Score one for Dubya…..

I knew this was coming.

Sorry, Barack, You’ve lost Iraq. By Michael Hirsh (via Newsweek)

Camp Arifjan in the desert kingdom of Kuwait, America’s depot to the Iraq war, feels about as far away as you can get from South Carolina, Super Tuesday and the election-year squabbles back home. And George W. Bush, who is currently midway through his six-nation tour of the Mideast, is doing a good job of distancing himself from the politics of 2008. But as Bush rallied U.S. troops at the base here on Saturday with a "Hoo-ah" and conferred with his Iraq dream team, Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, he indicated that he was setting in motion policies that could dramatically affect the presidential race–and any decisions the next president makes in 2009.

Yep, we were warned that he was going to do this and he did.


Most significant of all, the new partnership deal with Iraq, including a status of forces agreement that would then replace the existing Security Council mandate authorizing the presence of the U.S.-led multinational forces in Iraq, will become a sworn obligation for the next president. It will become just another piece of the complex global security framework involving a hundred or so countries with which Washington now has bilateral defense or security cooperation agreements. Last month, Sen. Hillary Clinton urged Bush not to commit to any such agreement without congressional approval. The president said nothing about that on Saturday, but Lute said last fall that the Iraqi agreement would not likely rise to the level of a formal treaty requiring Senate ratification. Even so, it would be difficult if not impossible for future presidents to unilaterally breach such a pact.

You didn’t think that ol’ Dubya was going to leave office and let them mean ol’ Democrat Liberals ruin his war game did you? Rolling Eyes

and the most telling of all:

The upshot is that the next president, Democrat or Republican, is likely to be handed a fait accompli that could well render moot his or her own elaborate withdrawal plans, especially the ones being considered by the two leading Democratic contenders, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Obama, undeterred by the reported success of Bush’s surge, is pushing ahead with his plans for a brigade-a-month withdrawals that would remove the U.S. military presence entirely. If current Defense Secretary Robert Gates can draw down to, say, 12 brigades by 2009, a senior Obama adviser told me Friday, "then we can get the rest out in eight to 10 months."

But Bush may have the upper hand now. The president touted the surge’s success on Saturday, and he reiterated that "long-term success will require active U.S. engagement that outlasts my presidency." The "enduring relationship" he is building with Iraq, Bush added, "will have diplomatic, economic and security components–similar to relationships we have with Kuwait and other nations in this region and around the world." Some of those relationships have now lasted decades. And as in Japan, Germany, Korea and Kuwait, they include a substantial troop presence. Far away in the Persian Gulf, Bush is creating facts on the ground that the next president may not be able to ignore.

Score one for Dubya, Checkmate.

Other Blogs: MoJoBlog, UrbanGrounds, Blue Crab Boulevard, Redstate, Wizbang, QandO, The Strata-Sphere, Middle Earth Journal, Cliff Schecter and RADAMISTO

Have Conservatives just given up?

January 12, 2008

Have Conservatives just given up?


Nobody likes to lose; it is a common trait among human beings. We all love being winners. We all like winning the prize; some are just down right obsessive about it. If you do not believe me, you can stop by your nearest ball field or sports arena, you’ll see enough testosterone and obsession with winning to last you a lifetime.

However, I happened to have been reading articles by Rudy Takala and Dr. W.R. Marshall, Ph.D and by reading these articles, I get the impression that they must believe that the Democrats have already won the White House and both houses of Congress, and the G.O.P. had been dissolved. Last time I checked, we were only in the Primaries. The General election had not been started yet.

Yes, Barack Obama does seem to be the candidate on the left that has been made the darling of the liberal media. However, Obama has not answered questions, as to how he is going to make this so called “change” that he speaks of. He only has spoken in generalities, not in specifics. I believe that if the Conservative candidates for President want to beat the Democrats in the election in 2008, they need to stop bickering amongst themselves over minor policy differences, rally behind one of these candidates, and take Obama to task on his policy intentions.

As a right of center voter, I do truly believe change is needed, in the White House, (Unlike Mitt Romney!) and in Washington DC as a whole. However, I do not believe that this change should involved raising my taxes to make this change possible! While I do believe that, we do need jobs in this country, and more specifically in this state here, (I live in Michigan) I do not believe that we need to steal money out of the hands of successful business men, who have worked hard all their lives to make their fortunes to make this happen.

