AARP Responds to Liberal Bloggers

Remember when I wrote about the Liberal Bloggers complaining about not getting paid to promote the special causes? Well, it seems that AARP is talking back:

Because we understand the influence and reach of online communities we have worked with BlogAds, an important resource for marketers targeting blog communities, on targeted ad campaigns over the last year. On May 4, 2007, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas stated that, “…Blogads has been perhaps the single most important component to the rise of the liberal blogosphere. And it will continue to play a huge role as we grow in years ahead.” Thanks to BlogAds, AARP ads have been made available to the likes of Daily Kos, Wonkette, Atrios, Talking Points Memo, Americablog, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Political Wire, Red State, Outside the Beltway, Power Line, Townhall and others.

Our ongoing commitment to supporting and participating in the online community means that we intend to continue working with bloggers and to support the growth of this community.

However, they also said:

As publishers of the world’s largest magazine and the preeminent online destination for individuals 50+, we understand the desire to pursue advertising revenue. Additionally, no one is immune from our current economic crisis and we can appreciate your plea for increased ad revenue. That said, we also strongly honor the integrity of our journalists and writers/editors/content developers. AARP would never allow advertisers to dictate our editorial content based on the amount of ad space purchased, and we would be hesitant to buy ads with any media that suggested it might act otherwise.

Ouch! In other words, we’ll advertise where we damn well please, thank you very much. 😼

Others: Moe Lane and Founding Bloggers

Quote of Day

“It seems that what we are seeing in the return of the Churchill bust is less a personal vendetta against Churchill the man and more an open breach in the Western continuum out of which a new orientation toward the Third World will become increasingly apparent. Having achieved a Washington-like apotheosis in the American imagination, Churchill serves not only as the preeminent symbol of resolve, courage and faith against the enemies of Western civilization. He serves as a symbol of Western civilization, period.”

The return of the Churchill bronze confirmed the suspicion that Obama was anti-Occident. The habit of giving inappropriate, thoughtless presents? as he and his family are deluged with wild effusions of love and lavish gifts? this shows Obama to be, well, a bit of a pig.

George Will once wrote that “manners are the practice of a virtue. The virtue is called civility, a word related—as a foundation is related to a house—to the word civilization.”

The ability to mind one’s manners in dealing with others is a reflection of the mettle of a man. Or a woman.

The Obligatory Crazy Lady at Glenn Beck Meeting in Bar Video Posting

Seeing this is the big Meme at the moment, I thought I would post it and share my comments.

The Video:

The Money Quote:

Woman: [Shouts] “Burn the books!” [applause]

Man: “I don’t think you were serious about that, were you?”

Woman: “I am too.”

Man: “Burn all the books?!”

Woman: “The ones in college, those, those brainwashing books.”

Man: “[laughs] Brainwashing books?”

Woman: “Yes.”

Man: “Which ones are those?”

Woman: “Like, the evolution crap, and, yeah…”

The part about burn the books comes at about 5:00 or so.

Okay here’s my take. No, I do not personally believe that Obama is a some sort of Pseudo-Commie. I think he is a socialist, his polices have proven this. But, no I do not believe he is a communist.  However, there is this:

What is the difference between Communism and Socialism?

All Communists are for socialism, seeing it as a transition stage to communism, a higher stage of economic, political, and social development. All socialists aren’t for communism; some see Communists as too radical.

Socialism is social ownership of the main means of production (factories, transportation) and the commanding heights of an economy (banks and other financial institutions) and runs them in the interests of the working people, using part of the value that workers produce to build up the social institutions and benefits for the whole people.

Communism, as we see it, is a more advanced stage that comes after socialism. Communism, a stage of development never reached anywhere yet, reduces the state apparatus to minimal administrative functions, since people and society will have advanced past the need for coercive functions like armies, and will directly and indirectly provide people with the full benefits of the labor they engage in.

We see communism as a later stage of development. A stage when the production of the necessities of life has become plentiful, when there will no longer be shortages of food, housing, jobs, health care and education.

We see communism as a stage when governments can “wither away” to mere administrative agencies rather than maintain coercive control on behalf of exploiting classes through armies, police forces, court systems, tax agencies.

Socialism, which we are advocates of, is a transitional stage between capitalism and communism, a stage where a change in production relations, social relations, and individual outlooks become solidified.

When people have gone through a prolonged period of living in a society not based on scarcity, exploitation, and oppression, and when production for use rather than profit is a well-established economic system, and when the productive forces have advanced to be able to provide for the needs of all people, then society will be able to advance to communism. Communists are advocates of both socialism and communism.

In a socialist country, there is still a struggle that goes on between the ruling working class and the dispossessed capitalist class inside the country, and between the working class in power in one country and the capitalist class in power in other countries. The stage of socialism, as we have learned from experience, is not irreversible, and there is not a short, quick march to communism. – Source US Communist Party F.A.Q. Section

So, the truth is, Obama is one step away from Communism. Obama is at the beginning stages of Communism. I mean, I know the Liberals do not like to hear it, but it is true. Big Government or socialism is the beginning stages of Communism. It’s just a simple fact. But Liberals do not want to hear that. What gets me, is Charles Johnson, of little green footballs, is the one who initially posted this. That’s because he’s a Neo-Conservative. Neo-Conservatives are mainly former Democrats. Neo-Cons are not bothered by big Government; unlike we true Conservatives, or Paleo-Cons.  So, I am not shocked he would post this in such a mocking tone.

…and before anyone says, “Well, you’re a former Democrat!” Wrong. Why? For one, I never joined the party and Because I rejected and still do reject the Wilsonian Foreign policy of the Neo-Cons. I just do not support of idea of a Interventionist Foreign Policy.

