D’oh! President Obama gets a book from Chevez that slams the US

The Jokes write themselves people….. Via Jack Tapper:

At President Obama’s meeting with the heads of South American countries this morning, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez stood, walked over to him, and presented him with a copy of “Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent” by Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano.

Obama politely posed for a photograph with Chavez, shook his hand, and accepted the gift.

The book, first published in Spanish in 1971, offers a critique of the consequences of 500 years of European and U.S. colonization of Latin America.

APTOPIX CB Trinidad Americas Summit Obama

More Hope and Change? (and Communism?)

Galeano writes that while the era of “lodes of gold” and “mountains of silver” has passed, “our region still works as a menial laborer. It continues to exist at the service of others’ needs, as a source of oil and iron, of copper and meat, of fruit and coffee, the raw materials and foods destined for rich countries which profit more from consuming them than Latin America does from producing them.”

At another point in the book, Galeano writes: “Our defeat was always implicit in the victory of others; our wealth has always generated our poverty by nourishing the prosperity of others.”

The book also criticizes the U.S. for “spreading and imposing family planning. … In Latin America it is more hygienic and effective to kill future guerillas in the womb that in the mountains or the streets.

First he shakes hands with this idiot and now he gets a book from a Communist, that basically insults America and our values system, and basically capitalism in general; and he takes it and smiles. The book, from what I have read is basically a book full of Anti American sentiment and is filled with marxist rantings. In fact, the book, when it was first published, was banned in Uruguay and Chile. What does that tell you?

I tell ya folks, this President is going to give we Conservatives material to write with for many years to come. That is, if Obama and his marxist do not shut down blogs altogether for fear of his Administration being criticized.

So much for that talking point!

I guess President Bambi Teleprompter will have to change his script again:

There’s no dispute that thousands of handguns, military style rifles and other firearms are purchased in the U.S. and end up in the hands of Mexican criminals each year. It’s relatively easy to buy such guns legally in Texas and other border states and to smuggle them across.

But is it true as President Obama said, that “More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States?” No, it’s not.

The figure represents only the percentage of crime guns that have been submitted by Mexican officials and traced by U.S. officials. We can find no hard data on the total number of guns actually “recovered in Mexico,” but U.S. and Mexican officials both say that Mexico recovers more guns than it submits for tracing. Therefore, the percentage of guns “recovered” and traced to U.S. sources necessarily is less than 90 percent.

Furthermore, the 90 percent figure is based on a badly biased sample of all Mexican crime guns. Law enforcement officials say Mexico asks the U.S. to trace only those guns with serial numbers or other markings that indicate they are likely to have come though the U.S.

Fox News has put the percentage at only 17 percent, but we find that to be based on a mistaken assumption that throws its figure way off. We can’t offer a precise calculation because we know of no hard information on the total number of guns Mexican officials have recovered. But if a rough figure given by Mexico’s attorney general is accurate, then the actual percentage of all Mexican crime guns traced to U.S. sources is probably less than half what the president claims, and more than double what Fox news has reported.

via FactCheck.org: Counting Mexico’s Guns.

Leave it to a group of people, who actually have held position, say longer than a year; unlike our feckless President, to poke a huge hole in the Liberal MeMe that all the guns in Mexico and are coming from America. Interestingly enough, Fox News got disproved as well. Considering who owns them, I am not surprised at all. The truth of the matter is, and no one will say this; but I will. Most of those guns are coming Russia’s black market, and then are being shipped down through Mexico’s open borders.

So, it looks like the Liberal Democrats are going to have to find someone else to blame for Mexico’s gun problem and not us “Right Wing Extremists”, that the DHS just loves talking about. šŸ˜€

Quote of the Day

Will it be Texas governor Rick Perry? Perry is using rhetoric about seceding from the union. That is EXACTLY the kind of thing we need. I believe, given the other states with similar resolutions in their legislatures, that it would begin a domino effect. It would give people a chance to actually have a clear reason to fight: their stateā€™s rights of sovereignty and they would know that they have the stateā€™s resources behind them. Unfortunately, even though itā€™s clear what a boost Texas seceding would be in uniting us, I have no doubt that Perry is not up to the task and is using the issue as nothing more than a rallying point for reelection.