I mean, I, technically, would be considered in the poor class economically, but the last thing that I would want to do is demand that someone who has worked hard for his money, surrender it to me. I am sorry, that, my friend is not the American way that is called highway robbery and outright socialism. I might not be as well off as some, but I do not expect those who are well off to give me their money. I believe that if you want to be rich, you ought to work for it and earn it, like everyone else. I mean, sure, I would love to be a rich syndicated writer, like Ann Coulter, but do I expect Ann Coulter to give me her wealth so that I can be? No! She has earned her wealth, by writing and by being a lawyer. She went to school to be a lawyer. Her good looks did not hurt either, but that is not the issue here. (tee hee)

The issue is that Republicans candidates need to stop the stupidity, and debate the issues at hand. The Republican candidates weed out the cranks, like Ron Paul and get down to the business of serious politics, why Ron Paul has been allowed to continue this far, is very much beyond me. The fact that Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani are even still running, shows that there is just too much dissent in the Republican Party. I say let us pick 3 out of the top runners and let the rest to go home.

We do need change, but we do not need the change that the Liberal Democrats want to bring to America, by negotiating with terrorists, raising taxes, and giving hand outs to everything from former slaves to Iraqi suicide bombers.

If Conservatives are going to win, this is what needs to happen.

Clintons try and suck up to Black people after Bill’s stupid remark

I love it when people get caught being stupid and then have to try and talk their way out of it.

Clintons Move to Tamp Down Criticism From Blacks About Recent Comments – New York Times

The Clinton campaign moved Friday to try to quell a potentially damaging reaction to recent comments by Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton that have drawn criticism from African-Americans just as the presidential primary campaign reached Southern states with significant numbers of black voters.

In a call on Friday to Al Sharpton’s nationally syndicated talk radio show, Mr. Clinton said that his “fairy tale” comment on Monday about Senator Barack Obama’s position on the Iraq war was being misconstrued, and that he was talking only about the war, not about Mr. Obama’s overarching message or his drive to be the first black president.

“There’s nothing fairy tale about his campaign,” Mr. Clinton said. “It’s real, strong, and he might win.”

Lying idiot. He knows what he did and now Bill Clinton is trying to suck up to the Black community. I think that the African-American community needs to send Billary a message. We don’t want your cracker butt being our President. We want change, we want a new vision, we want someone who will unite and not divide. We want Obama.

The quicker the African American Community gets together and does this, the better. I say. The Clinton’s did NOT being change in America, at all, they simply rode the wave of success of the Previous Administrations. The only thing that the Clinton’s gave us was NAFTA, A disgraced White House and Waco and Ruby Ridge.

I say the quicker the Democrats drop slick willy and his ugly assed wife, the better!

Others: Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Swamp, The Politico, TalkLeft, Booman Tribune, TIME: Swampland, Political Machine, American Street, Outside The Beltway, News Hounds, Jules Crittenden, Connecting.the.Dots, Macsmind, TPM Election Central, The Gun Toting Liberal™, Bookworm Room, Althouse, Irish Trojan in Tennessee, Marc Ambinder and Sister Toldjah and More

Everybody loves John McCain?……..Think again.

Seems that John McCain’s support of Amnesty is coming back to bite him in the behind. 

Senator John McCain Accused of Selling Out Law Enforcement – (via NewsWithViews.Com’s News Dept)

The news media and Republican Party bigwigs may be happy with a John McCain candidacy for President of the United States come this November, but a lot of law enforcement officers will probably sit out election day if McCain is the GOP presidential candidate.

United States Border Patrol agents are not happy with Senator John McCain (R-AZ) since he voted for the Amnesty Bill (S. 2611). And they’re not being quiet about their collective anger over the senator’s actions and remarks.

According to members of the agents’ union Local 2544, Senator McCain has never been a friend to rank-and-file Border Patrol agents. Local 2544 represents US Border Patrol agents in Arizona, McCain’s home state.

This ought to be a lesson to these politicians, that you cannot break away from the principles of Conservatism and get away with it. You’d think that these knuckleheads would have learned this with Bush and Co., I guess not.

To Shuck and Jive

Ouch! This will come to bite Hillary in the behind.

And Cuomo Too (Updated)

”It’s not a TV crazed race. Frankly you can’t buy your way into it,” Cuomo said. “You can’t shuck and jive at a press conference,” he added. “All those moves you can make with the press don’t work when you’re in someone’s living room.”

Sounds like someone’s got a problem with black people.

In cause you’re wondering  This is what "shuck and jive" means:

"To shuck and jive" originally referred to the intentionally misleading words and actions that African-Americans would employ in order to deceive racist Euro-Americans in power, both during the period of slavery and afterwards. The expression was documented as being in wide usage in the 1920s, but may have originated much earlier.

