Team Army at Valour IT needs our Help!

I have not really promoted it that heavily; mainly because I have not really thought about it.

But your help is requested…

Here’s the e-mail that I received:

Subject: An Affront to All that is Good and Pure in the World

I’m talking about the marines.

Team Marines is leading Team Army by a lousy few thousand dollars.  This simply must not stand.

First, let me thank all of you who have posted on behalf of Team Army.  Second, I apologize for the lack of commo and cooordination (blame my scout background) as I just received the email list yesterday and am recovering from the flu.

So, here are some assets to use in posting about Valour-IT for Team Army:

Team Army donation page: Click Here

Ballad of Captain Z video: Click Here
(you can get the embed codes on that page).

Cox & Forkum Carton: attached to this email (we have permission to use but it would also be nice to link to them – Click here ).
Now this is where Mr. Blackfive thinks that I should be mocking Marines. What kind of idiot does he think I am? 😯 😮 I mean, most of those guys are muscle bound menaces; and besides that, I cannot run worth a darn. IYKWIMAITYD!
Anyhow, here’s the videos, THAT I GOT FROM BLACKFIVE!

If you have any assets you want to share, email me and I’ll send them to the group.

Matthew Burden

Yeah, what he said! 😀

Seriously folks, it is going for a very good cause… So, if you would, Click here and give what you can.