Where have all the heroes gone? Where are all the pioneers? Where are the visionaries? Where are the true statesmen? Where are the defenders of freedom? What has happened to the American Spirit of life and liberty? I guess theyā€™re all at the mall or Starbucks and are too fat to get up out of their chair and fight. Or theyā€™re looking forward to retirement and the “good life” after spending their life being a good soldier and playing by the rules and saving for the “golden years” while their real golden years of youth were passing them by. Certainly they canā€™t be asked to risk all that for something as silly as their childrenā€™s futures. How selfish of me.

Or maybe we donā€™t want to risk our childrenā€™s well-being now, so we defer it until theyā€™re adults and let them deal with the fact that they canā€™t afford college or health care or a home without going into enormous debt and we never teach them the importance of things like: character, honor, integrity, truth and freedom but rather teach them how to live in fear and how important it is to get a “good job” and play by the rules and to go along to get along and that will be safe.

Weā€™re pathetic.

You are known by the company you keep

I think this says it all right here folks, this one via Fox News:

President Obama shook hands with Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez on Friday at the opening of the Summit of the Americas being held this weekend in Trinidad and Tobago.

Photos released by the Venezuelan government show Obama clasping Chavez’s hand and smiling broadly, and Venezuela

Hope and Change?!?!

Hope and Change?!?!

quoted Chavez as saying, “I’d like to be your friend,” while noting that he shook President Bush’s hand eight years ago with the same hand. Obama reportedly expressed thanks.

A senior White House official said the encounter came before the summit’s opening ceremonies during a meeting with the heads of state. Obama talked to many of the 25 or so leaders who were there at the time. At one point, he walked across the room and introduced himself to Chavez.

The official wouldn’t directly confirm Venezuela’s version of the encounter but didn’t dispute it. Chavez spoke in English, the official said.

Earlier Friday, Dan Restrepo, the president’s top Western Hemisphere adviser on the National Security Council, had told FOX News Obama might cross paths with Chavez.

“A chance encounter if it occurs,” Restrepo said, in describing such a meeting. “Let’s put the animosities behind us. Let’s not have old arguments.

“Let’s not have tired ideological arguments. Let’s get down to figuring out how we can advance things that are in our national interest. Things that matter to the United States that should matter to Venezuela. Putting the arguments and ideologies of the past aside and working on pragmatic solutions to real problems that face our countries today,”Ā he said.

As far as I am concerned, he may as well been shaking hands with Karl Marx. It is the same thing. Chavez is a known Communist, and Obama is a known Socialist. You are who you hang around. Two birds flock together.Ā  We were warned in the election that Barack Obama was nothing more than a radical left candidate and now, he’s proven it. On top of this, he is wanting to basically normalize relations with Cuba; a known Communist country as well.

What’s next, an ambassador to Al-Qaeda in Washington D.C.? I mean, you laugh or scoff at my words? But when does the slippery slope end? When do we say, enough is enough? How can someone; who has been charged with upholding and defending our Constitution, make allies with people like this? America is about to learn a cold, hard lesson, of why you do not elect people, based upon a personality.

I fear for our Nation, greatly. šŸ™

Now, why am I not surprised about this?

As a Rule, I am not a big fan of Gawker.com. (Because I ended up on there once! šŸ˜® )Ā  But this one is too good to pass up:

CNN’s Susan Roesgen went nuts on the air Wednesday at a Chicago tea party, blaming everything (accurately) on Fox News. But maybe she was angry because Fox turned her down for a jobā€”twice!

Roesgen got snippy with a crazy interviewee while trying to cover the tea partiers, and the crowd turned on her. “I think you get the general tenor of this,” she said. “It’s anti-government, anti-CNN since this is highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox.”