Others, on all sides: Balloon Juice, The Daily Dish, Oliver Willis, The Moderate Voice, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Impolitic, American Power, Founding Bloggers and Riehl World View

Cartoons of the Day

On the G 20 Summit:
Cartoon by Michael Kountouris
On Easter:

The Southern Avenger on “The Radical Right”

The Southern Avenger’s Blog

The Southern Avenger @ Taki’s Magazine

Books Mentioned:

While I can sympathize with my Christian Brethren, they are wrong…

Full Disclosure: I am a Christian, if you’ll read my “about me” section on here, you will see here I stand doctrinally.  To be clear, I am not active in a Church anywhere at the moment. But I still believe.

An Interesting quote from the Christian Newswire, by a Robert Peters who the President of  Morality in Media, commenting on passage on the Gay Marriage Iowa and the shootings in New York:

“Having lived in New York City for more than 30 years, I am all too aware of the harm that firearms in the hands of criminals can cause. Having grown up in a small town in Illinois, where citizens owned guns without misusing them, I am also aware that guns aren’t the underlying problem. I am not an opponent of gun regulation; I am an opponent of making guns the scapegoat for mass murder.

“The underlying problem is that increasingly we live in a ‘post-Christian’ society, where Judeo-Christian faith and values have less and less influence. Among other things, Judaism and Christianity taught that murder was wrong and that included murder motivated by anger, hatred and revenge. Both religions also taught that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves and to forgive others.

“For many citizens, what has replaced Judeo-Christian faith and values is the secular value system that is reflected in films, rap/music lyrics, and videogames and on TV and now the Internet, where the taking of human life for just about any reason is commonplace and is often portrayed in an appealing manner and in realistic detail. Murder motivated by hatred and revenge is also justified.

“This secular value system is also reflected in the ‘sexual revolution,’ which is the driving force behind the push for ‘gay marriage;’ and the Iowa Supreme Court decision is another indication that despite all the damage this revolution has caused to children, adults, family life and society (think abortion, divorce, pornography, rape, sexual abuse of children, sexually transmitted diseases, trafficking in women and children, unwed teen mothers and more), it continues to advance relentlessly.

“It most certainly is not my intention to blame the epidemic of mass murders on the gay rights movement! It is my intention to point out that the success of the sexual revolution is inversely proportional to the decline in morality; and it is the decline of morality (and the faith that so often under girds it) that is the underlying cause of our modern day epidemic of mass murders.

“I would add that if conservative media’s irresponsible talk of revolution can ‘poison weak minds,’ the liberal entertainment media’s irresponsible portrayal of mayhem can also poison weak minds.”

Also, Pastor Eric Schumacher comments over at Baptist Press also comments as to how Christians should handle the situation as well; and I must admit, I agree with his way of doing things as well. Let me just say that these arguments may work in the realm of Christianity and in the Church World, these arguments, unfortunately, fall flat in the secular society that we live in today.  Donald Douglas over at American power weighs in on this:

While I agree with the main points of the religious morality angle, I don’t think that argument will prevail amid the growing hegemony of secularism Peters decries. A powerful secular case can be made against same-sex marriage, based in the logic of biological reproduction and the regeneration of societies. The gay marriage extremists can do little to change the logic of social reproduction and the facts of biological procreation. To win the argument, gay radicals have to argue in denial of the fact that social institutions are normatively substantiated in such terms. The left has yet to do so, of course, which is why the notion of “same-sex marriage” remains a fantastic radical progressive ideological construct.

I hate to say it, but I do agree. (Mark your calendars, this does not happen often at all.) The reason all this is happening is because the Religious right made the gay marriage thing a “Hot button” topic years ago. One of the worst things, I believe, that happened was the melting together of Religion and Conservative politics, this happened in the 1980’s with the whole “God and Country” movement. I remember it well, as I was a young lad that grew up in that era. Before this, Christianity and Conservative politics were two very different worlds. President Ronald Reagan and his whole “Reagan Revolution” changed all that, some say for the worse.

Let me give you an example of why I believe this is so very wrong. You see, years ago, Christians did not want to be have a voice in Government. This quote is from a book called “The Trail of Blood”, which was written by Dr. James Milton Carroll, in 1931; it is taken from the fifth lecture in the book:

24. Some serious questions have many times been asked concerning the Baptists: Would they, as a denomination, have accepted from any nation or state an offer of “establishment” if such nation or state had freely made them such an offer? And would they in case they had accepted such an offer, have become persecutors of others like Catholics or Episcopals, or Lutherans or Presbyterians, or Congregationalists? Probably a little consideration of such questions now would not be amiss. Have the Baptists, as a fact, ever had such an opportunity?

Is it not recorded in history, that on one occasion, the King of the Netherlands (the Netherlands at that time embracing Norway and Sweden, Belgium, Holland, and Denmark) had under serious consideration the question of having an established religion? Their kingdom at that period was surrounded on almost all sides by nations or governments with established religions, religions supported by the Civil Government.

It is stated that the King of Holland appointed a committee to examine into the claims of all existing churches or denominations to see which had the best claim to be the New Testament Church. The committee reported back that the Baptists were the best representatives of New Testament teachings. Then the King offered to make the Baptist “the established” church or denomination of his kingdom. The Baptists kindly thanked him but declined, stating that it was contrary to their fundamental convictions and principles.

But this was not the only opportunity they ever had of having their denomination the established religion of a people. They certainly had that opportunity when Rhode Island Colony was founded. And to have persecuted others, that would have been an impossibility if they were to continue being Baptists. They were the original advocates of “Religious Liberty.” That really is one of the fundamental articles of their religious faith. They believed in the absolute separation of church and state.

