Washington Post does the race hustle

Remember that Obama in joker makeup poster story that I blogged about? It now seems that the Washington Post has decided that it is racist.

From Washington Post’s Resident Race Baiter:

Between Jack Nicholson’s 1989 portrayal of the Joker in “Batman” and Heath Ledger’s 2008 characterization in “The Dark Knight,” something sinister happened to the villain’s iconic makeup. What had been a mask, with the clearly delineated lines of a carnival character, became simply war paint, and not very well applied.

The visual change signaled a change in the Joker’s inner mechanism. Nicholson’s dandified virtuoso of violence was replaced by a darker, more unpredictable and psychotic figure. What had been a caricature became more real and threatening. An urbane mocker of civilized values became simply a deformed product of urban violence.


The new Obama poster has two basic thrusts. Obama is a socialist, or a crypto-socialist. And Obama is somehow like the Joker, unpredictable and dangerous. But joining these two messages together yields more questions and contradictions than good poster art can sustain. The Joker is violent and dangerous, but a socialist? And didn’t we see George W. Bush depicted as the Joker not so long ago?


So why the anonymity? Perhaps because the poster is ultimately a racially charged image. By using the “urban” makeup of the Heath Ledger Joker, instead of the urbane makeup of the Jack Nicholson character, the poster connects Obama to something many of his detractors fear but can’t openly discuss. He is black and he is identified with the inner city, a source of political instability in the 1960s and ’70s, and a lingering bogeyman in political consciousness despite falling crime rates.


The Joker’s makeup in “Dark Knight” — the latest film in a long franchise that dramatizes fear of the urban world — emphasized the wounded nature of the villain, the sense that he was both a product and source of violence. Although Ledger was white, and the Joker is white, this equation of the wounded and the wounding mirrors basic racial typology in America. Urban blacks — the thinking goes — don’t just live in dangerous neighborhoods, they carry that danger with them like a virus. Scientific studies, which demonstrate the social consequences of living in neighborhoods with high rates of crime, get processed and misinterpreted in the popular unconscious, underscoring the idea. Violence breeds violence.


Superimpose that idea, through the Joker’s makeup, onto Obama’s face, and you have subtly coded, highly effective racial and political argument. Forget socialism, this poster is another attempt to accomplish an association between Obama and the unpredictable, seeming danger of urban life. It is another effort to establish what failed to jell in the debate about Obama’s association with Chicago radical William Ayers and the controversy over the racially charged sermons of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Obama, like the Joker and like the racial stereotype of the black man, carries within him an unknowable, volatile and dangerous marker of urban violence, which could erupt at any time. The charge of socialism is secondary to the basic message that Obama can’t be trusted, not because he is a politician, but because he’s black.

Cue the Music!

This is nothing more than classic race hustling or race baiting. To say that the poster depicting Obama as the joker invokes images of racism; is a bit of stretch. It simple implies that we real, true, America-loving citizens do not approve of Obama’s socialistic agenda. Nothing more, nothing less. If anyone gets anything other than this out of it. They are projecting something onto it, that is not there.

Again, this is more of your Post-Racism Racialism that exists within the Democratic Party. It is simply more of that stirring of the pot, that brings more votes to that party. It also most likely is a some sort of interference run; see that Obama’s numbers are lower than Bush’s were during his first few months in office. I mean, point blank; the man has been a damn failure in office and the American people are feeling a bad case of voters remorse and it is showing. Of course some are pointing to some over sampling in the polls and fear a nefarious motive. This could very well be, but I like to think that people are just waking up; and that, my friends, is a good thing.

So, again, this article is nothing more than a lame social Liberal attempt to avert attention away from the important facts about this Administration and to stir up old wounds of a Pre-Post-Racial America. Nice try guys; but real clear thinking Americans are just not buying it.

Nancy Pelosi’s Swastika Problem.

First the Video:

Money Quote:

Interviewer: Do you think there’s legitimate grassroot opposition going on here?

Pelosi: “I think they’re Astroturf… You be the judge. “They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.”

Seems ol’ Pelosi has some issues with her, ahem, Vision….

Steve Gilbert over at Sweetness and Light makes a very good point:

Of course her mistake may be understandable, especially in view of Mr. Obama’s latest logo for his healthcare program:

And it has been suggested that receiving Botox injections can cause blurry vision.