Back in 2005, though, according to a Fox News source, Roesgen really wanted to work for that right-wing conservative network. She sent a tape of her on-air work to Fox’s then-programming chief Kevin Magee in January 2005, and followed up with another reel to Magee’s successor Bill Shine in September 2005. Needless to say, she didn’t get the gig.

via Gawker – Fox-Bashing CNN Reporter Applied for a Job at Fox – Tea parties.

Man, the irony here is just too good. Nothing says asshole more than slamming a network; that you tried to apply for, more than doing what this feckless bitch tried to do. This is to say nothing about her total unprofessional treatment of the people she was trying to interview. Political Bias and an axe to grind; man, can’t get much more catty that! I thought Malkin was a bit catty! Wow! Meeooow indeed!

Gawker goes on:

So next time you see CNN or MSNBC talking headsā€”like Fox News alum David Shuster, for instanceā€”talking about how awful Fox is (which it is!), just remember: It’s all business, kids.

Indeed. So, that explains O’Reilly and Olbermann? Huh, and here I thought it was some sort of gay crush thing. Doggone.

Sarah Palin lives what she preaches, and that’s a good thing..

You know there has been times, when I have criticized Sarah Palin, there have been times when I have voiced my disgust with this woman.

This, is not one of those times…. first the quote:

In front of an audience of nearly 3,000 anti-abortion rights advocates in Evansville, Ind., Palin described in detail how she struggled with her fifth pregnancy last year and choked up when she spoke about Trig’s birth.

“It was a time when I had to ask myself was I gonna walk the walk or I was gonna talk the talk,” Palin said.

She said she learned she was pregnant with Trig while she was out of the state at an oil and gas conference.

“There, just for a fleeting moment, I thought, I knew, nobody knows me here. Nobody would ever know. I thought, wow, it is easy. It could be easy to think maybe of trying to change the circumstances. No one would know. No one would ever know.”

Ultimately, Palin said she realized she had to stay true to what she’d been saying for years — that “life is valuable because it is ordained.”

“I had just enough faith to know that trying to change the circumstances wasn’t any answer,” Palin said.

via Sarah Palin: I Had to ‘Walk the Walk’ – ABC News.

Let me be the first to say, that I publicly applaud Sarah Palin for sticking to the morals and values that she believes in. I may have criticized her in the past.Ā  But this is one thing that I will not say anything negative about. There is nothing; at all, wrong with sticking to one’s convictions, despite the cost. Our country was founded by men that did this, The King James Bible was written by men, that did this. The protestant movement itself was started by men who did this.

In a day and age were loyalty and principles are considered a pleasant afterthought and by some, to be quaint, old hat, and outright outmoded. I say it is extremely wonderful of this fine woman to stand for her principles and convictions. Sarah Palin is one hell of a woman for this, and she deserves all the praise and accolades for it. I have often said on this blog, that I believed that Abortion was a moral issue, now legislatively, that’s another matter; but the point is, Sarah Palin stuck to her morals, and that my friends, is a good thing.

Now, if we could just work on that image just a little bit more, she’d be ready for 2012, maybe.

I’m not sure what to make of this…..

Honestly. I am totally at a loss. It is just that I am so conflicted about the issue, that I really don’t know what to say. On one hand, I like the idea of keeping America safe, on the other, the idea of torture makes me sick.

Here’s what I am talking about, this Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal:

The Obama administration has declassified and released opinions of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) given in 2005 and earlier that analyze the legality of interrogation techniques authorized for use by the CIA. Those techniques were applied only when expressly permitted by the director, and are described in these opinions in detail, along with their limits and the safeguards applied to them.

The release of these opinions was unnecessary as a legal matter, and is unsound as a matter of policy. Its effect will be to invite the kind of institutional timidity and fear of recrimination that weakened intelligence gathering in the past, and that we came sorely to regret on Sept. 11, 2001.

