Everybody loves John McCain?……..Think again.

Seems that John McCain’s support of Amnesty is coming back to bite him in the behind. 

Senator John McCain Accused of Selling Out Law Enforcement – (via NewsWithViews.Com’s News Dept)

The news media and Republican Party bigwigs may be happy with a John McCain candidacy for President of the United States come this November, but a lot of law enforcement officers will probably sit out election day if McCain is the GOP presidential candidate.

United States Border Patrol agents are not happy with Senator John McCain (R-AZ) since he voted for the Amnesty Bill (S. 2611). And they’re not being quiet about their collective anger over the senator’s actions and remarks.

According to members of the agents’ union Local 2544, Senator McCain has never been a friend to rank-and-file Border Patrol agents. Local 2544 represents US Border Patrol agents in Arizona, McCain’s home state.

This ought to be a lesson to these politicians, that you cannot break away from the principles of Conservatism and get away with it. You’d think that these knuckleheads would have learned this with Bush and Co., I guess not.