Of course given that she was talking about Democrat town halls, her confusion is even more understandable given the overlap between Nazi programs and Democrats’ pet issues anyway, as we all know.

The Nazis being: against big banks and capitalism in general, against big department stores, against pollution, for two years mandatory voluntary service to the country, for make-work projects (such as the autobahn), against vivisection and cruelty and to animals, against smoking and all tobacco products, for abortion and euthanasia of the infirm and undesirable – and, of course, for cradle-to-grave nationalized healthcare.

In fact, if you look really hard, you can sometimes even find a hint of anti-Semitism in the Democrat Party.

My God. Is not it not the truth?  Is it not ironic that the same party that fought for and won the ability to segregate against blacks; is now trying to compare those who are opposed to the President’s idea of Nationalized Health-care as Nazi’s?

The Irony is amazing.

Sotomayor is approved to Supreme Court

I have blogged about this before; but I will write a few lines about it again. As much as I hate repeating myself. 🙄

Voting largely along party lines, the Senate on Thursday confirmed Judge Sonia Sotomayor as the 111th justice of the Supreme Court. She will be the first Hispanic and the third woman to serve on the court.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. was expected to administer the oath of office to Judge Sotomayor, 55, in the next few days, with a formal ceremony likely in September. She succeeds Justice David H. Souter, who retired in June.

Democrats celebrated the successful nomination and relatively smooth confirmation process as a bright spot in a summer when they have been buffeted by several challenges, including rocky progress on their attempts to overhaul the nation’s health care system, President Obama’s falling approval ratings, the climbing unemployment rate and other lingering economic problems.

Shortly after the vote, President Obama said he was “deeply gratified” and confident that Judge Sotomayor would become an outstanding justice. The ideals of “justice, equality, opportunity” that guide the high court are the very ones that made the judge’s “uniquely American story” possible in the first place, the president said.

via Senate Approves Sotomayor to Supreme Court – NYTimes.com.

As I have written here time and again, Elections have consequences and this, again, is one of the consequences of that election. The Republicans chose to run a rather idiotic political campaign through John McCain; one based upon fear and utter stupidity and they lost. They lost in 2006 and then lost horribly again in 2008. This also was the result of the Republican Party’s support of a Wilsonian style of rule for 8 years. This cost them horribly and rightfully so.

I hope that the Republican Party here in the next four to eight years will renounce this idiotic Wilsonian foreign policy nonsense and will develop a sensible approach to foreign policy. There are signs that some within that party are coming out from under the spell of the George W. Bush Wilsonian stupor. I hope that this will continue as time goes on.  The encouraging thing is that there are still some Conservatives on the bench and Mrs. Sotomayor is not the only person up there. There are some within Conservative ranks, which act as if she will be the only person in the Supreme Court; of course, that is foolishness. Hence the remark about fear mongering earlier.

Surprisingly there are some Progressive Liberals who do not believe that she is Liberal enough for the court; and likewise, there are some within the Gun Community, who believe that she is too liberal. The Lady cannot win, she is either one or the other, and she cannot be both! (Well, she could, but it would be weird! 😆 )

My feelings are this; time will tell. While I doubt highly that, her approval will drastically change anything in the short run; time will tell in the long run. This should give Conservatives and yes; Republicans pause and cause them to begin to think about the future of America. It should and I do say, Should; give them motivation to get off the stupidity and get back to the Business of saving this wonderful Republic of ours.

Yikes! – About half of U.S. mortgages are seen to be underwater by 2011

Tim Geithner call your office!

The percentage of U.S. homeowners who owe more than their house is worth will nearly double to 48 percent in 2011 from 26 percent at the end of March, portending another blow to the housing market, Deutsche Bank said on Wednesday.

Home price declines will have their biggest impact on prime “conforming” loans that meet underwriting and size guidelines of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the bank said in a report. Prime conforming loans make up two-thirds of mortgages, and are typically less risky because of stringent requirements.

“We project the next phase of the housing decline will have a far greater impact on prime borrowers,” Deutsche analysts Karen Weaver and Ying Shen said in the report.

Of prime conforming loans, 41 percent will be “underwater” by the first quarter of 2011, up from 16 percent at the end of the first quarter 2009, it said. Forty-six percent of prime jumbo loans will be larger than their properties’ value, up from 29 percent, it said.

“The impact of this is significant given that these markets have the largest share of the total mortgage market outstanding,” the analysts said. Prime jumbo loans make up 13 percent of the total market.

via About half of U.S. mortgages seen underwater by 2011 | Reuters.