This is what Christians should believe in. Christians never should have ever attempted to meddle in the affairs of the Government, as Christians are supposed to be about “The Father’s Business”. (Luke 2:49, 1 Thess 4:11) While I believe it is important to be aware of what is happening in our Government, the idea that Baptists and Christians alike are to try and sway Government into a theocracy is totally wrong, and goes against what Christians and yes, even Baptists of old practiced.

I hate to say, but the Christianity community seriously messed up in the 1980’s with the whole Reagan revolution, and we are going to pay a dreadful price for it. The sick and sad part is, George W. Bush and his Neo-Conservative friends, harvested and took full advantage of that crop during his tenure in the White House, and because of this, the Republican Party and Conservatism as a whole will pay for that.

It is going to be a bleak, long four years in a America. 🙁

Sweet! – ASU says “No Degree for you!” to President Obama

I knew I could count on my Libertarian friends out in Arizona! Awesome. 😀

Arizona State University will not award President Barack Obama an honorary degree when he speaks at commencement on May 13.

The university decided against awarding Obama the degree because it is customarily awarded for “lifetime achievement,” ASU spokeswoman Sharon Keeler told POLITICO.

“It’s normally awarded to someone who has been in their field for some time,” she said. “Considering that the president is at the beginning of his presidency, his body of work is just beginning.”

Obama was invited by the university to be its commencement speaker and accepted the invitation in March. But a separate six-member committee that determines the awarding of honorary degrees did not nominate him to receive such a degree.

via University won’t award Obama degree –

Now, I’m just waiting for Al Sharpton or one of the other race hustlers to come out and starting screaming that the President is not getting the degree because he’s black. I believe that this is a justified decision, most likely the staff out there see right through all that hype of hope and change, and the rest of the stupidity; and realize he’s nothing more than a big Government socialist. AZ is Libertarian Conservative Country, thanks to the heavy lifting of people like Barry Goldwater years ago.

In short, it was a very wise move.

Quote of the Day

While NATO provides Europe with a security blanket, it provides America with what she cannot live without: a mission, a cause, a meaning to life.

Were the United States, in exasperation, to tell Europe, “We are pulling out of NATO, shutting down our bases and bringing our troops home because we are weary of doing all the heavy lifting, all the fighting and dying for freedom,” what would we do after we  had departed and come home?

What would our foreign policy be?

What would be the need for our vaunted military-industrial complex, all those carriers, subs, tanks, and thousands of fighter planes and scores of bombers? What would happen to all the transatlantic conferences on NATO, all the think tanks here and in Europe devoted  to allied security issues?

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the withdrawal of the Red Army from Eastern Europe and the breakup of the Soviet Union, NATO’s  mission was accomplished. As Sen. Richard Lugar said, NATO must “go out of area or out of business.”

NATO desperately did not want to go out of business. So, NATO went out of area, into Afghanistan. Now, with victory nowhere in sight, NATO is heading home. Will it go out of business?

Not likely. Too many rice bowls depend on keeping NATO alive.

My body clock slipped a spring last night…

To all those new to the madness that is this Blog, I guess I should tell you; every now and again my Body Clock gets off kilter. When it does, I do crazy stuff like pass out asleep at like 10:00 PM and then wake back up at like 1:00 AM. Then, I cannot go back to sleep, and I’m up all night. Well, right now It’s 8:21 AM; I am sitting here, about ready to hop over in the bed and catch a few hours of sleep.

So, until I get myself back in the groove, or at least awake enough and with it to post again. Things might be a bit light around here for the next couple of hours.

I hate it when this happens, But it does and hopefully, I can get at all back on track here today. 😼

Till Later,


Camel Jockey Chick lies her ass off and gets paid…

Must be nice:

The Washoe County School District in the Reno area will give Egyptian former student Jana Elhifny $350,000 and her non-Muslim friend and supporter Stephanie Hart $50,000 as part of the civil settlement.

Elhifny and her family came to Reno from Egypt in 2003, and the girl enrolled as a freshman at North Valleys High School.

She didn’t finish the year after she told teachers and administrators that someone had threatened to kill her in the stairwell because of her Muslim hijab or head scarf, the district’s independent attorney in the case, Robert Cox, told

Shortly afterwards, Cox said, Elhifny filed the lawsuit and returned to Egypt, where she married her fiancé.

The lawsuit, handled by U.S. District Court in Reno, alleges that Elhifny faced death threats and harassment and school administrators did nothing to stop the abuse.

Cox said that wasn’t true, and the teen was unable to give any description of her tormenter — including his or her gender, size and tone of voice.

He said the high school tried to investigate her claims but was unsuccessful because of the lack of information.

via – Muslim Girl Gets $400G From Nevada School District in Head Scarf Bully Case

Wow, what a Country some sand nigger chick lies about getting harrassed, files a lawsuit and gets paid.

Only in America. 🙄

Others: Debbie Schlussel, JammieWearingFool and Jihad Watch

Awesome Local Story: Cop Saves Man from Burning Car

This for all those who believe that the police are our enemies:

The Video:

The Story via WXYZ-TV:

CLINTON TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WXYZ) – Talk about a close call. A police officer raced into action and made a daring rescue to save a man from a burning car. And, just seconds after the man was pulled from the vehicle, flames devoured it.

Thursday morning Clinton Township Police Officer Mark Krutell noticed smoke billowing from outside Tower Automotive on Groesbeck south of Hall Road. At about the same time, a 911 call was placed that a man fainted inside his locked 2002 Ford Escort that was partially on fire in the parking lot.

