Bob Barr Criticizes the two party political system

This is great, I like this:

America is being short-changed by fixating on a two-party political system said Bob Barr, 2008 third party presidential candidate, during an address in the Marvin Center Tuesday night.

“There is more to politics in America than just those two parties. However, they are the current status quo of politics in America and we just sit and live with it,” said the former congressmen and Libertarian Party member. He noted how the status quo apparently existed at GW as well, when he took a playful jab at Program Board’s advertisements, which featured co-sponsorship logos from both the College Democrats and the College Republicans.

Also a graduate of GW, Barr challenged students to always strive to change the status quo no matter what field of work they pursue.

“The status quo is the most powerful force in the world, and it is difficult to change it,” he said.

Voicing frustration about the quality of candidates available from the two party system, Barr said he felt the candidates were not articulate enough to earn their desired position. “A certain governor from Alaska refused to take some questions from the media…to make herself ‘look good’ in front of the public,” he said. “Sen. McCain was asked a question on education, and he started rambling that obesity in schools was a major cause for concern. That was not the question!”

via Bob Barr Criticizes Two-Party System : The Daily Colonial.

Very true. I voted for Bob Barr, it is truly a pity that America did not see the things, the way I did. We are a poorer nation for it.

(H/T The Independent Political Report)