I wonder what “The One” will do about this? Cash for Refinancing?

Here’s why:

The drop in home prices is fueling a vicious cycle of foreclosures as it eliminates homeowner equity and gives borrowers an incentive to walk away from their mortgages. The more severe the negative equity, the more likely are defaults, since many borrowers believe prices will not recover enough.

Homeowners with the riskiest mortgages taken out during the housing boom have seen the greatest erosion in equity, in part because they were “affordability products” originated at the housing peak, Deutsche said. They include subprime loans, of which 69 percent will be underwater in 2011, up from 50 percent in March, Deutsche said,

Of option adjustable-rate mortgages — which cut payments by allowing principal balances to rise — 89 percent will be underwater in 2011, up from 77 percent, the report said.

Regions suffering the worst negative equity are areas in California, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Massachusetts and West Virginia. Las Vegas and parts of Florida and California will see 90 percent or more of their loans underwater by 2011, it added.

“For many, the home has morphed from piggy bank to albatross,” the analysts said.

It is classic; The textbook reason why you DO NOT give home loans to high risk persons. Because they are the first to lose their jobs when the economy takes a dump.  This is the invention of the Clinton Administration. But yet, no one on the left wants to blame slick willy. Call it the Clinton bubble, call it a huge screw up by the Democrats. I call it reality. Welcome to the Obama Economy and the Democratic Future, brought to you by Clinton stupidity.

A Blogger friend of mine needs help

realmeHis name is Sammy, He is Jewish.

I razzed him once about something and pissed him off. After a while, I felt like a dick and apologized. After we became friends, I learned much about Sammy, I found out we had much in common.

Anyway, Sammy’s now looking at some hard times right now; I can relate; many can, times are tough. I however, have a safety net of sorts. Sammy does not, he is toughing it out and making due. Job prospects are bad and he might have swallow hard and do the Walmart thing.

If you can head on over to Sammy’s Blog and give a buck or two. Consider it an act of charity to a man, who is not drinking the Kool-Aid.

Click here to read Sammy’s Blog Posting.

…..and Thank you.

BREAKING NEWS: Democratic Rep Brad Miller’s Life Threatened over Healthcare Bill

Sigh….Why do people do dumb crap like this?!?!?!

Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC) will not be hosting any town hall events this August — instead, he’s making himself available to constituents for one-on-one meetings about health care reform — and at least part of the reason is this: His offices have received threatening phone calls, including at least one direct threat against his life.

“We had no town hall events scheduled for the August recess anyway, but in light of everything that’s happened — we have received a threatening phone call in the D.C. office, there have been calls to the Raleigh office,” said Miller communications director LuAnn Canipe, in an interview with TPM. The threatening call in question happened earlier this week.

“The call to the D.C. office was, ‘Miller could lose his life over this,'” said Canipe. “Our staffer took it so seriously, he confirmed what the guy was saying. He said, ‘Sir is that a threat?’ and at that time our staffer was getting the phone number off caller ID and turning it over to the Capitol Police.”

They haven’t heard anything back from the police yet, but they did get the caller’s number. So this could develop into something soon enough.

via Dem Congressman’s Office: His Life Has Been Threatened Over Health Care Bill | TPMDC.

This is extremely wrong and very stupid.

Blue Crab Boulevard calls B.S.:

First of all – he had no town hall meetings scheduled – so what, exactly, is he canceling? Let’s face it, Propaganda Points Memo is not exactly a trustworthy source for anything resembling truth, but in this case, the claim is so egregious that it begs for confirmation.

Either produce a police report or stuff your report. This event, according to the report, was reported to the Capitol Police. Produce the report.

A congressman who had no plans to hold town hall meetings excitedly reporting that he is canceling all of his nonexistent town hall meetings stinks out loud of publicity stunt. Produce the report.

Or else you are a fraud. No middle ground here.

Well, I am not taking any chances. To All of the visitors here at PoliticalByline.com. Let me make this absolutely clear. I DO NOT CONDONE, AT ALL; THE USE OF THREATS  OF OR ACTUAL PHYSICAL VIOLENCE TO ACCOMPLISH A POLITICAL GOAL! THAT IS TERRORISM AND IT IS WRONG! 😡

I personally hope that whomever the bonehead was that made such a threat will end up spending some quality time behind bars. While I opposed to the socialism of the Liberal Left; this sort of nonsense is uncalled for and must be stopped. We have a peaceful process in this country, it is called political discourse and elections. Let us stick to that please. We are not Iran or North Korea people, let’s not act like them.