"Shucking and jiving" was a tactic of both survival and resistance. A slave, for instance, could say eagerly, "Oh, yes, Master," and have no real intention to obey. Or an African-American man could pretend to be working hard at a task he was ordered to do, but might put up this pretense only when under observation. Both would be instances of "doin’ the old shuck ‘n jive."

Something tells me this is going to get bigger before the day is out.

Others Agree.

Editorial: No, It is not a fake

January 10, 2008


Editorial: No, It is not a fake

It could never be said that I could be accused of being a water carrier or a cheerleader for this current Presidential Administration.  I am about as close to being a water carrier for the Republican Party as Madalyn Murray O’Hair was a missionary to Christianity.  However, I find myself being greatly offended by those, who actually call themselves American citizens, you know, those on the more Liberal side of the political fence, who claim that they support our troops?

Yesterday, I was looking at my usual source for news stories that are hot in the Blogging world, and I happen to come across a story that basically accuses our Military of lying about producing a video that shows our Military being taunted by Iran’s revolutionary guard.  Frankly, the very idea that our Military personnel would risk their careers to produce fraudulent material for the purpose of political gain is laughable to those of us who live in the real world.  I really do believe that Mr. Hooman Majd should really look into getting a job working for Alex Jones; it could only help his rather flimsy resume.

Not to mention with a last name like that, it is quite obvious which side he has taken in this war on terror that does exist in this country, despite the attempt by the far left to pretend that it does not even exist.  While I am more progressive minded conservative, I find myself increasingly disappointed by the lunatic fringe mentality of the Liberals in this country.  The reason for this, is it makes us more “Middle of the Road” type people look stupid, I mean, I am as disappointed in this President as anyone, but my gosh, has the factual reasoning of the American people as whole collectively gone out the window?

I can hear the screams of the far left, “But look what Bush has done!” and I understand where they are coming from, Yes, our President was wrong, his intelligence people were totally wrong, they have admitted this, time and time again.  However, to sit and accuse the United States Military of aiding and abetting the President in some sort of political scheme is borderline treason, in my humble opinion.

Barack Hussein Obama, Johnny Reid Edwards, and Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton all say that they want to bring change in this Country.  Let me be the first to suggest to these people that the first thing they need to do, is to speak to the far left lunatic fringe within the Democrat Party and tell them to stop dragging our Military into their collective political bitch with the Government.  I can understand the complaints that they have with the politics in Washington D.C., but for the sake of Almighty God, leave our men and women in uniform the hell out of it, please.

Thank you for reading


Michelle Malkin gets some "Hate Mail"

…..and it’s funny too….

Hilarious hate mail of the day (Via Michelle’s Blog)

from Joe Roppe
cc MalloyProducer
date Jan 9, 2008 2:28 PM
subject Crying Hillary

Michelle Malkin,

I bet we could make your cry for real. Force you to eat a hamburger.

I often wonder what will happen when we progressive liberal adults take back our country.

The adults will stop wars for oil,
Everyone will have health care.
Everyone will have a roof over their heads.
Everyone will have a voice in our government.
Everyone will pay equal taxes.

The Republican Party will be a quaint memory to tell our children about.

The best part is someday you will die of anorexia or choke to death on your own purging. That’s my dream.

Thank you,
Joe Roppe
Stevens Point, WI

Michelle Says:

For those who know me, the trouble isn’t getting me to start eating hamburgers. The trouble is getting me to stop. ;)

While the first part is quite funny and the middle section is just typical far lefty liberal loon hatemonger crap, that last part is just totally uncalled far. You know, I can see disagreeing with her political views, as I do, in some ways, as I am not 100% Republican, But wishing for someone’s death, that’s just totally uncalled for. This is in the same league as making the very nasty comments about Ann Coulter over on DIGG.COM about her Father passing, of which I promptly reported and I hope they do the right and proper thing and terminate their accounts.

Of course from what some of Michelle’s commenter’s are reporting this guy has an interesting background. Here’s hoping he is fired from his job and is shunned by the general public for his tasteless insult to a Woman. Because not only is in the realm of tasteless, but it also smacks of Racism as well, I mean, would he have said all that if she were White? It is to wonder.

Breaking News: Gov. Bill Richardson to Drop out of Race

Gov. Bill Richardson to drop out of Race says AP (Via

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson ended his campaign for the presidency Wednesday after twin fourth-place finishes that showed his impressive credentials could not compete with his rivals’ star power.