Proponents of the release have argued that the techniques have been abandoned and thus there is no point in keeping them secret any longer; that they were in any event ineffective; that their disclosure was somehow legally compelled; and that they cost us more in the coin of world opinion than they were worth. None of these claims survives scrutiny.

Soon after he was sworn in, President Barack Obama signed an executive order that suspended use of these techniques and confined not only the military but all U.S. agencies — including the CIA — to the interrogation limits set in the Army Field Manual. This suspension was accompanied by a commitment to further study the interrogation program, and government personnel were cautioned that they could no longer rely on earlier opinions of the OLC.

Although evidence shows that the Army Field Manual, which is available online, is already used by al Qaeda for training purposes, it was certainly the president’s right to suspend use of any technique. However, public disclosure of the OLC opinions, and thus of the techniques themselves, assures that terrorists are now aware of the absolute limit of what the U.S. government could do to extract information from them, and can supplement their training accordingly and thus diminish the effectiveness of these techniques as they have the ones in the Army Field Manual.

Moreover, disclosure of the details of the program pre-empts the study of the president’s task force and assures that the suspension imposed by the president’s executive order is effectively permanent. There would be little point in the president authorizing measures whose nature and precise limits have already been disclosed in detail to those whose resolve we hope to overcome. This conflicts with the sworn promise of the current director of the CIA, Leon Panetta, who testified in aid of securing Senate confirmation that if he thought he needed additional authority to conduct interrogation to get necessary information, he would seek it from the president. By allowing this disclosure, President Obama has tied not only his own hands but also the hands of any future administration faced with the prospect of attack.

Disclosure of the techniques is likely to be met by faux outrage, and is perfectly packaged for media consumption. It will also incur the utter contempt of our enemies. Somehow, it seems unlikely that the people who beheaded Nicholas Berg and Daniel Pearl, and have tortured and slain other American captives, are likely to be shamed into giving up violence by the news that the U.S. will no longer interrupt the sleep cycle of captured terrorists even to help elicit intelligence that could save the lives of its citizens.

Now, you all know that I was not a big fan of Bush Administration. But I cannot help but wonder, if the Obama Administration did pull a major bonehead move here.Ā  One thing that is the source of the authority of the right to enhanced interrogation is, that these Terrorists are not subject to the Geneva Conventions. That being because they are not uniform combatants. While I might agree with that sentiment on a legal or a technical level, on a human and or diplomatic level that argument runs into bunch of problems. You see subjecting persons from countries where you are also importing oil from, to torture, does not do much for your Country diplomatically. The problem is, those who argue against the diplomatical arguement, come off sound like a bunch of Isolationists.

So, I am really not sure, did Obama screw the Country? You tell me? I’m open to opinions, as long as you don’t act like a troll.

A very thought provoking article

One more here, before I saunter off to bed.

William N. Grigg has a very interesting article of what our Republic is becoming.

Money Quote:

Transfixed by the demonic evil of Islamic terrorism, intoxicated by a sense of vindictive righteousness, the Republican Right eagerly collaborated in the effort to mow down legal protections for those designated enemies of the state. With the frustrated puzzlement of dimwitted children they now find themselves naked and shivering in the ill winds so memorably described by More.

For a long time, conservatives have extracted much undeserved pleasure from the aphorism that “A law-and-order conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged.” Now they’re given an opportunity to learn the truth of its counterpart: “A civil libertarian is a law-and-order conservative who suffered an ass-beating at the hands of the police.” Perhaps this lesson could be learned — but, given the propensity of conservatives to miss the obvious and resist admissions of error, I’m not optimistic.

Man is he ever right. It’s a sad state of affairs here in America. šŸ™

Even so, Come, Lord Jesus.