Others: Firedoglake, Now! Hampshire, Glenn Thrush’s Blog, Blue Crab Boulevard, Talking Points Memo and D-Day

William Jefferson found guilty on 11 of 16 counts

One Word…. Good.

Via Nola.com:

In the 16-count indictment, Jefferson was charged with soliciting bribes and other crimes for a series of schemes in which he helped American businesses broker deals in West African in exchange for payments or financial considerations to companies controlled by members of his family, including his brother Mose, his wife, Andrea, their five daughters and a son-in-law.


William Jefferson - Shakedown Artist

Jefferson, 62, who represented the New Orleans-based 2nd Congressional District for nine terms, will now face sentencing by Judge T.S. Ellis III, who earlier meted out stiff sentences for lesser figures in the case. According to the U.S. attorney’s office, Jefferson faced 235 years in prison if convicted on all counts, and will still face substantial prison time.

Prosecutors asked that Jefferson be held as a flight risk, but the judge allowed him to remain free pending his sentencing scheduled for Oct. 30. A forfeiture hearing will be held Thursday to decide what assets Jefferson will have to surrender.

The verdict comes four years after the Aug. 3, 2005 raids of Jefferson’s homes in New Orleans and Washington, D.C., in which the FBI found $90,000 in cash hidden in the freezer of his D.C. home, money the government said Jefferson was going to deliver as a bribe to Atiku Abubakar, then vice president of Nigeria, to gain his help with a telecommunications deal in Nigeria being pursued by Lori Mody, a Northern Virginia businesswoman.

The money was the lion’s share of $100,000 in FBI cash that the congressman was videotaped receiving packed in a briefcase days earlier in a suburban Virginia parking lot from Mody, who, beginning in March of 2005, had become a cooperating witness for the FBI, secretly taping her conversations with Jefferson.

The jury did not find him guilty on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which was the count linked to the money in the freezer.

While Mody did not testify at the trial, the jury heard segments of her taped conversations with Jefferson along with more than six weeks of testimony from government witnesses, including iGate Inc. CEO Vernon Jackson and Mody financial adviser Brett Pfeffer, both of whom are serving time after pleading guilty to their involvement in the bribe schemes, and hoped to see their sentences reduced in exchange for their testimony against Jefferson.

Jefferson did not testify in his own defense and his formal defense lasted only about two hours. In his closing argument, lead defense attorney Robert Trout presented his client as a man whose dealings had placed him in an ethical “gray” area, but who had not broken the law.

I will simply say this; as a non-partisan Conservative blogger who knows full well that there is corruption on both sides of the aisle, I will simply say this. I am very pleased that this man was caught. I only hope now that it does not stop this guy; but rather continues with others that are extremely corrupt up on capital hill.

Exit question: How long till the race baiters like Al Sharpton come out saying that this bust was racially motivated?

Others: Gateway Pundit, Michelle Malkin, , Macsmind, Flopping Aces, Blue Crab Boulevard Wizbang, Patterico’s Pontifications,

Once again Andrew Sullivan shows that he is not a Conservative

Andrew Sullivan is Astroturfing (or is it asshole-turfing? Most likely BOTH in Sullivan’s case! DohHypnotized)   for his fellow Liberals.

Andrew Sullivan says:

welcome2insanity(2)Here’s another example. There’s a groundswell of grousing on the right about the cash-for-clunkers program, because the feds were caught off-guard by its popularity. The argument is that if the government can’t run cash-for-clunkers, how can it run healthcare?

To which one might respond: but cash-for-clunkers is one example of the government actually doing something right, helpful and popular. It’s the kind of pragmatic experimentation that FDR tried repeatedly. So you have a practical, targeted measure that seems to have helped abate a deeper recession in the auto industry, and the right is obsessed with the ideological abstraction of “government.”

What conservatives have to do, in my view, is not demonize government, but to champion limited government. If government can do tangible practical things that help everyone, while balancing its budget, it’s doing what conservatives think it should. Smart, practical initiatives that address problems that the private sector has failed at: what else is government for? The rest is ideology – and it seems to be all the Republicans have left.