Richardson planned to announce the decision Thursday, according to two people close to the governor with knowledge of the decision. They spoke on a condition of anonymity in advance of the governor’s announcement.

The Richardson campaign would not comment on the governor’s decision, reached after a meeting with his top advisers Wednesday in New Mexico.

I hate to see it, I hate to see this guy go. I believe he was one of the more qualified persons for the job. But he was shut out due to his lack to star power.

I wish Gov. Richardson all the best in future endeavors.

Update: Richardson’s Camp Deny’s the report

Editorial: Yes, There is a black man running for President

January 8, 2008

Editorial: Yes, There is a black man running for President

              I had thought about writing an editorial for this web site for a while, however, I was worried that my feelings within my writings would be misconstrued as liberal or I would simply be misunderstood as a troublemaker or something to that effect.  I ask one to not make this fatal mistake, when it comes to reading this, as it comes from a concerned person.

             The reason for my sudden need to write is the fact there is something quite ugly that is creeping into this election race, something that is rising it’s ugly head, something that should have been eliminated from the discourse of the America language.  That is the thing we call racism.

             While it is not blatant and outward, like it was in 1960’s, it is subtle and cunning, and frankly, it is wrong.  This week I had a electronic mail message that was delivered to my computer’s mailbox, in this message was a link to a story from the Conservative owned news magazine Newsmax.  The story essentially accused Senator Obama’s spiritual adviser or what we common people call Pastors, of being a white hating racist bigot. 

             Whether this story is true or not, is of no interest to me whatsoever.  If Senator Obama’s Pastor wants to believe that the United States of America is a racist nation, so be it.  If Senator Obama’s Pastor wants to believe that there are pink elephants under his bed, it is fine with me.  The fact that Obama’s Pastor holds to a particular set of beliefs does not reflect on Senator Obama at all.  I find it highly disturbing that a Magazine such as Newsmax, which is a Conservative owned magazine, which upholds and promotes the principles guaranteed by the first amendment of the United States Constitution would make an attack on a man’s Pastor for having an opinion and expressing it in his Church.  I ask you obtusely, since when did it become against the law to have an opinion and be able to express that opinion?  Has the United States of America become so consumed by the poison of political correctness that it has become a federal crime in the court of properness to have a set of particular beliefs?

             You see, I know all about the intolerance within political camps, I used to have a Blog, which resided on a domain address.  During the course of owning a Blog on said domain address, I allowed myself to become involved in a “sniping match” with another Blogger, during this I made an off the cuff comment which went well beyond the limits of good taste.  As a result, my Blog was hacked and the entire contents and settings erased.  I suspect that a group of so-called “Conservatives” had something to do with it, although, I have other names for them, none of which I can repeat here.  However, I did apologize many times over for the comment, however this was not good enough for these people, and this was the result.

            What troubles me is that this Presidential race has become about the one thing that the founder fathers of this Nation did not intend for it to become.  That is Religion.  Another is the fact that so many Conservatives are intent on believing and are bent on spreading is the lie of Senator Obama being a Muslim plant. While he might be black, tall, and skinny and have enormously large ears, I seriously doubt that he is a secret agent from Mecca, bent on subverting and converting us all to Islam.  He is no more this, that I am an undercover agent for the Fundamentalist Christian movement to subvert all Evangelicals to my way of believing the Bible.  

             This is not to say that Conservatives should not challenge Senator Obama.  He is a bona fide Liberal; He is someone who subscribes to the socialist mindset, he is someone that believes that bigger Government is better Government, He is someone that believes that it is okay to kill innocent babies for the sake of avoiding responsibility.  He is someone that believes that we should negotiate with terrorists that want to destroy America and everything that our flag stands for.  We as Conservatives and the Presidential Candidates who represent those ideologies should challenge him on his principles and his principles alone.  We should not be attacking him on his skin color; his religious affiliation or anything else related to this mans personal life.  But rather challenging his political ideologies and raising the question as to whether his political views and ideologies are what is right for this country in a time of war.   

             I believe that it is about time that the Conservative movement is released from the shackles of the forefathers of the movement and realize that the African-American race is not going to hurt us and is not out to destroy the Anglo Saxon race.  I believe that the Conservative movement as a whole needs to adapt to the ideals expressed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963, in which men; Jews, Gentiles, Protestants, and Catholics would be judged by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin. 

             I believe that until this truly happens, the Conservative movement and the Republican Party will be seen by those who truly do not understand, as a movement that is backward in thinking, practice, and ideology.  My friend this is something that we cannot allow to happen if Conservatism is to survive in the decades to come. 

