7 Replies to “Tea Party Tribute Video”

  1. Nice video overall. Kind of a “traditional” RP type video except for the attack on liberals at the end. You have certainly pondered that Obama simply continues Bush policies?

    1. I know, he sure isn’t going after those that tortured, is he? I blogged about that too. If you’ll click out of that banner at the top, and go to my blogs front page and scroll you’ll see where I wrote on that.


  2. Love the video, thanks for sharing.

    I see Newt advertising here…………gag!

    Regardless I appreciate the video bunches.

    1. If you’re referring to the Adsense stuff, I cannot control that, it’s contextually based. Newt buys ads there, I get paid if people click on them. Nothing I can do about that. I’m not going to block someone’s ads, because I disagree with their foreign policy, that would be quite immature. He’s not in power anymore, just a saber rattler from the sidelines.

  3. I see Newt advertising here…………gag!

    I don’t agree with Newt’s foreign policy, but I do with his energy. Drill here, Drill now. Works for me.

    I also noticed a typo in my video. American, instead of America. Crap. Oh well, people knew what I meant, I hope. 😛

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