog that focuses on politics. Who are these political blog readers?

Evidently a good number of Americans. Here are my stats for this past week:

Political Byline

— Site Summary —


Total ………………….. 14,955
Average per Day …………….. 98
Average Visit Length ………. 4:02
This Week …………………. 689

Page Views

Total ………………….. 21,457
Average per Day ……………. 197
Average per Visit ………….. 2.0
This Week ……………….. 1,381

Not a bad number, I think, I mean, it’s not Michelle Malkin traffic, but then again, I’m not Michelle Malkin. ๐Ÿ˜‰ (I’m much better looking…. What? My Mom tells that I’m handsome all time!)

But this did grab me as quite funny:

Daily Kos. Little Green Footballs. Talking Points Memo. Instapundit. Firedoglake. Captain’s Quarters.

Uhmmm… Ed’s been at for How long now? Wow, someone’s out of touch! ๐Ÿ˜†

Blog P.I. and HotAir

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That’s “Mr. Blogging Head” to you buddy!

I found this to be a rather interesting article….

The Article:Who listens to blogging heads? ( Via Los Angeles Times)

Daily Kos. Little Green Footballs. Talking Points Memo. Instapundit. Firedoglake. Captain’s Quarters. These are among the thousands of political blogs that are increasingly a factor in U.S. politics. Bloggers and their readers are courted by politicians, as occurred when seven Democratic presidential candidates appeared at the August 2007 convention organized by the readers and posters at Daily Kos, a liberal political blog. Bloggers can also shape the news surrounding election campaigns. It was Huffington Post, a liberal political blog, that first reported Barack Obama’s comment about small-town Americans clinging to “guns and religion.”

Although political blogs have become a familiar presence in politics, we know less about their readers: How many there are, who they are and why they choose their favorite blogs.

In fall 2006, political scientists, including us, representing about 30 universities conducted a survey of 16,000 Americans, the Cooperative Congressional Election Study. The survey asked respondents whether they read blogs and, if so, which ones. We analyzed the answers, and the result is the first detailed portrait of political blog readers.

About 34% of the respondents said they read blogs, but only 14% named at least one blog that focuses on politics. Who are these political blog readers?

Evidently a good number of Americans. Here are my stats for this past week:

Political Byline

— Site Summary —


Total ………………….. 14,955
Average per Day …………….. 98
Average Visit Length ………. 4:02
This Week …………………. 689

Page Views

Total ………………….. 21,457
Average per Day ……………. 197
Average per Visit ………….. 2.0
This Week ……………….. 1,381

Not a bad number, I think, I mean, it’s not Michelle Malkin traffic, but then again, I’m not Michelle Malkin. ๐Ÿ˜‰ (I’m much better looking…. What? My Mom tells that I’m handsome all time!)

But this did grab me as quite funny:

Daily Kos. Little Green Footballs. Talking Points Memo. Instapundit. Firedoglake. Captain’s Quarters.

Uhmmm… Ed’s been at for How long now? Wow, someone’s out of touch! ๐Ÿ˜†

Blog P.I. and HotAir

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Obama: 9/11, WTC Attacks, Radical Islam is the USA’s Fault…

Are we sure that this man isn’t a closet Muslim? In this quote, he basically says that 9/11 was our fault.


ZAKARIA: But how do you view the problem within Islam? As somebody who saw it in Indonesia … the largest Muslim country in the world?

OBAMA: Well, it was interesting. When I lived in Indonesia — this would be ’67, ’68, late ’60s, early ’70s — Indonesia was never the same culture as the Arab Middle East. The brand of Islam was always different.

But around the world, there was no — there was not the sense that Islam was inherently opposed to the West, or inherently opposed to modern life, or inherently opposed to universal traditions like rule of law.

And now in Indonesia, you see some of those extremist elements. And what’s interesting is, you can see some correlation between the economic crash during the Asian financial crisis, where about a third of Indonesia’s GDP was wiped out, and the acceleration of these Islamic extremist forces.

It isn’t to say that there is a direct correlation, but what is absolutely true is that there has been a shift in Islam that I believe is connected to the failures of governments and the failures of the West to work with many of these countries, in order to make sure that opportunities are there, that there’s bottom-up economic growt
. – Source: CNN exclusive: Obama on foreign policy –

I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a terrorism apologist to me. I think all he needs is a turban and a Koran and he would look like Osama Bin Laden’s brother. Wait. Isn’t that what he…..never mind. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

Others: Jihad Watch, Connecting.the.Dots and Macsmind

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The New Yorker pulls a rather idiotic move….

Not smart gents, not smart at allโ€ฆ

The Story: ‘Scare tactic’ โ€” Obama slams Muslim portrayal by Mike Allen (Via


The Obama campaign is condemning as โ€œtasteless and offensiveโ€ a New Yorker magazine cover that depicts Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in a turban, fist-bumping his gun-slinging wife.