Can someone tell how the Government affecting the Markets is doing something right? I mean, Ron Paul knocked out of the ballpark, when he said in his video that, while the “Cash for Clunkers” program might help those who are able to buy cars; but that it would damage the market for the poor people who buy those older so-called “Clunker” cars.

Reason Magazine’s Matt Welch weighs in:

I’m nobody’s conservative, but I’m pretty sure if I was telling conservatives how to think I wouldn’t admonish them for failing to champion limited government within two sentences of praising FDR’s pragmatism. It’s like, I dunno, lecturing the Labour Party about demonstrating their pro-union bonafides while praising Margaret Thatcher’s centrism. Sounds a bit off.


Sullivan is dead right about one thing: Cash-for-clunkers is indeed very “popular.” So is the home mortgage interest deduction, the prescription drug benefit, and any number of federal programs that siphon from the diffuse pool of tax revenue+debt and blast out concentrated benefits to the broad middle class. The standard for judging these things shouldn’t be popularity–Richard Nixon’s wage-and-price control spasm of 1971, to name one of many historical measures now widely and rightly considered asinine, was hugely popular at the time–but whether they make sense in both the short and long term.

Cash-for-clunkers amounts to a rounding error in Tim Geithner’s nose-hair at this point, which is probably why at least some liberals seem so genuinely baffled by the disproportionate criticism it has drawn. But for some of us it’s also a nearly perfect symbol of economic statism run amok. The federal government is taking from the many, giving it to the less-than-many, destroying functional cars, funneling money to an auto industry that it already largely owns (at a hefty taxpayer price tag), then taking multiple (and multiply premature) bows for rescuing the economy and the auto industry in the process.

I understand, and even appreciate, that not everyone interprets things this way. But what I don’t understand, and ultimately don’t respect, is the weird urge to react to yet another Obama administration brainfart by rounding up its opponents and putting them in a metaphorical holding pen marked “ideologically obsessed.” Particularly after eight years in which the only detectable ideology was taxcut-and-spend, and otherwise do what parties in power always do: look for creative new ways to bribe the middle class.

I happen to like that last part about bribing the middle class. Is not that the honest truth? I mean, the Republican Party does it, and so do the Democrats. Bribe the middle class for their vote. I tend to believe it happens on the left more; but honestly, both sides do it. This program is an example of that.

James Joyner weighs in as well:

Piggybacking on WSJ’s point, it strikes me that the “clunkers” aspect of this arrangement is morally dubious. Glenn Reynolds‘ 2004 Mazda RX-8 is a clunker that, were he so inclined, he would be eligible to trade to the government (indirectly) for $4500.  It would then be scrapped.  Doesn’t this remove a perfectly good used car from the market that some person of modest means could otherwise have purchased, either upgrading from an older, less reliable vehicle or none at all?  And doesn’t doing that mean the price of other used cars will increase accordingly?

Which is exactly what Ron Paul said in his video. Here is another area that this program will hurt. Auto Mechanics; these guys are the ones who keep those older cars going, thus creating a living for themselves. Which, in case the liberal socialist left have forgotten; does contribute to the economy. Which proves to the this writer, that the socialist far liberal left, in their quest to further their so-called Green agenda, which is basically a big scam, that is only going to benefit big business; they have left the most important people behind —- their constituents, that are the poor and lower middle class in this Country.

Graphic Credit: McGurk @ Ace of Spades

Quote of the Day

Watch and learn. The most important lesson is, “Do not play games with the system.” You will lose every time. Force the game players to come to you, to be honest, moral and independent. The losers in the Cambridge game are pre-determined. They are meant to be the police sergeant who arrested the professor, the entire Cambridge Police Department, and police departments everywhere.

If he continues to play the game, he loses. It is pre-determined.

The Obligatory Bill Clinton rescues two liberals from California posting

Yes, I know about it.

The next question is; do I honestly care?



Honestly, why the hell would I give two shits whether or not a Former President who should be, by rights, in jail for the murder of a group of Christians in Waco, Taxes; went and saved two leftist [removed] from North Korea?

Perhaps these two idiot liberals will now have second thoughts about the whole Liberalism idea and will become Conservatives. Seeing that they have experienced the horrors of true Communism; which is a step above Socialism.

I am quite sorry, but I just do not quite honestly give a shit.

There, I said it, I feel better.

