2 Replies to “Best part of the Debate.”

  1. Supposedly (no, I didn’t watch either), Law ‘n Order Fred got a couple of other zingers like that off, and brought some laughter to an otherwise stale debate. That said, It’s a Presidential debate, not “Last Comic Standing” or some other form of reality/competition show. A quick wit is a significant aspect of a personality, but only one, and hardly the most important.

    Fred’s abject lack of interest in actually running – sort of “Playing hard to get” in the process is not gaining traction in the GOP, and his ship seems to be dead in the water.

    The other thing that needs to be said about Fred’s quip here is that he’s joking about war. We’re going to be paying for the Iraq one for at least 2 generations – and the near consensus among Americans (‘cept for maybe those 25 percenters who still think Osama and Saddam were chummy 9/11 co-consipirators, and who revere the Vice President’s grasp of international and domestic policy) is that the war in Iraq was a mistake – premised and justified by at best faulty intelligence, and at worst by deliberately faked intel. With that context, perhaps we shouldn’t be so quick to laugh at a joke about starting another war?

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