Neo-Conservative Double Standards

A very humorous observation:

The Weekly Standard sets a new standard for hypocrisy in this week’s Scrapbook column that attacks Eliot Spitzer for trying to rehab his image in the wake of his involvement with a prostitution ring:

“Not so long ago, when a politician was caught in bed with a whore, it meant not only the end of his political career, but extended exile from polite society. This was particularly true of politicians–Client No. 9, for example–who wore their virtue on their shirtsleeve.”

The Standard is certainly entitled to its opinion about Spitzer but it shouldn’t treat the former Governor differently than other politicians that have been Johns (Sinner David Vitter comes to mind).

By the Weekly Standard’s standards, Vitter should also be in “extended exile from polite society.” Spitzer left elected office but Vitter is running for another term in the Senate. If the Standard thinks Spitzer should be in extended exile, presumably it thinks Vitter should join him.

via When It Comes To Politicians & Hookers, The Weekly Standard Sets A New Standard For Hypocrisy « The Marathon Blog by Phil Singer.

Perhaps Mr. Singer is not aware of the inverted logic of the Neo-Conservatives and possibly the entire Republican Party; “For Thee and not for Me.”

Which sums up the whole last 8 years.

(H/T Harpers)