Editorial: Yes, There is a black man running for President

January 8, 2008

Editorial: Yes, There is a black man running for President

              I had thought about writing an editorial for this web site for a while, however, I was worried that my feelings within my writings would be misconstrued as liberal or I would simply be misunderstood as a troublemaker or something to that effect.  I ask one to not make this fatal mistake, when it comes to reading this, as it comes from a concerned person.

             The reason for my sudden need to write is the fact there is something quite ugly that is creeping into this election race, something that is rising it’s ugly head, something that should have been eliminated from the discourse of the America language.  That is the thing we call racism.

             While it is not blatant and outward, like it was in 1960’s, it is subtle and cunning, and frankly, it is wrong.  This week I had a electronic mail message that was delivered to my computer’s mailbox, in this message was a link to a story from the Conservative owned news magazine Newsmax.  The story essentially accused Senator Obama’s spiritual adviser or what we common people call Pastors, of being a white hating racist bigot. 

             Whether this story is true or not, is of no interest to me whatsoever.  If Senator Obama’s Pastor wants to believe that the United States of America is a racist nation, so be it.  If Senator Obama’s Pastor wants to believe that there are pink elephants under his bed, it is fine with me.  The fact that Obama’s Pastor holds to a particular set of beliefs does not reflect on Senator Obama at all.  I find it highly disturbing that a Magazine such as Newsmax, which is a Conservative owned magazine, which upholds and promotes the principles guaranteed by the first amendment of the United States Constitution would make an attack on a man’s Pastor for having an opinion and expressing it in his Church.  I ask you obtusely, since when did it become against the law to have an opinion and be able to express that opinion?  Has the United States of America become so consumed by the poison of political correctness that it has become a federal crime in the court of properness to have a set of particular beliefs?

             You see, I know all about the intolerance within political camps, I used to have a Blog, which resided on a domain address.  During the course of owning a Blog on said domain address, I allowed myself to become involved in a “sniping match” with another Blogger, during this I made an off the cuff comment which went well beyond the limits of good taste.  As a result, my Blog was hacked and the entire contents and settings erased.  I suspect that a group of so-called “Conservatives” had something to do with it, although, I have other names for them, none of which I can repeat here.  However, I did apologize many times over for the comment, however this was not good enough for these people, and this was the result.

            What troubles me is that this Presidential race has become about the one thing that the founder fathers of this Nation did not intend for it to become.  That is Religion.  Another is the fact that so many Conservatives are intent on believing and are bent on spreading is the lie of Senator Obama being a Muslim plant. While he might be black, tall, and skinny and have enormously large ears, I seriously doubt that he is a secret agent from Mecca, bent on subverting and converting us all to Islam.  He is no more this, that I am an undercover agent for the Fundamentalist Christian movement to subvert all Evangelicals to my way of believing the Bible.  

             This is not to say that Conservatives should not challenge Senator Obama.  He is a bona fide Liberal; He is someone who subscribes to the socialist mindset, he is someone that believes that bigger Government is better Government, He is someone that believes that it is okay to kill innocent babies for the sake of avoiding responsibility.  He is someone that believes that we should negotiate with terrorists that want to destroy America and everything that our flag stands for.  We as Conservatives and the Presidential Candidates who represent those ideologies should challenge him on his principles and his principles alone.  We should not be attacking him on his skin color; his religious affiliation or anything else related to this mans personal life.  But rather challenging his political ideologies and raising the question as to whether his political views and ideologies are what is right for this country in a time of war.   

             I believe that it is about time that the Conservative movement is released from the shackles of the forefathers of the movement and realize that the African-American race is not going to hurt us and is not out to destroy the Anglo Saxon race.  I believe that the Conservative movement as a whole needs to adapt to the ideals expressed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963, in which men; Jews, Gentiles, Protestants, and Catholics would be judged by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin. 

             I believe that until this truly happens, the Conservative movement and the Republican Party will be seen by those who truly do not understand, as a movement that is backward in thinking, practice, and ideology.  My friend this is something that we cannot allow to happen if Conservatism is to survive in the decades to come. 

Thank you for reading.