(H/T to Freedom’s Phoenix)

Quote of the Day

Supporters of the sexting law say it’s necessary so that teenagers will not be prosecuted as sexual offenders and have their lives ruined. There is some validity to that, as dopey kids do dopey things. However, the sane solution would be to categorize sexting as a misdemeanor breach of the peace, thus sending a message that it is unacceptable for kids to send other kids sexual images.

But secular-progressives are loathe to make that judgment. Remember, these are the same people who believe a girl has the right to an abortion without telling her parents. So if a kid can undergo a major life altering operation (especially for the fetus), why should it be a big deal to do a little sexting?

With a liberal federal government and media, there is little opposition being voiced to what is happening in Vermont and other secular-progressive enclaves. Culture war issues have been forced to the back room by the awful economy, and the S-P’s are taking full advantage. If American children are legally allowed to send explicit pictures of themselves to other kids, then say goodbye to traditional boundaries of behavior.

The slippery slope is here.

The Obligtory Obama Released the torture memos posting

Yes, I know about it.Ā  Go make a video for a few hours and the world does the 360 and starts talking about something else.

I hate to be the one that says, “I told you so!”Ā  But…

I did. I knew Obama would not prosecute anyone. Why? Because he knew that he would be hurting those who are keeping us safe. Well, are supposed to be anyhow.

Yes, I know what they did was wrong. Yes, I know the crap that they did was borderline crazy. Yes, I know they should be, but they won’t be, because President Obama fears the backlash. The problem with this, is that Obama will be castigated by the far left, and by many Libertarians that were stupid enough to vote for him, for not going through with the prosecutions.

Basically Obama said this:

The Department of Justice will today release certain memos issued by the Office of Legal Counsel between 2002 and 2005 as part of an ongoing court case. These memos speak to techniques that were used in the interrogation of terrorism suspects during that period, and their release is required by the rule of law.

My judgment on the content of these memos is a matter of record. In one of my very first acts as President, I prohibited the use of these interrogation techniques by the United States because they undermine our moral authority and do not make us safer. Enlisting our values in the protection of our people makes us stronger and more secure. A democracy as resilient as ours must reject the false choice between our security and our ideals, and that is why these methods of interrogation are already a thing of the past.

But that is not what compelled the release of these legal documents today. While I believe strongly in transparency and accountability, I also believe that in a dangerous world, the United States must sometimes carry out intelligence operations and protect information that is classified for purposes of national security. I have already fought for that principle in court and will do so again in the future. However, after consulting with the Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, and others, I believe that exceptional circumstances surround these memos and require their release.

First, the interrogation techniques described in these memos have already been widely reported. Second, the previous Administration publicly acknowledged portions of the program ā€“ and some of the practices ā€“ associated with these memos. Third, I have already ended the techniques described in the memos through an Executive Order. Therefore, withholding these memos would only serve to deny facts that have been in the public domain for some time. This could contribute to an inaccurate accounting of the past, and fuel erroneous and inflammatory assumptions about actions taken by the United States.

In releasing these memos, it is our intention to assure those who carried out their duties relying in good faith upon legal advice from the Department of Justice that they will not be subject to prosecution. The men and women of our intelligence community serve courageously on the front lines of a dangerous world. Their accomplishments are unsung and their names unknown, but because of their sacrifices, every single American is safer. We must protect their identities as vigilantly as they protect our security, and we must provide them with the confidence that they can do their jobs.

Going forward, it is my strong belief that the United States has a solemn duty to vigorously maintain the classified nature of certain activities and information related to national security. This is an extraordinarily important responsibility of the presidency, and it is one that I will carry out assertively irrespective of any political concern. Consequently, the exceptional circumstances surrounding these memos should not be viewed as an erosion of the strong legal basis for maintaining the classified nature of secret activities. I will always do whatever is necessary to protect the national security of the United States.

This is a time for reflection, not retribution. I respect the strong views and emotions that these issues evoke. We have been through a dark and painful chapter in our history. But at a time of great challenges and disturbing disunity, nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past. Our national greatness is embedded in America’s ability to right its course in concert with our core values, and to move forward with confidence. That is why we must resist the forces that divide us, and instead come together on behalf of our common future.