An American flag burns in their fireplace.

tny 7.21 The New Yorker says it’s satire. It certainly will be candy for cable news.

The Obama campaign quickly condemned the rendering. Spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement: โ€œThe New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama’s right-wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree."

McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds quickly e-mailed: โ€œWe completely agree with the Obama campaign, itโ€™s tasteless and offensive.โ€

The issue, which goes on sale Monday, includes a long piece by Ryan Lizza about Obamaโ€™s start in Chicago politics.


While I see what the New Yorker was trying to do, I think because of the extremely touchy nature of this election cycle and because of what weโ€™re dealing with here. Which is the possibility of the first African-American President, I think everyone, left, right, center, and everywhere in between, needs to cool with the nuances.

More Opinion @ Memeorandum

Blogs 4 Borders! 07/14/08

(H/T to Jake @ Freedom Folks)

Asking the hard questions: are illegal aliens the only problem?

100% Preventable! Innocent Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders! When will the madness end?

The Deportation Joke? Open borders + deportation =?

Cross Posted @ The American Nationalist News Service (My Other Blog)

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Yes, that was me….

Yes, that was me, that you heard on the Downsize D.C. Radio Show. Which is on the Genesis Radio Network.

I was giving Jim my views on what’s happening with the United States and Iran. Which I do not believe we are going to war with.

After all, according to the Washington Times and Times of London, we could very well be pulling our forces out of Iraq.

Personally, like I said on Jim’s show. The people of the United States of America are tired of this war, period. This is why the President’s approval ratings are through the floor, this is why the congress approval rating is very low as well.

Personally, as I said on Jim’s show, I personally believe that we are NOT going to go directly to war with Iran. I believe that we are going to first use negotiations, via third party talks. Then, if that does not work. We will pursue Military via proxy though Israel.

So, again, I very highly doubt that the US would be foolish enough to pursue military action directly, with Iran. Because for one, George W. Bush does not want to drop two wars into the lap of an incoming President, because he wants to be the Republican hero. Not the President who drops a war to the next President.

Remember, we tried to be the hero’s in the middle east and it failed, and the situation in Iraq is just now starting to come around in Iraq. We’re not going to make that mistake twice, at least not with Bush in the White House.

….and that’s my take on it.

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Local News: Give me Hope and Change or I’ll take your stuff!

I guess that the Obamassiah’s message of hope and change isn’t moving fast enough for the locals here in Detroit.


A temporary office in Detroit being used by the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has been burglarized.

Michigan campaign spokesman Brent Colburn says personal electronics, including some mobile phones and a laptop, were taken early Saturday. But Colburn says they didn’t contain campaign information.

Colburn says it’s believed the burglary was random, since an adjacent office also was burglarized.

An estimated value of the items taken wasn’t immediately available.- Obama campaign office in Detroit burglarized (Via The Detroit News)

I just wonder what the socialist commie will do about this one? If he’ll call out a blitzkrieg or just order random house to house searches?

It is to wonder. ๐Ÿ˜€

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Local News: Give me Hope and Change or I’ll take your stuff!

I guess that the Obamassiah’s message of hope and change isn’t moving fast enough for the locals here in Detroit.


A temporary office in Detroit being used by the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has been burglarized.

Michigan campaign spokesman Brent Colburn says personal electronics, including some mobile phones and a laptop, were taken early Saturday. But Colburn says they didn’t contain campaign information.

Colburn says it’s believed the burglary was random, since an adjacent office also was burglarized.

An estimated value of the items taken wasn’t immediately available.- Obama campaign office in Detroit burglarized (Via The Detroit News)

I just wonder what the socialist commie will do about this one? If he’ll call out a blitzkrieg or just order random house to house searches?

It is to wonder. ๐Ÿ˜€

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Republicans just need to stop, period.

More specifically the Neo-Con’s just need to stop, period.

Here’s the deal, it’s 4:38 A.M. The A/C in the damned house is busted, I’m hot as hell, it’s too freaking hot to sleep and I got a bottle of somewhat cold tap water, an article that I happened to come across, which was written by a damned Neo-Conservative that is basically a feeble hardy attempt at mocking someone on the far left.

There’s only one big problem with the article written by the dude, who posted it on the Far Lefty website, Well, really, it’s a community Blog site. I may be a Conservative, but even I know the difference between a damned website and a Blog. O’Reilly, I am not.

The problem is, the article is just about right on the money. There’s a couple of spots, where he meanders off into personal opinion, that is to be expected, it is a liberal site, after all. But the facts he presents, I have read on various MSM sites on the internet, both domestic and foreign.