Others: Macsmind

Update: When I wrote this last night, it was late and I was quite tired. I never should have put the words that I did in there. For those I offended, I apologize. However, my feelings about the rescue remain unchanged. The reason I say this is because; anyone that knows anything about the modern day Progressive AKA Socialist Democratic Party knows that it is one step below Communism. This is why I feel the that I do about this rescue.

Ron Paul says that “Cash for Clunkers” hurts the poor

I do not always agree with the Ron Paul. But this time; he is dead on. His point is that the liberals in their quest to revive a market for new cars, is destroying a used market for older cars for the poor people to drive. Which is absolutely true. Hell, I drive a damned clunker car! Do you think that I can afford to go buy a new car? Well sure, if someone wants to give me the entire amount needed to buy a new one!  Contrary to what some might believe, some of us Conservatives are not independently wealthy. Some of us Conservatives are below the poverty line. Some of us Conservatives are poor!

However, just because I am not rolling in the dough, does not mean that I want a Government hand out! Just because I am poor, does not mean that I want the Government controlling every aspect of my life either!

You ask, “If your are so damned poor, than why the hell are you a Conservative?!?!” Because I know the truth about the Democratic Party; how they use poor people, black people, and other minorities, all for their votes and to achieve idiotic goals of a socialistic society.

So, again; I might not always agree with Ron Paul, but this time, he knocked it out of the ballpark.

Here’s the video: (Via The Daily Paul)

By the way,The Daily Paul is a decent website as well; even if the owner did refuse to buy advertising on my site. I guess I wasn’t worth the investment. 🙄 In case he’s forgotten, it was with his Gold business that he runs.

Oh Wonderful…. There are Russian Subs Patrolling Off East Coast of U.S.

As if we do not have enough trouble already.

A pair of nuclear-powered Russian attack submarines has been patrolling off the eastern seaboard of the United States in recent days, a rare mission that has raised concerns inside the Pentagon and intelligence agencies about a more assertive stance by the Russian military.

The episode has echoes of the cold war era, when the United States and the Soviet Union regularly parked submarines off each other’s coasts to steal military secrets, track the movements of their underwater fleets — and be poised for war.

But the collapse of the Soviet Union all but eliminated the ability of the Russian Navy to operate far from home ports, making the current submarine patrols thousands of miles from Russia more surprising for military officials and defense policy experts.

“I don’t think they’ve put two first-line nuclear subs off the U.S. coast in about 15 years,” said Norman Polmar, a naval historian and submarine warfare expert.

The submarines are of the Akula class, a counterpart to the Los Angeles class attack subs of the United States Navy, and not one of the larger submarines that can launch intercontinental nuclear missiles.

According to Defense Department officials, one of the Russian submarines remained in international waters on Tuesday about 200 miles off the coast of the United States. The location of the second remained unclear. One senior official said the second submarine traveled south in recent days toward Cuba, while another senior official with access to reports on the surveillance mission said it had sailed away in a northerly direction.

via Russian Subs Patrolling Off East Coast of U.S. – NYTimes.com.

This is exactly what the United States does not need right now. Rogue Subs near our coastal waterways; If the President was a real President and loved this Country the way he should. He would order those vessels out of the area or He would order the Military to get them out of our area.  The President needs to stop playing patty cake with the Russians and give forceful with them. Ether get in line or else, face our wrath. But seeing this is the apology tour President; I do not expect much from him, at all.

Others: Hot AirGawker and JammieWearingFool

White House wants snitches!

This is seriously screwed up. Now The Obama Administration wants people to snitch on this who are opposed to the Public Healthcare opinion.

If you see anybody publicly opposing President Obama’s plan to implement a government-centric overhaul of the health care system, the White House wants you to report that person (or persons) ASAP.

From the White House website:

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.

Emphasis added. Of course, as we’ve seen in the health care debate to date, the term “disinformation” is used by the Obama White House as a catchall to describe any opposition to the President’s push for single-payer, government-run health care — meaning the White House wants to be informed of any forwarded emails or blog posts or any “casual conversations” that could be taken as opposition to their health care overhaul plan.

The White House has, as yet, offered no explanation of what it is they plan to do with the tips on policy opposition they hope to receive from citizen informers.