Thank you for reading.

Hillary Wins

Yeah, She won. Waiting

Hillary Wins

Hillary Rodham Clinton pulled off a big New Hampshire win Tuesday night with strong support from Democratic partisans and women, setting the stage for a protracted fight for the nomination over the next month and possibly beyond.

If she wins the nomination. I guess I’ll hold my nose and vote.

I gotta add her damn banner now… Rolling Eyes

Update: Would you believe Hillary doesn’t have widgets to download? Egad.

Man, Somebody’s Bitter!

Women Are Never Front-Runners By GLORIA STEINEM (via New York Times)

THE woman in question became a lawyer after some years as a community organizer, married a corporate lawyer and is the mother of two little girls, ages 9 and 6. Herself the daughter of a white American mother and a black African father — in this race-conscious country, she is considered black — she served as a state legislator for eight years, and became an inspirational voice for national unity.

Be honest: Do you think this is the biography of someone who could be elected to the United States Senate? After less than one term there, do you believe she could be a viable candidate to head the most powerful nation on earth? – Read the Rest

Goodness. Someone peed in Gloria’s Cheerios or something! 

Of course, if I had a face like this:

Gloria Steinem

I’d be grumpy too! Surprise No wonder she didn’t marry to later in life. ugh! Sick

Others: Matthew Yglesias, Associated Press, Captain’s Quarters, Firedoglake, JustOneMinute, The Plank, The Democratic Daily, TalkLeft, Brian Beutler, baldilocks, Don Surber, The Huffington Post, Shakespeare’s Sister, Too Sense, No More Mister Nice Blog, Fausta’s blog, Wake up America, Althouse, PoliGazette, The Daily Dish, The Trail, Gawker, Lawyers, Guns and Money and Sister Toldjah and others

The REAL Iraq

Hillary Boo Hoo’s because she’s losing.

Awwwww… Poor baby! Rolling Eyes

Clinton fights tears: "It’s not easy" – Ben Smith’s Blog –

Exhausted and facing the prospect of losing the second test of her primary campaign, Hillary Rodham Clinton fought back tears as her voice broke at the close of a sedate event in a Portsmouth coffee shop.

She expressed the sheer difficulty of heading out to the trail each day — "It’s not easy," she said — and suggested she faced "pretty difficult odds.

Little liberal lady crying ’cause she’s losing. Nice try, no sympathy here. Old guard crying cause they’re not going to get back in the White House. 

As this lady said, Boo Freakin’ Hoo.

Others: The New Republic and Blue Crab Boulevard and More

Hillary’s days are numbered.

I hate to be the one to say this, But I believe this is a very good thing.

According to  Matt Drudge Hillary’s campaign is on it’s last legs. As I rule, I don’t go around quoting people like drudge, But you know, I don’t like Hillary, at all and I think this would be nothing but a good thing for the Democrats, if she just walked away.

Edwards and Obama represent real change not the old Democratic guard in Politics. Quite frankly, Hillary needs to just go away. Sad to say it, But it’s how I feel.

Others: Captain’s Quarters, Power Line, Outside The Beltway, PoliGazette, Macsmind, Wonkette, Wake up America, PunditGuy, Atlas Shrugs, Blogs of War, The Gun Toting Liberal™, Blue Crab Boulevard, Fausta’s blog, Pajamas Media, Political Machine, Gateway Pundit and JammieWearingFool and MANY More via Memeorandum

Bill O’ Reilly Unhinged

Via C&L:

and who is it, who calls the Liberals Unhinged? Hmph, Looks like that unhinged stuff happens on both sides of the political fence, Michelle.

Unhinged, a disgrace to Conservatism, and to the Republican Party. He should be fired from Fox News, of course, that’ll never happen, he’s too busy keeping Murdock happy…under his desk.

Others: Pam’s House Blend and DownWithTyranny!

Republicans figure they cannot defeat Obama in the election, they’ll make racist jokes about him.

I hate to say it, but this crap here, is totally disgusting. 

Go here to read it, If you can do it, without getting sick.

I mean, really guys, don’t you think that’s just hitting a little below the belt?

I mean, first it was his middle name, then it was the lies about him being a Muslim plant, now it’s outright racist tinged low-brow humor. 

