Ron Paul Revolution took place today….

Jonn Lilyea over at This ain’t hell has pictures and the Story. Although, I will confess, I am not happy about the way it was written. I understand fully where those people are coming from. Ron Paul stands for the old Paleo-Conservativism of the Ronald Reagan era. It is truly a pity that his ideals were rejected by a Zionist, Neo-Conservative, war-mongering Republican Party.

I commend the people that braved the heat, high gas prices and Washington D.C. In general to come out and march on Washington D.C. I assure them all, even though I wasn’t there in the flesh, I was there in Spirit.

More Coverage available over at Little Green Footballs and BLACKFIVE, although it’s mainly to mock the people. That’s the Republican Party of today though.

Check out Ron Paul’s Campaign for freedom, when you get a chance.

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5 Replies to “Ron Paul Revolution took place today….”

  1. That guy is an idiot — don’t give him any hits.
    I guess he would outlaw people dressing in costumes…typical fascist.

  2. NH,

    I know where you’re coming from chief. I simply wanted to point to the story, so people read it and make their own decisions.

    Around here, I tend to link to things, whether I agree with them or not. That is, unless it’s overly vulgar or simply far lefty loon nonsense.

    As far as Jonn Lilyea goes, (if that’s who you mean…) Yeah, I know about him, he and I have crossed swords in the past, when I was still a “Left of Center” Blogger and kind of a guy. I still don’t care for his style of Blogging and political views, He’s a Neo-Con of the Malkin ilk. Not my style. I simply linked there for knowledge purposes.

    Anyways, Thanks for the comments and thanks for your continued readership.

    -Paleo Pat

  3. Thanks for the link.

    However, there is nothing neo about my con. My politics were forged during 20 years in the Army as a senior infantry NCO under Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton.

    Michelle Malkin and I disagree on many subjects – she hasn’t linked to me in months and I suspect it’s because of our differences. I guess my point is that Conservative bloggers are not a monolithic entity you can pigeonhole.

    As far as I know, you and I have never “crossed swords” until now. My coverage of the RP rally was even-handed. Moreso than the coverage you’re getting from Wonkette.

    And I highly approve of people wearing costumes – it gives me something to photograph. No one at my blog recommended incarceration for costumes. That’s just paranoid kooky-talk.

  4. Thanks for the reply, Jonn.

    I disagree. Your tone was condescending in this post. But that is your right, it IS YOUR Blog after all.

    Keep in mind, that I don’t agree with everything that Paul says either. He is a part of the very old school isolationist wing of the Republican Party.

    As far as Malkin goes, she’s what I called “Hard Right”, anyone who disagrees with her is a Liberal. She’s not what I called a objective Blogger, she’s a Neo-Conservative Propagandist, who’s been bought off by Cooperate and Zionist Interests.

    As a Libertarian-minded person, I believe that the United States’s preferential treatment of Israel is, in fact, deplorable. Zionists scream about Palestine’s terrorist activities, but when Israel does the same thing, nothing is said….and Yes, they have perform acts of terrorism against Palestine AND Iran AND Syria, we just don’t hear about it, in the Jewish controlled media here in the states.

    Again, Thanks for your comments.

    Paleo Pat

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