When Krutell arrived, bystanders were trying to break open the window with rocks. The officer ended up smashing the glass with his flashlight, opening the door and dragging the unidentified man to safety. Seconds later, fire engulfed the car. All of this was captured on Krutel’s dash-cam video.

The man in the car apparently had some type of medical condition and passed out with his foot on the accelerator and the accelerator pushed to the floor. The car overheated and caught on fire.

The victim was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment of unspecified injuries. Inside the hospital, officers say he shook Krutell’s hand and thanked him for his actions.

This man is a hero and should be treated as such. I post this here because as of late the police have been getting a horrible rap for a few bad apples. This man went well beyond the call of duty and should be commended for it.

Steven Crowder does The Obama Song?!?!?!?!?

This is like seriously weird, campy and really not my kind of thing to really watch. I mean, the dude looks like a freakin’ gay twink. But hey, if it brings me the hits; hell, I’ll post it. I mean, I guess it’s supposed to be funny. But it’s the kind of funny. I really don’t get into it. I guess watching paste white dudes dancing is just not my thing.

Steven Crowder’s Website

Steven Crowder’s Youtube Channel

The Obligatory Bow-Gate Continues posting

I am so sick of hearing about this, that I could quite frankly scream. But it’s 2:24 in the morning and I do not want to hurt of my voice. So, I’ll blog about it.

Via Ben Smith over at The Politico:

The White House is denying that the president bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London, a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets.

“It wasn’t a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he’s taller than King Abdullah,” said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The Washington Times called the alleged bow a  “shocking display of fealty to a foreign potentate” and said it violated centuries of American tradition of not deferring to royalty. The Weekly Standard, meanwhile, noted that American protocol apparently rules out bowing, or at least it reportedly did on the occasion of a Clinton “near-bow” to the emperor of Japan.

Yadda Yadda Yadda… Big honking deal. He bowed, He screwed up, why not just admit it? Oy.


Interestingly, a columnist in the Saudi-backed Arabic paper Asharq Alawsat also took the gesture as a bow and appreciated the move.

“Obama wished to demonstrate his respect and appreciation of the personality of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, who has made one of the most important calls in the modern era, namely the call for inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue to defuse the hatred, conflict and wars,” wrote the columnist, Muhammah Diyab.

Great, Cool, Awesome. Now does this mean that our damn Gas prices are now going to fucking finally go down? Seeing that now that big bad ol’ George W. Bush is out of office and now ass kissing Barack H. Obama is in the White House? 🙄

I won’t hold my breath. 😡

Others, on both sides: Hot Air,, Gateway Pundit, JustOneMinute, Jules Crittenden, Founding Bloggers, Power Line, Sister Toldjah, Brendan Nyhan, Weekly Standard, Atlas Shrugs, Avid Editor’s Insights, IMAO, Political Machine, BabalĂș Blog, Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, Jihad Watch, Macsmind, Pundit & Pundette, Commentary and Riehl World View

Liberal Bloggers not getting paid to promote

Now this article is not going to be one of those a-typical Conservative “Rub in their faces” kind of entries. Because in this case, I can understand how these people feel. I’ll explain after the quote.

The Story comes via The Plum Line:

Some of the leading liberal bloggers are privately furious with the major progressive groups — and in some cases, the Democratic Party committees — for failing to spend money advertising on their sites, even as these groups constantly ask the bloggers for free assistance in driving their message.

It’s a development that’s creating tensions on the left and raises questions about the future role of the blogosphere at a time when a Dem is in the White House and liberalism could be headed for a period of sustained ascendancy.

A number of these top bloggers agreed to come on record with me after privately arguing to these groups that they deserved a share in the ad wealth and couldn’t be taken for granted any longer.

I can understand these peoples feelings. I have been blogging almost continually since February of 2006. You want to know how much money I have made on Blogging? A rough estimate off the top of my head; about $147.00, of $100.00 that I have been paid. Seriously. Why do you think that I have so many freaking ads on my Blog? To try and raise a little funds! It has helped a little, But I am not getting wealthy, that is for sure. In fact, I run BlogAds, you want to know how many I’ve gotten paid to run? All of two. I run the other two, because I happen to love those sites. They’re freebies, and the one is a half serious, half cruel joke. (The Anti-Al Sharpton Ad)  I blog, simply because I love it. Seriously. I love to write, it’s a way of getting my feelings about things off my chest, and it keeps me out of trouble. Hell, Because of the wonderful fuck ups of Bush, along with the Wonderful fuck ups of the Democrats here in Michigan, I haven’t had a job since 2005 and the company I worked for, is gone. Went out of Business. It’s crazy, the economy here in Michigan, is THAT bad. This was BEFORE the said stock market bottom out thing.

Some of the big players quoted here:

“They come to us, expecting us to give them free publicity, and we do, but it’s not a two way street,” “They won’t do anything in return. They’re not advertising with us. They’re not offering fellowships. They’re not doing anything to help financially, and people are growing increasingly resentful.” — Jane Hamsher, the founder of FiredogLake

“Most want the easy way — having a big blogger promote their agenda,” “Then they turn around and spend $50K for a one-page ad in the New York Times or whatever.”- Markos Moulitsas, the founder of DailyKos

I know the feeling, I don’t know how many little “Plug” pieces that I’ve written, first as a “Left of Center” Blogger and also since switching sides; and then getting nothing in return. Now, I will admit, I have not always gotten the hits on my Blog. I have just recently started getting to some respectable hits on my site. But still, I can understand where these guys are coming from. Of course, some of my following, “Right Wingers” (Gah! I hate that term….) are of course gaffawing about this, but I’m not, I understand the feeling of working one’s rear end off and not getting anything in return. I know the feeling. Guess it’s because I am not on of those so-called “Out of touch wealthy Conservatives” that I keep hearing about. I wish I was man, I wouldn’t be in this living situtation, that’s for sure.