I hate to say it, but I will, and I am very white, thank you very much. The same simple-minded mentality that produced these so-called "funny" pictures is the same mentality that provoked this famous speech from January 14, 1963. an excerpt:

Today I have stood, where once Jefferson Davis stood, and took an oath to my people. It is very appropriate then that from this Cradle of the Confederacy, this very Heart of the Great Anglo-Saxon Southland, that today we sound the drum for freedom as have our generations of forebears before us done, time and time again through history. Let us rise to the call of freedom-loving blood that is in us and send our answer to the tyranny that clanks its chains upon the South. In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny . . . and I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever. – 1963 Inaugural Address of Governor George C. Wallace

We can do be better people, we’ve come a long way since that time, let’s try acting like it for a change.

This sort of nonsense should not be tolerated, at all and the blogger who posted it, should be shamed publicly.

Huckabee a huckster?

Not that it’d surprise me any, But……

Huckabee’s Weight Loss Story Bogus?

He Dieted for Our Sins–Or Did He? Republican Undernews! Did Huckabee go bariatric? Plutarch makes the (surprisingly non-weak) case with photos and graphs. … P.S.: The Arkansas ex-governor’s dramatic weight loss is to his campaign what Edwards’ loyalty to his sick wife is to the latter’s campaign. In each case, there are undernews suspicions. In each case, these suspicions are likely to become overnews–i.e. news–if (as is very possible) the candidate in question emerges victorious from Iowa. In each case, apparently, the suspicions could be dissipated by the presentation of routine medical evidence. [How with Edwards? Just between us–ed Aternity-pay Est-tay] …

Backfill: Jonah Goldbeg has one argument against bariatricity. … Powerline commenters debate here. … Another Huck defense here.

Something the media should look into, in a big way.

My Take on the Debates

On the Republican Side. I really did not see a clear "winner". I think that the barbs back and forth were totally uncalled for. I mean, They are supposed to be debating issues, not name calling and mud slinging. Although the off the cuff comments by McCain to Romney were great. Although, Huckabee needs to just leave Romney alone. I mean, Romney has him beat money-wise like 10 to 1, he could bury him, if he wanted to.

The Republicans really need to thin that herd out. There’s just too many of them.

Ron Paul is an total idiot, he needs to go to the Libertarian Party. I mean, he’s coming off looking like the resident psycho of the group. He hasn’t got a snowball’s chance in Hades, so, why continue? It just makes the party look bad.

Fred Thompson came off as totally unmotivated, I think he’ll be out by this coming Tuesday.

On the Democratic side, the barbs between Hillary and Edwards and Obama and Edwards looked totally staged.

As far as a "winner" on the Democratic side, I think Edwards and Obama looked good. They did hold the "Change" banner up and defended it well, Hillary started out well, but ended up looking like a "screaming meme" at the end. It was all about her bragging about how much experience she has. I think people will pick up on that come time for the vote.

Richardson is a nice man, too nice for this race, I look for him to drop out, come this vote, he’s already laid off staffers.

And there you have it, the official of center guy’s take on the Debates.

Bill O’Reilly almost gets his tail kicked.


Fox’s Bill O’Reilly in confrontation with Obama staffer at rally.

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly got into a confrontation with an Obama aide after O’Reilly started screaming at him as he tried to get Barack Obama’s attention following a rally here. O’Reilly eventually did chat briefly with Obama and asked him to be a guest on his show

I must confess. I would have loved to see the secret service slamming Bill O’s idiot noggin’ on the ground.

I think he should have been arrested. He was breaking the rules, he was not where he was supposed to be. You notice he didn’t challenge the secret service.

Of course, BillO spins it to his advantage. But it’s of course, Bullshit. Something he’s known for.

What more can you expect from a guy who sexually harasses his employees?

Others: Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Hot Air, The Radio Equalizer, The Democratic Daily, The Carpetbagger Report, Think Progress, TVNewser, Macsmind, Big Head DC, Althouse and Blogs of War and others via Memeorandum

Why they Booed.

I was reading over on Time’s Blog about Hillary getting Boo’ed by the crowd.

Why did they boo? I know why.

Because people want change in this country. Hillary simply does not represent that, period.

She simply represents an extension of the Clinton dynasty. Plain and Simple. 

What cracks me up is the Republicans lamenting because they won’t have her to kick around during the general election. They can’t kick around Obama, least they be accused of being racist bigots. It is quite funny.

Others on this: Hotline On Call, Wake up America, Taylor Marsh, BitsBlog, The Caucus, Daily Kos,, Althouse, MyDD, protein wisdom, Wizbang, QandO, Newsweek, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Macsmind, Outside The Beltway, Blue Crab Boulevard and PunditGuy