The United States is a nation of laws. My Administration will always act in accordance with those laws, and with an unshakeable commitment to our ideals. That is why we have released these memos, and that is why we have taken steps to ensure that the actions described within them never take place again. – Via NYT

The major backlash has already started, and it will interesting to follow.

No posting for a while…Tea Party Video in Process

I will not be posting for a while today. I am in process of making a very nice Tea Party Protest Video, Honoring those who did go out yesterday and protest. I will be posting it to live leak and embedding it here on my site. Hopefully, someone over at the national tea party site will see it and put it on thier site.

If you have photos you’d like to send, please send them to tpblogeditor at gmail dot com. Please include your name and the City and State the Protest took place.

Okay back to the Movie making!

Quote of the Day, Part 1

Can I tell it like it is? Our Christian leaders are not fighters, they are authors. Osteen, Dobson, and Warren are more famous for what they have written, than for what they have done. They are more concerned with how they will be perceived by the enemy than they are with defending the Truth. While the enemies of God kill, steal, and destroy our children, our leaders are worried about the “tone” with which our message is delivered. They are more concerned with looking Christian than being Christian.

Compassion– a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

Compassionate conservativism shows more sympathy for those they are fighting than for those they are supposed to be defending.

So, has the Republican Party advanced Christianity or has Christianity advanced the Republican Party?

No King but King Jesus! Long live the King!

It is time to let conservatism die.

Bob Barr Criticizes the two party political system

This is great, I like this:

America is being short-changed by fixating on a two-party political system said Bob Barr, 2008 third party presidential candidate, during an address in the Marvin Center Tuesday night.

ā€œThere is more to politics in America than just those two parties. However, they are the current status quo of politics in America and we just sit and live with it,ā€ said the former congressmen and Libertarian Party member. He noted how the status quo apparently existed at GW as well, when he took a playful jab at Program Boardā€™s advertisements, which featured co-sponsorship logos from both the College Democrats and the College Republicans.

Also a graduate of GW, Barr challenged students to always strive to change the status quo no matter what field of work they pursue.

ā€œThe status quo is the most powerful force in the world, and it is difficult to change it,ā€ he said.

Voicing frustration about the quality of candidates available from the two party system, Barr said he felt the candidates were not articulate enough to earn their desired position. ā€œA certain governor from Alaska refused to take some questions from the mediaā€¦to make herself ā€˜look goodā€™ in front of the public,ā€ he said. ā€œSen. McCain was asked a question on education, and he started rambling that obesity in schools was a major cause for concern. That was not the question!ā€

via Bob Barr Criticizes Two-Party System : The Daily Colonial.

Very true. I voted for Bob Barr, it is truly a pity that America did not see the things, the way I did. We are a poorer nation for it.

(H/T The Independent Political Report)

A very good posting on the Tea Parties

Here’s an excellent post!

Of course there are many of the left wingers who think the ā€˜Tax Day Tea Partiesā€™ are just disgruntled Republican sore losers. They couldnā€™t be more wrong. These tea parties are being organized and attended by Republicans, Independents and Democrats. They, or I should say we, are not just disgusted with Obama and the Democrats; weā€™re protesting all politicians who get elected and even worse those appointed, who forget their constituents after they get in office. We are protesting all the politicians who forget that The United States of America was founded on the principles ā€˜Of the People, By the People and For the Peopleā€™, not by the politicians, of the politicians and for the politicians. We are tired of politicians who think they are the only ones who know whatā€™s best for us and we should just blindly follow along. Yes, right now Obama and the liberal Left Wing Democrats are in control, (or at least they think they are), but the recent Republican politicians didnā€™t do much better when they were in charge.

via Why are Left Wing Liberals Afraid of Tea Parties? | The Politically Light Organization.

