Living Proof that Ron Paul is a terrorist supporting jackass

(Via HotAir)

He’s also wrong. Gaza is NOT starving. He’s also been known to spin for Iran too.

AllahPundit Says:

It’s one thing to say our Iran policy is making things worse, it’s quite another to pretend that regional war, possibly with a nuclear component, in the Middle East wouldn’t much matter to America if we just hurried up and got our troops out. I can’t tell if this guy doesn’t realize or simply doesn’t care that opening up Gaza’s port will mean more arms in the hands of more fanatics, which means more of a chance of war and thus a more precarious position for U.S. interests. But let this serve as yet another reminder that, for all the grief we give The One on foreign policy, we can do much, much worse. And not just on the left either.

Amen to that. For all the grief that I give President Obama, I also know that it could be and would be much worse, if Ron Paul was the President. Also, about “AllahPundit,” before anyone says a damned thing in the comments section; was less than 10 miles from the World Trade Center, when it was hit in 2001. Hence his desire to see something done about the terrorists.

Ron Paul’s problem is, that he is shilling for the terrorists who want to destroy this Country and he is too stupid to know it.  Either that or he knows it and really does not care. Gaza starving; what idiotic bullcrap! 🙄 Only thing starving is Ron Paul’s brain.

One Reply to “Living Proof that Ron Paul is a terrorist supporting jackass”

  1. I never liked Ron Paul. He seems creepy to me. Seems a little like a cult leader, and I worry if he got elected, he’d turn this country into a cult.

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