The A/C repair people will be out on Monday, I, on the other hand, am in need of dire repairs. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€

I think the biggest problem in Politics at the moment is that both sides, Republican and Democrat, Conservative and Liberal are running around with their fingers crammed their ears and are hollering at the top of their lungs, “LALALALALALALALA!” Instead of really listening to what the other side says, they’re more interested in insulting them, even when what they’re saying is actually true. Instead of trying to talk to one another, they’re talking AT one another.

Until we can get past that, and stop accusing one another of being fascists and Anti-American, and come to some sort of a agreement, that makes everyone happy, on all sides of the fence. We will be stuck in the funk that we’re in now.

Just an opinion, do with it, what you wish.

It has been said, that there’s a song, that sums up every thought, every feeling, and every idea. This one here, is what I’m trying to convey in this post:

Hopefully, You will understand.

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Ron Paul Revolution took place today….

Jonn Lilyea over at This ain’t hell has pictures and the Story. Although, I will confess, I am not happy about the way it was written. I understand fully where those people are coming from. Ron Paul stands for the old Paleo-Conservativism of the Ronald Reagan era. It is truly a pity that his ideals were rejected by a Zionist, Neo-Conservative, war-mongering Republican Party.

I commend the people that braved the heat, high gas prices and Washington D.C. In general to come out and march on Washington D.C. I assure them all, even though I wasn’t there in the flesh, I was there in Spirit.

More Coverage available over at Little Green Footballs and BLACKFIVE, although it’s mainly to mock the people. That’s the Republican Party of today though.

Check out Ron Paul’s Campaign for freedom, when you get a chance.

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Barack Obama, Pussy in Chief?

It seems that way….


A coalition of military groups is planning a nationally televised town-hall-style meeting with the presidential candidates near Fort Hood, Tex., the largest active-duty military installation in the country. But so far, only Senator John McCain of Arizona, the presumptive Republican nominee, has agreed to attend.

CBS has agreed to broadcast the meeting live from 9 to 11 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, Aug. 11. The candidates would face questions directly from an audience of 6,000 people, made up of veterans, service members and military families from the base.

Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has not agreed to participate.

โ€œSenator Obama strongly supports Americaโ€™s veterans and military families and has worked hard on their behalf in the Senate,โ€ said Phillip Carter, director of Mr. Obamaโ€™s veterans effort and an Iraq war veteran. โ€œWhile we unfortunately had a previously scheduled commitment on the date proposed, Senator Obama looks forward to continuing the dialogue heโ€™s been having throughout the country with veterans on how we can better serve our men and women in uniform as they serve us.โ€Obama Wonโ€™t Commit to Event at Military Base –

The way I see it, If B. Hussein Obama does not have to guts to appear before a crowd of Military men. He’s nothing more than a cowardly communist sissy liberal. He claims that he does not want to use the Military to make a cheap political point. I got news for you, Barry’s whole fucking campaign has been one BIG fucking political point!

Just further proof that without teleprompter, he nothing more than a empty suit, sleazeball, NEGRO Chicago Politician. (yeah, that’s right, I called him what he IS, a NEGRO!)

Others: Hot Air, Weekly Standard Blog, The News Buckit, Flopping Aces, Wake up America and

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Tony Snow – Rest in Peace


Robert Anthony Snow

Born: June 1, 1955 Died: July 12, 2008

Sad News to wake up to this morning. I admit it, I did the jaw drop thing myself this morning. When I read former press secretary Tony Snow had passed.

You can say many things about the Bush Administration, you can bad mouth many of the players. But you cannot bad mouth Tony. He was just a nice guy. Who was tossed into one of worst jobs in the White House, and the really funny thing is, he loved doing it.

Tony was 53 and had three children. My thoughts and Prayers are with Jill, Robbie, Kendall, Kristi

There are many nice things being said about Tony. If you follow the link above, you’ll see the good things. Unfortunately, some of the left are using this as a time to insult a dead man. God be their judges. I wonโ€™t directly link to any of that screed.

The President made a statement:

Laura and I are deeply saddened by the death of our dear friend, Tony Snow. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Jill, and their children, Kendall, Robbie, and Kristi. The Snow family has lost a beloved husband and father. And America has lost a devoted public servant and a man of character.

Tony was one of our Nation’s finest writers and commentators. He earned a loyal following with incisive radio and television broadcasts. He was a gifted speechwriter who served in my father’s Administration. And I was thrilled when he agreed to return to the White House to serve as my Press Secretary. It was a joy to watch Tony at the podium each day. He brought wit, grace, and a great love of country to his work. His colleagues will cherish memories of his energetic personality and relentless good humor.

All of us here at the White House will miss Tony, as will the millions of Americans he inspired with his brave struggle against cancer. One of the things that sustained Tony Snow was his faith – and Laura and I join people across our country in praying that this good man has now found comfort in the arms of his Creator.

Rest in Peace, Tony. Youโ€™ve earned it. Save me a place at the table and around that throne of Grace. See you there!

Others: Macsmind, Hot Air, The Corner

(H/T Memeorandum)