I suggest you go read it all. Because, quite frankly, it says it all. šŸ˜€

Why I did not go to the Tea-Party Protests

As most of you know by now, there are a great number of “Tea-Party” Protests around the Country.Ā  Well, count this writer among those who will not be attending.Ā  I will explain to as why.Ā  The first reason why I will not be wasting my money, gas, and personal time is this; these tea parties are the Neo-Conservative and Media establishment cashing in on a sacred Libertarian Principle.Ā  That principle is low or no taxes.

Now while I believe it is commendable that the Conservative movement is slowly moving away from the big Government nonsense of the Neo-Conservative stupor of the George W. Bush Administration. Ā I cannot help but think that possibly the Conservative establishment and the Conservative media establishment is simply cashing in on the supposed populist outrage of the Obama Administration’s devaluing the dollar by the massive bailouts.

Another reason is that I just have an overwhelming feeling of “Why Bother?”Ā  I mean, the Democrats are in the majority, in fact, eventually they will be seating their last senator and will have a super majority.Ā  The Obama Administration, it seems, is not interested in what we Conservatives or Libertarians think about what he is doing.Ā  So, why waste one’s breath, time and gas assembling?Ā  I mean, the Liberal Establishment already takes a morbid pleasure in painting people like you and me as a bunch of fringe element extremists, my question is, why give them more ammo?Ā  It just does not make any sense to me.Ā  Perhaps I am a tad bit cynical, but it seems to me that our time would be better spend rebuilding our movement from the ground up, rather than going out and demonstrating over something that we cannot honestly stop.

Again, I believe the idea of the American people speaking out against what they feel is wrong, is great.Ā  I feel that our time could be better spent doing something more productive and substantive, than cashing in on base and animal-like instincts.Ā  While some might think that, I am overly cynical and to an extent, I am.Ā  However, I prefer to see myself as a realist.

Next time someone tries to tell you that Liberals are not fascists, Show ’em this.

This is absolutely disgusting:

CHAPEL HILL — UNC-CH police released pepper spray and threatened to use a Taser on student protesters Tuesday evening when a crowd disrupted a speech by former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo opposing in-state tuition benefits to unauthorized immigrants.

Hundreds of protesters converged on Bingham Hall, shouting profanities and accusations of racism while Tancredo and the student who introduced him tried to speak. Minutes into the speech, a protester pounded a window of the classroom until the glass shattered, prompting Tancredo to flee and campus police to shut down the event.

Tancredo was brought to campus by a UNC chapter of Youth for Western Civilization, a national organization of students who oppose mass immigration, multiculturalism and affirmative action.

Before the event, campus security removed two women who delayed Tancredo’s speech by stretching a 12-foot banner across the front of the classroom. It read, “No dialogue with hate.”

Police escorted the women into the hallway, amid more than 30 protesters who clashed with the officers trying to keep them out of the overcrowded classroom. After police released pepper spray and threatened the crowd with a Taser, the protesters gathered outside Bingham Hall.

Police spokesman Randy Young said the pepper spray was “broadcast” to clear the hallway. He said officers’ use of force was under investigation by the department.

Inside the classroom, several student protesters screamed curses at Tancredo and Riley Matheson, president of the UNC-Chapel Hill chapter of Youth for Western Civilization.

“This is the free speech crowd, right?” Tancredo joked.

via Protest stops Tancredo’s UNC speech – Immigration – News & Observer.

I think if the police acted more like the guard did at Kent State, we would not have the problems we’re having today. These Liberal fascists are a disgrace to America. Yet the DHS released a report, calling we Conservatives terrorists? What about these people? Are they not terrorising this campus?

You see now, why I left the fascist Democrats? šŸ˜”

Those are OBAMA’S people folks, those people voted for Obama, a radical President, with radical followers.

Others: LeĀ·gal InĀ·surĀ·recĀ· tion, Moonbattery, Gateway Pundit, Clayton Cramer’s BLOG, Daily Pundit and AmSpecBlog

(Via Memeorandum)