However there is one little quote, that did tweak me just a little:

“We don’t invest in the future, and Republicans do,” says John Aravosis, the founder of AMERICAblog. “The party committees really get that we can be effective as their partners and that we’re happy to help, and they take advantage of that. But even so, very little ad money comes from them. It’s more than just wanting to share in the spoils. We are small business-people who are fighting to survive economically in a really bad year.”

I just talked to John in an e-mail conversation today, so I am going to not go the baseball bat route here. But I will agree with AllahPundit here; We Conservatives in the same boat man. I don’t get any magical fund from some rich Conservative here, at all. I do not know the true business model of HotAir L.L.C. okay? For all I know they’re getting donations from The Heritage Foundation or The Project for the New American Century, or even Neil & John Podhartz for all I know. (…and considering thier political stance, it would not surprise me in the least….)  But me? Nope! Only monies I get off this little rinky dink Blog, is from Advertising or if someone well off sap decides to have momentary lapse of reason and hits my tip jar. Which for the record, has yet to happen. (Hint, Hint!)

Others in the discussion from all sides: Right Wing Nut House, AMERICAblog News, Politics and Critical Thinking, Right Wing News, The Volokh Conspiracy, Ben Smith’s Blog, Sister Toldjah, The Gun Toting Liberal, JammieWearingFool, The Democratic Daily, Jules Crittenden, Don Surber, Kausfiles and Moe Lane

Update: John over at AmericaBlog does a follow up and links to me in the process. I might not agree with John on everything politically, but he was very kind to me in a email, so, I’m returning the favor. Welcome to all the liberal suckbag moronic commies AmericaBlog readers! 😉 😛 😀

New Information on the PA Shooting

First off, information on what has been said by the shooter, this gives more insight into this guys mental state:

Via The Philly Inquirer:

Richard Poplawski thought that Police Officer Stephen Mayhle was faking being dead as he lay in front of a home in the Stanton Heights section of the city on Saturday morning. So he shot the officer again “to make sure.”

He also shot Officer Paul Sciullo II a second time as he lay inside the house “just for the hell of it,” according to investigators.

In interviews with police, Poplawski, 22, showed no remorse when describing the deaths of Officers Mayhle, Sciullo and Eric Kelly, who were shot as they responded to a 911 call placed by Margaret Poplawski, the suspect’s mother.

Investigators said Richard Poplawski maintained a cold demeanor as he answered their questions, occasionally yawning.

He also said he thought he had killed as many as five police officers, including Timothy McManaway, who was hit on the hand by a bullet or shrapnel while trying to rescue Kelly.

“Yeah, I thought he was dead,” Poplawski told police.

Another officer, Brian Jones, broke a leg while scaling a fence behind the house.

Poplawski engaged in a lengthy gun battle with police, firing an AK-47 from his bedroom window and exchanging hundreds of rounds of gunfire with SWAT officers before surrendering.

Poplawski, who was wearing a bulletproof vest, was hit multiple times in the leg during the four-hour standoff, and he called friends and told them he was going to die.

The gunman later told investigators he had planned for police to kill him. But he changed his mind and agreed to surrender, hoping to go to prison so he could write a book.

I’ve wrote about this before, so search for the guys name and look for it. But this here tells me, that this guy is nothing more than a cold-blooded killer. He ought to spend the rest of his life in jail. Something else that bothers me:

Via AP:

The mother of a man charged with killing three Pittsburgh police officers told a 911 dispatcher he had weapons, but the dispatcher didn’t relay that information to officers, the official in charge of county dispatchers says.

The dispatcher should have asked more questions about the weapons, but didn’t, and certainly should have told officers so they could take necessary precautions, Allegheny County Chief of Emergency Services Robert Full told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

“There is no excuse. It could have been handled better, without a doubt,” Full said in Tuesday’s editions.

Richard Poplawski’s mother, Margaret, had dialed 911 Saturday morning to summon police after threatening to evict him


9/11 Transcript:

In a recording of the call that county officials played for the newspaper, Margaret Poplawski sounded impatient as she called 911 at about 7 a.m. and asked for police to come take her son out of the house.

“Are you moving or what? Or the police gotta come?” she asks.

“Does he have any weapons or anything?” the dispatcher asked.

“Yes,” the mother said. After a long pause, she added, “They’re all legal.”

“OK, but he’s not threatening you with anything?” the dispatcher said.

Without answering, Margaret Poplawski mother said, “Look, I’m just waking up from a sleep. I want him gone.”

“OK, we’ll send ’em over, OK?” the dispatcher said.

“Sounds good,” the mother said, as the call ends.

Police union president James Malloy said officers would have responded differently had they known Poplawski had weapons.

“You approach the house with a different attitude. You approach the house from a distance,” said Malloy, a retired police sergeant. “You park your car a distance from the house so you can hit the dirt.”

Obviously, there was a direct case here of negligence by the 911 operator. This message should have been directly relayed to the police on scene, but it was it, and now three police officers are now dead. Of course, the Liberal Blogs or the Liberal MSM won’t touch this aspect of the story, because they are too busy blaming the Conservative media for the shooting itself. When in all honesty, it would have avoided, had someone done their job properly.

U.S. Ship captured by Pirates, Far Right Blames Obama

For the first time, A ship registered in the United States has been hijacked by Somali pirates, the Story via AP:

NAIROBI, Kenya – Somali pirates on Wednesday hijacked a U.S.-flagged cargo ship with 20 American crew members onboard, hundreds of miles from the nearest American military vessel in some of the most dangerous waters in the world.