Interestingly, as Jake Tapper pointed out on Twitter this morning, the title of that post on the White House is a quote from John Adams’ 1770 “Argument in Defense of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials.”

via Call For Informants: If You Oppose Obamacare, Even in ‘Casual Conversation,’ the White House Wants to Know About It – Jeff_Emanuel’s blog – RedState. (H/T Michelle Malkin)

That is what I would like to know, what does the White House plan on doing to these people, who decide to oppose the White House plan? Have us all killed? It is to wonder.

This is nothing short of Communist Russia man, or even worse Nazi Germany. Snitch on those who oppose. Get ready folks, because this is going to get ugly, I believe.

Others: JustOneMinute, JammieWearingFool, The Volokh ConspiracyRight Wing NewsThe Next RightThe Jawa Report, , Atlas Shrugs, Townhall.com, QandO, TigerHawk, Wake up America, Stop The ACLU, , Argghhh!, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Michelle Malkin

White House Counsel’s Job on the line

This is an interesting story….

Via The Wall Street Journal:

Obama administration officials are holding discussions that could result in White House counsel Gregory Craig leaving his post, following a rocky tenure, people familiar with the matter said.

"That's right Cracka BOW to your Negro Master!"

"That's right Cracka BOW to your Negro Master!"

Mr. Craig, the top lawyer at the White House and a close aide to President Barack Obama, has helped lead the administration’s efforts on several national-security issues that once enjoyed popularity but have since become become political liabilities for Mr. Obama.

These include the closure of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the release of Bush administration-era national-security documents, and efforts to find legal ways to indefinitely hold some detainees who can’t be put on trial.

The decision to close the Guantanamo facility became a political problem for Mr. Obama when concerns arose that some of the detainees would be released into the U.S. and the public soured on the move.

Of course, you can count on the White House for that transparency that Obama touted, right?

Mr. Craig didn’t respond to questions about his job as White House counsel for this article.

The people familiar with the matter said a final decision hasn’t been made.

In a statement, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina said: “We’ve addressed these rumors before. They are nothing more than typical Washington parlor games. It’s disappointing that while we are focused on reviving the economy and fighting two wars, others spend their time pointing fingers in an attempt to promote their own status.

Well, not so much. Wait! Was that a veiled swipe at Hillary? Remember Mr. President Douche Nozzle, only reason you got that President’s job is because Hillary knew it would destroy your party for her to continue the fight.

Moving right along, it appears this is the reason that this guy is on his way out:

Mr. Craig has come under criticism from inside the administration and in Congress for a perceived failure to manage the political issues that have originated from Mr. Obama’s decision to close Guantanamo, according to officials in the administration and in Congress. This criticism has drawn focus away from president’s priorities, such as health care and energy.


As an example of the difficulties Mr. Craig faced, the officials cite the president’s move in May to reverse a decision that would have led to the release of photos showing abuse of terror detainees during the Bush administration.

Weeks earlier, Mr. Craig brought Mr. Obama plans to release Justice Department memorandums detailing the Bush administration’s policies on terrorism detainees. Some Obama national-security officials complained they hadn’t been consulted, people familiar with the matter said, and the objections prompted weeks of debate inside the administration.

Mr. Craig and Attorney General Eric Holder won the fight to release the memorandums, with minimal redactions, but the White House had to move quickly to limit political damage. Former Vice President Dick Cheney sharpened criticism of Mr. Obama during a televised speech that followed Mr. Obama’s own address intended to explain his national-security vision.

At around the same time, the administration was running into trouble with plans to move to northern Virginia at least some Chinese Muslim Uighurs who remain detained at Guantanamo despite being cleared for release. The furor over the possible release of former suspects in the U.S. led Congress to overwhelmingly pass new restrictions, including barring spending to close the Guantanamo prison.

Mr. Obama signed executive orders during his first week in office to close the Guantanamo prison, to review the cases of the more than 200 detainees there and to draw up possible changes to detention and interrogation policies.

At the time Mr. Obama enjoyed public support for his Guantanamo plans, polls showed. Six months later that public support has dissipated, polls show.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), one of the administration’s allies on the Guantanamo closure, faulted the White House handling of Guantanamo. “Announcing the closure without a plan has put in jeopardy the ability to close Guantanamo. Now public opinion has turned,” Mr. Graham said Monday.

Looks like the reason why this guy is on his way out; is simply because he could not or would not push through the President’s agenda. When the support dropped from the America people and the agenda could not be fulfilled, Obama throws him under the Bus. So typical for the Chicago thug politics that Obama is infamous for.

Others: Hot Air, Weekly Standard