The Obligatory Bill Clinton rescues two liberals from California posting

Yes, I know about it.

The next question is; do I honestly care?



Honestly, why the hell would I give two shits whether or not a Former President who should be, by rights, in jail for the murder of a group of Christians in Waco, Taxes; went and saved two leftist [removed] from North Korea?

Perhaps these two idiot liberals will now have second thoughts about the whole Liberalism idea and will become Conservatives. Seeing that they have experienced the horrors of true Communism; which is a step above Socialism.

I am quite sorry, but I just do not quite honestly give a shit.

There, I said it, I feel better.

Others: Macsmind

Update: When I wrote this last night, it was late and I was quite tired. I never should have put the words that I did in there. For those I offended, I apologize. However, my feelings about the rescue remain unchanged. The reason I say this is because; anyone that knows anything about the modern day Progressive AKA Socialist Democratic Party knows that it is one step below Communism. This is why I feel the that I do about this rescue.