The 17,000-ton Maersk Alabama was carrying emergency relief to Mombasa, Kenya, when it was hijacked, said Peter Beck-Bang, spokesman for the Copenhagen-based container shipping group A.P. Moller-Maersk. It was the sixth ship seized within a week, a rise that analysts attribute to a new strategy by Somali pirates who are operating far from the warships patrolling the Gulf of Aden.

The company confirmed that the U.S.-flagged vessel has 20 U.S. nationals onboard.

Cmdr. Jane Campbell, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Navy’s Bahrain-based 5th Fleet, said that it was the first pirate attack “involving U.S. nationals and a U.S.-flagged vessel in recent memory.” She did not give an exact timeframe.

When asked how the U.S. Navy plans to deal with the hijacking, Campbell said: “It’s fair to say we are closely monitoring the situation, but we will not discuss nor speculate on current and future military operations.”

…..and naturally the far right is blaming Obama and is asking “Well, that are you going to do?”

Somali pirates have decided that it is great time to capture an American flagged ship crewed by our citizens.

Naturally, I have a few questions.

Why has this not happened before? Why were these pirates not deterred by the prospects of a response from the United States Navy (the very first mission of which was to stop piracy from Africa)? What will our president do about it?

This is a far more important moment for Barack Obama than the news media, judging by the lack of coverage on cable news this morning, believes it to be.

Unless I miss my guess, this President is going to do the SAME THING as the LAST President did; absolutely nothing. Seriously Republicans er… I mean; Wilsonian Neo-Conservatives, can you get any more lame? You honestly going to blame Obama and are going to expect him to send an invading Military force? Please, Obama’s name is not George W. Bush.

I mean, I can understand critizing his Political policy, but placing blame on Obama for something that he had zero to do with. Like I said in a previous posting, the Conservative Blogsphere is starting to look like the party of circus clowns.

Update: MSNBC is reporting that there are unconfirmed reports that the crew of the ship, have regained control of the ship. The reports say that the crew opened fire on the crew and one was killed, the others either were thown overboard and jumped. YES! Thank God for GUNS! wOOt! 😆

From the “Oh this is just flippin’ great….” Stack: Americans Electricity Grid in U.S. has been Penetrated By Spies

Think of this the next time you start to turn on the light or crank up the laptop, or anything else for that matter:

Cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind software programs that could be used to disrupt the system, according to current and former national-security officials.

The spies came from China, Russia and other countries, these officials said, and were believed to be on a mission to navigate the U.S. electrical system and its controls. The intruders haven’t sought to damage the power grid or other key infrastructure, but officials warned they could try during a crisis or war.

“The Chinese have attempted to map our infrastructure, such as the electrical grid,” said a senior intelligence official. “So have the Russians.”

The espionage appeared pervasive across the U.S. and doesn’t target a particular company or region, said a former Department of Homeland Security official. “There are intrusions, and they are growing,” the former official said, referring to electrical systems. “There were a lot last year.”

Many of the intrusions were detected not by the companies in charge of the infrastructure but by U.S. intelligence agencies, officials said. Intelligence officials worry about cyber attackers taking control of electrical facilities, a nuclear power plant or financial networks via the Internet

via Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated By Spies –

To be fair, this most likely has been going on since before Obama ever took office. Most likely the Wall Street Journal released this to remind America that we are still under threat from terrorist attack. Unlike some of my fellow Conservative blogger, I will not use this as a chance to attack The President. But rather I will hope that our President does gear up for a decent defense budget. Further more, I hope everyone up on “The Hill” will read this an realize that terrorist threats still do exist.

One thing that does bother me. This report is one of those, “New York Times” kind of reports. No direct quotes, just anonymous sources. That tends to make me disbelieve the report. How come the people providing this information, cannot just go on record. Another thing is that it the people doing this, is not Al-Qaeda, it is China and Russia. Which I highly believe will not try anything stupid. However, I believe the U.S. will be a bit less inclined to call China to the carpet on the situation of  North Korea.

This will be an interesting story to follow, if there is anymore information released.

Humor, Glenn Beck, and the whole rhetoric thing…

First off, a rather hilarious exchange between two bloggers; both of which I respect highly.

From Robert Stacy McCain:

I’m just askin’ questions. BTW, does this tinfoil hat make my butt look big?

In to which Jimmie over at the Sundries Shack responds:

(via Stacy McCain who wants to know if his tinfoil hat makes his butt look big. Dude, it ain’t the hat)

Rolling on the floor Ha! I love it. too funny! Laughing

Okay, on the subject of the whole question of rhetoric thing. I realize that there are some who want to place the blame for the shooting in PA on to Glenn Beck. You can count me in the column of those who will not do this; and here’s why. I am under the belief that if someone is that paranoid about the Government and that person takes a gun and starts shooting cops with it, that person is going to do this, no matter who or what they are listening to. Besides this, if you are going to blame Beck; you are going to have to blame Savage, Hannity, O’Reilly, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, Joe Farah of WorldNetDaily, and all the rest of the right wing media community.

Any person that cannot tell the huge difference between a peaceful revolution or even a rhetorical revolution, and a armed violent revolution is got something wrong “Upstairs” and has no business being in the possession of a firearm in the first place. I agree, the rhetoric has been turned up a bit too high, especially in the “Not so Main Street Media” Department. Fox News picked up on it, finally, after it being this way long before Obama ever took office. This may have been a bad thing, Glenn back became the mouth piece to that vein of discourse.

You see, there is, on the Conservative side a thin line between what I like to call the “Legitimate” media circles, like, Fox News, and several other reputable outlets and what I also like to call the “Sensationalized” Media circles; that being like WorldNetDaily,, NewsMax, and several blogs that fit that bill. I will not name those because I don’t want to start a Blog war. One of them is in my Blogroll. It is a female; and no, it is not Michelle Malkin or Ann Althouse. All I will say is, I wonder what Mrs. Rand would think, of her using this woman’s book name on a blog that puts out blatantly false information about Obama and Muslims?

I said all that to say all this; When reading the Conservative Blogosphere, as well as the Liberal or even hell, even the Libertarian Blogosphere, one must engage one’s brain, a little. On the Internet, as well as everywhere else; if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. This is why I don’t like Alex Jones; because he majors in the absurd.

My advice to everyone; Media, Bloggers, everyone. Let’s all take a deep breath, step back from the ledges a little and relax. Obama is not going to take our guns. The Democrats tried that in the 1990’s and got their butts kicked in Congress. The Democrats are not going to do that again, trust me. I also believe it would most benefit everyone; Media, Blogs, talking heads and everyone else, if we just turned the blast furnace down to a level of legitimate criticism about Policy and not all of this “Obama is a radical Muslim that’s going to take our guns” stuff. It gets out nowhere and makes the entire Conservative movement look like circus clowns. Clown

Update: Gah! I no sooner hit publish and then I realize that I forgot to put something in this entry. D’oh! Anyhow, what I was going to add here is the fact that I find it so very ironic that the people that are really hammering the Right for the shooting in PA, were the same one’s who are interestingly silent about the Black thug who shot the cops in LA last week. I wonder, where was all the outrage about that, and where was the outrage of the Main Stream Media towards the protesters who marched in support of the supposed oppressed Negro thug? I really wonder. 🙄  The truth is, the left only gets on to a subject when the situation fits their ideology. The Neo-Con right does it too, to an extent. But in this sitution, this goes well beyond Right or Left or even Neo-Con vs Paleo-Con. This shooting in California was just wrong and ANY sane America would have or should have been outraged by it. But you think the left wing media or Bloggers would even talk about that? No. Because they don’t wanna appear as racists. Cowards, all of them.

Two Perfect Reasons why I do not listen to Right Wing Talk Radio

First off, we have Michael Savage basically insulting Glenn Beck:

The we have Rush Limbaugh insulting a member of the United States Armed Forces, live on the air:


LIMBAUGH: We’re going to go to Chicago. This is Charles. Charles, thank you for waiting and for calling. Great to have you here. Hello.

CALLER: Thanks, Rush. Rush, listen, I voted Republican, and I didn’t — really didn’t want to see Obama get in office. But, you know, Rush, you’re one reason to blame for this election, for the Republicans losing.

First of all, you kept harping about voting for Hillary. The second big issue is the — was the torture issue. I’m a veteran. We’re not supposed to be torturing these people. This is not Nazi Germany, Red China, or North Korea. There’s other ways of interrogating people, and you kept harping about it — “It’s OK,” or “It’s not really torture.” And it was just more than waterboarding. Some of these prisoners were killed under torture.

And it just — it was crazy for you to keep going on and on like Levin and Hannity and Hewitt. It’s like you’re all brainwashed.

And my last comment is, no matter what Obama does, you will still criticize him because I believe you’re brainwashed. You’re just — and I hate to say it — but I think you’re a brainwashed Nazi. Anyone who could believe in torture just has got to be – there’s got to be something wrong with them.

LIMBAUGH: You know —

CALLER: And I know Bush wanted to keep us safe and all of that, but we’re not supposed to be torturing these people.

LIMBAUGH: Charles, if anybody is admitting that they’re brainwashed it would be you.

CALLER: No, no, no, Rush. I don’t think so.

LIMBAUGH: Charles. Charles, Charles —

CALLER: You, Hannity, Hewitt, and Levin are all brainwashed and you know it.

LIMBAUGH: — you said — you said at the beginning of your phone call —


LIMBAUGH: — that you didn’t want Obama in there —

CALLER: That’s right.

LIMBAUGH: — but you voted for him because of me.

CALLER: I didn’t vote for him. I voted for McCain. I voted Republican.

LIMBAUGH: Oh, so —

CALLER: I voted Republican.

LIMBAUGH: — you’re saying I turned people off to —

CALLER: You turned people off with all your — all this “vote for Hillary” and all this BS, because you must think people are really stupid.

LIMBAUGH: That was Operation Chaos. That was to keep the —

CALLER: You — no. It didn’t work.

LIMBAUGH: — chaos in the [unintelligible] of the Democrat primaries.

CALLER: It didn’t work. And now what we have with you Hannity, Levin, and Hewitt: sour grapes. That’s all we have. And believe me, I’m not — I’m more to the right than I am to the left.

LIMBAUGH: Oh, of course, you are.

CALLER: I am, and that’s —

LIMBAUGH: Of course, you are. You wouldn’t be calling here with all these sour grapes if you weren’t.

CALLER: Well, I’m so tired of listening to you —

LIMBAUGH: Oh, of course, you are.

CALLER: — go on and on with this — you’ve been brainwashed.

LIMBAUGH: I don’t know of anybody who died from torture. I do not ever —

CALLER: We are not supposed to torture people.

LIMBAUGH: I do not ever —

CALLER: Do you remember World War II, the Nazis? The Nuremberg Trials?


CALLER: Do you remember the Nuremberg Trials?

LIMBAUGH: Charles —

CALLER: Klaus Barbie?

LIMBAUGH: Charles, let me say —


LIMBAUGH: Barack Obama —

CALLER: What’s the matter with you?

LIMBAUGH: Barack —

CALLER: You never even served in a military.

LIMBAUGH: Barack Obama is —

CALLER: I served in the Marine Corps and the Army.

LIMBAUGH: Charles, Barack Obama is president of the United States today because of stupid, ignorant people who think like you do. You pose — you and your ignorance are the most expensive commodity this country has. You think you know everything. You don’t know diddly-squat.

You call me a Nazi? You call me somebody who supports torture and you want credibility on this program? You know, you’re just plain embarrassing and ludicrous. But it doesn’t surprise me that you’re the kind of Republican that our last candidate attracted. Because you’re no Republican at all based on what the hell you’ve said here.

One of these days, Rush Limbaugh is going to do this, and he is going to end up in a body bag because of it. Does anyone remember Allan Berg? For those too young to remember; Allan Berg was shot dead outside of his own house, for limbaughsavagebergessentially doing what Rush Limbaugh did to this man here. This goes beyond politics, this man served our Country and Rush Limbaugh insulted him. That is, my friend a disgrace. Rush should apologize to his audience for this.  Nothing says megalomania more than calling your own audience liars and saying they are the one’s brainwashed.

Hence the reason why I will not listen to talk radio. I’m just too smart for it.Plus, the man was correct Rush Limbaugh never served a day in the United States Military, because he had a cyst on his rather large ass. Rush Limbaugh is the perfect example of what a “Chickenhawk” is.

There is more that I could write about this man, but I will refrain, Limbaugh is not worth the waste of bandwidth.

Answer to an obvious question.

Well, the answer to this question is very obvious:

The current Real ID debate, which has been under discussion since 2005, clearly illustrates what a basket case the government of Maryland is (“Foes denounce driver’s license bill as ‘amnesty,’ ” Metro, March 29). It has been manipulated by the agents of foreign governments for the sole purpose of benefiting financially from the illegal acts of immigrants hiding within our borders. This amounts to a criminal enterprise, much like the Mafia. The sponsors of this inane bill should be kicked in the posterior for falling for a scam that any high school student would have seen coming.

The picture is painted more darkly by the two Democratic delegates. Delegate Kathleen M. Dumais of Montgomery County cannot figure out what “proof of legal presence” is. Is this person another Clintonite who is looking for the definition of “is”? Are all politicians morons? Do they exist to press their own personal agendas or to serve their constituents?

via LETTER TO EDITOR: Politics is not self-service – Washington Times.

The answer to that question up there underlined is obvious; Yes.

They have for years, which is remarkable, seeing we the people pay their salaries.

Mitt Romney, Obama Lover

How Ironic:

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney doesn’t agree with President Obama on much. But, when he does, he’s quick to note it.

“He’s right on some things,” said Romney of Obama. “He’s right to have taken on the effort to stabilize our financial system.”

Romney, who spent much of the last year running for the chance to take on Obama in the general election, insisted in a recent interview with the Fix in Washington (as part of our “The Rising” series in which we profile politicians to watch over the next few years) that it was critical for his party to acknowledge where Obama has been right in order to offer a believable critique of where he has strayed.

“Simply saying ‘no’ to Barack Obama” is not enough, Romney said.

For Romney, a failed presidential candidate with an eye on a return engagement in 2012, this is the new reality: out of elected office but still a major force within a party scrambling to define (or redefine) itself without control of any of the traditional levers of power in Washington.

via The Fix – Mitt Romney’s Quiet Campaign.

The reason why Mitt Romney loves President Teleprompter so much, is because he is a RINO, A Republican in Name Only. Someone who’s flip flopped on more issues, than any other person that I’ve ever seen. Just ask Ann Coulter, she’s taking hell from the Religious Right on the issue of abortion, because She supported and lied for, Mitt Romney.

This douche nozzle also went around saying that he grew up in Detroit. The man left when he was like seven years old, and don’t even get me started on his Mormonism.

Neo-Conservative Double Standards

A very humorous observation:

The Weekly Standard sets a new standard for hypocrisy in this week’s Scrapbook column that attacks Eliot Spitzer for trying to rehab his image in the wake of his involvement with a prostitution ring:

“Not so long ago, when a politician was caught in bed with a whore, it meant not only the end of his political career, but extended exile from polite society. This was particularly true of politicians–Client No. 9, for example–who wore their virtue on their shirtsleeve.”

The Standard is certainly entitled to its opinion about Spitzer but it shouldn’t treat the former Governor differently than other politicians that have been Johns (Sinner David Vitter comes to mind).

By the Weekly Standard’s standards, Vitter should also be in “extended exile from polite society.” Spitzer left elected office but Vitter is running for another term in the Senate. If the Standard thinks Spitzer should be in extended exile, presumably it thinks Vitter should join him.

via When It Comes To Politicians & Hookers, The Weekly Standard Sets A New Standard For Hypocrisy « The Marathon Blog by Phil Singer.

Perhaps Mr. Singer is not aware of the inverted logic of the Neo-Conservatives and possibly the entire Republican Party; “For Thee and not for Me.”

Which sums up the whole last 8 years.

(H/T Harpers)

The Southern Avenger on “Newt’s Foreign Policy Fantasies”

Synopsis: When Kim Jong-il finally conducted a missile test, Newt Gingrich not only said that the U.S should have launched a pre-emptive strike against North Korea, but that President Obama’s refusal to do so reflected a “fantasy foreign policy.” But it is Gingrich, who has long been the most delusional on the subject.

My only comment is, what was Mark Sanford trying to say?

The Southern Avenger’s Blog

The Southern Avenger @ Taki’s Magazine